Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jun 1922, p. 1

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0'R CR ý.00 3,Dadi iii Cha il Freîght 1 l~oA hi~a Oo paUbd ro avamm-s _____________________________MILTON, TH ampion ILTON ONT aM aYeu. «a eon ou a Al i iSNO Rade. Tiro obp ie& m m km r .mlaae Votor Ca4 'ui- opl»d eummgdbamdal n , o 44. mlihe oslaof Wh" aoO Imm taOm0m.kSltu"~O. mt ý-'ENTAT1Vrý ar.leU trOa&" hàrg db' *26a.. rN" at.M Ob" isa dalo d ,or .a5m el s, l'ANTON, N4~FENC îlot and Propliatr V 1 9oîiT COUMO - . -, . -d 000 IIUO QA C o uo.m lla rîzi ~ ~ ~ ýayt inre.ooP.M. lot si.duin " si. rm e.. ai &on càrýaie.uye ol Slioa. BoY "-. liaodmM. IaOi nOni.yLloay ..d its & Co., -ONT. 1hurface and poUahet «cr% -xîthoilt the brea4 I>o o eri, casyti> dm W. and hrft h Uir-h <Ifpot wagjiDg. ro îbuvingkidté i ur b carry tho n ,d a n ',ir k li-lue and wb ,,ated ecasash -i ' -ide and la is . 1 o buy eth'e .-Ssfor art Ware 0o, amond Wo. or 051, .01.0 st 5mAiCATIdi L[0 0liuImo bmmorToaOiix~ baU aod .30. K. T1Co'-, tac,nON M EDICAL N.A. McCOLL, N. iao maoom-er. Oa R, K. Vol>ERSON, M. D.. J p- M 780toa aP. À ÀLL r OWAMD A..0. .LESlE KING, M.. Jarî xND O-«aiorlialiaai -CHIROPRÂCTIC ldIRoPRACTIC OFFICE t Nrîî -hi tom -. hi1,, .iio. i 'DC.. Ph.C. iisha la ci-r3u îrd.brm Head. JMBER W tEltît T CHIROPRtACTORS- 1Cheistnunt, 1%liItIe MILTON .d. Fi,. ONLY iii J', E~~v.. i12ao.s Cirapi-ei hîy iaultr-M n~ Hof a 5 PhamliO i& SONS Burllngtoa, Oa c lubbin 8500,S I evkl v %~tr.. 2.60 0 15.D PHOSPN neo Coolt i oii Vela. De'vsim . Ai a & a.sn ecep frimit a cake of abAt Ifap a DENTISTRYi Tii.460W. DF. E. BABCOCK DESTAL i'RGEON - t I rlri-aamd SLEGAL 'ORLEY & HUTClNINSON XI- TbI@Phbaa&a WILLIAM 1. ONCI be eoui mwy Travellers' Guidq JA.NADIÂN PAIFonnitAILI Goma w»T. Gau 12.05mldslght Us &.12 4 sa. 9.3 &.47 &.m. 10.3 2.00 pr..salaOanlyl E. 4.30 p.ea .0 6.M a .7.4 6.0pin. EzoeptilL k SUaI Going Wmti-IIAAajL.. aid t4H Gatng Ht-7.25 a.n., IL48 & 9. GRAND TRUItE RÂIWj a. à . W. Olibasa, G0110a souTE. oIo Ma MOI0 p.m ; &26>om. 17 ... 4;L YOUIR WATCH goe a long way beore it Le. S)ù a.m. 51 .m. 41p. 01 r.. '3Pa. t#p.m, C. H. HHSLOP, V.S. PRO"U no. Mfl. ouiON Spaclolt in Sur&" yand Dentiltryi aiso Canine and Poin la am ,H. WHEELER~ MUVSIC TEACHHR PiANO runm7zASDEUPA Pa»IIOli. MytR«yod the Silver, Dagger Dy "AU t'mmlE Aaskscai «Tim Sheaff ào.aiCv.ima The Double Ta'aok Route iaefrkiaa, Or OaagoO i-asci betwee 4>! CMApýTE-R il. * MONTREAJ, A Mai lsd à a ssi. TORONTO I uW n e&tron h e DETROIT I a iel i fenodedi andl dai-k, wlth a rbiliy wînd lowvig off CHIÂGO Athe river, mben I ceai-bcd JereyCity. Thai-e feilicemo n eountered gave Uncacell.d Dialîg Car Seevîcea. aie ait