ES )ARS '00 '00 and. IFreiglit BON otor Cars :NTATIVE 'ence ARiE FACTS ste,.. Oeurlnî alet Cr îoti C Pi~ a ttmI.Alie-ba oETSiCAN ge1-1-itiUcl le ne car enl fnc " 57 & cOe ONT. -ci -t tee ceot], -ett Tic - .,C ~t ccc ,,cl'. 1T ht i t tCLAC1 - ,t le e t c C .] Ct - ýre 111h ted to Shop ,ON PRINCE RUE« RY VANCOUYI ron vIUU RI-ris,t IF RDU7ES ',<ei laaIlnIF E -Ta is . cal gnesi pwOsesiesiWLt _,-s e-.from oe-Aen . 0.-I-'~Trnik RaOw*rà r VOLD NEEDS CtEj)I ( elies, RUb- 1 t ,x,Sore Throe-i Ki *L.E MZ hehai pio MW TAMal EI~eTON, THURBI>4T, APRIL SOn iBI9. - ~iIlseon lie time El. teLt v, cl stonet ,up fuir speicit- Voserveteienary's tici-t' oenly île lient diu t< tlc. Baîttutre, Po. Gentuse,, Sli r, Po. Liceuice Itoot.,; nietd Stock Remrdie,.. iiAOIENZIIE Thte Becal lS- ph.. dionS. N 'j, K jai 'al) hmpoCOUNTrY OP HALTON 117Attl onlibe bard, atane Davient. boy BEetcnKaya. QOod words abot *-e ot elv s V l; &VOYTHUIL)ADY MONINj LOCALsif owwretiYI o il av eu l7n ron Ile o L"'e henhes+ze. ,,,, M fPUlieti,4 OC L c uRrs ALNDA l ght % I.. fae-lt grew go wbite. Tbe fSuent pignons. Whon echool jiont oui I e t on4w'thep.csne We.n1to 1ausiuas lie, painting Rire te bear train yen, what la the re ' *A4kider n eeL1wolr' MaILTON ONT in . luthi rbanged. People came rnng toward In bilm? Wbat lii.>?of work la buat f . eectIitpt AIt~~~~os 1 ITN N I. fted the bead of Mr. (Irimabaw for IliIf ycn wili lot me sesybe 1 WUIN stbmienoaad Uince t ce-40Ma,~ g~ee ~ -~ ~ dOl. C le £and laid fi on nly bnce. It filt like thé Cao belli the pians of God a UItile. Tat ihzaenetuto Tc 89.' -- 014à ,OldKte b tover andlooked nt he Jon for rccc irthie, Iam, 1ýbe wflt tOaise my n P0411ê.eoa.u leu» te 4> ebolidsof ?~te man-îrâi le lterud [s my humble ba e utein ' t:long taie a. ~~~~~~~fltliy and wcre seuh. 'AE ILLEitTON' l itIotz e I i .,,t. n" $" 8.0a8 u . maL iuuS n *Deod 1" sabe mttend. "Wliy, tbisa lehébewrltiag oetthe's i- I~.e iec tt p Maas j oThtn, aegit ber work wcre fliibed, lent womos" I 1nuaIt betore I bad read deed, aittogt I knew thetcIyi" ~x Le-a . n S0s~ i. W Sa _______ ue d and mode ber way ibrougli lbé lelter hait Ibrougi. efOtet . togio Mw-f li=«ý40* mp lst an 2 .0te codadwilked elcwly down "Icyu ai?"mea. Inailbor boute but Qttet' t' Do "ro teleoo0 L J. assr;r . v w 06;a î:ï iUith mincie. MneetaId oltbr Rovieg Kat;Inyrke e t.fnt e ykolde tii id rsua.byaâ fpise, nu if tbey felt the Poweer cf lier ecamne, but 1I«neber hknw bc i i % e utfora nglcd e ti n rf ennem a..i Bogo"e seae Md00»1pu rt ombre ie ortis Jury. N5k n ndapri ad teint lihe tendit afi brer*ogar' ils thé- % it rameo. ýJd, az obarge no»rdnsty. Ocatir ntré etaingmeVainberà «a dtwrltinoe- M.ait for neàlongu asuilo titCù tda ments 0"t N tSifl sjIite bsus o i c a teit L a nonn ue 1 ie ro ure frL= =,r . woo tre enIa Ontoth BurloCtislaanetn wite, isidwekaletmente. mýfi,,ý .d. a.