Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 May 1922, p. 3

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i ] ( î1) rath 3&;Coi~ I ii 1> UIvi iîg publie 1î:1-store, wbeis 'j0'asarc goO# IYou wait 111 ipl pPYyou. R. Be~Lq~g±~p~ç ew oWorsteda -and IWed8'tIa t s-i i~ve olr flêw eitulor.d &t.ofiCO tselectiofl s. good. Weil~ nec lin@ of up-to-dat Hla, Caps, în s Of furniehings ueqùirèd hy menn b etir heis- WIdIobe foiràh, ficesSthes-. tIe i .mooksy Work Shirt., Raincoats, Iiiib'~ CJON M ilNatural 11k, 2,serviceable. $1.50 yd. SShades i een-33 in. 'i tii Sps-ings. Navy Sergeý Pants LLING 84.50 NS TIES -This West, 3i t HuOIDAY mpan, THIS WEE~ raw Rats e Underwea Overalis s Overalis SMiddies .5 for 75c. Swith BloomiG ,atch S lk 'dose ii 1.50 mIl LTI a dy gShoes Arel r miore compIete6 ,joY sho-",;ig you Shoi - Adic Pd, lem sOdd Pauta, stc. AEAULT C£MlUSOLICIKD SRi. SEWS' L&ILTOIi vis t". cime- to get after tb F1108 ýbefore they get int~o the house. 1[AVE A SPLENDID LINE 0F creen Doors and Window. o 3k- an I (j'lvanise d Soreen Wire Cli 2), 2 1,:1. -ý, 90, 82, f34, 36 ana 40 in. wide. v, ces on these Wood* area nad.ealy lowl than I1at seaso. LEMENTS'.IIARDWARI is solid uak, fumed finish, Stting Romi Suit, imitai lent hi r. spring seats, asi illitrtd16poo.Q (Ses til. suit iLi our window)......... $48.1 s One 63. C R TJRNEB. MILT( MACKEr Pire Formýaldellyde, .\rsenatic of Lead, laisus 6reet, (-coline, Camboli Aids IKreso Dip, Zéeeli, 131 iestne, Coppes-a, Mire Inseot Powers, Fl eining'a Lump Jaw Cure, 1-ering's Heave Powos-s, Ilemning's Tonic, PoWders, Auto and Buggy Sponge', Chaînais Skins, Harme Condition Powders, Hyrogen- .Peroxide, w1ae O oap, () i fTas-. Eiverybody iNçeds a SRXNG TOMI Rtexal HypephPhilai. Rexal Sanpi Tonie, Rexal Pept0izêd ItOn Tome,1 RezalilBeef Xron and Wine, Peptoria.OI-E. impol's Cpd J iis-s- tract, 1hall's Yiuo, Pierres Goldo Ds coyry, Rexul Celery sud io 5fô'TWii@ Blaud's Pille, fs-ot and Nux Pilla, Rexali TPaateles O 4ue0 Rexail Spsiig To*e - Phone ".t!i Dii Wl Bon Lini Che Sp> Cu, Hoi Sýoi sS Hat Ivoi Cr& Hat Dyc Tol Seu SopHand Cut Wu&kayo mtgIe Lg fhPF» a~mmt~m~rnm~ -e im, ýl ( ý'jmw- Fou MX&- Ford teock. p Um aV17 Bert sOVe qae. I Pm s ALane.M 3O-b. alto Es âbtaa bI IO I.tfit a. Gonod femebossne to aie. AppiF ___________ "a loalé, âtr. Waters. John 0t., Milton 04 ungtmh'aIetee e heS» Reg Hereford -Bon, of UIte Un. e119M l. n ee umnp LAm4Isati. s-ay for ser-vice. Apply . Prscser- trneetesy.-Getorge. l~1.Milton. c"bew thivir. Fou SÂLUL-.-Small electris, cLave I « W fferisla ad"Ote " iletet . endOs-ea 1 s-e 7 n à PT o Wltr Mllbi-lnuo bal glisen I; a git Dr. aMd MM,-a. H. A.Moem baviS-e olraTifl-Â black Poilesi Angsss Juat arrived, the dainty n bo l uer.notiiy James Turnes-, lmGrv M te àà inu is in splendid aeaortment 1900 In -t MI In teh-su e.. pmeaoing ti50s-Sfor WÂsrr-Oattie ta asture. A____________ Dawson'a.aotayà.LS.Vahrt ., tn by a 0f S efflnigt o bs ffcetes-, Phone 7.--8 Lowvsile. 20-tf e2an u suntla niht ma col divine bis asc Op w utur ANOs aspne. t.~ New Floor Oicloths and Lino Gmàc oeece-¶l. vce.for ~ Wae 'ntdnise tsre atïo n mae.