A ~ ? ii ~Ç4~ 1114< Oenid <i 8> it,~I ~ b v C il U i P ts a d h oln~ l n h h f t i lli o .m . r p e e t d N .am 0aisem an o r whr e <itood-b Ta chers abofldt e atou c r lar beuac dCfo tthe Io U . ' I l eld the bdice tti dmig out a un- ta tht.. Mucb Bible readig la greatly dian Nationa4iitbltlo jgr i Sl-na itfe* a land of perultent Mld te heUic îeedit of lthe Word and fliC8j acres under rnf.12,1M -i allant tol a 'Mnd Of cCd villages a"dlreader. whlth in taller, lhii inmn itOlWnal i tte ie Oh. ebOther a sme &il. use hPeuple tou derntan Gardens, ha.saeang aoeommedatl w m n lt l i tth e s c a t ; a a n d w v i n e t h é (cd i î V . 8 ) . T e s u ir e n t e f r A , 1 1 0w e e p lo f i . n < n . < f t BleePa iln thall,, for ln aay direction bulnesi of the teacher ila0 taatire fh;lo tly_.ranaaesoran nleelo mo teCnadIf tN wtbln a day <bey viiireach aae; che Word of Oilo 0plin taut ail, Ol eat ahiiJutle er e aad Of vaut and anclent treas, et and bang, con o'oderstand. York compioy wth over 100 peopl Ouncesfimie honored iliree centules ilit. The. Improuiions Made (cv. il- wilpîfiencta pctm-uime eîoh aec ago. of rathedraithat have lie.. ). Ing of <is o. glrowing for a thousand Yeart, aod The efeci o r achiDtg ods Word Exactiy <brai hsndred pert it 0f village Churehes hulit whiie e Oc- I most Important. In fllie caie Il wu& the mantifacture of home-breur bas Ptelo heed in God. (iood-bye, Amer- ver>. enrouragisîg. becs granted ilenta of BSdhuir Ica!oIdah]ag 10 hoeia 1.dCnvietionof Sin (v. Pl. Tii.eIWord district 10 date, according tolisiform 0.. atrau~godersay ito mcln0d , ar'if <md brings cîoviction of sii(Acta ailssecnreil front<the loca ua(itentm trangers say'Glad te mee you, air,-i Excise omeAplcto@a >e and reaiiy neem glad; whcrc children 12:37. If lquîck ad owr l He.uîîn tlcomma ln.*c.Apialsia UR@- PRWhioe theiriftte desîres, and neyer,4:12). The 007 te gel conviction o mtiian B. Arnold, ion of SilrEdwit NU< ORLAD, r g «ow suci aider; vineemea n ep sa inle y tcachiîîg the Word <If God, Arnold. prcdlîcted inCho that t l "b 199, Ta.'taen oth trousers uP eth belle Ihai <.t nul bY aPpnHlnc tatoe fliccnlono b>.5o years the ldctibl"language vilii10 "Tu191, 1wastakn wt hBýci«1 through opai, and womený have ta lclltog dcoîb-bed sovies. The peopleatireokn everv*wneee and viiili e hb Ailioiiand no one knoivi idit 1 hitha lua tockinge. yI&arn going t10 .i 11<1 e,) -uoorfor oorrow-îîîey ocre lPgoae -oeiimecd dlp$pr-ay sufferrol jihi duing the ir, land.iod f anent ispeech, wbere v.fo foîj iot.Thy lt oly batdlie- 1b&04ur.i îîh. of ail nvî- er aeFen I bga hin cwk»gSperega pu udil and'reod'cad ' iir d'for corne icordly und 1ttc ci iere la ecdIn Englioliandititseanug for breatioand cjois l oseak sil and 'ercord au roOcormuet È i r ec preig tie pour, The ffrbet n ol o 10. srl'ad elarlaîy uClsbtle i inion.Brau binll - wod bace onote 0fIliobic] u.viutaken ai 00 rush and cdge-dlelibtîîeîr . -ccc eled llirocb th oa ecenBus«.ltatnatlsdi.' in thes occno, one doring the no0.ht, and-rai n thc liolg cifd; vliere t our xd mrrioges. ivro thc total poulation -of (tanail and one in the muranto. 'Tlicdoulor .ve do net1commule' or -Checkcri 2. Weepdog Turocîl tubloy <i '. 10- a 1921 as 8S.