Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 May 1922, p. 3

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pmpany )ers mpani A LU ES Boss Suit Ilose ýut eolors, per Hlotise Dre o ..~ - O for..... f fror..ar1 i hamns ta 40c. as Cash- m iLTC Shoes Are: S.R B2gs Ioh ~~Ohsh~21 b B~~0 Mn ______imatL III. et WSAND E R Se ýt Sof W orîteda and Tweeds 'jnet to, eâWaàils ata 01 Rornb> WU. n FOSALLý-A h lL, your new suit tailored at once <~bba' bihi b ~' P. phon eietîo îqgon O.P. 1. m00W004'd se l iiM. 82114fo nmeW hE -- ou"e ta rent or îiyu Tbr re ren , Pia1No.Go &Jlan waueno liton -Office- ZL1lce0* 1001t 1teHa,, oselo"lie' odigDiiion ial HrOmîtbalRr o Sg-b00 * bout 4 wj- r- nielioofu-t-at atCps;ElhHellr vaon~~condition la weeks olÉl. A LYJy oe. .u aLse&u lm 1:iIes0 à 1We. Thon vOI Ta10Phon0 c h Cid.W eatb9-r-8. R moie -heid atntne MOU mes CffurnishiDgs required by me o ne~w 1 1 ho1101110*14100001 AId ld ciLYthenîngid ojesA*rDCtl o M IL LI9Js~arvete auybwSnrerMlney wSaeau ri- heir wardrObe for the nies *eather. fo ltyHIWithadjae S o'cloothk1Xu. rvl ad ur2Ieoa , 9 - 0fTj0a-trader hy-la 'JIuTeRvluy annhr0 ave aia i rdlvrd.A .Cu-9-most in l end d armntat west pmrîciies y,*wSae n ri tOWüc o tt, O e. M i, àt w e oe ave h e eri de d hw u f er- P h oe 1 -r-18 L ow ,i e. 20-tf. J i s, Odd Ponts, etc. nenhain. dyevening. No ".reste u efr AEAcU . era ils, Wd aWr Sit, os,, b aim theUiTown Olerk aet0 Pibearsa w ORBt.Aso at erer AN MRE EUfuEA b.iala r. . E Baooo viheta uie IO aa hsodwocd dreser. Fer fur- ijtj=b M.. n Cmig ounes that ies office wiyu l.ao.e fise. hapo EA1YCL B8OCTDSter, b am 0MuneofDaiek Ounty eMay atenononand aller VOIE SAL-White enamelle out, .gq teaira u?¶ ie faanIi 210h.droiteides, epringo a"dlniattreos. Ail NwForOîlth n ioem coh'ar, cpa ent,of theexpeodl. Nw100,F.loh adLioeus ture on Dn 0. 0. F Juaitými-Uiltoun odg o, dil epair. platC mio C E I7 ti o Dolu treetprovincIal No. OZ waa ntitAppiyn ut Ch17Zampian 9s > BEVVQblghisay, in îfIM l11 ,7gsyfor rAd da Jubilee celebrstion jlpiPo*ed* FOR SALE-HoLaghîîî O-,yhOder oem u s sadar es. ti OiRusadMt 4 HITN bonuemtron sa mnintenance and Aeomiuttee hëba ppe td oTouriug Car, necard ireso iw top. idwSaes uti osRg n a ______________58______MILTON 10 5 fr11 celo f theiSixlien take the matter ln bond. egnoa1oo u e.A bargaio 9 -o Mil CeekhoÉlp. heby-iaw-wil ho W.CTU-Tb*aonnuat meetin of Hpbrn Graot inidue I h unyig of th1e ~WC.T.U. for election of oces n@Grae coonty ceuncil - yl lie beld In tiie chooicoom nfuth1e ladepaintingdonc.Poe26 A L P PE b 0Weme îS th timdta et afer te r. Mudist C TUchon Zes y Mae:Yoriie teio a W LL PA ER o stetm og ta erteaohâif oM . @o utalyWil. OthA eullaoo foeareqetd Ftmtscheerlfsiily giveu. ltOur stock la large and aur priceos right. li 000 j Lq t n.a"coe 2 Teoenbaîf for bOock trout b.FOR OAL-Â yearling colt ,bav ~ _____________________________ Fle bfreguygt a li et Mouday, aod Mil ton angicre ns odDra rd a roY Flies befde they getTell yduc friende ndbelp o ~Wron nta ia.'hc rubbm ad. aJIPYDrha adlot i 2odlîoe into the hou~e. oliday. soine extra largefNbbru fwer tbkis.q g C into th houl. 0. L. PawmrrÂTioîe-Luaî Mon- u been uuuai on the opeeîog day. u c -as polisaIm-eu Milton 1 . 