Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Mar 1922, p. 3

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anyd Did It Ever-OcCUrtOYou îû(-Iît :;1;5ilays ini every yoar you ',se something which -ures from aa Stu-e, whether it is Sunda>' and yotl use a Hlymu Book, Ibible, read a i or write a letter, or a Wmû day ansd yon bake, dye or go callitig, YOu T< TIIING Borne lime dfuriog the day that comes (om thoDrug r Ii.t bv eay of pr.v ng thia we are goihlg k> i ic Boy ou Girl sendingus i the igrgeut, most varitd list of artîcles from a -iStore in use in their homos dnthlg 11flOueIDtii From f-eh. 25th t<. Pefrch 25th. No yod tape. the onu> stiptulationi bing the gooda must have i n îght at otîr store. \ %-ite your lîst plainl1>' in nest rows, on oner Ride of the papor ouly, aud ui ýCotot' Box 277, Milton. REMEMBER WE HAVE ýb%i e s Fountain Fens Fot Hellebore Caustîc Soda i k Iupo Indeible Ink Po. Gentian Caustîc Potash V îod Bibles Mi1kinz Tubes Thermos Bottleg - Iîi. . Hymn Books FeiPs o er-Pt. Medicinès --' ild eatpetree a>'Umois Mouth Organs ,,],,,cice Po. Mo.. - Abso bfs Balloons - i~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ei. isnrtsa Bve tise Horse Syriisgês WHEN YOU NEÉBD 8030 THINO*, TRY JNO.IM. MÇEZE Phone 40. Tho e.z9O »oL? oapr - dan te ouit, h 6ofîthe an tic base line. Sho cas 7 ern ol oh st n cas g' heard lest Fridny age. Yemterday erening Jobhn Lcsoon. __________ and seve1- l tmes nince. The hindsi reil dry goode nerchant, died in bie arc about on the r nuna] tue. Blue- 78th yesc aI hie homo on Fouter Sircet. bu-de. chlch have beoc i-ara fer yeara. Ho lied heen iii foi-n long lime. Mra. Fre nch Dry (31eaning, cere seen os the fence opponite the C. jaaea Moffai, aged 77 yeara died tii P.R. station. .CBggba morniag ai ber bomne. Lydie Ave. She Steami Cleaninig, HIOoWAYS-Ban. hC- ogg ia id been aaliei-ing iotciy fi-cm beart lntradInced a bill in the Ontario Legia- uiveliednexi ceck. iiii pi-ohihiling the running a oisc a iih Dy eing, Pressing and! lai-go of stock on provincial highcayn. an amendaienut he Provincial High. BASEBALL. , Repai ring caye Act provldheg Ihat counties mnai- issue dseuturoefor i-o inseâd, Of Baeehah lubsoennd ogceaaorgnn îmns thi-ce per cent. of the equallasai aees- ing. The Milton Ca hureivod an O aisadG ment and asother for the C&Pitâlizs- initiaoion ta ioin a longue esmpoeeafl aielan lion Of iacormeefi-m matai- icence fere Oskvillo. liuale, Barlingtnn d Multos WoaringApao an for rond pai-poues. and ta @end reprooentaiives ta the organi- Household Goods. BRAMPTON MALE CHORUS- nation meetinlg.______ An atdvertimddlast ccek the Brampton -3 Male ChousofolUirtynine vo8ciii The)LeadînShernian, the Ph@togral5her eivo on enterlainimenti n the Methodust Th edn Chrch. Thomsday. Mar. 23rd, onderoosis ou r aothonined agent i n Milton sud, fL adesol dSoity ehi a .8 li ho glad ta give you prlceéOuce oh oee Aierd SocenTBrap aaney order for cleauiOg or dyeing. tan.sietaiStraeovllO and et SBk Ano a rders lefI ciIb bu ciii recel-e Chorch, Toronto, and on sach occea on uprmtadceflteni. hae drawn crocded booeae. Do 001 mise AND CONFECTIONERY cordrot aninefhat enton ou ibis mueical tii-ai. dere. mfor ch i w f oe Man- b CAr rTAÀ-ThO choir of the Methadiet oSaurusy SpcilSp. hd nd.,cfeac3neceetu iii oDu Chai-ch sang the Ceniele "The Rolling Thuceday. Ordeme ieft on Themedey Seeeoni lent Friday eov c n i n gsé- Silver Cake...25. 