neceniori- directions, aioliait i -U liightoi fram a treeî cor wmîdiloa P$o0ir oerion ai- &YTrains. the apper corner of dia block fur- Pull tatormtlon faim an rmamd aaolme dia necesaor- em, aid, TIriaak Ticket Arenta or . S. nom I lang It u a mai-ber, i nfucceade,] la Sng, District Pasngci- Agent,, To- tracing bai-k until natiafieai I bied diii J, A BELL. Agoni, Miuna. onc-toi-y, hulît af brick, two .10- 1Tm oNx 17. lies bigb, evidaili- xtonilg ovor con- miierabla grouni at dia reai-, but midi 0 franlaga 0neto excaed foity foot. needo i- , The lamar i-mndowsn me oi- hidîied , O anîpion [URODAy, JUNE 8, 1922. MAI The ib being gi-aster i befor. ihai Yom &Uil mpi Maray p colved phyacaml lrag ono Royal Yi Seead na for froc oh rled about suddeniy aid ronfroîl. ,d the girl, abo liead aireody riaen te he? feei aid aiood expeclantîr, oie haîd yei resting on the table. "Ah, nencrîta i You mer. valing T ior me to corne," hae eclalmod. "Ycl K A S 1 have nol repu i-on long.", "Oh, nô." ahe answered qîlalyln-l .panlah, ber voire ai iaw the mord. hîrici- carild te mbere i1aul. "Ton more delayed?" A cri blocirade aithîe wharf. No, IR IN thanb oi. Jais, nolbing lonlabi. Yon E > INES woobIdgo. eaoritar"i, rmi longer bei-e for, su-ely."1 e IN CANADA i wnltched thesa dlaappear Ibroogi importanace of dia aide door, maribng hie gi-bp on ber ai-m nid ber qulcia glace ojide tnte in food in mb b lsa cco. Thora bad bain saime recognkged ai ting wrong about ibis meetiag, some- »ontlimeto a tbilig aadonl.nbly awkwai-d and coa- ocrai irai.iO C traine,]. Thosa imo worm aot' mhal axient than airer tbeY Protonde,] to be-old-tloe fiealla I hm been con- îmeetoinldoiitaoýy 10 vola homne 10- gether. Tiîey 'vore atangera, romiai ,y d.mnonairated logeiber ibere for tbe Oil l ime by unin lu ch inra ih appoiitmoit. Nelthrbad provlouoly knîown othe othor. i laid oven dlected >oietale.finft. foor, doobi, ln tbe expression ofthie peopi, have i-e- cil'a sface. grea benfit Yel i dore nol move, or attempt 10 grea benlli foiiow tbem. 1 could oaip nil quieti-, iy alknpiy by talc- iii eyom on the wIadom f rontlng the î, wo or ibre. streel. i watcbed lnteitl-, but no ahadowa pamaed Ibat 'vay-Iba Imabad! 'elow C*k. a day. bot turneal domi Ganas treel. une anIl.dr.- bMy mmnd orke,] rcpidiy cs 1 sol thero molloîleai, afrai 10 make the CO"p 'y&eaiYaiast sliatoat move lest Il aroaae suspIcIon. or Botter Uaih." Wbatever the objeri oftheba meeting i-opirin or laanng yt thr, iC R.namber of diose lu the second aloi-y ~ ~ ~ ~ Uf mi ght Ilo, Jana mas more or leu la- iii comea a ime when i it w il UmealDR Er Rokenand dia main entrai-e, large voltes], H an d agaleil 0howe irln Fumeai Oi-ecor . ,anoagb for die assange of a aiotor .. lican Hi'olbnvrli- atOp). Don't 'vit until theîî. and Embalmer tnk a ihl eue ya o-cn hymyhv onems Clean machinei-y loasslonger ihan -mena. Iran bar. A amailer diri-e10the bhraebi-ougbl t amui 10 tethe mon. dnat. Agont for Dues Fumnerai Designe. ri-tet alone offei-ed any pooibiliti- of itieyoad donhi be hall quoniioneil me I Ctranca. aldioagb it wns tigbtly 'vidi the diottioct paipoae of thos dia- OUR STOCK 0F JEWRLRtY 1ZONE 63 MILTON. coed.covriliîahi- i hadl dri-bed lto the îs worthy Of YOUr attention ai ýTe ail outwvai- appearaaces the spoke 10 the barman la Eaglob. Ve ex- place. i diame,] nîlorli- bis stote- -y ti-e Place Lad bain uiorcupie for montha chaige a nfom mords-bmsOwnu speeceh ment 1h01 the yoang woman 'vas bis -n imThisa Measn, me have 'anouiperbapi years. OFromtîtîe idewalii vcry ba-oen-mblle lie prepores] Ibm alece--her tory appearance gave thal a spacial lineofoNnoVeltica thutt you a nWin nn hmU Impoaaible 10 galnanxii-glmpse sandwich, mdndue onli ding annsuaa tbe [le. 'viii b. glad toB ec. Theptîcex Ivithin. Caly oiediiacovei-y e-ted tae ocd'a i asg fnnihi Omfîi twog obp o are moderato, conlnr me tbol 1 miglit ho on due signal bt'veea hlmn and due 'voolan crimia, perhcps ln no mai- anooclatos] ___________DLER mmd CGITNACTOR rbgbt lack-tbit I ha o 01 Oea ea--- acrndite i-oom. I ceuli not ho oui-e oilh gliC oh-al hi ab l brougbt me aalm e R. tii-eu- deceive,]. A amaîl iga ooe rot- Avea ai te dol. bai galned the Iapie-s' nio t1h01neighborlîood, and yet aua- B I hIIlflUIMl ~ iSAm G-vi s-simid mi ai ili o toho 1m ienloathat lho ahook bis boad negativre, ieooay wog. and 1 fr11 looxorahly lia mm..~~nn..u ue as .s-latNta aicdalegale te came mate question. drîven te Oîd oat mbat il ail [maint, Mmuuou...u. osi a '5 d oor, moshe owi ede nmnîIeras lau mghtibt hotheiatoesebru- 1I lnlabed my bair alol-, and Ibon Wath.aermmdJeeleu CHHtIAL -iSEir, HILONObigait10 aldy Il Intenli-t10decipher nette blaehneai of bai- andan - seiected a lgar frein the cooo and lit Watcuake andJeweenlie mords, bat fOnaly made thom ouîti-emoli- clear complexion, ihere 'von il deliheraieli-. Jans leaied otOr the bitter by letter: notilg t-plcaily Spanbobla beýr aP- hor, apeaklng confidentioll-, aod I bad Pnce-Quality-servicc, H. CAMPBE L "OFELAALLEBE i -ae aai b m raadme.tat remnî,aletI bro kico-sU nt]est "OFC LAMLEBEIO an horoagbly Amorican ln featorau IieUiy e rk ia lat Eer.aasn a M.vi u- t ol. Ceveyaaccr, Notaq Public, imurace CCW««T"«re. nimsea obr l h Hers 'van oa trooge coincidont, î molaiImold Jaige, mitb broito rA1--~ 1~r)-r~I Aes foCriC. P . Lsiaiaiuhp Ca. nodiiag more, for Custave Alva bai c -eaifacj'decldediy pibsannt te CA TER àO.'i WMOTH PEau 1il&been oie of the namea algued on due look apon, aithougl i m "iaarmaess - Onma..