Àppîy Linoleum E saiday net Wn ho au fcilowa-n d1 uInglaawamp wliekey and wll r isas rnesBs.Mts il. Helg rye-ad e-usapes aisea tiatrt..It ps-e. s-pn SàLL-HcL*uglilin 6 clsdr ILube.. "so.iaig >mes-ad u-oIn atrulefr ts seds-rilig Cas-, new card tirs, .IV-top. - p.u.Esenlcg Prayer sud Ses-mon. 20 PIECES nf Window rper, epbr a asew. Abs-an. - bet 'liel Great Detieej Ait are 22 ta, 86froches wide, wiite<=em and urg.t erayiitdto tb.ers-lu,.. colos-. Speciai for onue e t ic. PAINTING-Now ilethe timetu have A ie ~ee~eientse ssoussced of A YA RD.-GÀaesàsrs & iIo..!lhltm on.cr outoide painting doue. Phone 216. ftslaer. anS tira D. A widespsead epidemlc oamimele u atssntee cheerfsliy gis-eu. Our stock is dentiste-of therose. M ) bateong- iluotn. Dr. Robers, p _____________ M. ars-son, of Miltn. taCister-Medicali BeaitiOffies-. decias-d es e-Lowr-On Campiseliville ranI, tP. l _ __________ Raymnd udod, nlysonofiMes. terday. Iluonue ciams ef45suspis. Fers-lere cosrner$, u Sunday. May 7ts, Raymoudt Baeefosd. Toonto.eaT5 mer- suase thoan one-haif were afecteo.nue tire andi demounitabi rs-s. Floder faas-gattFoadeGarged.MTos-onto.aI rnage il take place quletly thse latter Boi greatiy bav-e thse buses ad jî, Mleav ltFrl Grg.Mltn.a past of Hay. neye cntloth~e BailitaonStreet MD~ei IJst asri-rd noew stock cf Ltmw = &yRalwy business, tht tise comsany Fois SAL-Cherlet car,.sin i owem ardenHoecandiGrde ted te.raie trsues vncodin;hn t rsdeaeelCone q * eay a Tools et greatly reduced price.-At protection iroin tiis comipetitios. and sile; he ail tise latest umps-ove - oao ows e -aL ArreJnus-aîgienl-mente, wth issopes-. epare tire înew) Me's Black Overal Pants,1 oznaTolçsNz RNI-Itcopoatdas a villagensa- and cover. atg enr weektis cnnci aiOea-geown r- aasu ao, .fi ffi cas- we t soe o.Cube ceeu MeShrs aekte on i Gabs-- O-y«aâAco ill eebrate "a on anpli e, iMs. Robes-t Deins-eft, desrd tise preparation aw l>s-s-sp- jsabiiee ansi it le proposesi that It MII lalt.. Hhltoss. 2t Men 's Fine Cotton Hose, 50c Viding for teuse nof SEL towas-ds sigualisesi ly incorporation as a town. tishetioand atei pr odn Tise anmal meetisgs oi tise Wo- PICTURES et tcPicuifrF1 tis ele tanranIL entesi Stas-a manu Asuilliary of Nia-aDiocese day a» Seda3111 11y, May i2iis à l3th, bulga site fou.tias le stolhe lsiin Bassilton last sekwas at- Challe Chiaplie le "The fidle Ric," OnIEE Mi n Asena. Tise siuk vilii ened elegates freinail oves- the writtcu aMd dls-cctd bY bluscif, aàd i ra~ovso tseBA sap t i - Six vent fs-cm 0 s-as- e MsyMiles »Inter In "The Little Black 1 &1iRib Home, sizea napn c od sceypa-Cissrcs, Milton. O - lnt ofRI os-Td hockey. ten eAi-Clown," a coedy drame. Ccmlcg Hastin-Sus- Pinte and Vas-niaises Inkni aoiy -ji t ' rdaadSis-yaylt aregua-astee tabe uad frinpuremny fsinds for tiseir kindnusaand t O tIshISatnrday Misetîce,"The ~ PH NE 9 S arehiateeed tend mdForaocas Zu. sympathy extendesi ta tîserin btheir Focs- Dosume uOft he APOcelypi-" op hieedadPr Lan k racent bereavement ; alec for tise.PH N 9 A )t nelt on basicg thse best. it in cieaper many beautiful floral tribstea. inuthe long esu. Get thein et Des-son'e.. BASEAL 4# I At ooiooc a amseen c.