JvEVSCLOTI O~; 1*-t E,> lile of WC of.H \Vvs anti sudrey$ ~FURNISHII 1iitderwebr, inI >ailJ> fainous "C.et Ulis,'BE pHON E ~BUY £95 I98 -3 95 1 00 100 ,39C, c >5 et whick ti5h4r îp nlord« i iîted. t"Brad. RS'9 MILTON 5W5I tBlet' e uda4»"jr, I Moe nlut dhts yd their IiOte. Thepeejlous e4Miswsluwaa t; i~n:teriûk. To their Quit mtwa làeV_ýway.Tbe "p a0cprente thé garce wue 51044 atltiaocylaeVe ~ C obuhe , oser neca Mev ohn mut or . bi.d .thewon they foiovlgoleessr* oej~e4fr i. Chur 0 Toont, sul eeab ntheVoIld. have Lied Ossooe -Railand OM.dasUce*.~ 99en. eodmat Ohorch nexI onya ven. *Ofild bave bad a cbsuce towin th e <3 3ta.,Rc~!~ yr.At .eaIngteInotntrsocial eervic & te hp nan extr sie, C. r ec, W li er Oak.tb«ch nile, Theoteiaiboard'. of glsbuC ylir and the total atnac a C-. Pis-Sec, R. McCantsey, Gorge. Met oint Cburcb bave inrited B ie, about Mii. Miltiso avtngott40 tce town. A. . 1a&0baite their pestor for toue Of 10 tu 2 ot Braotkpttil un thej (. Trea.., V. Breoley,on»>.y thena oference yr. hi pevioos Mondat evlning, the viitoro (3 D o ..W . i Zjead Iltohn a eepenojo 0 tton eesanguine that tiiey woitd repat.1 lo etreW ,a9 avllt, but tbey were disappincteil. ito 1.4Letuer W Evno Gkyil ' ng omnsidttee.pu u a whiriseind gamne tbe lieot of 2od ,oturer, H. Bradley, Hornby. Lest week Min Maisci Rome, daugh. thse sunnan. and won 4 toi . Netater Tbe Beparate Sctool quetin wuotoc of Win. Hunie, Milton, underseent teamu ocnred in the fiet period. In tté iessed. ,afler whiech tee follnwing an operetion for a pendicitin at tbe second Braumpton got 2 and Milton 1. resolution ws sutnanitmousiy pesed :- Western IHospital, o&rono. Bshe Iea In the third Hthealasptayed the visi-. Movéd tiy Bmo. J. Andrewes. "econd. graduato noune and son the staff of tors off their fret, scoring 3 to 0 and ed by Dire. 1ev. A. M. Marsaal, that that hospital. Ste le dotng seeili paetylnigaohr ut the folluwing peLtions ho sentinte thape &wtbiyt.ndisaloter, jiiot a Primoe Minister and menîicero of the WCiIEN'N lNTrut.A canipaigo >050 on the local tenu terrcd. F'ai- Leilatre of tbeprovince of Ontario : bY the Ballon Women'n lisotitute tei ows',, Cole's and Rentners sperd a Whpbreas. the Roman Oatboiic hih.l raine înoney for tte tiordon Houie bau gicat, Blakburn anid Brut poat np a, ope of Ontario have mad1e repreentajuntbeeî coooid and a cheque for oiff defence. and -tekid,' Barnett, tmone to the Goveasment of the Pro. 81(t) ha. bren forsvarded to J. Bd..-Den- oaved tc gaine by his wonderfîîl mort' vince that Lb. Assmant Act sbouid Yra, Premident of ttc Children's Aid In gal., ryIot Itn>mngr ho amended sa as to divide. the choci Society. 1 handled the boys lu p@rfection. Hic taxes pid hy lnreoralod rompantes KOXCHi sun-Tise nbject for jdgment mecmed infallible. Brainp. 1ttwe hfuli n eaae odmrif iih TeC to~In put op a great gamne toc. Cm'>' Sctotsf on ttc basils o population: the Qutiet. bInt e ening Mr. Mac-.rrinçlsi an ot stot. The gaiews n a nd unitkay selpreacb tn ynusg mon, sot. Rferer Stoî'c Vair hadnoc trouble ini %Vterruu. the grantlng cf sucb de. ject., -Ttc Niai] ithton many Irons handtîng il Nno al in etlo ioands moîld comipet Protestent tas.in lise Pire."Ounr seans are &ait frec. 