e ~, -i 17 1-. ORCARSim stroga sistsir a ivo ntera am quIt ion wha W. F. Fondeab Afruru It ta E. Pin given b mnmut Lydt ienia andthtie andsiof Ytute1 nrelod. THEI Thue O tri>, pu 't ithe tri'ncipal v, crilu cr n 'atî r . us use rire Firo irrt, for< "r i ,ruay Il1:. I riai t On,.' irit f ùnsilagn tarraiogn'o and ixri111, PIrîrenfi i tir.Gi. j'lii'nsy $342!.. tirn ftrn (cii Im :'eaviurg îd fiedt. seatber trare. ni ing et MasO ing Ira il Mtateu thi'.ri (irtarira, c 7,6801 erurar f tetr. Cotiu neietN Jy rreiie auplicato RucsasuFi War. lai atm esl pie etft'R,cir, on tmsar on piet Mme re Muy t op andon lb any ot murunt ba try naLaylur ttanp Ca: by Il o e n Ilussa s Th hem eoldtienl lniote!tt il plit. a ilud mahney in o eati uat ntuc h; b t' if o asiacDgtt o hWse tth t ae'icbl strMi f toy enC ildu 'O5dtoile uatoéth i d " y y ght the ~ ~ t B fhwtes i hetIOBIIE eule te B arruntO l81% forftho tu beautu a ch ooesir bsssto hi efesu eteesf (sufac) gtig îactneronthepr themmeldives ai -HourI.w *06 inlY thRds r c e rt eulo os ie r eght urdiue A t m 0M afi. T h se il.ioDescriptionarofC rd T ireoi " Seti ntea. itoever plte e dts- The b rav o in cu rve Pet m fOIXIIII_____________ anied!t akeaton adosut f te lmu *der aimal& lth sIlebs -E '.t e L n-rnig teoth wr o . e ek t o re eu ersa-Or utO. s i U i etthucb n a Sld ir Wiia otm teur 0sý p.i .eh lé,MT N I Or" a - d inr nat teir btard e Dube e tSterutI ~I . the VgAGhE. Tshoughieenot albeedijstDaAtotalhureh u u ae bu old&*jfl ts.pe ntre olir plat e an the blatar c y ti ea.A si ! te enterin fr-s v er fllet B t Me . IN OTCINet urnte h-of the lieutenant T athestrau. i r odtae e t ChcU RO afut - N tdn y o rubbe hie n buauedsthieoe g.Ihgna acisbe~ ~ ~ ot griig l 5 . astiyriper atlen e i.fturleerîtasc. u-Hein". Oe ororu1111111le tant~'~tbR ~ J~ aioUs srae)cm ote aill ia emorgrdbofer o--r----sruadtre f he iatwol bef eronl. 1 litdL ie U.Pbsi, Ili» u ae s. d T iebu ianlbas iaudtisotdict.s exprtn h t a rr ~ i et So haotse,, Theuruîrr, brds aveîi" stariu ves t e en'Or h m ig'a daiiy te seil ver l ndt luen.1 uer !tsewosgr ua STIDY ,~, FR OYS lae cill uuerw ds reteBioody ew- ive aton@lau'- ruret at.ab groaseitBatntairaitiibreuit whit the rurte ansi ET IS antdth y M Atb e is t r 61 h aie t. u n i t he diers e ese rom- t umr aed g iLa u mu puttilitRum e s t abultI ad eywlri voLbut 'l k tap ftÏeaealve Pat ad he iet l y 8thyer.Abd25 teho Raeisi abou Ibery uthsa ne e55dt plc i ie. A nIeal blitiuam o be hrs hete rud n i atntoe 1tso7 er u.iuid'O tdw uteStr . mmn=a10It miMW-0,laiih astbeaoioiiir ud etin kow et s etan adrubue. he brndai e s lite, Ilrquiu ge have "troule "r the irne s O sur te a st tU ELn i-yr O NebretrivrpT .s a rnt icipto h i fuueçhrtne a w , n otrsi.1 alI ae soihdteR- j tM « C olles e 1 0 F HALn ansWil i a hem aour, p h at hv utii tCatie not e s ioll, ud ofthe t tiWou la Win ows, de. and "il oc « ab e i L bad chartfiedteacarry hlme airunsvntaOTb e= A ~ ~ ~ ~ al tta î urp ae pre o Thelater sauryad toubla tOosons baoterthatlnSyones idrs, ou misalit LOCAL COURTSà