IIOLD NERDS laid Lotions ý,L Hr- ~Throt -~ t t ONTAIIO t~auabiau NILTON, THURBDAY, NAY 4, 1922, r#-*% osacIA b. ima tiigat yirn ~oan vaariary neipe Itu .araR ooF lt,,' >0100 FAAOI NZIIE BL.. phano a to t OTARIt- No. -1 9 &dia, 'hampion tt AY MORINN T.i MILTON ONT te« aM li i Knbetass d S o m. te mjt culf bpceim imwt 1uA saor1Amaumcwut 1w.Il0 saluoo y e. ,r1 .dsle.st l s.k 1a.t a alle Cgitbe tlual i' AiTON. ,r andtPropie. fth. mo' Mo ta'i .untit'là-' s a.c~as a tha~. aa. »0t14 W. s-avtit ot.emetp tJontte't nom i-. SA- "oe" o. 'C i mdatI B l y o(...adc -a 8.%).aa< spns te. a, t. t. ae c3np. 'To"--i-"f thOa- ta ne. e rw7m, 'tota oa: c. as m 9- o . .. - , 2 a., Muaad â ug e ..d 3utmaldat!.n p ..tC acca mmaeCPte %IDt.o ia! P.Caeet&"lin bain r..P c tise',L. ctSIMLND,*À. 1. CE au nec aneauor d,9 Cma1 P'.) PLIEACBins vELE' OIo,- i.Paeaat!COFFICE- c-,,.. ats (;.anJ.naiis 2c5sua 4 - -T t',A1ea il. OWAt.o.U, .A igCia ia i - iou*sr 1>5 dut. .y. ifrond t HesA.u9 istt -tcs Osme us.5ta 11- LL . .'IterWLf D, E.ia.. .SB 1-LL . KINO, 5.5. CHXT~ RACTIC,1 IESE II tpACTCOFC tE11g fer ber ta eat. An' one day wben 1 w: over there tbey waa won- T 'eLight dertu' *bat they wa ala'oto 1 do mItb IT my b yor fnit hatbertttebar~ Itoo t a oy;; How to open a Savings your banker does not know C leatring the posslibilios of your ifarmi- A r.i ooti. ing oporations botter than ho C@utgYlgthaime Y 04opena savings accounft dom g Bile$ Wig iin The Bank-of Nova Scotia with ________________a amali deposit Alil you need do 130e hins oftener is to bring your money to the teller I5VIG UAUNII.U5 ___ ~ .a i ~and sign youw name on a card. f L ~ -The Iedger-keeper then gives o a pais book, which is your receipt. îNK OF H M IL OK % -ý--« ýIt takes lms than five minutes. C, a. STHAT'MIu«LTGNarma._Un._&"tuWhen you wish to deposit more Bey, initier, houFou la a bDru7y. <Uoney, and It la not convenient to - 587 mAster « ,b y In1hry7-do sne personallyyou can send iti - "Say, bltch yer hoss a' came ln by a memnber of your family, or a Tra"I__________Guide.____ n'Taeman WIthtes .cythe.. bere. 1 mant ta ahow ye satiî'." nihoalgwt orps TryeiJ9rs~ Guide. C. H. HHSLOP, V.O. Ifwul Jesl n ne before I wu &blé 1 dlsmaanted and itched mhabr»eniho.aoîwt orps ImulN ieit, MILTON. ONT the 1154gw: ure. a, àfflils thorsaid Aurcbyard, betweean eatitan- tAA IAPAOIPIO AILWAY bad hba Iod shed back la theébht&. tained aoolbeadatanea and graves - UTh'e f ive minutes you take to - lelv,IliU. OllaO Bbs«Speccilst in Sw.gery ad entlmtry, Ou. ar ta.eaifpse halbottbause-.overgrown wt mld rases. Nour th@o'- open a savirgs account may be hmi UIdigfht - 6556 .. ien Canin. and Foline Dimsasus. r5Atrwomnded by a bllet ad b.d far end af the»e thlck-aomn acres b.a the turnlng point ia your carcer. 8. rn 9.30*.I. O0V ,. nEou -a ta 9a..,i1.bc lap.pM., 6tela tllaI te serve theaIrrita. The Iudge stPPad. 847 LA 10.33 &.m. o.. b.d alttted ta the glaerar. Peuple "Mafres mbera the buryl' bagua," - t has been for many others. 