Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 May 1922, p. 1

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'CESI )R 1CARS 385 OO 940 00 SSON, iior Cars ana~ ts ~ ai - PRINCE RUPE VANCOUVE - VICTORIA i thrtgt la AgentOr Rai Iavt av r . arl Wnre kitchen t iu wpes cant like ci r.- o.gtr polishing. iMIt uid lance madre n eidM I 1.,,-,,ca'd quaittnBUPý0 - a ahr-tedi vl ogn ile. eart Wate o )tamon4Wt HEET Mz -'ORODUJCTOCO"iÇ,P IfOLD NEEDS !cmedie@, Rub- : *4 LN ZîC C-ter R.. iCALON . . P, a nd u rgL L e o n . eplw a.- ,aai as-g. bu HI1 .ffaWLAND, "L.13M J LEsaiia RING, N.B. aCHIROPRACTIC CliI ',[RACTIC -OFFICE J. LirLîatsesEn, -"e Oarnpîou atokr' 55Bd ttle The Bacai oe pSsssed. OIITÂBIO MILTON. TaUESDÂY. MAY 14.W2 -a- pdiaï y f11~ tiliaapion 'y MORNINO MILTON 0ONT pcPar yul b. eu Unitied 548485 58 a 1'.0 Bamm Wà aeo lhcatiaWsss lmsicsrnls.I I csutek.escinace.cmli s ki eainslslvhâaislalc "iBri h. cii olsci lau ims$Iaailec, ar fsid viii la slia5roimiscul, caS chieSil COUNTY 0P HALT'ON- z LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR'- ~~us.sisss,........ . s iip n w ca-s. va. wcor masW. s. W 5. 5svsss,<kO t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~cu O ss8tAsv isa s ». cw mcSec Travellers' Guide. C. Mi. HEBLOPa V. "INADIA» P ACIFO IALA Qom Wu"v. OGIOasso«maw psiiit inau.iigo'y mand CentîBOmi. 12.M5 aidalgbt (L55m. iseo aine sad Flios Dite*&"& K12B461L 930 Sm. Omamn *te 9,isaa.caseP. M.. a te 1&47 &,m. 10.3 &.M: s 2 60 p.s..Semraly alyl "38p..P a4i em..7.43p.m. ____________ 700 pm Eceptat Bon] Hr:. WH E ELE R 8.8*11p.. MUSIC hACHER iI RAmIMN ltILWAT Pn~.Ounom âJMILkSPivr5, IL.a E. W, . slia __________ OGINO soum, OGIN somIST, LI±Op.mtoepasa4%1.1ald4.2pma The Double Ttsak RoLa4 TOBLONTO DETROIT ccd - CRICÂGO - - Ssa,- gcmraoen ngbt trains and Pari. Ca on principaBl Day Trans. Pull infrmation froat &li Grand Tiant Tichai Agenis or C,0. LEcre - ina. District Passenger Agent, To- aX J. A BELL, Ageat.Miltan, A PRESENT that will gnveplnanrscmeaailybe C. R. TURNER slected trousta vxid nOveiel, ognamente ccd asiul UulCleOfam EaIw FINE .IEWELRY ihat vo displcy. WheneVer you Agseb for D&WO'sFanerai&l as have à gift la boy, viaiî un firat and 1pmasu de- JILTUN. sac hov mcny attractive aclce cati b. parchisd for lthecîtount Of moucy 'ou vsg1 spend. n goodeanmd tell you our pcacee any J. & A. MARCHAND atahuakers aud Jeweleri - P-tmt-Srlo Ebarsam stu JtItaa ma 0 CATER & WoRTHr MONUMENTS. GA LT, ONT. m» eemiam ey-e A 1 -lthipriaisI MIUN eUUd U.~Â. I saciIBTour Autuebuis- IiLTON'S Mm4sd OfficeMMcresd, Que EiE CIIROPRACTORS- pa[cescoS ii exy pbe. MIiiit MILTON a ri, ONLY DENTISTRY r.fa Coc p.