'ledspt i.Thelntacy- payrsotaîrtue u tc omn Wr svwitt hoglad loi have yoll woreiiîî Mitton-Goal. Barcet et eo ) t-atoic:se"rate Sctoots. and tberee. witt ndBacbrn:ceteFrlw t>b s frl> thtearting of te ýOu snBruotin land actoo etur ; FarIne; tattolir retîigion; and Fire troke ot ltet FridayoooigwssCtendleRntr-mo. WVtrres, curt a ditisiion ofRerboot lu tte office cf tht Georgetownt Fou n- Dr. ihrork, Jact Kentnet undt Roy tane se proporis y ttc Romian Cati. dry Ce. The Office, pattern and nhip. Cttstotm. lie bistopi wmcotd deprive the public. piong roomuserre gutted. Ttc gond Braripton-GouI. Ccr defonce. In- iin'îectsrii cetsrout nysteni cf a large mort of the lire brigade savcd ttc rent gotdsby and Blain; centre, Bureeli portion o! il' legitiitatu' sud nocesq. o! tse piait. In trying to put oct tt wingc, Biobop and Anmdersonu te..' 1"ary revenue'. ttîerety seelot 1rlin. lire Intise office, Mfr. Hopkini. aA 01cm. Alie and Ciaridge. . pairing thét i i'icy c, thettt>iliec ber oit the Biri, and Mr. Alteu,.boock. Rfre-Stere Vair. Toronto. 4cboi cyîitoîi u ndt teeper. more scserety birned. the sattot taxes Ihat rai> be utoîv ot, te derivemi frontaxable prereyi lie pessionmcf Bornati>Catitulics SIîow goto tte asupport if theRoman t attoio laiepseste Sioboouis nid iWtVerea.q tberm- c s %tosg agtation iîy ttc Roman i.ato ie'rSeparîle Iligh Scooulsana l oeglate Institiîles. %Vetce itrioers if tise Cotily Orange Lomge of Italton, de bereby re. gister ouii' uni.g protet and deter. .nine!doppo'tica kany aluct effort, jndme-roiîa rotent t%7 lnt au> Chîange being umdain tise toltAs. sesmient Act &iv îatating te Public and ¶Separale Setool- W. C. lIa ker. C. Reçc 5ev CL.EYENTS & COS ZMEM a n y Ligtt frcsisnd ai1 - ol ds arc iiu n i 't voll 't'ti I assured of' the, besi :oî:dr. ~ a aitonsig nuIentine ci t ta te teli lnth ciurot bere munder , auspices oit ttc Ladie' Aid oa-I A o0Mi nupper and excticmtprtmc ;!m miii te giien. ad anîofg the inici. ýting anid omii Stl.0. :mettez ng featuren if i1 avening iii tea ecate. 'Hecoireal ilait a gentleîman of 21 yera m oi ie tracimie limoî ru lady cf 21 yesî . Jhic utiwiiîull' oui sasîc eot ti i a.e . aneedi ly Mta, Fred Wasont atai-rta] s. gus i support h, maue As tîcae =esteaters are AI! a aafiited as cotai aîthority on flu 1w a 1'ci. sorne inter- t tui i aîtalîlgreaer stng farts i mi, ta aut lac tromiftt 1. -1ci Ileh 1 ra htippitiîeq. lntight. Xi>iatia, trestng ef iutre Phone 63 C. R TU M ER± . MILTON Tiî proaimises 1 an oveolfn camlntIecuo . lite 1 'On lieu 2e~ il.t ,.,uci to f >, l'i -1-7 -- COugh ý,Water and Cold Remed ,,)Il triiki tti« SyruP of larwith Cod Ut« tbé Um wb Ir %; -ugh IV em .0d, cme ww- On wili Mmeni it 41 w Tablet's 2ýe T,%iýjejss Cod Imm, so"t ver J 0 Phone 40. nid - Winter Necessities at IVoney Saving JPriceS! ()BDERS RECEIVED AND PROMPTLY tFNIDED TO. .