-Tise John Miltas Chaptes-, IODE,- pAt wueadet! c06»0au ueut M cy or v- pesrtt ive pictures ta as ny Thse chaospionsin escdled Rames pauys-auflue Olt-BIlaitH~5dSfs-eparmentu of tise publie ccbooi 5onf tise Beitan Basebal League sil Be-N Wf noet flsa-tex rtickets e nat a- o membafereni tiseMos-des- sud 3tlsersin ne at B&Y uiisgtos e c pa'A^If y....ENTrER 4*V teershaismstages anme time a-.Tise IAil ees-nofnte. Mrand2 the cm. s- Brnete St BdayrCinpbeliyand fedefeuce s-as tisat tise ticket@ lutenestei lu edusation are invitesi taos-geto!12 t Acton. s-sre net as-ilaisia. but then were pald epnt.= IlbchgsinheVio fos- and the mn"y semttesf ta the De- be resut.Tis e teiihacangesC. tie taa ptinnneeit mos-in. it -s '-' 's' -0--W. --- .----'-'-... ramTieetrnC.oetk.Re =ia ietickets&cisouisi bave been c- Badin Csubat tise Rectos-y. One cf ratiresi and ùle r acc.Rz Tseed(bl t. oao cue-d in ads-ance and tisai this-unse thehat recseisg installatios nmanu- Hume wl elc oezi.o ls _h o s O e e sîr u seas.-e , sE-as compulus-ry. This case scould put factured i viii ha urciscd by tise base andsie has been shwnOig iop s-s-l Oue genasse atous..n l &I hn h ivesuh tetain-Cub hihette rs ttme viii aips-ectic-. Tisera araesvs-raicandi-.e .sucd 0 edlescb cn a ail tson shc gr eus-s-sm-s., bs-isI~is a tiî%sese datts ~for Dr. Babecckc pcsiticn. short- ltl5 sthe"sO. taslss rc meule on theis- guard. ha limitesi ta about 2i ns-osharo-But-s-- .Teewl enobteycags RICAL VALUES -if 7ycuaraeInkingt Ln Gazstte. Betp.cTise vi i n.t ychibnas. ferrai saises in silis and ntberhtig KNox Ciousut.-Thess- I Bsfo s-tmBuf-k succeeflsWos. Cisisiscins asu slens gode go te GALBRAITHI & Sunsisymas-nis viII ha, -'A Hdn esisnwfcsi Tisere w' gea are% i Jj CO.'S STORE.s-s-e egond goosinniplcef -mthes-Vind.'Ecs-ng a Caipbeiviiies oins-. bst t bas net masy dsitricts vii l bs-sdus-s-s. Sisw- sxtseodinas-y iigis qsaiity are cl.ec.CritCmi untsetanu eau emweakeced. in battey. Early sr a--ienmr -i-ign--ifs cee.e.Orsd dre.ü gi beIth gams-. ses-srai sisyn For rlcua ibis veekn s-iaarasnd s. Mas-kay at isoti sceini-s u-as o-es ash uts eîsr adls-t, tillttiseinesyfos-you. eate are aitfr-e. We wili hagiesi ta'and wifltruie tis p - stgfo -Y eTHT su-s F CAO.-Lait Silo_ bave yoîs wosnisp viti s u. I ppoing batinnen. SaturdaYel gains- Tise Sissburne EconoiitO saYc. It dsy aites-ucon peopeons an Astan Les- Eufild rifles bave bene-vs-d here je ure ta ha a gond ose, vFIt is iîinls-d that a bons-h ni local flehes-- treet ccaw o crank a prted ont t4, tise Miltas High Sahoni Cadsiorn exciteint. mt nmisc i. Mayor s-engi og ta ask Premier Drus-y cas-,lump u,-oItvansgmakec J" ise n,nwts-restli n or t cas- bemlotgesILandases-n f. M ens-s-,nstnitiEs-m g esan ,em s- s 1tu appoint a soinmien ta look leto ca bloge t Jms ooe.ofBrnosghiy for tas-et psticehs- psil bat. Gaine cails-sia ' pil. tise acskied trout.problens aid de- tawsnhips-bn tsroeds p a littie luter- ha at sort rangs-!vtisgals- os ide:As-e tise ts-nutucarcer,.orare they ta go hamin i t-Te &a wvereemuitLon. L it iiLeachistiseo&tal aAstises-Sauve, leader of tisepsovin- hasoiing tso edus-ted ta bite ?