-TO wN HALL HITON, ONT- batel reglutai-. Be-ond doubt tis lod, 10 it, expi-eaei hy mentdi, nndchia, neti Il I~eabadoneil Iran fouadri- waa hisa rpi-Pto hemitatea. I ioted Ibese I ea Il Ci-ci-. and 'vbot btter spot ronld ha hariieily, aever veatuilg 10 Star.s etet M O NUM ENTS aclectell lu mbich te mort aid ronron Loi-, tboagb abe apparent-y gave me T. G. R AMS HAW a acharne of crmel WbaI a Pace ta ne attention wbalever. Somebom due ValcteraiONTc.ecer ide arma for ai-ment. Wbatevor girl aeomed sti-angeli- ouI of place la GA LT. ONT. tioeer doubl I moy bave fel rogardiag iii-thil diigysailoon-aba did not la oiny rnoa, 0hEre~ Aiai5a aialuns omtly- attendeal te. entura vaniohed la the preaence of aseeheloog. She mon evldeîdly net uroratmes ontÀas mrin sa edcb~a>stilcbsgui-- diol mmmxii mme, Thinsitas aaqnon- 'dioi-e eehiig rampai-, nor 'viaabe boIOs'Uaaoa. eiar-aMm." or nteed, tonaahiytde place named la the lottir drinblac; aad yi-athdece maat saureli- XILP.iaei iot 108 MILTON. as o rendeatons; bei-e wae nvbere tue ho nome meoning ta bier preseare. _________________________rocipleit out dai lelier 'vos to go and The proprietor approacbed me, bean- _________rocelvo Instructionas here bho otl10 ne0 and on the table. --Imure Your Antmobile-- usas due mysterins iop, ans]thie roui- "Tbei-e la aotbing more?" hae oukeai. EW, F. D E W AR loelga "Coivantes," la order t0 gain "No, hdatsvii onsitor tory itoU." _______ dmitionce. The hnoitledgo ith 1 He ingere, ,temptoal 10 quetion mc. Tka PUOVIDENT ASSURAICE MO INSURANCE mwas actualy apen the thi-eaiold of "TeuOavite at heemla beforo? Par- J mch Ia diecovori- broui-ht wovhIlo ado- hapa i-ou do net lita nenri" Oii smiohliibd-B@Uablo Capaiai. Sut mhOIcoald I dol? Whittfaioti te l ont . foBosono, oad oeil luher. Polcins avr oue b fleex l s-PRN m10. HILTON, ONT. @taeamlghtbho aifeli- tahon nionel i bave heen if m@omne basiness midi Paii'ac caer icso hi liv orioa ,,o,,,~ia The nlgbt mas durt, o niight drimile the yard doito heiow," ion, tranasort andl abeft oaeoploi- la dia air, ao one ibi-oadept fromein 1see. Toi ai-e not from Nom York,- or. H&WIty, pulie tilit- and Pr- W.I.l all p«tydainge.A. E McC TCHEN fo'rtdiatti îextont of the block, anti "No; Bxaton bau alwoyn borami WM«. PANTON. Agent, ILONP 1NTEN du th@saloon on dia fartber corner camc home.": ________________________ lta vbcm. ts gianing boapitaliti- la- "Caca1i lime thore, tol;wbon I OrlM Painting, Uraiîiag, Papar-Haig vital me, aid 1 strolleai along dia Op- come îortb from Rio. lVhzI i-ontbint i n. J MN T O G anal Dscaraliag af ail kiadi. oue a mal i-cent collai- turnoal ap :aboutil bm'vii? IVo lotCoi-emat- 