~h od LverOl Lil ~iVeT<)jI Wanipole's Tait.l4si pi()ni zed IesIT. uc Coirespra OncfCc I nhC d i e r e p a r a - w S t h 5 * o f C o- mi.fr tue st hoiver OÏI hae o t. lL.po .phss aa. ietpalttable form of i aict utoalhe0o r ý1 i an fonn, A nntlt os4lc sitis the i. i et r mwbie 000w iiiso' oro. i.,.. te insn>ienal Pro- ý,t - ...,, '.0 eofc ise istleahldeen or ta An excellent winto! inediditie a iup aftet au ncs $1.00 Bottlec* TOBACCOS *LO0 O Site. Toilet Face I taher, reg. 75 Foa-e . caler, eeg. (6w Ivitch Hazel Cream,1 TalcuniF: aatised.... Toilet W'ter, reg. * cicîds and building up e uytein gonetli!. *1.OO BouAle. j Go ods k nd.00... 3 eeg ........ & iexuli fypo)phoephiteq. É&Mli Digestive Tablote, Roxail Ce.ery and Iron Toie, Rexaîl SaroaParhl&, Fraat' D. & F 80olue- Blaud>e CaponIeç. RoxalI Cod L4ver Ol mil' ion. Blaud's Iron Pilla, DeuIl oederliee 16i 26, 60, 8i Seuil Nus lopu Tabiets. -t iWaIl OP Srirng housocleaning ti.n s'is complote. The patternsara j pricea very reasonable. S New Floor Oilîlotha, Sta C (ongoleum and Linoleum Rug Curi i 8t oponed, Curtain Net Jumstic and lace trimminI j' Hoisocks jt Juat opened, direct from e set and ilosisi casîeis , SaS.5lo A Dollai, Saved is a Dollar Made These Days. BUY VOUR H ARDWARE NEEDS lapol. e aw lty- ZING 19221 ne je at hand. Our new stock o ire prettier than ever,* quality i jr Oila, Linoleumas, Bruageil, Tape, ie, Curtain Roas bain Drapery ts, Serime, Marquesettea, Voiles, i ge. Jrewsdon's Cotto Manchester, those real Cottone a smaâ lot of Flannelette in whiti lame and White Cotton of thie ay down. -H*wer Goode-LowopP Pa' 4DERSON'S Electric 5p I lectric Toaster Stoves, reg. $5.00 Electric Toaster, uprigbt, reg. $5.0< Electric Irons, reg. $5.00 for ........... Electric ileaters, reg. $11,00 for.. Bigr Be lakm ok, reg. 2 5r.00..... BiA Bararo Clocks, reg. 2 5 .00..... Rayo Lampe, reg. $7.,50 for ...... Brama Jardiniers, reg. $4 for $2.9à; Carving Sets, rýg. $7.50 for $5.95 ; Liquid Veneor Mopa and O',Cedar Speqial for weekend'-Mop and Hockey Sticks, eaoh.... ........ SBig Value i.nMUiS and GbOvsa. ~GEO. H. D'AI Phone 28. HARDWARE. «SATURD>AY1 tlest Moodsy . S. Boee cetratemi The iet fouies Iicinte seo&ela ' ".'"" "luVil r"'"" il liis nînetieti tirttday sud reclrd ers playemion Mondsy eceniîg. Ttc 4 want Iln anok congratulatinioto a great uisny of cus ma alittîr rouîgi.t, ut gond ion- j OiPanso, a bi& friends. Untldcilty prcs-euted idering everytting. Mayor tryiug m watt too long. Prîcesa ai te teckta great intereat li boys. vt'fsced tthepiiot fort-tce rut ev-ont, Oitty ttcne ol the Mettodiat Susday weletma the initial unc in tteIter- OP Setoot, bt nthtîri. A .goodly pripor. uburet League. l watt pîsyct te limoi of bis caltera mers bis olmi boys. tveeci ttcMettcotistq and Preenytor 'Botter Quali Be lics bren cofired te bis ted for jlanud massabhumer, t eîîded In 5 uome ime. tut is brigtt and eteerfal. Ia tic, 1tatoi1. aller tri minutes overe O Diait fviget te Bos Social t te tine Ttei-o.uaq, Hiki delence , PHONE 9 Sj Ecyne Sbool. Admission free. Ttc Mrett an d lslcCeady;- entre, Cou. tadies wmut trior boxes toi te asetion. uîngtem ;ingo. Steesert ans i Wite; eij off. sube., peainet, BbcocotasndiRendait: E 4 E 4 Bramptont pmublc octionîs are to bc esylriac- olL. Ctistotm; mn euvplat aoped actweec.defonce, Ptolemy