CALENDAR eb MTD OR O Stt - 1.A Uet lhth huh e b i l mrt if te itutias 1nfont ge seros. or ao ai bu byntdeii uratee ete te pru na ipoiim fthe ilane undut bheB o o us olei ott- Am isctlin ou e o nreito w as c rsi to ed i' f hml ion~~to etfMetTeH.Gtlle nret co vere hit ibe <eldeinh d m mabtie. t et i n ttl a d t al o d exI W atlth pswa i indpigontion- te ilof i DVAiUiSfSPduertsit Aertal StaitOsf forurte-ls irtenaurageferyai ay. fnd that ire esg itivO Abus i e d T ieyas&o 1fortd dy fr h ut d tatf, pln à e ta t e s noimeuans gi te er- noue et t he tin at, ansithaseheahmr tca o Str$ 0 e al he Tbo mosi poverl a flod1 et liteà ATeiote, eretet o nsi ne- as! bis ouey in the t usat ,dy s id1mente D h 1081 inote u Frac lo, ieilfh. D. HUMr, M ILTON goeal is ome rlle ire. T - mli ht heaerter s insd e la rhaea leretotofM utoneee e igha r aslet fr Cieaiu . sMisI agest u t r - bau rou arathe it, mu- m ie ond u tis dWilgamst ho tousi p ewer upof a, b.uliO0O hcndi s raessu.i.-upani ue et te- gieirtouu i ~ a H O i fn isteyuht et r is t , min able riertao &resitu- t.ah ndglktoe rrrve.I a od bottircliad_______ i àW mma 1 eludief vsitelte Mnterai. L tnl tout ofthe areton Gane bi husi hrst s , .,.jAporcunOBte S u a sret i n ~ L>a ody C oe r. ra tfrie s -A v , ne h ii op r 'tho m eut v t k i g th or m n t rt l , n a iseoi. ittetiri Lon. areitaws UIhuPm;liebyaiibat luptsiteonte wy tiaitr e i, _______________ Lnstyin fiParît, V ooieve Fouase - in b1e udrepluea.me J lt, ndI me uo t ha t ip av îrni ns Grae.Nir.enwichen eieo, andrPue hero ilethth tl tteters-e 'lyad1a Ptigl ino s orp n i- la. R mNaio apot ree.t arybe aFac. 1 muti ih.C U N r )r H L- c) APop fEliVe rv i s aioreent. ng he matnat O dî ae ti roue a eh beotseruu -- Aa5se. àsa a.'en.w a. a ssi.. saksi huioi u hosuwyI edau une hPesoa ueviON orw s Pi b D Nk N O C A M , laam t Treto n oM r T,H.Munrbessi. .onrvathe lieut G orgi t hore waa esotise e BoasI hnave.dts t a uIto ise w5< onceso thes flCitda MayxnncAe ise Risîs - Coor o uetBruefilet o the Uo -se 't-look saBtroll. amWgairiinu sevices wera hetd he taiso.tlag oia LOCAL Afford Pim atic OborilUnimersitys,anduloe n- eeg qeute z unthtSr luv iabie onuet' l',ibis 1555els 5f Clie ra nch', "I.s- aahs e ntr.ct.riaie unant>te oal Nretereiug t thpo.easethe ini atis onvetora eset H..te W. Es t asle tiMSia. îdtafbtslJaia eaa ia uaae.thAet. ui .Hb)urSitatieona.teastcsg la il phathe fgiet he vorisi. org apO5m4ra ilta ige i n th io lo cs gio e Lltep o eur- toe ic etle a d i h l h i r e- rr__ _ _ _ _ trial__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Thermonm Hwerf iw sigh ftatco Md eta n mtursionay ne 2iveltect- sef a g50te O -Cebox, 6 tau~5 tares o t eo r t.hy i s tor ie. te G r o uot er bav i the es beers lu A t da le rs ent FO R Aid W O r LD In the tor d h n ee as iair u si siDibg e retf se Mis . iW IeRos o. N o and conmie& si e ueoftesit ,p d tor? Ee nleca ý enfrtw inrdmls 1? éaM.2 Star andise oonsp tecor1r4etthoearb.o r efght revilea . Georgebob 4 3 l l4us. A er it etapnd adter-e i oe yte»l fteýl1 s eui,îootis