r- - - -' 5- " 1J555T51~ w,-e -n si e ~ase~~' ~s~aFr? Nb. uge Mr. a, old.a". O3. OUUESOADENTISEMEUTS. [-LtocarlEf Newus a a 1 1a7dNs...Bya'm-New, gailcuvn S ta p i F o t w a rF 8«da au "*!' Ily vi h@ Fr" 1200M pply champion 05e ,~~B~iu.aau~a.ga r Ms ad Na E= ye mst nn.WA2S -EeiiyhraaboutlW BUh mm"hSéu M1 Ele b.. n"'f.idlatTharudais. att. Lafn- bai od i 0r.J.Baglesano, that will wear b&« l i D.r.btPM Horawoz à,ron aitr. Esiaaa«n BAL-Yort brood and at Lowest Prices ara. Apply !h~tO U. W. B, W erbu bongit out a ~farrwtig earlyin ee Oakile élenurh r u» f ry aid a t I le f or every member epniueo aeetwr oldUrvir -f lîdaay bas taten jNewmaTgesllfthorserak:nr me of the faiiy AUni at 1IS.19. Ha Joute Alxander and Mr@ n. ilto . la« Mo0ssady, hai a»d i. i lMailiy Pckard ai the PrinneuaFoR MALE.-,Owen Sonnd" rai te tt ari, to iiad Stontt naibogt Nov. hid,unids, the-autpisa coal or w od, Il agndodrde iiiin Jame. Johnson*î houa. and lot atft::iltai ommnîlity Club. otil heap. Âpply Champoni Office. t) M E s' S IQ E TO RE Bayne. mbirs li ilmahie be eom leuira.T. D. aid StexRime. tatine FOR SALC-i na H u m sSIIO S OIR E ndso h ari both bien conilisaltou g mdaeto seatefr aeii "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS.1.. their bicteby Iluie, for more than &aveutonarge rAppiy foW. littii ________________________________________ *ObrYmathimuma gromi bers. Aay -mut. laegeara recoW. Wigliamly. i ocaiona rq osi uersa nquta, Faiesi heahrcvrnglwy t midalînga aid Sisal delgai Or y rrero>Cl8bmeeting Baturdais, FOR SAL-t si fendes. i vacuum - .svs.-B. Battps. Phanî15Ifl itAii lt. 2u t8pm. Special husiness. ceiner, teani conter, sîsctric toastes, abut.21.-AAl membesi are requirsai te attend. lonîge. aul n gond condition. Appiy Orocrienalwas ums.New prier@ Jackn MHi, ni tins Bank of Toronto, Ms.. 0. A. Lambn, Martunlit. Bews tlracerlrand.anisaf tinse miînts.e ua. ~ ie trday IIoethe EBîmeale bss.an. BVH-SICRT WAICDURTIW. C a b i n e - ___ b. Rayfra Is!_b.br Aths ltplar. aid Treil..s- aaer, No. il0 aide roadE@ýen CAPS CAP I Sgar$8.6 cmt., Todiunter o! r tinsAmae. Aile aisOi- matr a a n jaitis of rspairnng noa CAPSoaAP 1c. u0.,LIThor' muet Papes mt .B ii crckhnceyplase. niture of ailkndsa 34-1 vr .i.-î.îiî~îttiistt tfTweedvs aid Wott' in n tavy bIt-r 2., Paimolive S for 29c.. Salmon 19.1 Genilie '"Venl Tise Chaîna 3tlxl4.NOICE.-Having tatennerte Ilb. tin.-Galbraith & Company, Miltnon. rgis5.5 at avt5.5,a giyn in hvoe oer cahs f irienI0REnATION-IeHer Damirnp.rtsnro . 0. Mcilregor, I amn prepaseai Work ShIrts, Smocks and Overaila tins prsesntalioînia à sld oing vý.Asak teses tins New Perinaldraeigi a V1 il hmodela ni Cieroletcars.. tea srvice by the gofer ofGeorge- in M CLagana ho bape t Sher.--.eSicCniim. 