Stoy W ficture IBooks J T 1Il,. rgeAnCHRISTIA ind Pstvate (Ireeting card \a n.Tei Carda and I3ookl te chooernotra ,' :. OMIS. Tae, t-ibbo. j ngmit rAB ions. Tin..I, Tissif Pa MILT.'N MAC5<CNZE elita ft.lflùîau O a m pîo IMLTON t'htoo4u MILTON, THURqBDAy, DECEMEER 15, 1921 Inrcl o b lî . C a.nadian (tha~m p io n -H L ~ N* a i t : e e f , ~ k rRRI i-IR GCOULNTrY CF- e --oNotlned by il ansersvaft wba 'a tht ______________________________ MR HL~ I O N ON T L O C A L C O U R T S "Ae L LPD A R train Resl a n icogolae rd ns ai e e ln za501 tig z Say ta M" ,is oller, \lrboiîî thît G R Mr. ~ Bis e la brsfr ine, s Sittinga mou e iiî M. asa e S pt. N ahi Il j.nig. r h ritîî~ A.t fa lts sds M lh 1;iý - - - - - lfrbtoiBrnes, srprle-aad dT h se in in Iati555M 4 "8 8 o fa.s t S u cce s 2è 7 ,...1 9 apradured by the aSterlor Thte en ...ita .. m oud.; la0 M CsdaW tr ncs ha it ad th. liv ig ro amn Nîinl m s utooe BATZS.. ....... hlatta'bs vam caadioted ity te o i Aý r $.1 Éille a0 'saa.- t. W'P.aIý îî . W. a hOkýll, H i1ho b.d seeau Tholatter. for Penoniple as e 0te usin ..~-i bl.ilsi S WJ.aia :.K 4(ls ..toup a i Foa Co.siti FRlNh aF *tb ougt for cmfort raier taibohnh a "1 u 001alisir Cours gia ses horst, Ir w henahe opened a %,ro I« u 'tb«fAU mamla b.S'fnir, lu esncvIr sla g l leoo tnersTha' 0,. aro di-y asî ctlolsg. .i. Pa of iah ApiCouab@ and chaibsr tî loisaandodeep.: minagOlre oravte e. o lste. tPe 1 tohe w ud bstwere o y lad deepng acori t...~~~~~tod th w..., an.. unotttdv Imt DC 1 r wii d ott By ordor W. i. , Mllesahnidv ersll cf atep biaan thea avns cou itst..a>.t,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Net aIII mei.t~ a iliaPaa CHaPTnol andI ________n_______ god h vlai ialaiîeea h bgn s. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --- tient lea Fana 0ir.mdt ctea.oltirty tîea it ' 1 rv le s Gud .Tesairs vers lthty carpeted. At E'orm an eariy associatinlit, c 1 SL P .& 1H Ptirl ie mid til oftLb t0 i th nenesd cnetrso hdyt@tpbsguietaraed ta the left are!î'sbli nstitution luke The Bat. ait~ ~~~~ 210rvelr'G îe . H.d letO a .. Nt.15~ a. thle vay down a longraorridor. INv cia n pntv OXA IA ACtFtC iCAJW.M POOX20 iLTON. ONT As ho aflered ta rn, s Srilad aliasa wtiîî lvelop Il is O'Dav'd etopped ad ths se Cii ,j1ijj, DIIICCIUr7 eotioaa WIiIT. Spectoltai e ry and Ooatistîiy, bld tie iliPPed nader lb. der aince '.aîasdolaa~satctn o îai t tZ.55miadsigbî 8.10 a. 'dlt.îî cg alsn Caoine and Potine Dl leones. ha left tae ronmau ouor befar«. ves mlli tva moredoars bayoad. latd a felw miinutes i ot t i sw x i A ti es 43tam-.3 .2 '. OrrsHis...i i l t S . vJ 'Torse rOminder froan lb prudent Mr. ~N "Illgvaae a hatl, doait i?" lidil 215 IL,~ ,2 , '51 ~JOI198 I@i bill far 1he dey i He ptcked' th ria s thuîa, standiag aolide for a m. .0ILi. 12.a gtaed et the Isacptts an d rns a1 ntr."Ail of thsesping . 1. 8 e a 2 p -'. a t c o s e e b i ô p H i f u l '.u m e a m e n t i ti f i , a d th e 1411, ; ,.t , .tia.y. ati Mp 3.3)m.50...7.4.ri W E L R am at@ad boudoir% ad vat net. The OS~~~~~s thr intt. th os ootO is i.