130 PM. Saturdy only) 3.43 p.ni. w* laiklnof"trn ar.1 Mid ni guida. 'The IraI hale in the 480 pn. 603 Pn ~Wbatt a joy enteresi ny heurt wben illan sdsg far a Pue'nrtau." él Taok It ln My Arme. eN v &.57 p.m. Except Se. & 73pSu coi a tmmog ttiThr aenty ml ouet 015 NAT e andon TEACY oI&I AmIontrei skdCepuI toame 1 lnd lIcans mii la caninanioratiaboit! o'my nsan' bang ond1dka~tî~ h B n fS o GoiDg a Waes. UICTE.-R A IfiiLae hmpan cu wLhlchn ad i i cmemr tta pppy ta a rOot. iVbeo they trid 0 STABLISHED 1832 W. B. clenet Doig Btan' l th oa tbomaiPitlecedIl -ay oo a ! lîb ygid s eer.a pan14- .tdO0 atsj S .0eMm Manager. MI TO N GREAND TMNRÂILWÂY PRO 2LUmLesn. 11511510,.Whoalb.dwrllete lthie le pullildsamde the Item of a iaafY tler-yls, air. Waî. ye know I Jsira'bllile M. h . W.Dlmttm. . frani Canterbury. NY brer rad mlth romas.."Jest reasi that. eths tatItobbybyhoe1L-Cm si LW iiin Uvtbla etrndthat od ae serl1 Ny beau eyam aloiy boy oe 1 outse OUTIL.- GOIQ NRTH .di n catere ndtat aani d t 1M e" oalwl pelont taherny armeay ah! Mymwifoscoldedm 12.01 Pm p 2is lipm. 7.90lIII 4.53 5L Chabnge b.d cam. avec bier. Ba 1 ment time-omawardm on a aiab of tSlId fllerSmu. i' bssr-er m on sj__________________________ atbare and birmd c barm» af th. ferry.mamible: taibe Il bmck lu a day ar two buit aftar *hd't.btbi ee The Double Traok Rout.esa. 1ke.d tthe ta. ry et ihl dbeeaulu the bonse tbree dmysym i' baw »dns 1Paeed tarougblddebscus Cblathirnulartona coulndt 'a' pulled Il awy f ram br-no -Bs oaa, i-not 'tii b. 'wÎia. Whom f loi et!fo~r1w, belmees rade futetathmam ilue afthe coliaa,I i117-11101 mita a wiadlass. brgî 1ta to taejudgmaut #st, cuYmmy." and for my deb to hbot.anid rMoNTIBAy. mer. theamalar bcd beau et!scateadl,1 prelais his Ward la every plae IW r.ogtbi u n owsa-1The old maa cane and tralgbtenad blues pon ber o ic ced chek. TORONTlO and an ot ta Weyhrtdgs te sas where Tb<ieai are Onat! mho all f.iî raa'"Wbnothmpo'hevsa- hlmaelf end lwotisbe hadG1WtaMmntfws r DETROIT ho hbcd livasi au a boy. I funad te A dexk chcdaw felltimon the baum' Vinlas-anooh boy. e- c allever brochet! Un hotnda opon bis trouserset0lui Mds Wrght baimemted-a cmotbeEohEohu-ddle evr bac1 by wcy of tepIng down loto tbis Mas cy eahe belli me to e CRiCAGO mbits bouma Bt the bassi ai of ny pont and I beard c fond latlthUtaname?" mn!amnotn t ls n!tat u att ystîdrî' CHCAOhieonei___bed fa beautifulct ieAtmdoar mhicb confunet! nie until,."'No' hd gi: ou Bufthecalosan ty a"m 0.atti ysolot, rebdir Uneccelie ls lagCr ae. ~ mta wnodad buit babindfit- iookl u ant.the basîrauge trata aof 'loift of bsmemory. BtI cledmbmsr-inalw.fittel - - n tDfeedaa' AmbtC:araniate. am bva ct!blnini'-I dido't taiak tmcm ikely bat T'd ai b. 11». Ott af caId-lt la one ort! Sleigcr nngttrain: md b.lred eld lady lu à bck lace Cap seaeedta lbe tcying ta bidefit mita mus ottin'. Ci"What bas heconi: ai EnocVr 1I temesaatact Itaho thin, malrCro rnialDyTan.'w imttog ou 'ts porch iaabing Ont taeic beauty, but lu vain. "Marly that fait Eata got bter an' alees. lb.New Illa now an neor. Iron PulifomtonfotIr&n.et tasnanait Siie.