Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Dec 1921, p. 1

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1~ - ci' L~iivr 0ui '. hii ut, sChuibpamandtiî il lui it 16$t, Piut an d Ta t Cogband Coldtl e Te.Rs.asit et Ct ~snadi'au - ut:tIllpion su!? ti u)tINGilit oiN oNtT Up"spdcls e w pes- .ecaipat sî.eneernn.,l 7ha ynere5ni mn' .tt csnu îne nosca Ph' sic u t PL 5a ni iatlt oiutS."~ 1.gt ateson'- ti ilou Autn 1e-e L e-tantsa-,h - :. ' Il 1 lts k1,1c tlc - hi MEDICAL 5. o. cCOLL, M.. _d-.1-i - .. 1ofien Il t s iLS i, M. D.. ý8 i ..du, aO.t. 9 p.ta i. e or o t . . CHIROPRACTIC NsMueie geet or Osteopathy AM.NEILSEN,D.C. .uegocuor oit ov' vt.enU.s.A. à. - c, Sltan, Maeaat nd tiHp-SMÂLLMÂN, D..Sp.0. mente Diinc G',o.M. IMALLMAN, B. O.Sp. O. -"osthnmt CuitoprastîsCoi. th s t hair às.sbtinssia,. osnratbaisar.H-Mi.i. 7m:, DENTISTRY IcCe Tael. 65 DtR. F. E. BABCOOR DENMTAL SURGEON R1 lCshn5tse IDetesai ooitali -ce P elunsa Tite- h i tetet .y b haareaigeai. PA::, LFtS ExTRACTIOiC LEGAL 1lLih . DICK tecat Jssitoziaon- ------ Tee - - has. Sas h IIIITCIIINSONgùl MACKAYF - i es5o~ ., MAKÂPE&PaRIS ot&KVR.LE 1 aahrNoaasy publc, Inmura.gA Ca d . P' ttasiuCo. ,us~ %is.sqrje- i'eun - HLL slou. suG COUN-rY 0F HALTOrN LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR .asiatsaeaa Efil FORna~JJ~a.IGeR' EEN P&01Sitieli riini lia.McsFANCY mscll. I eil, dap bu . 6 ' lornatae, t a.. 0.0M- M3 BY GEORGE BARR ît.ra.m ' e eMCCUTCHEON 5Nàwmace Ansîmnem u or at- -em.Panat. . itoa - . tW OiS. s 4.ioef 'CRAUS&pjg. a75 i A ety. .aeu .Dnt.seR A.n-,AouS. e-. rtasieact HOLLOW 0F liER H-AND"1M 5.snc.siimois. t'thet Fuse.anad sastpo sit uas,,cs t c e IC . Pi.NCE 0F GRAWTJI. ETC D leterni-rl eu "91-8 ag ai C LETO MPAWY taaaSpi (0aaes IDI Oi tig . -i ur ty, Ph Aitrit anal d tri la, l -a do . e~sI tsa .yi > t s'mm a. tay b5 ecquiremi tnt ted tiass 01 bsut isiSes e-bih the caÙsltcsr." auli arue. "He ens-e me the Mes tismllnt mtot mie Isv esverrexpertencee. Gad,.l'ii neyer Srgei ut'" Tirhe-outen looeoinat hlm, pldbniy perpiexeai. "W'ieae-n aail thls?"isPnqutrrd De toto.t "Rarty lmet evestaf. Ne pîckdlesi t peut batauguesu sbrise cmrersc, anal ohelarinistet inlaIls drivint metlit uer tavern iefore île sore broeohu, Ie bea terrtbtp anasao ahout ber, She, Mustllove ieen cauglt eut la aii Ibat frigisîfuli "Wbal's. liss ou arreaint, hM,. Rasas-s5" et In De Soto> fcoe-nIug.i "Nocueso amien t nIGreon Faaey nest vessine, nom e-n oune etpeteti." . R esust aral. "Do peu means te ya tint se dîdul gel usIe, attet, ail?" The Farmer and Ijis Neeç2,s T HE nreds of the farming ect mtunity htvt Rlways teceti c'! eut carfuil'nd sympatir- consirah itl. Many