1,i i iitret 1ie i lt -gsl.m e tcnttM.adlr.J .Wiog.Iman éiStudio. OTins sLgan Phono. OTUBi5IOLL-We bave junt an. * iy, Mrl. Wilnoughbyis avlîg gvifgrapin socakeWi.ee efors. loadeni a carao .ytshell. direct tram the anithetaine o ientbltins.o ban- o Ms. JaiepinCrowe annotancea thne Baltimose, wmiiewe intruai teaoeil NECKWEAR! caisigeans batfu nC&-P9genient ofnisinacdent dan e iter. miit laits at tins lowrinice ni 81.30' &da. Jean Scott, ta Barvey H. Bac lock: i pes 100 ILn. inag.Biain & Hannant.eol - - -i t.t i- ~rtita --ninge. ait ) A cordialinvîitation ije etended al ->ynngest mnonifMr. J. c. aBioce, FOR MLcE-Sin tinnsn-ined Whiite: ---i. su ~. titi-,iI ers ons te attend an npn metng ni Camiuieiiviiie. thes massiage t tate Wyandotte tucerl, rae mnnes.. tuf ls Bothsinoal natTseda plae ahes noan tie iater artni sila aci. ni .iA.o CA. C Barss- ii IfiiLORINfi. uî PARTMFS%T -issi- ivomir ievî.. tigint..at mpa.. in the scinnromno ib stoter Shw Roe, t"",.eachi. Pon pe 4- ni2. rop iii dru ver an âaddeseeono-Con- 3R ft a Bi5 t. iigin. A bargainfn PITJE for ril adSalur- - I ditet, os nEnglad," and th@i prmi6u . Galbraitin & Company. Militon. da. ct. 21îfer aid 22ed au îr ta ete special intereit. DOnîtinsgst -Hio noiThpuls dyOc.2sad2a,"Hmr Ftt-aIbody's and Carhaut'S OveralS and Smooka te dams Ot. ftbt. Aiimelcoms.eu eîitT5pp of Oak- aIlu, îr ti iigin mboo aeiniytod tinne o ni u, toyo inaI appai, .' I,iî i . .sî i ta A gsand Thankigliviig Sîpper and Miton ta Oakviiie to-nossw nm ea by Fanale Horsit, la wblcb site por- Entn.tairment wil i e ieid at thne infr. Tinsse iii le a dance and tins tfayi the Îoyi and advent.res il M U <7( itinisit Cinasci. Milton. oniNov. Ml tonjanii so won pri mraIan Ok.-ordtsary hie. tlimoresque Ilai S. a R. flE W S' 4t'h. tins Frida>s ni g t prsuusdmn ille iigin seinon fieid dav iit r-sglîsus a rdcîa Tiankigivlag Day. Rie. Ms. Bamir ivented witin then. w'1b r sea Svi elpoutnad PHON E 58 MI 1LTON ltnPt-entident o tHamultonConntr- Tn amtncîi e - co.udy. Admssi-Frlday, 15c.and! TheFainrr'Clb rnjsectng a25c. ;Saturday, one priely,?c eri.saperted. Ail osgnnis.alionarsaofn leultoes at tins end niftii meet. *c ai,2 Of tine chîtsh ii lii tt t matr ons Anynne wiing sainme pleane phnone Big drap in Ment Prie" at 5R. T. A rin- grendtitsozil evenf& ienssal admtis- îs. 1ona J R.Megs bs ben apoited Beiand Stewing 14.ibiut JuitBI- -rieEXTEstin. - H. . maaofsni ie Bank of Toonto iess. Slei 25r. anti 28re M se.Poice asMagitrate, . iinn 4i5( i.assltsaeBB. Yneii e -StCetnakse How About You r Stove rPi.esidic):oin w meai mo :::seiIl i.î:edhe ajeIlB.nou l t . - iPor Chope-25. 1b. tendedt hewoe uY f1%tD Haieilhers an Tnesday. Mr. , tmiChpS' iâtsate Shida. ni Oakvilse. he ha. iee.StwgLmb 1c.I ativiiel nytins Attosney.Osneral that Suae20.1h b is juiiiictmnn ban bren institer ex- Dnt intget lmaaiMeCeadys ais Baminnsg Sek 1lSc. b. teideai te eases tinstownshipsoni rin isat 7îiesday. Oct. litin.onie ef the -.Smeked Rails 'iCslb. 1 \\. t- nîî5ireceived 1000 () îew, and Bramasa. Tinsdepatotent el- iigget.tand tet of tin seaaî. Piei lîsti 19e. 1b. - lt dentiy intendi ta teep Ails. Maose B. S. CADES--The nsganiaatonn af -, iiiii liotitli'd busy.