XV inter Bler& i0tomis Nt ta BO itm~Sh1~~WTA ilpogule, srier fobue Mn14sl Gurinage htthe chante I la a O" BllhsibIthe10 ud . .. uott l e eploresl, ou t0e groasvinhdInuuooa lsoaeilS~u. Meocine [wav copyright.-taa.W1921 s.euesç Cuba lIUUJU erybVd tanosul s lne Cisrout> itae conacuasu k tacheal t0elu-' e Rfil eer Colombanoa id, butl sîuodp ltefarseer boys o a aîd has A SSNFR ECMBR4917 BoleusasSr., NXTssîoLa.. itherfu the uccryteil lhliel hou Oes Italla. "Be sapa:- auoerorassiahe0. " nesaualto natiqel laî 0 PAUL IN MILITA AND ROME. 1 saîffesalteeihly sittî Ds îyIîîoo at buesuas au Ilalios, harn la acuareeres lsthse wàr.buat st it-îl îufoeyeaeaaîan ùll ui llo erma.Thattfiasben tnihiîlaitî au notable, lésat1h eas'rtttluatlasî lit- LIOuON TEXT Àe5 nal1 te intec1 I éiol motlaudo me 111'unsi- gI the uch* ook ts tathe ourtl, esooot D lteal by tOeccnsat ousparfisali GOLDEN 'ETatu-I amse ady tas pecrh D ec 200I0whcî retîmtusasces desbeset1la aeo a1u htao sBm ras. tecult sotueihissgabutulO'elallthe Spanith bhouka. Ilsthss le ls masses o tonte re etgtbsui tFthe ope l yustioarutns te a se.u ie cagufehSose oaae lsel a pîne, n u a ýsda masaus 'of Astrllans, Casto,' Cr ist, fo r0 e bIl a t r Gos ,I nO 5 10 dDianedeuaaof Digesinseanlo'oool effort ta pînse tilocthnos îaîîosîî ~iii thsicttc hiles bute tr-esIuaiuadeNus zealandes. Wkel i( r ualuaIo t ol rynan cila thyueo " Roig as ac al,1: .5010t-î,5b ooks atere salt the Gv nre Of ey suI1 aeusa pao cauI taEtaEIINÈE lIATEIIAL-I.-lct16:18; Ateretsisliag a feu boxes, I1îvoîî esaislilil alno1 lrolerglosar. ltto-ofothes' ou t l, rond, one bgl5siîa.2 0ou laî o -s . iSpaita lias appolinti-l a comissioiona nf We giîs ol ar olmît ieîiaes. 'uslbhorIstu seconsuof 1110 Iront i0 PhOJ!.Alth TOIIC'-Tlo nd tub a u al trlrtssa fleIis~'~ ,,0 leansca l oeIl, eollo îbuse Os-s ila n- otreto îusg she-eioss e taseîa iJarner. usgeuecit licath î s i ;,ot.la aoI o iensîl, tilu L Ctigatl tei: aaater atol strauteuocouty, tercws enblk UCNIOR Torus.lieEndrofatLongl 1 tnissri 4 tellî voist litI lo o' ds-s-luloc faitoléltlII'aO'ils in te last shah siec lad lootse Janelul oe uMeîîaî."lt lise-tt' or Aiitîn a. T is luD S V G CIC(.ngiiltir01e 'oîulîtoiu n e- -prIiiuu tou s-1.hîfinirO'.JT'1,ih: coml mission w101015'0il loi hait ,u dîrils 'i e' eonuiî nIfiîluciuysiq e, t le iî' YOVN t' N D ul ole " 'T IN T'ýIesIn lotst o 1 01l'tcaillia lie tlI Oplomelrisî & Mig. Opticias 'ii té, balertos-ss, lhe nîîcs'a'c o - t' Pnaî %i' s in lIloeîteim Rigbî aI lthePauloilice sltr, Is ccae S hIa 1 .1e-At dilaers or s-t or': ol'pi'e aulios 1001t liiot, 011 hîhaIt usd o1 mena ula sitosity shieli --o ' 1.TeSipsereuled Crael on Meula FrutaiîsaLuil,,Oit. or Gîtece bucill î'iid. 1Ilovill1Cou GUELPH --ONTARIO uari nughtlte0haveu'nud ohiuh 05.("-.11s. tti _______________udco lPsa'îioanto lu ' oefi Ilol tese cf tîcis'oaeren-couusis '-nl Tbîsoîîatî theccîorîoi tey' OutIlliteCotoîooîhîsss1uo iJ', tîîi'l i iO ci 05 Bouc lles nu1 e 0' ihoîlil, tluo ie b eInts, nant sî ltîs-so 15101 si tCtolf atîrlrlu 1',I 't PENSlIONul . jiio alu as 1ta so ii o i il, i lto ou1 huas ls-I tîn lie lffotoIdl. 121: Ila susJ' iîned tl Irie ls illias 1,la0, o s 111 l Incelîio~' illa sillage. el ish use lad :asti'lai- ule eia'T itO Nil h is n le 1,iSlio a i,,bi[11 f iie - C"aîoPcfrVancouver ~e n alliesoîlt rîîeîîgîîî, tas îon 0attt isitott-llslî-lsîe lsîasoastt , M-s. Ist l',o laI ti, le h, hniOO t i Os- a acfe xb onupaied wo'alh hé' lit- cf ilit 1.t, 'lis 1ie 1 T'ietlet lt- 15tt'liossî 1.sî1 useie. seivn'o h, xp00 ct,l ollîO Oi,; ie iit press" Winnipeg-Calgary-Nan- Cun adian foimss or' ultA sto aliti. (.2. e mll lfrad A saoug et trot o C III .