-adIoute inMMI DF. E. BABCOCK QAIIjlpUINNT ItTLFT'tPEU- - BTS U LEGAL a~aCOUVER *A' a &IITCHINSON m ona mauuu*mai" --- IUIt.DEnoaMiNTRACTNR seaim Osvw H. CAMPBELL cmumici.Niuy Publie, Imuamu Amal ft . P. &. 5s.saale Oe. R.nssUOW HLL MILToNr. ONT- Tc GRAMSI'AW Vmlm aator mdmmue Puces100 -' IMILTON. ML L Davidson NURSERY Offars fo spriiplaatlng -ain Apple, Chou', ',PaSP. Oi'uameutal TmOa - SI'~-o046% s if y-uiaeulsagllehv voul4 b.ýjMItto eI SPom5on ,Wh"i aité* onh= g.iulL g~Light Clearing The looh on ber face, oven white 1 wui speektln letiltat ber tbaugil. vndeccut. etleuy, la tb. alceesy desart oi ba pust 1thouglit Of tat gay, birdile yenta cf bersof nilc 0 aie d an ie vdatasesyie" iaS tolS me, anS vondcaed. Au I vsn hb'Isaiofst ia s trae a cry frosa 'tb. asied csuire no tou!ad Mdoleffl liaI il startleS meansd 1Itarned a"d tooted tavard lb. opee Sosr. Kata ras.eadcama la ay aida*s00 kecesutlovard my esr vlimperlng: "Il ta my fataec, Ha le mtnays taliâ-. ing ai vben I vas a gici Hs vaits Ahebs aSe me ood elghtanS lait lias caas. Doablis.l vas tae cal- ragcd, d4parted spirit aitait golde lim. vbicb vas haantlng ta. ohd egulie. ABiblesleyu teaitae r me and I ut reautlng Il fac an heur or 1c. A telit dock ln a crnersoslamelY toi.d the boni of aine, In ccme 1h. tait nomme ced astei me le thl blague o! ta. Irisht: "Woald yaausie 10 go te bedl' "Yes, I am tiraI," Asbeltaita tniseandt led me ap s breut outea stairway andutata acac M». Tait a Candi. and Led Me Up a Brond Oate tslrvy. of teMosti geueroua Proportions. à big ionrpest bedtead, drapeS la viite, tooS egalusta m vi. lTh. b.d gbaeflsdla aId 1ma. baS quitted ca- erS. The rmom vus notisbly cdean; lis feralture ofi aIS hiomy nd BM îl corpal capeativly ssvore. Whse 1 uedresssd 1 Ireaded t10 put onl the gandie. For lS fimtae la yecru1 b.d àa cd of ChIldisar aitisae 1iht Ml ent ta beu t lt s ndB alp flai ffly, ving ote wba tas cries of tha id eqaire cama 1006d- Ia tacousaithe vallu Iov 1I lOnge for ts» HghtI cf taeaseaIng 1 IlCeu" t at ati 1 rose and dresmed BM vent of idSeou ]rit& mt me nt the dair vise I1 vpn e&or itatae ions. and tinsi ai cheik andut san1 beard tas. tslf.petec vsrdi: "My bo."I.cîAt. &bout 10 sl 1.10 asy sadul tiathelb dais I1gava ber c but mcD& as sit tenSely- pnlàsd my citeet.mIsella Ilgite ber conet eamnte 0s lit Il aeemed te chine uPOçi Me. 1have nee ovai falise Iscorenit7 ansS se 1 ig triles c Lsg Wîy W rencheut Canton t sir O'eioé la th, ovag et caisetif Il«nom 1s.Ivo Be t toaca tecal upolte ýunuibs M ierned isu«a wu at voeU la taseOO YwdlItut qdm ho gpie saalfer ta.e Mir. Nov teec sa 5 dlspPol teIme ni& *0uà4r*. pd50 1E 5tieu mimaove le ~ae7 lae ts. le 1 - - tulus- i Astm cout p-bl -lib -Me lime lafarm &CM -t o tuauAiatit - «Wr laid. e U Pm na ont Wovlng lte abar 2%. tee 50rela- the s.eai modlern 09es yen 10 noria bà Bmount of land tfBuet Lon viii :"e teto h. extra Loua nUl permit leOM aiit No. 50 i. ue aeimmdi*. e,î"5"AtrIbîiv Flan n ticr 88cm flca a andauProprletor. F ENC t à retr -Yabira. a aleO ay thegm. cr 1 mmta - sa a ad vWa=sae m- uc-- s e. W"l as l s 1C 1 , iesse m.