4 -1 IL Make TursoliHI 0Fmtit-a-tve,',the aarvelleuàm tit mode from fmi juiceadtoi lethe mostbeeicjel medicieei a4 .tbat lias ever been gis-en te masti Just as oranges, apples, figs pueu are natures own Medicne 1'grulùta-ti ves"-'-made irom tl fruit Juoes--but concentraed lntensiied je the greaeeoîSîinaol Lver Medicine, theS reatcit Km and Badder Medicine-thoeqrea1ifB Pefi-he geest rerdy fo f sciiez, Csastipatie.4Indgestiiîs, oen sci md Bad Ceinplexo.n-in thee To be well, take Fruit a-ive, 50e abox, 6for $2.50O, trial site At dealers or sentl osperd fruit-a tis ees L l, GI twa. ]BASEBALL. A godexhibitiongamnewaà p here one 4th int between Toront Stars and Miltont selitus, min regulars. l7iholm, catcher and Mullije. rit field. Torto Ail S3tais. Cn a,mi....35 I1 o 2 N . Sprinig, 3b..5 o IV.8prtieg, rc_5 <i 2 9 Lernoine, ot ...4 1 1 1 Satih,2b ... i 11 Feleorton, lb .6 o l) Burke., Il.4 i I M eflat, ,.. o 4 i I 1 1 Brick, if ... 4 1 2 39 3 17 x24 e-Nontr nul whee iineing nrored. ParIne, c ...5 il 1) e Keeev p _A I 2 1 Hunte, lb.. 12 43 Il Marchand, rf.2 1) il 1 Ilaude.nim. ... i1 <0 i 1 Telfer. 3b. .:1 O0 O0 I0 Kenedy,.2b.. 4 Il) i Il McClnnnlif. '4 O0 i1 I 3 2 4 9 27 Al1I1SIars . 1l0 ü0O0li. 3IN.oe .... O.. 0 O()2 1 i Twoo Oece bit, 1. Sprieg, Sac boi. Mnarcand. SMoIre bases, wtay 3. Lemoier, Smith 2, Steet Keeney.2, Hume *2, MeUlei Doueble pIs e L. Swing le Full@ Keeney t CKen nedy tInHume.8 ont, by Moffatt9, by Kenney 9. on balle. off BaffâI 7, tfKeni Bit by piiohieilbal by Metfat. N and Telr. Il yKeeey. Suiitb. base one ie(lre choice. Ail St Lef t on base.. AIl Stars 13. MitII Utnptrrv Dr. BabrktandLai OBITUARY. CAPT. }tcV. SAMIJIIIBOtAL. Cept. Rev. etnel Boat, wbe die Sîjo iratin sthe Torontno General e "tel ater e se-ceaI otendulliees nion Repreeelelive el the t ___ __ __ ar rnumwwc, e.ge .eîFmt. vii.m n-vilrnurFiluiiijnie "TheNatonal" Detailed Speoifications of the "National" Iractor Rating 16-18 HP., 2850 Pouiids Pull on the Draw Bar at 21 M.P.Hl. Etltr:Reliabte Tisin. Horizontal. 'Valve-in-head. Enbtnc, 2 cylludere, 4 cycte. Reuinvîbte Head B3ore, 6(inl. Stroke. 7 iu. (Compression, 60 tb. gangs piencore. Normal R. P. NI., 620. Vaslves-, Reliable Makoe Poppet Type. I)ismctec, inltlveat', cloe- 2 1-4.in.; Inltlvai-, luiftà l, Dinceeter, exhaust vave, rIear 2 1-8 lu exhanet vats-e, lift j iu. VaInc, material Nickel Slnel. Pistonn eight it ollirings, 18 Ieo. Pieton material, CastI (mn. Piston clearance (for diamelecu). Fist lanrd 5.980 la. Third tend à. 988 lu. Second lanS 5.985 ir, Skirl 5.994 ia. Piston rnage, 3 r width, 3-8 ta. Piton-pin hearings : lu piston bosses. Mlboniof lholding piton, pin clamp lan oS. (osvernor : Reliable makle, fly baIl type, enclosed. C'rnnertiag-rod, Lentgh (c. b r.) 18 in. Jdoring cap boîts, 2. Diameter, ïin. Connecing-rod baring-Typr, îptit, unake, legler Eilernann. Diamelen, 3 in. Lehgth, 3 le. Materiel S.A.E. RbelbilI, Dia Cast. l'ranbthaft : rop ForgeS