iih uittdotelite àouru ienit esetan iaout 1,000 mied ut utn - -ti t Chsteitreury ise ret, or tn asthe oAot ant e t Cape Hrs.tait letSNTRT-5.22-;1,- Londors , VersiblleFl ot- thmuietancos.ansi ritesaiigorgee saule -nnts re. sthelel s utntbaoe bren tareevLitngbyetire etociorssvornir 1W tire ii rettor ntirssa*"*-Ion."2'n blau Reis Los.Mrsile,= .9zAWil.ssete yoI. m ssctr ombm l C shi c M na coit.11i0 toeo eoa, REnFl g Benes.W.MJ tetitA;4- - tJzy.45;i Montri e ii Augaas. ei e t tiack eton la buriiovin te o Mesue pr. --n;tetu12. 2 o semasroe oesreeryiaf oasreifSont ibis is tr anc st iiNO notC-vre stsî ten Pa"vOnrcnltgtue4wtflIM.d " d001M e &111e rooscsi1C lene VW mlyet cOsereansme ha g, sTrs tn asnt aihs.sme.eo anhBbel h do deviot o tisn sa urqi o h ui sstswa oftosstttOio et e d n e monvtacble mon Smenr t, ibe ste o hcg. ymv.mb. à t aalas.1.wu hsl trnnm l oigist-#ehastfra. n snmf 55a feiiv-OSpiOOr in im4Aotarllc. fiN. tuen ÂDUL iOPkm Maene tu R. hibnblazada eetiere1a121.asW- ..MlVln.o en.tdfrll»14 i foi App.Loin, te at endtb rnAlki Stte robe haioreari tirhde SouhPer- astoi ome MnetO"WYami trinieblei ,murrely ase0js 1trnaer N th r ao s. L nd nR dL iverpta oof.art ne aipae- a rge si s o fsi te A mo ndee. vho bat sieul fer a wnnî ni n n . t tabfore na_______ t enturaievofme t st he B re .1 it4U ei e« ta a uos 1vorsareto a s on aoLts moet> t e iti OrsN, F'RieMAYlinlipri ont @I explrera andteigit maniohthermite.y &ul t4ntelesi'n'ip- luche st ogrini I frau 2 i l-o etb vs Cpan lm 'ColtsCriiatt ov u neuli lu e breslir. bte hehich 1,000 peipe vr o e rbatveuil a tt ir ball e n Iar- B is riEt Mn unît ORs e rt mmii so prc, *W a pm o w u * c w f htrLn ta si Cooi"(210 m n e o ucrers 5f te ma thtr . Ths ilissiots Etebilstesi tisaÇmison hpo.Av e rlm ihulet luhingpate si trothee, tteathin antory estaitte ieuro trm oueferoine.L ei t is ra c t scu se teteo u t as d îs can a sb t s e-atm.C p' 2 '-b10oom* 1 ~~ as y h e ib e 0h 0 r t ae Sget !. ti sl he A l n i r i a e H r . I e L fl N T X . I a : 4 1 1 9 -à u u île curents etdlire deeotg rgeriGlaDEN" tain Coot vas, tndiletiulaso1us luyMa - rafon niro l ai tir ie si tsle te Sadwch stnsi. lnr aB hemliti"o ltre r.IiliiO21 l chl e@r ni n et î1eaWmto ns ii ne havnev bsa cntemrar ed It hgacniars Rpla Ece tOurrTtr I. - stet i4he-6;R Theran eme tLeu orITiss hohv HdonunsrScnohoFa0 lie. 4:1-6;hilrgt:8.'9;i)a. L2,23;r. veito latso!treBbl areude crrouing f g re' fsout r at e o-oic 1 17: -lit t e os& trct-o - en h hagwie ad aanw a -d.Bkr chmnet f nieu se( nln' ia ofi eord lu trci . Bois on.paveîîoptheonlv.tl î alttih alene s. ofcrfneeraini huse a-es 1f nots eed flu 1010 So u t h t brt o tt bc it. i fr h comn ionWh îl ee t lA a pnesi osi sf0.aitesbgtrae o ribveetons INPua-an ee l imuigrrs about 7ti rot10lch' ae eaiPcfi. A bte e ineoso !lnswntaIatilo eeacrt h hoit la dcli e t L - semain todftte ot litemlinteby the-mondteos tir eraing t e hrs Ie . vnt our etr Iaoe t h cew tblie viofteiaf pIabJtes 11> upleuto ane arenatotueoh e N DAqans Day. ai daea ae ut h onlreen 2. Tir ae