-a .aa o oas. o ,nneïnala ine apcelbl eau~ ~ ~ ~~8 &.M. ' iueob ace pi; a4- i0iheoO O& 5 aa.aa'.ucsam n eay fesac K a.adciuaoa.. odasa C) Nus T. C ~ss2.d ahtluiLiwRa& 6.u, "kp is 1~iisllsho" b. aiimeut mee bfw aidibehec wàifaltg bnuta 511. "A' lb. Rackets lye' vst tchainal la er .yes.. ncle ttea- 1iha thiaila' s'I e lishedact rendi TrY body SuaI na ov h. standard ohe à ishalaý itl , £W~ ia 7slifat t crSU i« w lacut d n aikesitoward me, ws robir 5.5 as boatterlai Mosl. Ter *"Say sranger, have yaus eeen5s7ur «M fflBM uneVIiihob. rU « O tu5tinig of caiclar hy tac nomaeo"SBad *Md J« COMessaIm'vththe n10fl reg Scynes?" hie dcacdad M thleu. Te w-l&d't b. matis' -Bave yu- t asted MmSu .1o'b.dts' ibe &ciera bhard '"Ne, air 1 aiat loch c'iMgbtyi c du wvlGu0*b.'îTb.srailkied' Ba, 1 hat'hae yedoe wrio at ola &&@MM lad, ls mouIe"cathouaht t la Or- Eieb.cHOr. -ne's tau live Re "Whaî hava ycn dace la Our bostar" qstas M l& 515 1 Ilosasd forthoé"MMait ou ce addition,.-her: 4Mcrtea1a19 10l hb. bOl., 1I 11ot "l'«h.' vb. ,.doent tubouc bOY," skn q~w & r i mUte BM 1 ut as heur lagther se -n'elerance'ighlein'1i Mev ya'vs j15e'nld tBr tise family b.d puetuîed ralisd ltae cocii" ha exclcimed asnbho h Oi1 «Rov cam lhs Dkibersr i an~d hm neer fWiIed id, agentlb. sat sebraca n' luE' 1to gNe #x nm ixmum b aat . eacd. arimshav made ~~efdny bis; Hlêc ltU hM. Ha vas cees eF1iecy alvm j tullailetlb. ho" eo'Grisa:BeaUe o ' 5 dld @M.Il terced ant Ihal GrIMIlBlW a" '3eueoF'iali lait lm aua neaily aitIbreathoascd ""ân d$the unif'ormIy eu doll11r2% vblch ha lCas ceJ0Y a 's OUa ' b5actr eu hd b-11 ha obsern oaa condilon." "" ôIt<tr ~U Me must 8o1 laI big duglitlr maj ban yitu5 01 ry ceas ButrB ayte, lit tahle îavs $ we recornmend jjif r-7 0,silybesaRoila tact fer sitl % ' CYOW5~eFe I ll.t1h1 bcmua hve acatac~, -'a bo kirS powder th' Isams ai Color picylouonMY race, fMW ' ha qulily cddsd tT «'Don't varry. lad, Te l'h.0vii0a'al la Vrster titan Iho vil o' 1Gclmhavdo il. mode y0e 1wo for «Chcithata nsdCA DA K1 alhe vii b. Ira. 107 e. las tra.eas tae ai a5trlbI1da. Dide'lalche op mach as i1tau me lhct hem la taif raoom-eoa à b vsst ca? Siteloves yle, boy, as trac wu e GM lovasjea sc'oboecacgIira9 'Why di lhcy go cvcy? WsI tiaccae I va colur body ase la îakthetare'apoelbiity "1 tilliiiey. myinealad. Tha for itbhoassumesit hlaeif. ieima, t10à mas heard O' Il 50mew& v echaPO "'s'iader an' LIghtllcl Haw Ysc've