The Çanadian Champion- CLEARINGAUOnO*SALE 1BÀSHBAÀLL. sale Registep. MILTON.Se lpt. 21, 1M2. WOf ua Stock. IU4emiBU.- on S.toOOit of rain only one Rame Mr. Wctoter. lot 22. cme. 2 Esqaes* The initerut inace . oferag IseldaFurulture, &c. mas played in the Burliflgtott tourna- 1,,mlihold an etansive eCtai' 01 trive ter s te nchan ffng ' nieenpat <f at onTuesday. (Jampbetlvilleti ent sae f ari ipeeiSan tc.l Bondsactvetemtig ec. 1, e for W.eO- DMWNRlonoorat. 1.rW@djd nulot tthe boxCtdin g 2M colce T h r c p r t f- M i l t o n . K r n e y c e -. n o n d a , S p t . 2 ^h . n o e tory Bonds a thD ec.anie l fo W. 0squeeNinG. sc hoBttearpes-ote. ltJerl nwbnsbearingthgac rate of in- t Lot 9. 41hli@ m4Mg on and Csol: a Ipllille. .. Anet. tereat and runainfi for a furtbor pet- THVRSDAY. OCT. tit, 1922 and Lamb. LS OIY bod of ither Av-ce or ten yEors. As an bat1 oclock p.m, the following; At Hornby: on Meonat.wo lno IS OIY extra ndcemeatahou l ttl IOR1ES-Brown mare, by Ictere. 7tmm lydfeRutehbto bougaameldtob nfolt âly i inocccoeLion ctîlt the, Volicy No. 1220 4 the Northwenterlt rt*th's interet io given te those se- yren, uppoo M elabl etle,111 hool toifar, tivh sa ou at t eaa &8National lasurance Comupany. of Mil- colt at aide by laley ;bay mare,, l'y mt1areatoacecdoeltdad wsneeeWin bas lbmenlbat fronithe1 cepting the offert whih'Bta"Pen utit'l Knight Bargîes. 5 yrencolt t aide, y lothol argeeettnc.1toelcd (oaa iIc f .Ca amhw ito g Sept. 30. Cinnatar. dack grey mare, 4 yen o ttop elrcu re i, ri enn odn a illlkissily ce: The Ministero propocalo carry osLuth, fre7 filly 2 yen, hy Luth, c"hIentnt adlolto ariBe, Iroqu!ois, rcott(tra te hedfice. Vitora t. bac tuth grm ar o-o e 111mgmldng tyr ly HcbyJm bytNfarshad Wilsotn. lotylce. Kng. Toaottt o. as tthis cpasy bas in teheat these bonds mere c-t puot t cfOt1 c y yMectîl. The abeaoiefanlabltudr t 8. Under the impctuâ cf tho patriotic mloces ae ociad lbnouatel tat osd -o ecdly the ce__of___________________und( ______ appeal and the intenaive cacepaigc ofcon day cf mie as epreseited. O.Ba.t a.lrdatbc goot ied oocBrothe tho fiet Vctory Lnan Orgaiaiîo CATTLE-llrade Durhaboot 7ccym; .B.A.Ai4tcuthe playme h teen thei922 te issue man uceful t adegrfceo tee 1 elfale, tGradliDurham cw senm, fnaIs for lb cet tecat .diate cham- 92 tbat the mot optimiatic led cot dar- iycobced Sept. 2nd, black Biser v2 yrata, chpcdcildnalt edlt aica tu. etrally, hudreds 12gs aleocig e.Ironte ntae mccc on time at Cale- A aN5 LL F I eftbeOaaan llILIIt1 ho elet 0oOfdurasand ad baet lciminry proctice, A IN F L m i thbeltrst tao, incc.tein ebeoas, ta. ut Simece dil nol îeacelt amt ite a-ooit cf tremencdoto. eimporacte t le'IM'L.FMINTS-M-Il. heeter Il Il Broutetboys tLokoff Ibeta unifia M. t ecotee am ce. Acaatthed vstors'os cttt,%\oelà hacia, 1Wodcydien. tatr eeteral Simcoocn'e itced O tardnd 1 eeceedes.Acdaerptte attt mt do hros,2 luy lw rct.ed that the cest bitt octflbeir O t. rd 4t wer itv-td ad srphý ernig ci. etbleltu ock,lctcru ck nandrcayeonthberosît.Uapice Harvectttttttr fer aiteyinths abecetocre ldged, hcc attb abelvtoga, geacol bohy ack maiteet entil 4.15 psti.. tbec lie caeîire caltaog foc