farinera e-thtucharac tesirvt obilihy. sul motitrte capiletua a receivrai financial aintance f toue tht Banki which han euabird ihcei te achirve succesa .in a way necý otherwise upossible. Byodr ... IK Mlo, ar-silciRel h igdfngr;ed O'iliesd. ABedad, if aile sald she 1 As -ee bave been i By rde W.I. ICK Miita lete lI topt~ th rlld lugrs Sherif I isaste nothiln teiatever of'seau coming 1taIGreen Pancy aibe tas,'ee ray bc able ta bel C iesh t th et l'- ',f th e 111,,nO (ittitît A dretv Fau , a d, ti s a ftir and 1I i te d ta continue apoofin eyou. A re Ye u sure it e-as o li y aa ta sait as. aur M a tlhîeg bis Itend sadly, drew lier a u -ytmraerann. Peter who gave yau tltat jotly ride?" yaar planaseeiti him. "It s len tht ttttPrttttsed hier. He O O a oorwmrig1 tesii' ,rtig Mr. Diingford cots "Well, I garas net. You got to tuy 1 'No, I amrneftsre," saad Rarnal Guiede~r < . C.H.Hs-I, .S 11I teirt'thet ettg oula, ahere Iere tiltie eare eatisiiedftinat YOUunueasily. 'Sisee-wai afot, havlngý a .H H S O , .. ]Itil)l.eît dinloegyhngaiou hs u wle ieate ttonbl .1mt ______PON_20. MITO 1INT . ,, l'esoeatollgave out anss ha' it.t"ialiter ntd tertn tta sie.Im____ otkoe uga M oisu tlsersranad se ased tas if "B & K FO pOONE ns a f K ILNAYret tier giastte ltgtt. et. 1ia al"Ikuetehase fam it wsa ta Green~ lvulk iItl rny" "Amn lbt oositer rnyselit O er or- Fnnryor sorethingIIIIe lhnr. Sal aid5tN it A s11OVIca I Issr.Speciniss inleSaeges-y and e,tse,-e tiî ' , ilebeuy est. sr?" Cptl,$dYO,0 R 1t.55 saiaihiSî 1. 1q) e. ..3a.'sss. bf aise Castnes asd FFaue Diseuses LqIrtet Blrae. un9 tise eut detot lrnp- "I seaidai go so ftras-to say tient se e-s golag tisere. Tisenaoag carne pia. e i psu. sî,~ is- <trte taîes.- taet e- III, i O il'te hairtble' led ut ssfoc hier., o as iei9raa ser i ai tise atomnobie, rattlisa tloo'5 tllai. 0"I a. o. tssa t"s 9 a.m . 1 t Il 2 1' R baveoaflsli upstas.s i aiy- l 1¶got te a fyttiresairgist, sse'I : e: ;Jez, Rrs d Ilcgg M 00i I HAST..ev0rtsInî<t.nt gui t(] rne Dail aagetrnel"r Seseme a hi 'le 'iiId btter air I ' t erîuînîy do, And 1 cat acteas- "'The antique Penhard fils In ail -OmassÂ- NMUSIC TEACHER Isîî.,e-,Iî-îst.Mray carne Inprstty votue yoe hM Shertf. tuai Id Ik ith cii"Rai O'Dee-sl,"but l'm banged sîstsg Ea' -7Msnr. li3-U& 9Il -~- Pl.... vioit a h.. îa,y t or Vtt 1tîîe te t ontre 05 e t ml i ailn tr rudlnfrlad ao swl.p eP y Ilum a sick iflstheernan itai i. Na saris Per- intts uiBae s etiprs '.