Beeî-trralment. Mauin crinkshaf t bonejuge, 2. Type (Spli) S. A. E. Bebbitt fDie Ciet, Dime)nsions ; Diameter Front, 3 la. Itengîli 5 in. Diameter Second, 3 iii. Lenglt 6 lu. Flywheel : Diameter, 18 lu. Slethod of attacbing : Straiglil. (Ire - : nlral. lý'nmshaft hearingak, 2. Dioceter : Front, if lu. Lenglt, 21in. Material, Cael Ieau. Diameter : Second, I$lun.Length,.2j lu. Maleriel Cast Iron. Timiug geai;: Spur. Crunkohaf t geai îaaterial : Semi-aleel. Cashait geer tttateriaI; Semi-ateel. Lubri"slon Syateal : Drlled crantehaft, Pressure fend, SpIahl. DetroWbMccbauucal Lutarictor. Lubricntiag gameliait: Indeiadnt lead, Premulre, splasb Piston LIbricatio; Spl«h,PrIl~ Lubeucaticg Mcepaolty _i. 0OU pump : Pluager type. sted aboie. Ignition : Dixie H. T. Magneln nf Clockwise RoI. Dinie Impulse cotaping. Spamk pugs: Standard ize, inl. Carbureter : Reliabte nbaker ie lirr. Mixture ini man.ifotld. W'atee injocted i tlifuel. Fuel eajpîly : Pîlmî. Fuel: 2 tanks. Gsoline, 2 gaie. Kerosene, 20 galI. Caoltcg Sytem. Capecil>' 8 gaI. Cirnîateri with pnmp. Ilsll Patte : CatIron. mes optionl. Dilse ojidirect cautch. Bearinge plain. Tranamtssilona:Om maire, gere encloued lu duelirrrrr case, Red uctions (pairs nf geare), englue(o drivie shoot, 38 tn 1. lst gear, Spur type. 4 pitch. 2j lu. fae-. Steel finish. 2nd gear. Spur type. 4 pitch. 3 lu. face. Steel finiash. Res-erse gear, Spur type. 4 pilicl. 2j ln. fae. Steel finish. - Final redactin: Chain. Bearingu : ]et ehaf t Babiitt type. Outside ditameter 24 in. Width, 5 te. Reverse, Bronze Beshings. Na Dfferectîal. Final De-is-c: Thrnagh nam of sheel by chain. Tracton Speesl: At ntormal englue P. P. M. loet p"d, 21 M. P. H. 2ud supeod 3$ M. P. H, Reverse, 21 M. P.H. Drive WhecIa - 3. Section ut spokie 9-16 ia. (sq.). Shspe nf eection, 3-8 x li in. Dia.,. 42 lu, 2 tare, 20 in. 1 face, 10 in. Rigid mournling. 1,guoptional. A a i te. Bearingo, owu make. Diameter, 2 7-16 lu. Plain Typa. Feamo : Structuralt, 6 lu. chaunel, Sida memberu, sape and aise 6 in. citanuet, Wheelbm .:0C. la C. of front and i-car wheelu, 7 fl. 2 lu. Total vidlh os-et ail, 6 t. 6 in. Total sidtit over rimeut, f fI 6 tîn, Heiglil over ailI, 5 fI. 2 la. Lengilios-en ail, 12ILil 8il, Clearace a t lovant point, 14 iu. Staering aranangmeut, Sviaging Fraiee. Dae-aviaitHeiglit, 14 in. Diriar not swjelted. StatiWffl: Onldrive vwSlo, 6M10Ibo. O vpin eigit. 620Ibo. SE roL ce '"~ l the .ha a s oiei t basbea enoetittitatiy ern- Bucitil 5al1i1 SlttiU . 1 > titat a prcane hait h@elie Twisli peare *50 ILasaudanses, t ar lutethierwehieariinand prend etithe mscthe tity aud thes wu lctrost.is.ila tg ela er. sAise, ltat te ay lte dimnsioaensiOflIatrU*0. 