a cecy ?cactical eponte Le 11900l1atinew, mueitteploîtha, m1 et b. Bronte smen to thet ltcd. Afte t htc PtENtTf) THE VORLfl the , oco eandt Serv-c'appoal oet(ho alighc (Lutda meke , 2 oten huggies, halls ltsd broc pitcbcdlite teclte, thea, Meletister cf Finance. cutet.r, he, liy ccd tic acopecollet gantetocfttel tee toBlt atto oet.Tbe Good Racea. Atractive Exhiblîs. Thelle22 matsrity mas pactictlaly yle. huggy olc, ecccp @abel el. cotaMaistcc men tteectlayet tt het t facoreol by amatli asaestcs and. ocen it.hindetLongte. 40Ogai. it barcel, . l tteyreeeaidbîcsdccti o t tteetd LargeLtof Specisac, fient insannce. o te tt tdeaicable nom w ekcpmnlcasre mith aamadeln frona naion5al a. wel as acpesa olone ecery gcede, 3 t(3tit.ebhlli- stand ctthat their taceOtetcfin, lace Icolleer. hbucmea, 2 leggiaigDUL E ' about oýlntnue. IL eceld tadeed be champe.sogat bcttle, emal ple omb e. Prompt D ID R O5 P LE eve regrettable tiaty coaideeobto nom- d240 lh. "Mealea ay gale. Mfit eett rcttn IIIL ber f the lboldeen cf bonde enhocciboo trckc, 110 let 7-8 in. cope, 75 led to-n to under thece c cunestlancet nold'op, lay lochad car, large B. T. stock, RIGHT PRICES. GOOD QIJALITY. Prompt Ogilygrifs j pasoeccthe Minstersoffe1r cilbhoe ùpoy.large calec tcoogb. roll of 4-point ,deaeftusasgthencaey et matuci, a hothice. loch cain 2lock clieenua4 for ]es tntinveslmect, ce coneco- tcott mbcelei, 3 neckyckeo. eooletceeo. sacy eapeadittacc cemý,bse. ock haaocelo, and olte LET US QUOTE YOU ON Incenledlin Dosmiaio ecrilicoImthe aticlesn. a nv s afe, and the iteret roîtteet HAY AND G(RAIN obugt. Irtih ubr higeDorSsFrreM udingt scre "aed profitabtlc. The 'iotniter white cot@. 2 hhls. grouatl flan., 20 ton@ LmeSigs' orSsh rms o acakes a general üorce soecte torne clover and lemolby hy aretok ci Interior Finish, Hardwood Flooring, Wall Board, inetra a etoofDoemeiiontrtw,tolbhe ed the I eeecetvege bonlds were flofte iOnLi ed, andrt bot ol lc etigcl anl 3 am . 11123.Cernent, Plaster, Sewer Pipe, Fencing, Nails, April *e aIS ere.i lttt altagentdmet plom harueap, etatingle ltaarenatt.cld T prcetac of irinceotcone romtho eme),et ecogle lornes", ort colnra. PitOlo Led raukaeof the smlltayestort telto pur. shcwmheidles. W pcaieo oipeeSriefrBidr. b chaed tonds fot the firt Lutte io 1017. FtRNITIRE-Acme cocia siove. conoelttlet(o oîlt evcefrBidr or mcod, box 510c, exenionc table, ATILTI.enatrentable, coucb. dresser. reckittg Joyce Brothers Lim ited1 ATHLEICS. chair, 12 kitchea chaire,. astacd. -lcmp. lateco. double-bsrccl gtta. large PHONE 51 BRONTE lbce ee o o lrge ottoeno nI tte mnil box. _____________________________________ meetittg ttlthe M.ilton Athleto Asso- Foecythiag milI ho old ilhoelt epror. citiotttt bleday creniof. teben s te'tenue bas expireet. tbore es somrner&ther mecet diecete- 1TERMS 610 andnder a;on e soinc ceaecclicn wilt last enaon'6I hat umeect Ilme ________________on_______ atrmedialc hockey ande t'm-ttni niobeug banhablo pape acEr thewdntrcountS Bofnf iora baoeball. Soeftef hpln>-ecc lec cash. llay, gran, atseon Eeth itrst SBgn mre reuekdty ite eracceele. oth1b- ' tîc cst iag met et ec towards the rgania -t o lr ah L . ER