-lttlÂY EACHER heOBan wODoR12i For a momen 1-tta c -i 2tht l îrthGoi Vea&t-.la5a.m a 3.3àI) IM._ USIC TEAPiaul~~ai! S'i* a amenehe aaataboya, lui thatls witarawa h a k ofN v c t K.ln .ýL1p i. Pano. Vînliri ard rhaai-y Tharkeray. A note of thauhsl, no doutit, Our grtsvsnres. @tore oar stock 0f ESTAItiSIE 1832 ..il7 p.. PAt OTt.Nlts'ClANDO titlAIOa, aaIpiaanoty faoanît Vaguaiy an-te etn sad ie& h i Or GRA D . *N StiLi,'A.Ynoped, ha ripPO psdalaslte nveiope andi ' f - etllletamn eacasmbie iien Ittis ptidup W <t l' .' H.'& A N .UN W. LWA 'resi: i P.I ,rmisiyijasiaiawvi asiii.0ttt t h- t-dtWOaS masa1afronttheaaityWsd h us whEthtOlietwlio j'. tt ot 2 ii aata Wd.asaaa SOTH (sINta"acs do not haove the opaPpr. . no* Dabsos," sddiesstag tite [noin t555tt.ti- moso s sot is. 12.01 , i 7.01.i,~ .: :0p.tII. M ir M a tlnity ta ipeak vitit yau tonigiti. Ibist b ba quei esre lte -on la ta latIYOpan kavthat tlitîtîîs man tlieag td achetlo ntrd ite roSoi. _____________________________ GAisasclansimn The Double Track Route vito sapa he le a book agant was lan.Iiiltedo bhn hm d r lima 08A. Ir . Cooa as, U î Bal rsi. dît Ys, and tetc eitaatramn Pho eo99ryuxroo for iras-q rlers anu M D ae srm va po slu Btieît3lissarai Btîsa t Panbor w Ye are RaY eu taft tSoo@ )so hnaa' leadr t lttau-svtevn tiut beiuEnA LiDon.r W db otei See I aymba l I te, ial wiaeD gsi ' 1a dhat 4 ta Oaa lata ii N l'oiesi Dosi. Ta'16e9a . faa'higT." A mrds. 'it mainsa preserîe ast for thie alter iragai». Bot for Ihi-i o,, bsaim, Mi. Ytasg s' a ~ I I-~ ~ t~~ -~---.o Loh tit mass tais b s' told be sht ai least oeý filent- t 144 S't 1dytd tuat h. si misr 1 He..a oad ati compasp lIa maie- y ita.30a.. s ty ba eiul ezamî- iý> F gel ont yaili brui sud daaleirta fr oCasl geeaile c iai-arn 5uIstoi. 5 cda a ;. sli ittt tlon af lis affects. sots en ioneriaIrit wona airtîei- t0tig. ons o..~i e 't c«' wod Ji sdp sto. tnt th, clihtThe Iovialthtrish pack;i retnreS, istî Cise.. SOPPeo al!ot oy ta islilpa. As ~tOsL~5~~saeaasoS. D alerUnaasite Dtreg Ci~ Sratrs bie bien apenai or es dalorbei. ...If are tab beIII "d1.ise t t:sln .atltr'atrieî1p ~ I_ - ....~ ~ ~~~th lit iie hoot agent apeot itree-quaîr 'li rgra nt xeiigy ct taeilonititqo sS sts - OMSLTO B. ly MIli LIO NaiDa Tri s :Ageai steffeciuallYeaier op a icîVKaîCmadiL. a îlue eadeorshreiy I flan"dl eo nsirtîtma ltetad B mdaahrtvot f ~t.tribale ta ltae pi-ones if thoaa >'"' c i Ç'i- 'i ran-,- ar a a a iput a 1nIPPIN t io ran onittîtt ttîtaltis traces of bis riait. taattioa~ ~ ~ C P.tsoi R. MI.O AN Brn ýe L Agon i, Mri.l.ior. ntn afre i ol eoter ispiunti ongs elt h os stgoat s tLes bogiatasbue r n tolarr.Sneso iite L :-1--- ýh-ü.1j. and.. igroatict, cam' e viti ti iga a heemea ut« e avers'oas repisca ,iTsie oatd ttiîthe oraleuS inuit nI .ie t o tîtr iutoot Htita mys arns gree. n hiourse o ieIg l e trea. Lbe f u e i g n om ownft rar te- rr o trd nog f ti e ng Icrer Io 1-1tmi , o raviv a tyerfl, goiet cea itnb ad in-I uprae .