nam qu wli. F. Foi-de. t Atrîca. E. PIn inendt Lydia pound I and the- satdo v-ucle orcld. THE Thc il theii ce are aa 1 cIeý te tl ccli Ici i-as a Ictn p i t',IL tetîîci-IG l'et. ]t icie c d, t cclp(I 3,re nt oI- ou ngt )l tati -luLci teoti-et,qua le- lccetc 0>-pI tect Ruasian t1 ati- ieuw' ple of t t cd ons airui an-dIpvotile et rnouie tic peolei. Clciiat ital-tii-p tiecronepie be.Miltie T* t1%ad1^n Chp.u1p1On DA ELLTyl' I . MrLTorc. My 4.1022. COUNTY COUNCIL ere, OnDYT tédysUilRi5l OlAW. ~ MU~ - L ~SP Joye Ero 8.nbui. 12 #.m 1lngi Milton, May Z 122. Serreey .Trsam A. S umlosneei .2 O The cosineit met at 10.80 arn, in ac. read wr &inc in r3 eoemy347 ar@60m i* loidau, ith nali of the'Çt'rden. Duinta e 0ti. OA. B. A., a8 âg2560 p.Mn aturda, onlyl 3.48 p.iii lismiers preent, the Warden. in application of the t.eafn for aflia-" 4.80 7.40 p.fl. th chai, and Maes. Blain, Breekon, Itien*0&15 pai. ...0pn fletaner, Lhihotai Itln Rartweli.î A romoution was panseil. ailowl0 7.00 Exocept S0.4 à Son]j lJimpahire. Hillmer. Irving, John- each teani to cari twenty xlaîers. AtM one rtiden and Robinsni. . athoeghudrO. A. Going West.-12.M5a.n d 4. $ci-nique Ti. int. f helitmetigresidence cule, except la gemi-finalu, Going But-725 am. &48&9 pin WTOâdlq " g,ér r*iend aIand conllrnied. when they imuit b onOuade ceident. s-< puoa~~uetlU t ommunctoins eprent Psublc Nm t, taui rie ae aacli GRAND TRU2tK RAILWAY lo of a cut or mctchor the. ors- Rigliwayî, ce grant of 0121,30.92foi- towa te ho sent loto 0Seimtary ofthe. . h . W.0!l o ums. lraa 'munt" rad,1921. and allieunt due Longue before openiag goe. oN OT.. GOiOT. i- Oeil - mfl tâsuOmofm ru 'yti ny td teee' cmet i-u . P. Nelson, nporting goodb dealer, MOI01p.m ;8M20p.m .0hm ;ÉiPui t~îcm pois~ZanBi Dundas Street provincial highmnuY Hamilton, boa offei-ed a alilier cup or __________________fond__________ sud Sixteen Mile Creek bridge, medain to the, teani wînnlng the. chani- qii -0r a »,i ege Allen & Wig*ine ce Tre.aiîrera oion.hip providing the. leagnie btiyi Deansry Meeting Held ai PalelimO.qaiismi-a giitaldn bond, Dr-. R. 9,. Anderson, M. Pl..baliroin bu. T he pradent mas n.ofa nuygfl'thiifl te memeial to the Miniiter Of ntcucled te interview Mr. Nelson and m.I ireokl az tuistice i-c polic court fini-o. nnd iarn ci-t of sainie. and money mould The Deanery meeting nf Halton W" s."TeefrkepZ in-u tDi-ip Vtirways and Powcrir Commili is- bcfoiarded to Sec.-Treas., nith beld ar Palermo on April 2lth and. almays aI hand and useI ien repposition te neheine. poncer to purchaie sarni-. - 25tMb ginning with Eveniflg Prayor. rmt my Theni-port of the Auditoru on the Thc necretni-y nf each club wasi- Inn St. Lkes Cicb.Tiiopeacie Trenno itu uer-unt foc 1921 mai pri- structed toe report roonlt oi each borneiras ReY. E.,G. Burfe Browon. t ,ronted. garni on Monday moi «gnoloiwng Baimha Churcb. Toronto. who 815*0 Mi..