î,tsg Vas.t~Iie5.rn. aiîl :G ifîe oi' o n coneI e l re, Dtttr. lse@ o s yoa put le. Id lîke teaibei os arnrited latGrecs. Fancytast i ngbt." III lok ihe liertyi sdfeis " s.d Bm e s PIANSO TVNIOîS(AND0t'IRS Tîîîe ottenîeîI nlted et ln the epa iis millitr ap.IntahCis ren- :S"Did peuget ia square loOk tt i e tussilyrcstt, aldreset gBarees tse ts- oýJ(f a tnsîdIoI (iitANit TRUNK RAILWA Pisa2. îe. .o)iis trititte ier as r le g o aer nd ourny 1oireal ty Su ra teisFrsipat- d r Ier t a cei n tt" d rn add ar D e ct . tn, 5 ex e i al t-b ui s ato OS iN e cm H N . W I e t l a It t e t " s î ul k î e s î s e n ' I c o t i a i lsî I n s e î e e e e v a e o ga r t ed t h ev a y o r ofl e w Y oei r kt p " . a Fl ba t o o i 5 t - , ad t . î ee . I, a i e t e d th v e O. " " Bp% , a is t e e Isîtci R U î.Tii. GON1ISItsTtt. .1 ect' IlIs a,- ete 'titreIîIe-at it- Taghes om rent h Nheper Yack tt sea s e@i t d.kchl tacd ad o e "Drilg Rid Briteapo -iiso, e- Žllie i'2tlain.tSipa I7.is~asn. «tpsajtti.gn Ilîeîîîs moted,is a ore ptlaip n ie decurnctme ,tsn ttisfo etRIi acus -ila cet ire, adBme fîiit-e.y Track Rout; elsitie I saîs' liîîîestanding an agl n acar a oar nt -Tbes h catidta ve beta Peter," Tise soie tapie ut conversea t mbave as a PhneThe Double TakRue JIeernergsnay aa titsia, -thiave serne aRlI De Sais Pasttieely. l"ides lt, tise trot hit boutrsens theemysierlouos"Ielai Ph ne 1 9.trneee a cii io- tj(okît.I t h. e t tiscross-ratais tesîgt isi -il pu" He opeaed listsill iigbt reughbies isti at e ti abgeat ltiteîitytag ofet htIrrei te ie tdgers. 311r. sel'd*. W t Ille i Pll ntgtasses, Every toider uai dresv lat iltneatliycreaseti aideo a'ue ,wt uhrf ette Y mONTREAI. Iti li i bit"l-îh'ts odtd tatePautl, seet af pap "lier. tandift.Peuse, anal I Ren .e-lsnkesetalts es. tra osbeettcem aitai ie tynoethîe "a DEtitOli ~ ~ ~ î I. s it lt. Mi eith a soiebaais. note tise date, tiese tgonlte, uhe o loR tsal unsîd o sYnket iateslorgesibei addtttae h l JW . SM ITH1 DETrROIT Istîol siiiieto Iii'ilite. Paul e-note -Bp gati.Bannies, lise pot thitchea! A croereandîl hettifttmpotizurss"S ii , îsciciai seul et tise Newe Yorikpoice de- searan isa s eega nddcd ta tht mystecy. htr n ad b ips.nytise sattl.' ce- qnintiy, s. I.~i"e St cIk )'~. <~ Lad t Ititlti j I h, Ic risdlooiktagsist partint, andaisalthe rtise let Intercot- N oe-athe deilila sile andi e-lentnrlictos tsthuit d ero ppîdtati ra ot Il cHIC G i thmg sivrprînt patte inlatise luween as berrne oetliser?"Bnes be e-r ntseev IS "y d 4.aeaeie D .S tCockrices titengt. i ee îîîthi polîad 001 t t issuai coruer. î îiînis yea e-tii ____y Deaierclle _________Ca, Sis tu-ui 'îlot Ped outar e-n fgetsaIidncornd Itihcs.eas. tlrnltcaant oustil tise anitieles gave tise 'YOU Mu Dealeria l- " lllIdgn wl ge htf aago ieeso e CHAPTER VI. teerd. ose stoul avt isseaogis.ta trIeai ai rlein ares ait niglîttîsel iil, tr l th, I