Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Dec 1921, p. 2

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IL' Trhe Canadian Champion Ms0.ro,. Docember. 1, 192. TAKE TiIEN AT THIEIR WORD. (FruonHalton Lîberel Asoiettiooif Mr. Mleighen and is tnicodu ay tliot tht tarotS la tise osly issein this eler- tlop. Tiat lanettrie, butt if it were, tht Huoverniment comld nt oltoril tu bh Jdedlyisrcrd so disttaritf. Ito liiuel ofesutd. Thte publiity hostauuti tht .ConsercatirVe Porty ays OIODOtisere lu a"aîiuto 1 *io' "and llsat tistre is evidince oC i&goationi llsallt,înemploynieot anojak ut ic~lenee. 'Thatsemindo us ut tht gfiry ronditiospi-tuolliDeluitouS, 8 tt- tysar ut Cousotreator odmilsis- tratioo. TMien crme the 15 yeero utf prog7soand proopeiyuder Piberal Goerosoutt. Wt glue iDeute testiiny a o that recotrdl. The LiS- iral(loverniiiiit waudeteatrdinuSep- truiber. t9It. The Brîlen Ctoterva- tire Iloenitinîtithen 0vain,11110 oO er and litiNoveoober ofîthe slt el preîiored te speech fruitte lhrîoe. whlich costubnoil ibree ords : "It alfiim-iluie great plriuuie lot rungratiflaeypoîr$ ni1Oi te unlil- lied and increaenoglirosueity of the iotry. oui, trui t lelict Brillili ond treigîl coîtitries i rasidly rxi.endlug Dîîd ilere lu eery prospect that le roluinuîîil, thiepresest year will lie lorgety in rartssof thst tlaiîîeîldl oAy time is tht pou.' Mrti..noos-5 lir Thuous White, lecunie Miister ut Financee. le lotn-aulot- 1restsli y the alîîuîodîîîg lrosk)eitY raiotiiig et thlosie otlir tero yea of uLileral oadministrtioun, tsud lefranklyieutiitedlt it i t tîut tîîîîe ii thetererrîîuî able worod, gratityieg liiolI ththhe iaiitertal Inruaperily cith%i h olwue hv itiouei ttebetiitr portioni. Ilespte the serionstiissituide,. ihrotgli ouichtiliiiole>tecn henroi, tl'ius pasiandilth1e un îuîl liol x peiettOedlittIti Proi-otiita tifO(l tarit)idirisg the pnt entIrr the Pleld ruputfiitiaishow albutin tittil yipht, and mth the ligh jritro preuDiliDe fui- paoriralp i[l lespridutith 5e gîiefSbâtis to. îlistry et agrioulturercontitiesn atiirloing conditio. Aliiot r-tep depai-tbueiut out rooloand cotmmoerce shoit6 oausio. (Our minesaiîe wuoderlully productive. (luiroattolberies oetably te At- lastir,.]lave esjuyed a gouiolcatch ond ligluprien. Our iiptititm- ttieraie thiiigand newindtus-' triesoareospriîîgîng up tlîrouîghoîîi te choie Dominion. RîiIAay rIntructio, eperlaly trithet %'est. prceretîn apace. ton-pot îog o ioytfor eiieiiet in distritse t yt openeit p andtorti-ude nilS otiter markei thon sue oow enouy. Outr inreaurd hanik eposittu.clear- ings anS circ-ulatiotht Dniit desierd iimunicipal anduiness struceturens.extensions loi therucoun. hi-y, ail outest thai the geserol îronperity ut Conadala l Iie pie-. rottieue iu uep great." Thuis mas the haidotnite letiiony gipto ini 1911 bSpa o Cisnei-tice 1%t e- ter il Finanîce, aeo kotteumidgeil imate flioosuljeri. lu ithe citkoit nieiLiberal predresolrs1, de;1 il ly ut Mi-r. Fielding, nue outh1e leoîlliîg, ilieof the Liberal Party ttuiti'rYnl'Ioeî expeelenre antI knoiulrdg- i ciiiun-, ooubttdly