<d. Thias repretîîî. tard lie could do nollîlor for aor. Page,' but 'taie a saaon' and -reg. 12). hm n îîsngve beeji tiercelved gino 21.90pe cent, ahinaIl9 lue and.'ed a boy round'- hr n ofsedGdwudnthv '"lu the uproc of l,920, I it.,Icd 11rai ier V ioeor iîtooid10 uercP.puation of ail the provincs' Mking«'FrilýlW ud i a r w eBrsitcitea voare id teoment a l..1 ihl didreîî lsu od. (ontinuiid OcPtiug thât Of Prince Elvaril daystheeokngspll o ad ,reî fsranger. and neidom are; vliere bu- mOr. l I01lluton 10e for fl@e omn iiiaaad bas iteretaed. the siait fioiti'- dsy, te coLf oell sipp.] o n'Omr lauonderatatcment, and irooy n int re' t t ne oifor ires. sle %ahowiog bcbg in thse ce of AI. Ihave h)..il ne'lt iI n<cc Nliv 701, Oor haituel cesource i dngror eu"t' h d honrea leren ita, where the iscreaiw. hla2ldlDO -r bae a alte o el allr diotrens. Good-hye, America! 1 arn(God. Beodro.loy2huPer ictnt, The fgrn nisralte 190seoe<ococ o1<I <îr ging born..Bmcs yln auar fett'tin theanad th,4rural pulato suufftres o <o hac v the saint ohie '20d-liye bteicemutitudinoos00 "-ui-' eu.iii th ua iitii aboos F1roî tî< 'o' s"for i k«o o Papers. indefinite 0f opinion,crcam- 3. Shared Ti<efic BicoologaWitli&As compared sith 4.348909in urimo thrc mout suffer. loed viti tiiolgolOcani ey ad 11e ri . 10-12). Ctrltlaniîy 1.4 otîcentres., Aimant 42 perrenit. of the Somctiîogb ilr Aciîo.i oîîd nhlugpoutO OfllOiew ndgeilaing a odolLime loue; ltgi. nor'popultion î,f Ontario ta fourni on the corne bock on me as«<i<c <1er aieo article on page 23, rolomii t! God ig ooc crovycerit, o ili otiiers Truc farîînd in Alîni ta and Saak.sl. but L ha ilo, tanik to ye a th wea 'bewno 12 Pe- ent. and 50 lerrcent. bot l i.o o<0, tao -i ye 1 theveaY iPlatitude , accepted Joy ioooifeotH Itseif lu gls-iog ta otbera. cpîve- tives" Mrb, J. M. ~as wiadom'a loaI- reveiat Ion! Good- l'lirecreiiton rocs out lu ilinistcr t r10 cielv tiss" MruJ.M. EStN(i N*bye 1taiioitiianîs contendlog fer the poocr (Jus. 1:27). àlto a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sise, 25e. aima more practicaliban princîplien .T! cpeOtcr c.1-8) rpPopca At dealers or sent î'osipaud by Goodbye 10 Bepublicana * 4.TrePopaOeyt (sd1-8. Do rspcs Fruii-a-îivco Llmitld, ottano. iraI,, ditingeilhable ouly by mnue15 ,gtiie iac'liiiiiotta e 1< Ienst o - -llwngl batred! Oo-y 0teOOa rsie .ini ln u eo o n oloigiten fron the fruit vhere LbelaahlndaTabernacles laditi e ontgiseglectiedsirop reýport for Augnt prospects fo-r 0ue and itadicale abc ard! Where Ans 0001as tiey onderitood the Scrtp. mîn« MIr. Gompers la callcd a Socialitlrn ie' ie< bti «dPaeby Apio.h rt.prcent iargerrcnIp and Er. Asquith lvnuid se a d-bad been rald. Tiîey ocli1ta o-rt ed a nd est ycrreîî orlild150W liils-siý. 4 vanord- à land tou large for con- kePt fille acred fSP t wy( i. e-eingsiadi-u. h sat An E lisL a n ccurstcd indIgnation ;a anmd herc fil l<n oiît hem epi oocrIli do a pr ralp pe rli, f U:iiAA wa eaiti beoudthe dreama 0fr Britislh of .tosbo v. 17). If flie Scrtureo trop-20 e ctbpuc hnl< prolteora dvclis.dresnes, gorge. and -erprendonent 4e loinInoIy Itiligacrac to Uncle Sain luuriates ecial , w d~ita ed! cu i ainte rndr an ti<ens yacieadiîîo..