ftît e (anie back asai Enei yesr I tais-stliseprscautie etf' ieurthlis ar's Inîdignatlarntsaions, hoest au I LTO N Parier Car 'ta principal Dat'Ti iiI' k ttihalln ttej eofrevolerst Intbit iaving tapslf criifleaisy ils polie Charity BeglnehFat Frs.m Home, and! ihat lhaantilbis party veenta apasi- truste, t Nolile-tees.YARDS su t et inmtion fro", Iut eirob lda Tel Cii Iktece fratee- departis.ent n obe fr e e venisitlng ntrsi tI Wida Flai. ie ta ep ttela hypent. Stfî-v 'irunk Tichet Agent ts rC L 1 t ri. ' I llka -iettalyIty t mitigt he tis i eo te. no adperhesps unfrienaiîyI P. . 311LON NDMn. Busiscmati eat farineu s es hiol eni have keuca dîfficaît taetIlagttlO1I hahhi il. IILOPI500 uiiNtt i i sg. Dtsi. i tsssetger IiI-t- îtî1 an1 îîd r'tontiing thcm sih cernrnsatiea." arasae et eesa adcocor an tbe mersntint ise st-s net aeîaalip olnaa u i9 i ________ro-u-I ate, fi, 11 u etiidtes Joout ns Ie-as ahbot "Tes," salailie seriff dshtaasip; ater tise doublte merder. haviRete t rnney Instead et kelngag sboieyiy eau J. A BELL. Agent, M, e il. i:ttu lo i ituthu se-lt e-as a I"baitbate de kowItbae lnaI a trgerrp ue a top throgb sil et tise commno-pesaîtees.a ot È IeLpcBa 17 titis alte s ui cl i. ,and gettti "Tas don'l ns-, of crste. But 1s1teonHe borned ti over tise pince, B I annes mentis n it "hfo _____________au Liluth tetanduo uareaI-Bees ueeok rase ilisaldn't be a forgsrp and ad I cast atttns tattlag igisl a~nd o-Iohls for saneeUrne, A aigitle Ws'i up huicgisses oa n. lite Seeîstrd t arn aubjecteli ta uhe Isdignty et ni- leftsons Ietigeutltip and lise Inuoentt eos. Sut detlre-liperltit. sarIcnises i st9Ry anp R N E R it e l tI i td cieliut canps.an.recal or even dtestion, Yusoulit have îwithkout distînelles, g e et "tet peup mptit--Six PSllC C. R. T U i'iiei 1 groiltihe isetasses asnd looeaha snaty limesdttentisg peurselfIt I tient sec Ituo yssnaeit u aetpeiM.Nelnt' ie t SX iC . u itie.ee Tse' ele seare ivil s.uit for damages., I suait reranta sieep ikcosghIsfu," tiarnen breke la ltîqueîeee. Age Fs iet-ul Direcia r îe i uuLexit eid, peitung s.nd ges- iseteas euy gen SI bùl ety fte les " ma s tahave taai nas ettp t ent «HaveyuS obe ctiola. Rush ti s.IEnblmril utlteg, and ttng tacs aabeut e-iuie pur oseof a ig peu In geîîîng tOý consciencer. M RiseroftIlRutS' JY and ____ e p1 catt: ta nalmote etorouaspersonat socs- lue gloSseI thlis eaof thtis nfaî.II uelany conseience nai.asir," le acrîgor snpiate- lin omaringyuow PIvte ei. <taesPîtcîuttîcig -Abot sixt eci. Yao sayl" saiti1 Standing on Jim Coniepitfrtr sosred use star, '.I hartianu noaaut]y mlitta e a eseti.ening tOr-1 A etfrD l' uea eg l ier g Iatptteteateti. pareil a lli ttlealer sonries,Cames fuIt totanei, tts s9eisaltewnutise tan tIfruns"Mr. B pUOH S6:1. h BtL zi Il as o ea rier a ir, w shesSanaI e l is ulowlng tiecîratian: s -Wtd ýh MI1 glu -itsa io thetoe, a ise ta dBt heSet eils me. Iuniseesti nos.I, air. t a m metoniouilhveh "r T wis s gtB kte a h ou seiat I ctstilie e r. 