anîl Telfer; centre, Ellont ewpilansmitIte rels e dilyAnderson ;muigi. Fay snd Alla- Efticient t pi ni citeremeainluf ai! saute,.Mairhantd,-Aikenusud Robtret-i' LIOTT tour wmli te derotem ote more tact- rTe uecoond iceut teasu ornty vsu ait camseeunder thetird and ttat of Chusky lot nî-Te players cereci rmwokabectofn£ 1M ý theseuorcutdmn.Weetyeauin'hus.y lotrndy tIiegante mn> trens TY-te md Chartnel Torovintoe. tSion rsmilit bomi aid trgtvt pupn outars mss won, 2 lta . Oui utthe. jp STaICTvc~LiFTO".88 in ail 0Desllrt atos il el ndtigh uil trsw Bailey- eto gusrded ttc net; Rmalansd nn"id in0te Enmint55 iromotod wcen itua lfe. tor Roeuty. Htcbas tout hte rigbt t eseir s imeWr.til ue seliniisos Tise Board o!f!anagemet or ttc basd. hta lnt lelace, tut tise e1icu Giordun Home wsai>te actuomiemge ma3inus chotcte aîmilembis stick sand W. J. IULLIOT. i5r.il. miththtaîks the folowing donations, stoppiIIIai o-e fotl vas a won-; ______________ lutt oin&C.; -Ciionso. -o Hn erch- Gont, Bsiley ;detenco 1CONOENSEOAOVEBTISEMENIS. trug C. mttos len JhnCunningLi.manid Robertson eteI Mtrrsy; cake. Mettodial Churat Led- cne.Rîgsd nr.,t ies' Aid ;mSadwictes. IODE. ; p- 9alrith igKn n .Rb pies, Mr. Allen ; quille. Bannokbturinjixuon sîette.. Anderson, McDowcll and> Frante bouse fnr cale. Appiy J. %V. I., Etenener Churet Ladies' Aid, C. Rutinson. Waters, John St..'.Milton. 2t .1 Eteencr Chîîrch W.Mt. - Campbelltvilic-tioat. Wie ; defence,i1 W.-.2'riTF- Secind'tftnd bureau or WV.C.TI.-A meeting cf tho W. C. g ns, Cartert aid Beiyesi;ab., TU. suit ne tstd at ttc tome nofhMr. Exrty. Mason and F.liolt. -FOu SALr-Square piano, Gertard De>c..mm misdyPe.tîh.>~9Brutreey cie &mgîesvSnid eintîmna. 511.00. Apply Champion cmmaock. A programme n Scîcîltia leiai mort mss Crust dass, Office. Teinperanic. Ail malcome. ~--FOi SALF-1 good 5lycar oid grade Wuuîr BE-iai RoAD.-Tratalgar ou ScLrr cno a t raca oe due in Fet. ApplThOs. FOX, Eqteinc taruiers tlAItonIpetitioninit tphoneldaya9dr thme etatnt y rosseil for te inîpeoce- hs rdy n atnrday. . FpOn79R L '51. ga flyrii mecut t vîn and grsriliiig of the Ths Arena îe nom in t' t oswg- Fon SALi-pur., y ly. Atly¶ basetIlefrtemu rot East lote Bst- 9kttng eîery Tuesay. Tttirsdoy and a ý' Johnson', phone 74-r'-8. tmai.teel toco Une. Peopte travelling Stnrdss. utteroon snd ightî. tetvveeîtMilton sand Brampton dont jAUTEuR CAucrio,,. Cspenler. Be' reliai> iasingg k>mniehe tritp vis ootuthe ceît)iu utf 't'amiy. ltt>,airssand atcrtionnsmde. Appiy speyiderGa- esuat suadirect asnmti t le Vcentiîue Social ut Zintj Pi Btsd..ric ittes. wel adiied mrman. Admission 25ec. acdl5lc. A1g ovl and. collbti stone or Tise meuibeen o!fte eoes ice otthe oira, at pit ne delivered.-A. W. CosI' Clilidrenq Aid SoIiaîay of Ballon AccrDENeTTruCIIILD.-Last Muîday, tee, phono 7-r-lB Lomevitie. 20ti. County desîre ta expîress their gcati- fr.tand Mcrs hr uto iitt tîîe or tcinlre tlent by thc citi. isto httctb.mils iheir dsoghttm FOR SALE, prlvatoly, s fewu ilettb nues frIheitn t tc Ciliree idagemi 4 yearv. The etitlat. hîtotherv'of ut tniture. Can o tencoany Lim zonpaf itn in trhemthldeipan'a e...caatisg duel, s tilt. Th t' ;aî fterSatîîrdsy.