natice basnaintene c avint fia il lhraugh 7cr ucle. RegB cracg for tae Rolland lb. Reofi" hiaad aed violenca. Ils litaI typa Cd meee, bal hait g« «WvutliaI.Leava Ameclcaanitao, cgg.d an hy taeslav* hlm ta mel'veaSc OaaCulisÔ' 1fr-graitheutmy sclchel. Dressed lIte a power, le lacccylng asnits Iruhis stroutnredy fer my lord o' Duak&ai- a aemau an' liger'a a bulicouse.il th Mexico.,,"o bot.' t gant 'raonie vida yeunco mare, . atl'rvle came In prsmty iy vîa.c .1t taint1Isil go nBM try tu fid asyril ru ya srac. t can heat ylsouktn tasi.faee vhich belrayad bis hor.c 1 mld. l, an'm5by he.a.chelc t80.c isaviesge ai the tael thal cil ta. ccb- "11AM teCotint Y« about ta» W.e npeil-mel aithta. an. ta t e wes spaa ity bis iancy vers aov la. "1 tse citolmaster. "S0'i i-hase dopa lite c paler ai chidrels. bh. he s cay. 8111ha ecjcYedCo oa~ c hile-tha fox 1 Sha 0071,' --- AnatDl 1did cal spect. h. Jul taam nhIle taey lasîted ltere vue W&aY. Dosa'otu iahhfl5 or hallput her arma &roundt me cnd laid ber a tiad ai tarit risla inbismaneer hudie u off 1u Enrope for Ivo or dear o15 hèàd upae my breast. tcisli tat taey ver. caljects regardât« tisce.ye&W P' aaod umced cvcy. Than vhat R vhîcit ne baaecl mas golS b.oexpert- la' "go tas.'. ta. trulli ye '&aval ml siience t Oft ta lias Mga ai tae Wood ed t1.1tal the -51115,11111 boy. Isa tae.none tbact teepo avLY.land 1heaMdttefirty ti fa woM As veatae aur dMoner ta.y 1.16 me Ce Dencut lot bi ala- ya'v. siytblat op tal'iShb.dast Baneaaaped l sava bcdt com a tlet ltse étierva o' yer -mié' 14'"'-lad41 I rl&yoa drive tait lacSen thea.niholn onj n xie h l tL k.av taeo b.rt oW YOata1 Te&dîlk o fr spal ap the houms," Uaclc ePe aswtîtstadies of theaselles e te b.e pstajn'7«eracums aouutbai- Paosody aboute tIna amanient,. blc eda egas rvn 1 àss vouida't M evOst BOMâ s'O l eu oa St lklite yu cas bloc 'cother aiea au panataiaas la South lilc, b. sse 1 ITête le the.olu t readlibo- man. I voul douao mmrct1i1*ierhenca h.e haut ccaped ou c ta'i Gid-l-* -11 a MI 0 1ycl T'ca sk'dInner. Thias lave basinesta played boat vuiglceda ' B e' sSfor 1h treipise, ont." I biieve rm gala' la vote for ab.. Il'. sot lésplamt.but SlIabotter 00, «Ail iltl.cPurvs aa5ves'ed Uioe. snid Uacie Pecbody. « w"I bu goe Mnnov, san'do yer b9et ce' vhcl- "Zos bt IV&'&Uait gh rm fer & c ita tr vial SUa Wright viti ny ta tac. ové camtes tak t H»1ka ma.." itlonaWIc va MdMjour domaene'. "freIliprobchly cdvi. agminin Il; tas A UIttiileUsueafolloureL Es brffl niggai-drlvei vays long econgh fer tisas isel ripe for %0grtra capi, Il vih iduls.. vagi: oeau. rnWn. If yoa do't 1k. ita yu' vusmy smener. "Hgls ln taat tase5 1"rel're doue withi tat businesIS lica lotfor cotaer MI.a. hoia malter shoulut