1,Us lt j hiag calaIvlttcleIn ltous bale greve ndcet isdiren2tl itIepeile ulte tact titat Ciaphesat Jene' aam t10enllgl ttg110 ced 1916. Haeshow stiat an IedivI'ubtîs ttdSlrtievcwulthe stest ratîastation110 vsd uPmcsltas in fte and futrher ennemIs wvita t etman 1eor linte orl'ls u ceaveage a traiIe Rd Ecri ]Kibieh sud se ilteminLed RaI' vurnaledeleg ati te praenetlItise. a Minute pcate nslIL .Now l - ra fTrmltttse c tfLeatdesfor ie aIl nhowsahie habits aed elteni ishietaI st.i dt tiait aet litoUner- lurics. HaeuOMe la Toreulo lu 1917 tuegitt. 1 Ond a"t'On at Eaérl9Cauat, stitre Mdea e gsIvîditliah av ega it aee ean teingus, Re veill g rais abour >aee tiroulit ssi t, aICansd& usa. f t'q toh. Nal et sanîimale greare la the net ti eent <tries ts. ruaithaue n ICt vice ut lb. riang Ilca lt reeilTo. iegithltee master atrnud re.vltIs iec negrate taCS lbacome the rpustaes-e not lie Brit- direction efthlie grestlo mc) te inter- stationc lu oee, titere are otten tour geet aitnd FPe ll s le nnty. BH ee îtlt sera brcolqIc na vre titres zates a iel, pildMaIvialtaW des-lg ngsd @Ince the ared noteature leartet3rW andonau eareae au sirqeset calmusci aI hale s lameS minute. Tvent ely g tan cendw ndes cldelvred lo in drné e arl u freonles One lila- tiere vere ec moter onetites anda go O ubliec meeting. Esasua man utf nificeet physique aa gad -a i.Mipt ationsethe porpoeo e it ndleltiaîlte barne omnibus«avers bel a trac- bese lien. Servieieg hlm acev ic ituvw. heur Je set lo enl tislites oails-etIga tiun ut tieir oante. Demingthe and ceno andt (cee daugblera, Inlarmeet test tien.tr - eb 1 ~ltinheure -d 40omaibecea and Placeie Mouent Piacast Cemetery, Te' Mesnvtw eleh effrorCroes in theamo 'w renIe, one 11h ml. ère lathceero -r lb.uaî inxe psec lte anit, 642 paeOxford Cir- Blond elett%-se rat bntrrnsit- altereu&candas 18itpaonePiccadiIiPCircen. llttdhas-e hale Ibal lifts ts-iîr lîig':uîI>Omnibueanad undergrond lttraina Fleed, H- W- I- CONVENTION AT ACTON. av ain the Irs-od or»tlir"en-Ji carry t.-ooo,u90 psengeen c day. ceas- ' ~M.leecboiy ico-letople etl ros-Titepepulatien han înereased legs orB Tie anuaseraigbt. lanby lbr titan 20 pet cent. élnce ltheisetal Th l conventonaof Halonof te century, tut fer es-or)' jetrney os Wames'a 8InaOus sceIl eldin lte Mucilage 0o1t tazte St.trrrîs. ite'hua.tram, trainneorca e oede 3 5c. Methditeteiusday Sehitorocnm, Aeton, TIre mtucîl-gtono tir-pI sîr o. tlire, ormao betyesn 30 sed 40 Lby onTituraaî.Juus 8. Ditrimct Prei et fo plbso twr tIntarnpa fahUi rt u as siiptod Prde'Te mppish. t lomtwth fnI eot potrîor r.and rrro n ote e -. te siugin oet'BIrt te i t T bartetterîn fIw l!LI;r I Ilr -rier 1 PenierrrthPi Bints," aa praYes. eThe minutesn eiend P*rrrîrWir. lr ;ridirro We esed ta mndoc aithBO rait- lataaessDatmsset ratdty tseSe-c.e ,rooi)yl Irs- p 111 r: .r -cO1rborys wisirth iey firet apps-aru,,for -ra'jMme. Hâlîi, ocre adoptel sitîfro a rll,-r1 rirl,2rrr:'.1,:,err1 elllie e rd neEnglisit Rate plydThe iiascial report pros-rd sery catIs: îreerte r(r t rrrrI: . anrd r..I t of l eg tho ise peensliesaise. lylfaerytirno A lIe sr. of 00 r r. iq l1.1 ýltboeîb nîber natieon bal tiromint 10o Ail 1TittsPeestdsut addreeoithlie meset- 0othtOrolier.,irnd r r r. -, 1: svaloue a lews tsi-ce silligs. lebOing. tenviticit cie repeatal lte merde ir ngot 1 thicIîrrt7 . --jIr r Drlet tire wer Belgînnaprintrd i Me- f Lady Faltnee, viten sate expreeneil r dirrin t orrrl rmi rrrrr il Iý notes wicir vrre mortb colo 100- theedesire te bmtgiackltoir oe ti-rantd r.r.rr: ,il l , pctcealfpnneecadb. cartî mae) tie JeY In womk taI memen titedtao llror r r,5,..butr i.