('losholIm prencnted the tbird ce- the gume, to tbe League SeCretarymho iin -The Pouhblllty and Power ni Re- port cf tln standing ci-itiittee on in tura woultl nend lame to the Billon ligiouin BeiiaI." A% the. Chapten railwaye aud leiglation, Mr. Heuai- Champion for pubiation of League meetingbli eat the Recto. a paper mei1 tihi third on specia meta-sadnwas reafi y tire -Ro. W.P. Robe-t.- tie-no, Mr. Modi-rn the third on god The official lé H' baIl mi ai non, B.D., nf Hanmiltcn, on "Sonne rouldo, Mc. Blaincvie third i-n nolity adopted. Phame.of Kodernigni." Au interost- ad ait ouiior iiiurie6. Begiids buildings and Mr. Bi-Inner tbe thi-a Thn O.A.B.A. baving been aoked tai ediscumsion iollomed, in whinh 1e -iBaadgecr.lîg rp iopriotiog. dram up ochedule for the lengue, Pros- . f.tergu ion, M.A., B.D., of Hanili colig n ei-iln rp 1fr. Irving rnened, seci-nded by Mcf. iden t Joyce ceported that bie bal ce- ton,'mnd others took part. An recel- e4ri es,.arn Buk Il enuloweulwith. Breckon. thnt the ci-uni-il go inti-co-0ccived "oie, o-hi-b mans dogted. lent paper Who 'read. hy tdmDeanei-y pwersot boa] ogand simrenewal mittee cf th-enhi-li te conider lie ce- Folowing in the o hedale for the, Secrmtary, Ro-. <0. IW. TebblofniBic -L.. mec tonnInd ftty oid-alyla potof thenvr iounsstanding ci-ininC eanon :- ington, on ."The Unconnclous Inlu Isai-esor ninerai onîmenîs. ci-i-Cnried ii-o ie MnAY 12 Carnpbellville aiJiiltan once of the Sunday Sehool Teacher. MJde solciyr from riici andl rare The muic. Mrden ntc o tbeeanc. Bronte at Burlington Rural Dean O. F. Cooile, of Milton. Free Samople Boxes Lca itat anB! th hl, tr cdnint-eWcdair. . Georgetao at Antan. . presid. eaiçtcs zmB l Tiecmncniil resunleenth 1-coa ne n eliînuiii»g-#mii.e o, d rh.iocnidn N attce's mont oefl4dsc the chinr. 2- tna Bot s .ni##.s.p (formi-. cn~eu espmru .n u Mc.M~r~i- cipii-edc p-r.>cf Burlington at Campiielîville Wd MI IOm. u.uidot# fe oI Pu- e i Irernedyfoi-cczema tinlesîc stndn cmmli-n cnidred... Miiontt Miltotan iino ý. ir i. mà_. - t7iul bit,,bad legs, poisoned 60Nor sandng od uppend ormîc- 2-rotee Hlon . I iOrna. Attoreny) midcn.i# .dnelduie c goorm, piles, ulcec, etc. amededandappovd i comitee Georgetown at Burlington Baonlte. icluilon aiOdnoai. i-f the iviole. Carnphellvilli at Actan. BiynLo. A. S. Fi-cuti-rnddri-ei-d le ci-ini-il JUNE i-Bui-iingtot Broute O »CM-ey bIA.. . Big.Ot________________________ ieDeep Wati-rnnysanod Pi-wer Cent Mito a (anphllile . _____________________Milton._________ont__ omi sion Ae itGn to Iric.ncîg oved, neconded iey Mr, , Atna eogtm-Find for lIftolIntIeg uage. Horaby Circuit Cbmreh Amemceem Bilair),1 btttice reportesn ttiOi- virnl tiintn tHit o gtw ,tai-ding cccMmitti-i-, an.i-ionideried Brlin atan at G ileorefJrâo eetamn ,Sunda, -ay -Bev- i oe adanneincm i-i ofthe - ., Brint A uctio q ChiteJa. n'otileorg1ta.nMu . Sniay, ay 7Sei-pan.mhowey .i ae aeinedO oiiiti--17-Atna -igu hargod J. Clark heforeIlH. P. H-i-.I an.BehlZS ,..Rrhy7p nshile h nd ie eieb aoped-tooan at Crpolil-Ple rdya hani. Sacramont nf the. Lordi Sspper. 