ît'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o raaa~'.. ________________ s on au Oren u lay . litete hans ILraae biin 0is 1h '.a atP leds it'ucp them.ed Non allit ta boratiquet T o a r oc- oJ . AsB E L L , A g e n t,_M i l t o E . ri t e o a c of s i t e , a dw i q u a t o t e i g r - d r a dmeg r i a a n t t c e o ba th e o r t o m t b a t h e b v_ A l it a i ', a s e s , t a bv r l e rg u i n - a i 1 tt.tdam a Musaa s a.t. . s la ite vaipsteena actulIyg iostdilon th trem ah elndifa hajg rouay i an trm lit O nt tatier , n ] it Ite been done b '1t tIti 5 o Cl 00 dun. ' S.»ra Dlreclo alit Gen bp h ol. a B o al for r« hl ehyvlvad oa is s tessl @but l aierul anrdf blaz tue tei plgas anSe or tital Conter olted i' j ficss i I.Biubos"adso! t i lcaorth aibo ncgb ttvasi metal.'ieoigplesiir tl t- j ~ ~ ~ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AÂo n titi M ilta Ktn o o nrt10. n -hr for ba d ie o f rere en isc y Ibern N out v a so r laea a p prsaeta th e vi et" n itil deyeette , l i t ra odgte lereo adhmh i ae au f ,D s b ig ac f i i ai p g s lî u a te CEI A Pna6. IiTU R NE R lnth ap vera aa aCs p tt ru a t -atnha psariaThaniirlmppearsng tait miwon - er(. h ses bins anIng heue and cfla sealgi a.. uoiation a th oi ca ndbe uae te tesp l cted tsAmaitte - mi nunIgbj loftri heoh.gter &iipnoig hareobtan dnbl e. tNSC U 0 ,M R O .F n ri D r co iltei1 srn i .Eiateth and oia- a d itng a irrahsas esi'4n..a a t oat endgra Acnt s rTfo s thle tt. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o A. M C L , M B . E M C T H Obun d i a d g h y o s a i n i a - h ni h til d B ais e a e m m e t at r Im « 9r.e uru t ov01iU aisdy t e a ee t 0n a l t yh, Carssa Offias 0it,111t7 0f liteonoerutag P. and Embalmer fiOd vi a d le h S ons foa nd GrAu dain i frnyo biai nde Indirect trarle.o Te pelisis orPla the e ho al itittils.~~D Soto î vwon e n, ODOng-s-. ~ 'r te maa Nîcitton vobls a d thte tht'ft anDaeai-ottrg aft f I A îibiteadthieendofa etg aid al bai s ee t tt rtg ttl a o n tol sta pe rse iy andue jî su l t nohi e n t n i rl mn e S aurait ex K. AtThRON, . D, By iuighe Wjiî t îC Pli aanag lte aficiis b assas 5< tht chi poin ait hoe i lbt pa vee anaser. Ha vs tseieSla livlt MEDICAL PONE es. ILTON.pwtvaweîtalwartd esi hoanaaîsgîyilrthamryepuiem,'h titiiZWbp-a su e bts i i s . Ss e aC ad a pr d to . Cr no tahe di u ty O -a "n ain l y anob 1h t(/ho a bornt wan n t tatI use ip t th an'11a,01oa (u . c U T H O bandep.tat Ba.e atS h r mosan lalsr maiit Of' th vasr and th ca t 5 O .~ t. ast .~ t e.. t fsh ia e p i n Kb~ in g Te aî Mtd r t Fsi S. v .î are s a c te o u s of testion 'T r a. M . Sa ite r lt C5 Yeu tDý , Th m an tih l g w sev d n h bot IL E.~Û; L4D, ~5 .n ometin inat la, __________gi-tt ailning, Peu 1acoest Mr Baosafa s'aalOtafshnn.baan giuaiieiyn'cs smtnstionil<t J oS: .K N E S N .D, B u igt e W i adD craigo alkns. a ogthe mberi ali he vnouni lit t e n e meh]2d t e ert ih2'r e buS hl Cegpe ra h a ratatafie avue S~i tS5elt i 1a c h i n nene y e o . v i"ra s o v er ta p r o u t i m t " t h ae t e n d er " M es. Cli t in l a ith e a e e Ma n e .Hew s a si t d la s " a n I Macine ou ae enIli-ing Fine$ampes o WallPape Io electhelr serch or cues e ai pars of arty I tit'aa cach yu aosr absbytplacelwat ansamaingk Cl îî I 008* bck tth W n ý Ar L: E SP- t - P L ai l - h, i rMB . t a i t e ta l p o r y t t a l i n MftoS l»t e r s a s t van d lt h in d e p l l M . ' O 'th e te J a , t o ha d i . T l i a i b . i e c ir ,of 7 e lb a S a o ll e n a n l i t.0 fe O Ntsr a a I ti r r n B e e î d P i L. . .0 a0 p m u n a e u t n i t iu e s M de a i ie n siurus, expn he tO ne O ttir n- if sm C li r' a ted m etoir Pitztln. 