Katbleea 'Bell. Laura li aoCok Jeo ~*XT e Corne Edin Parchem Kethlesil t Toiaa. Barbare SnyderMo y Crrie Geordia Foison. JOint WFe[- IPrimer-Roy Rbtoa s a 101 l rier, Caroino Hemman.'dos "'aeoal G'U LP Lous ermnAudryTake "Frulh-a-tIve"An Dec 8 to 14.a Potkoe ll.ilooitl: Tl, iloo' lccooor Ig4' r'io f , 't4 g. 40:4 O ooias. 440e cývaenoekile m-rli 144414Dem1444 4.4an Y'Hiowarod MeCool 13 , ia19n Bock 51. J 0444::4 4'.'- ioa Mocgacoct Hlicnr4idge 1, loor corte Pr..,,ooi4 .4.il I'S0 i4 4Il4le0, 80 EXAMINED Lawoo'co, 10i. Cn,"lIrýdFi ' rui-looivs"' moýle froos tarse tul M riii itici: 5:l':h4, Xl' odi utJi":c o c eJ4 s"4 h:t eorenlOOOd and eeIo îl:or nee to k. 1.i10'4 , 1::: , andlr NlirtIe li"oeok. ' ifJ~'o, th, e ,t4" 44 Kdoey PelI 169, 'Annie40Millîe 37, Leoo'('4:4 .o. g,4,o::e 154:4 0001 A. DoSAVAGE he125. u ..... o1 Il..]252: o-d ':.. .the 11o11d. 20I. RI leerl Hamon :::23.7G. (îcoool roebc e :il, tlbe ':':040 atieo' 1h oldeeei & NM(g.Oigcias 0040 221,lilolohe.' 'o444:,hll i 2. Ilioo nb4 5: o 14046for i.'.0, c eol 404 tc. ilisoeeood Sh. 1:git 404 I101 Post ffice. '444' 'bn 51 3o,'e lit)' 2304. 1q.1Aho 1,'olerro ,r l,ço: î,I l y i4 l24Ernoo...Pll1122n.510lyP0i0cî oi4 À0..olo0. , e.Otloooos G SU; LP. H. on: k 10o. W49 7:4 11044441 ý104'4 SI .00 , 'i"o:140. Pauls i sh. Y cort44 nilll:oog. lo:or 1, o r : rteo s. s. N,,. 47; T .:.lg.r. erlleo yo t 41'knolN e dore:1 Christ 9'oen)cl Rpors for ioocer c. 4 l b îe:l 0:' ':oe Ioo'jeoe : ny Lord: if 40e 404 nellasO nor. I ok:' 4.'1.14 V:', 9'o::0'1 'ool 4440igltaiiole olo the.Ilr reorret'ion o0f 4el Elo .idgm L e oordo:3-oi o : 8-e.e 1h1. GII IlIi..:1: IlIlic.' Ig: " i le is 1'ý"'o in,7. e 9.4o4:I ,i ('lo"- l:el:4: 4owI:.5o4 'Il:1-:' (. 1Lo:eliI:: i. .4eIl- . : \ Ný1w44:l'4040: o: o r.O:,0 o:oe .4'4 Mo 1ý. "'S ýî' h on O ohoeI cesu, 2 iI 1 P- b... b . 1 ', o e. epaoin, T,-ý DySp (pp044d00) THECOOK MEDICINE CO. 1 ;,li erw La1il gli eo' a c ff. % oI, hrroeoo aes . TRON'TO.ait ioc.euo.im NEW CANADIANM GO HOME FOR CHRISTMAS -T: eCnd.aP,cee Mlne "onta," oneie o b Hný"ono-eoboo cloos iopooehicherilehisyear bc ,ngaged - li ', oome-for-Chroncooco" teanal. C 2-r Nýa!on ,f he -oncalm,"îypcal of the c ofoco adhogohstandrd cof decoratonofolrhis clasî o hip. ;A o.n bord the"Montcalm." Ths hip carrics second andthird class only. I, l j,àý d. tire, grec. amd lir fitt:4, s.:nlude elu H-l 1 , l lar double noiim n d the verre'latest !crld tha h.hii-, ad Iot prrlt peratuig noleto .rlc hm .Il .- lo. Longe, diaiviag, nrd it ..... 1, l 1 aill %ni,lng oo d di ig sa- h- a, i, -1 -rd4inh modern il 11, thgO:. g. oru, ." fort and gnoed ta'i, Apc ialI:dr .Rcoo e l- i:::'hde.onoooaccooton icofte * , . I ' i o ioc ! b' ng,,. n:ohlng and other 'o i l, ilineg alonpro- -l il, -â -Hil i,, "P",- ld- - confo 'ad a mple ail, B% - e ofgllteng a hroogh f eolr hnlida, tr'rllers, the but Caad 04, ',11n Fllo: eoa tur pi, ar, i cper, fron 1Id nntoii, Calgar'y, ' t \re p.:. These e i: 'illet'.: ie "1'o4trains a0 bol.:gno ndLiveropool. Der. 5. "e il' 'Y PI onDell. 