utoer tecnofanef etceemdiat O.A. team. I. .KRRAoeet SH IN G LES - SH IN G LES tebtote nIl dettnd on tbe cltttte tf A .to theoplaypcoat eat odj.oucted matcitt - -.. tnSale chicb wilili e held netd Mndoy ecc - fag.It ca..e ed c o te c jetan ctloagdba oste'tlelA C A ES & S N 0.A. lao eoeheb(,reo Ce he udrindbsbe ntutdb lentetmtraereanod it ectl be tom- C. J. ]RUSSELL1 peooed of Millet ton eo ccOI, -Ite cli hýo tescl ly publetc cton e1tlt10 ,411 have jiit rceie-e I -c large conoîgoitnent of X\.\ B C. Tenaiserdwbyite lf",.ttcicf ot.ttntîtr. ee ooncg sSîînaîeo. Now it-t ie iîcirte to have roufs reshîngled or To roc-W cî, ete-tttlI MONDAYa OCTOBER Znd, 1922 lhe Begleh tlAhct'Aei-- aIltec,(h1 elolf e0re. P]eyoîr order Iîefore weather breas leec bastee hotrzscied. ceit ite HORSES-B-owc mar, . d., hocI t c felloceeeg officece - Olecdertt.s Roll- tee. Clydeclale. bay marea g.n - hccd 10 CAREFUL ATTENTION PROMPT DELIVE.RY ertdoe;e ý-tePi-eident, J. Athoea :ttcp. (tydeodftle. bsygelding 9yen. .d.,EVRT NO NTH LMBR IE Socretot -Te-teee e. F. lýittîs Verte. gWcylPteon filIc. yearling. FVRTIGI HLLMIRLN Beproecttet _Ftcct t. ai.C. ill',gCA TLIe Oro Sbothorn cea dne A OTS&SN Ferat te», t. camieo ;se-tttttl.Jack Jan.25, o ile Shetthoca cas dueeDc.A.CTet SN Hannoul Tbtd.BR. tewatt;Fottlt. 20 red teottorneem ducFoh. 15, ge A. Meure. Tte High s taOit.t,.t ld S'iortkirccatccduainMa. Jlesey gcade Pianing MIlis and Lumber Yards Atbletionc icttot bu.c ýoet-.nloce c 00(lue e t 1, Holtenneem due Not. orgaaied fet the ereottttg ceatrtlth 4,2 Holtein ow@ emsdue Feb. 24. jerey HOE Hringlon, Ont. the falotitîoftircý-,-o Prcedcat, con. boctty tenad bred agan. The1 (rene Graheaec. Vice-Pr.. Marion aboee ces are gond mitheen and Chieshelu Set-etaiy c Teestrer. leabel egtRr becodoe. Reg. Aberdeena Angot________________________________ Anderoote at iai tel atkelbsll bit 2 ye, a goot one, white oeer 2 ya-, toarni.CatecMotles Tennis.,Bltit aptted hetler 2 cen. ,heibedn and neer. _____________________________________ Grbent ttle a(li, ttcby slotestealig@, 2beilers. lIt alveen, 5hostI F o.r c. -t1toc,.ut1O A. Rater ein -oren Witcoct : 111, Mtacy sitemal t 1Second. 'l,PP Ilgocel lîrcdiaf emen. bIset 0 im EelleeJri; Thead:ManltteBc--loes. 4 godoe Is.outapue rlecce cohe - ;-eeitth. Lets(irahasat. Oxferdtan, Lmboetbceedlcg. BliS t) tFOW- Brodo mciSpiga IlcavSh ets af CaIlle. tueos. eti. 2 paien gere. about 40 NN lete Ž ,tre e tsv ille F a ir Shîpes-naIV3-dolle nb onstsly pure bre. Torente, Selt. Ile.- Cece Aetgeat CMPI.EMENTS-Deern iafhder 6 i.SE T Oiral thec ceetcî tlire stock fcem le poed noriaf ordec, Dcoreng mener TSD Y 8,1 2 WVestern (enadao b tbelioteruumt-trf. ta <octet nochigo.,dec, tDrta nt, H R D S P .2 ,1 2 tete bacsheeeeaoatecilly hboso . S dtrtctl1-I bues, Ni-H. bsy loe. M.H. __________________________________ mcentis c.,itoccieîul ttttttly ofSbeef maate peedeM.IL bocrskoie. neec ettte. lTb- cherecter,,et it, huite asc pingwoolb alicaloc. dise caticatoro. o sict ltIfaseteeticel'y tetoui.steel tieed sngle buggy, corsî cntivaler, TRIALS 0F SPEED cen, isai)ete .,cetl,aîtd *-t tîtle- Iatet oller, mark et wagon, 4Opiecebotr- 2tl-i a ec Ie a'peett'lie e ade t eitottcl IalaN s rea colet, be p aleighe, ingle lurcon 2.0 Tot O t tlýii tl"ltîs 21001 arc eoki nqgreceordleleet,ct n inn', iplen 21 (Ccâkht ), 2 lrron pIow rAon'c,-Itrq 2K.0 (ef and orotele etardo. Trien. (1 LCohsbett. flansng e.ll, 200 lb. naigi 2. 