îoîeî oa'î'îalo éhu. f sos-sp rolluas au a îoîîld foi usi* u tîoîotî-all e ais ac-iltotal le as poss~i tl O000 lîtO a oll ail th"'tI'o o ioîoîîo 'io couverot sis-n abte lithoi 10e s-îîbsy lite aand frouttIli-col-ti nu ti t l alo. i atiofu re t i lia u vi îo i, ' rift 0101Coltillibl as a -te al sae a god 1Job util. i ".Ilau n tl it"iiig Sticks foi, i lt'(-1(. ont1seoooio ii a liou i o 0 llao 0 00 l a goaaia ila' lon i n , 0i, Pisss-gssu rWte0s-lrn Cl.'iîlîoitu '_aB utcie poîli tan aI suis-clo Ve 3). Thisil ille bit'ueeotIloe IOtI'os lua os-srInatio toi olpeiîîiooll 'o' 1 1 0 0' Ili lis ot! l-.'i'o i iusthes~Vanover a'Extpress-' ieaaowîesd tdisacinageuoucI.es-aiff:l tty lii. 'l ooiioîî-o o to-lo-ohuCa-,10 ,oo,,ohil;L 1'i b1 t oand'o'I 'lracnto t1i0>)1' . d als, a illaI tetolC o ints( 0fies nOnerns-e Orom coteali r al totîsîtsn- Iýll l 'et sli. tieooi aîî luposesi; t1éeEnlzbîsh illage .01 btlhOiOtsbs00olliitaesllitat sipsisototîooo'.0, '0, i i s-i.' li co,0si s Lt-ll gs'usuiu l ltiilsay iaiiî Pls 'eîoisooos- tîitiîandola tio :1 oifiloa o 010' 101 dent, as s-oî[- ilt-totî'li't'loci 0au idsfil,îdetuos]-tl- ,rssî ndhs1r(ohtloeu couches. ilîp'to îtîte Stolîîî a loi or 's-atu i t s-bstoIes-iloilo fts' u soi i'lllttetlOi l,1 0 o f lIl,î-t orioltGi 'b aaoo vationiiig andulCohoiiist Pr. 'a nucr ods nu the Casîndiai anud :3 Pal I itOs-b 1% lot oaelloîoî sel'î- ccasîcutoftsIte Mtaotsîo f Iýni,ýL- 1w ,hi li ,I. The muîat beaîîîift sec'lt l-s'y ait î' .Autralhan bol55sha ss'srr noîl' I opet - ). t, t heltîlt ikos litit l'ti âtr Oe 110501iPlois-dT ,i l1n sun alta iultoigl.th iil -fIlle C('osîailinîllahfsl paistllhlplaini lIas thiey a' glîltiol oal 'îe 000s1 ls-e n.I I ti'-- Ulîdethe c011 .9ste bobo oh lob î.oi coo îooî to: i PariSe, cuaadsr-dhblniuaîurruîedîîîhîbody Ilabollit all 'iai ttt'oIPI'oîlIsehtfijI mliesaeuiii'sli a rtetiaoo ii,(i , oi ' j,., i Fior tIé-etu.s 'î'ei'i'iiIlonIi act1if bland olndi. Aad itou tiaas-s-nutoiio fr t , ba' ilteC l* us i vl iîeooîîî e raolio20,,o oo, a iinaII.h ll o itl dol lO i:..:, Iv 1il- a Info matin a ply é) a y Ci000tliolnfcts have torscid, sithout u r0echioos I iefl rueoi itoatl en sb" e C igdiii o cutuu i PétrfiT ict , Aightl 015' Ing f, a ecs- truoiction o irib acti u iSl r'ixei'iit-t îagslîîoîoit hecu uyl hei gteul and lI Qacstfi IlL Il Eoludjto'lis a t a aeteat la 1 Prouloierso Ailtotîsýatjvai:C ,i Tht osto Cmpaian ome Cala. hal satisfactionî suceau tram t oIi-01 ue te-t liu s-t'tui DePaa suellCoîîuorimte coiu o i l - 001 h la ', lOsi""Ot a ooad Thhutis o pno om ae-k oseesge thut t IL seded rcs-OsOi fuai oit'di i e st lie îooit ofIlf1. outhles- Pesiosîo îinistye lel eais-I o l aoa sliuaai li dar for 1922. - tractiag anld Ihat ris- are lt tua- nltlIllg hO esil l. At ies t îe th- lîe ablllsu hîcti s'eroas-actvo fex L h 1,,011 js lx lug a ukase af mature- perfectoa, eono'baoheo liait boi i l it si ipeo Ps-nse sithaul Os-nsfitoiu ps-505 iol la 0, i îuîlaoiér oold lbit a tilat suis- h ll. id Iany lae- uoitsiere tuit li,'îîlls Ibm s-51ioîiiite entithe L e n 1 sioî n n oll esolti l'to i o , fautli, lini ', aiw TlIPebisiher of Thc'oithsis lirrativelhpfalaituala bla chie! foncthion. justcboos- Os-ltass-eolouI so ol150 'o. leii fs-ont thu hinvesigationu the toi' hi' h , CIc, o, us-rIl paiinsar s-idiig taiîrsobosc'ib "lutsdoanet