1 Carma Inw.i-diy At tha Dolai-. Pinea r-pies of WoI Poper ta select t luitut atheduoile, and finsu- y ylasrdta adfnlylle v fr.as crosi avec te mhei-o 1 coud paolaerlni-O, tdont baxit; nue eemu 10ho aaxi-u8 io a ial aldeei Buchr LveStc Dalr efl odmore ihai lholding beror n. oupicioo toei-oit aid aaaod out Buther& LveStok Dale Tras Moesae. Main st. West. "nAhays.Buto noi thImcountry gcx ilrou:bithe fioit door. adrm ln;_________ Thestreot moi deserted ndra] Frea, Utand ookd Mets i toobedilpquilblIletobus face,.ami-pt. the few llgbtî sooicg more Saftand ooke Me Te -E fê(Who 3 i ii afai « m a mt aw ifl ri-es ot bus reol pin-pricku ln die iartneas, I plungeal an oityin seleOn- Il ..1 em -e a.am m aiis ailà;AM 80 sentimient. aii-ilgb ici-oaa the atreat, an tboagh - - Bdldnha '"This counatry!t hby sbouid rI gobend for the oeai-est cii-lino, ad QUALIY ANDQUANTTy- fankeyBrandOmp i a oi-.:e O inTher are thonn anotheovabadenln0fhd.ai-bof nemne i-e-e QUALTY AC QUNTIY. (ossOi- aaalsaaps aeic..Jr ii h ore tptae(lininseou tracedys] i-epa, paaslag the corner, piioN'E mi&. BOUSE 162 RaLaso m.aUmLsd.baait m ai wa heia,,"Nt G as-o.Balt cIa- uîtii I stiaiaod theailde eati-aace. - doias, revaiutiosariea. Tbe e- Hon-, amaure,] ibat I wias îateiy ho- AntiProibitoults C90e lu 411more tban i-oniihint. 'Tia tinte foi- joad observatioa, I paaoed 1 gala doem la itrihe a gi-est biom," aome conception of mi- arunadhnga. C IuÀbb i gAt,9cllisii oaleiî "Yon ai-e PabIelara i-ou ait " Across from ithero I etaod appeai-ed (Fai-mer@' Stan) Yah, train Waem. i coma over the diai oxtilos of a long, iamabsetie Sin Arthiur Conan Dioyl astiaero" aix sr.Y -buxldUing, oppai-entli a shed of aime maeç «.lz ilii ho o pbibit4teln ID due "Ntunceileii' tinU, wile bei-onU the saloon 'vii i R a es . oiid. The onu- dtiIaj tha ii oî." have il-nI papecei- i-on aab?" raitof oao-aIory dwelisg booaes, or the anti-prahî,bitton lot Dwl nseigyeacl lkadehbt wish if ho dxesn't menal bts mAi- aron cuspiloaali-. Iga o eai em bigotit, id.hb alae. smpiealduho mont Le able te cemoh Conanl "I mer-hi- qacsiones] from cii--igmeidneobigacped Tornt Dil Gobe5.0 A.35Doi-lea heaven horeafter . anal If eiti-. Mi- Cies wandereal onco mare 10 In rae d eiir eil tecouple M aT a n d E m p6 35ir e .r f r n o P I J l l . h n th e g i r l a -r a m a t h e r o m . a n a l h e o i - t r e e h i x t t h r o g b d e ... .00 6,or prohibition filaturce aE ch. nîzt WUtRend the iglance. ida door of the saloon-to rîgbt, or Tornt DalySla~.5.0 635bava no attracton. Ana l thoraeu'«Ton mocien mbat shte do ln bore?" lefI? j otoa a.Hndare. eaka," el -u h vsm- Jas ad anconaciausly pointes] la and Wcekiy Star.. 2.80 385 niai-e, an' ait her- te mail for a frieni bsdrcinmenh ado hr ~ sasaasste malk hame wlh ber, It la netai the girl iived, and,. allhoug that a - t es atm ne " goad nelghbarhood, tIbis, for a wmandoobtionsa s le Intendeal stei-oieve. lit ThmW m aaIlii ~- -kalan, n._ta . r-k" masno mare duos natural for hlm la EAIRI"ED u t m taEt Ho&hmolBmonelbaaco h ave dioagiitueai-dsl gnmflted tbe BuSaari-Hari-isa.