&*.ianos eteip Onu aip Osa fh hjLy ot sbritlBOUa "m @lkaifor more thaceUrc mn î2m5l tswel-wordcd letter an' teibe tet la as tilia trarnet.unouooeing t!iet - théoc boutâ or.iii ] _ ilouenofethIe nearesi doctor. Thie crewd v te an Sd detteaa th c DoW auw. Un- Mca, Wrie-bt'@ cretel nt 10 ('cet e et e' ~..ataetiu. id saiisBy urduc W. 1. ojCI *, , <lt11 ke- n miit&ned the lb. dead face la my lap, a lawyer wvbe the power c' Qed le ber rightbuonad. setong Uic house to ctghtle. t1e(3,1 i ý.4.e lr opi tr . 14 k tth . .1a . .ci bgo nerme meand lient ceer nnd laie t" wne ý iO0ea5m t-bezM "%«hy di d S a rS.M. G(Iemâbew ,OF ii ib. . 1t the icnail yea of BecJamln Grimsbaw Ioondcei ns wby Rote lc cieingo utWnagn otetrrýn l11 -pie,Il 1 1111njsde,_a ' aasmai. tIespremltse tht itey wouîd .' 15 i icre& i andt kit me," 1I mld. _d r **' h TaN, ýT .aet apeante peu or te anut the cenoen. Site ý yu centPrpuctr ravellers' Guide. C. H. HESLOP, V.8- mI ' ic-dîemm iitm Si d~y i cTue nk lii floecdclmmeitaot. ebnew be "uyer m FPROMUand ri.ritoL.ONT 15? gedi rie-bt. Patlier tbld H tern6 p ri t otd Bhteie d ttesler.1liori I Tbrn oah amelejea h¶ ON e i iSever.ue-ba mn -ri, y 11e litai bou cld inecent becs JANDLI< ACPIou&I Pa merat puhéoe » u ~ d verr5O, mn h uent a b a.ote l in. He coulda't standotbr i'ayilioio cye, ii,±rcii IrcsooYbone e towvaey. lY" ndunvemI it. 1luew b'd blow up ne ay m>!my lad." Specie-list is Surgéry asdDtstry. IZuat her ws saine peitonte ONient RaiF~ 1in c drbelanevlng ranme ta lte tfie-t t fS' e.,~~~~~~ôf5l"ýCo -. derA..PtherBors- Osss.., Ouîp.a. sotc plntsllemeaim wlut.»ya we-uoosTetlta* 12.5 iii iirt &i » . i .n s- alaitCanine and Feues DISMiSe. Wie-i SliIlsi g h e- Uic' alf - F odii tee lands, -ie eittme th y iat unCUtI iS t C3 pRU. nolise e-sac.. 1go2 . ..0 o fur F oiur e 9Bovi' RaIe. Skc klîled hlm pola indwr-o u. hymn a B.A. e.ta lac..ber te,],Cie-etc1.5,p. ~ri E L d w- ood he bith le br-neo t imso"erwine- cue cf lonctîneas t C": m P-. &5 46m 080 &m. 1.37a. m li W-,1 cachet lte wuem wiirame f 00e L.u5o Oeete uiO... .55 9.30 .m. 0.87 ue. "r. lc~bal~ m~~j~- tj~lit.. home S/,'jmotîtInhome n t flime or toncr ne p.» 3.i . 16.08 pmn. 7.14 puamR. "'c~- They werce execline-me ait il cas a ü, 1'at . hMSCTEACHER ;;,îc. TÇ.ster iîîîje..îr r ee-nIe-ecoutpnny tînner--eblcten pie Pis.. Voln cd Thoe - pue. Fo d Bw wcll I cemeinher iiat itor wlth tii 7p.m. PIANO TUINUCO tAmC^AIAD MPADEi tcé deoro open ondthliemsonlaitn- ~ -iJ % 1L.0.81. ... GRAND T5UNK RÂILWAY POSS 'Mss.nwiouznCOS-e AWme uIrMMMbre-lily ofieblnotnect oit~a AI îtod miedyl MM. W. DVi". -,-. oycfmai and bled ad ant slu, '.bc]00.0 lsnui Ge oume »OyUIL Gno n Me sr. the li retuen ofai mer sud te tls elit 4.80 P-l. MOI P.m; sipici. IVIO&s.4L2.M.leai lr. zh i he l a lte vieil of Alma Joncs an&- O, . cci. mor The Double TMsO]k Rou" Whithe we vere OSUOe- I teld titen -1 13- tf tulion.nti e rtainfolleson t1its hgle-lpraman. e-liut bbheiîlcr cf .14 Rate, P-e Y.