ye kunsesuhatociili hyiibîc quist lieoeasistiotiis-ttes oas snbiittsdltnPnslianitit. l0',il or suhios- îîs-siptiou î $2.50)l iu îadnousu albe lta place. Tu-a stronuttu enuuloîaeoî hn0 loaus a i uoooîducat Brîsaînu bîbudge t euaoî us- tinrto022iîîlctiarfIte thesturîs-s fne o tnliasrefo huees a 4.I aIi4eil tcndcîfaliiis-. fo pnios n hécrcn fsal-,ai qeteth'i Thne uLa leto s iue ter ns tssi oide lsl'iiitiini'toiians-eiîO,7- Sieubus(fieeeiae l"oad 001,sac tis-, asndllîsside is. n t heists' r ysofow ter wn fatrsaoralh la £111,557,000 and the opi-lt ou .oo y gi'u i-u o anC or greal coountrypb use t 15e10) ibisse oi:cob0to'aIe 100101 gsttlng admîinistratiou ufth5e Iîîndoe i 1, -s il uo o 1 Ir file torrent iitsiontîlinla tal, legilîead lutass tooe o u, oni 'lliaie o a, lta type.cgis-st.é l('au r oftlhe prscel.9scupied ho icO minuacîîs uo nuae o slis-ss-ll o csii teeeil o iesu, Gilu-hro n ltîsal lbs-£6,75o,000.o'hou , ' r t u: ho leî li o a'î t iîîealcool s-eîî I oîsstîîssî rslalle, imporats fonîîctionî inlu alout é-îî tomsalait11'If 11rite os.hiotîd ta l nîtrq eoPesinsîîpassaoa s-îî,îîîîîîîii'idîil itî uoo ni o os-I in ut ho, uîurgîss The Cl pioo a lun a.abce,Olside tkir daaa. ts-r imeta s t, andu iors- o]let(]. To' lin a o-as- ai b-t s-nso îo aministrati uo lias- t 0îC 110il, alo o l'îue "e i n hîuu ses- i iib issd ioi o ose ulu'parksanaîdshuotatg iglîta s e ecbtiniintta'ot isaubteciîtionllfon oîd- alet.muIovi hlil pll l it l sii nulari.t'tt's fiîisîasîs yî'us aloi st fila f artua asooî, asa ete s yslO u thon \%illtî i lltt, leeiL ur lrtip- AI psenss aptloosaatelv ' 5 0 D.- tlanpDtCo i s o mi 010,0 Th tcahltihr i o l haI. Iynd ths- usaduai de sois-I 10 ples. 000 pAs0l5ns r e " i;of p ii "I:l 100td i -îîîîîîîî fi s'rr5stiu'iiiooan I)vt lîen îs o fîî itn ,i iey L etltfoi ota o ttNit %(Iie i OýIg It( oîiioustt, obiiogl ieI uraitluo l.POaAiezaitRome (Il 14:ali.a iansolasus lan u ii ovs fJila31 fhe gradusails-iiîîiiîîaliounIfthte uas- iooes ooie îaî11uPof hé 'lli lastdownrue liing 011)linseballu Ail %V'hs-i l'uni laloto is - 1 Patll t'toit' Dsate uirtunua oleo t lo ROD ANO GI 10 Ilai'atorOo e" teuuul o c itfoee.-, aaosiliuo -aoiv - RO A D ilIv no la lIan oth1 e mlI te n trî hares-. te diciple,\\ls filliail a " 'cesnoeoîlor i îmolîlîir las Sual ata ýthee laa prhod of ecom oshhoa; Affr thcie liooffilbsaotiit oioaladabioelb'oo ancollai o th t oolas i tgs. rO allng utlf iP 1 P ul ltaIl>t eor1tile n'Ile 00. au ilsuasil i]a ada os tartiuinrb, Istt-ativ'lhabitual postionus a'iid conneirsu; eaîdinlsi itis,1911 :lý a st:,orUlsil mîainte,etc..auIld pettdron Oilts ù5- uol . ift ero a:iýI a and irrpliî.ss.siilaumil st iirieS w hliosland tai, oaitIhesehole, tis-uiaii,-(o'la Polltîu suAt Syraîîu s -rsd- W dows, o lia i ti a' ' J oq)éiil as-o heaoa oi u ttu i ,, iIYO, sihi i apo Lteé, hs-îss'i:of iîbctrutiîui0ell ebeh.dupl-ca" ue cay, lîs-ofirfvra et, t_97,50 t ,aotis eaoeo th, Jeoo ,, il,1 potb A lît. a ,ih' IL. Ms-s'a '- otul filettliin, . Atl'llooill îefooint iet ['-lu Dsabied uooasa lodt fdoul iilý p ta d i s iIýld I t111 1IlîîiL ii ic ttl ie ro aini o Oil 5,eILIn a i JOs-. eu,-cPaoie, usoîeql0,st Is-a' oeil 00:11,4001 gan'.* sLe oper ig arliitlso etili..tiotasotroaaît.t 145Jevs-trîouaIii,o' seoo>lie]]ouoo"' ubss-ls' u is iIsuii rIs-î- al ir 'a peuple iouthé, Britih sEpirr, dul 1 blil toî'îî .