5.I lSerri-d. Miltonatfiotite.mole aitetenFrdyths Mr. Hillîner îcieninted tii- thii-d i--e- 21-Georgetown at Milton Titeo mdcsi gnel hie eceivadinstuca--office here, mita hoîng iatoaîoed and QMayeter8ymBoni-net. Moîdayh. portocte s tanding cionmittoe on fin- Campbelrville lat Bulington tii-ne rou n-it.h îîîing profane and înltîig lang- Wy a ~ . PastiBeheoCrii -ni-e BionteatActon. OSCAR DOWNS uage toward uion Gond Fiiday.ntneioiia Iring, Hulthei-repi-od.tooindne coy r.n- ULY t-Burlington at Milton I iteb dpe-are.Cmpelil tBot esi ypuleacine o ,cn ,Tii.evidence au tanintoxication wnu I akville i-iouir i-m m r e initco li- ai-pId. Crrie. . Georigetown it Actnn. Trafîalgar, i-n ithe ciae ni tiseracnicutiogandcng inbtuit-or iffianecen Cmpeaull t rot t ei b ubicnctn etlthco. noficen a muea onitin bitheyang-ti te inllplrlh Mr. Merden uni-n d, necended by M. 8-Actan at Campiell-ille SATVRDAY. MAY6th. 1922 iahe agthuagemai nutinedanA Tliey are conîidi-ring- th pi-olimed aid- i-ci-c-hi-DeeitieciedatonW»oi-romifron Irving, thutt hi-Wacdi-n andTie -Brunto at Geoi-getaon la i Ucpenalty. iino 0fitt n n ftemi ti'elnibci-f Nii- Sctn. ontiowired ibi, Miltan at Birliigtau. ni t p.m.. tic feluowing c-S ioas te o ' ni contedtîînn 3wfn t a.oî othe mi i- n f NSnts,the ottediy1of' 1-Mittounat lront. ee niiM>,2~ri~hios tut JiI& RanéK. C., man courrmel for building in the fair groumnis anmd bU O nCnmphotivilie ut Gergeli-m 20 boens.Defi. t:bdi-li, horne ralbe. h efn LAntan Frie Press. of it neat inter. eaddllnns (820.80.00) fi-r the B,îrlîngtan a@Ati. et lever bnci-i-me.Deeing pnigtolt ci-ldi aceount toc Bi-on e t Miiu clyaoFst&W d skChhm Dry, bi- ri-pd bmeat frn, BrouAte at Br nto anig t]w ohbggr tsltrnck mme.. tntpeiu iî holocil- Actone Aergton. Ni-. 21 atin l i-m. Copir ttCeillte ,fi 1 ri' Everything Yeu Require in the LUIUDRL IIE SIc. llcnnpvlncri uni-ven. necendet aI Cniphollvit e iity pl.em Nu. 5, 2 oe-Iose nuffiers, __________________ St lnntoef ht. -aBN. erigtet am p Brae. ile lumber ati-n miti box, art i-ligi7 filr. cnî,o ne,ile A.' ïawNtfoctieogeonun rote luggy, enter,.poer jaick for cer. circuter Joisting, Stodditig, Ail Frqrning Material, m 1 la Ne. 51fh ni-w"A' r ed th ini' miv. mirelhnincom. gooline englue 1I up..- BylwN.Wb o edtefrt Esqnesimag Farier Misslni. dl0 gaI. oil ian. quanlit> ot tiler tubes. . Flooring and Siding. ti T ne. COcried. utilînhle fnr bne poet, qianlite nIfhoi-ry Tic iy.inm mas rmadlfi-st time. 1i-ites andéluut boxon, nsteneùun laddoc Doors, Framles and Sash, Mr. Hampshire moved, aconded 1y; Acton. April 27.