Staple Footwear , cti tote ." rnitcid ýl..i W. . Clishît rid .l a a" jewsClathing and Furnithing Stoe o n rua 7 "Cr-Ï.i 'ý2Jb CAPS CAPS 1 -- afloeeSat Brc te Worètils i nav lue MitonLOIý2w8, lmeets in I 'the ' Flithers'ît. of Toronto. ivaz 't oed tnd~Vreedc,.10.Fhu ç. hOia onlut Monday (leahri 0'fvCii3esttday on husineëi and 1 fri'tli onth. MCxt meeting lDer. \'î.îî lot 1111Y ltif eneds Wokstits mok adOvrll ng breibren welceme. ac'd isit. E. Saunders. Horn by, Wort. ~iîrtsSmocks nd Ovealla Ped Dewar and P L ivethre engagement cf tireur .,trapoko atauofnct. '.t.ingat i twche. il'I.'.to A. K. Pcrdy, 'tut el jtloke fat a ..egîcol &c d lil tetî.nIil1 'aiitîecîîî IdicitToronto. Themar- Filer, the Lberal can cut.." f2ht' agi' tfitek.'piare t'ery qtiely flic Mc'.s. îtîlte tofD'enbr Deiwara»Ksagainî on Mndait, en. Dcnb. N ECKW'HAR I ing nt RIckwîcod in ioppîîrt.Sc. o a , )IroSALE-2 tadieand 1yitcng Ctcher LieraI candidate,'t, tît IIty gout Apply (;'o.HotîBi KtîtetfTii c iri vari'îtic ooiîngo, tlo Wellin'gto. avitlfle., phloe 4I-,29 Boaothlie.2 t ti i lt H iBAZAAR-tiîac. CII' hIt fil, î,i lietr .Gotdchrolimlî to do rein' tI tTitttlî iIPATM~ ctcicciiiirerfc. Auxiiar will old theraticl an n cr. afr.ndincen'.g: fi( w :111- - at * Vollr sPrvi(xý. UnesoBaéuar inthei,,r h tlr ,, rc, o, lofraeiat nd i picswit lý,t tîlîni )ilogo andit iel' Thureday. Dec, iOfhi. Sce pbstcc,. ol 00y hid cf hcîî.ework at spental CHraCOThe t, Su,, titer pires. Satisfaction guaran feed. Noux notnTh ttje fit Refeeti. sPhone 216. day nîrting mllIleiA."Fatiters oli pI.'aody's ,111l Crhart's Overails and Smockas f hildrec cf the People cf T,,I.N aucît tor A..Ligtio Ocytînder 'lctcî.î i nth...e.ig .'îî . touit ig a,. ,roi.cord ttires, oew top, v o ît--ito. Pepe', tPlens îte, the tl.igiîng.d cetn'. îtai. ait free d wegive yîoa iîcoîiî lot,, AIuî cî'e.Mi Ei- R .B W *talionto i'î 'rlip xiit 1. I'rttî îat c epe liap P H 0N F MILTON 'Tie, Ladie' Aid Pircitv,,f i tt. ' ci,t'Ifilecîtie cf the High ('Il îir' ii-e t iti "l ce oti f.... t tisclx. 'tli'tî.d If l:ocnc. given baig sdfteraon teniltil.' t'iti tiiiitileiictiitv rcitalt ilslastt ________-ri___aturday afternoiî, 2 'iii i 1i.Ste i. , Vinipal of Acton l tl.te.-(iî M tiubeo ., SendtiN.Our Phoiograph tlu our av' it liends ihcm Xmas, and please bave HOW ABO T' OUR BOO ? g.kolArt ah hi a-n9011-cra3Sud. kn B UT Y U OO a cir. n :wt . coidii tacs.liSgrIt StuIl t hethardiecof alare o1.. oktii t((il. TYvti'.nt.The Cccnt yCouîrt itii c i re bras. pttii'îît.rot tît-neral .iSIiiî îtie tfr ie.ti e îigh. D.gglng ilre vente.. Z ottlt i tî l .tt tit ï itTop en *oa. ihrricig.Diggainreeca tl _, s ti lI 1ii.tltti .1 '..iet'.' ccc n uesay if îngil in a i Eii ti iiiiictir, teo thl aes A w vprnuunyshelandîrI. Titi I.,,. 