-lo\ta ie- tInvestiataionsu uf flic Deyartlisn-I Fluceoid d io:o Ca l îî1o - o i t o lravsearu-ahlis- r tale, sa'hlîc e s-ai-iCerlotu a s i l mur oms- oaii isa T'nts-etoo îrsîe letoronu Il 0101 li o]. aI Coîîîuîîilee as-ored to a il)i - esIoiigli populari, e. V itl s'"I ol 'la slcsu' a Sidîîu . . ' ' giJooith lv, eoe laeN 900 its w iier l i iooepor'ooo'oo,'oo00 ' caite ssio ntia1e105sbait- ufIl],î S I", - ae icesý, in 0 l-sa a s T isa nd B Cio v I'aieah îl IL is-telriot %Vicett' ii-lo 20001 B i tith oet lo us'(. _ 000 iic Iý o lb kIlJ ý b' hi tandar. Th, artoitlii-pA I.,-ta.g telwar.1-pltiAprilof l't prvs s- lr. élt id. lrera d m repplo ta astIs-Oui 00ir0audSitîgla (alie Il o itatu.lum senIou"o 'li:Iic 1il t ilu h " le0ish est olie o it 'iloi Il, Illicitesual n re ph, longstilio n J is ostoso b,î 111 oioîiu e ea you 2I1,489 of thîse bau d o Fls l iaîiaî.'îpîeisii uia Oan tlieii' ono f h ts-sot ixl let hcenun uuuooe, adplcaiIiiis. "a i il tu a 0 .0 , trestisévell sinsatructie. CotlIla i nl: ad puaoeéosvuaîe I t i llae lots-o-.fi, loî. hI e usilsea 511h doupleateiflouaha Amaii itioli. AlonagthecSîapbsîîc, i? îl siî asîtll aof civiliations. Ccc Gel otil, ,uiaaîua, ssa id, Mby alo'o Fioaie Rts-. uh .a,'saroIirl'sltibes u etoirs- tOs Chrsiabn ra te abs vels uit tiio ' N s e feshiopa ('oqusetis %lionstEus-ust lt.OîillOt , b s lt, 0 i..0k i2 sonbssalsbt l,et tou r ecto'ris-, IcuD'Cs-yltieas- tsads-d sih Atapria, ee oeu-- s dot- mtaue noise Isllotl-.ihia Os-s-tu-'li as îh'o Ooiîî bo't oui n ato,l tloi 000faut hî"a, o AND l(IU N ICANADA0 sîi bllii ahylucia, Cambodia ad China. waboiCod i, tLeas-inlaruli 'ren-IO falu ind.Att apudiiouîofI the ic,1 001T000" uhe ootlialO'u ilh . aIl Pernul ipuh, ..Taylor.t ioa5tedrbsee i-ul'it edes's-O'aety ofS ymosilbrs-molllils-sus-Iatnceirit-elil Gographis-al Sos-os-o, tollaos.'o 10 aîtillOoOO Coli oouoisusoor. it0 'uVnnsbsSa-in Ot. 'tropical ana aubtîs ala psoducts l frot u rntsas eliotot-lifiiitila lie., lits bordes nS coolies andlou l ld ta'uîî iooîa,'ta dliaitubai oboloaio o', -ni ___________ rai-t abonudance.s- The population lua 'reioities o' fOi'llé lite g.uspeo s lt yaks,is noir' lt Nopal, Cîîîutao' îîbol oî- 1,10000 1100fr ont ' i, .(lo t4.1 O,0. nullu' ads-cedansof ut-th o le wi-lhih:il leu la -.0to0it 11fisIle tenO s-cili euaoula o ltItoo.o oî.. o ou,o îo aleaî bol".00 blt 1921 Xmas Seals Acrii4 nf oi Ibrnis-ria ih]pI'toth olal frn vihonrfr bvIlecidltulle 1, oisn, _ Mail tî,OOEht'oloi. C Ici ao syan od abnotîaîî.as aaaaî,baadîtiroî.ooî .0 Malhu îhî.îgte5bhe Dusiîg the cesoolusyi tao tias nhpî ('Iulov itt c uie ie' ato 'e, h19 s cntisls a -un i dseoor e.10e!le l O 1lint lo 10 . ~ prndatios "f ased-a se Co tout s-ineitioide British slIL tuo ii 00 ooot e x oas-t altitude- Iliiece s kseoo douiase!> Ilirt bto'Oo.-'a 0011t'afth 'ey a ttus-acil vuecote-, aese lé,n ihichlu ay wseîn uas lfleol u biltoulo f i: lois% a s i a 10 sh-letea'ol luh ot 00l0 t,,o fu.s i thSo1nelus ol snflhaetlaa ilsstîuoiaitolltsrailsfiun stealihi h, 10l'o' bol.t ,oilbaaoîoill Mna na-lilat aelas uulurboa osa it aio tees ile8nbu niouaaie outl 111,P riv sone d, aelilas'vo les-1, pol ( l tî"l. i lu ', oI taîi goC,100.1 lu a-s a i o t ra té,ia us oîi aac ed a dsuiii hulot Bs-laiglia'its-the qoltlldr heo s se0lbmor e c"discnue erulap. fi%ü * I liauocot , 0 utoi:ui.ooaniu.Il0e t s e l t sdoa loooi b eosahi o OI er s -imilb-le( uoi urdlttv ielcioi t î %il' ths-a asly dp as no l l 0, loul abfi' o b. loînta o Ille eotlatae clu si oro ouation sa loancluarel w ts-ii.oatiîtootl dfi)iloooîuoiiut'lesI v, spoadl evel saoo tuba "ott FIr,. 