1, No .Be,. Bru. A. anule meld;teingof Mrub W.lBAOT <JEicK5 a BaOttocnui2c - 9Marehall wu presented witb a ellk Rc.Ore ot i .J Hny andun ddree.exreelng10oilOilOnMay 101h, et 2 p.Ail cneet fornh.au mlngremoal». fr xar e eqmtsia lereenB. R. No. 3, Georgetowno, eMi refrbis m m n vrtb ol e f metiamoretn toreppsoîiitt ou8imor-OnTusdynihtbiLco Men's Black OveraUPants, $2.00 value for .......... itnand the lacs ta the li.,gurosn fof teîelection of Officiers,, hbch laune6 hrs 2 0 au o. . . ................. Kmneatvlbo.forfuurewe ofewer lie year. Peru and Milton, an auto tire and im. q Mu ev vl addeal ta Bru, Marshall and bic ebml : Ta"R5ERD.After tatween t wn ercDtop1bavefo, e ,prtvi>e"- Men's Fine Cotton Hase, 50e value for ....--------------. ........ Th pesntttn a mkehy1 ndt-B eaa'maagmnt, ofîîrheement.-Geo. ]Emmett, Peci, [>re.e n D o r0s TercePn: ae . annh@beyas'PCUES a hePrince" for Fr1- H S Â~ subjeot, .1Tbe Fol aNert Don.' A of il on saturday. MauhîlNelaîSAleuZ,"l Duruieubn t b a p m. In inoan ve. ranb. diii Co nulac lecturer otofroane ndrei Black 1 & 1 Rib Hoso, sizes 6j fa 10, regular stock value 50c. pairfoi. ... - t ~~m, -* f,,iai ,graEARLY CLOSING -Every body sba,îldOc b 10 nlUSCadcai-9 and W len W sToronto and Rail. Admissio upot the wehly Wednesday hal lfim, fesasllldPub Oiulley and Wes-» 40r- and 25c - ha iday in Hilton, fraom May 101h t: Ba rry n ed au ail-star cuai se0 v A BA DiATH 14athe ltest wek oin eptuiober. Sbould 'Afbec Ille Dengh" aall11Renie come- A b gv-4 Saturday Wns. a public hol11ýiday accr n y weeh, on hdyt.lcticesiextWed syîlghb. \I II i (aIvantzed Screen Wire CIoth lagetak n ishar narLov:le wi e pe o Wdnesday Ibesrnca n. CCu le PHONE.9 SANDER ON'S MITON 'C bIc. Forth vu. a frmer sd las The Iope dofWnoxCida- icou. j .Can a IThdie Clauoez 36 nd40in wde- ighly eteeined by hie ne g cir. Reldahoe heiu u"TeKit %0 2,3,vas about 55 yeari af age and unniar- odar mg ae n aeo on.19111 and 20h. "Four Horsemen. 30c2 4 6ad4 n ie ical, Abouta yur ago, lu hbu iacbaigo btarna th ________________________________________________ hc vu. ccauking a lare guacline e etaI3 0cok. Ail the ladies at lie con- ie theacflored dvnrew hlie, atIon are aikrd ta cotribute, SORN >îlce5- a1 Ils Uegoodeapae Onaîdetcably îowei c go e Il bokr and na chuta lin, artofaor the cale may bcasent ta H3adicyjln Neluon, an April 20gtb, iI,-- Ai a.. NTR FROST W IRE FE NCE. thanlast se»on.. the bauement. Hia ikuillasu fracturedteibocomaecyauosieun-aM, and Mcc. F. H. Hadiey, a andl bis brain picinaneitly affeoted. . Saturday. daugbtec (Marjorle Alice). WALL-PAPER WEEK- lTlis le J. K. Dugan bas sbl is rocer - y0nid Charle 