'Evertusng goecete sotis- at tilese, neyer tyn gisa egasIiv ai r. ann n oliiaeisr Ezco abot II I'd eei ut i ta men onre ap iere teeruseetfteso tes- A muse-bs canoat gevera is heanitlty a pis de tir, tahet outltirnui Bacon e- A. E McCUTCEON tue tutt e hep teere Gertraaa aptes, sons.'hep wee-se rtier tryis.g tue pro' eppeille aught ta drfy u, ut soltit îtdlItbeai,1ierttt i hireal mu utE c U C EO pte oes ishutti etfmtscilet ienugthles vent ar luta ncln crcime. Tiselaiter IR - cse." ali e rtueo lie ut jusigrnea- FA I ,s~ TE Cul adtonlborder. Tuesnabou huit an Mny ielet Tkey oece trs.ld etfsac. i1 Ilgalber fr00 liist remroiltisaI pOus isrt eteu.l sîtipnl iet W n ire~~~~, ~~ ng Raolo. hl"o. epeauuItneyuas restuethr etatie ?hyRecas tisy bettevei I we-lteud brekfsttlthL ritnetug."- mIidieIttg nr eJuit ete rnets 350u juga at f eiesetramangi;teerndstiktltpta spi l Iseur "Breaifsta, nsir? IaGot'simmure. ocestdeaett sbtaer-enai ad Deîortto aln s stoiate S dient s eta stettoneratiou garne. Gentleenatise tettoos. ersimpora pos ntat us metauoanytblsg a srt of atuachienite-ui By buyiîîg the White Sewig .hJoiswns u eist es pat e I leste ere tise "A illune ai Ihalis. yu re eîdurtng Finee anepies ntWatt Pae to SEtec mth Jeo-thei.Tpa. rpion et cebiisg tise se tiîogsu'uiog aos trortiprune nad ltieas." .ai tse .tBarA eri M&C6ie yo areendosingfrote1 aiEs eonIt 5 Il0t ie tey place pou cuit Green. Paey." lacenuat n lmes Die til. Bpmisai et Inquisttion, peu nilgitsi une-tisui'cp Ba Caa ir rd cs andillt I I etheat. il atFtnonduiti ise-cltei.e Canadis. prouslTrnes uttetall, M Nf i e-etutuSig.bemetito,""Whas's tisit? cs.mesanrire. mellis - -' --- - eashaelm.înifaas-e-bn ablup.t wtea î tutti are putting iltO ve)utBansies. tetaiop litîîbandtar sience. eoîce traib e eiutitîs of ute ccooti,,. - " ýcnouprimn os hi i"ae bonne the beat iee-isg %la-h -îtistve o isald ialey astre.eeIlf otaneiiame. Nlenitaua? Wu. tt b ssrnt 0l e rrta dnyis Chine Morley tan buy. y"Li ote he enli 15 a 10e- etce, A rn a r ne kes-nylHe as a t iOr sile-isatel heeiper. Ntsctp-sessual- ii -esfor.et" As bref ylispessîie lise- ooikng troue e it ltîîtrv uca aî eaie. Pe t ~piNsidtrop, lai Whie rI.aor atsntuae uîssti is ajertace sslis tis uwas. apparent îsîth bt drsisn-aluaunt le soblectesime e- a-" etva inlue tielaet l-e-siich D IDR ad CNRCO uraepue eenn a te crase