tfsei n ei'y ennîbl,-.y,'.to-wlaever cnana theybiog Onaaeerpting Nonimati-1ieiIernd the rigt t xeriseiatirely ladepeodent jiîdgmiiiri-n clI questioin coining biste fueni- onasideration. In nienniof iii4 siniciiiriof iyiion asii aitrue anaiiai fin heieesi he <umenit.,enio, i ioftiecountrîiy i der the true and1 deancratieprinrhipals cf Li., ca lisni1Iappeal with cenifldence to the elécr torlalLen. rgcl W. F. W. FISHER. An Ilistorical Fact which peen te 1)(1forgote nis c liat ihere e cen mac a Farniers' Party while the Liferals Nere in poie c. lfriig teflcNeenzie regime therie n'as nio Feriiers Party, F roii nfitoe 191l1Iil ring Ithe Laurier regice there e'as ne Farniers Party, \ý liv Ieec.e the f.cgislation gvean Uv the lifiril G(iecrineiint assatisfe, î,ri adciel fre %ana oln th nea- cccii noi, rcuon for ia erei rtrl. LIBERALS PROVIDE FOR LABOR iIn m fl, Fcocuafter flic CLibferalc cmcc itote i rfie eafet n Dejmrlaîin cf Lnf cre hicli liil foi t lwafîîl\V. L. MeKenzie Kinîg, neir cclei cf die LiberaI Partr. Tli coccicehowsilici Lmfrrlisiii liesn Ici ci clfor labor. thie nllib L flicCcli f lettle -mcchil in ~îree io f I im-cîeaiiig crcîcii. lircl Thîefaier i gc nae . f-,iîrli cîle u i îf fnl mispuîoîtes. 1ille tegîrifctiii cf liei, ccîtracLtaloi. si it i-Ftrictiin cf firietial lalior. Vote for Fisher, King and Good Government for Canada Shoes for Men Women and Children OUR STYLES ARE RIGHT. 01-R QUALITIES ARE THE BEST. OUR PRICES ARE TITE LOWEST SEEING IS BELIEVcJNG-You can see the truth of our words reflectod in thes shoca we show. If we wili oeil yon a. pair now we wiii oeil you your noxt pair-and the next.s OlJR SIIOES are the best shoes for any por- son. who wants the Most possible vaine for Money. GRA4AMS mot Thi OiinadIa. haMPlon The Record complaln etraoqunit LI RL EE -I X-on. ovmer 2, 92. viit t okin Wtaensofouniebusiness boiusmséplitIng orderg for Thse tawn hall wus crowfed lst Balt- job p ntng and ays tbsy get lrgFd&fo aheretni he lâgadldte TUE NMINATION. aniaîod rnom localbutinesaomen, 1 VFo . W. Fi her, e eeem dny ti n he1 Owk al ws rode fr th oh h.t an h breprIaI shops. cci there, witls anpriokllng oC Canner- Tmisetiouhal neoeded fore the fie Record aks, *"afltht a square vativrn. Dr. H. A. MoCoi, Présdent Onurbuoi»u .jto plmm inenl*ton as Teedy. Ta Ireadenf ?" frant .hanaenabo expect people af Une Haltan Liheral Associatio, lre- w . o aa _ Partie" appeared ta bie about eqîîal ffyla the tanan and district te biey goode slalrd. m .W ieTtst cepaegeted, Wità a gaadly peoportiona frontiftlhet. Oakvifle isnont the oul y The chief speaker nans JantsicNoine- Omby"00ame of lialqea.