-Daniel BoKinnon, 3011i.. cyclne seer, ci-nom senaiator. I1iie eogaPie FraulCesnt Mr. Ji-hnatoue. Ihat cIi-ii-ocil gev-mine puichaned the Thomasu Rydor quantiîy et tomber, ubeet ilon steve. 2 Trîm IrPn Goga ie Fr dCestinI r il t) coimitilleof ierle onatie farin,.un thet secoend ine ni Ruqueing. cio-muut Fnos, boy toi-h aiedt ope. e ta .','rondreding of y-lam Ne.-,tire i-ai-hi-ce, atout dirn meeku age, hae;cdouble breecheni larnepi. git single lisnn'SinlsadPaetR fl ag iVurden in fli-c aii.-Caccied. loch rising inceS Api-l5. Otirat ve, 2ntspemhroe. ie ,rire eouncil %vent inte iommittee cf date ohientMr. and Mcm RH. Gordon, ily ut bouocbi-ld tunnituci-. oa.CretHy aedL e, ii- fliceoe, tic %Vrden lu the chair. mlîo are fri-enda, hait le mas eonilg INoeci-ni-ve, o" mi-ini n fatal - il.Hardwall Plaster, Plaster Board, Etc. variel The ciniil ccnunnd. eAitan the iolncing day ta makle T o9 e cetndr ann rnami The Wai-dceeci-pi-ited By-lam Nee deul mith Petei- Prina, oa'Bailimna- Tot s-et c(Jr ad-i-i-r, csi;i-i- promp -n o--o itnînt ] ree Oi îai> ib. 1d loT ciad econd Heine n ccmgittccetfffortfer a fearaiwagon, and it the di-s f i-t jeinnutrei eippo- p adcaetate nt pioto . Phne rteOr qi. makegt. odi cîn nhi-e.did net go thi-cugb, ho moula gen on teoak Mfr. Hampshire nioceul.aeeended b! Toronto. Since thcn bc-as een mie*- J. Ml. ALDES-lNAutioneci-. A. CO TE & SO Sit Mrc jobnntane, trt By-lam Ne. 481. imc. A O T S & S N a o-n n-etd, Ici-ni-m ciad the thi-Itigne No anxiety msa fet Ifoi ornte. ~4Iua4as '~Gin p-a ci fccneoed, mith eni-pocato siu -ai. Mr. MeKunnon waseahouuiairied toe . iI NuES 2313s.urifseila o nt. toi-led.-Curi-cu-a. n MiseMeCrie. cf Saudileld, nii-rch e Cmeit m Aqp.ctioq iv _________________________ lline hv-o- ma rend tbird time. Quetifi border, oun Aprul 21, and it mou - Or-ita .c ilncu;hi-im nc noved. necondent ty auppoaedline vmitid go thore froin Te- f_____ - --______- the 14 Min. Fhii-tlthatileai-e be gcanted ta in- i-cnta. DO- Satura.> homes-or. ev. Fai'm Stock & Imiplementi i@taie tIoce et--actaI rend a by-Iam te ami-ad Peter Matie.on. Preahyterian miniej vr. Dy law Ne. d7i, aoîding chedule ter- of Sandfield. orote Roi-. A. G- The ondernignothaba n-- iouti-octed by ar& ta.cedÏ By.hàm No. 987 i the Stewart, Preobyteclon mnister here M < c5L o aiigniun-Dulck Master Four & Shes t-c cenit v etHates and tie i, neme ho atiag te boom ifnything vias oeil B>- n 0bic t O tn 1, 6 hale total was orofrea.- HigE. l uutm riv i anfeld tIfie Trialga- (t mite fi-om Honebvi. Roadster Touriag th 'l'ini- l-lam mac rend ilut tinne. wem ie h mmmta have ben macreeti bisg part nIfIthe miteofnithe &, Mr. (' isiheinoe oid, eondenil y the day Iofon'% Jaie H. R. Frankiland, on MASTER FOUR MASTER FOUR thse .