05. ciii ho rotai-led on a tcdey. Oudere iseid hp Mise Ai111a. 80)1 pi-aOfa. ol ahh _______fon dyelng need a ltilo nger time. and Si MePhal, teoai-Milton, to a very herge oudience chicli cas dehighted. tire us o trial andi ba coviaced that Oui- Dytiad aid Ciesalîl a s the la Teaiead chorases cero ail pieudid- ce makie UOOD BREAD and su iila. W ol p y a.Bsdes the cantaee Ihero ca a HIGH CLASS PASTRY- i-Inticl e od- ýÎ oMa.mn l'iand M. vacPaisoin y eat Chocolatea in taca, alwasafreb. moloeshi- Mies Melon Tarie, on organ eolo D0051fonget t10 aiomCreani PoSa YOU HAVE NO EXPRESS TO PA.Y - hi Mi-. wbeelei' and good munit hy the esi-li-. -Wt DELIVER. oucheas.mJHNT Lt aD Oc o uxHal.-Tho Board of lien- W. R. W .eler. Phoe 61 F A. JONTN W eraont cAsh ta ackncwhedge cith______________________________ tg.faDksthe fllaclag donation*tuta he Il owland. and Mr.. CNixnO.f Georget9cwn. Sandwiches- pconth eae af Methodiet Cburrh. andi t. O. D. Bauding blccke--Mme. Spi-net. HAby garmoate-Msho Wllllamenou. of Georgetocn. Billons- Mie Bi S Tgar A GA N and Mm MoRfaL Chickec-Mrs.Sgin- clair. Chcthing and 10 In cash-W. I., Georgetown. A Sume Uis leatSaîurday ngtb-rs t e t M r e 1er. entoceai Me*=.ere.MDu,;fw 9bF ele ar e gars hy foret ~5opucen clndoc open g on 10 eleyw hobeceen it and ther 11 y BIdng. Ten ar a dcaen t wo<cee carried off (the ira-- priescro avenotalire hawse mai- hey ont pauces for thîs week are as follows Lad). aiechailuansd othem ecCeso- les. ho yaeo atiho trea i'ei-ated C o 1otd.Steak at ....................... 2el about $15. FOrtannatolY DntOfathe sirloil Ssek at ............................. 2e lb &t -k Ohe 15 oai-nie ah be Porterhôoi. Reiost........... .... 22 sud 24e lb S Rump Zibdo, Boof............... 1 and 20o lb Do ou ce:sf ot marke la the ,:ckir W cf Round S1i.....................1ob 0 aO z =og thetthUe - pje f è......................1ead2el th OTpi4 %Wdlout alichuk aîtram ..e..................... 1ol m oà leie tre I j%0oii lad................................ e l oS ho 8gond m...................... an ueceWfO SOalR ................ 2& »d 30 tm bmo i ~ ~a o gA .. ...... or o î CLO MLocalTORESA oumfeel wafor the ;;end. C _______EISMETS CL1 -TyING STORERI ALU-A Fmr osOw. Àppy: ~~~~~ ~~l egond recette ceamlo ii j. Hf.poo9r sud c lieidOfod. Ro 5o, .-lpoe 9Mlnroe. S2 50 Jv ç"SEi Idhneo ortd lotis and 1 rIAie-BkMioes lp$. Eao,.a cellA knnU ilton, PET ittin«fls 1. G. W. Hliyor, Mton. Guelh O.C. fr tas hme fm $ienumboe atthSe 0111.ln mod eAt ~ata W. H. Devila.Omagh. phone bi Tie.A trimi order solicited. _Iih0A0 frle ekend. HoCacTnoa oOig e.5c. 9rpIIN K D IL__Z_____V.__Z,__2_204._Furulahed rooulecith or cithout FOI'SLE-god Fcmo Rouie. board. modern convenlences. centialy Q~Iy ta J.C. Ev gesan, obrt Street, * CONINO BYE SPECIALIST.--or.locateai, use of phone. Apply Cham - 1tan. i F. BRNISHINesS oSgo,5S, Toi-ato pion OMce. FOR SALE. -A carlod of cedar fonce ............._______..........j Store. Milton. on Wednesay. Drg cage0annOuneed that the rateoof cta po~pPy Jh 21ioOa .2-- nd. (ilase.if r iril a r.'tihsnao et e2)cnfa erfr FRSLtTre e'abcceisdnad Ocr niieracear, in Stmfisld's, ]Red r0.