s'aste., "hI anme 15 ODoe-ti.anti I uramIe:t 'iat bal ta uai" al td. S' Ibo eds etitherFrontRame.eeosîy retiveai. ehe-teCee-OSIl inue, e aet ierris. er n l ierietslgS sa guest etfhMr. Csrttu nt Green Pancy. -ertp auckigisg ls Tiacisecapalauit. îtit usaeteegesice n RP .c o ine tedtisstrngeiy ithe piae h Ioyn tis îîhepmeanai ag rob trrteai tare a leveatuneti openthlieliams fsaist gatherer. e r<T-ýný Wisc t ctIrai edGreen 1Pone2y. -11 tînhe mt ataIlis pne rplaceto"allen ta sPut ibe- s5e ai CASH O CREDIT Ar.- t farte s.Cissinerlut tin eethspennay tait rey ihave ieen Ia"ngf Wel,. beganu arata aryp, lit 'ptrpostiolir 'tarnlpepueaias sl'.tr R.SHTOU R EDR eeaeouaaaSTREP. 5iLOOnosid iere aln rthe i lsarrivai t-ta i Ofee S tis bîiisorlaceaIRtitheOn oeasa igta at Iam utîisumaand %vilBoli-isoregpRn C____R____TURNER$_____ %;,,Suuitcering analtisey outlesirnete1iheur raissnt hMpRanme la Rames. Oau sfcsti,"ad eCliyorpesn opte nitl - niur, Phone 6 -insure jouris 'mob e p ht b as eeraiulGre it es. ancyy -- IN -ne eas sttitexcusai, lits active ltion on my part.',antisé t eei kur n bis air ,Aos y ten uThe PROVIDENT siiltis ns comeetonatuts f "Rtel alIs sh" tierntsaienion.ot hievest. Be tIieptapeai10 nu ot i.itruefo e ASSRA CE d iions ls ieand t s ae pr we- "Bs ne renatuplae.e-Sont nia ues Itt e r aifete rptfoudnaii of-i at tor au pie. Headi Office. Montrent, Que. 1 iluîsat ursu e.co n tis e one woleansweteai, Wlb Lard lave ypou . thete 1bot a calcatatians. Ne iostisuter sot a lottue ai' 'I'..elie p lcie na iou e le S t et t IGrees Paaey e-sa caultiseooat Swiftsearchîing luekitt e Ctre-eta-be nier his "epeIv P[reSdsn a hiset Ifd sa e h is IauMrecDlu 1r cIres.elsrs Paît t ci nt erlastses Olre, rxpteias ener et us or t lute 'suse vîistorseuE.er anc. 'ab o tIr.e ion, transport andt heft aise emptey- ihate cerne duses rant tht latuo i Solo, ias n tuent nI Green Funtp. tHe cl nbrthck.rtatt (..iftSsok fwt ods tle milI îthIisîirhieur me eut in upsîîîng 'Merevet. I sietlise happy ta ini- pII- G f ers' ailtpablie liabiitly anti pro- uiittec lekotot eti.i uiehi 'ctae ie rnstMtlieten anfi-he isia per hity mg. h setuaocoupie out eni dry ietate pestet- poA seordmay. ra esaiaf creaîus eaver ou tfteannutsente -set Surgg rIIP Aismag gete. OIIday. Tie er otfop hre A t5bis Oaai mloI Hppatis thi 4 lenTaYt cr I pasasetuaitoe uOI tryi WM. ANTN. gee, aisna" opti ra tmngof ~pals ms enît s stguinrtp scîoîaste III__ nî,Batns tseiaias lue adaiedtias ttir It Lih it face. Quit at t t e uuprpaesi n not te-a e-rasan. Tn w -ers uiecp torrîgneru?" lqIe usait ar eaian,- ou c. anes"ExtrreIY kliatofetnpo.Mtp deux Egut ix T. - R MS"Bt.l...Curts' elasfeur,th