%Il.E -llnott, tinet by-lam jut rendt lie On Tueaday Hi-. Gardon, o-ho hana TMURSDAY. MAY Il. 1922 RASE ORN mt n ccd a seconed tit-e aned canoldoi-ed ine bei-n tcnebisg alter tii- Meiinnoni aucr' RIN Buil ctomtth fti-ieccwtc mdi. the Wardco fa-n aunaIstock duing isabance, rieci n M SY . the foiioaiog ':Dei itliti-ei-bainr,- -Cau-cied. came te Actas aand asketi for aaiit- Bcinaem cf mar5es, t-p.- bi-oben $13%8 Coinplete, $1425 Coniploe. Mda l'ine cocncil meet nt4sutcernuittecf ane is helping ta flad hi@ friend. elogle or- double, tex incînideil. Wtae includeol. lie1 tIc,' mule, the Wacdesn nthe clair. Inthe ieonitgCnvolunteer earcii CArEni.-Oe hi-onr (o-ue>- I eifer. prefnl licé-coci eaurnen. -Party. under Cohief Ci-une>. si-nichen ilinio; pure blentGueney>-boiti 2 P0b cs he igs datg'nbyn fLuhi-u a 111 Tic )IVardnereportent Hy.lam No. ciii-farn.but mith no uéces. Yen- tso@uenocedi-ntGernse>- boi, ýmce., 2 .rp iga uvnug nbyn caguu-uc a I9al s eoend tinte in cecmitteif ternIs>-tii- nottec mac placent in the gi-ode iDurham rcois, t teer 2 ira. io thul you get a McLnghlin-Buii-k liue-in-Head Motai- and proper- The the minile. inndn et Ceuoty Cromn Attorney PeGs-2 pure hi-ontYorkobice amrmv. j 1 rcilatent chaeois. INext ta that in the iangj of oelection mhich enabiesOn aoic Mr. Cinhein moi-rd, sencondcd icy'Dici, i-f Milton. Mr. Mi-Kinoon mas torancs-Nem wagon, sec oet bar-, ou ta citoono the ctyye of car that eat fila yocftneeds as te pao- ar Mr. Eliett. tint fly-iam No. 489ic-a ti-noger lei tus vicinit>-, havlng mme- nom is>-rai-b, new dinh. nec es*lyagrée ci-ad a thncd tui-and pasmcd and cor- ccl>- cecenîl>- corne troiniCochirano.momor, n newa>-loader,,item aide deiiv- eger cupseity atnd other service reluiremeuts. t ta d 1ceate sea] attuvii-d.-C&riei-i 1 XVes he nettled on Actonalie opencd i-iy rab., double toirom plom. nec mangie buttuz Tie ly-lam mu'. rend tIilie-. 1 an ccnlint in the Bank of Nova Scotia. iuri-om tom. seeder, nom miselharem H P EA MN t t. F. ILittlenddcei-ste cricie'ntante a gond depount on the farai, bugg-y, afoand cape, set dobelT. E BU RN, D ALER, M ILTON thsetI iwtinctycteni frtucirettGodn Hme.!uad o April 4 dremotabout $280. ilS breset aingle isrsou, an omaer, For Mr. Mitdi ote e cdnciid b>- Mc. anntheci- ai-c till suonnefunsis n tecii-o-tnom bc m. Ibl I-me e _ ____ t .ot.t-tce-. tit-th ,ntni-onnt-if Haitoun banni Icirn te is cri-dit. fo-o, ltai-, bc i-te. lebôos 1p- e 1 1-ccd lcct ti-eoicn u gen cHi-mini-o oos-KiIico ilotoe, oil the h i oall etatd ticant Supeitendent loi-ne-. OBITIJARY. sovni, Queea tove. 2 laite., 23i-aptoarirnlA REAL________ A_________ cc Iche ose ne-Carried. -bonok came.,gratte basket, pan oneamens, allaa NI îatin novent, scne yM. M .CiRisR:DEI mnute mini-or. disiag suite oI @ix chairs, ào aKb " htîtthin ccondi entb- c astuAne EÂuott. talle asd chinua cineto, qusurter eut éak -ponc icqont sbcce mth the ceint>- Lttie E. Coulsca, Cii- of Chailus 2 Piel' io. na