9, "Mont- !il fiIl g h s clii !o lirroo l, Der. 12, and I '4o:.oeo 'o4..444,-o ,Dec. 15. That means $TROLER 10 for 1 et The Cigafettç w.ith thé oà lial- iav0 r v tmy RBV. P. B.,~TWAEO . Bicble . c .Ie le leth Had copyright,. 1923. wumten 045.apCCOeo LESSON FOR DECEM1BER 17 JEiJS u8AmoNO FRIËNDS AND FOES GOLDýEN TEIXT-yO 4aremytrlnd-, If 1:14 HBFERENCE MÀTi1RIAL-Lube2:4 RI NToTpIC-C5448 ln the 1;00 of pYtendu. JUNIOR TOPIC-JOtceOcAmeont Frend INTEREDITE AND SENIOR TOPIC -fleds and Enseu !3-en4u- YOUNG pEOPLE AND ADUL' TOPIe- -.Chriota MethodietfDealIleS 04149 50 Pîî. 1. Jeaus lae lb.l4eeofetFriendi <Lu1be 10:3"42). -There 13 no Place where troise arar' ter 10sgo Cleariy reeaoed as et borne. 1. 1119Hecçptlon (V. 3à). 5144r44:1 onc e 9e ed of the boine, Iherelco*' abe reCeleed bilm. If wouold be a tin'e thing If ail boules oere Open t..ce- ceive Jeas. 2. Mary Stting i J les' e' Fot 4(. 3g). She, otfinle spIrîlual. dseerl ment, kasF that tsttlng et the Lüedoý foot and hearîng EIa Word was Ihal ,,,lCh would lease l'lm Moast. 8. MrhaIlonCambered Aboat Mue"4 Serving (Y. 40). Bth siciters Iavad the Lord. It would be Impossible tù say whoch lored the more; bot MNartleet woo bent on provîdlas a fine meal rer filaui. She was trYing ta do co0jane' things etcthe95weasn the verge Of dcstrtlon. Thils bcd »comaxplalely gt on ber nrras etacafoundad ti w"îiajeans for permîttlag Mary 40 Ieaoe tIhe kitcees ta lIstait ta 198 teachat. Bat OaY iydd hue rltlcloe bec daster ad Jeans, buta chumanoe the autbarlty ta Co-mncd Hile ta send Mary baek ta the, kteba ta helP. 4. jeas AneFer (ce. 41. 42. (1) Rebakad Matbn (r. 41). Ha dld thfis tendacly, facrfie kaew thât che lared Hlm clacaraly. -(2) Defande Mary (v. 42). fie deceed test bat ana talng wac needful, and tbat Mary bad ebosen 4954 gaad part wblcb eold nt ho takenaay tram ber. ii. jauas Ameeg Foeus 11:14-28; 29- 82, 87M). 1. Charead Wltlo Being la Lasgaa WiLh the Devîl (vo.. 14-23). Heag os- wllln a0raclveSHlm sas 4he Soc et God and yet anable ta acraaat ter iVis migbty waeba, they dedlared Ho was caating out demano tbcaegb Beel- zeeho, the chIefofaIdamons. Jasas epoed the tUclry af tietcr rasanng by shawîng that Ila 19case Satan would ha arrayefi agetnat blaoaatt. and therefora waald destrraYbislOwno bIng9- dom. 2. llelused ta Blleve Hie Miracles (vo. '. à02). They ased for a Suni, ta whlch Hie replled tant they waold have a agu rtrm eeven la fila death and reooccectlon. He ramlnded Ibeja, however, that thaîr raqaast shawed unhelief curpasclag Ibat et tas henta- e'n qoos of the South. and 49e oecked people10of.t Nneveb. 3.Wiheie. Denoonerd (vo'. 37- 54). Be teenOoeoced sax oes opolo hose MinS ocre ..rpOoig Hlm and seekint Blis detroul,,i (1) Tbe Phatrisees (v%. 