- r - r- !. FeeRcîr and Italienirloro bd prc A aî has-r,anS 10 remanîher et ail Ornes, Iiroiig o p r- i i l - r îmnpeaco air S ép.ncrn. o 0iO1s ey note te co.opsrattoa, îcc lîroor r n l. Vror. r' i Tn-4ayGcrotarry pprare 10 brr Il O Agodi]y ntirember vere preest frn uirr-rî, îrrr0, .I :r. compeilel for lire mnrld's record in ltedifféreut branchs.cait report& 7. .plr retres y Tbp owots-e et Zrirtt 2 0resnteitniieit ea vide rane iroda rus ttrrn-or-lritrr10e îirr"tl:on 1 1laclivitiea. pfeneig eacb. A pfenigrtile Jlonir-r I 01.Duieg Oue year one new -brancîti splp o rt rdbpato occr r 1 >bait n ranzdaud as ietresr n S PCci EgthP rsOstmsceetcart of a mark, ail th 4 il reportetloezerî lire- 4.Tn:euiand .teigateaisbahlecsad reigontothe penr o0viu om treseyatstte al m lnd t Blevein lieretatril il Iras-er 'v'Aflar lite ea.itay lunchoan lte -aadei.UcthnSraaIltt.o --meeting oee -t ig 0Cndalt Mala ri. BclW-rity vncit let eut te iatre siwi tIThe eleoton ofitilleursg O Cana ý,da ,m Luir< .;akeu.uaaa n-roublîrentes are otioel itei flinvu -Preattet.l M 'lApiebyH- 1 = me"". W; iai$Iat ~lnsbfpnoilrdclisthAetlrr'rr Stewattevs ; lut Vice-Prestd. - y.1deetMmn ige.Nehoe, or ~~m Ie i esorral vo-l en liIr W.A, tgleitm, Palerien; 2ut Vice- Ip>k4onl îptofprlagaiceco d eu-tirniburocîrlosiIec 25 A, ePreatteuLr.mAA. Biggam, Trafal-Wrl f o lq 320ar ; Sel Vies-pres., Mrs. W. H. s1ev-___ ___________________ 3rMiltoen,; 8ecetary-Trena,, Mes. F. 1 arY, MiCseAda Wsttauter. Fagerno; e uslettjrunairMm.R 3- A REAL GOOD CAR 0m-afalgar; Andiltnr, Me-n. Pop 0, 1andt Mme. Syres. iltrlinglosi. A.s-nte nf appreciaties oas gises * <te-aHavtlitt eîtiaig aeclrt foy - îo lbeasrvices ialgivF eaiîtstitate e.*U I -</hI C 10- fre the past toutees yearu, 1 M, a-trepltedin a pipasein Ceon. Tathe tte N tias ai Crlonh lrueit Wcmen.e. trIatedit ju due Bru * BaseseParsosfor itheuvsttderfi i vrt shte Je ine)' 2. dieng trotngitut lte country. riaude A question Iaver mas also n ie Fi il Ierestînfatre. Ara 2 Thtermueical part ai thte prisca n ton Il. vas temnougheit tjryeS h y ail and tig, cnsisiediof ni einstr-umentaltseloin Miss01 a Moore, vocal cota by Ms (Res-,)j agh, and irocal steoby Mmro F.E oiîe. PRICE $1325 F.O.B., tnîtsing tax. 9 as-nb.enof tanka oas lteeidthlit, Acton ladies for te pieaut da y they :J .R bn nil o esiad given te niters.J.F o i s l I Hùs-, Au ntaionllîn t hOelaie, e e, we stearllew te havealte eit asnua1 PHONE 104 - - - MILTON ~ Britinh convention e intt tplace wose celt. . àe. e 4 ê ne ê.. , NaUQnAI1 TractQrs Lknited P.nt1 Ami4 