1, Lr r.Brns oit n ltt eatoad tiyaodmen sev aalm'Ja...uat t' en' a as. titOMi aa a tfi the a4es ijiCir,~ tl BIDRadCNRCO a staTvr emie a <rail aktiir thova f h "urte.l- RO ISgns bltaeor ia tllahoîl Ad eetAerinagior tt a i d ' . G 0 ý L A . 1 À . à . c h i neoot g a t h b y .T sera r . S a p a i - s s i a t t k e a s s i s U t v rtonM A t h î m i ht het m a i e s . h fmi l a itsOt5AOfl~~~~~n 1ar s .1n m es m )Gr s ti a c- C . .r-U R N El -MM iaCmi Ot0cia, ti t hbie dag lr , jia it- lb. t v a -a"m i Ibaieou le udthe b@[& ang 1 lriOid 0Pi nc niai' iss o n t pan e . a O O t n tt , . i W hite rSt't y atoreOileoIf S a m lIeToà i! t se i . thaonpala eals- ta risusan '-sutse n ix l r t s a -a rm B o d a inTREET. uses, slel s gbbaw . C r hooibsî ei îay ' o d T e oP lef. roanitan ns oafeu iaIy , tl Ui ids 'tt extradai theast iss lite- -hrlt m tagae U'il Dot Sope t oa lbey iLsal . isa -t »tuc as ne p s- I ew h hlmefa".ifC R 'Dwdageie t a nrfinîsl thts loeele es itl ani D ein. minire tt'hi spi- aabi eD.C F a n t hpe -dg Pti elt and D U L E 8111 C O TR reI De "For theoil - lovsae of Pah, st ge heed dectar i -i Jv e S l uns A. M.ln hemidEeofthSEN 1Cote, of thais.7Wbal changdSlahesa t îttfP. t.nas ai ' ~ --ihopicnt ItaS baray ae uld ttiine t~ ssi i ot ]Id _q ý_ footgatherfor spasma io.'eatsuite, Rarala. 1a19 mHeeca rteitdepsetIsadebB. ^.:% . tsf 0ha jI tîicîjs fo t I N E lime iigb ol a tai lodapt lent ndttara ifu ma" m e ea Couer ranartyi vin t or i- la te Vrila.talithbb s paueiiir i A SS U RthNC Eo Beraes 1 Y.. i l di ta h o lonc i t hro e not- " l. c ur tis e ear 1 .9 aaua ip o ai g ira" ýtat tbomthaastae e..,. gshif an .rl NE SEN .C = f'oB l hl ae Lbs 11a tr pentb l atmthe lid&ath l o itb r a c oUU t P , h n 6 e Y o u m l i e - r s e 0H eai t i g wo o n L s d l l e In w fte m ll e u la.t i n g a t h a c g t ons o v l h c D a a u s r a P e eo a n e ta i o r a i r i o f a r t d t D e l aS at o ,e * v e n u i - ( yiaIrncoc n off enîS. cIl l tftaii g eor lb . ei1AlhaoruD' toar,,Nlost fotar ltsiyiiehîiî omiîsgl ai it aiaetia-'msttm . t.orea o.' L aiag i tabeartA ."I ï hs t.I1dfed DP TIITYpet 'ou miy ai a. sof . liA arsct'e tho eearleaibt ha fun eu pc-epsan apehaeà a"Àtloîltcarhmiintce1 lmrem"sef eIrit55t erson- cofb Mhaily a r. rwhgisehy he ias a us rbin i e&eatp a idla<cswoni ti ecnfoa. lu ie pr Aireleosersrp m tlien e ce n he bit id T-W, I:litsalles let t h rsan. go t lh o en oe ta am, lh nleiytliite ilqie uaffrcofe H a sli. pr lm tai, eaOt 1 -*ool faboprtieX M #Rrses caltai eut baitie Misaaaduseaphege clearai In "' Iran HLiM , D.G p0 ,MPTO NT Agent, ILTONThaeteap. ame e es ira asaz.I .. Sh.BefnoeiMrCasrai!llttif brt. pCollyiteankdsam, I . cil li al ey thO aticle& aout Per anditheInsole, anti tiain tes 0fV ns pau-_ MI~~t'îar(aiat ___d'_Head __________________Que. "th é laittable. aH n es om n O ij g fth ot ad aa- an a thmWos eîaen e stae 'launit, fr tfe e o i ine mreldltte sea T. R A S H bav ,macrnre h IIgromadbddtomt okn pe ba ktv nes-b i e r tsit ths iar Iti tnioky. ol atenca, p 2 bisn both cur le isoor iet "r W a lth hie Sca a veep praty e a fbera rsei peraitiofareause atqFraini tirr.tecuesd MaIie auneln r h bavassiig ane atlOne9Wle n bole àI oee h ir L a Vatuaîoe aid au isnor "Thafýs rve.H o n saîî por c rtousme p stifssaais n liedto s oo Ir.oeit oani i ers'liabilty, pulic labilit and po- trwning ntentl, whs Borne th@aaricleslt itlio cuSourhlm- ale andîeprrlcetaalensiofn bat the aailieconrs bae benti-ttardSct7l.aLoeb, t ' ivte lirtas osCae i Sur OIA o bi i "tantt Wa01a wona on an gara mtter Tb*ta Ib ssiBIurptl aeaatîi îS't of Otienau fosccie Htw s a t po e IM 1 o e- ao i ea ipm hi bVP, iu al A N s ON A g e n t e I L Td N. Ba n ae s si a viy,0o u t h s tle s i - p o ear e n a t ip r aa oî t e s ga lu î pItti l -YtiiitiBaa. ii W îs a th sIa e.I.eThk fIalrmr or erdana v tlb onsle-als repp t.. b isefnCary eo itîtibfthIs r-erriag piio ia "Zuâ aciIi, Ta. m . F nPyR n ss roee tc, os t e r. ies hat be 'didn' bars a în t he tireobertoanaigte geliitan h i n lgaiby H bae ctdlnjlwsfu er qÏ,pl i IIvt.ý -RFE 4B Bof K Cui Links... .oneSTI O ODoi vurnaiiy ommasid the memha"Bs esiia't hlsis et arc700 M idreral. girl, ~ex atteî ,tr v s ie & h u l eIni te g ow nse iflyt.dnt ualtt I et hai s'i; ld a e er m tlerao a q ai"t r ei, . ý ýr eb""p n 1 h l n STÂIale conRGEOer 'And goÜsIfihi5g2 guu aiire-~Iie ~ thpi tht. meY. as rel aus b.e a nsa tor 001 t: in anteed.~~~~~~~E you opengh anta ear oelûgtt trs W'atcheaisai-10 B h Lv MLTON. r tet henc e r t tee atito à e sad ad a s tl ol'purech ak ut la-th e a e J,.Cra..h '> ~ ~ ~ Et , e-'t 5 Feo Si andon R'ing? M eate o bs Ie sl îf ofth ue herea latte thl lb. admio s af1M liai Itien y ut tiac Born be .a~i & i} u a k o ttoçT Git. -Iter a n's i U eaia , G.t O O. rdea toe y ohat hpori t b o t it lt "oldn' he m as t eaiig t eao va the m a ,e dntie a oaor to y u ê ~ s ed o th LEGAL w. F eus.PouRings Otlltf aialfiant ta in cieetan vttlthae er ares go lat tthe Tofavcept pran~t iecuokie a ssroo o nad crfu, renl ie f e t. E. _____ARM TRON kxiig:f Iis n usas Be h Ofý iatathepgiaio n nr ati Lts eangbt tersniontt-om h ibeN on 'O e n thn t..0SILIM LLT B8 A E UA ITCo îU N I' eveeohng cha t of h ai ,h b e d sas Pa I thy . ti - ara pas Iama, beg ' pectther accyent.e Tohe a d ;IL j tNTî L.uPaDIK if5 HO E 1hHOOS 2 rta theaCfronerofthe bet e nt p- ornsdi ttthec lon aanLtajiu Wtlh al; taceeig am of ev n 310 eîsefi Detl ewai T Pi sBuc e &ti So k arWs he pboiant we ai woD at ? li pîn dcs a l b aut D e th e mammtâ 3ghl'RPb T£ " I L Lo m a r b r n e.s1 1 1 1 e t it st - ilaa b l eeo1e aeas T ? l t a h o a d a r m e, . A W IA I taeesseauh vafi-l prîdii aus" Lb er ParasolerrvtntaaeaW nvt Y1 e n *41