~~~~ te.)nnl vhUeprint aao;do sot dock, late Labar repeesentatien nthe w ae' h rn Thde'naBatlM.. oonce O.R t c qsedaf. Milton ba st,' Board af Cammere. ined hie speech wutweWiljet IL. Aneson e-MP. Cesersati e . .'e wncî-n f hir psy taxsn ad 1nastt rincipsf fy a contradiction attIe-,: F. W. Fsher, Libers aaed John IF.tpsy er iagenstaemplayeri NN-110 sy tatemeot mode at Aropeine by in Fard, Px-M.PP.. Progressive. taxes. Agents for cty jobnoces tellana iserber nVflace Board thot there 'flue nominations hoing been rein- mieice reglar iita and get oay'had been na> intortarenre b y the (0ev- pleted land the proclamnationetc., rder outaie cf thieon mes voIsac-meiyna the activitienaof the Boared. rilmeci, Reeve George Hillmer, 0 MOaS- gu ner atIse "" romt-'He salal tho Board liatmade an bait- ville, tuank the chair and anaeienred paigî ljean tbsd ayec ,b tun- est cffaet ns behalf af the people cf that Lit lied beea arrangeoi tiat cari trtiinatef y theis e r y-lanado. Canada ta Pt sn endl ta tIse sar pro- C A canidae oul s e trafrty juin- set appy te the agents e Municipafi.teeing, bat therenwas onernmeot M CCA sPeaksh____bave______________- t I badla.t ben on the Boardaof rep]y. fanle er cy Ilog betere 1 taund ~eea Dr. Anidersona reiTcd te the nar that i every instance naere nae recrdoftheGoedQf.t ndwha racedaipin w.rethre ag aD irect S pp Il A[W. flfK. canchetdoa niîth nach eckpo finid delncfer the andier- during rndAN E S N raneed oîfiîtchSpi- atterthe waer. He aad thrnfad r- Ilerngoand bhiai; the nase milion- m cein-cd moe, iberal treati iii ititîanî aires iln, aok aî,rt ut Iii'Siad-them " h are h i hase ofnIy th er cecantry. He gare LbrlCnevaieCniae th îîîtierniquet naaa opplied and î,îr asies Miielmek, tie caaiaitoire Cic lCoSr ie adiae f-uantai-amîncr - epelenayde- lreideat f tiree C and Iiel fiiltetd. Affi n weeeapi-cif iii de cadidate iniSoutb Tai-nit,). nomue ani for the flouse ai commeos nt an te uaS, a imsBRAM ru tentina. ee aid thatt t onet ti ie, liwias meeoccasionen e1 as Mr. Merderal satfd heri btat 'i iiî our Vote anîd fintitu iee nirfeed fi, innali threlIafile, li- he bal resigard tfi-oiithe Board etf -heriy. Minicteî e Jt iter, vnil g t- Vll be în Milltoîn în front of t'aîmrnre becaiiae iîiemeofhethefb. loirflue FedrlfElecfionstonu 1tel, eitii'cyfy eiign ici aythiîîg te do Governnaeat had iieferferrd cith hiii Deceeiiimci ti, fl921. nath the Boardl et Commîerce. 1 did on FRIJ)AY, NOV. 25th, cv re- and badlpreetcdiiterterenecnoekaiin'hiiii. andlaeked Mr-tîî- cathpraoitecig. The fart oaa thai ________________ îm acîî lmgTe îlimiter 1 and ctredteo. eiOi)sfl :iIe Murdack nasa ncempriccf, îlîf I aoe.I.d advinu.- iicran diopeacalf n asal lo nt knona hem te ge abohet în mm SMARRIED en'minunities. Mfr. flheri-, airex-ra- ylowprices andhbt atgiveeitiip, He nasnotri1eLtreîîi.y affable gentleman'i i. citcd ing maie than a saoi hbo mmîeimîandmm\IcFactiiMiiltlin AtBoiivienaFaiie.Ia ne 't înoa ld aeahrPtRot.