1w is, oniecry and the ot pr"~ uërnin La ies, id S cletv litIII ol i. it uc u <'i m li ic)ga d uy A -Ntocroi lndcAid Sîrit% cck.Ti, ,t irnît mna aý thît. n tîitîvi-coary scrvires , vt,il i i. tii. t.' ii.. .hcppicg tout coggeut 'Iigî. \Ve hil,vtheLii'giois ft licir, itit The pastor nttte.iiiilit'th,. gitilidgietii. Cliicn adir.'ccii iiftertii-osrvi i cie n d 1.Il.licB iti'et t Iitru(iti. I..' a it J. & A. i iitg t ~ttI ntpe crtltll' tr %ilii apeak in tbre eveaîîug SrbtMittt Ontncdny e..enicg. lu.,5, a îa i)r -nile uic ii of ifMilion Of thir'g.î 'of roofiill i' iiucas i'î't 'hldhiîtiiîi îîî iiitili, cîc.cgtoatccit n, fenrii trcsr ingfeelting. Itil lu' i a t"îîîîter pieas.. e nîc u rt Hep. files aie tiy aictica cf tiue k iîîcîtîfîtii i i;arcg. 82t0igcaptiîqit. A piictiiiiie vil c îiiiiîdid hrlocal taltandc V M, .t'Cochiriatne di'd huit night flctaîtieb rnicipattc a fulli thou-"c, I iti it on ti cocrt Street. ibe FEverlastic tR oofing aliot e1' elfrsva yr, l "T ('. foi, lebal' , ire tht' I C t I btti lîi tt iie o nt î talf o eriet 1'..ich toithank altiri'î......g, p -1 ,IIt iriîci afew daystige. Sheewtnt t e îi5and th c hildrentuakn iit uti , iii-tilI-r of (.rac and aleader in *'tidei'ela"aad the pgcî.iitt, leitifh Vuiîei'sAtifinry. tir tirtia.'e.(i'gttilA.iate tIheton 'le c.itciîtlîelathiîcîieoiy nourned and her sices hy udeo t.Thii'tirt'lar.,t,]oîutfamille 'hâve thre sym. vere thcroaghty appreciedii, îtîîîîl)th ifiulîîgrec? îîviatnfrietîds. i., 1.rir lnsitî'riu are gr- te puliceeic urthIiiiiiýtrive, Js oi,,Foct HOtIDAT Girs'.The1 il îi .'peiialy d ne to . usel Iitl, i.'.i .oitiîtofxwhite and lien L ilr\ the Siate tiplil llîxhtirne ccd I". , Hi iM. 'tti'tiiicanti eînroidered gocd@ iv. toii iheirece ll'tent tork iilit tti iie tran hve i d .d-'ilîeruan' Studio. in.z fîîr'cli encellent prc..iit.atiiît w1ul' ' lcc tender cirr toittcot ' LcED-The appealini.'the1 ti.tkst i r. and Mite Iteirar tifi4e i(i NocrmanWilliamsin jail hece la erut assistance, aoi .11 ! nntde enettene')i Ccc iction hy LJA "IT ~ 'UAT"I" oke irs. Mreannei, anti î1,rr 'tlie Mhagsfrale Moore fccrchhing C E ElNT , IIA P WJVP ! htviers aaoaisted i nui ity. ic'Alexnder Leecrame opt, igoode -Mary Bl. DpnveIo, Preidect. lilt,'lTroto. ci Mcnday, hfor Jtiigei Mîrtaren, Hodgino. tatcbfocd. Nliddtet-nancd Ferguîîîîî, G. W. Mcc- n uit TA. Hatihinuicn mnced for aew teint, F. B. Beennan nppeared foi ie Cccxx, The nmticon as n *,0(:" S oresfocd, Meacsra, tMoley' & Hatchinon v îil nw appea t the Mniter of Jus- te Ottawa. On this appeatnex ci. 1- DR G STOR ES tencar c heîublmitted. ie liaive a sptendîd stok cf atl toci Il "deicrt iii Ttrnhîtli "C'.etee' hra it tîd Stanfielde RpidLabel.9 7 aie ci' hanrd cf S. K ,Bew' Crcfhlcg M AKNI 'Store, . iit i pidohl ie lio. Kpty.