&"I1uudersand." I snid. Itlft the poorboome afoot. Went amny "Wnl air Enoch alartet! off Wast tUmie la uo retnrnlng. Frut nkiktgnt orua a. i -bd Imtala mbere Semtar Wright fred "No ye dontLecatmmys I dontW eoniewhres-umobot!y uaw mhece. 'bout Ibrea yaar ago m' me at heard Mele ld me fn the hoziec ing, Dimtrict Passangar Agent. T houho wma aboy?" 1 aaleed. 1iiave ye do-not correct. Sqnira uF ui' Sa nd ahe'd croanedth Ie laie a'icmord from tim ince tact dcy-necy loabe very cnat now-iro a routa. ~"Tas. air," tae aid lady cummarasi. lertan dutg gre ber6 an' hald nu! cole way over Itb Yorksade. Bulea mord millier. 1 suppose me il smne go"a avec mhicb mas o spotc -s J. A BELL. Agent,Miltain. "en rniCno. mpty coffin pslut t atamay bach la' a"IdoBhet! drowneot hermelf. fn yîm.lage bagn i a. u pm. nand rafler of lacci 17. be rse ranibercbci. 08.Itm-istat;amelt!a ebohard thot ahot! gone way ovacaîbare *aa a ktnd af a queer treablainficte lander titan othen 1I ad TELEPOiER«Tan froua Cantonl"thme axciatmad. body ta undectan' that bis tt t.Lsgocirol hceOîa t lndB e igt i.o bt sla.Sta ob e ltoa A PR SEN "ua,,oî ii ains IThc's barauapJen ta mm mndeai t hl taWright lBren on' mitare yonng Orli aides bind '. W've rate ltter oiut rom lau the frant oflcthe oe, hAt iigv piEEmmr a Nmily b bersbaoea. hn gl Ta hr eta7O' h aeas AeIn l aboutindB hcm bcd settlet! domualler ha gaI ta Wisconsin, mhere a he s:p7lnan eut M asiuture. huadsile E u put laur borne ta the barn." mlaea--tat mn. Oan t He han i m,u for, a' ta places on the mcy, but We but mwocuand!decrepit. Od se i dlurnoutstedrmedd sheticame. neTURNERsent more folles 10 hll thac:thareacre'"Wci. 'bout fOve yaar ao tam aqutre cant il no nemm 'bout hlm Mebbe qlsîkd engraraga of smornes frto jc j oraretacn seulatiie f seciiict Il d8A1a rtaluhempby"e ce m.infil, 1 Suait. Say,alitster, do ye knom buirtat!hlm second mifa-there 'lis orer h a mas bluet!by teInas." B5g %framidlu moot!. hunog u orainsadudlatce i ailliral .mserf *nWa ght c ls'aniM o",te sal.mtay ha aentber thera?" in ta Ura heck ' Eca'm mwita the littie We maîbet! ont of'tbe grcveycrd ta- »u a"niy 1 brokmlhasi. specbuad angai ou IL Nobndy bat! ceeugailber la stefaite. J15sM aitthal I bat! heird FINEJEW LRDiceton Boyaus," wre e1"Tic ledo, ton. I's thanime o! c heq..a onlcide o' bis ho une for Icanidt!ae nlglininir of cilgt ln bosnand of my lifa lu Cotties;I -l , that w. dispisy. Wbamever yotliAgent for DalesmFunerat Designe. iteblesi 57 tarse. tb:g thct's beau menia' moman la yrare utu the luurat-he maticcip- tae taickeat nf pillen domutae Valley. i meud.pnenentiy. a facote o: MILON. -BrtonBaynesî Wby, SAlas bas ha. avec since thea m otinuay@ plaed m mita chetimata. Aller taci ha unititchet! cnd!mountet! mu hora. uté«seant! insgedt! ant sitte mt o Iam maattractive arices __________ He___ sWrilem 10 nie evec, meel. CaMAe oa eman-thutasasrtin-an' it mau Tom Linuay au' bis mlle, mb've aid t! dman cm ho