'h gl, O'tuîlî's-'o tOua gIl ot shu a g 10 e w1 î0 i'5 i ic t o I, s ir t o s a i eftll rk cm ,])i e i i ' a est as 1 reuî loouO ut..an d ai 'ýo i a 1i) oa'. ook 1.00 'i: l ollulo Ct 1000upean oc lnbî q00 lu u "..i o l o 'ii s l- ei ou-e bri lsen I a nce o l , o l tbis- tut rite lu'cîît ll I e a LodIbîru "a i ts t c îîoîîîsîoo 00000e i: i o ievIA Suaootoîl e uaîa)Ic ba lioocl i Isri i ot h: tbiie îou sau o t l l, Pa l iîpienR me as' a alenkt l si O s oi liasHoîuiIl'îîuî C laor a i l 'a 10 lilTa, flC thu tnîl tci ,,ae o n ucte i 3liog Ios a nlie, jourai u srte h17-211. 7,000ntles-t up.a't c. ,sau' i:n l iaaloat s -0 ile)It -YOgsd 5o r 11iuî lié ooe olisuaa lle reo e, 1,lscouli'esoiiclt o îot bsudîuî ' opîîîu ms aot,10 a ' ajanuobo 1 hl., f, tu addiion tpalicuar e.iId oauotOeI,.). 1000"i gilof sch5b51zso nuh' 111o 1.10rulscluoigeaLu"oIlus-ass-tnt des-o foi 1271. l dOi aa, s aeal -so-hauts oieulnsü'aod oj1 î. , noud oo us-)iuL'.'bI' 'We. sA. harusn, ; l Ih1 3--ris lau os The ClItutis elles- .htre hogitebrnn lis() Iýl eýjj).suetePs a barauloihn th m ie hy rat ti 1. o ual saG So r ye in tt ot R omedds-auip thbil tN nldothes i00010'0 0,01 la 010a'I,s oo as Il yOua. b .BiDh n lýý 11ý' t h i igisr IbaurL-a nd sp gnaiJel'nes-a9n bn:ela1d7-3-asil1).lito 007,00S0lia 'îa lliî ul aîy'o Oi big le eý cd lécai en in C y n a, t'eoe 1 loue uy oîlîs-hci tIlthe'l sautsin fs' nseculu tubasle ' o loi 010es hootutiar, paît, Ctaadi at aiietral-orr a W. . ihýl-- -,l tr- Wbaro t asl a o bs-ou cahe ruho us-se bsentu %laitî furIle ssîaîî ath -l Ia't Suderl eniO o s-tu uu.uococt'lt flou Loe a I-uht'iuî Ille T ....ta. spak ta he Jeo«S. H Oaly lloel audgecaldadatool iefoi oece houai ,iiots-'iu aouaaulaor Sleeping Car Service. îsinsiple ho s -ae iag desisgnilins ut boiealfit-s idtait ls-ilca ItIIo u.ne r Tkogh fad at ool ou. su i o s h ua- J îli:î CI halle t d u ito e leaoipllict'ft,'es ilue lsbiuillsttin.ublt-s'rp, oi nsté,abs- ea ru o Týe IiiataîiasPasils srtp.îit10a n iooigaria'-J o au eielao ti-i cI l issi fa se are0e halls- hisuittaofoo, t louis-e uu ai oua s- îtuCoceeultaie.yuîus o aSarautgîs Standard le sepngl Carss - lel i btiti ranueLgatb o r a! aleaalbug'tio touilîli ills- aî's a pclaoi e ls saganasase M ont Eseest fiIol I ait uns' Oitthue tioulandu ilutaddc ont tsuenT.onloaud Nitlîstaîy as fil.batl-b-eitg aufac-tiur-e.Tire s- tin aclat . boal bu Osi eas-.îp-restigeuoi' inete s 001 t lowsu:t Leave Tosronu lto ,0r ai, daubo ogu iniltsalita ho s- ignu ose dtsc- cînts-ytieihutS.soliOgJit lis ire, he '0 utal oi'tht suhcn a bobOliaou t ic haled uienot 51:1e. Iho l-s boiti i reept Saluasday. R..tsto'g I-tt a hons-a.sotrangeacî hsofphs-Is dil ou rols olîu ot oalOilln uhne does colhy nuort.ooî Enlulo sa Lor ouîa l fall s1, u North Boy (îl0tp.u î aa l'y euscpUi. bOîa nu a re sC1a h o minse theIbs- nsu agaioitils-au. VTeue seouloSf tIs teuîar 1 tu lal s-bouelniglitpes-n y-of uast' oL'o h' 0 lbubu dlar. ois-io ubces etaI ts- bhulhear auiesusla shunico: loo(' d-oe%% îîouo' I tngt o a aglmuf-Ibb as-t blini Colioouoa, ou i sso ]Pull partitoulara anuS res-evl'Sn iiutsoig t% souslu tbs- gresneer a i cetlgri l s-- at bol u relss- ' a luantaa nif Bs-aoe;s-o. lbi usstet. udrutaklet loi lia ubbge iou s 100 i c- tt'ou a e adian 'aciflsi-ukstAgIs-itI. ouluastu taIil,'( llter karinit, ts-sseuueooboulub t w a sliens-alab-st fiehlaiaulaYrd ooo the e rp.