-Ttie Mitton Athletie As- aoceictimet af the taxa halt ote ____________________ _____________________________Iionday evenîng, principatly taar range fcte iccomiug hockey gacaica, (ugh and CoId Remedies. - Tne n l odr The atfendancee oan large, alicut 72 CuFai onc adBOOd ules and ther.' wac plent>' cf enthvisiaoma, 1e Therv rt le Preiident. Dr. Gowland. mas la Rezal Ceeryand rI,1 tie chair. Te n iew memberé jolned. f t> ce ' Qui i2v Rexaîf il çopho.pit.c John Fcrd was etected Treauurer, ta 1,d unile. Rexaf i D pertiTa replace Jacl Hill, Wbc has leit tcmn. 25.Rexaît 'mit Ire IDe. ocwland and W. 1. LL o ere ire- BinudonI e P215c. reteted as meniera aof Lb. hockey conr. r\1:r ofl y, .,60 125 Bad' ion' , 'ptla nittee and Meurs. Jas. W. Blain, J. I.i gli Sil3nu(1 LSfü2 (filafinCitflP i f Meggu and D. S. Robertsonunters ad. cýht ie & Tar 25c& itOu Ion 1f o l.ded Le il ta replace Lb. taLe H. B, Cod 'ivr Ol. Foàti,,D. &F. olule Bands Cpilfle' 'ho cl and Sanley Buck, remcned, tod I er Oil. rooa D & ' oe Bfcdo ('ls e ad lacrease the memberuip feorn Ccc I uerOtIIfeaifSOIi.i>tufour t te.IetLwas decided ta enter 11-Tr an I Cmi fiver 0i. Dr. Pierceo o ollie Nedical D icoet'. an anteruiediate and a juuter 0OH. A. f ý J 'r acf (Ad iver Oîl. RexalifOrleer f,),25,0e nod $SI0G. neare, if the new arena Ia ready fi L ie. If not thers mili hc o n alr eam. Fred Dewar watt appointedl School Supplie$ FRIDAY and SATURDAY Try the Dt'ug Store delegate te the 0. H., A. convention to ,CAN Y SECIAS FretHenry Shernaan'u cier cf phitographu aliavs klec a bigofts Ail the Candy me Put On taiee cgi chece Did yoii ecer stol) ta thinl ,ce . aeltai entcm tt e- tfr(lieêtqdy r rmor eua tcnt uwa niportat of erhaeaien coos ac. t Pibir 1 i ae Ddbogh fr sit prpse. otintiutonan iiapcStoreitf ' aaauLhorfned te raille moue>' fer a an 19 1 1 coidmgia1 bobffracPircci ut nttLinaruscg eitertninmeut. Forn Ifrfer", oolitibc, AnrtNoteri.60' lt ad tht, ing, "Try thdDig lal>'at Hephiinu Garage, 4~ iuuivrrk Boula Sole dern. Satirday. 21c.5e, sui d 13eStar.' irat" and nao'e Bdookn, etc. rdATCH OUR 'W INDO W' tinie. TOILET REQUISITES FARM SUPPLIES ilteif Comhînilion C(reoni l'tire Sltpetre Horie andCiltle Salis ..i.f Diappearing Face Creaci Ori of l'ai Crude Carb)olie Aciil keris Non-Greasy Face CreainStclpikliîîePo. Getian mitt's Crenm c Witch Hazel ficieed Meai Zenofeune t acd ilac'Tofiet W'ter Condition Powders Feu'g Stock Rtemedino ', Vaniali Creamn. Mary Garden lnsect Poieder Hellebore 0- iury's, Aime Zada, POnPeafîî. Save.the.Hlorse Liniment, Slht fIo 1 totoderg in white tnd