lSe isedin l te flîuîî,îof Mr. White w~ent 01, LOI ap il1ai ('an ala ontisied toiethelandltof Ptton' !oe for the homteekei-. imioigins eomig inatthie rate out lioiutonti o day mad lahor conditions gooit. The fuitureo-futCanada, Se oi, oiSe,5 br«glit indeed. Neow, atter asother Ieeuioduo Coi, seiattue mnle, the Cenocicati e ltiers tire conueu 0o0t mItSa deletuol math ahout stagnaotion. insoloiiry ployment asd loch ut con lideuiui.oeand the Toronto Telegi-m ne, ioruiesocot te excudtiii îu tuer f5Gt.OOii liult luSthe Unitd States li 0yas Canadionu ai-e oplaientir roolii t take trains on1 of Canailatt,esra11e the corsequree of Coinsrvative oiue. it snsy i- utatit- u -rat friends areLaokoigtortgtuoio a item. Deomed lheimtuli-c-tut ufvtîtut lep imagine ihat Itie tivhle uîotiy s leading for- diuote. Il lv ieu liii isg theot'i ti. oiii 0,1111 [),a Ille trotth, o S et ut tti Vole for FISHER and a Tariff for Prooperity. Hlon-]Rouie lîsteilîtliii esîcl Th Pqlpslor Doit. Have tecoîcs a lleîd i ou ieloii The questionwau, pultu tou- IONeill the other Say. 'Nu," slto ooîd, huul lSey houe nmade moi cery îîîîi cleo_ e. W Vich lm as il uhouud br, lue they are her inventioin, ouciýtio whihecer word j le utourutyprot prilaie. Theîteis Omîtu sooic)Iwtt mure aclitîr litan oeil 1,11e ]l-il Whououtlis hou leaterd iofRoor ONeilli.anS thc romaice ai 1he rom pudgy Sulies. Hece le hec uîury: Ruse ONeil was Sre oinWilkes- barre, a towno nhuh muls uncasili en the acing and utndocniled sr are ot the Pensyleaoia t oaiDsd- trict. Renai-SoSie lu relaie, asu 1111e cnuldS hm ecarnî-fontd of dlit. She drermd utfSol ngo big haro tuloit t ollu it rucr dcegieuind dsreiptin. in ecery iuîd oitdreut anS uudrre. And Rose hall o put, chunitfoc Scuin tiot ulîloco-sit dreamed aboiut. -lic uit n eartcot> CýureS lieteachere. clii, s w eouogh 10 encouage t, iii,îuîehiîuî Sut pronuiliie artisl. At slip r etip. lieredî,-tatin ot chiîld liseouhi ht-iai epittu- ienanîdmunuher uoieh eut ougliCol Srmdtîd toc illustrtations litue heu- e grade ut maaines. liia tee cocatater lier atinearalin opint. 1897, lier e enitng copacity rail jte1 te $50000 o peor rioîî Ote day, hock in 19l'- nhm dreomed ut au army of uiLe turulut Si-oeul.pendulouso adomnenrd k515 diea ite rtest i 1,1e girl andd boy SPECIA L RRICES ---AT--- R.J. Armstrong 's Every jriday and Saturday uîntîl fuî îther notîie Take Stock of the Prices Quoted Below Ilind quar-ter Roast Bcdl Fi-ont quarter Roast Beei' Front îquar-ter ehoiee Bîîliî eBf Clioice Beef Steak - - Gî-oînd Steak - - S-.ut..oo. - U.-..-5u- Chioice Boast Pork - - 1 Se to0 ('hoiee Pork Chop "Oc0et6« Choiee Roast Lanmb - ')O20 to Chioiee Lamnb Chops - - Choiee Roast Nu-al -9 5e to Veal Chop 28e. Veal Stew Clioice Hlornemnade Satîsage- (1hoice L-omemîadeil1eaî1e1îees;e - Turner's 1NIat 1larki Prices for Friday and 5aturday BEEF Cijoice hinîl quarter euts- -- front qutarter euits - Si-loin and Round Steaki -o Hamburg Steak Boiling pieees, froni PORK Choi-èe Faraîî Fed Roast Pork Pork Chops Pickled Shoulder Legs and( Loins - - Necks, hreasts and racks- VEAL. Chice.rnilk Ced Veal Roast- Veal Chops . Stew uVeaî al piices. - F refi~.