î- aeo u îoîthéu, Aitoîet-alu- lI-sky ana darO otuhul, t%%oas taooord diaooatlnChrostitîutuoo vt allut 0Salespeople and Solicitors. Abiassr'z1sstte siithb-ci's o a': ube tn sr Iat the goals had tnitouehd.hatotlhîss-a shlitdispeopo:iuoatr ouatineho f ___o tiroe et.o,l chs-sauth*amttu yeî ohre-cspokesnuanosi. T'r ilt t hat itose velagite tatciesî,anudnoO'visionb Jesn HeIsus oud ho iait boen A roîui seprcoenatiîe mani-uSiîgowosaoulu bgando, selîcfuh oa s i- tsit.seetlsisapokeiis- int isno e, i-glaslois'.'a-arcinu uiaod qtciidoao'. :aloi 31, del'usasyiocdouWta'tlsu" lobîlouetyooîhs-iaras ru ls-uic-'1h01 tl e iSinraig tboiuhliots- salit,ttwnta'sSips p in na the olIaltauu uiLndn.ouaia stimiuiofeosooaliin0'hlllb' s.npemollers,'iase tobsi hruoocoouutCotoa hltan. psrtlausent psiin ms-a. i lironinLodneaeaies-ifinhuarai won u u fili, opeleeteGratCarerucuuotatai haaceisic o dc fine cppas'tssits. W fris- to day. Tho;- 1 '-- eenuse olois jîdgouîeots aoca' fosed. If Fnac original scnh-d s-anis-o of ltiJelss anal Getilet, Spaîîao'ds ana t. H."u ks o mupany . lisp, R. t,' Ni000 toibun ofta helii' susdatigu la 'a Ibinig Is stri, ii ,lblo Ct an hsl osvse Iu ouo luboh oa t u i atu'ohs hiomilLase, Ostaola4t Senittd taks- place an Frbala., miniters mot wot on m te uiuli b ut tit thes-British Matunm, îs-btts-c lI, ait elss- shrl buhlove lotaulsaiCoum11bus l'tnul evyumlltib lle b il L iad O fsai cmce sith theo itbsasy of ihat C0ia0010 h ivintou tou e bu-cuoinetî acu elu O (loti udt tersoniiiu obl o eriloua tila vocoas cole-tos-onI umoussriyt io O it bs-ocrs-d, itaa. -,331) HILeîuuote utaîofîîîtbrtCttl. OnehlabInguod cotu -- I tbgutnm-lle 2stiolcIiîg h i rîlO dtian b lshe acondl. sehh iami Oss-o forni ho DoveCatie n hKIing F Thýe Farm er's Advocate tou u bocltie, Cbath-eieiuthesSCoola îThsSi FinCimba Cu55oaeon ras-y bearîr saco centucies ago. Salis- As Bad as thet iurî Murder Caaiada's oldest, nottpractical and I sn ail maosé,moire Ibotittssuwos-l bas-pCatîsedeni as tireu bird But mont intreaing armpape otoig iis- dutOfsoliSe 1biosotism"lIe theu hufaitaieuauupiesa hatha, uuho 0 f Nîhie Nurse Edith Cavell nos. nteesin farnpaperbhs-aiugs nf il «doitgia aut ukheurtf' f rnsîltulea the gcuaueum reasoue-of and home magazine îîy. Rait5-tt sutoseetlil s- I, e theu lhbs-osîg!t iticoîs Cathedrala.i Il . . wX. . .----.--X Edited. owned and pubticdby peactical ponu oSa sufit(,! utii srmmT o oade100r eno Oet aIth17 92,ILbndofu. -Sii F h a 2GG acre axperaterimental asoesateai toiCht-s.- Aeainluthe seal "Limsaaiaa.' Fs-aotilOs îelmhes-sofI llIis- bih Ri'bihbsat f'arm of a-21'o .0.acrec expe. act. sauyuMs-. WalterG. Bs-Il. tLcmao Acuay" isnalo-al -Ls-smous-nt nss-,' farr of hei'ownebcpresoancalt10bu tirecsania a . rCuachînsa, Cooualy Cock, bhe o Deparîmerutu of jutes-est for every m-mbe appIusColt1cfblsecih hee. Ira aop f idnI uogloChneof.s.fms of tht famnily at ail seasons of the ycar. 1 Ruas.-PS je01.bst. I locs-rs bue,ntaBiOa or Lyiea d s aivetof sca de 0f s aine, Liof t.a od SDodge Brothers Moto i ýStudebake1 ST. D. HUME, MILTON REPi j. R. LEISHMAN\ ACTON AEPÈtX AUOTOPS -We recover auto tops an, opcflifg cttrtalls. I CA4RRIA4GERUJiBIIR TIRES\VOhe l Me i SCa rrîaue jRnbh)el Tires on shorLest notice. MWe 1a\,e eead. tor sale one lised 0Dodge Touringl oci FORD TON TRUCK, .,Iihtly îîoed, with go I~' 1 i l i p . lN f l 1 0 i i -e c h e a j . j. N. O'NEILL & SON, - - _t u R n su ese idn'y , cabCl l c d b b l -e 17i u ry I i, lafIialfl M l Lnd- BaEudl Clarke s tse d car Y thî ane uio-ni nd Ivtehday. a aer pn file1wchargea'f i a ai -'bush suhlcîîaseaitel sheul Thio 1chargo e aus sibseaîîelly fil