flesh, Absorbi ne for Houas.11, îht fto -,u iiiOShampoo. Spavi cCures, Blisters, Soneaf Bf isters. Newspapeps, Etc. STATIONEIRY Fountain Pens il îirniog and We bavesacoeerniottock cf Writing The Swan Fouitain Pen, i prHarniitoia Pape ansd Euvileooin ath IL' .ieîîe male in Canlada, gien ah' 'ii ir a. uda>' aahpsanad textu.i'n Writlotc Pads. aitt notte aatisfactiqn. faly t i Str Wekh. ais. ,fromb ni WCa « eCIL .Caling Carde guaranteed. Cerne lnanad miur. t litg& ne I for ladies and gentlemen. TaIl>' cardu. lt ebe ynLem cet t .! Su CioCrrnq5Odem Cae.. Legial Bas, Froni 81.25 ta $5.004We t lit pper. Seiug wa, lk, lr Stands. et..' ear Futi en vicTROLAS Smokeffa' supplies il ~~~ lielaya arg ys4e v ie' Cigare and Cigarettes. Ail Lbh epPular tIti s a dlargoneonsoistb*sf bande. Ail tho mdll knoemu mkeae fpackage I u e*1.0 p,8ia mantnVoices' Thm c. TobeCCin f and1hLi, os 1,mî lidcednnof Hagard' t, è*ioc4 u1 i 1PPe$ frotm k u JNO. Kq M âACwKENZII3 PHONE 40 étHIRÉXAL4. STrOIRE . I. .O Manna sa fnund nom ln île reglonu nf eppiee Menopotamîn and Kurdistan and lnenthtie Perslan froaller, If follesayn an offIciai ln Jerunaieni. le tisc fin of dem drîng Saptefonier. Octîher. aid Novcniher. and Icdgen nom tise leaves of îaî trees. It Immnedlafely hlardienand assumieo Lise fin iof a grain. Eariy lu tise niorning ieforc Li.eliat cf tise day It la gafisered hy uproadîngs sieeto isneaf h tise tnes, micl are saiaen, and tisenianua lu isenliected and toeed for mîinte h e nsed as a f cd or snipod Le Bagdad for sqle ln tiseisaar. Tise monta ai t& on iotr negetatlen. Includlnt grain, lbnt ait ofifIf lenot excepftishaI micl sa gafissred frima the eaX leavea. Tise nanna la umeet and la saten b>' tise nattves as a aubsftta for suts, 'or lioacy. Loe in 10MId-Aar. Tise trait recerded ninerlaga Pro- peoailun itd-alr vas aaouncid r' ceuti>'. Marrsies la tise Clouda baVe t.-. coe.saa sMOUruf aitia l a ton ag.,and thor vuamnraCia csetn OcautIsWhisas. wmddta Dt rt'of [vaina vantut p lu &aradley'Paa nachina a and lime toarMMOY Cuaý iuotod at saimht of ISnWStait. 'r WiùilaSsle 1asalralaaà aI hait tibb bigimt. Oora fsnir. hsa,4 u a pdttO rst5it et .mmt osu ta gss ~îfo" creams ~a s ot bic red._uAm-:, BAKER and CONFECTIONER MAIN STREEl', . .ILriN' "Whsmlsr's Bread is Cood Bread", Choice Pastry of AIl Kinds Speciai Ot'ders Taken for, Christmas Cakes Cresas Cakesand Pufts ou Saturday QUAI.ITY uANDiSERVIlE, *ois f *- -3 e 43:srb - m that willwear and at Lowest Prices l'or every meinber of the famiiy ILJUMES' SH-OE STORE q Grey Al woof Bfanketo per lb......................... .. ..... ,t tr MAIL CONTRACTý "X A OD ,39ALED TENDEiO. ddre-md ti 1h* pooat .in o n uuron Iiienyt erinni ao ui -,is hy fse sil, evietl5 1 ria21.ifor th. ..