lulefuuBesa" saidtihîesacter. ruanîitg ':ruI-wiss "lI an utOlcr -f Yets s-sni t t su i riehean a n asSIdi t. ise i ng necutreti lest - la e laet gru stfyîi. "Tour teau t a ,o 'L a st !T.G R M HA Rm. Vasll s.IA.till r aeiguer, J'il lave lu rap ans oft uiern - vthisaosue." staihe, vîs.istlg îeglby eatx"e-tal ie u Vatuatians prom hl Etp ded e-s B ltiabeautîfui Irogue, -Treaite."Grecs. Fnnry le au leasI n e s:ý domelstwOwhgrttoYidgtIyoursirl bfrae mita- ctieesaun Sateisacionetgune nibere-ne an ssIrirss i'm utr. 'Tes Writusscesai. î1tiap lhcprade paat ilere e-a is cas- ta lle 05 I? os tthacet "Bdad" aid O'Dnrnd, "ut Benaehe BpIliim utioepue re i PHONWE 10e MILTON. pe ftweookngwmen. 1I wae .cplanning la rtsie out" Deslil."- - Da odRings FosS -îstaera u pthîe roaai laGrecsn " I irit [linoabit eut af teasen." - "otenaout lutteicnm ii a ~a-,FÉ .ss'o* nE TDl ll - mlld saiiRmas. "Tise secoud ainuscoulaijuin meuittwe-ts-eokty?'Wi e 5taLt5Oings .5Otf MlTIc arrivaiofourntor ivermen, Woe aebe-hasînt tep- sonn es hos. -in TilaCo quari suente Ri th. la s .u attende Ihll ii-deealytdlavejinesta .. ad ra bathecoroerIn I ,Ur. alunesmt hi tr.Raisattrlong.lii il OOe is.fttne omt Svr filus epuy eo r ggrtiannay fussupets"Tnlv-Sum m itd ensa Suitcase Parasols itoolaoe.ea lt iecrnrtlg e Rre-aatsa og"ITe-ie-ClintP imeati pleaF' I Waterman's Ideal Fresb, Sait and oke euis leuif a e-t t heiso gmup. ,"ToIlifinal tiet it resoilea it l eoiagîte o es gra hei an olrin seasoni. Mr. Jones causai eut fronlie aiesr- Jt rbem oprlhi.tnt ourtaugrd.utaie tR bacetise R T PeUS. e-ny l"Mt. Barres, peure eanIsad intli, ald robe-B tt oisîagî. otng o~feuistar.Ilit u15ueenlst ther. 1le." s.atit [lIe ala rkl forImt e i astla go aisout la tise guea oie tiers." t...AREn.sr ItaIeANmD e-oraIfat I_. saars. tMr. tus.brott.Z salai Rarues. A4 .LL "Ail lght, he rsPondd ITh,ýe ere i Ci h taise- interna-..$bals moci tacu splendid forata. 1S Th ltrhl êawrkn v el r teeim > -Tiereli i sentIlt inabv .prpal (its That Last. PHONE 143 BOUSE 162 Tstoti slba eantg oIer wes.iil2 'e suri'tae au a'- ruItateropton î casse tmae the-MANUFACTULE, thse protrtate faem aitnIls. table.As WEiit vi h sure na l'aon. I liret ama se h - Rames sunte e te om, la lookei'tln51iisl eert seuiti gannaîhng Mise TSark Wmtthuàkers aiàii' "" Club ~ ~ ~ ~ TSI.aelared fr.at Re n" alaiaed-lsmWhis.tn. ime Wa i thenot you hFearraiv rt'tfeeligs."il EO ETW FOR i.& A. MARCHAND u bing "l.$g«r, a-,-y tier telloI l" beameai FOsi Jones., lindlatis thbe tali trs.veler e-Ii t tre irnetsC. - , tut cot it. nalatise otherasband. 'Oas. 1 abiesa&Jeweler aae - shortjerk o, lis tutb. - *'Lortd lave psu," itIed7,De-d, "-,fe..gl.