-Actitn Free Prens. a cadet. cnt-np suil of Hilton highMin QWÇ La-t * l 1ppes IIif -iîlîl at 35c. 6 or 7 in. Best Elbows - Sîmîove Boar'drs, Cm - CLEMENTS'1 not as good as o.aa extract inn tins Bulingtoi cor- reapondencesln lait Satnrniiy i Hamil- Af, rese t we ton Spectatos :-Magistrats Bars yen- pretut WC tersaisamaraîaimpi. aafinesof 111 foaras=ioftthe O.T.A.onnlseiia tiniti, ni Hilton. osage Fîncin, ni Hamilton, algn paid SMIIfis teins arant.'Ilsy srv arrestedl an Thora. tiay eeniag an Brait Stree.t by tihisi Ci Smithn andai irit thenilghintn tins po. 0Pipes at 4) 20ice statian.' Sit".sîn.-On Tnesdîay marnias 30e ' Palic Mflatrate Misse osmtencedu Norman Wlama te19 nantbin atins Ontario Rsformatory fer sobblng Alez. Lesg itinviolence at tins marks ofaithne Milten Premea Brick Ca.. Lt]. .1 guiod ui sînui of Tinstrial mais eusasted lelat meet. On 1lins application if T. A. Hutchinman, lîl Ioulsetc.the prnmaer'a counsel, tins Poile nfranew triai. If then nw triai iegated teprlonies mais elel mhier s swmlii te taislb y alPolie l'h r'su ate os the Conaty judggior a HlARDWjV ARE~L Mr. Hutcblnsmuye tinere mili Inch ànew ividnes. Wu ext eid to vou an invitation to visit us during the iFai. Make our store yo'#ir headcluarters. City Dairy Ice Cream J, a n.ttidlbricks. fIlit ut11 1 f ruit îî -ýd at our t-i,.e, Sodas, tuttI Drinks, i-c- Ccream Cones. KODAKS liodaks and Eastmnan iCameras n att sizes tram $2.00 up. FEitstniîiu Film, sizes to f t al a'makes of Camneras. Cent ectionsry Neilson's and Liggett's iii liulk and boxes. A lîtg assortment of ahl tlte different centres. Fruit and Nut, Cherry, Carames - Nougats, Creain, and ittanly other varieties, alwaye fresh. VICTRÉBW A Vîctrola ib concialsal l t-e the bet Taikine Ma- chine sold. It repraduces tntsic and the human voies in a marvellous tnanties. Corne in ana leitussdti- tionstrale the Victrala anal Hig Msteri Voice Rocards. aqi 5tatioqery We have an enarmatin stock te ehoose front o everyting i~adn pulic andi higin nel. In Stationery and Wril- ing Mateilal e have pads, mriting papers in boxes, envelopes, heautifal paper inbu htIu aIl tne svarionis aines, with envelapes to match. fouqtaiq Pens Thea a Fountain Pen-, t"Made0 in Canad~a,"han proveit sie1!1to e equal 10 tins lest Psenn matie in the marIl. Thsy are guaran- Core ne aandi let uns how 700 thenls Cough ad Cold Remedies MADE IN CANADA Itenal i Cherry Bat-k White Pline anal Tar. Syru1sTnt-anal Cod-ILîver tiexal Tasteless Cod] Lîver Oit. XampletqCod] LivrsOit iasteleu.. Rexail Colal Tableis. Rexaîl Tinsoat Patines. Farm Supplies Flemings Stock Reraeaies, Basse anal Caille Cond-ition Horse anal Catie -&It andl Pusa atpelre, Oi of Tas, Pomiler Gentian Linseed Meal 051180 US YOUR RBCIPBS TO BE FILLBO. NEWS Magazineseanal Periodicals. Tarot-to & Hamilton moft-- lt-g anal ivsniuig ssws- papers We taiks eubscriptionsi for nimsapjeve and mcsa- Unes,. _______________&_______________ JNO.o M. bMACK-ENZ-,IE. PHONE 40TmE REJ .L STORg1 forme andi rilez w111ibore seil. Thes boy. iiite ariiesi et tins asmnnisia.1 -Ittinteine inpeatiat arangeteau te as erd."thsy sinu eatai trashoo ant1 eltaght. Thet- are ikriy tn ga te tins1 ,f iagasa camps. gAnnivesiasy service ni0magin lres. - iyterian (thurein nn Stinday. Oct. 25r. tServieiconducteai atIla.mn.and 7.90 -p.m. bis 1iv. M.iiattoraoi. ni Nevl.1 KN*ox Car"cm.