pichet! up bisa y cme lepurchaef h md nioaadai dw."1Motiy fer wmm anl' ciitren-lbt' nt- onhet! tuera for 'bout fsrtpler, I scythe. Ibo bas beenau aI oboîl flu .Slbiin money you wi:h tospeSa ntdama tagetaer ontam porca. sartinr-an' fer ail the amnthat guesm. Ti vac, mach olilget! ta yan."1 fuiate-pair." 1i t."She l iv It IVamc gid o eow70fca ii S "Billes wrote ln bis lait letter Ibat diuagrea mitahlm. Bt domu hors 'Wai. air, final ma hw atem Nas Mnid. -DMenSU 1 c oing 1a ee ber." good a d tll ou or pieuany apan meni gsaing ta teave Four place ln an' rttttil e tue hufal&tary. My day's tuera lu the bousa tvWa-witt ber fa-, "N, ye &alat, unîbr" beha smeresi .m oe Sara iyl" he mhIopereti. gode d Id Cyouour picea.111yO ,'îeleeit"mcntinuasi ta my aur- mackluldone," taon. Wm monidu't " lenoes Il. thun. L«ctwaygslibers tnt no reesam mbpI'%Mt an I love My ]Ie. tn.BttR iCGTATIfprise. "Ma nid 1.he hama iead pan W. uit dama togetiser ansi ao ment i îîi had't bau thaitTom Ianuy le hah." j shle mhlapenet! "Gelnj notar, l. halb.ddecidasineamtI ta ey'» ou am folamm: cama avec ana day m' snid te gueset!1 My' barme, Impatient as aver ta dm4" SOnsees ivret. Xifmaeu ofuI nem" tae, for lb. "Dis le lcvrcsec Ecta rutiartour the ol'tititre manlt! 10 scame-no, thc ansi of tua rond. hurcla esi nie ciaug e bape toa l 1 iha- MAI C H m 9 à4S for Uw hannaleriai MowWeàum ýtr'a @Douerimewmouisint-ndf1rat, eeaqaire'tamIrthnsiqlue aimoment I oramomen meo marewdomne d sw berbhi itthebbigvineier t ,re li suit,.basi baguate th'alt mita nof mnis "No y dut. untuer. Tar ton yaung.k "No yoooM, natierALeSfoc Yung-enIbsTONr.isîsmusr'a.cSmeinite unnllertofam-iSuirePul1rt44.-aWOa1areWe re lhkin at____________________________ ithtltm Oleb1. .nd'tRke pantaàa' brabe domo. but thuaul "tKate! b esas obd e mit-ber !y meu' bi, on LA bona mtablackgotravm!red &MM, effriacl t!cy." dthe- Waml.gtan ta. hala hl. The, pon -no niora'n l'mBill Tmnedy. mhil ber an' ot!y alerdeycame, nuaint!îeArmtbaldg naAltinioiaecetice prie*-QWlty-S«" B. CMPBELL an bu tn rauc to do. &Wberlelngs s nsingoma is eaaI niandfraniUntam meIfein th d nidan tactd suppeupprta% t «I aboutd thlmle Il a great prt-vUlegegolden robin, Hair yeiier as bis brentasi rtelae a f n hycni fotpri.1id rudtébneKR oewt al n oi% ' C«eam.NtayPulc lsruet g,,I esemeresi.go,'test ce pri- as bin oîngm an' t seaornrer o' mi' hanse turongh the ad ha ofomase. Bayoud lte indoms lebuthe adlalag roOni oheet Ag.uunî Mri ic 15. C.uefC. ILta mpubia, My o, ilsYu"a*wnto.vie»setsl esna'e ebasTom mas maikin' tue l' man otil ansiuaitue gIMMeof ai aleiletî table.smers sprcad. One bat!cr 'gssundathe P. 3. Aliasélonce to"andbey tuasfyen."s.ue mentcon.,volt-elasomonet asnbia woit, an' ayem as' CATER &à IAWORTH' Pans u t. -jN eu hans beau braugbt np ml as ho brght ci hi'n--yim. er-ye catlsnt 'round ae n% . AIl t ai nc oehansnova gue.Aanc.mtd5nilnicmbecoeCu. Mruaio2 Afi. mcITO .ON . I 1uslee toraid to ai ecrceve- but ber fer loles. That mce yecnrstotlt n-Amne!c s oumaaituh arle or cz I n«e I desilIsmmn.Bbe lad nie lu tae" ___________________ lWgmou tasemaaies Ware lit . Mmm ad Fyeras cga. Becrniotuar if etmbn tarongb tue indar an' hep' pintli *'Wo'&tera?" lesdemandasi. tale mblcb mcm uratiy roceret bocd hs aclreesito a eLaan m mbe-! Ete mwm ten yur oidthate'mbier Tom camle avec a' nid ha cailate!' "My mre le Rertan Bayans froua 1lnin. The tcU vounai m UMENieinotsI have kbuautae tter: Je. 