~ge r h à 8 6 C, 1 12c, 14. 14c 12-le 23e SUICIDE AS A VIRTUEM. Attelent Japasese Method sot Wlplng OutInlslt. Kara-kîri, or seppuku- the houpe- aSie death, 1sIl5th.Japaee emetbod ef utipîneot insulte. Unlîko duels, there la o element uf chance; and, unlîke the old trial' hy urdeai. tOere le Do appeal t10la locher puwr. Hara-kiri meaos death. IF t'sccAui or a chi.dis There lis ne eseape. Itlmluthe royal solve one or wv Peps ruaS lu iumorlolily!fI la f lic sure i ormuh glaedrc esrupe trum in lgrore or oî, tnesourt, itle souiride ralsed troua ms lic luegs the ovr a woiuheciue the vrtue ofloeroem. ful healinguand gemicda Itlao î:rauge lu og that an lu- medicincs gîven off tlua %ulted mano ould deeni liIs own vopor-litOu oi . These dculS ther rrmedy for wrooco dose breaîîorablr Peps meditones tolm, lîubut li as beoOthe uap of tIlie rosi fui, centuries, and ai least soothe thet ender air pas,- lia mre egity lhao anoo oln for sges,theycluicklyallaysore- Srfuoiaiue uf rharucýr.ness or inflammation. and Huilit suslolnrd the leoult, the stop the mou tirooblesomne ucerieved man reireolotlulits famlly gouglo.Ai ihe sume lime and recoulu isr affuir. Thureolier Drigemeurus go furnard, aond thiey PES STRENGTHEN THE srihoui une eauy yht THROAT AND CHEST iiiiariîd uieiîoe.the fnly sel aund p-- l4uoi.-lfuuSi Dauiii oakiuc ea rueutf otuts plantscoulds sud uiligeicce t tierplac-d roiiiililieuise te waed th-uouohiedisou off evil spirits oanI preri roiheDi troc, iUbls, Tluei, o oi rcylus hay thr e mifouthé 1 iili cdtishou roro.. lepuî led, the s,on Fis-îclu Ait aliortieni smîmaole ready, the lui duild le uuord utoif t aute lutgeiler %i ii-- O n-hite elulli SeIng lumedtilpeiio a , d oi7. seillplattrni. tOlîru ailaluIiiîreodiorso, % prroi îîlîuur crcîlîlea uouîs Putti-. Tl;! lie Pae pliuîîulIote onord-10e n-aa. zshl-anîd lthe prinipal, tolluored kb fli eidesi son, Seorlue the suerd. aseds the pluiturm. NuW ihe prirat rcivstlt 10110 outr. oad, tilucur iii, il ocotder. sctroer, ithe petli tîperthetitipitrii gîure. litanin-I ltnse noite. the biteeltintua itIt r utc titseth e !zaetîîl Si-lilu ufthe11i aiffrot. Noueithe momueituPliroorlrs lor- th1e Pooal atl Sluci the tueritî tan parts lits coit-hIs kamstu iioî 11 .' eo ereiuuuiai curiortl od, iaoý Ing the wn-DtOOOO in u l lotilîohal(,_______________________ lps fils ubdomerotnt rightIol ui. Tlie affairle 10 it oupleiod by lis Plie Hourd i(4toManagemntlof lthe son, nitu deespilatrolob is onorable (Gordonit Hontîîe îî tIti u oît l1detîi Thisuceuipletem 1he Orsilipart olteé Sandidchtleosoaitlik aSt. SirlhîîîM iiraota. There tolloco o missive, 10- Chu-eh :-rltlling irio. Liitîtpoil clord fl lIoteus e, lu (lieroggreu- oflîîîîîeu, Mi,. Miî-heliet-; , iriiipo.Mr. ,%ot. itturiug hiot ut ihe-fectl Afier Cochlrane. ithicli o sinilI orceeuîoîîtallesoplce Inls lusoue. Thoîs lu the fDDiily tmod tlidSalespeople and Solicitors. ltausfloîuor ouiuted. A rîtîtl reltirsenlo 1101- muil il, TRAPiERiW Pactîo- 'rtiesri.e. nutllitwfit liciislîiips il]icttittie(f itiriig traiiiig lirenesclatiigelItliieit laitiii. l'trouilet l 1îoitim anduti onapiaii tthe Clmito Ofic.iietîpyt lity. Wriie iiiduc. Tht- uppleaiiiu u îuî.pî.