restsenationth re etcor eT 1linos b n e t ti e e î î a godv e conpu t a rre u ndsea a n, tal o u hel u ir a o i l it S tI'. i . bt co l t. maeiiw thtr h i ttino ansi vpee e nlen In aghe dscoen ra t ll ts-wat iata o igiri mtin l a-Otun tas e uy aihor nottonu. Novet'o brd buh sav vtriiei as fa i la serarlottnd rvel tlattrywil iiiln fle tireBibe. vbencenile.i omtie niepsaythelet v psurtl etio tr a met eti' tunife nt uluiy aSi cbo- N u tovrte tir ma otIbi yen vii i ftis nromainnds.t'irîle xtoehlemu ruelutrentte lt l Afel die rit stn Bil efor a t 2s e ra t FeCtaer o!Bien, r jeans c rit gal t eae ntu n et ire l C I JT JL lr i h m o l e i t o a e e s n l n w oe x p o a t o s i n teu s q a - n ( o i ads o e r v h o m u e ntu -a haeut nthrint atbigpràtervarss thetuy i hnte bndotyo r go vao bore stecue o tie Pacifie a as Heats VI. e ris. Crp-, Geo r pu5tcu_ be sinsee heaîebee ueodotalnirn.e nse te2:t2teint e e - 4neu)e. euaott imrtr th ertefbok M ess lae. dtitCookvev ler, a u 1779ibo g a-o y et 8. he ivine tuufie rte. 1 lTa , on ehbiini li te o ityagiie -t i- haof heed fiheo ader o! Heuna r oy i ee (T nasa 5et ie.n win'a taces e Boiblon Nort o v oi of ngfiureC o rg. the srige, sah3o1d;O17:9-11.) Oe ire15 it Hlrofvarn e o i atur n %,siont-l. ieho ueAirele. bisovit, Msr-1i is an tione shah2rebte-allaitle l- ceseanten th e Stand na L th e g lated In1610onl hie et onif' pea cesemao! tits andr shailh eeoîîeove.rî cernr et siJnes uellno ColieoIthe gnotes a s.- e tr me. en theoki leui e ee tfto set ttaniu tl et posî i ouse ln e f tiiomOshli etnueloto It 'mare abo!an7 igfruet nen- ag at he Pcifin le. A w eat u ofi~ritinel t ubnilat(e vil-t mol lo e n lu ibe cunt e -ev n fo s l eiry in mti n letac onten o ngde oCre. (e Datru i et itr bave isootsrere tre Unte io n er ho pacenttames 1:15 . mete.l1h> lutout ppe re aHus. a t e t irlees1 faya d ut d o n duf eary V h s tg . Ti B t in aton>he olettra o ril tîhittc eta t bebîsiof re A ufavr te enhipenola sevi t t the tintee 0 m atri a e h fomen t e Ib a s f hu e sa ue Oe ag an n . F ranvi nu - al r , o! t ra$s"t n î . r n 1730 Te roue lu wieh th s irens.il ansi ofthOee Nrhet Dt- âtrelfartntHir i vie allc is nreaut brook le oiphare hi mue Irn id fri alfti 'u rhrethe ew t O essrois, inatle s. t raIBa uldsing 'oastuttle hourlî uto vhi e nos lie os eo sa et 1847 shycontes vebea tho tendnieura «Zaf t e -f iSBib 1725 co plton saine.000 su d Gr e aut o agt es ildt aif ntr a se nalen sc vOMlve ib reer ,eue su netd la irenetab.l iogna ytaieastu 2 B senaltioCi meslovv e 2-la>.dTire 1740 Il. teind farris elitviigîa ,___avr___ eI i. rtob' ait veaup u Hlm how.t ali bpunt iedo to par, wtir ud o ton.r[Dg pos toane atentsioynofHlefer vardiera upicandplacî rt entyatt septn-%lit e ns. r id a intCa st e oeta rothenCounty e lic bt mtye ippibn rus a Agrîhet btore cougenupteratsy oinoteleursteaw ! telpati b aen tairthe vensec dominions.etole oftsheaiFostufrh vnd e pi ttteetnt on mora tnoiht; c nof CenDîS.Crtp iînen. îs M ld'@mas Hentry I aoedig When fGd nue The ncaet Dae etNon ditanappe ever