--os- sent te, different places a frtise s-ssut bs-id traigbt ansi pull off ps-cps-ny. cial opposition lu Monts-sai empisati- isas prohibition apaiesitise huit? 8- s-as Webftis ctyat 0i cfJaed Dent forget tise Hommage ~e ansi clly deciareil that Consers-ative san -_______________ Ol17. Wbhappeurs-sih boe Solse o Hmemede Baking taIIe elldldatees-i> hbc entes-d in es-es-y ele-84- Webb or o beoea oliue ninoxChus-ch echen-roin on Satus-- toalidivision dusing tise neat poi-87 se rmanostaaMoo er tria us-t do-'al . May luth. t 3 o'ciock. Wi h ie ciai eectione. L LU9H 48-i reday tc jsie f tral ene. nA- les of tise rengregation pleace ac- Tise nasancy intaNew Brunewc' L C RC W M G 88 ,^ON tZ55,b=ou stabeCon n f c etnten aste mak ee averepressutatinnutise Canadian Sen- esenlng.t mthMitnlthDo enal ak pereuna. ne- &te. catîmees by tise deati ni tise late PHON E 142 questa. Artirles' for tiese aie to ha Bou. Frederick P. Thompsonu. ni Fred- let ta tise chen-ronin ai eariy a esiston. viii not ha fihiesi until sminesENT ITE. î~ possible Satus-day. tînne in autuin. 84 A-As-so CAs.-A case visich l s ______________________ 2060 been adjouros-si frein the late Divisionu84 (Jaas-t sittlungs at Acto, Thin u TUESDAY, MAY )th, :- PRINCESS THEATRE 2060 s-.wassuo-kiivews tiyeterday hanrisambera by Jusige Billot.Tise laintîf fis-e t Niagara Faits si tise The Cast of Charecters for "THEf SKY RIDERS," ie cfendant1 at Astaon. Tise plaltif a3AtCmd clisesi $120 siaiages fanaa sotos- sar a3AtCmd collisionfrcu e oalge h e deferaedensirt ebWsianoftie meisaten WILIM . TEAR Acensding Alps-on Gosdon Brown, an as-jeton by sscesiy .RUSSELL B. BAWTHORN up ehud imontise Teddy Nixes, a vireles oparatan CLIFisORD . HILLL rend, tsied ta paso hum ansi raut foui ni Kcma. a Japaneas- servant KNEBSTE h on rtise iront isis nof his cas-, Ms-s.Browass- mn tas-ils-.. .....MI8 EAIE TWART N Z I E wh~~sici swuers-esi andi rue inta tise siltai. Helen Bsowu,) Hec dangistens _.-MS LC IH Mihntliff son s-aiebust ausi hie s-es-Juliane BrO*n, MISS EDITH GALBRAITH - dameçesi.Tise defeuce sastu ttie Do't mis tii ishunorouseplay, ta ha ps-os-s ytieEsn-U eoc plaintîf! s-as espousisie for tue acci. tise Methisht Chus-ch. Tva heutfre -e;ieun.Pion s-lioes-o10csm.. Lt- dent ansiesidence s-as gis-es ta that y,1t.tBrw'DugSoe eec.jsdgmet s-ai r«eevesL -Con- da.ltsatBs-cDa Soe ousec1ea li ng sel-f-or plaintif!. Ms. Vance. oi Baroni- R.aerved Seata 85c. Ruah 25-C. Children 15c. ton, for defondant, M. Hstchnnn, of______________________________ N e sBgÀuproNs BILL BDissBi.-In thUe . $ *s lett'a Lye, Lagi&tm5e a iew deys &g. Attor-ney- 001 Soap, (5arpet Soap, coutîi nat conIeBATTERIES thsebiss as ecels-eotie eprisais bill IL iX L sinféctants, Major T. L. Kennedy. Casses-catis- hisk Brooms, moember for Peel, s-anis-sita iutrodos-e. F rSl rR n le sidocluetFe cetMajor Sl tn on Ami, cthos-inin ofraPeeonto -Udrs rs r o naeed Oil Soap, Kenned id thebilllbeau adesrnim-m- Rebuult ed, nsi Bis. HBaessi erguaon sli tmnois SkirnS, thseboque lisasimosie excepiolns of rases < Recharged cn ee, c i this iand ibed Madie tUses