18 Treet or Poce Perse 8200.00. f retî foi lp (et lfty casoftistock are aalee, cesm separtor. tock rack, bay citeattal eend fatinecs mode pos.ratk. whcho as3 2hurmer caolI cile. eComs'etion ln the Ringr sible bh the e tlcndid taneenrtescd the gind tossea kitehen rant a2 hatera. met lac kf mý, >t oue ranLoi bania cswgoa nx, il drum. itte15rtvîttg. titIRieiag, Bey Rîdîag, ofj2crso rtlews eei -dCri hai: t hks arela. hinesnd are aionse - (frie-t o Brceý, l'ittle bloues. ton lesn a Ino Soc Yrd, thr*rtcls '%Vnnpegin7- ous. t avig efti1 laia issold .Port ureuit Citizens' Band Wimijýgon>vt.13b.Thýý1,b ERMI-Twevemoatha' cedil o aby stelogb « r prvd nefailsuemo ef $11cor %VI1.1.PLAY AT THIE FAlIR. test.pE E TCiAeoaalont. Schooi Chiidren's Parade at f pa. _________________________________________________NteretI Attractiîonsaia Ail Departmens. Lvestrs, ake NoteReduced Fare on the C.P.R. Froc IJran,tandtcîe. ADMISSION 25c. & 15c. Inîprovédc Grounds If-uml e h ln COME AND BRING YOUR FRIIENDS Aa wue h"c lceaPaiiocList ftettattecSecretary. Iftyu c-a hali ue a ald1). Il. MCAtiIIIEIITY, Peeieent. (BAS. T. DAY, Secretacy. r tteîcd g t;. Id-s As we e, If yes hastnladted lis asanagesesal As me hueri 1If yas utel ecses»paeni ina cupeent inis ditsfcttlaer rallac If dean ha sera lap onsseefu eltasslhn 5 Nortipte andsazi an ia ehiner Asme huver Ilfces u iait eeked ap loma vnWater Power Plant. ilchao capact ef 230 hp. Ilfl)ou n e o tresaitsîltc pitabustoa Lé pe r srtof cpucîty Aus ve dot r .U k.tnta t it t. cu ceel-ng t capaottp lat otr&. Iette, etst. 1usd dsaoait Chat n. hiie orar elatcu u)gThte Toreono MiUng Cnesn. jay nd It.caffotes. estl.a veir to50find5ng nem cap. ltast fotr I. atm costdlie as neil tffled (<as e am)I auethehbusnsseu nepit> tîhe nctaliai la greas prsfit, and Cau shaula.dcrc ehcsid reap bansomsas maisfront an IntanaetIli The Tsrualu Miiing f'enaapa8% Cumuslaive Convertible Prefere4'- Setuers as$0esa rcb, Itha uboasusof oe.Cuasin Stiare (par nIne Sha2t.0) f'aneler amcalsem- figurese See-rt -Ite ttaul Nel Aiesuas geenrity for tua t-ýferaett aburelodcroare eqsal gc ahana $200.00 forreey cShareNsfi Peeferrai 8t5511 anti acre $0.0for eerry Shurerof Coenan itot (par saine $25.00e. FA.renssu-Aoanýrrnsse etnteoe arrsisg.1la.a 1100uSd Milan t......... O3,l0O FE F5135 ..........- 1500000e wbrh, afler payissg Bond interegs, sseqa e ss tiresChesate aesoains resilreti farlias Psfen-ee ivientis asti a large Diviend for tueContiua Aapitaliosa iUli ieesaie C ibtn Ihtui-eeeuSand Cannm s.Sharee anlia. Torntstonck Eaehaalge. »laD Wma onderlisen, sial me have gSati scaileaeS la resaamnniin these Sidresa onq? agi se sauba*edips @Msd la paur setier non, se mrtesfor fi(r eisi lire tftilr5 9ewart McNair, Reid.& Co 9VFt Tak EVeiflai i. saltus PZm ýy.f-dsore s ep Zaeaanphaady. il ealstk in9 a ,t,,bornland scalde1. nooad .Oe l cret thacungh lyZb hdcilI rOtpoan sdine"s" Za kBthlaa naoe ubtct .d aaîd.