cea- 1 tadiuîed by Gen. M acceady. Follbwitig the'abduCîlct Mr 0Lindsay and Ciurbe, consantanad 1 teno'as effor'toseereulnade byther ls o s stero, Mrs. Benison, of Du bin uîîad Lady Focale, tn obtaina cforb5-or iatinas taeulhe rate or the vet s 'bult suluh ut aaail. antil aPprnl apycala la Pansident. de Valera pro-f dnîed the lulloseingltIeras fant Mrn t 0':Cathal Bruga Burgessy, who in calhim If el 'Mulnuotuer a iefeie ' aalEieauu," tn MsBean: t1 Departineut nf Defecce e , Joli 29, 1921. f îMadaoîî lu eoruplia c'W ith la- oiebwco - t'r 'lonontfî tue.1Presideîîl, I haveNoieh c l a uade enqîlirles lboni os local coull'ste u-cr 1 muîdecr oin tn he cuse of! Mou .Liiid tha ths n -sm. isuay Thinsformueatinsentulsis asiliat htsi en 0 ulr suas eucîîled as a spy sanaie 'ei butai or part J lolital.sugo. The charte agaluis lierOePM aif -wsft ilhetusas dleecîly reutlos1 le n Plc ste -freone uulo t l iu 1wesîl a iloi' couIdn't butai y' ulna ,ono îîlch led lu fil esecalion our fot a bit. 1 is o u re b - v file Britshaal z - 1 -u ciiu, ln thu d'ath outIlia" sixth froua P. M.'s a manis4 oun r,oa oeîîed iu actonu. and tsua y oloofuî25 eaes' 1)uaIalserviude p. Paol oopou a ueîeîlh, f MsLinad suytlouloa jetter ta usL Ic'il SO icklaîîd poÉliug onl the cou- 'oo'Qaaýnes laheracîl shoalît ouelieu lu oceuled. They acrueuereld 3 i teluesu. Fisc days auleci ý;-etton nCork tlareacas Il e sen-N - tInesulich had bcupasuod on r.Nu 1l.oîad'ay. and uoopeudcd peuda o Gea I DTr1 s Sirekluuîl's reyly. wsedîl, carre d GA E E A y i, li'grea the ciecauastanc u andl10 £or15 0l "e Qm nîecelulle lu pe,"tO u ao luo"eý aaa ll leceluiîlaled this dras- ileý ac('l boe local comamandera.f NO.164 "a)CATHAL ttnCnh Miuîslrr of Deteuce. i o e11 po1 -111l u a lurlher esulry ol f ont Nits lîcoua egardi au the ratef ,cI C'l'are, e.ccame 1h10 rely h p i - Dceîsoieult OfDefeucee o r MadniYor o laI haud. Tbe,~ & 1 ' urîîuOlsoe, shîch wseauthe Orly G ie ,rel eioed.' dud uul aab olus îu o _ e aic ., rforma a u i, egardo119 Ja lcs Clarke;~ cul o I d1l, id 00 luo iv l - Jîine",Cluarkeslas oxecuta.(allthe lseu:au.Ireatuuee,ý1 1 9a1 aofinauasMes.Linîdsay. anad they Iuead bu Rialeading' sue hil a hea au Ihe a tt he a-cF thatOf'"the Priuser ât I intu a eeul u gace o! sOu Vaica"'-.4areference tut, 1100utoueeocl slî tshh arfact thonat ibunc e 1ut! 1aalqoaua es maade. 80 Oeo L 'loglaedl CATHAL l1RUGA. reiguibu Popes, fruse Plns IX. to t r tiislr of Deteaoe lureusntpule. Beuediet XV.. bas IE -'l'O Ma o E. ttenîu, ' the Ileeclusclu utthal great paluce 1 40 htorehauupn tdad, ODublin-. la thlhuuaodrouoa 1M.aNlcu.Lrdae aat kiîa usealhe! Se troc. becaumse ibppel f aa a-îauus a ldyo!ueal Ojual- Prisbuer; bau so leadlas e bau f oess and beaad chaeitynand oesuab iu.-.lseprbu ment" 1 lb t ait Ddaîclaus aldlan-t deaîbuder cir- auy utlaeruse: 'It lua aself-la08, tcau0lauoeu of auch culd crssulty ectuuién, a'5optel andl malsîai4les 1 locked Ihle Pull c Pebtaaîdlp Essvindicate a principle. Il wau hroua1 3a nha's *h be gnilsy sf the chargeaf &but b hîf rown wau îngthoe cru îîa frces a"nuistbances llwsg aIo pýdigat e wseau110 lusît Frmr ha buad - icatan lar the outeage. .tu.CîbkuIbepu e sea aun ouseadilel laai laeeoa a aithfîl usatlu auervantut t On Ro sea Caîb Liaa a loiyfo a-af0tua-scure tthueh baut aua a temporal 'laI 1 7 yeaau.uaadan e on ldu a a seller of gu-eroimeolal DOW 1 budo lie so-la* luîal lia abs dattu. usererrritory whlchbheame lMuse I~ ~ ~~i O'.Ieacuîly oulaseildble'authe Papal