îrlb Steff ai, agtln' eeî h ai fieb-daand Oteen iniimiite-s hegavr. Mi'.Con- Thiek ib Ruant, pet-bth 14c Mn. Feri foned aifn - h parents, eh Saiirday, Nrr aihby aimrand icyef a (jeep heaet-lii-heaet Shaiifder Rooteut filf1efIh 12 ' mas rfie0ly rîntrodictnry oi1gr. theibevm. A. t. SemaitMA..Sel taIS Of course, he ocrer raid eut- Prinme Rih, ritabhnrt, uer l'h xS ileesnoas statenieiila. A iirEaclierietofPrestonatiifenai'* andeiit tirat nie mie ii nerfere BrinetPerth ý......7 M. Forîd olle'd , ra ftl flur Bell, celînger ilanCiter'of Mr. Amnadîi ie Goiriiiieentc ricada. At la ih, hall, per lb...- fiegrte flc tLine affewed bia, havnîg arreigcd NMes. Wi. iffin. lingîe dîd 1I erecredit iaie i ilS urh a hing Rosat, per fh 21h,' that Hon. W. E. Raney. Attorteer- tateluentfIfei ton clever a pliti- Portei-hoaseRosat.perlfi li lieneral maafd be givsa theether falf. DIED.caîm îacayiihciensr lrnnRatprh 0 Me FuI haikealSm riedi îîr fîeSfigah-AtSNi vaf. en Mfeleay. Nov. iient as Ihat. Scifihe weîîfd any niher Rump tosat, qeareei-r rîîîd enef 18c suipport ginen Ihil antIhe pot aîîd ttI 4ffi Mary Elizabeth tuild, eliied meiber ofthfle Cabiet milice suna o Àeiad SteakS it, per I). liSe icsdeeed hiai lno. He hadnt nemglif n 1.-nf flin Slic)gaby. oged 511 prm. atieiii.PrtrnicSakcelb noeminationî, buithbadl acepted il, >nnetTresnr ligho ite1tikliie l l lus f-icado niahed liîe iii Ldii,.e Hi' l St. Jeaeplen Hospital 'Alter liitenuimg te fil. OohertLy fer, Sirlein Steak per lb,.. 23c ai~patea ppliiei Sie ie G'uelrphî,on fdniday. Ne,. f Itî,Jn, mluIih uI e îîu.IIhn. qieRound .Steaek:per fh . Oic suçrres pauK rhci ini ller T"ai cagd sn. ' i l'y uferteed fila iran iempint r. Rney pokechiely ci tie Fdd c. biDeleeriposnn g haffi n ias'ian cf .BA O ilot at Fa roitesiottCa adie n fIe nae-ltS.eMrgetownin Sicir id," Iry' ogt vrs'ad ff the plat t or. n atooble. fe1 Nv.lihMr. WllamSienei iiimeeîîîîent'n friendn 'Bak Bacoper lh . . .. du...r- naid fihet as a apitsficotimn of $f25-' lier 7,ih yeor "Bt et merine aieinestigation IBr'eakfast Beacea. per 1lb. al3el1g, 1181th flcormpaay liait ileareil5585,-Eaterbrmik-At tIse îcideîceeîof hel-'f e texitile iieestey.,neh n ispre- Breakfasat Baron. pet- 1If,, aie 27 0ff ia une yesr. 'on-le lana A. RobertsonIi.lamil I tapa flic i.înt pnn'cifuil friend tire Choice Boni, S te 1ff a. per Ilu u la bisarelltuDi. Andlers'c cntra- tonn ea'f'ieaday. Nov. 15, 1021 ,(iim-r'inmet lias. YeuitaIlknenadiet dicter. Menrsay.le aid ftlîe $àW- Anul Eatcrlirnak. nite ut the fat.- crtain teatile l. aiein. ti ntrty 000 hsd bren the, tetal profits et the. William Esterbineok, on ber O89ffi' madc prîots during the n'raimaeirt- Fard reîîîpaay liiiCairadasad the- ca.Fuineral priate on Tihaalay ing Lfuiî4Sf andl cccii50r) peoeaet.on Unaited Statcs. Up Wt lia finie the ntS8aaeî frein the ahnc'aaddre'..ssate br inveeefireta. Ie piaaed one maeeting wmaa oet oaerfy. ith ano 'itJebn'sceinter. Saeagameyî. oicliial uit euh en endmutry ta the iiterruptionn, but Dr. Anderaein boudlforiiterment. nast mIman e prrveeitestIliatirni Mrle. Raney gt iîit) tice ta interi'ipt, le MEXRssi.