ha lat 10the glawa Csbintsil e'ros ii. Ta dld't Ai tDedan sd I bgou taulaugh t cliiaction ai tlimc's !orcS.c c k.av ys vem baWie dStea-dS taisgood-.ccled, mata-believe scoid' tadesut I bcd apaten tas visew ys? lea 81006il 11ts amane. What , inaciflVeaie Peabrdy aBM tas ama' the soacter mec ai the lNordaTb* a viilya ha dol' oW"tilonai itrain vas over. l'by lad me aubjeet filM taem vida dreid laca. wu 'T Mi t lago l10*Wasitlia vida loto tac bosse, nhsm c dciightiutmm-e"But ta. attitade; for ncle Pesitc mi ilb. m tr"pris. avtbad me, for tae moenubcdh as igificant.Thli taibment la falli Ra lauteghd iearMi. bhase ecoraleut vllh baissas bougheaTorsofaachangeawuvasgOvlgIl v u 11 "I wvas balslecd «y thtlt" h. asd sveel ferus. A giovisg Mss oi nov tu bu ceetoneu t Ia.foi lb. abo- i vent o. aWeil.l oy. I tailas lea 10 vIolats, frmeut leu, oc cupledthe lilion pcrtiy nasssaiS ta hold lb. bal- "o accegeut. Ils s. tita seea*r aus ooeý-eeter i lite table, .b Ous vaslanc. et paver Sl ew Yv ort sud Nev ha as ever h. cames *se' I *b. e'l i Oedida -thtac adora ni tas l0etl. Eglcnd ced vas bshavil hidilite nB 1b. tlcd lato ow ' .7cr i*tllss. Il vbicb. as tacy tcew, vere detr to me. c bail laca eh"ac hop. a t talisk hes beau bopis, litel.that y* I haiS vritlen tact ttcy migt expet 4fler dinacr1 r Iemd 10pot osnsma id voalut propoge IL Go c»p ta thecfilli me nseaUlme befaca noce, butl'Iof-ayraiod ciethes. bat foandt tact Mra ad spendautchappy cta or tva heggcdtem cal ta metmemtulaCao-' akitadesshaut n0 expcned dtact t1h17v v ida 7cr atout c' uoce. It'll utsy* ton,ace1 I nhe tota naiSbomle fler voulu t lcaver f, I. 0tbeut MI goad. Ys'eabecs gt*la'plassp dace my long ride. Sa taey necea scy for whita macs an ta. sprint vagon Ba" t thacle.Goce' malil off letac feids," me. drava ta tas Villaga for asY Omet. IA liltia morm ta i v e r. o09teI tremembr bon taey felte. tac adaI vaiy vmday cter tact I vrteS b.d vida sur cadlas. , 1ou my haasd boy proutly taey 5um' la ta. fieldsouctil tha mecator arriveS 1 aNet moralng I vent utova tala tha veyed IL inata onle boaltasheaiddleofaaiuuti Imain strétai tae vilage betare lesv' "«Cceid't boy themgpoils 'riosSOn une ai tasca happy dis trselelI -log-for bocs.. I vacleu tolase boit Iltas.e parts," salut Uncia Peabody. a lelter from aid Kits, dateS. Ia Mr t. octautsut. tu b. qite tractr, 1t nted "N or nsn' lita 'cam-uc, #4r." .surprise, In Saratoga. Il saiS: ' sl .aiminofte peaple of Canton ta ee "Peea l eitla bit Ut. the butteait "u alnHie:Idogt~i bon I 1looteal. for my clothes vera ai rassera." amil Anatl:m5 a abs&hofaielutei telyonuanestacth itiso1 thétbes hat othand sut callathe late5l a=y coiet.desu. I hava camle bhe 10mot nBM 9fuihln. Mma oppeS me snashoi «Ayes, bat tacm butteront troafsaihavefouad moule vcr tutado, I a15 tl 1ma' had-aac aMdt omea vbo haulàt n'what tiscy ased t 10 h iea taey lar nov RHave ssenaDty, Simle vory inover nollced me bera, but taere vas vasYaung adlimbar," Ourela Pecbody becatiful ced Int ille mie u ts. cl a 1a qualtlyla thir ceil«sthal I dlde't reaet,"Secma otbey vaa gel- 1h11 115m tae aid vllch. I have ciaags d 9quile aJor. I k.ov sow tiat ts'ti' tiskaS s' wnlkid snu' bmiuesued- j,,lTh.e tisso a motk.sv-lt la lthaugittmes a 11111.ta grand on thailite, 'apeclcly viseca I set dova." b&er1a111 llS lv. b Io istide. Wict caleru'cealed lot taossa "Aies I WRlI gos. c ca -call't Lord ta rght me ihem Re bua Is uilon es ui "Anl ci't gaiS tbact-grov alut vîthOut I. ponta gravi' way of tctIng cara aif-no eegis, tgtte N ov iaiI bcdllhbard thact nid,, lo-cyes "Il'idAunI Deai. say boy. Do yen remmeaiv he I àha., IVerenia e ol i iatIl 1 'Plier lepgarcmle 'eiev'ry Bandai pu tu0OU1 yoa asy boy-yen ve.VeSy: "WbY, J OW 1aa1.10 h. Sqltor their ketch Itaof ya."my anl. o-ais- 111e. IIIla long, long cga u.I 1mb vbsf hie 3191tilVai55s fr s w vred. "Long sermons cm hard on scv yen le jour iadaer'a dooryuga- ospbal" mi faO~i5is p»ita.tme mem." Fou salut yoa vera gaissg ta mmn s 1lis vu BM l-ilsigte ite "An' 1h. longer ta. lepa thehardier balterfy'ï a harT on0loatsd :gai«a111 mc~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ýî BtwmPrf'vqsllia b ano-a- taem 1111e e»Ita er bteghl my boy iwould iiq XIam mol ataytic-OlEcf i sc.ol st b.he isooibousma-'cyc " Auit DMa - _ amctls-'m h tbe aI.Oime iwu 7 adIaS by vay oai Juttyiag bis cm- Mdls 51loSMa liBIthe Dultul gplait "Tisre. oalda'tl h a 0mach à" tffl te emb 15 lIR . veui48 ta tac-sella v#U-20 1"' '1P afia gkm l th- m Mr. tueU pisvu as t amuthl.é- 'e',. ..., lut' wla 'lm ai.t a "Mit id t mba icle esral q a hrt ~ -'" - - ------ yeseg Ni, 1*1017midi, lliethécieortil li meS tist bm b. nl -ep cloe us e y. w vSrlna' am e , 15 ~~ lsla-nuyel" saiSAssit D«4 , ev buq *M*UBip~hth a~ y«ulook aan YI WeFianc ga"M 01 auaud nid vill gik4U. What a woaderiid i gt il -a mQethea! i 1begaa ta love yen. r &0 oeielOl hlk of ow. I f-ti waan't mmd my thiaktag so "GO(] bles!a Yeu, -'KATE F'ILLERTON." lMacatood na, îd<y the acrong il lagatguar tanlght af thts wom- b!Wao atea eeracised themactras W behair. I cautldflot reanember e1rday anal the baPaPY ctream- Ieno ofwhtah ohe iake, but t wrate r aielier w<chtmust hare araed bsft 1 amn bure. 814a Wright arriva'd ta Canton aad Suvlp ta our taaaoe. He reaehed rs#p" nt etght ta thaelaarntag wtth bd andrifle. le baud aged rap- Iratbwet1haut een htalas at. lia irwag lxaost white. There vers %e,-ew ttaes tantata face. lie eiW more grave and digattrut. li@ 