-Mr4. Heuiming, ain caig driveufonEineabe chat tto n eiotoa matercar. SBblitmioneofotitr Street. cupIta Hitn l at e prtetfrun legs troten. o doing meli ant I c tit IV Acarn-at ooce-2 or 3 gond s- muitefr itnu cfhellunRyeportetinst OGueph. tond-hsnd box 00v-rn. ColuàubicatO- ished sinuau tues' eare rel >. Tise irai-k teani o!f Lh Unieitiy tcf mth Secretary o! tbe Arena or tise, BOX SOCIAu-A box socisl citî te Totronito Sctciot mitI play the ililtoni cîretaker.i iti at Belle Sahool House on Thtite- HigliSellaot urtette ut tice Arcos ait FOR SAL.-No. 1 White Blossoso dc> Ce. Ots.i rinctonmiisSattirday evning. ut 7.30 shai u. There'S etCoe.8.1 oApy Fred. Oeil Lierar Soioty Ocimi ro-111 ho tise test of hocey uaîdnouenid Morruson, R. R. 2, Georgetowns. Phone graîo esnery ItyOd on meico e caitomccl. Theres Il lie statiîg 42-r-t Georgetowns. 2L. lamie ad Oerybdy elcm attor the gsmp. Raid ini atteomisece. Laduco briog boxes. Admissioni 35i. snd 25c. Luer-Betwee Militoen and tien ,NEW 'NAUS.FOR jstviyo.-Word tieîipierondtînIlnqiisln'g, tIa mac received by the Chiamoer cf Coni. A CoiTico Tne vnder tte aus- couf ith gle!liniOg. iinder kindîY mercisyeto rtmthe C.P.R. au.pc e is r rgae tcDotn thrte e Lsffert that in ttc nesaton Dematie Club mili appear i bacsainn tspIlOfie ftre n oe msîi ogion tohc Srdrt ith ay, "Nnthiog jLoRT-lest Moniday eroning on Vie- icta s nm cltem Guept uneon.tt ttcTrutti. The Kuriigolnplay - ctarie Ave,. or Mill Streel-m a Watormain Tbtarje wcie aGuelphocio eo cr0bsvecbta hs igli repîuttoforsa FouisteitiPeu, mîtgululband. lattedr Teiity rm o'parnsb ~ylong imne muid bavc mamie a great it pco en tCapo fio tlainte tlue heir eatonsed in tsint'et boitî' aittii pay. Dont torget tce ctîsemi th tonhy hvebeyucofsed i t Osclpda..te. In htwe har ivep, et ue caClph icr LolFid PICTRJRES et thc Pric.aafe rFil. j unction tboy aeu ulhwe n M8 ARL Ut.LbFia day and Satnrday, Fois. lth and lth, reatity ttey are 1a miles amay. Thse MicsCarrtoll mont ta Toronto ci titl>Ethel Ciayten n l'beThPrice 09 PoD> îî«eottîs sa"on a nom clame lieu. Sho e eitas.anho mssgctting off ma VioîlTdammy sit asy aucis confuso'strecet car on Front Street and one ofacssion," an adveitnre and a traîl 01 tin1 tise futsre. Tise nem>naene tas ber bip boue% mas troten. Ste mus roMance, aise Larry Sayesosla 10n nt yet ho ebetd.-OuielPb Heraid. taken tu St. M hlstHospital, misere Batcr>' a ai luth.e hle, HOCKHY.At 1h.Aren, e le i d eml, tut reecoey wcul te HOCK Y.-A theAreit, t-nSow. Rer uurgicsl attendant ayc utc cie (FrldaY) lght. Feb. lti, t tsilI ho laid op for Lhree monthe. Rilsc 8 efedck, abap-Second gaze et CarrolIlearecoin ng lunchi sympatti-.- thc Charch Le&Oe. 111NÉt1e111911ysg Ste ba long becs an actire mer er in1 LO K l hoad t congregatton cf St. Andrew's, Anglicans -flloseed by tie s Condsûuret. and stebliatd a large sn' jJusta tee f H J Armnstrong s weot gazeetflie Remr anegue, " - dyOh ols.Te hlrnwl n pecials- Callubllvlllc. Adulealon 25, and munes ber greatiy. i Cboice Steak .........20 u5c. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H S0 et eî a vlal a R. L. S.