î r . lilo itn- tiuuiî 111IL i. Pu-e:iOt Hailiîlbon Otiiiio. i StartsYou IN OUR (tIRISIMAS CLUB me Qisftmasyou wllhave OUR CHRISTOIAS f1oB . l ro li 1io Ili , g p eyby ialregîtia r eouiti Hrng nte.n: uciiui ekitî.ll, .1 -i ac rul rîtcek and it D-lii, e, lia Tie foîlo wi ig iole... rulîîî ithîe difi (iî,t I(1 INCREASING CLUB PLAN Put In le, 2e, 5e or 10c the fi-t wee5. INCREASE your deposît le, 2c, Sc or 10ce suel week. In 50 weeks: 1lc Cl ub pays $1275 tc Club pays $ 63.75 2c Cl ub pays 12550 10o Club pays 1127.50 DECREASING CLUB PLAN Start wlils the largest sum and Dccreose your deposlts sach wseh. Ths .lu a very popular plus. EVEN AMOUNT CLUB PLAN Put in the SAME AMOUNT eac.h wck. le 50 weeks: 25e Club puys $12.50 $5,1Y) Club pays $250.00 50c Club pays $25.00 $1000 Club pays $50000 11.00 Club pays 55.00(0 Club payn $i,000.0W 12.00 Club pays $100.00 W5.CJ) Club sus 2,501.00 Conto in and îîîuin th' l ( ý*lu i ...g a Si 11, .1j'Ill I LYX. Tht-ce vu othiluug likui- lo, tu , tt. 1, "ofr1 1 01l yot-ioi-.ltîIN NOW. Bank of Hamiltoni, Milton. C. H. STUART, Manager. D'n National Railwvays Prospects 25e Brighten. 28e The imiprovttîfi nnil shoinigiof titi(o,,, mlitnitiititi llîît a'lîot, themonithuofAtigtoisttilclSepte ni blia iti(uIii geriauiufuuiuf,iiibe - o n nt i le m prîno tShruuîgliî.uuthelic euî v.î- Il uuil lu,,,ofili-r-I li ithe ginniuîg ut thteer. 15(, q Tht ao-utipaopiiig elart olii. 111,1lilre, ttîgEu tun-t, o,-, cat, "uY tuteupper ise un thme harl. heu-l , tutîlglî it îu-uî ulotîlli ii hp utu-uanl d 17(0 hau they dotun grodîonlly gutoil ouutetuuîg wt ui lt el lu-itt,, lit-ilu tt- - l titt niai-gin fntegoîd for suas îiîîlth lîl t h' - îtt. i iitg gi, lutienthe mm-t îî,dioatis ntl mung. tiu nil-,- ttu luh11 oauuiffin luu Tlîei tredet-u ui-teteouest>- he'Y iti ,-îihtîîî, t.- uîîu-l' '"dv a anieh heu er ulowicg in Olltoilî-îr Thos ,ho ues in cloue toueS uith thte situation, and n-Su kotir n-at wao briog dos to ring vihout operotiDg ecunoumieo, rould n-rît ee in ad- usoce blat a coptieuat4on uft ieot sueasureo, mith the usuatlocreaspu ini volumne out rafile. wosld bring the lioto tugether. anod thot n-ith te easonal eroso sovement. tbsy should icross. t %vau hardly experteS tltat the muntis of August uould show net tarsiogu, but reductions the i 15e of u aterialo and =uolesceupled uith thse readjuutmesit of wageu, and thteier-ast in Grasm w1mo er. factors n-hieh, eobieed, esabled tht managementtOu Peouueen alonance on tht tiglot plOt for Auguot. Thte rop motement laSptm eu s unfielent to enabîs thse mtoeh hetter showiogssmade In that Thisetusesofeth ie situation uthielo eonstituted a grent diffieulty encouter. ad ly thse management in their endeavoro 0o wip ot thse deilaIt, ta raphsie. ally dbsplyed ly thteishart ubîclo show, Grose" arning s roppeid aler Fel> ruary t that montho gi-ose ies sually tht lowetBieau and. eommeneleg *wltlu Mercigrosearnleirslunvarlshly isepreutrs i e eproment year a new couditlun prevalied ltisee-ae gsintheus eo mi.Myand Tlnne relouer tisa tb ise. uth. sgath&ot Xans y ad SOnay.Thîs luosp la busisness use geseal ndOSffecteS 511 liose. Ilttisuail end -of br. th B. W er 117--meseffeted uold ha"e b htvlis tihlie uluie. tienla l= agarau à, t y tes.djusimont-ot wnges T1%9 0snadiam Nations!lal làwZ*s, srlier in thsey itnno peopla oS Onssadaby s msles 6tOJe i-peKllîlt 5s.etla fZ -____. 