'grave lu tacre mitb tua stale an' lactuesaquire mantedt! t ae me. Sa 1 t S.Lamrncncalmir.nntyNesFnllrtaa a a'»St n deap biteecrina,- MO U E T .G W i cmntrut7My.'Nmeltap ysevat abeaf a' the PortcounIl.Thot mn:, entuera. Nais nit me ai thelinow.n y frendadI lsa tu aueber." Sa fly thy catld cok locîte QLTON.Vaisater and A.ctléer "'Ver sme 0sp111!bave MMenthyl & squire a nrrieacg'lulutthe norw e s' m ls ea maet! t Ik brte Mnt- git off yar born-tii I'va ebainasi ta. vdl 0f tuaaget! aqître-e -- lwantn kn fa a r o hegirl, ca meMy aem son ber-ah hub-aa'do.atl eutiamIt.1 esru:,: suroaraValautionsm AomptUly at et. «"T a eI baow snu& about pm. s' i'qu kbna'. niliber. thare wu ite klermme-yie. ar-she umilet!an' c. hat aane. I~ nbumain voire i beasi tar tbt" dB Stmptor word la ulisat!. an j Wado grlansi snrbabout yeur sanut ad usai.." ouug scotindrai bere by the asnme a' toursacrama taber ryrsanc' the pattil t adl edledo a asfod.Itcb, lag et f ro ai eitigeacpt o Li BILlN tIMUIST - ed. 14 - . MITN as bc.Wl.-Grlimbcw. Bis fiter mas a ridenman! Mi'haut! fileaenle mantedt! 1tell me Poansiahasdmatai, ngai4ft robedptnabo Piff__________108_____5e ltitesafocrcaniomept andiso. omnedtheibacooper mbopi an' the nam- I tbal alle hadal forgo.1bt.ae oe. It pcurtume inmn fte cai ta. '.bthuete cleo y ths mboiêne halsiwonmas :hcrad mUl n'thtancri'an' a a lt' leire nId a mord-ual a mord. The ao plaint ai the deninesi whlch 1 Iae. jdu mbch monit!preceit!y liq 4uIeSU Yeu '-t _________M'__au,___ abon bone I puthmc unisi ta. cas. bé pti nteustmrc aotme on thapreil,the nien hcv' ls oul uavt.M e'rn. aule at Ianpmhiye t harosiat boaraS ecn u aaae ecIe n Athml h !itou Id I ~ ~ ~ ~ i ole p iras taeSisis. They PUt p'ny wtthabr fer tmo or turea earl usobi ane m'batrotmsi nza rcr efora il tue tilte srhooibouee eEa lundresi lina cdny. bthe n- 1k~m h o r)visn * orse lu thc barn sud preseime l'j bein 9cIlf od nd ale obe bacnuta e si-couldu7t npeaalnornuothia'. n luityomiil. om It itarca"Met W-spirit of is nianter. In ', M. Da idon o tareyfoc dinnar. wblab i di. Ae 1ta tuileb.men tu perliclur. Ya Wbere da ye suppose he maa mien Tu VIDENT AUIRAUCE CO. R.g lng tbe gente id lmd y b rvmen lavenlas ita& an 'mman founsi im?" Tbe manu meat Ia tue baume. BSama Q'ef tbm igblt Ibeard Ittc t!'