tbt.ars harmdil Ici-ce Honte st'ialoc hometuasleearin cD U R A NTand gon l',e fr e ncv eating nytem fer Readiead, diiontelst Sooday at hber ci-ec; .nlutioui- i.onnt iett.e, oeP 1cr teicn,,niinoNI...ena hec R5i-elyeac. SI-ina i-dinhdoos tand., 4 iieken c ,l i v ici eedddollar- é-Careid. jhaltl bero snioing fori-neéilne fi-on i beaquanrtiei-eut cuiadresser, oea MC -lîeitolcetin oci-t, eeontent by heurt llesse, bat haâtbeena up onoulenhbrom hetland molli-a., 2 noec tws Mli atinlttit- ir,,ti-t tlio nîclmdai Sli-rday. Sue man a dangiter ulet-hm ileesimet beduandnttres.,bile h, c. ateiienuct fP.bî,ceHigho-nys Johnu Cecinînes. niNelso. Sie man a 1 army rotsiai->-. clu-st dramveru. cure, i, tik-o ci- iutatpurtion i-f ri- asan 1cgietfavorite in alauge ci-i-no ut2 lamepa0 6 itrie. chairs. Mlle. minibIg --cci- ynecccticci rod.esilencibnt10 frenecu.i-issuurin-ent yb>hec. hoîu ctng minie. loy'u bicycle. andccecc clte that partini,-, et ai) nd sIelle dangter, . -.Chai-lens Tsuu-Houeiotd lurnilre aId ailA ccc -itteci cotte lt 22 tu lot 32 n. 1Nnrrintonine-, Trafalgar. Tie ns ut f20 and undecashrnaiove thsl o c-v' Iccccbc--etci-i-ro-ns nt Nac-1tenierai toni place >eterday aftec amllunt 6 mnenthe iredit on appi-metixp -uie.-C'i-rciet. sns, fi-oithe homo te tite Lomnville mjo i-loes.. lpar cent. par mosuin oSffPOU rl iclcner nti-'.ca,aercndd1>-Mo. Hetiodist Cich iCenneter> andi mas foi-iagi. No rerree aithe fii-uuinld, vole ,ci-cPIic. niele cc1, tîtat the moeer asnd nu raceptioal a rg one,.1iit It sa BEN. PE'ICH, Auctionono. i 50.4 i-cc cccl Ictu' 2V. X.tobinaun be a uttendednt -t001 b>-Nelsnnrelatives "Illtccttt-tee oît npoîn the Hotu-ru' and nelghhemnsbeît b>- a great mas>- t lcetoivc-Commnissioni-nu beinîl iof fiomnds frein ail paîts of the count>- Ml-,.Peri-n-ai Couk. Mie. Cacgil. Mr. Wardes E. A. H andsotni-ai-t> ailt W Il.cdand anyyi-thec ivliieicin- theinembcruof theeaeisàty-nniscii t,,.-U P a lace ani- d if nececaary innggesc tii-t wee preenut, ne mere man>-fui-mer Yoo ean depeund on P IE*85FODhidm lcgi-jlnitt10t n-t oci-rivl- si-rh unenbera. inclnuning Messara. P. D. P IE$12e.OB, qaigtu os -cn-o eeced. . Scott. L. P.Fe-, J.G0. Wilson-, A. 8 4areta le iilimr i-r tcccid, socinnient iy Moi.Frster, W. H. Morden. J. F. Little:SEO S-47"Xrg I-tlien -t,c.i-. liat liu coietcil ajnnt D-t avid Hi-chi-in anti J. R. Elintt, ex- J h 't n sJ.F o i inlare t cc ;eLlt - -thecainlci-t the WnaIene Wurdi-nu. Tic pi-blileservices o ic he masi lice- -cctcviladjoornetl. no-i astIetuthticgravi- me-e contiet «>-i P O E1a IT N ad. REV. BYRON STAUFFER ila at- moei. nyrnc rPan 0 - - - NI N mdin o..- a~-T*#:eaa~:aê ::::..::..::....