ît 1 mgigt edn oiinve_ Iu lo hteun, t n<'ch Fandtlirpl crocent) lentlY n.vergenît;.a land viere e f'teair Bdiir du1II eke phriof lyi.pecntluvr ha12. Onheretorn frnm tic UnntielCoallîlas Isant Ioalesce; wv ,ûf.inetudrîînîîrîo cbarnchurg d eceasenio8aucrop;.9 fcn u meetinga break u rliteuruletdi-.57sinrs. eoerai y r Sta bot im ag Hur W orer asitOPlatitude avat@ 10 brincing t10 ilîcir remcrntiirnce tbe P<tatue6,rn ii<01 acres. Earty Plant- Neis bte nooed Engliali nevi- sOOtite the naae breasî; a land day@ of ilicir wilderiîess Jouriîey. ing yîiediîîg bravy creîp. Plecorsponidetland autbor, de- tierce forProafredcmd lu lvrdhmefof u a fareori ddresà. clignant villi rage for juatice; a land The g>.a. of Othera. Fri isadteCtza whi( tgbein wiely opid an vibeeacalîli lg taxred ouI of lgli Ior If1 l a ic ycsof iefot<r Pcople ta liitirsadth itzn w oig idipcole uifor vccchntae irIocsa 10diaguiselruin ufi. i i o yefiee utd r le îsrmd îriirai Pato hcli voreproduce:- Ils iuxory'; a landl vherc an ancient 1 siiotîd InelI tiie moun ol e o, , Foi2sdfore atetmadesuhO ilnro 1<1i mist snd drIiî o ~w the order la Pa-119g9aaY and leaders uar fine funtiown iebue lo aaanfrbf ht[i iie 10010< of Newi-Yort fade îcooî riew. vbom Yeu cuit extrene arc bailed bly frn re-P'rntlin. baîiug tiecoeiltry'ti inlereitse ft heart Tic cecot cip nideo down Cie river. Lord chiancelier@ asnthie rcori an refrain fruainsdopting ccery aen- Âiêoy iî dck boa oou catIOni nOf sccuriip. Oood., aOse Faultîs. ie pI-ea-mLion ici bis pcrionai con- beIrcie he Gk ood BeauontOonAmecrica r on oe" 'We cofnt enoailfilulî.n order 10 luet. UnrnUtngLîaisedcamp sre leoele. odbe iobeu- ------.- _ tiresl hl - <s 10gea~n tifui f iiidc.rLcilles Goodbye t "--L- insiuate hat w d ii nobtrat %mat.chd libai-emarh« libeaibedtth cîîmmerbog spireosuad lilgitesi Bers-les Reelpe for Weiing. 1Rýlf)inid ntil fmlin fdlasijule bastions, dieornt<kc s tierootea Mont lucopIele 011probabi.li c nr anvned PnrOtY, ulaeac.f snd catiedrais of a rornuntic vision! rsd uha Ia i UJnaBrIrMa.i hit nleno rrie1 ilin tr, fleur tan ding Priog ta bat tht SIrJamesBa Ma.auim n nfiPloluincivtation tamadil, Good-byr 10tubin films of WitIe dd-prsntlaly neyer nookesi up to- 161&n 18 i î raiîougenler tion a aier. lTlie ightu-d match and the dg- alean fOut issue fron central fur- tti tlnc hen lic Oaa vritiug Myrauaieuîs -.exnrHrilOetcrritcoarcarr. noces and dit ln disotving orcatia Lady Nicoine." Unt MyIlin lieiad <iai. Lta..ladrHml rteaenitesne atoy arouud -tliosc precipitoui iciglits! merci>. toyed, nov andi agate, withti I - - -Dates Goos-byr to heavea Ouied offices, go a cigaretlc--and haul net llked fi! dlean. no Tarm, ahere lovol>. tesola-But ail lita fringadlefloked. a tobai- PHOSPHODINE. MILTONI.....- .SEPT. 29-3() gratuleci, ith itk tochlngs and i .lslta nrBsiall eatod atm.and go Dg etinupihacrllc....s...e.....îes-262 puvdcred facea, att lelsurety at vork to Joined the mrek'of imoirers. X rna4 oes the holc n~diaol<tol:<........bP228 o ovrelin clarmnig ease!, 2 Bie recipe for nnve-vciting la: lhia d is.,. 'Un.d frNe. l,...-- - -.. .. 22-1 Goosi bye. NewY onk! 1 amnsaii Eight pipes ose oncce, even ounoces Mentl adsodAeslWo, ,- - - sept. lu020 bome. I am going te au anent 'one veek. ivo veeko one ciapter sssus)i L. .Of dm91 ". ................. pt. 2-7. clîY Of Mrnan ad roldering alcecta, tventy chiapters one oi, to Ivo f'nimI M P-M1rbi.