ýac. lIae!iifeif rcetiaecet iîerofins- Iut Wa onleld cn. A strantcei'Shermeelfoeo riniglinir et1ne Ce gfeil, Yeuîîarecflthicbq n'br said Semoas auier, herklcd Dr.r1dear mether. mhm eldfanfeep in Jenuisng-îtfeîaeîI citeetn.- - Andersnaon the eablect et sldieirms' c 23d S2f.'fe mfetci-miied thai tirentextilein- psy dulring flue nar. nitînou l-e Wh-f.p - wc 11,ncmmsueno mi iicr e Iani dmtrymnisrmnuîieadnf arpn'eliteers, peusereuiltireProegressives. Henwasa 6W Oea nade inaiorte po ]R ontradirtcd by Pte. Baylis, et Miton. Te'.-i..].h àdenieofethe mrel IeDCav .-lîîandiled tisoi aI ettheipra-a tDr. Anderso said tIsafthe Canadien Aatdoiriahn aleli.. annld. aMmicr sanad~ u'yaie. alunniî.gthir e linaf A anfliera laet bren repaid tIse eacbaîîge i ad fh1iý. *rn'Deor Mary, dat -tlh re,i l'hct tliag mc lesied urnetiret a onEagfish ieinzy. luide >~m 'lcîtationn s-prencontiag lheetfxtile 1 Mr.. CýMeDowell.ind ualsries wmu a at Otawa gefliîîgag THE Ara &AArca-Tlinmiiý peaf Fmuteri îîI oig niemnry eoflsbelfa. ocer-inceiiacil pat tfereuegîerelien- .o. againsut jidge iiinadeciioiniiieuea iuthhlt er'teteîutIecaiyet cdc-E r rioay cas f ixo v. Mlto AenaCo.bnlîun wo euf i tàt e t oW . te ing tsofth roft ede.a carne aI e sc-el. Toontr,îoa ta - .1. lois. 'îanufed. liatotde-nctirlv i.amesipalnonnaboutîfnnentnen . eîdia-heîîîM. ul în- Tusaeay belere Jtîdgpsn cafeen, %ls-et. îilclecfuiieg, n.-aîiuig aItiat- nlui elc anuchî e Cî-intil furnt ges.. Biegina and Midduiion. ieT,-rTfer venfd. mmm reuroifî le e dtialse Oc -e-aied 1Ianailîf refil tue i c WValsh fur plaintiffîaigrid Il. t'. fViite fiat ; il)* ;fer hoc maeincerin Ien-chal -_________________ aad W. 1. 'ficS tiir'de-tcidaiii cin- In iencieîîr caffliction nib patienceseuenleiud Itie uigli t ftireeCabinet lain Party. ILr mls disiecd seihceaIe 1 ioe1 , lIilenî e trtereawifLliieBoard oetCommerce' witbeiit Mr. îf'fitc heing ralleu1onmfi-, T mmr llle hm i ete o "The Cabtibac mned opî. It rcnt- aeSok fth 1 arisaient. ~moere. 1 ezd tîat atetheb.-dose et chleeeterm TkeSoko th ariumet.liuhaiil<] auhte.!ilar] givnthe peeople liitithenu et Tof thm fsgf e. tcCnmbines and Faie Priren rt c f Hn qu arter Roas-t 1 ceildnt puellfanytheng so ramas Iioner .- eîîmgfî e tradt ensout. Front q atirRo s Hîm Iiugleni, Ont. Nov. 22uîl, ILQI IVe a,îueavrrd te peu eecd, but the are Ro t nl1iis ene appltcd tiehter and ighf-Frn u rereoc To the Electors of Halton eecoucnifdoîle athîng. F o tq atre oc Knwn ri ,uacdefl neeti nte edn lcin tutand the cannery But Choice Beef Steak au iro ybehaîf aTr b lCnddt.Thec Cenervatine 0v 'reu e cnef mde by aying that ail G o n ta Pertinentbablieain Pivmeri'uiiingth I euî versandn'eOfinitthe ne er fthc Cabinet, iiidiig G o ta busineaï nf lîa counitry in a