8tâ.Torsoo ou Wl-ppr n mHuefuribing businesse o esss.Wcrd &1171 giî.?82- in-- Lese46 pr o Wel on arainviteil ta boy yanr ai Milton. wv i ak ue passceson -t"D raSs acaîcs a.:dt e moee4429Rig ok ene46 e LE E TS A D ARE1 Wr Naitpapr Onurou a eers. t& are inco eamss don 847-8 i"4e-per r t bor etprlea a uîtabout the ifteentb af May. The saine Forth-At Lavwville, ou Satucday, eaiI ed ansp n r 411 F zi ~ s ~c(ti enta iesatpicet vsiiittage9Mt tatheioigu Sitoa, îi; pl., uForth. nt, ýP agod Posli- -Tlieraent - your perce, Wacb ural setveek peaple bavs booght C. i. Andrews April S2 1 22, l1l>a i onrg tsîheraii catialogse freec 857-12 " " 51& per rod n- - oterestyo. LaIH& Colie e'vcaeal. Bcto-Scctvll. JaseneoAlMount He o otEi yaCa ke thnoei amn l 842-9 Light Lock Fonce 500.:pe rîod L Tgui OPIETD-TeKNOcX CcsUecH.-The cfbjeet for 82ud year. igtninbsiesep.I 847-9 - 52e per rad 7 per cenu. Ssnday morning viii ta "Peteçanal fellovcg mn uextractlroni the report the Paver of hii. Key@." Evenbng Hume-On Wedneday, May 8i at hiec FOR SALE. 847-12 ' ' 56c. per rod foi' cash. of Mecsrs. R. E. Young & Co.,. oi Tse-ubiiCt viliita'Tise Creative Paver bite reideuce, Toronta, Mary Uine89PutuFne.... rot, chactoreda aC COon tantm. utm'1 4 o lry F -.................. ..... 0 .lt1 auitcefo cun>'aiHat of ,, aith. Mc. Hackay viii preaci at I dvsow ni the sic ilse. Robert I_)Ce. adtr fu conyofHlo.o othsrvices. Ose seats are ail free Hume, M.. prsperty beisnging ta the estate of 2060 Poultry Fonce ................ ........ . > Treasurer Hutobeon's Secointa for aadwc viita eiad t bacc yo ver- Parte-On Tburodav, Aprii 2n, 1922, lise ste Jshn Lavso, conaistiug ai Green Lawn Fence .................. 12,iL, and .121 n.l 19--i i2: IWebegtaltestify tatheefficient sbip vith u.ah i184 Albany acense, Tsi-sntstvabuild istaot un LyiasAve. analSds - t'manner ib iicb tic Teaurer ha@ Fo pillerlaMs Seeliosinfanteand n ar-M..........o.....r.....Ace...o.....O. - .- aribd onliauaccosnting dsliesdering Aniilereary aeccices vo-eaiofÉl is n n at e .F i ~ ~ A gean a.,. - -11 yefid Uc ii-ueai it vbchtbcMcoiv7yst vChsr r eb u lsdyenlnal Mcm. tuesell Parks. *phosne 239w. - Paultry Netting, ail sizeo, 12, 1,4, '0 ~, 7-1 i . Iii hie vauches are fylcil for audit anal vere ver7 nuceceful. *Large congre- itoadhiasli eus a uoo' Sereen Wire 18, 20, 22, 24, , 28, 30, 32, 34,l - -refecence. anal ta the cure and aceuco gations vere peesent btt mornicg April 301h, 1022.Lattis E. Cotilcon. WOOD FOR SALE. 42 in. high. Lt eey diepay bn the andhin~)aithe anal eccning. The preucher for lie hoyed vt u-aals edbcc, _ k. fîitîed fiiiiilî Siting Room Suit, imitation mony a inbtrbeate entrîe lacoiveel day vas the 1ev. Dr. Dougali. of O.k.