-p r HeasiOffica, Monrent. Que. NU RS ERY mca Piaii of iîteum btch lbar dsItA Pu1p t e tIre- Nite dîint lek t l bsl Ioht camaisln it anhdo flon ictg 9»8 C5 d itarug aienbate ."' - guisited sam bmd' macn dactng bis l es ta en'c. Sait me lesm, youf Orini- "No. ir-no. alfeeat Be mas In hel]auiel hm at!.nma ofmg. sidttîunese.' Offera Cr Sprint planting 4 Fine mAlrl eAb s. t wrn useri i'I sbe b.lld siopped iebr a' mas bepia' -thata mwhera hae ma-neg'inn o' ash- Rom -ividmi I nanemben tue litlUmur-niinc atten lutae shabby, grec -t Paîcasroerlaes b ce apl..Stckai byter les. 1 tOm0tcsmin camp ny mftb anthar 921-3,,air Do toue'doneaut hall, btruîu' mîîb lie mhuh of eit! tacaesionnterle ansi me ut Ibe d t, 1 c'y lm 9 * lie " -a- -Pay. -'l hoe"I aa.lt Site ialSt FUt pu t leno 1rau nnsîu at e a! ie 'fht fait upanniy face t1Iitimpasioff % san ei tc, e»'tlgêe.1= bot Man .A pple, "7ei' bll hm"lbsames a.iat ordsf iare I caaid ansma? bie meut on: ion an' bat! reranmendet! 1n aven'ri--- tsnn ',qy P- arâtes Plum, P...h5 GiB the sid ta sm hu1ý4b u 900& - a -«No damdo'liastay 1Idont be..ser ln tue ueigbborhnaat. Be ma net- meyran n u ama uve tua e ata r:BrOTItE MILOvaniAn ahi.e a. tint!o' Inn'eilVqnc u u i reaan epo WM. PANTrON. Agent. ITO'hcl.na ~ b. mr Ia mm ýlvqe pdo. It mas 'e tn' rfintherri a " eeu rttamtioa: sa@ Mbff W=tn______________________ OpaeW 'MT10bembdame -ma urcae'sthe quire cn' hbcd proum- bimbandeamn' thbm m a i tnis 1 S3hpubgO Rot, t..taCanterbbry. AItahensil Olt ls ed i i bAe ltn thaneca' dollar. the lsttae mbcu I ment ll tera, but cii I ARMRTRImain satreel1I loaeldamu sep-a c - e b uma nild. AilUi of sma d ban mar us a clong peti uan-'t IfFareî b. lau Pts 015pr10805ma gasat- d s iaode. It d xi te dnptearad. Wa dldu't lnow Slnd of a raliae Ln bis taoacI. Beevena ] s e.ot ldshou toWrt FOUf ifl u - ho halb.ppened fer a ln tou m . RA' airta i hsm deserît ha trlad ta t -ele t tc yusY i a u wg tutà .TaseI aean' pu p tam belgeane au'tAMa ta.& Agln an,' agin bat! tri' ta If~ atas4Joe et . H.DAVIôSOý4, 51a um hm :gscythe. -tenb ti m am îoc. 'Hc.tnr *A ta ueordce ti ho&met le" Account N t Maae,_q» lVm.Lr ol o i i or "-e O e 'Po- W mC kd etsD Fnkaiwe»rterftea loP. ngoi ont ' dri is Att n- l~era cm. PHON Ilve.!' I ubed.I- andceoufiq in sMuop. 5Wdt,4fo vu"mp jIbel ýg lut %t WUainAu Un ught tacgt. be ent bar He intel ta bcu"NateambaadatunL enserei a b.~ nujtg 0 jaWai-. GOlmmtmiMaSedidnat bave isole damen'WPut iay7-taat: mb.t Wls.tabontt1he made qiUà.iIT »M QU'ANTf Y. CEICI OF ROM 7O0 -r"" ~Jej bséasmmea5mt asa r ssapliOs . ettd.Ta Sa ms inio ai e h.luctr ~ho ~ OV~ to EUICAADA erda I mi a. saceml dt e drneta mAI id ga' bie m n bion m tnnimdce mu' pointaai fhim a avlnigm con __________________lue a' flesd'I m$se O lt 5 bovel. but t1dtdm't *W57&W5'iAgbt.Me canoultane I. taM& geSurye . i Ta. Osuasis.Natiltmna aAwA.Ue Ib'aU1ti.v ..s "za maie-tid uÎMM«I V "m Itmýdw m a '-Ii Md PM M lu b. mratetu u doiie" rt-year-uoiopg (?IUhhlflhi 4 auitman n t t.ii usxemed t Onilt big kbs ieu na oebue làa.lm ' s mpgs bhr.-pa&-h6104us sa ~'lt~moiicaebr 'C a .-W - .I gOpmbsse"i vs a 5 . l n btecciaPmndDo nt aoff Bmêis.I tai' B- qI e be tOd em b. o cbu eer lu etl5amaCtiitSu"MntIito R~~0Snsesssi u leUttteuWilliam W""W )W 'r: Aire: aM wama hePuta, owsetN - The om andie mma MILTON, TRURSDAY, MAY 4,1929-