Guvow rLyat L Phkb-'s VqsbhlsCoi- WE wisb tO al p o m a . a H q w R « u bb u ild in g s a dà a i va rc-formerbue8 "Uotm- mobile Repair V mout Wicit ebaker and ["or k aad s corida-o f 'T ire s, T u b e s 1 littd aie.aein a ~ positî< fthveays.treeb.a Black silihifg a frsqetya atun-Thanking o mye ecgtlar and feele mach botter flQs - 9nd mnyi gaeeabh begi tableis the Veglelabua cnmpeunld and attends sagit entrge- fll t o h c favo i' ed Ms.jeux Touas, Bail St. Cobourg, Ontarli. Es-ety mother vho bas a dangter aufferint fronm suchsaympleme ehniuld ste Lydia E. Pluishamea VegetAIelat, Cempeunid a triai. il le prepared fremt renseand herbe, and ec nb. laIton te eafety by Young sr nid. Il bas been uaed eeariy lity) yeare and meey, maey woenR eveier gegs hesiih leday te tbuetintely caseof Lydiae. MPlInkham's Vegeishîs Com- pound. GREAT LECTURES AND LESSON FOR JULY 9 NOTEO PLAT SCHEOULEO DANIEL 1INTERPRETING NEBIU- FOR HAUAIJOJA. CHADNEZZAR'8 DREKAM ____LERSON TEXT Daeiel Z. Date.s aigecilfer Diti Peur-day Pro-- GOt.D2EN TEXT-The kItlid)itte af tale gram-Meule asudKentartaiemau e t-ac .r., aeId one._ tth ile1-ale Ur!ni ite.i-Joue 284bi, 251h. 30%h aid JOIY Lerd. atd et fils Christ; a; dPIe ctaal lai, auViclionsPark, Miltes, area suamengefoiree&ied ate.-Rers11:14. da188 jesaacs i y Mtr. E. IL REFPRENCE MATEiIAL-î]OS, aa. liereblailnSetratary fer Citaîceqea 713, 14:47. Jothn tt,13-38. chi sammar. Thora dili ha ibaoceal pOIMAtIT TOPIC-iew Cld AsasteteS e glu1 deuble periieflornon ed Danîiee reace. asRna5lt progresse, ~JNtORtTOPICDa.lRvl t1 c 0ea 1e lt tsafor tayi. A calocal lInge tOtem. tedngesfethIbapragram le diralsi litat il IOTERMEtIIATE AND ar'OeOR Toric itte .baiutea fe(r pracatat bite. -1.w Daniel Met a @@e-e Teast r. %TIece Lerne-cesasas PLAt CeuNa. TUNG pP2OPLE ANDI ADULT TOIC "il Paya la Ad eirtias"bu long itbeu-Gtod ni.inieirîeSlr beecuas o ita £resta ansitb la tsmidy oni&cli ta lry. Il cas et.- 1. Nebuchadnaemro Draeo.irev. @Ouedidt imccit cccas eanlita on- 1-13). late ic-Day Ci:tateiîa Circeitlols'ti I srr nd rrelliele > nomersrucd bliaemmer ciii bc pri- Ti o meisd hare Io isaseaiget lb.ecseeond pression epen tAhee msalait, bel lis: day. EIas. Day ef Chicago, aceace cli bed forgolten ls conteet. Ho urg-'t presiecedIbottiplayo et s% nemmer, ly demaned ef Iese emnlt .Ceelicimiei.' c rîeeetiitle fer ltsethey trnke kiten lte drerm and le ptedactlenaf et PcasleoAdvirti.' lelerpretntlnn. Becitute ci their rail- liisid a the iamuetlspecaite ce- lire thre king wscvery firleous snd telaiaîama ehal er utbreasilteathe cnmtnntedcei lte wlserenmon if eby > mIoliie hete ayUs- n t e l 'e ,lsaqea circeuit.Il. The Revelatilen oahlie Occam > Net-en Larueicis Te Sicea lt-v. 14-35). Ane iota cdel keece speaktt ersW ben lhe decreews n lepencese i adteaChulceaaeîecccstI.eeetîrneDanilel we enugiut eut teaIre RoetPar aile, Eaglrciae accesa- raser mans aîberpreacitet, coîld- la-e. i-l eeit Run tervilew isllo > rvllsr, acee apeaitiean"Tales Dt." lithe king and eblsieed lime.ENte: Mmn. Icabia Ptia Bayoa. eaid t a bsoes 1. Thre proyer meeting lu Ba>lon > of tih atres oetotant emenarmraee ,-. 