a ctl mifdepririnnee xecperieci aille(- lIe Bafllatyim. Sr lGeorge FeetLer. previiec la f1.Mlwencîîtnseraticc flnscramcnt of thal day lait tii Mr.. Dlerty. MIr. Draeyteeon adMcl Choice Roast Poî-k fine înay ucder iriilac irciiiatancee otue S inliof the fcoeeas enx ' fiiglica. Sim doiot theîconmbuiee, preasiet aIthe Polisî. Aaiiiiilinoiiic-etaiiiianiicr tdepeople are nac reentegouahrad acd uexplit thu -e oea P.l Chop clcmianding a change o ert ini mcm, uîîuamaeaI heir t'acorntact, Il.l'njia îO' 1wiflaasppor arinionnof the.tariff mlicinlcaiffcnen th brd - Mr.Fie siher spolie nucicreisses c-a C ie en oarriil by thoei eigaged ic agiiemi ttini'anef ail efeucinasturel fhcreteectarafu-. a did alanoGeorge Ch ice oast Lan inducstriesairwlas u-ffa y tle connc eoplueiuf. tlumuetiîîifeaing preiluin IIilkie, K.'.. nIflTorontoiri, ea teîîb tionicn ail egitt uina nd h incduis. 1ii -îet Msr t ie lcGreguirmrlînvac Choice Lanib Chops Withallreisonbledemndsof he ettiiie mai 1am n fllet trietaof teaded fthe uiceet ing. accord, ~fg tha in iuiiy intancs the Meighein amenllu otdanc thcai jusetie Hrb icute c AnuietetC oc oa Aa yiîarr iulnbicm.eaieI-rof acbav ee bren thrngfc ifce a onyCralChrhAnacme go îceoy acu pationamîmmenuiefnre lantmitfct yitpatt'Y mitlî atfil dy.Si uS tBîna. Veal Chop 28e. thec e rqui relneccte. a ic.. Ciîi. Gsiabte. cf Milton waîi n c st.If 1 deont Cet flai tIi, bet imrete et tlie counitry niay b mi paa. TheScpater mîflbc nt MIn Choice tloniemade S mervcdby ai undue iniaiicecofn a s nthlicCabianet.'Cuid* ar l..21> eii.flfeli.30 m. Shacul I reinu- the confidec ieleefcters th.eiifircats mIl i mlya .ii icanto e'icC oc o e a e 1 reeiuve e niilnd i %lut eufi uetiîîtiuonail 1 hal 1doi i trni:tcute ruie aHr , 7 .iy . ScaetlsrirC oc on n i-e et fece cf the exeeption-l Lard Speclals fI'eniluumt "tati ilfmi i-4. buitnifl la,. p.0f. Specials ln Fresh Pork fige. uu'ohum l i licff mu i 1,i 14c I-iýiu fleit.ei 1 fli f Ilmonîn. Sausage IImluucnail puikSaSeumage. I, If lumu" Sanage fui-n lit. - 1. I4 foii 2. j lme 'vuiicciiR f-nageCf3lîny. 2 I ThChrstu Store NOver Finir Stocks, r Btter Selectiori iZristmàs- For Sse and ruec For rte For Bother C For Daddy t-j SEE OUR SILK CUS,410ON COVERS 10- 'e" Lc W RLCES nstrong's Sand Saturday ther notice. Prices Quoted Below 3el Is 1e Beef - 14<' Boiliing Beef -9e - - - 20e - - - - 15e 1 18cfto 23C - 20c' to 23ec - - 20e t o 25e - - 95e - - 25e t o 28c Veal Stew 15e Sausage - 15e Iceadceese -17e I nother Co11apse in the 1NLat Trade 1 cati eoml)ete with any nieat prices, but not on the credît oyslem tbat eee are working ou at the present. If the people want ment cheaper I wili put uip a Meat Sale overy Friday and Saturday, and deliver in a clean whoiesome mnner Lo your door. Bfut Imfust ask you to pay cash at theoe iow prîces. I wili continue to oerve mfy Regular Credit Gustomers in the