-bn e5iryar. Go adod u n1f.nts - SATISFACTION IDARANTEF-D r0séats, as lluatrated, 6pea. i f lfladthe fev erconof a aver>? mine. cillIe, vba gare tvao plendid dis. Spence-in Nelson, ais Wedncciiay Gns50acvsinle c:utloit enia. - C amj curuter compiecd vltb Ibe vouas cou-ec. Tic muusic by the choirvwas May Seal, 1922, Renter 5C 5.0sugecrtiirdsme - il ii ourîndow) :~ ~ f transactione seitrouîe, optoly ine. vbdaw oi the Iste Wiit.,. ~ vns.ecni s~.Toeol jE . banda." Mc. R1t=on e tab. cn- OCogocSuseisamo,-Polim e i- inAbrW«hSON grtuaei o uc acmpimn 1omitrteSied, o aril cm i aeai-. vlîtate pae rmteWiloon's, East Mary- Street, or John on .R U NE . MLO uch a surce. Miltan ItstThursday ta te> John IL recidenceota Walter Readiccad - on Wiisanes. King Street, viii receive Phaono 28. HARDWA. Mult. Rillie, of Trafalgar. committeal by SatOiday, tb mest., .t 2 pi. Ï nte- prompt attentien. Teris cash. Polices Magitrato Die for vilé e ict.ment in Loivyblle MetiodiulCcisetery. ÛAVuIt MCPiEnDEULAt. inf.RHllis vu. coovictoal. but vtsres; I isc uIe. 4t R..Ns. 2, Roctveod. reteacsd on cucpendça -seni tenue auon c-In îsving inemrysofor payment ai lie cat.e, P.ic gvoealcardaagistr-Florenc k. Gseal Notice 10 Credîtora. I£ Yestecday vu Mitax'c fluet Weil- May 2nd, tOt9. Notilco eecbyrlcospurementai l u it.e-____ neday haIt ioiiday af thoe orre D oi uct iAca pistai-e ua in usai Ihaif ebt al aij=e-.um viei uohicb viii endl with the end ofSep- Oleovnd onelaid tsirmt; cisimeacisis ethe mueora L LiT tobr eni ~ vsse c i.tat OiLDte eeo.irsi. eomi rs£ ildren Cry for It! j bcisngNeai-iy ail place of bîsineos inie ~eh.. .ora theeal .î. t etyofy Ohe8n. m Mae. Ol i luigthe post office. vere cioe u r san nu oel;omPeak bler - vs i ed tac. . or &out - 3e t "Y Ofii M e Ih nI, 1c= bu tee ee eerlou e.tu-uitll - Wl »; e h ity nie difvcc Jeabnx ai the-tlut..tOr nu i-ciant, via aeid ic> v ana -d %1, esvc 15v e min lta oîiie WI aad. Oiîued e by sessOreti-. avor ac cpi; l ui t cat i-en arrangement vbich saltvoll Aseetuthetond.ie.ie.- , "~i l e 4'eryand ti) or.it , base tol o sp ta. a tava by-tav pi-e-Gooadcik-tn ioriog memter>' i o c cr ist l n the nnre of ihs m5eeriiY. if -eY. ferreedda ssoFec .driat iscd by th... Atcth-ied date th.esse5olsl-béât is nonc too goal. , nTin-sdas> oening, May 4ti, Pros vite ai James Gooderick, wbs - i ii peeed ..o itc- i-,i« iho ade ai-tu &pin remnd yau that M On i .G ue ML hDo h My2d 09 i eardoane tuîle 0n LSacci e ie iecoJ Hme M. Pn f hcMa nd ttO ~ ~ cc~~t015 ost.cihichlc e 4th is 1'Mathers IiDa%, UniversityofToronto,______"___________nmiles. mdihofina"I ot 5e, Uoici-ciy aiTaruta, vieairo T iees yedave Rc e bse. l emismobte. itaîtu for the ssteorsemy pasi ti,: hem ta Wc uggmst tisait lecture ini the Higb Sohoal. under the Nover wSU ber nm m is"ny pecse afwici t "us o Ies uieteo auepices ai th iclMtais Hoies andl vmtuei vi iecgii- hecotoos rei-ciedby li. a$itheoilimeOfuimeh. M iibcr hcr by gîii.-g1 ccol i ebr r fuse ru h raeev rse s-I o ditrbutbiton.aLbax aifitur High ýru t Soboal. AIl mebeceeare ciquc T hi.s dy Icisso sncle ta iecoo. 