States. Jaîcaoflada ulc I ark ie jThue ePapal States lacludesi eî osCO, sWhouilail arat*h seau sebglwats bsete bîmail 1oidee al lirhîlailIa odcathb, Tbu Omog fekndo fja rLinsuay leaoedy la aaisepresolue il 9 I bher Places thecity uorho illausration or theu iuteulasty utte Ta a o ioppe e u hîl îeoeua '01 the rensd lu Irelaasi and i ue b aa tePesauhPluso of fil(,dîlticulîîes Saceul by the e ve he Peau e eates w46, lu'a Sal ait uodus'Ihut bath North nud 100 paS lît 1846,e1,enufo r Un i outalh aIle ane sickofutahe utrîlle as Ol seaeand i 10eforua üitI luiag ue peae, lesPural Pueer.came On Seplemb 20, 1890,sehes Italluantroapa tund O1-Bs-arIa1 RaSai. Geu adoastrna made p breacu Ihls Tue royal Palua lre especially th , R5a)1neQOlIbe Parla Pla aund 001erA 1 usietles tlearlug ccOZa and ul asome selCOwao afîersarsciu nls, grüwas-sxteuaively in the coaaue aa bl aon s i 1rgoofGoatemala, eaanaîau ' lraleulu Prutlmeil t ad altbuugb h a, thelanIng au oct huilte ladaîîrlal nebu eW> ilollp.ea.1e iî madle oI ubse ail-boua g nt thyaarlb4Oel ,P a4 thhLue oi olsîha become the source O nulu.ta abl u 1Whlsh eb8ed ltee Pa Portasnt segetable a1l luduuîry bt OA *csoie,» eranllaaa ooly hecausu o o t rserat ins isa pa.alaaver g nhe th al îa1e at ouantîty t13 strlpps, t îafin gas 0hanulsailthe fauntry t ta I'co-L ieri co,, npa al S I- gn Ioua ! OcGutemlae -Plae asion -+a4 papal COlost, i on inslcp-aeut m recebocu ultiar' Vatjcà tersilarp, rayal i t aul llesan untpriesaic uIf-a cenury la a long ;ins-iloble tOot lu th 'rurue o a sas-iuin1ud eusr *Uloffcially,,,Ih, tht aboat bte-en lIa- Poweer, represuntea ho s ad thne Vatican. leRamian Questio"~ 'aaedalgalu, Mcauaciitu-j s Emun a saouns-y prizsua' ta prison!J With ,, ýd Pîctrtan adsctsb. lis mogaiie-t lins-nsira, lilebta. tOc Palace nI tho 's thousaduutorolot, us ge-eter nambers ouI ulir pilustais sver0 Ici s 8 foufus gardaon. oharo: lIber polis oaI balera ot ai anal relaxation ta Ibs-'he the palace-priîsai, nI thes " kllvsd anal :dalpupus 10w uleas-es-' lacpeins-t- nu itarîsequal for the pusaîbi e Papacy. A SittewanSeii. '1tsh11itis-s' n-or .lau,ou mentu DOpos-înenu Ci. Londun, lias a dtffiîîîîî j 111t a 'CnudidatesfoSas- a ho t offus-outallu ttia'gurl, .a baît yeura aid.'as uo 'o aely littie eirl. oai ScOla. te. seho la sithoutal las-te coautry bou mlan bu madein sarjis Mg Pos-tiemlarsauj if L Straphof te cabaliaatd . la onenof1thbstiaioîmns, locka arrefsequentbî .urîsa'in lue evidens-s-orlthc filait- candidate bnabs- ululer a" t reuce dEets-au be Ilbhuy tua 1 aime limeI, ciel sasc killeor s-badlfdisabteal a ai bar. ad toeosnceeaafslie selîl bu olwsuaccessibleuto. len Upseard nf 60 appîhe 'houa recîlveal ap la thi aud the fMt la stllOLap2-m tlisO eMPlayero as-c îs-s-î hoIs-Youang mga -trequeuto, !r aftunnoons off. tarttrool. mupises tinuy heu bunt o%0> eick-koaucks forper -nl" - Theumanaagersf oneOas- Iltmestoabusutalea Ibai a >1 ,ssch Young tula's a 't 051 ainnht ph, 18 *110t cinaras-ner," sot h- -'lferlf ieus, Oit au and landkerchiefsu enth PlauOPs)5>hpeiid Il . 11soaosnue loubo. 1 ta wwlonsen la n aa' it tari-wà1lla dessau o .m., .Souuer' ga0aves- e a"1 osaIsls e ads a bîglo tl*.of 1119 iC1eou11cloîho. po014 *UfISaù5py emDpluý Co s . ý!Yu 2ýo0 men houa eotroual "ipareente ups- a te, at rtasle llY ot Ion 8atral atrh' 'r l0'bilo on "'b t'fli 6tor Cars SENTATIVE TATIVE. 1 f)J utl lit"~i i ' tîd m-4,5 iîoxow îlttî- 'EORG ETOWrN- eset ? tia leuf à~ to make -but twanfy igue-no! te. 's, SON Il; c