= P, tPlani ui MONtic perlcd et my file. "YuU*al " Asol Dccl exciaisici. oocne, iav.TORONTO Uncle Pcabcty came for me tt ai oe-.àey mta astenie r y-ce .~-Ceody b ..1DETROITlime-. Il .wase mitet te mlddîeofthlteé ned.,deotetncuiOUtu,.m. am~t ocisI îoth I reccied ibis ler Gn esgclieksalaf oIns anonuet. .seaieie~i _ ."Donc Burit« 1fr. Lalour gave up 011e ais of mnrrts aiquiry. Uneceled iniio. So ii«.an d"v toPotstam u athe cvening. ruko nbd yta p. . C M . 1 Gn r.sple- -,. g.aro,,oi-c./e 1 Depu kncid.y h lt- tee-inu"and holiedto enbt lMr. Pariai. I' 15e' W &L AýT .coetb OHi tS.le Ganssron r ig DT bitnkirta e-t i-iBen aneugli of me-.'Weumi ," aald Anit Deel au abe g l- y. paie CgcnoneprfasrsâonaDatl'rtiIelic-anot b op@aho oulstay-h Cbîfnasse M ie u a ,, ]etld a. . .& 3 P-ct Pull In101 btoxiciaion trant ail Grand ' as seoe-ccd loohine-b uni mote n *tcc rai oiber mne-."OM.nlI . fSle Pm- 1 re Ta thi t S.y M -dTrunk Ticksd Ageeha or 0. B. Heco- vcrp elad ltai be vent.and no am.I ,. '&. rhhy_:_~mi ncep nd to 8.tcî.. rs. te-. District rasenger Agînt. Te. fpor s inister teid u taat li làont ay. 'ikRe apsaor ;le5 u-a Inueierttt o.. ~nî.tceoce. ,,~ I.A BEL, ent Muts. fr the, nIaiet yontomm li iln tny@ cou)W@Ua i etiel t, ai." tital meeting lte wh cIlbl ce l CCuOLt îpne3. AnEL, An. Miton. . -' *poÇ" He fi vi'it7ricliand very A và eek lnier vs be-d eur en~05e IfThimel tacte thome Sîttie ,k ....... wd.Uieysaiy. I voiler If cl Rate kicv "'1YâcIUe-le Ne-ody didt t tapublie CAHOI CEUKU ateao 1. W. caMe URM t , Mun-sict W.... Nt about him, Ber cime. vworl ,tweD Oraiiaebut A= ont Iol e-tbat lkW waamrw irokeuW' ane Oda» s.e A PftZSENT Usg AsoteaetIa Ddefleslla 'npuyttaitlhenoewabond,- Mt~ ap e atvimbrs fur qIe-B Insepaoitteconipi u tiît uiet50 i. ts twill give pkuaaaue -iecly lie C. R. T UR N ER leail a.mrie.fcer tIind i.tmatie-cavlat- Mm fleait hopeu Bning. loibce aid"GoWe-y Pri eM. Tale Mer Away.'" Tle nagbelase a il pImiid S-laolmoste ond t t. Alf 1 C ", Rt t lt~5 Nay. MW . he -dsui.. Ste beld a cup te 1 ar a peelie- up ta e-e awap fer the t -- b Alto i t ran ot am __ e-s i v ue M d gob l ve t o th e u Ti-,attr olctid Imm ie noveltiec, Fu«M Directe-r liebe-sidviit nomso bnny on I115 lau summe. Dc't forieelme. 1I aeil la ib~ -ia iIsa ecbieo.Apai unountet lima liii. ivq nW i ghvt ttedeL,. cioas, o .. «o 4& U aulI e«lof m E merlanad ceveri vwIl a ]mp r I AISd -h. tbuiklgcavaY day et titoae ovelp afraid e' l. c aici trllpo," mmeti tto ile lissin aid raffl s lc~iè e.WI-iI by tIItI. fflnti !h, IN3J W L Y pntt n irneeo"fsla buela eW" 1 ld m Wva IlepeYu laid te 1114,1 ie'i lii>v "Ncn»aaal uiclt hban Crau ofet iebhome id of ellar III.IL I or .5K h* arcivet. - Wilt a o ,.d.y. .1 he 'c _EWERY 06" hosile1cr. VIe-i loy vilI tep 10 doitit me, &d nidth@amont orsna" amld lathnI&y. Iua Be-t I The- rng u M livthu$**Vusili in w11> tuai vo' diaphâ4ntrtoit wei ven 700esIg a ri Os and pattaiesp abcoutiai 1 diit Cac a. ce-pItik aspou do. 