~ * a loa )PPW arie etlms mitracberii. prom tshe glnnîng ofi ouai' c-ici chberry grei-ozn.nboutl1800te.i lge Pimily Samîlet van tisale.ding et> gi-sua Unitedi Sîa;cn. )t 1860 tie Wilsonreplacendtchis ut, hecauma tWI I vs m-iille- v1 sto ore moitable tfo ShprtOg listnt Marketsnd tiIl@ hardinets g ond hsani4g tuaitces elped te ka amiwbSTy grovlns noce Ppem- ho Ontari. Trou a&bout 1180 atis hessu ta replieeeatb OtIser mOtS rapinis>cSe~sé uMti at niât 25 moattm-onsltfuue ahout se oset ofli te ntcomnecetl cherryM bsèga The PKlondikte, Ieadms = af1 th. ti, outhera es, isc&". lb.%teonntltutimg 2-8 cent ni th-4tot a ti-avtnry tge. Tbe m Arma. Ihs fao-qi-ute uty la tisa a001t«lCantral States, -oud, i*.. XI»« ec9lat0f thi oImage. vwhile Uic Dmsmiap in Nortsenu @aaes ns tii faupla. Amemng ithifait heuarere Superi and Proaronnuve i-ce uird. ading lthev Dw efore Cnaruag. 'ha scoper liss, ta hosto fesding hi-y co eo M sx or elgit o-eeks bec- t alvlsg, sud practigal tiymcen a tisaI tkis propai-atio- hans mure Io vils tis amano f miiisud te fat o-sb cov produce. Itur- tie lactatinperioni han dans tesOinsndai-las a>-otier persIu. r cowa cebing dtiitg tue smenea- lve aamait aseawm> froua iserd but vihan aboadaoec et ti aind. la adlditin. they ltIlla 1 a nuitaistogain ixture. Coin re. vIlS elio-su- ou alfalt a y tnd mited grain ration ofr r.e par-ts ad oa5àtm.Io parts et bran, td partct o lmnlih capenbel>- 1ior- cava calving duinc'crIer emcl> mping. Altervi-lvýng vise ashoulti ha brouilt mcml>- up te fend ati therehy iutevnliy teea ti- produaction. WhaBys InOicate. - mmnd op«n syes whicliarepli-i-id xpmadsoa ladicala aàgZ60si-oua eits- hien. viltS riat aitablt-, i-n 1A daetealVINate piesm». tIca B"i thiu o-tl ha eowbnnd viti à Osa d t mraea hough ie hetaaro tra thle opso- bSga thea 0"aina meivat or tii but vît SxaBcu. îmrns g ocum, c ahe u7syl l tileated - t il, th" aiac uttee00 nor tae c--se s sIiz of -semam ansd itf Oing. suupiesiunture. Tor e. blus e . -- ey ela-. anti ai-e, tnaaauBPmnt visau ion sol a vilv. nage*sIgia of gui-at ami, ueu ntma.Tisa>- mica tidIcate ist @"ehlssye-thatae tdd$n.g dis- dvIlbsuBod -pe*1' imsi.a- ,Small Prof- P E C là A I SI Me nts Ne ck wpr IUer. is un ofaer th*iN" maka a @tir. DoZ o!to Tieti, reaula p o 8960, special zoc to ,0690. ',- Children'e- ' Straw Hatî ExItra heavy, 1~6 inl. per yd., 35o. Spring Capte In lateat spring -"dets aod hpsFom Goods st( - Big Turno, m DAY GUO Ho'. Silk Hisse. laAest colors, 50c, 75c, $1- .House Di Regular S -2 e lI1 Apro, Regular $1.00 ii .75 Gingh' 25C. tc 3ken as Ca--i- cîn PHONE 7 t M t -iq t ani ,ompany pIlON E 0W1 s fond i . leni-Inci - flIce tic, ene 63. '- $ e'. - FAT? r te 1fr, i iT' "'SP YiJeady Your New1 ou" eock -was r, F unoe Shoes Are Dr more cofileIte kjoy 8hOWing y\OU Shoes. =~Ladies -Shoi SN ATT Y, a pretty f-c and add greàS lia dainiy foc They are ec ~al valuehiO' HOM1 lti- lie\- - cal- i i Bon,. Wcccc. i- RexacT 4c1i~ Wal Galbraith & Companý TrHE STOREFO MeVALUES ýcrec 3es on the5 ilh îviîî~ - I. Il -t-fln et-t - t f le f