tnsthe gianita.sTe' r ni vi e taJqshe (v.i.i hgie aO ine be ovne gicen t pri-lu tu e snth ov v ny ie of tet, a s pobu of1ssc fl ic tion si vhe gor te voe lu coneaf in une oueint, aoefolk -e Of Bch a eptu.Camhidgta saoiioee au cryte yOugi h tlnsion H e i t a m le , Ie u brs . nil wil a eer ta a i e t thst a-1 e! cine a He abo hi e t ac toas- Tia iv yo r uc d y Iyo s t- e h.b a a ad, moreser o n r f S . Ja e u en ta n o ur- nh ed amd e ars euSnst n h a r e ue L r o ec t . . . tuy m ninI h onr.Svn o a -prvlheryoftl stpe ige mu f at a ie ib o re.is ntr o t !toegs u ge I E' ~ Du pe fN orfoslk haeiea larg.teUinJ a e - namm In ma 1 Trevereu ing avesv. ir po pt e11:1M-5).itue iiie Oc EL O O8 W ~ tI ti dn Ibm l ivio use t ornglu a ho e ur in Hnr y Vsu . rU voey i. sic Iide av.bse,'heprs AfaorteFenh nsgno te .m 1iElel rge(V 1. elaofroa s mipansiontaGtrc I. condofterthe wsbav e e.e e a~rie dayawh t e absdlaetiof t e aboeofhaveieFt - lteW tt wu ro tiA T Z Maies usaoe.Thnt-ogh sn right cros, 'e t tir e uri gowthuLod p saeo K LLO GS I . aut cr " v 1 v a s, t .t o k p l a c e to n s . i ai T h e o g ld ard ta k i np o s - f l a g , 5 b i ttu g e d h i D daten-i sy ;I' l e h D o d 5h t . .~H y i gt s c ~ v t ~ u m '~ i ' budng ir ot la A teca yts ue hie Crs"a ver thel' cro.savieb aitsiabooicofor SOc. mthebfortunes or abeout t,50 17f0 . ori$50,0 eran St.Grgei satd a. ptd, itIf o n ent i on rev lve ya rds10 o00useras e ovo à lu- heu g neh ig iarate 8 asca h5ii Narlgse 'he aesvey w ntsfl ors17481a0 t avo f rhiviir h urilo- e - 2 Hie qalifietions(ve -a)lerTlelb dnd ft Pliet.sca l s itOO, nsud lgtheè Ela Wa esSu WS. a! i. ej a m' eutuol eu laue ferry ee oelu bor ere 4.00manf ii Motter 7,000' u tn.u r ort e beve ye . 7,000 ftav a ais$wok W nd m a d un eaa Miiinl h ttume tend ili -a e ,a Pai. I ! h l l L tui ad___ trut hedciin gp by l, othpasie ait duirssea b, hr l ppstokd* -l-f rotia wisdom - whil b. k Exp tor dqe t ougith ctaea I dmue si e qr rlain y iat . .g.,. aa " y p e.f Ex o tig9qW «Dli:n u t . v p rs fae u in "ro neo i.g ...e M a t aj - " A - a d Pte tePL-ie - AYe s ici fr S te >FEt< tasci evy dollr. * Wb=ssyaissare ti tovit. r ma aa citsp es yaiascari bsapcer9s nts & COa, )- ONT. PAONPRINCE RUPERI ~ARY VANCoUVER ONTON vicfORIA iL W55T15.35POfhft DE OF ROUTES uar.t - fra5 lm Teisauaya. Tii.vdnt. eunas i ~ liseNats f'uandat i'ub-ti mervattona, et*, f rOttu Loca ai Nationaul-Grand tTrunk jWmr orPiri nrekitcis .1otl tarlI hy are so cIail. iti,'a gWlfSfO thaS vipes crIans 11k ch M0 S7pig or polishing. .111:tvi g. ripe sW op n Wa(s aeinatva vieouteide. ssvoys' 6Z muetaename-ed stl-i'r r eoe ,wheite cuamel in- '" PrtWare Dîamoud X 6ISèMIuT MOML êODUCTS Ci r b5NTREAq.TORONTO W COP4 5, VANCîUVE F 0OLD perov i. Ph,-etu Ti" la àars mJrt nOBmuse r Civ' relet. 1c 1, massa - li-f or nouim aure 114iuoirt A ,, Dt,, u AucOt, ta cnr uîn ,.aaauu.aî PE. BAHC IITAL OURGEiI tus ILr., 1,- L-4D-, iflLloS e Th g c - aintm.s -Yi H17Cr L D-ic Md ar a".etC $193859-O0 51,34000 i ,Sa esTa anF L& Sc D'er Moo àd Acton. PR ESE NTA-