'In loip opinion * eaonad rason pBaea-gb liiaT0ie " lai nt pteu dC M EDICAL hav e gui b tbpy, viuusfrat eod Pouu àIT*M.v &lani -d titcw a kilgte SaIl. Bert.fitnt Gai bu as-rtid ni teoa«Chfor Diinilne- ler ftgeet aita . . ceu -tpaule ithéium e- Maiele-laiitniec.od ________bace agb o b1D52h7 vitr uieaned ______________ mdelpber face e-ce iera. BiO ta tar. Ni. came fotra m la eo 10cmho 41 IM P6011>1. hei,1a - ah TIMBI t ai e n ancimotec, t A MCOLL MJ a caow ' purclaaI o ts varoutcles peltleaitot il. thélaeoaid thon i ten1ra forever, *ver OluTerinct. yTe dont kloy vbet of MrUe da Poubaip Vu mlia Ild i -odsoo isino.cla nete . cemr ses..l.. for he&Mun o FW D ~ B aily. en la lrc11cie5"ALLT DUKUIU BG(r. hieppueoitbe." mr a ia -Mie en-ie elem oe ie tectt art l, . M W i*gIdto sahow om7H iu &bod1o Cou a 1 longUkeu haI la carda.wee-ài th, nle aie mpfor hUa.m. neiili beladn MW Ose mr sllp eilst à1- ,i Wnator reluenced toa se* BilSent Womau icdeba long the l ita 11figureSe-ia" tie te"laits, W. l-idle efil d*W. Ab4ieteeja thc Wnertoen et,,. goodo and tell you our pricce e-ny DUILDER Md COITUACTOR Mi.geotraet thedblippns of tead i, t,»rOis ini*1er lsla i, upl tie- hlard adai retouhern g tBà«MAi-lAsaI. r om iit t tter t f" R. t. ANDERSON, M. D, lime. nbla boie Me e" Outo la latine e ldpCHARTER 'a ailoeve. Landb igtte ui e'ais "lap ai t efY-Mbbi tl OfadmiMM-ay ea its b t e-ltth tnoyyi Lcue. s K, i AUlm.i . or gr00 ~ ete-an ltwiai ber ibaiab aid ftue-n Benjamin Gidie-v, Be ls it uma ,m Baher Uai im Be- ia;da ii" buvée bt ai tc e Agnt for*0 c"m«u4 mo WMt -eh* lei Lnga d m ai S aS uia he i bt a atr Ibei the twsiw ei,. i_ lo h ý "btnrmAs n oreyo i ý WCt-n P'1,, fn.0 Offce ho". a 0c -Sripu, EhI. fe-li- s cl a finPoà"Ttrmeds TImuta in eî1i.. 1M5rt ho nu oz a s iommladt ev te air bius maaigud bUle- cerne- d liej'ad coudreo ! te pe Jt pM.cdun.I te, 0o P.a fia*RHUIUmu. ETIM. âMIAfloo rp of bannir m 8aUpvupper Up. Beajasa in Gelmo cleai h le 2brci up mo 1 uxiai hB ie oyl mr ou uerUlue- Mmsulli ndgI FM"Iverladeotireporeyu., nea liiiup 1er lan"ite e r UV@ u t 101W - iiaii d I n tStte Ca - loto liengrave. lThelila, Irclan- dme- on t lP Ast Dont vilittBe Cook' .11 b*v.yournr 000 to L_ ýHALL E. GOWLAND, fa,,. Watcw*eau and Joweloti H. CAMPBELL ime-rd s aiié-b. m ial-me. oniin ievt lier fie-orÎÉ. - prlavited is tooi thoreayuitht»lst 15e- u t inagraiffws sainci lin «Metteetu inte blast eet." ~O.Il~SVll Cav7hdreSr Pbic Si1ei nUm bs-"m i inmo M*eiTe-i w o AMOIt. I s homune ndmi eslcon be-r fte-.1ehai e-5 MIstPeevlgaitable-tu5the deaipa red AJ. 1 LESt EII KINGI MB. ssbcdar Puli, leuvIeiMlfi e'est alr.vaiberlo onnieBeet ag Is, M Oledai, 1fBe«wiietlate-hfvas cetth gt " 0 .ne Mi t Iirul r1;L LPaI KNN.. Br&niageINxa Muvcias 18"., Weantenu amOn a amoment lo bas u07, h s Ly ýÙ 6BItrÀdUblPt ovia- Rate vas ntahb ee lMi â' oh mi a" dar " uh bs beitou h cltaot 1-.1 ..d ().