- Annivessary ser. bt -vices mil t eiio n Siiniav. Ds. - 1Aiso. HcGilvray. tif KnoxCiurnici. elGuelph in. miiitenspreaches Mbiii g Zeta Backcsnmttralto, of Fiepeler. -s wiiianittlhe choir anai Mingat noth1 iseices. We gise ontta Cosdali vi-1 àtalion. è BE CosarofLArLC.-VWie a Periec- isctien Ou Heatos, oniy 87.00, at Damnon's. t Besialai Leari te play tins vielii, egaritar. mandnlin nr banjo. NWs carry à musicaliîntuments of al kinda. aheet I music, etc.-Shen.nan's Studio. THE Anacosý-Abontd40 of tine 111) ahaseinoideen nf tins Mtion Arena. Liai., met at tins temn hall yeatesday evening te deside sinîftures action.t A sssointion te procecul inmmdiateiyà mîtin building opestionnnn tins Brotwn c aid Mary Strset ilnite an te ubtitnte1 brick for mota in hetis alu mwas car-1 rsed nanimonalis. Witb brick waiiî thpmsi mli te ne airactinifIthetoma by-lam on lin llimita. The sntetitn- tion ni bricktar metl inlatins mali. wiii nrease soit ai contnstrutin by. tiscolitnisil.abotut *..Of lii $105wau antecsibsd at tins meeting aid caivassar appointeal te get tins balance. HoaaNB W. i.-A HalloWeemt Social iii te givra b! the BHoabisWnmsna Inatitute at tins home ni Roaint.slreu oni Mandais svening, Oct. 3iat. Par- tisalari liter. Mrn. A. B. Chiainnimo anal famiiv mlinh te tianaîttir s ridsand neighbora ft tinstndneaa andl smptby se- ts.adealto them in thirsheveulent. thne deatb ni Mr. Chisnalsa. OTA. AssiAt.-IAt A asi diard Smith,. ai tins Qasini Bitel. Burli- ton. mai insu bisPolice Magistrats Bars on tins chas g eonihavlng tees oves 2J % prini an inl remis@mai conviitsd and i led ;J00analcot. Hii cunosel. is. Mnrreioi,appeiesi. aid Jialge Bllot ieard tins appral thie mosniig. Ms. Morelisn dioputsedthein palie Hagitratea jnrsaditian, saieh le net a sunatis magitrate. hbut fer Busingtoi anis. Anthes tabjetion mai tinat the tees, having bren ponssal ioaau n ainial Ceca-Cala bttis aid isit forsnmensdaym, hllntbinôme alcnhiiicaliy troages tinsingh fermen- tation. Jdgmsit mas seserveni.j Dont torget the grand Proteitant Baily ai the toma hait to-nigit at 8 ncinck. Cat W. C. Rndditasd. ai Bringten. 2eiigise att adares on :Tins =T~ Order aid Iii Principie.' Evesryy invitei. Anuction Salcet UeCaaCra at Bert Bucta tiarage. Main St.. Milton. an Sattardais, Oct. '22nd. at 7 p. m.:- Dailge Taaring Cas. 2 Cievraiet 450 Toisnq, iFard Roading, t Fassd Tins. ing, nitable tas tract. Tesarnimas knamn an day ni sale. T. 0. Ram- nlam, Auctiancer. TUE Ps.saiE'i Vaî.-Tne Hilton1 Literal-Cinoereativesmeeting te te insîtibers on Saturdais. fethin lat.. promisesete te aie of tiens ot not- able politisaI thins in h altmna historis. It mril e belli n the ittg rlat, ai no tinîrauditoriummin toma miii te oearly large siingh. The msetiîg e mwlii opunta 2 p.m. aid mili bsmdaad by Rigbt Roi, An-Sita Msligben, Hou. Bdmunit Bristol, and Dr. R. K. Anderson. the candidats for atn.It a. eupied that mm. t5~ ei liite ureaid ladie ame lu- tome u.TinsHIlton bsowd mi ustmu.L"t. -" vet me. Pais AMa' evuuia at 8LCia r iag. o.N.G.B.V. Thb@chare meualBliJyPet