-dmiccý. \Ne ire pe rni. a ery en . si dix toe re pie mO aiOnnees it n est ~l restfdne't ueek. XMAS IROCERIES- Ntic ('uititi stia Raisfin., C' rn'tusto tecif.0.rtoasienformaDates, Figs, Prunes, etc . lit rcash "ilt frices. ion .8 t cindttitmierccicudcnaitret moe o ohtilned ni the Prit Offices ef Milton W«,i y Toono Nv 6h.1 1 PHONE 9 SANDERSONS MLOf roa ffe ii pne tre Ofi, - Deneral__5OSSIODS WrTssc mii. OPnnaJ.r- 3,d!_ ______ Ccî,ovrr HAoTOo Tl' T V'SATURDAY TREAT' guuc.uVitothflic('oîi tif (ici aeia aaS.em- isof rfthe Pence and taWtele l'rcc i sui».. icnici nuci es d- .uodutr 'l t'urfrfthecsaidi'itniioenauWetntfrnh..-mite COU NTY OF MAL'TON WJ.ELL.ITT. Ptni. ncro Ey wicitlie heldin theCo'rurt Hotce , s big Sattîtîif t un in the tL Town of Milton j f'sButou" 'ai tbe Princeon thi, uember, tut!Iï Friday and Satnîday. ,. -r- IOUNTAIN BROS.topen fuir Lon the fonrtfr:ii, TUESDAY, DEC. 13, 192 vrtenccgcnucnt, liavistiiiani eiia a t it tipen ipat, i i ilt ontic athe hoir of One 'irltt i, a,oiioclmte. 1i"i1ctleti tohic l itJntires cf te Pence, (Cer- tphone 3i4 ci3i tic cvic, i i ie If Il. f ocere. ' 2 tahtec, Ciiiiern, atnd anil1, ofttuliuuni,îv, utlurcelîucerned are reqepiei t fiir takl lrice, and attend. te udo and SPECIAL OPTICAL OIiiEl. reor oiu 1erfcrnuîa It dutticu ohieh opperteint Higli grade gîî ille(O pcî t a'ipteriit 'arndr i tîtetit S ESE, Eegas .vihhstlspcri nui ' S. WEHSTECo. Iato Lenen fuir nti$3.5c.tave' it 'SPECIAL No. 1 SheriO li, Hat oît clee liftes ut lwtite prîte... Extaiin S Sheifi sOffice., tion tirer hy Mc, llîug)itîoîu. îw i t tocn- l 1.1tut1tI, tf'i iiuscoicmeaîade Bjttamnri Il. Milton, N.Nc', 21. 1 tty-llne yeaci eeperiecu'coand foriicei'i tîtîi ittt.ttg-9rcttte.u (,isyuiREeg. B0lis S,%Tt'RD05' __________ ___________optical expertfofrc Ient'. jeweiery e PCA o atore, Torcîtc, c.. %daqo rutt. lited- PCA No2 CRrDIT iteada>'anti1lhuicoday. Devte. ti tlu( land Oth. Cciie ecrly. IL L ,,IvSerf- it'-r ot itt.takCtcone'-s li iot. erc', Sftdio i'lMtto. 4, 't tt ttt'm îre .c hoe.colats@ --- e N set uts. A uction Sale'rfn SPECIAL No. 8 0FAuction Sale Register. Di tie aryCw SATURI)AY SPECIAI. - -'iiesday, Nov., filAutiosalc f >_ Theudeesigned hnnceeiVcrt iu.unîce.chticcdairy eoxo. t ir(Iitil tY JflSPECIAL No. 4 tions froto GEO. NUTT, t neitl' I)Gectge lKing Pt'tile, Saieti 1da 12d pablie nîclio cf ucccel, J, 16, Aidersutt itîîtneer. atiti oft'.. ne m aySnin set c FAIIMERS' CLUB SHED, MILTON Tliei-day. Dec. I-Auctotusaeroifjis( aîiý tîtOA' 41 'farci stockland l iniecnta. cth.'pr.r~IUD24 On Saturday, Dec. 3, 192 ýçertyiof Harold 0i. B'oneît.lut S. coit at 2 p.nîi.. the folloxucg t 36,Aieut.Aîtîce H. M R H A 10 frenli Coi-i and Opritigeri, Credif Atîction Batleof one tarco 10Cos (uei Nar ndApi, f oehndo Mlkr ad pinern, BAMPTON GEORGETOWN 141LTON AC1 if2-ycnr'efd Ifeilers, theltoctlii icar cf R. J Aiiotroligo ___________________________'5 il Ycaeîicge utiher ctîcp, Miltou.n u, 'itch, ua fYuerifo ou ynÇ eh ,ti Aiutiiecr. Ailwtrf_________________________________ 1regi.tered.Hoduefi.nfenhut5 ' i otan peoprieter. 