nouai way s0 as to cause no inconvenience. Buy direct« frone the meat nman that deais with you, andl we can keep your nooney in circulation iu 'Milton. Our priceo for Ulîjo week are aa followo BEEF Siîloini ani POBK LAMB VEAL Chioice hind quarter cuts --16e, 18e, 20e i& front quarter cuts -- 12c, 14, 16e A Round Steak 20c. Hamburg Steak 15e Boiling pieces, frorn9e. Clioiee Farm Fed Roast Pork - 18e to 23e Pork Chops 1ý8e to 25e. Pickled Shoulder 16e Legs and Loins - - - - 25e Neeks, breasts and racks - 18e to 23e Choice milk fed Veal Rdast - 25e to 28e Veai Ch&-ps 28c. Stew Veal, ail prices. Freah Sausages 15e lb.- I buy ail my stock from local farmers and can guarantee you satisfaction. . . -I Shi GIFIS FOR MEN irts, Sca: Ties, Gloves, Sweater Coats. rfs, Et&-- IGALBRAIIH & COMPANY 0F M I SDodge Brc, I Foi. il I I )'NEILL & SON ithers Motr Cars Studebaker Motor Cars Georgetown, MiltoMl and Acton. T. D. HUME, MILTON REPRESENTATIVE J. R. LEISHMAN, ACTON R*PRESIENTATIVE. A UTO TOPS-We tecover îtnto tffl aud eqînîpyombul totý opening cnrtaiîns. CARRIAGE RUBBfR TIRES-We liîtetbe hest equiplînent fori-;i11 Carniage Rîîbber Tireus on shortest notice. We have ready for oale one nsed Dqdga Terlmg Car, in fircit chasse coni One FORD TON TRUJCK, sightiy îîaed, with good dooed cal,)tend bix5 box Nvîîhi ig". Wiii self these cheap. J. N. O'NEILL & SON,-- GEORGETOWN MILTON PUBLIC SCiIOOL. SET. AND tiO-r. Sen. Janet Lecît ; Oco. Gilbert, Olin'c Sweet and John Cleiacnts, equusl; je&o Af fou aad Jeaephinc Tack. equual. 12 Ja . -Jas. Bell, Kenneîb Cfrmenua - Wnî. Kefean, Sidney Fay ad Baeiu Coolmon, rqsaf. CI'edit Auctbon Sale Of Standin ag Iîoedmne.tTimber, .enh. dininîrdinItls, an Thaesdey, Dec le@t oncat lo t nI12, ron t, Eqseoisg' Tinifere le ho removeul hy April fet, î8n, 10canîha ceedit onnoppeanrdý joint natea. Operecent pee annnsac aff fae csnli Lnlic Besdfey, Penpretee. Ben. l'clcfu, Aictinneer. Salespeopleand Solicitors. A rralaIre-presentafive seanteu lia macth îno taonhipa in the Caunfy of Baîtan. Permaaent Pnition and a fiae nppnrfuaity. Weite la-day, TIse J. R. NWatkinn Compaay. Dept. R. f, Raniiltoa, Ontaeio. 4t MbOUFFE & FORD AGENTS 1FOit [ÀïjcoeCs We carry a fu lino et Auto Repain & Ac--- Fairbanks t4sbUp g N, Gasoinè and bil STER'S FOR MER FOR BOYS Bibteet Undeemear.SI$.25 Pl-elnulIm'iji Fbeee-ined tîfmerweag - .90 Menia Mitta .......... .40 Mil..... 'Workjng Gloveco. . 3IJe .60 Wool Hoce..... îtweaterf-& Pulfoctaca4S up. Brarro..... l7nderweigt veg - War lefui -AleverAptema..ý... 75c real bttrgaîn-uniut HoUu. D*w..... 1.25 China, I)olls, Teny n I'ailett iht ý 1.35 Carda. Preocc l PaoyHnkerch 75e for ail ages. W el tbehowy.uau. us 'e usa- e hî:î f Goods Store '4 vu ~ t 'a 'I ~ LUMPS y' Stores Ltd, iat Sets the Pace' rON, ONT. fFicater'c (.Confectîcvferv Store, itli ful fmîine of cfehoietri ci .tl ý l in,