-Ât Tarante,.aion Laitl.OL. '] bana. l adot, aiproper poit ai dia rompais. Wcdua aMa 2511, hi- t#ay.on,= Mi asaoal % lu n ilca i bocs.li l adi si 1avanced] cantioali-, AIloig the caram i on Lenill alcR ssai-- 'Z' W&Y.i. n&ro-ra sdewaon ofciboards, la ver- Bf-,a , imhmDna- HauiaaibckIma-ide a-, bai coniti. It mas ail- mhen I at- Mr. andl Ice. D. M. = Icosn. atan Wl-dosa. ientRifait w iithbis examinatiosi tlhlealdue end of Ibis ram of basses, O., tas Chcntcr- Rai-moni Hoafacil ofimc, ai mdl ai bis explanition. 1':andcaine te tduo amai-sof a ni-m, a1tMnso f Mm. Margaret Boaford, M __ urousis duo ding?' isiama. The smin moadomi gti-uaI- mb ie hadaitahon 1'drt aliei- 1111I teund th.esblgiteo Toi-onto. Lal tebrwa -tt" lPt-tetul etel eai bs ado-pi-oait Imas, b odfrue çOU r.rr OF: -HALTON .vcatWo ruagbi revi-aimnmai t a Wllot mua duc paï4airUe mho maita -eiaitn-,-c,. btofmi table juitl Insde, mba mece plaliai iail fer thea girl? 1 diualhâv tL ikeedan I l e in p.ite di md car& fcuew n eli rom ai ibalin ger long ta gratlfi-mi n-bauli-y. :mdulo.Tetomust bavebenu LOCAL COUFRTS CALENDAR mu1Md110My«1M lInUgit TUhaidedo or oetacdlenicttr, anis hI nl n$pasn ha a c -aaugha0ii <aI, Tios-el nt o-I n tLob *y ld-a ' n :t11e aaii- oes eang odul matoutre allw It ab i-- t ustoa tertndosfle l 'd i wr e isible agnth oietipiin fte toma j l aii Ise d ta asla dde rbdas ruLa oeid l an-Laft ftebadWU ybnl plcémaual.mm mr 'y"v e ,tlsiaa-.Lta &êa,-* 'v -lvsbl .demtimia i s atiallas g lu. Mai- *Md l las ~ 04 llt~0N aoti- adebainmalk. HMI- bouta Plame 8811ia ~ ~ l il- , - -le . mm"a i e immeia im idkhpma m-,m m 0mu aï Ialm l 4 sne stver-'et thse mai-, t1mauabile tratce twer = ï ........oMItai-rimaoor 111cm.iyads quie Ilw 14 _ 'u , U"- UOi las". nead thon. te my surplus., dia 4 l* lie, :f. tp * laHilume irSdeWdy-ta thee Inn W N fea a »itmb& m - J-Tola a aro sathe baipca ..~ g. g~plJi w*,*m ei sess0 fl,-do- he qsma am i*Oàiu",- Ir bWlide & Funguside HeeUihore, Arseaat' .,, -ehyde, Ci-alla, Lysai, W h. ,,ure paris Green., h, hde. InaeetPowderi. Keoir.' Keua Dip sid 7enolum, MAOKtNZIIE 'iha 800011 Sti,ý phoeboaa4. ".To, ,aM Which Habi are YolE -m eéq omt fl b'ga wmgs Eamk 1 mmio w - En W.!. 1 .sourc. Iln eeded, loat iions, tdé- 1t byopn it in The. RONTO Mx~ ODA FOUNTAIN i ,, 1. 