-Dontmien th tachance. Btabeacnfaahorfr ouSÂn- ranen bcyi 10 gThand Rearytont i5flatO>0s tooedwthu nwetinSapsT-j Fl-i.guaranterd. nd 40 cent anhtireurfor teams. odcniin pi aAf oIn ig n ed-owa asta hsoeason's styloemal.W o -lit Ct Mte" F1TheaiongAihointion all, on; Sîret. q dially invite yotu to visit our show rooms, where otir miîliners w111 be pleased ik 'T iii' iFOUR, ng* M Be 7h. hen te -Ach, i e &@n . Mes eeni g tso 'ioc. Almom- cee.u id. jpiy t George E mel. pP to show yon the latoat styles - ick F o r. U - - . ~ - - 3 c l i f u n1 5 a eai s w r d ri n.t e n. b e r f 1 w e n y . %,i i I l z . A n u n h e r oi h e w rin h e n P ou , S L - U n e t h o r n u h - r e u i Y o r k - a.mneled et th =P a-ntai hotueon of the Toronto Brick Co. have hontn on aowr due April ibth. Apptlr John DentPAPOR Mai Stee, t crebateibir f.the r i lle oel aya. They coan a- Homilly, phone 77-r-%3. i TT T _ _ 5M1ebirthd ey -W aterdow n Re iw . c aau i nwgct,lro mo '-. ni o c, an ho r. A T Hu n CAN ,4ON. Carpenl e e 10eVflJ I h -Tho Ladies' Aid cl Knox Charcp Miss Miary Hilier returned ta herir and aitarations mode. Appiy 119lit ciii halai their srannuel 5Porit uhoe in Milton on Mondai, evening o.n n rneSo. i o e tc o Besear on Frlday afternoo,î, March brineg ingti, her @orne friends. She A 1, gracel, nond, cohhie tane or Cmlt od.Dit bedroomn, arorkithe M . ILTON 1ti h eol o.Sl fha e nd byfrlaand allt us Atm. Jaes ttand - teTprodceionandThei0fW.f1.short ow.se nRobin [ n, o. 4, l a . on. t o ,O k IJ haeisl al lb. ay, dTue haydforno-eesla5c»oN.tMio.lene10r1.2 Hreacb fur teay e (Cele.ocrai ciiieSycod ci the Diocee ciNiagara Fou S&Ein-Ford Coupe, ite 98alrfs apt l Brandcancfromise Ce- proc fr ial mr w e y.Mri i~ail odel. n, licol clancondition. PrieRgMa, oaMt, Caglii cone.enefpire e117. rthe ia-in. iei Christ CiirriCoiheifral, Ha- rlght for cash. Appiy Champion 0f- LOoeps For iclts, rits aeCcoainMat, lo asaret ; i ýCao l nby lcl ereteay Ouiiicilea,. Q.F. tche and the lay fi qllîog, Stair Oîlloth, Curtain FPolosSrm aeCran eMruotC t wa n nb oa mtus soi eZ uciéo n O AE-uen lyr Volosdj evly'part apiondidiy t en. î cas de,ça. Meers. E. Il.lobiocea and FouMadLa-Landi-n claVoilesd J.loallaen , - iSimpoievi0ciGrnc Cborch il e- c n-trimme Varlgated, good uai. .. M d san Fnc foiloceai iy a concerti lcl talnt tn. 1600abu. ansiled hy Meuers. W. F. Dewar and Ill0 be Apy Thos. Mc adden. ItMEN F .E. G inof Miiton, cboseo onip M. 11,w. W. Miller. condute, of the Phonie LOciile ir-il. ____________________________________________ iIIP'VJ ~ ~ and 0Fcrnet soos ccci-atrealtaetheir Brampton Maie Chorus,. cd the ioging CLOVER SzaEo--Lurerne, variegatd , hearere. The tahleaux cere vary irant oi the gcand stend ai Toronto aino White Blianon Sceet Clver :I S J A goond. The elr.iiîn vas foiiac- Enhibilîca. 