(t..... .... sp ofinolelo ovorta for mrnkînd, Obe uOvel. Zf.-îiptldh tdaNi.naiipmil.c Oct '«ojd eatoiidc'd rnautonuuay avec manoy I Ën.oswsaM uuca.coe ........cItt e .. .p.... Sept. 2 Miltes; of grim monroe lnging m-ESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 1O0! --------------------et 0 dloser than a blankel; of snudgy typinin wliu knov 11111e 0f soh or TEAQ.ING THE LAW 0F 000 l<Owdcr andi legsn of leisure andi charrnuug raie.Gond-bye, Newy ocît LESO9N TEXT-Nsli. 8:1-1o. ~ n it n B tey S rie Sain t on goiîu borne. 0004-bye 10albeau- -GOLDEN Tm2c«r-Tiach Me. O Lor,.h itn B tey s rie Sain tifLîii apartmentsa and 'olom on od- t<k vayOff lic satut"oîn. adi ih11tmp liYe ta0Winows tonilgfac orer lie fi utlaattb-.oen. I PuOIE224 NIlIT12 cip a front a mouinlaiu Peak! Gnod- Ad. C to.15< Î I.-Deut. 6tu-a.PHNE24 Sf1 2 liy 10crtru lisUg ad rdltor, RIMART TOIC-The 30y of Learsdng. eulîat-c fit sos o f theo iarîn Iliey varmal da Word. i rM trs' H aq atr o Good-tiicluanlindp verandahs obers JUNORtoTOPIC-Ilon.W îa ite Motrit'sf cucliîîi. chaire standi ranged in rowsa. Haad Gdi WOsd- atrG n r rad SatrTo be ced- cid <c cadiioflie volumnuu PTBIDABAOO5OIROO -Th* Po*, . eoWord f<,i atr, eeaor ad Stre Tobe S Iorda., palicrs ond ther dalurda>. YOUNG ~PEOPLEIAND ADULTtopte_______________ EVenm«<îot' i!Good-liye. Amecicat -CmosnsiyBible OMair. 1<l oiig home. i ar coing te o iood orbere eccrp man's bouae la Il vilI be of ilterent and profit ta Full stock of New annd Rebui lt Batteries on liirnd for ail needo, Ilis pcsoi-.a fond oetovenotres and pril ntthls lcsaen ns an ben] Inn- Cagnepitg and eadigo cbiiiy coeatan rSi litn vter pipes, dey ncieiit claas brig oparl enligo of o aahing standsaan'ld @cop patte. 1. A Mode[ iis Ciage(. 1-6). Batteries a Spcfiaity. and u bath per honscbnld ai tlie 1. Tue Enger Aaoemb]Y (s-. 1). Tic J. .NLNA.J .AEADR mnont; o andiof fiabces and liedgecapopeA McLENIAUeve tgehe o<droid aIs, vece people ait atopou t legtreitroivsoelr anîd I0e nonreasonuIonmaire tiemn d 'pako vsino Ezca 10 brifg the J. BteyTetdadIisildMaersple r. EAO seve eaaîck by eoekiug upon &bore.' boo ticheLaw" Ilas flot s Mat-IRrrAlaSEVC i T liood bYe. A i' i am coing tr offlec toucher utging the clatil or~ic cse nIDojjdWae tpie rc borne Good-byc ta tie coponsi10 oine iocchher, but theclrans wilb_________________________________ Meu-a - the caciy grapsefruit, the yenruing hcurîn requestiué, flue Iacher- 'ceeeaia - lie eggc lrokcs lu a glas!tetocorne olihDods Word. Dood-liyc ta nyster, large and amati, 2. The itepremeutotuve Anuembt>. ta cele yand liqes, beaides CIe (v. 2).Tir clouewsmd po soup 10ta eastfood' t0 nublirnaîed men,- - nad cilrn. ThdelIme0 s0usd course, t10helie ndîvîdual pi' llieb sud bolleare tire ctlsrdl-g 1uti71 or the lhiek oculge of apple pic tanthe0-omns.Neillrs tore tue cliden tic Invariable lnb nf ire creoarntelefi utnt fore tlttiurses or 1t u ayAug. 