Mus., M bo Sa.q emeiilUcme t bm iseSod de- mli gml rdt g to uueva the garetsam ar rfrM tlile. W.Dsa.mau I mmad4 imiate t ami. Tiédi buwl aMd "mdfu îvtsw T. Ediles ef th. (Ihatpten Deas Sir-Tne.itcenpanvîgin iot Mil Brampton priea .ynn may seeby line prime quoted, sin mpie evidene oi the way the citizen@ ni Mittn anti vtiilet ,re payinuç lhrough the none for ltee n-t ihey boyyin this ten. Tinsse is no reeaitn whalever wity neni cannot be iniai here as cineapirna@ i Beampion. Acion, (Georgetnwn anti Streeian-ille or îîy othes lowsn i he tPen- vinfor tatmalles. Iinîapnnasutown nunciltSi. lo ee- rindait iy-iaw ns Bo ament it lthat lanrsi sti liuthecatle nr hego, n santliz ni hann Swoie quarteer. By a. dongoe citizean@ wonidget l îse agntit a neainnabie prieiand anc tnrni- a gond peice for iheis prodari. Tinanking youîfor yttur tif uble- use. i remnain. t-usari rniy, A ufiDtg Cit iZn BASE HALL. It a naîid tl e ieith at a Haiittt ieagne wiliibe nrganined foti-nses- Bon. to ineinde the iniinwingt-clubsn Milton, Oakviiie, Broute and Bttcitng- tin, wilinperinapaCnîpleiiviiie cand anothes. If the clubsinithe nothnd ni the ennnty mese teins inriadeilthete maniai be toüan nfoi anrinetalenof weekiy gante. me nn,thandiine sonth n d», io. arest'ather far apart. Sîmmer Flrewo.dd ui ta-clai dry ifalie, cnt 12 or 16 lâches lorng; de- liverd luamy qunttY- APPly Sam loa. phoue 179. nSANDERSON'S Colder Weathor Means Warmsr Clothing I. We are showing a big range of Underwear. Penman's, XXati e hield s and Gordon nakea ln heavy, tuediuin and light iiii. women, nhildren and babies. Prices are about one-third le, S Splendid assortinent of Sweater Coats, L>llovers, fujui q% Gloves imid Jerseys. l ~ FI XN NsLS-l dnid 1Bitte again in stock for Jîîmper Jhi i p Exusive styles, fi li onery !and 4%invite yonr inspection. e S Quality lives long alter price is forgotton. We bave a ia Sand s inter Dry Goods botîglit right and priced close.W FEEDINO MOLASSES 0% We are booking one or two cars of stock molasses. \Vut 1 1,' rîght now. Leave orders here or with Walter Readhead,lt i . fl PHONE 9 SANDERSONOS MI1LTO N , mii-p T SATURDAY TREAT ______________ CANOT ' CANIT ! CANDY h.avIf vouana I fittt lird eitih at tstiiiit1 ti i .5 tfi-i i o> t 1 i r t i t t ýryi ngoorn)s 1LILý1 TUCKM1S %%f tav ti tt k eî igais jein t-tutu fîii,î 1iIk ýft -id iýfront the Very be-t r ~1ubped1 ~ LADY CARAMRELS 29c. lb. C IGARS rf t ir fn--fi IioiInadelad ii et itti m ut it, iii ttth ii. Reg. 40e lý. iTISIi)i 0if 2 9 WEÉK END CHOCOLATES 32c. fi t tii îi ite tlfor ot havtitg aý uit ! tt 1111 t I-i tiichocolatm en. r ri si%,k-i k r tii siV i a\,ti a lbrgèr î'ariety. A--art-d I ik- 3", - Making your money l Saturday-Sunday Chocolates 49c. Box. - go asfar as possible is i rr.e--itiiisw>otf il theproblemthesedays . c ii-,îttîtîti -tn A l".nt ý :I t We think we can help ntitbox,,iitrtiriiiiga îg,td assortintri4 i you. Good merchan - tti.................... tIl Ciii t_ diseait moderate prices ~ LGTLNH is the policy we work TFli. tfitarttînt i s growing fast. i to. rfI f th iti itigrtir&felting îlop nt-i ur Iu li TOLETZKA'S Tobacco Store and Dilliard Parlors. T. HI. IVIOO R E lE AD BRAMTON GEOGETWTfN MILTON A L i CI ________ iAv ~du/t 3ea~.t- Biff ___________ Turner's Meat Market HEPBURN'S GARAGE Io again making a Raid POE13MLO on Meat Prices. _ ieSeil On ansd after SATURDAY we wîll sel- BEEF Choice Bnci Steak at ...........2fcanti Stec Sirlait Ronet ....................... 