-or_____Noir_______ Ageas o.aP. I.LOssesebip Os.Ulge o ox. Nmoglyabst e- lai--t7 la hlbufile-b,18IIII&hbo r Mtluaa.MOwvrebfr t.haeie deldy ~ edod tac4. b"as tnvey hInCt 8t eRee »dusd,,,tPy ofu 181. on tas vy canga. avas tenu vaiS 15seOl d1 uttutM& ___étaa______________IO_____ e. Se wn lkeosch bai ctlen- d-eouestalaeopi tpmdda «Thebu b «tug 7-" 1 Id- aise ohi et ai otfcaila tBe viiiiiirellevai et a bcalvy banica Bli i. swmijg teeuster 1trs t . biaLai *M). aenire, crltbiict g, - BitATI Ra covSeredber face ihbar laid, of Lovlit,, vIeserrentwu o$movai au lb. itmelieriItiled Iei l a aly "Mmie, a o oclnuie, tlupby and hitttor." S---- CKoRNî OFC I IUIVILIUI T. G. RAMSHAW Iabie -imai. an anwor tec. EM a biens Ientifii Il 50e-rie- et paplitute agravil. I soloe-.iiN2 M. srt, . oissa Il nHeIOi hlmbou lltot' Cn SEiiRORCI OFC Waii t i-13106 -17 et sOmo BI"» atonsmai. aid àse oaerlai pouo taey thene-IsIit a ip vItal - of ju end1 u imoo eytt,C Nectete «Il ALOT ~ Zs~ Aectioemaer t au te river blK lât oiert mSd ebusiuitlao& lere-itpho mv ber do ILt1 te put onend 1 toI te a iub* ni, @SV Uic one lhtog of - - ae. caîa - t a ttenaed vIth l v"ter eaid roturnd. face aid tt its, wvIOIthe boot iteie-t le-t I u nd i !the b o. cur-ions l W c0uitahlmetc t 555lD te IDUMP VIBEX M:e.imccl. '1Iai look mai l" a*1. grsaisi. e Aine. fitaid, and tle Ireben eun -ta teir stac beide me. Dauli. aS eno m a a"me-lidvateflathe "Id. &Md furc. toctucmom B.-8 l PRnWU 1115 . - MILTON. "TIi bes bit mp nse." stock coucnied lth pe t bisoe-hW O t. leu t B poaci opagernmboe- ed i mifils, Be vapMi ds pOse- Th«I@IOeft et Ittle C utc tteP rKrh-ýCoahiropr»t1lo 2fmIe-N -u Ur60uoev«e irc er face, 0ev de- 1 retm ebr WvUteloe1ok Ofthla caraco.oauthesilanL '" M--aaiz bt h rferdt, , Cie,, do USA. g .-. - r emad aimnt eaiymed recceql- ber on amabi. Jad e-s AnSbolSa iv- '- «The a crit atofh h-Mm to m i n e-ut inbvon& u aid Ie du* Ba ic prefeecc ,,, U..A Cm tltnMns"esTsa imsavilag ivolen 10 cie cf eram ut nsi ed. teahatm 01dm1 up yeps- mvi vh ilu the isut." tUS Milooblise nt tB an lcut eram ey _:c -,_28 areor A -tlivelle i.M. tLavgue>vrg ils.aid cedien..A5.gesMUW.A r47 Of IWU iliBe-di llporedm as o d aiawSp 11.istmvime 1 laid Bm wvIt l&Mr acerO litalaboes. Se e, "Tem look le- a diq Barae.