37 !]). These Ho danauneol tor (a) oooctii' iooety eheervina smemebinuteCriesad at thesanme ima hceakiag tos Tan Commadrnts. They crceflily tbed the amnl barba ef tasegnoclen wbili pcacticiag Injastice ta thelr feliaw- men andl wtabaldlng love from G(oti. Ha pointed out to taem the faily af sttending 40 thesextarnalacrte wblle tahe et ona Oued wllh wlckeduesa. (b) Deaeioong publie recogntion (v. 43). Tbis la a' coamiton sin toay. (r) Foc felgnlag humllty (v. 44). Ha compares thele bypîtriay ta grave@ ovieh are an n leosl i ntIethe grolo0 andfmay 9e crepW pédUlSn acanscrins- ly loy someone, andeutas deflaed. W. ca n vld Ibace wba make tase rvan- lty hnown by boaeslng, bat Baoe ara fluief wt this csaewlckedaeeu otho do 40 ntbeus make 14 knawn. (2) The Isonyes (vv. 45-54). Jeass SrleDuesuan 4thelypoeltlcal Pbsrl- aees asad tas inwyere, ans of wham Iadigaaatly delared: "Tuares Inent. log usas sua? ta replylng ta talc Chrst pronuncefi tares maessapan tbem; (a) for placclg burdeasame ru- qulreiaents ilpon the people tauohlcl they themslves wF44011nat mmbLt (v. 46). (b) Far tas murder of G(ld praphets <T. 47-51). Hea bawad tbartashlr attitude toard Hlm was «file âmne thact ma 'Sawata tas praphats by their fetisemc) r>Far beeplng back tas bnawladge a!f(lad by faite Iteepretattaa af tas Scclp- taras <T. 52-54). Tisera la na ocedaass parhaps sa gret ase that af sappasealtearbers af '(laSWard ovbo beep lis preeloas 'trathu fraxa lb- peope by- lervrtlng 14. menang. S..k Ye. But Saab ys fiot lis lengdam, and bis rlgbteoannesu snd al issmes thlagesal! 9be added 0mb pan.- Mttaew 6:33. Recpinq lnlqulty. Te bave MIse wickedaae, ye halo reaeelInqulti; 74 bave ecten li truit of le.-Hace.10:13. linosto M. -.ALIISP.iN (iuon-) T.oorno Dad ofI re A. yoU.Nh0 1750.C.COPPLLY. Hcrabe , EO . BRILDEN ere Cam5r Mcnlceui. Aîo mRTtO. S MliEF Send. T. & ' 0. SAr.TruW eo o. l4ObrneOuueic K W MKAY bSto.m O..o Mueseopal A.-n!.ie K.440 P ePLt2MPTR4.4"., Mit A . FILE-Ir oe. THE iodiutable. 141k sofNorthern Ontario alecerve pour peeclical yop&t!iy, Reuerenber. aightor on ied telfamilies lhave been burned out-ad 4414C4 ovite or r gai. Tisses wonerfelilly rich ferar inedes and aggiz 4r youeig toWos wi8~:l re-bu:-'cl andcorne backtak e (540owa-buî 4 ltakts îooe:e A0o.d in the wmelnwleile îhet- muet love, îhey rMuost Lave IeM'porsoy 0(eIire aed 1.' 150noboY 10give (it o ciif wr don'[. SUggestions for contributiorts from Clubse Factories, Organizations, etc. / 1. $50U.0 ll) poov:<"o a ShecIîecShsck fota Famoilyans Rougli.Stabîleo attle. .2 $350ý00 oeilS pc e a Sheller Shack foi Fcrooly. 3. $20000 ooil! pr: Food andl Supplias for a Fazmly loi May 1et. 92' 4. $1 00_10 w:)1 pron. 4e a Wagon for Settder. 5. $7500 jojîl pro.'. o. a Set of Harnes (double). 6. $5000 woil ptovié a Set of Bobs or Sieigis for a Fcrer. 7. $25.00 veil provieir aeSwîsg Machimne fors Home. 8. $20.00 well proviéc, rhoren F'urni'îeîre for a Feinily. 9. SI1500 wral providr. footing Utenails for a Family. 10. $9.10 oil) fred Pe Feoeî!f (a eoe rk. IL. $500 wil! provide Ned -1. 'heca. Buttoos. Scssots 4or . o:n4 Knoîhe.ig Ne.cilet. a-le. te ('Olp 04416 c a rne a5tdrtasly 12. $ 1,00wiN l (roI ai,;upi !y achild 1Jfer oaooeele. MLhe Christma corne back &gain 13ibtu.e ne lhri9ks ;:-. z o 4.r4y ('are chack ii o os Lutieout culIi n a wnlcr. Hundherjo cf '.er'-< ., .'