20e 16e 20(!. 15e 9c 18e to 23e 18Se to 25c 16e -25c 18e to 23e 25c to 28c 28e Shirts, PEO(TLIAR tCLUBS. uime Ouil Orgaslos Alis Fi-sa Rule*. A cloh for mnu urîhiottoeêér 225 putnde exista lu Parts. The club bas lrre hueod mmei- bero, irSu urgaulor monihir dineirs anS yeariy aihirtuc meetings. One uf the nustîporily inmehes 1a PSuis FalaPf,n-Su unighu 3500 Iounds. Aeung ther uuial eltihu-jo the Blaook Rean Club.,uehlch rau ternIeS ini New-Yuek lait ysor. The trty itners nere sobole torD. and ezuS PaiS an 'enîrance tee ut $75. uhlcb counred ail roproses. Thtislueuliar catherîng met unce onuly drituthe er nd at thi uteeling a ox ountoinong turiy heaus %ýPasseS iound. Thînît ine heans l i te n-hite anS crien usoStock. Tht ittiuuteechu deuthe baciarShu lud tu pirdge - Smserîf lu ma-en Se- lite-flu-iceri- n-out. Theoly rtîuîîtrtleg coditli n-oas hat the ctoile out iiun uedding exprooru n-ire Putti O01 et the cuh tords Arctub for meno itligl igefaces wa-i trmeS Su o mann-ih ait In oediîîaîeiy loi-eu note. Thie ooly Qaaifncattio tur Inoerhlup s uncre tfuoia culiarily. Iii the Cnied Statesthtey mut.- a opeetolity ut matrimonialrclubs, ît oui-coi utieblril, to esSer the palS lii lue ltar eau thorny toi- the peu, haolucior. Ihere ri clubs for the 1 lIl d and dicorce clubs, the mem- lut ný hich do uterethlog inteie, ilein S-rip une anoeier ltogtri r ofla ui t uelueme DPutnn. TOeeare Rial, ulîtî.mrrlate rluhs. DoS pla- ltoitîlus Ilu rncoutragetrlendsiîp outly Sniceen itoe sexes. 010e- PeruliDr lubs peocîde for laynere. rotîseru rrlppies. SiIDO ni, ut, de rimulrs.dyepepieanS ed-e toi rem ten.1 ettohl c te mut amusin., la th, oi- tOut irai toraird reelîy ia1 uitulloen in Irelond. Tire Imemtoeee ail it,îoitsc. ecided thot VomenI n-ru r roc uîg lue pon-ertol They sent îlut au appual tri011 itheun. ilîarreîromen lu iheplace Platine iSot a bochrioru 100 n-DO uuertahir anS ltut thet otut haviDe tSu strength o l Noioriouu flitsiiare lu te black- 1 hltli-d.eand mtrenolissro lreîng ltolty men wn-Su liptever Seeu ki-orSehutuld Se llon-rsl nlulin.Tht ilicu lfield ai N'cinlus tilsnare tor ihe parpouet elis ligag -yeand tutan tuu or cilpint temuinne ex- Puiser ouithlie Humain L«. llite rxistece uit a luDe-sosPegcd out luhrucrenttled pow-er la the liiiiene alulicare tu avSontisss 1,u«it-il byait inehi-Ument Inted.C S iii Cttlo"s RButaS, lain-hIi ian la- anutîtate ublect la mode 1u motsetir a litrcoir ou 0frnteotht eye ta tisa abs-e r Wrlîlog ln the LonScu I..uîceî. Dr. Rut 5aYS -Tht tat CL i îl îc h e d i e r c t sga r e o r I l ! o poiruoso tionnbeoztolerableb aucîher person sugcested lu u l.ta.. thîre mIcht Se a rip ut rielatiîîp OU.la S f stt ronto tht