5( Rite ot Bief .........................22c Engliol u Ct Top Itib............................ 20c Rom pRoast, according tis haut . ...t...2k ant-I22e CinuckRoani, iront................... î15e Boillng Beef, tram . . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. eO Choies et- SiemBee ................i5e POR K Legs ai Park . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .2ec Trimnîsa Loins ai Pork .......................... 28 Chopa, ri-mît-ed...............................300 131.115Park.................................. 22e Shaulders ot Park ............................ 22e Lard, by tins potand ........................... 20e in buik ................................ 1e t-y omît renderng .............22c LA MB Chop................28e snd 30c Leg anl ain..........................d2e Necks and-aiRcks .................... 2eal22 Brest ot Lambh............................... 1e VEAL Choice st.............................. 30 Item Veai, tram ............ .... 20c Vual chope and Steaks ......................t- aid33e Ws cainit inake a ot on Veal ai psices aItinsq present tîmce mili not alum unugoido a. BACON, HAM, ETC. Cheie Luian Bacti Bacon, by the pince .............. 53c 64 '4ý aicsd .... ;...... .........55 Ns Liais Breakfasit Bacon, by thne ponce ....33e la 35e 14 dg elicéd ....................40e Bos o 5 Ibs. averagc ................... 28 BM5 Boîtaluais.............................. 22e pinie Raia, mitai........................8e and 20e ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20e omt 0 et shis abi" uposetuniy and loueesa aCal. _:l-rner's Meat ,Market Aites -Holden "A"Seconds, apecially ptiti-t 1 t' Aines-Holden No. 1, al siztes ini o i Ik We offer extrai value inGoodrich hrhtî, t ý Cord, i aIl sizer, 33x1 mid :;r111. Agent for Kigt RebotiiiilAi1)-if We bofaq uîy iPO LAflINE IR-A-CIOR 0IL taIbargttituprice. This is a ojiet ilt i oil for Tractor nse. REAL STOVE VALUELh Royal Oak Heater $1-1,110-11s50,11til"i c 'ý Il 11 165- 5 Il ' 0- 2.00- 5i SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH- Qiîebec Ileater S20.00-$5 down and 4,;. pet t Air Tight Ileaters $5.00 and ,k7.-)O. THESE ARE VERY REASONABLE. Stoîe Pipes 20ce. each. Slave Pille I-1f Slave Boards, Coal lods. SAtM TO PLEASE'* GEO. H.-'DAWSON PHOi'NE '8 ~4s~t-e MIV llsraby Circuit Cburcb Ananuccu Susdai.Oct. 2&iîBetisi y-30f>M' on accSatunt fanieraat«7 Omagin Prubyteraa Cbw*. j 'i -t onintr censk binonkssre oniftse, 0mIni dby lino Appicecît t 9tBocik Ce.. nf Hamîilteîon, tOn ff $à mpez and leaie yii ' iat tins C ampion Officeifolithi ickit daiiveryi. il 1- Cars~ TIVE Tc ,g Car ;TOWN F , - ti-1 ts pai ilument. MIl LTOWJ 1 MI rXIV1,412J -U &-.a.ÇZ4 %Mjýv-v