-vedfcr- -u b", _de:wcen fgihmedinal ,jit dnm 7 itmnn dy t%,, a sd b-yý . h aess rgki Ppreha- s aus The Mic-,or. Mea,1foc-d-t oldent neekly ectrnpape-. banben scldte(e A. T rleotso hl&bsben on the atàif fo b1 Fýarmera'Snfor inr0ears. The blirror ceas eatablished in 1882. Now lis the idéal tima ta atart BUSINESS SCHOOL .bcstd egse j^s., . 4t a asussbedua cf .5me'h tasat ..d basîsn -aetd-.-. sscmfOS5hmlssTO EccISTO hbaes anest uer anses *o-&s . eledtl .^ nt5.. .Uelînr t t . îseh ..l P&esu.y t Chno r ad- TORwONTO FIRST DAY. Championship School Fair. 2.00 pin. School Children's Parade b.aded by Pipe Band 2.30 laifl. Athletic Sports 3.00 pinm. Opening of School Fair Exhibits 4.00 parn. Opening of Main HalIl an2d Poultiy Building 4.15 raiD. Public Speaking Content 4.30 p.m. Basebail Match 8.00 p. m. Open Air Concert in front Of Gerd I3and by - the Brunswick Trio, of Loadon. MEr4»Y-GOOROUND ATISACTWVILMiDW ADEISS!ON-2sc. sud 15e'. jw ferAt kuM Md Ev.uw* As good on the beit as it is on the drawbar T HIE useffilness of the Fordson ïï limited oniy by the amount of the heit work yoy have to do. Id ther Fallit wl fill your silo, and thresh your grain. Ta Winter yo an kee it bu nsy ip feed; pumiping waebaling baya c eaning ue rm rr0 nigte chutp or washing mnachine. if, yon regard the Fordson ta aeld .traclor ouly,,-4'e u s show you on your own tarinth i ii lis à fai aheudcot coxnpetition on the belt au it ie oi the dUibar.O 8eeitatheT4 i. - SECOND DAY. Ail Departmentis Open. TRIALS M SPEED-Pàsn« $wSL 280 Ti'ot op' Pte............... ...... Pfflo $3<a 224 Tpot op Pabe ..... . ..... P* 217 Tot os Paoe...................~ 0*S liaby Showr, fotwhih" 4 4,soo, 'soi M GAI913IýAITH &,COMPANY NEW FALL OOODS!@ Homespuns - Flannels Siks Headqllarters for Cantons Ho.siery and Gloves. Orepes Groceries--Always FWéh Best Granliated Sugar for preserving. Golda Y eIlow Sugai, Gem -Jars, .Jar Rings, Iipices, Vinegars. CHOCKERY - lnIqt4s Bassmsqt ',o 97 plece Dînner Set, wvhite or gold .. $ 24 pîece Tea Sets ........... .... .... 4,95 Oîlcloths. White Caps, large .............. ... ... 121e. Cturtain Nets Clover Leaf (lups ...................... 1t Lace Cu nan Tug and f Glasses for ................... 2,95 Rugs "I Drtnkîng (olasess 4 for .......-.. .. .... 25c. Crptaonneg. Galbraith & Company THE STORE FOR VALUES We Gan Fit Yourt Feet as iWeIl as Your t-deas. i W. have sucb a large stock of Foot- 1wear that it is possible to -ft you in anm stylç slîoe vou deire- The Customer demanding Quality and Cbomfort in Footwear will find a varied assortment of the Latest Styles at' HUME;S' SHOE STORE. HALTON -Light Shoes for ingide, COIJN Y FA M -lippers for party wear, C O N TY IV IR-Any Shoe for any wamr. wîil be held at Oui- values are superior. 'Seeing t lv i nbelieving ."Cor n ee ON- GRAHAWS SHOj HOME Ona Friiay & 5aturulay The Home of0f0oo" I SEPJm 29th &_ 3th, 192210i s 2-wFUL L DA YS-m2lSyors IJry o eSore SPI-rECI4LÉ PRICFIB ON ALL FALL- M Jn ig gAi gç and tl- ('tîl w- Now to hp boi GLý :Mi- ENI:j- ýentilatlilc tht *63 c PR MA4 -Sel eSu necu 11.2h I e I iysicso . n P.e ~try tel ~i ît'Il m bmmm the 1 ,