14-18). Daniel wee lioe leader In > en ta scient: Mtajer Artur ER that irayer meeting. Be calieS bis 1: Eeeile eh Mcîrial, *'cite ak& itc e eîoe-s gether euS merl defieitety "BoacPuier »a i larmea.ee," cshow- îtnOi.Thi i t eee 1eg picteret ita sarrenear o et Ibaydt o.Ter1.sw t , Ietase Fiail aI Scapa Fiasow evenly sae telrIreed e-eu greet. .N lis cileaid Oas a gaut oitaeAdmit- 2. Danel@is esriptien et protes lai clIp; Nech Blibat e aracierarisl Cd lt-v. 19.28). GOeilheard ttslr "exîraerdienry, wc iensiraisprecram aS Preper and Daniel respeuadetlinlu ttly ieilrmlleg sa sûarplay protsaitadcit a trelne etor raea ost l tues01twicsel peupla. 3. Daniel hefere the king i vv. 24- L 4ba ebildran Ihais e oi gs et îlesix30). Berase e baibe hcewîth the' a snt) cil ha înerîaieed ity Litla Lord tedlireS ebtslned wtsdem, ha wa.u àAlice LouielaaSirede. chlld cendîr e co aériait.ier cb itlllc, ica rais, onident befere the great king. ced dane@;i and Seves.oe, ieildrae, 4. Thre conentalfnithes dream <s-v. mearcai clewn C f Nec VetkityI. 31-35). Daneltmade bnvute tite 8 &&One tikeata ree 00es le anelkinfg tiret ta hie dreanm ho hadihehld re.aia the inde le pries as last i e reet Imege wtth a hastofut dd §anmert. hreesl end arme et alier, belly aed tbgseof itra, ýlegs oniIronan sue est. REPORT 0FTH-E O. W. l tri r er elpace îl eis I b bcg it tacili cbml ai jea70 li.taelIte a became e grect mouetain, firth aaital reortoet he Oiesch tom- 111. Thea1 terp.stattt cf lte Draa elsd laiueiorrer lia laypar ondins I-ev. 3c,46). A ptil 30ih, 192*2. 1. The heed oet mil representei ltse Tfitc ,arcwe bata Iaîrasad ant Citldlen narcby wllh Neburiteil mehaehp tu44, aleeruaca ef 7 feem nezrn i ed(v 7 8.Wt lasiYsear. 10 regelar meeislccctrena etnlci tt.3,31 li hsld dstrite Yser, sit a total aîi teeesin tif Nebulchadsezcar lu tedacee.1510. lte Étrone, lte lime.s iftteOetîlea AIthe l iita nulg et Ibo lisar avro- begen. gram neCotetoeegoesfer taé saeee, 2. The brenel eiand a s oet velîr eclragtinetc apipar eor alleastesarepresenteil lte 1es1 -ershieesese ity Ito mambere. la wsiiritas adîci a (v. 89). Thte 3teSo-Persîue empire Rell Csol onmany diffirel caitisesa yen eiigdnm inferlor 10 the ChaI-, Tas meelcal parsetflits prOgracm W"0deee. erevldcd b ha lors. Titassccis.ai 3.The belî ly ttîigite efbrune rep- I erlmeetings ca bait satoide speak- ~ ers, wchi dtt matit le reivcetharesentei lte tlrecien empire enderý 'attrait. eamci Oar Dte. Rap. Mrt. Alexander the GreaI (v. 8). tIemleg, Sedan Die. Piras ie tîs Ap- 4. Thre legs of Iren repregneed lte ploe, lecboersa arc tedihisu, an- Romnineemitre (s-v.40-43). 1 eltêr encial *veentcitich iteas ejeed (1) Tire use legs reprecenreil thaý sec belgcibthlt ae Hoy W,. 