6 T R N O pt9 tIc coffeeo aiso lansi vith ream on tibc ecto oie l*Word aoitd le OT R N OSp ta the linme-revrd aleabol! t otu Isugît 10 il c1uýge@. men, oomronand______________________ coite ta thr land nt Joints ansi roasîn ohludreco. an âid udig;th an0f binm . An Apprectitte Aoenhly Cv. a).JP NE0 sud cîgo anddvilet tea; the 'land Their cors ocrettentive fr<rnom ri RIC F WAE URA Nihere otern are guod foc suicides lingtoaoitdy. < S. rager tiere lie7 Gcs'geaeuaProducion wtb ail the nn>atary, 10ta kow od's ':Vord tinrt ttey sd dromancesandinaslur 0f tin Fa, Fat. lâteci for ltocor hiu baotre. Tiece oas ________________________ uo hulla of vaitca sIn liaI clours. ONTARIO MOTIIER 4Due :,-e.ee Sow. Doi, *1,800,0ln n: buaidil and ers of ohs HELPS DAUGIITER th. id out of respect foc thc boty NEYER ON A BIGGR SCALE Ttherotso tberc lu uot peoper Mn bhem--watoh vour daucli ersrg rnefrteFil afitpol idcu ati nattlng fbu boal b Prom lituhe eeleshrettes arne l atgittîo betiese Irla n od's " the agi of tvei ntlvomanînosi Wr.Rv Delntebueo od TJ-au G. KENT, R .FEIG ia eatah shîsd ilabsneeds Ynuc cace wO o y h o ire ibHule la regnrded Muila Ousa PEfatC aniadrici MAanY osman have îuf-a o'veywrs fered yeara nI ILeisal Ithrcugî iank o Cdr>. rords aouf aedms . ~ 5TtyJîeiBall.1 h - '-'~' i Ž20 - - - I '~ - 1- To HoIý-ôlers of File Year 51 pe ent Ca - da's Jesu. la 1917 MW Maturing Ut Deceqtber, 1922. CONVERSION lEMINISTER OF FINANCE offega to oderu To'S toese bonda who deseirto coitinue ther prvilege of cchanging tie matu-ina bode fr new bond i bearing 51 per cent lstetc. payable bha f y ary. o f eltisr o f t ih e fo llo in g c la ase :- -- (a) Five yeet- bond, datd lt Novenber, 1922, to mature lui November, 1927. (b) Te» year bords, daetd at Novriber, 1922, to mature lot Novanber, 1932. Wble tie matuing bonda ii cacy intel-car to lt Dfembier, 1922, the new bonds iii commence t10gra nterest froI t Novmbet-. 922. <lIVINGÀABOIS OF A FULL MONTH'8 INTERM8TTO THOE AVAILINO THEM8ELEO F THE CONVERSION PRIVILGE. This offer la made Cc boldieri of tie mturing bonds nid le sot open to other invuatora. The bonda Co b. W ued u- der th ue propoil v-i0 h be b m tiàfyof the ame cisaicter ai Choie wbich ara oeatum-lugexcipe ht he exenption from taxtiondo s ot appy to tie nov imse. New Paraclis of t R-locki, PROPOS4JýS Hoidera of tihe" _Ping bondq wi«- Ihemacivia Of titi.ion Priu it-- their bonds AS TAS POSSIBiI LATER THAN MEER 3Qt amy Chartcrcd Bat* Casa arad me en officiai neccipt for bonds surevu bl. on udrtakuing to the- corue-rîp thse ncw issu. lioldersi of fuuiy reg.alrrJ 'i. Payable by c te Ottawna. wtli: Coeupoin bondasviïï ni1cetailîhela1 coupcn before ýý the bond tui The anrrendes'da & mîil c forwar o to) <hi Minsterof m.ý-at Ottawa. obr. be ex, iiangcd for Of tfie neos regiaf c1 d, or Coupon, cred or tcoup,,n cr>: g interest Jet May olCir(11 of eSn l ycr of the - Of the bau ,h! piyvt ont iccniug eni< bic lai May. o4 deiu -ryinmmediately thse recîlpt ofti e i'he bonda of tiso ntu-ang issoue hth Cor. - ated under lii ee ai be Palu Chisit Decmber, 1à2 ~iASSRpM AMONG or orer' - (à no£s a (J Et(j b t a",ci<d m"y 7. IL- A. i iccui i e sP-0 -ai <ir 70selas 10 <EN OTIbi I R. F. E. BA-i -- DEN4TAL SUR, kit ppol --r1 oi' I-- - STANLEY BF DENTAL srR;p,< vr iali N' i nul à. TeGALc Public' theb tuuristwil l fin <<51ýë NUM inrxla oomnd o0 a Aq viii mfaîntýorocll Po <asb-aenoaucammtdi sf thc Swias 0L OPE endon i-Cg jadiari(C h Ag Iliat ta ae ansid or a-a adohi prod ducel attra Ws quau- k4 Cn cooduf aperut wbici lnaa fiinl cu nîle a stht I l'an- e< l C 'ho If »RtOd M OtUm, 0* Aqp*, 1922.