50nicnih"credifl ahegisees, det rs non appecaed jcict noutes,.(t pet, cnt, about 2weeks.per annuini off forcish The 0roprietronir ii ttîay that ________________ thin ailI bth t host ocad of dairy""" TERMS-10 nionths' eredit cn ap- proved foutnactea, Ol per cent. per *** annuni cff for cash, Hophur's :9 T, G, RAMSBAW. Acutioneer. i $500000 VUtawardocdi C eeftu FERFECTIQJO Geo. H. Dawson Phono 28. Milton -$7.00 RE lRANDS HEUL TIIEM WITH ZAM-BUL- F 'OR chopped handa. chîf- blains,.cofl-norca and lrnmrflite. there is co freat- -met co benciinaus Smo.. ing uuiftu Z.tcnBol, Whcts tte cccg2tiiess.irrnination ond reintec- of ittaskileis oIticed hyrckintg acdhtcedicg. dieu and di.'ease gereio xey lnd tiere ay inic thic mx Plna anid cnuse ii.tii,itribO pot ucti or ii.,t.' Suecptp acenta ltuile heehol Zan-ucBk ci the toce parts aitd wonenp c anetuuty Lettitegthe Zam-Buk soaintoche isueos, sootie Ysin xetcucnittugiîolg Pain.andas sures copid hintg mithh ieoiiisy noua i The steihin g aucoes'0 Of Zani Bukis ladue ts taeer-ue bai Orlia. hoaiininone of tise minerai anils Or animnl fats sisaltlonthe bisi icommon salnesand sîntuceata. Prepared eeeta&5'ely feoni icIn isseislmn- ces, Zamn-Bnî tlea noncentrated v laoli icatg, a.niisng,anid auslsoptic efictanny. U. as 4for thse 'pedy hssiing o1 noms, ihuma 'an %asistanad for exffansn bsaaUse Unia ngts or. b %no M'len vour miotor warns you !uprdn anitoyance and unnecessary expense, ron ii but briigl it ini to us. Our prices are rîghr i w'orfc gnarsnteed. Dont cait fors routit breilj;. b uit heed tbe irst warning. Night or day phone 103ý TUCK te W. ke buyîng easy. The goode yona wamt et"' iprices that will at i@fy tyou. W. are always gld to have Yu 10k t ver our etOék. TOLETZKA'S lobaome PxOat.z.i OF %WEEKIY PusBLIaaijfnnia stan-Tise niber day a eoeuenticn efjtbe poubinshers fnnm aeven adja"t nsLcocn- Gas1l fin nieL iL Pa'fneLo La reniai prics, aBd maletstnatelnmere posaibMet for thon. O tof theirecâoteos,01 cbrY late thons liane liensainse edutcLomsJs! lun Lhe prics.oetcertain libdu nf ppo.i bot everytbmug else resains , ~ai~ inaecsa igien lias et an tie durnecae pâ. eryfew rdmatons Io î &Dy lmesprintisg nîrna5yet el haI ta4 for P l it of th.e typeso'~I lb"adsd the 82 ratse i uss t tLe ha e log satialmeLorlm, a m i"w ' i and Billiard aIs liseoritigot i .Id. rWITH FLOWEr- itit1,t,[ ý'ehioyispfîutt- uk Farni tiirctitAiIti lLiiess.i- oui,, plgilcensen ran (c '-n matthe Chamtpioînfitie ýIWsurTot. l'a hi tic t a~ ids noad,Enut îg oisL trciepalriîug ou Mtrkisa&.. ' 54' c xi : ~LLk I i~. 