1 ne uhc nesteru unS wstern divsires of the! alitraee. eftIhair Joce meetieg. baatB W@ bats bease tudylcg lta laci efliemen empire. (2) Thte (cet et Iran Ou0 Xa ltal Leal aet nd ley repeeseeted tire twn elemernîn ntid@-,nt aI eetainags. n1itemue cevernetel n-bIn eere.4 Uer ceeriutionlsaaglucharitalecîrat- I lle Rtmn em epire and are preseel, luiibis hieyer amoealad le $25 lae iotuy II ailI formn of goerneeî moey. The PiaR'lAssneetofCanaaaaemely, abaoltîntianad snrîaIism, et ticolitd $15, and vcesageauteel$10 lelmperillmanS demecrecy. Tircue lta@ rmda, Reief' Fond, $10 vscaise slemente bave ne cobeeenry. £lglole i RangsIecu mmilt. fer ImPeetamOew ce lbo itonLeaLdis' 5. The atene u eut t the mena-; Rait Rogum. At Cbitsma@S îtas dacatdtain (ît-. «4. >Tht.sllte klcigdom1 by tae membari cirsoetcSlalta @Uerdasof beas-em nograpiîcayti> Blfertht ta: Iote, l vaieala fa$1!252. Titengi tae ewTeelameset, fte itekngilon lit aitalceslle cver*ibogey. y.î ns aoriteaven ljeltseklegdam vitic thlie dîder caestal teadu80acar Isal ela utbeen hal anet np. (1) Thte galesas e dcatt BS l ca cSI ane ta Çhrilu <a. 29:16; Mat, ceitait tara, taeha lsue AS Prim*sCoasul. 2342.44). (2) When dIdthle. tone W@ ara nec pleialebiaetitefat a tracy sRikTe mat -fte tn quilt. ta haeclte Inlta s, noces, va uP iefe t iscl Nor cas car p ltîiaclbta gît cati tes cesse(v. 24>. Tht.s hove .Ihsl Icai lattie maila 0anceac n md Il aid noet arike ai Citet iarecom-p. mec tlses.fr ltisfaitWsote ta lg, sar Ohe Rumàa e mplresWu 4 n' -NMIE gSîi$gra ailta.e.K te etsaIthat gOace; ntae isdVSOIa haleRitacaail ssit.Raiàtttats, s t helie mpitre cs repreete W' 1Ille tv% af appraatiallcecas aies té "laiMU- loesb.d tares places e eq Donaltata tas Uncen1 Iounce that i rin a positiol u.We are pre rk, give servii Jars and have ceI toat ol Carr sTCarae Rt iur C stolerit expressions5 of aq ,e with tlieir coe Y oursi J, .BO Shingl1 !Shing1es~ At large ronsigenment of I i. tc.'ttilNi I The" eare very acrc h Besson anîti advancing0 * your ebînglro Evryhig tIie Lumber Line! ('etient, Lime, H I:a ater, Ilij-t'. . CAItEF:UýL,%iT o (1111i PU~ ELII EHY A. COetS & SONS P1auiom a"d Laber Yard PHONESBri in Selling St4ihdily On Their Men Canvas Sboes for c'verv itIl ber of the fqMily-Guarantee ,i1r(4 course.. ... -%AIR Nb- fol-b:ý1 bave tCliIjl- 10 Continue , red to (Io A', on Dodge, -ý r it in a IICNv -1- ies- We;l e odwl1 We Tire their pas-t patli1y alli àue1 itld i H-UMES'l]R0E STOL M E . Is- (in at .e Rurl Ie oV il; li Your New S' pur stock was 1 now. W, $'hoes àad ng Shoes Are er more C0lilir(lit' ajoy Showiîîg iî Shoes. Ladies' - Shoe. a prett an aI a O 'ed r "SHO T . h ,, s Di.F. F. DSo r.- T LEGA ORLEY îe i:1 i WILLIAM 5 MRETIERy wop - bing :ntIi ir - ka&e. A ý 2- 5adiati &id tih .nseait h' $8 -1' iii J' . AMIi-l "6Why aree the Agents Bacataee seknov r 'CANADIW4"tecee0r CH IR opo'i CtAia ME ALaaMcE-e9tha at A M mu.ý rtce.o crar W. CaM asUi OUtis ft M champ 8se yu tcs, buy fe Cie M"ts& o. MILON ONT. Um 14~ il. I& Son. ýi*mH