luonsoyt. Tpetst tM uîîeufry lte bau leulsed an iosru -inein-leu wf-e i-- u e nussu Sp b lt uoi i, i tueti utac t of ou n Vilson Th ts eWelcome. In a non- Snobkd. J. iMaasàgisos tuIla tise flowItnlg: A largePat ot notabtleueeestaybog 5 aiOamo, e îry boune, and ts ieln.a Isen- gentlemen ut the hPary wee îî5in- lto the SlPlog-rooin for tsmlly Iray eho cru (not tseuoutDolf y! ilpà tt Parrot, uebose ocage n-se Ibar îtenel Soi. tytd e engi ftrat as Ifen_ evorîsg ta recognîse hlzn.Ai tt saet dimnutive re thlise Ostsep eit puitS lID, the Parrot, t4sly~s s zIta!, sala!mentsisîdlttaetil.Aa thse. ov i-se "?" Whon 10 n -na ed John SIIl ss-lsgea btszseei wsa;g" I5»aaeea.e. ua 4%- Sca*fs, Ties,î Gloves, Sweater Coats! Etc. F ~SftQHOMi mie"~ FOR 1EN Rib-eI Fleece-lined Undewear. bld Mens Mtu . .40 Wtooî Soekn,...25e ii (1 Fine Soucin...25eîuu 7 Wotrkitig (hIoues .30e lt II Fie Gloves ...50cut,, 1- %VooîCoeoihonatioms.. .-.--2.l(4) Swceaters &- N Nf'ol 1.25 l ît FOR BOYî lu!. ... C a l - . . for Ladies for Everybody Undroeîght Veste and Drie N iý% uaf i ii -rit ...... . . ... )ti '.u .Ulover Aprons ....... 7-- reai , t ii, House Dreesea. . 2 C}îî îGlu, SýweaW .... . .. ..s; 1 Flanitelelîr -Nighi t i 1"-> k d . Pi eseilt- Fatncy laiiepchiefp.$r Ici for iii Wv NviII he pleauied to shmv ytmN ii the'se b'rc'aîns Syer's Dry Goods Store Main Sireet, Milton hues for Men Wç.ien and Children 'YLI ARE RIGHT. OUR QUALITIES ARE'TI- '.BEý ~OUR PICES ARE THE 1 th ýOgf -W words retlectsod in thue lw rw l -seulel you a paîtrîuoU YeyGU iext pair-and the îsext. R S 1 u I t1 est Ses for asut le iI - li 11,7. possible 'oalii, DR. R.9. ANDERSON W. F. W. fISHER tiboral Conservatlve Candidate Liberal Candidate fer the Hanse af Commees IO1^1li1 OUSE oie CONtONS Solicils your Voie tand huflunelle PRpctfîlly- Volcilë o u oNuterandt for the Fnderaî RIecin on Ifunc o Frlu e o e Denesdu)e 611,, 1921.o sI rner(4 ,1921- A CtFionSaeMODUFFE & TORD -0F.o S e. AGENTS FOR Choice Dairy Cows _________ The undersîcseullias reericel u tin! E.ni TT, Bri scoe ars, FIER'CLUB SHIED, MILTON GIFIS FOR MEN Ciri4tas Stor ~evor luor tocks i-jlver Btter Selectifvî!1 riSfMaS For Kiddi, fHand ýeihÎ eE'For rt. FrMothï For Daddx. SEE OUR SILK GUSaHli COVERS "p W 0(11 ~ b .1 u-1 GALBJRAIIH & COMPANY 0F MILTON S'Y E RS CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS GR35Eotis tas iAND000OPERATINO EM INOtSis DP A Totl Aut[ F55Os-rimICM ilNETEMMI3N Sg 0ALIGUT NDSE uTEMRRe ~O.Z 0) 0oz 0 on Saturday, Dec. 3, 1921 at 2pso., the f.ivitig : 10 frrsh Cousandtuol 1rtutgeruý, I(J Couse,due in N111 d Autll 5 5 2-yrur-old IJleiferu. .5 Yerlings, 1 poîre-bred Holsîtncuti, 5 ru legiottitil. dipte lfe-ibeut it aouit 2 weu. The prupiieitr iihriliiUl>"uata thi inilI Se the hrbeat, i ýflivu caIlle See tr iutd ini Millton. ThI-tOIS-uliitnli- edul l iMil pruccîl joitnotes. il le rt uit. tel onit off ilftor i-aS. T. 0. IIAMSIIAWV euuuîî W crtyà filtl liii,- tf Auto Repairs & Accessories_ i 11151111-I Iigftilîi Plant, AUTO STORAGE Mifton General Garage SI 11 joN. 1

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