-Theu open meetino ChoicesRatlcauup tI elr-ttc Lteary Society cf Miltes &- hChaot.eBoit andl Stem . t...c00andlUp Sebool. lesStFriday ecenlof, wmssa de-, eieSacge . . t5 ytetrday evesing an enjoyabie ctded succel It epenou l tIbcio 1 Try Our Homnernade Cootemi Mal m ani a belde nxCuc u,-1 aaa'floe ytePei A tWomen'n Mslsnoary tic' dentsaaddress. Ths -nouscin laIlChoice IBeamrbeete ........ . .4 , rey'blee meohors more pros- Mln TorIt and sececticus from Cana. Cboire PreisoulTole ........... ue ont, - MiLi velyn Mitcelel, travellng dia utanneedmi oncommenct. white. ('haice Pressest Voal- - -S........,e SecrteeT o! ttc Wi.M.S. for Ontario ttc recitatton by Mary Pedulie, a If [and tise NOrtent, addeessed thue Pumenstudent, mSs mcli recelrem.:I B R meeting on the mrt inte hunes sud Muet enthualasmu contreul sroond the G(3EjnLrn torEigo field. but cbtefiy on ttc mort dumbeîl andl sesou exorcises andl they; of ttc toaptal au& seh001 boufssIn tal te ho repeato.Gtreat attention PHN 3.MLO thc Notkwest, wliea&Mesnppnrtod wt miel ot etato, as morth local RN Si LO entrd b te roen f he0 rO-lnteest seemýemiaroumed. ICiarve Bef(OCe thc aduliside re. Ch-a. DMe- rmiulted in fasor o!ftchie0 Fo Pri». Sn. ~ Greone gave a WeclireAereuh solo. A- miso spboldthe affirmiativ'e. The on- JiIgf Clan3 Bkr' t«oiton tassseeveul ai the ClOse, itlng socur, la the sketch, "The lady seben aBitpenant enjodni"tl 109t 5 ilstise M g Rats" causcd uel sch ,-n Mitchetl.Duelog ber stay aIn 0400, àu tn Techortis. 'Fidulleand ie;iitceWl a entoratoed at tLb. 1" b ie HR S.girls. and thisesua -1 iad tomleof Mrs. James Nerisaîl> Prut"' oerisote secadets mre wmcii; yenqu o dent o! tise W.M.S The modms ; lnludd twuo wano .îu te r RIIIMAGE SALE.-Satneda3t, u ui>deb nWlDet ae M. m 0fth Ge Ur Bread, Cakes,&Ot luth0 aSt 3 p. m., thoro mi t e àalSe~ eniIBoardt, actesu ne critte. The> ~ ot used oing. dblsticpsturCo.aO' motal cim wlth (40>1Si>'>the trial and be ovne lots mgRingamd.ti. Sesot ThI. of their quaàity. osloubuges Se li .an ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A~W Th"buý Cu cw mwm tee. me. de. IE BE READY F 1What. better inveatmi car for the'eoi MEAT" y ans' one cat ttrscoteh Ofad- t iake it Vit-:> Have vN'ou Butterseotd-i ýWe thffnk t o as any a;,ý- This Saturd-îy 100 ibo of t . 'reat Price 23c, à- te mat cic>f-at daily Bordai t, Caramel, 1 ýOiua c-- PEr-IAL 32c lb. ~ro25. leat bt htt v. IEAD Tubes 5f, uq~ôr ~ Week End Choclat This in ult amcae or ualeadlg aib nem. Oluereekcnd Olsoonht,>airesi Peppermints Osmme. Vanille, Maspi L Caramel, Lemm otnaesesCier '% Gobe.prety Wl AT - - & ta ai.> ni '# nch papi c iebotter and1ià -2nd Floor .à in plai, fa 'ov o'à' fer unerwe à' 0 OWY.If ul q"litydo 'à' MILTON 1 .. . . . . . . . . ... ...à.. .. . .. . . ......r....,. . et ........ à ...a......o. .t for ' -600fo . ,- -.LSON Milon cIls s ~ f -i -i c..' 4 to clear 14t 3 for 2&c. P 'lai .11 ai,. i 4j '1 v~i I 1- >4 pop Strawbem, Vanma Md conomut th ....................... ! ......... L104T'LUN, visit our Lunch Parimik wheu you We «,e st your »rvice., T. H. MOOFI DiA"Tow GEORGETOWN