tisse se- s ien. Tise Atoresuy-Geflefll idsiumiles- Repaired atie oSoap, reqned atehaibeen reies iUse"eon, useluold Ammonia, 0ena mnMidiasis, ansi ose front hie os-n riding..anil Uis anses-auld aise have ta Service car atr your disposai. Agents for U.S.L. Batteries. tp Making Mates-jais, ha refogn. A les-infectas Inter Ms-- ap ark Hauej' ltroducesi a billsespectiiq Albert Bas-k, ~~~~Colieme. IBIelileu s-bis-b csthomnsedsiUe AV L B T ER S R IC nd Sos-nb Brushes, liAssVhEseuLthB-aitrsteso!Us sy Soap, Life Buoy Soep, collega e Uhsty. Bemsisi tiis bills-u 8oln ianfctntD ot a couisutice ounsi s-sae pricticqlly lMaIn et, Mlton. Phone 245. SoinDiinecans.gioroi ill. Mr. FeSn-.Mid thgw Mhtli. no = . In ------_____________ NeedB t~pid éewq0 t l ntsns-tidon of it b4."___ __ ___----_ __ _ Lethin Ever one IILTOri PILIC SCIOOL Neefiirto ia-nsulimtneIasing pup- go forCsud ord A tDyee, al Shades..au, ' dmi ie i nfde, L e la-u 7oia and DiamSod Dysa, l IV.Dos-oby 11Dsemye. embeths ilet Soap, CetijeSep, ý l'Lais Wismr. m Mono-i, hool Brand Castile ScaP. -sIOu. n .-tAndBbSaDO 1111 at-o- »Vi GEO. H. . W-SON ne 28. HAB&lDW . Miltoiî "SATU RDAI MILK CHOCOLAT]ý Whe bavs-ems-dti is ,pel,al t freai . :em d hkCooa. centre, ens-esrd vitsdetm4 us.1n quallty ai chsocolats&se.l fs-hO.b Our- HintHumuX* hs as-slotasc Bsnbuge S h m in istise s-erlet utf tisat inoths- laves thet olI faaisnmu les ..... ....... ....... ....SPIÇ NEILSONI8 1 W. do net kuos- ni any bettoe, n us- pas-lau ansi enjoy a Fruit Sml" Ta Ha MO~ Sprlingtimi You wilI need Uho Onue day sarh s- iS une sid ani kUscr'u Day. fi' bIonMaytbe W " T e re ors- er Wheni is Who 0ltt oealates W 'hy l, ueo that yoiî hat, t ten bs-r bs-v a specual bhs- aur besti Vur vis-don di. -A . . . . $100 lio- WRIOPS 25. Milt Chocolat-.it MiItktAY. S PECÉIAL 2 5 MUGS 25c. lhý esaaeo.ý h .- .umbug se s-;; -, FOR SAURDAY 2'- EHEAD MLTO54 ACTO's Ilere ! it in Shoes 'the family. -est - possible h style and i~4 't 0- new Sommer Millinery. Newlkapes artd Trrn1- Lat lowest prices. Furnishlng DOPt .ugs in standard sizes. Wîndow Shades, Curtain Rodi> Bugs and Vas. UL PAPERS largo aud our pries as-e sight. s This Week! $2.00 value for-------......... - .----- .......1.... $2.00 value for ...................................... C )cvalue for---------------------------................ OSE SALE! 6j~ to 10, regular stock value 50e. pair foi . NDERSONIS MILTON 'rost fencemaI fft If' If' If' g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, >54' g, '4' g, g, g, '4' '4' '4' g, '4' g, g, g, g, g, '4' g, g, '4' ~6i "I s,' s,' 'J RING LOCK 9-....43e ps-r s-d cash f 9 -. . . . 44e- 12.... 47e -9 -.. .. . 48e - ý-1 -.. .. 52e -P.OULTRY PENCE i Light Poultcy Fs-ns-o.... 60 e s 0Light Potiltry Fs-ns-e ....- -65e rosi S Heavy Poult-y £e-or- ...75c rosi SBs-as-y Pouîtry Fonce ...M8e ras- ws Pries are lois, tise quality is thi wM AIN TO1 moe Better TIGHT LOCK ...........--- 1 "9------------. 1- ;2---------... BAIRBED WIRE Perspool, Si0 rodi.... 'Angls- Steel Pss. .... U5 Bar Stes-l Pris-ts.... st, and ws- haie it iii 4,ASKL. Ion

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