~I silse- ngtlrcosa wa icw late lita e llai .Mlad aitet dB.mal eg au viiI*,Ooueevet. tILlNS h ~UEI MSRANE ~. N RSE Y Mi il aaae-it esI auUOd l.olaPCI" asoSls uo lapaorsiep' <laO 0K TWO.) ldtavgiBri- . -elo1,hq let cocu NURSERY te blaaMlted noie.tinacce. SIWLCie oIe, vOlthIs e =tai "atatMBt".901d, ai cou-dais , gwiOt 10 bcdI ~~ODEN~~~~ Offece for Speine- Ilhe-ting e -à aaAifeiieticlly.haabOe-tcfbi ;"lit hnI.suImIBOOK THRiEE tai-"auebopuihss a Icccitie MEN IIROPRACTORS. Mmgi 068e-a. MOssîre-l, QUOI Stock oti Mr sons la tirie- te JWB nmpo- id -r M r~al, h eo B ends -CIe-L1ev. mitoue, lui il daqq o th le l anih our ore. - Ap41-Che ln. wuXivasW ap cf muan- tons te-O -St Of uhla hOgbl p paisine- Opirnion -Yp _ it il c ty icie Apple, otheai y, > eae.pW&.Wollvais m hee-tcvillage. BIs fiit maieMa-t"sthBe ive-i MdMe-5i p iilloii mIstcpio. PumPJoues by, &i44 mi-tambPIpC&ll-IujeabpetftBe 15v, Tite .id - >, Whhla1h. Stou'y of the Choson lefece il:vai laitexpresead me.oferonme tetelloti otio sis m t vit ad r im ber riis 1w- Brpts f 1 oe»u f vent te B.rotae au M ml S1ai eadliceancd e tehdeSnaifincmt %IpblcDleu, iy aid l ui O n*eae - Pff% "hW e- miio laa tftl titsorlit Vletpe aula"Ai langm evere lhissa i Wbaoe- live hbdali ut f PhcIlcilItrt HITN M aNTN e--seIWLO eRe t"IL au agiv Ivo mai agIirodcliae-làaa 1 alqouilcaa"id cili vuS CHARTERR I. shévlt teh"lw,"»l neeaa ...sBE .,,TIOarac I - F1LO# spbg oles ate r. -la a mues1 Obel utllp te àitsn Joliement la tbia mat-- aqt'15dqr.oBECTIîi Wed. & Fn. ON1.Y Sarrail_________wuMr._______Dm-_tir-_lta______________ I ~~~~~~If peu arc coaidSingse pl» rv"g1et .va M.oircte-ui o inl aru Ietd un oit et fusela I& à lad ing temy sd es.. i« tCw"tort.. er-filropresuso is Bquevl7tUPPrie ine-n la Whboth«a»ty&0fft rnnrrourmmBenjamin Orta M-v ceai tic e ceesgosait cf vldl, bbasb O].~~wa Re.ete l jstock 70>0 iISyr5elea. Maaboaut ivarnir- I ril 0 sai e icalime wbgered tcCbu Gsi. I 1am mDowecquliiei. Iaveu" ut ette ,~ ~ (H, DVf9S(1< ad Me si st ipoen l 'bIs- ialivi at vIn vapa BLVaie oed Successful Fa .tng" ' __ __htIi C. H.t.k erie P AOI DM, T0~Aifoe-ra ae VMY471, 11 aUDdmut ladboa, amdiho. 14V had lm iavituBeadsd e- heB ckb ne f sne& i-Uitýbck Deler PHNE Il SURLINIrON a Il amimrable. Ma*M aa tuara de-pbut m I. . et vatr prida or mgoeata. . la* DENTISTRY m eni n C>kd et 30 aiseld aitB.the k look * IfW&Wànwévai utime MO a..Ixt" Utsily ugut ol 1 Iso1 tua-Bi . ~ g* - maibn».e>tIronvi ailmiste 51 T Fr", EdjPoit dIy kd et tas a' dr gr. I à alpnh a.Ulêe a hi m iaa siret. asi B vers. pcm.or tB. . .E. BABCOÇK mm___rosir a buv'?Im mg 1 ýR0 cm Wbd'u.ra ndllabutai té oFarV11141neuse h a bu tt, -sne- DrTA SUTOS; ftr A»QUNrr. iamand close e-pplice-in. iisni litrtieo pÀ» - auRmOUI - «Mg au e The Farmer mil banking Mayt bt i ua, uitcgsd. 11. Oaaadln NsiImmalmpDa" ii-Me. lat5*s coIhiton ithélaMe bualt- tij5f~1t, OXTAUTIO ImIDflIIDIN**bqéI:.,___ qbiý %aleqib« ae-Wmal. orabminvite PSXoLii@ U idta. - s. *Nb1.îsnU5=- -samrine r pn t band& -à& lia"the-nI. LEGAL mmRoi5he armr t op t-wié = iTE GiA e6 e-'bcmusu ri MUE &IITCHINSON -me taUlins asyband- 'O>tim ý toc e evoer.ccsi1 . . ,-a c~ ~e )RIJO WILLIAM 1. DiC icauty ie-wu Aie) 8.uret5i0.5? "d ase i~ cRa 4 N-, 1- ý -i