191, Doni a'il le il M.hoeingrao -1121 cr0, Ap71Y A« W, Pj.1 S GA Pdby a dance. The managers iaiite MilarsBBrampton Chorus. Coîîtr, phone Lowvi le 7-r- 8. thank Meurs. Dewar,.tOliin and D. S. Robertson and C. D. McGregor, Fout SALX-TWO Of thehelbdiPreCre ug, best buad ur 00Ib.,- progrand met for ti rtieOnat-ePreCneeorbstgadpra 0 s $7.00. fl1rogn ..a ra andailco bobpat hof Miton, and J. H3. Mcrray, Toronto, iotain the Town of Millon, la one ii, sûe.heply il esreUaedetcitb eaombcr cthern front Sailit the mot desirahie situation» for huild- Buy now. ' wflhIIir te MriletIIna ngh frHoun- ing a nioe hotîso. Appiy t 10.W orvivtLECTmR ltoin, Texcas, te capect the oil filds of MOain. st LETR-Why Doca <lad Pi-r- Wsrt iColumbhioand other districts. FuSL- unîyc ce rii , il"Why the ireatar basPi-r- tincE tcHucoi-Third Sunday in Clover, aeed, SWhite Bloeoni, gond 0 iuittiIhe earth te liae caurgeai hy Lent. The services wiii he au foiiocn :nampie. 8450 per bus. Apl rtu HO E S ND R O I - - A D -- uch a mlttudeof divers ovile for il am.. Hoy Commnunion andermon. Ruddeii, No. 2. Geoetown, pPHh oSA D RS NS MILel~ good and the bot ai long en àa Evening Proyer and er-mon, nobjet. 2r12 t. ilyatei-y. Wib Ithe dacnlng Of aJoelnAnoity Ail wiiiteFOu SALE-A geey bai-ne. Percher ni-w dey asolution of Ibis myste-y "Joehie 1 thn aico. on. O yeaiu, sound -Aslheavy ingie LIhaUN U 4 sacome. and il aatialliesbath Ihein la. o hs sries wagon,. nicih. harnessa. haianetc.re telect and the beart. Hui-, i in Ibis HOMit-MODE BAio-Eveaiag Sta Appi, Merkiey et Menies. or Morris ýepreSeualv f hi ibeStieta' hone-icode laking on SoIoiday M%. FOn SAL.-Seed Baricy. (O roced) TIH E BEST ON THE MARKET day. March 191h, at O*ciock pn.-frote3te5 pmn omeorle ellef1iiear02. o rlpri 5ai b oan. ynnm ca] i B e a t f r e e N o o ll e t i o n Kv o x C i eU n c o . - T h e n o b j e e t f o r A p p iy E m e r y B r a d le y N o . 2 . G e o r g e . S T I I T L Y a e n -a- l ien a D e iia t i ErcolaTu LW.AOtTE BAQ UE7.- A Suaday marning wciii bc,. Failb andi Iocn phone 88 i-S, Millon. anMtsnd e le d n th- D<0 o a"o'T u u o h o g o e g o gr. c iii T b et&n d la aid t . o h tenu e e oy eui ibflefor the pnt Ihree moune au Distribution of Weaitb o Christa0lmprored Sterling, alsea suaunity of e~es n.cr eoîa ein thecboiroom utbIe Metbod- attitude tocard ail disputîe@aboout tbreehed toitie bay cithb lue grau,. ChrbctMna vna.adMny u-sa ce We enod feed. Appiy te A. A. Bock. R. Chrhtn .dyeeî9 n o u t aeatourBYeSUNGt ae" froc. Milton, phuime 15-r31. 31 Pieumînd Wilh SorO.-B S N CL M N S & CweS vuiàci-y enjoyahie event. Ovrs clii hoglad tehaeyoucarnbip wt izty youag peoplie et down te a us. Fois SALE.-SOO btinhela O.A.C. Bar- ______________ wcîiui pread.Afîci- evei-yone bu mni gaaia Co-ly, 1lm14crop. $i s hu. ; asaaBrOod Peterboro.' Ont.. Feb. 17.-BeforO - ~ ~~bl aiaiedtec-vig ft e Abner a Nssag Eyo, aioni at- Soc, due 22d Mai-ch. Appiy te R. J. leavlng thie city for WoodatOck.chere a t ahici s Of rirai-a n m.h -e. o i on01.H iung. ho clii a hred het t e c a ot e d t e m n , O Nr amga e y aS tai t no ive t e - s u ot i n O u e b tr s u A LA ~ I N E OM US C mm.h table@ Weeihai.1 Aan Bigh Conable, havi n bren iii forSreeWbaill .B ) pz f artaandicotiEno, n e a Boulec tue, came te mi taol, te ti -etv2t RM.2) o r@. a ana eiry. F E.E] andi z -7mber of tooas weric poPeil and homea of hie con, W. A. Cha <son. for ton 240-r-O.0M. S Elals Pcocotedri banue h' - ~ ~ ~ iy hoaoreii. The toast lit compriaied hetteatitention. HBla friends wclii taSERD QÂTO aFon SALE. - Siherlen. ____________________a__________________________ upoeEîngTeEPîM. Ntt i-i- nd 0 e ,,,thol there bau heen no Yaiioc Rualon andi Amerîconn reieicl euiu ivrte______________________________ popWilkinysone , -The improvement in his condition and thot Ontario 192 ci-up, aiso Western Beed ectedcith the chiaich andi Sunday nded te hy E vitBoi b e e e jysroua, his age, 84, Oato. Ligoco. Ger-minatio 0% co nMrs.Ellis cas actrelomn- OtbzB ling Side," piopsicd y Misa e eing greatîly againt prospects for tant peri- hoel 44 ibo.-Wm. Couse, lu Ms the choir..admotsaiar a o llcrtii v-i Fetesok n epned ercvrStreetavilie. 41 Mca Ellia cas formci-ly MoMrJ h bI A. theinlon. a oaasneeches CMorseuOf-Tba Ladion' choapo.tAnld most ofanitar wyiondcortig V d omeitrpre lethe follccing BAzAAR AN OaI) -TeLaie'PICTIJRES et lthe PiIacarna for Fr1.Mre o apelill wals ishdsocoosnstk muscalselctins Int.solo. Mr@. Aid cf the Kiihrlde Preahyterfa a n audy asu1t gh e aryScine h lne i I. Hl- ilîiîî - Iikasan; vcal oi, Iine Lilliin Cbui-ch wcli boled a bazar, foiiowed h dyad as-a, iie 71 5h grae apinesq. Heitiey ; eectiao IY lie -orchestra; o concert. ai the Communety is HaiIaRyl asua ley' Ss FLay adSma t la P-li --h i 11týIIgratr aiai trio. the Misse .Frioc and cent Wedneailoy evening. Moich 22nd. comedy draia, sud Lai-iy Secton la Ibs FiHd.yDsdASali-day oodiamm asine ___ G O reaA S O quitte. The pi-ogroi iii- concidcd A gf beenror -d "The Fai Gay." veyuo t plaiy, en- Thensae iciiegia at 7 p.m.. and (the Pcch C. R. TURN1ER. ILTON iWhenlVoneienbic." concet ap.t dm 8on c hree deaihaelfoid andcoiro, CHEER UP. Phone 28. HARDWARE. Miltoi, Otit Sioor OFSPRuio.-Wo have adresideals oftheMilto neigucoindhoodo about - week of oprigikeo ihe , otd .a. « In YVsterdav moraine <qP<< s oneniealy d. maic e p bas en. Thomas J. Chioholinacas tonad <-Ta i sa "SATURDAY TREAT This Saturday fei- - -~ 130011 and' night oîîr - candy maker wiiibcal Our Milton store dunr, --atingEaaterEgg. UicBi iwatoh him. Leacu îî- your orde.Baturdae .f ir' that Sp*oia1 Eieîei Egg. W. wiii ru, any naflioyou wilOil Eggs frouIý 25co up Speclal fer Saturday-Waiflut Maplo CqM 23c lb. Ose lay eaid. 'You cain make ail the fancy amdies oi 1y e bot ive nme the old roliabie Homemede Maple Crom citi,%' t in it.'We ffer yao 100 lIeo. of thie favorite Sat"y. reg.i-cg. -SATUEDAY 23 i AsaoptOd Chocolates 27c. lb. Thia lino ie ual aur homemade Chocolates. buta" i-e oeia ibis lac price. Bard and sait centres. SATURDAY 27e b P,- chocolats Cr.am Bars, 9 foies 25C. . Cocans a nciappod Ci-cama Bra - - i 9 for 2 Week End ChocolateEs »Itfl. Our Weskeud Chaolateo are mode friesh sdly ilui-l ceudy kitchen. A real gond esaortment of high «deC~ Wko Speciai 3 2,,IL A neal baxcoccualalng ana pondof high cle~bocoiate, T. H. MOOREI4EAD BRAMaPTON GtoîrG5trOWN fM1llt* ACTON WE HANDLE THEj Moore Auto Col ,Iapsifflk Rim PATENTED - None oba e iaGreat Iabor and money saving devç., Wih hi4neen to n yrioe. i into Collapible- eme s svrY lightl burn'Go- ge SBazaar ln Kao« W -on St. Pcii-irko nies oandeanJcy sudà ice ci-am or b-i c-- cf O-v '8 c.dIait]s eg. 4In i li Tey lu 'in e 2 iel i loy dcci ceiL - Il-i -viî gli h e -2cei Ig Give a i Pou-nd Box of Chocolates . 1 Dà VM&

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