15"The hCI LeCanadis nLoe"- RKTU raaHOMB.-Miiis>ude bout- Loca '~ W Se! M. an Me, Wii. ollrd, f LsseM gu;Lome orna heorn .rth t Lt. News Mr.andMr..Wm.Bullrdof Lw-and uf lst meek Thesparty sunipo,' ille, are nua short viait in ol~. - d utofs4e Haton, IDavid Monzies, q-omawte t eterlard ad friends lu Buffin4fal ;BetBuck and Ches, Hari got a deer el Yirke " 0, aud j. Lhte o. f Maure, Buck and Mou. WMead B2k. Rend Arn, trtj' iu. ie belng bg bueks lames Turner H. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ar l.nqe j, e ocnn,-s ihî elne g snte. Ho bcated mtb a part>' vwbIoraLt the Ms»ovOer the mi,pk lrice.1 .M.on Tuesd agi ecBoon tPICTIJRES fer Feus7 aud Satur.. Ses lme Bm Phosjrsphgrainand a Isbarn n. ubiailîdinicia , lty ehiand 201h, "Ait'. Bat- SuteNwIkl&gas Noàgr rat intandhy yfire. The>' ere par¶~ti- on" 7 rutsof uirtim and mUSimeni5ut, ta Peled desige, at Shto'mn-Su. att> inaered. O iswrld'a ste st-rccornaiy Ou Batum'dyNon. Ith, Miss Myet The IiD.E. iilmect aL Lb.' home fls Tepatht ethrw London Pisîly, Nov, hrtie otaaitof Ses. Sproa ta'omoreew (%'iuay) at' ltoW hpai: o iaugth"" mdission gnitelereusshoergieni hoc rP-l- i, a m caghur.id25c81 nf Mi»JA MagteLGrahamu NI t.., J. F.Betloud y' cfNesnsaiMled cii Jý il 5.eS. fermueri>' Of Nr'a.the 7th hy ch" Melita fir b s homeon Foarmera Clb meeting.-Saiitcuay, t eiuîttland 'Hemwauaccompanedli Nov., 25th, at 2 p.rn. Anym,î.c iniihing ',U Davis, cf Miton.W He H feed corn, beau or sorts pieeeu' plite Wheî pcîî feel as if poiweild t ie E E the 8ecrelary. mb fcaor..'t;.,t'a lch , voit Moirebeacis I inci .WH EE T. T Haareris of te Mrca;;.. " 1 mmmmmswmmý uSANDERSONqS ý $ 3.98 Two Millinery Specials $5.9ý Thiis se;tsois sitt, nous, trittty itnd tîp-to-datc' n divided iti itutN OM speedy ofe irtitci- on0 )1LO i-H'its fori-.Ladies and Misses, uttfi b$s.tî0. clearing $3.98 L.OTI 2-1fitq for Ladif es titd Misses up to Si1. 00, clbarittg" 5,98 f ARf.CIOtr-iNEN'iIIiEF t.AR(utt ELETI OP' SPECIALS! OtChifd)ei' n 'd Misses' Vest, 5,Noof and a'iii oof t.1 if 170$f2' . OM Nises I sToq es, Issoîfeul cof(Itî riup to $i .5t .. ......... OP L a ies o o f Xe st s tan d D ra s e s , p o - .-,2 .. . . .. . . .. . . i O Kimona C lotS, 30 incîh, fier yard........................... SBoys' Aff.woof Jerseys, as orted cofors, up tît $,fltO ......... ,,....... M.% enls Ileather Sox, sizes 1<1 to fIl ....... ,,,............ .............. 'i 00% tes t0! o %itt lis 14J ié % i %i