. ore: r::.Maeea rooney r one't o:: .n noW andl show yeilere:,' ,c w M t 'oens laI 4(.'cChiistrmas .4p04I. 4 (4cm a tesî meaie in faOooî.. e ':1they aset e berreneceuitieso îlerp de orce (mstat en uh. Now il (s up 13 Yeu-e. ery fPulic P pàrirîd cîietansd charitable orgà.c:zc::e.e Spate one dollar. ios 4"-i:ar&,.croelouedreal do'ars or fwhcever yoo cr. 4.p ir son45thlg 1Bftom pyour brooleros ctiore Make Chrietoncctep tdoce n ltîs lesdico n a t îc]y. Remetoebsx, nul cornforts. lu.t ba- necesidies in te grrp o'la inrih rn oooee.4i3 r!!! hat loty ( today? Mate ehequt..î,paable .- The NortCtern Ontario Fire Reief Committe Rzoyal Bankr Building, Toronoto., 7- J Look for Mhis Trade1 Mark w/ze You Ba&y Kisc/w,. Utaus Would you huy a 0E ofS **oiV fit had no labe? Or a bug of Oour? No, eertaWnfot! Then be iu4j 5efudi whem You are buyiug itlcia t 1 PurehaseouJy thome -artis .01Ena- meled Ware carryja the, SP traie- mark. It le yolir sifzegwd .Iyour guarantueet Squaly. A ~ ,iAST: ANO WESt AOREE Si&k WOM oment. ea 4Tiso m o latIea islis olles ao rer ets-o om'ae bydcm EPrliam EVustaslaCah. taiûbles oels sf0-ybahm Flho n& rhte Uwade u fw ,cnh . a . < t le mi a 1 il a "c e b e a n n- licha IaL5 y 1 dou e se s l t u n 1t I ul oct d'my orb o xrse have ready fori % prîces O3ne Top Buggy in Ilire ossiCarts j: need for Fe and Spriugý (I4:e soali bond pow e\v No. 21 famoin fiýI] stock of Flets! iway" 44 ii and. 4eiII&5 Je at19'l1 Cuttiîîg 11 O1o' Fleury'P '..t b r C'îîri:ugo Ptl'her Tires put oDD (4 i440 I~Automobile Bepparing xvi di b4 4,4,1.94t Bloclu it!ii 08eW bffilng s completed, J. N. O'Neill &Se S.IVDEBAKEIk & DODG-E 13 MOTOR CARS foi, MIL'TO)N Julge Thisclle la 01e1iei. T'va large poiânuNe treetuiis mo. 'ouand ,la n eas t fWet liodia.ý bana... StlCavent Gasdrîs. L0tL. aic fA A mare a! Tko nIflAfheuawarv orrtIc- bîrdobîling varleîy, and ach 00004.a*5The ilto Btt.m.eric aced Sin haches. A Porter s*rryîng. tse frut leonol pjp~ IH 2 uneafth5 t ansI pideres044 lieiPOE24 I 2 'Quito frequenuy mroâias es. ~ M t Iacu %mal] anitileandl reptile@ are dis' j otrist's eduat8 Cteraed mhen truttram tropicalk elInsea mes tla h. uorted aut ut1 Co- Mt$,i" aBlecîii.lrsae, u- attery, Generator, and Starter te lalIss-s , So lrillisoot heete 14eu Illboa'Iual la rîceonouens ----- af O 1 09« aalauala r fbntam eil. 4Stai aeruisoC Illemi. is~market ru th-F1111 stock of.New and ReffltBatterie8 on (ianc Ot tolc Onaleas aîan"nos' Char-ging, Iepj)5g fand RebuildinI, liave t)r.. M d sane ar thora Batteiea ýSpecialty. , e &~ naJ. A. $MJJENNAN - d"ria" adgs a Blern'Tested arl4Diotilleol Wooîeîouppý 5.. t Gerdea ta. The inthe,1 dockirs. i "ie I A. Wgen. P N1 IMOZ aomi 's.us -o od î 04 "IlOtila.fl blI aSl D s lC fuse3 ' sdinohdl-e4.sr lSe)usaCMe ctios0~.' ~S.M-B"lAt4o4 1.00 A.e moaadh lc.k , %!.>.' - :JNDERS'o C M i-PEL ui. * OIt h0 p Mil09' 'il' J. Ici qim atorma Begin" le* Oer b fre oteatiler ZUEELIN, F ace a s CARD'ý rd ZIF- g1d l-c lue . Chami, URtiY lO 040 o . ,4 l4q4 ,W-190e. 4 ,fo1 dj. âd-, RTISTR' E.BABîý rUl SURCI! icleainý 1i MW, EXTRA. BIT c4Z GÊ GETOWN