000CoMBricks 'li o PureFruoit Basa. o i lDriaks, ail fiait- fi. ý n a nd Cones. ol.rMO 1) 1.385, 11340 &Iuft~itIu LLU tiI, ----------M- 1 N o. anes le e NO troubles FU Lett sho *ucha cean ime ABIA"Gi Clmnte C. e-LTON - ONT 1htbuligadhr mudeaa DoY Igoufnce oaublre s I LCAAl 'd tl Ie &a rLbmer, eD. NafterE er ail thecang aeemedmored0fih thelai- p "AA\\ "ký Ilion «Ileaird 10 meeaad-weiittta .emory 0fu1h01 ciil'aenu e remaiae ;- fIe oud sim mroi the0f ber ia r etab uin g ad afiereIbe lira Lau Dvar rIg iofoaon, ampagrn t Waaikuoiily sow,. bbof wha Im gt 't ak a beat 1e aaae a posi blam e Tte p leaange r senodbac oreIola t e I nmi.[ eagnatiobtri ai ele, aidma îy a oaPed 10 m epoain-eby h t edr f iey.I rera aceddmi Ob tibomhe poaoedaeod bor e, aiaa aimdHmRlic aIot ia g ndinbte rid e . h iafcoy i oiia M yi 1 reacd (lapna sr feet. Tba Ibeow iatihlol plahe In ahegbid viii t he ict, bcbidcde cod elilî ibee prote tn ofiistgr fce aioa m ad ea beereM 1 crp fbc bad boon scaoaadin fclog e a b cnorc kemy mlgar. Tla hiaswpossible ta the Tbe niboar fnmea therofai. Te atify , btdri- iîg, aoucaîay. Agatlad e ligrieadue~ybb eeon ofk eso uppe knIois are siybe The .Hofdeioro traege w oeraory1 ofntdiablidigk idI omeorce . baie il taaiiifera1 hadgseoil, ad ai so~ bu h oi edl boe iyfte mibt by avaladl iti-iy e cobat b t a ainttaptled ofoiow doethr. bia er badc coetaelyvaaiced a tfriie r~a b ro i end ofyha or om I ecam 0c uEl, r rd 11 aiha an teaga to data Ib runni abat la aOugbt eaterte týN' minthe t fth elva atay baiun.rengî oo paBoxe tilnreac dow ieaniiq but Ibi masnte 0 i eropt foi-lbt1, plae ogoa; beyoid doubt tbebion- è raaeoud d oits r tai-otectaonmo fgaie laig dia may, aa su e vo ad r tre uee c Ibc had kî o w at ioul eeling 1 m aid theb r in a . a, g!MYe ay bckaoi iafir.îaag.M o ur ive e,?- he il felnge f oor agal. arltuey- eY« at tbacoarr .s or Li moauertl.ainofmaittaei liaeld h tan blachis. îo,let,1 ba-oi-.he Te onuI-a re l able eall aao e boed or i fan.ac moi-oup ooea o ar , hebld i ncmc î1ý«li1îeae a eog btra cl asatblc ,apeedlcnatootiy ta tuz%ÉMg tiibitahe , oîel my baice. Ayi tjI dmiii., cavela il mc*,a riai-l ly mei.. qnlatiytheblo ad ,aid tept e a ill ie d f« ke kîci e71 1, % a!cne hrana iaobd aeau tadln biock- the r on4i e. m eyeafrnome a auaofai 10taor a- il tvemanigov agng fheaigu ter eoatn, Dlacei-- tae smougti I acet in aml alce. aa d o atay dccIne leih m îe passag fooe wnt heia ' autis urîed due corn ta a im cep e. t seanl-b.Ata t marneon-dduthei adga e nti-h Udabla looder o i - cllckd sm abapi, ail o thewy n dita i-nt eeto0 ecutm thugbiackadm nid abaow, e eryii-o ta-". Ai it týa lindlyela mingrialr. Tga la Ourosiy,raëllp t e cone r lii.oià:ý nodut n igrn e:r atIWbddsperd

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