1 lapse tatontthe dialect of bis iâ whea te apoh-e of threatOeat, sa! ofbalag aad fislutag au ha JI&aM" ha i% nitea the greetinga e avec, I"lttayenansadtmegaoand, «#S* day ta tha waada. II lue a e"acre ta bnlp ytvlr anti.whitle fiagoe." Vwcct by dclvlag souda a fev * cedM trampiag lnta thtafoot ai a-îivMater on anc river--a trait r fasailar ta me. The dag lattan ewciter we laak Ilaad began ta ff avec thleh waaded hilas. We ut r« eseoag amati. aptetke epraces the rlvec'a edge vtb a loag alctret quor la aigbthl tîl ha muscofu bvod'e 'oatecama falally laoneu " 29M tac dlsaaalforeat. 11»'y bea dreamlag af ta,& for sie aid tae sanatar as ho buka nta troc aad flai ~a fld l ked outupon the a r,#5B vlt ily p cloag tha , 1«»this iaveiy aaantry." I g watiag for tae callti l ga" 0lk' m liliard ta thiol Yeu arc ai ofmca wha aaught la gobalà aImait aadly. "Yoa ara 1 bava bea Waitiag ntîl we M@« tota aagcataiate yen on ~vor at Cableabll. I Iblitk the right spirit-tatia tbe et mattec. Yan nUl ea- a ten ga Campaay la tac game t w o t me tlU a c tacy." %ý 106me maay alactea ai bis tife aalongo, latecraptet by aa ond ai* o appacaacitig iaalsleps. Wo taikieg acd pceaelY a flocit : gEaicame naccun, parli ctaé mal ai teaves la a Itel oula. We cal perfeetiy cit. coctk bird ut hbic beanlîful a ut, like the bale an the ai c iightened lac, cîrode. ido aswith a camic ibreal la bIc U«.t lit emed as if lie aereofo tX* lad ta e a n t thIe rieu M qusut as acliias atumpa andt be Sus ndawnenawiteabhra. Pbsylag af the itaaad as onera ô*. Suddeety ave saw a big bock oMOQn tetahlIshabaeaiflthe cava ur à@ sud aa aar aide ai tbe atrenam. [*Imked ta rigisI andt tait. Tben be c* stlongt mep latathteavaler cnd rg#Woly aatil It: coveeed hlm. lHe 9W&hic case and laid lais anoiera bisr lsahuldersanad snaa lOrdawuscem Disnae Iasi aLboya tac naler. liaantiaca r 1k. a bit ai dclftnaod. If -,e â4ýlseen hlm taiselthe wazarLb' ,ztlM libI easlty have paaaed for ai dcad sticks. Saaa the bnula ilitcd bis headuocred tala e4,sslolaaed et bota shaces. Tben cgll$Iberatey h. ccsoxeed his placa »M sraer acd vent aa. We nacrhçpd W*gho btoo1he icether caro e'- ow7 »q ai mde oft ln ta. nands 0#4idn't shaat et hlm, It was sce 'LifuI it ai palilies." salu thta =1 -thebaaad recched the cave's 4îcaci asamthe river and caoge 01a dowa ltae bant for half au MO. fa«re hefaaud lthe bho h ai '110% m anny c ecacal, daren an V IdYl' as thal bues, e tah . c thlecair, iaatlag as Incn of driftnacut. They c'a, a'in '*1 aores-ta Wig ad he tic-andtlhey are alwayn Shot o ns baak ar tacealter:' Zý»;bec llcocpied ma llaeI hlp m ia say Ibal they came la ht do yen wat t ta ?" ha -P.TOBE CON'TNUEDý

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