'nt a isuleuSdyaiAi.ti.c a1a î. ht F tRoEE S H u ece n gbc preant:ab 7.45, as elOction ai A 5,ved mes one t et, ae. et25Milto RUSONt dyetApi. g ' ot hs. Ifwc j;u Oew lae hi metng thol n oJvdrad e It. mlofrtý u ftw ewl a I ornialdehyde, L'eecls %ic:0e lanke cilally avt ite o a ut- "Fmiesd y Bu, ad Matai OolisteeEsoszi.taoue. -utie af Lead, Gllett's Lvo AsoTHitR LARGE Housi-The third Coooanut KIM 25e. lb. (t reenWool Sca « Carpot Saap, utbalMonda> erein . drevThic favorite ceody neodo une ialaduction. Esc > siurii, t ana~e lare hoeS e the1~rusceee IRA iiPEE'5 RE I ~ - mtheo ta 1> cver>? fanal aioui- tossauiiKisos. Strs tvtl-tt t - line, Camboli Acîd, Dsnetns 'e±e îircut i00fr 25C.D Ir,< < ' vnlaivr eg4cl , - ALRDA Y 23 t t -o t Dp, Zenioleum, Whisk Brooms, tickets.. WioPerformianesvas, f an>. - -toe oprsBnAi hlsg, lie snmothet niflbheiîree. - WekEdCh tee 250 lb. - -lune, -Copperasoon Ami,1Utot aîel> Me. Whis,,non Mai 100For Sale or Rent To jualge the value et Ouri-%$&Chacoleutesis ht- t , 1 tisect Powors, LnetO op i aap btheu4rhay ~hem itis ther lines. Wc areoea 1the qoalit> et ,,,rs - fT t1 Chaliois SkirisDr. Camp , of 0cqmngevlle.m&atsnatrayRe,4..Adli qbf- .STUDY2 iilgs Lump Jaw Cure, g- th btin the lUî-nbGilbertlLeandee,.. ,, Rebuit tadyRe4c.nvil I. STRA 2- îîîîîîg's Have Powers, Spnges,. Poster. «Re' an exceptianally hcatCpmCM ,8fr2. ili ng's Tonie Pàwders, Catfie cap, Steve- amateur Actioni. CRem harc gfr 5c 'Èon- hold AmniThc annoal meetino thbi W. M. 8.eraiedTecro are nat many famillea a i èee tisn cight. Yos -titi1 -ho aîd Bggy pongs, iOuseeo monîa vu.bolaletath1e home ai Mrs. W. B. - Fevoleamiy for 25c. Ysui on* é&ctaiiutr goasIittgt hajisSinSoap Mmking Materials, - lementc an Monaay aftecnaon, May Oa- lainais Skinlot, Kt 3vecegiven for 11e ar. o t evc a tyu iposai. Agents for U.S.L. Batteries. Satutiday-Sunday C lmates 49e. box. i oq oniin ôdri wr ec o j er ur EasterSevccaatouds I Iydraigon Peroxide, Hand Scrnb Brushes, Ymeetng vwu ni intcccLt The tbank- Ti o otisoepud-utbg rd hcli Wbale Oitl'Soap, Ivory Soap, Life Buoy Ssp, offéring amountealfto,006.75. TheefM5c o7cprl.Eahc a ap up 011 fTsr Crelin isinectats.amouit reaiee! duri= yeac vu CAVE L ATTER«Y SERVICE tam ic100 prLb Bc h aT RE)susc 49,up Ibis >maT vth ttra it MOtE _________________ _________________ members-wMr. Ju.B. Bell, makbng Main St.c Milton. ]Phone 2415. TI H..O -- ici-self alflie member, sadpceeaa, _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _H.l tin of tvolits ccrtiflsates.cap c, Mrs. 444"44-144BRAMPTON GEoomRSE MILTON ACTON EveybdyNeeds a Something eyoe A. ýCbambers aid the __________tu__Mise____ Everbod a L.Iery.w Harrison. aIl ori bm havebhein ver> taithiel aid loyal vaukeceJu thse aut S-PRING TONIC Needs __ay elr onrddrn h yely having Ivo cetuesed olan. er h eehome an tnlougb glve iii -ypoposphtesHat Dyes, al shildês. net nat.acae-Mimm Aton ILolall-HyiaophosDyhittrsilu amîanlM (e. .aî_ ,Phone 4ù. ations ? siw .1 i t 't J <S

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