é5t tenaids Iin o sabout IB rs Ràit ç-.«g!2> "lais gtrh1e s.erifre ofite" Ri d't s aslund. Itit. Curtis., e-la0gli; HieBis.ii, at fir4t algistbut.GE0R F,1r- bbud tseda. soiu lsa th lee-tanOI v.ýwà, Po our le, 1 sever dreamed toit lit oeaG OR.t'I Pnie-QialiThevt.lb ms lt of grldéIdty-a ei hvr 1hesutansnent' -,t . e act..Iy bnpeuesl. Count on ime!Sb »noss» N um 81C 194 >Ragint- isrulas bees srdetail 10 E suaitdbati 4005 thea out to a se- bat -ail lthe ra6$et enatosita-houleve thse stage, lte aiea talitTA5PSt5SE511 11st< Mh,:tiibo. Te iiaOubleinBiset 1894. e-îNomorntth t 1: TShneu 3rerah uratf - . - TorOnto Daily Gloeo85.00 86-3 . abl" Iaipuaec 1baia s- aaleibis.li eia.ipe esai ]Y. Ster atsfiia t-î jsua ers u ne __________________6:3"5__1_fi -d -iluof aEntaCe-bsnIo Ini tetlil.hHme,1 CATR ~ OR -IMal and - 5.00 6.35 vritot ush tapira. --- 5.00 6.35 ifa te? -liae-was. girtienI:tu bere elc-slsitte-bois m-.,'30llDg S'l iseebise.i 'dE sa.-5.0 il. it buels u nPU e-IniIii-ndLrI un,-.i trot tuinn 30las'Fe Montrea1 Fano. HoIad au Saur agi oY su. l IaitSrI d ps.1p1 anes liod, etppdbr nj2.00 3.85 "WIat'5 'sur .bnàb5ffs>top héier.t i* - e, - itDcuntnc n'qta andWuky BlbiarRnùg outhtie prd8 tbh-tlealsiiita nqul cals abave t hoe " ' tcopalie Bacon and il npI1I IB~stIend tOISroIn <. N* ls.IiOaetbt u 9ilnnaifgiApoI -O JIINT ç i* I $l l, do UelW.p1te 4toIaskoutV 'a e" At tWe-e-thintaW Sharp Barnies <aise So1 2, a;LU;W WfONTctilva ran bs ...... ~umýWen't ' #Jîîe n4 uhefipd ot O tely .Rsh. lend MISee-0 e0îvàJIn ï;w bbc*eI" t"iR L ' te e c -~ i14 cIl aiti Yeu.hC tite lanagen and disc-, sels ovne, t1Cii i upu!'ý-- iss'u. i os raaeîu. lni i'catcu -ln 1-t- gauclainibell.-i eanicti be il, etei moatt ei, i cbttd, Clh l il Mt in i 'Ur e Iftutî- Ins sTue u i. -i.l f. 1My feef -t . meel of iii- F ira tue e . la tiglut t t h-r-" t. sucle, t i n t u ad dr.C I tic elu S t be n kN- -h -C: thte li'iC' -i' Sth'd t,-2 i t - -1e iso gef,u,-- t- - p th,'ci I of thtti, -- e 's. ,at.u i- i ' offer tio i i u i t i Taîschîm i i, :l tbas - - - t Positionu usi rit te Salk te b 0,.e' ih,~ t5ard Kt l i- ' a ccli -e r able., wa tIn tuil i omio t ,ic ne lu*ýI, gue mi- e- h i 1 ttuti n-o r dytes pluit- me goins ti Il iC lu I'EATE! S Tr MRON 3y Co., Lt. îity ýpiPR1I E C'EAF L RO FTHE THI >~ITis. F NXtSi Ataiti t- i i oesArm.ants ohO .lt.ry, Il hAptIl. dl i. ls.îy.uit. ii,.-, )AT Tasteletae alFa Pat a ir[,MILTON. ____ IWILTON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1. 1921. m r}eumaiisme cIr- t ri - ni! [cP-1i Coc! Livet s contained in .ieoing theuma erly f Wed. ror ledl its firt Iion at OnCe- YOU NEED. ý VOLCYB ý'

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