Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Oct 1921, p. 2

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i. - -0.-rh O iî The emaan Champion WHAT FARNERS PAY. "ai" WM E uA*U MiLT. ojOtober. 20, 10M. mse Cnrbt. R mal em a jagaw a re Ce. Farens are baintold that tihe duty inig as JUg.mtluArme~ on feuai i mpiements tu exce.lveiy 30w can a batfIying at top sipeed hgb. laa on., .Uceeantully avoid contact Ltctmondq inudge juetinu judg. Adose of tact in the het antidote with any of a number of fine S11k Olext a ne llonArea coewas t poilticai fiction. W. auboit an thrade trungaearonse theroom? The roceived ber. by Mr. McClenahan, authetstement, laiton limait the'bat'. wltlg. accordina to Prof.Hain.- Cerk Of the County Court. After xc. Cuatomos Departn.ent report of March Ilton Marrîdge, of Cambridge, Eng- citlng the facta. tht the plaintif had Slt, 192, for ail Canada : 1 and produce by their vibrationx ent.u'ed an action for an injunctlon Inxplement Duty Duty Colu. l20) oundwavec teo tlgh inIlich to bie rtainlng thre defendant Company Cultivators .....15 1c * 12,84.00 audible tu huoxan cars, bot whlcb trean t Oert ktngin ardgai-heedrilblee t..inel 35,764.00 Bond back echues froin ail 04114 eh- age o h aoet i ero1 iePrtbeex'os7 173.100 jects nearby. The bat bas ears Pecul- Hotel.cilon and trom rom.iting Harro. ...........15 731.347.00, larly alait e 0catch he ecboe., an eano hrinte the plaintiffs SlfUbinders.12J 42,901.00' and ne mar beie ald tu recel ve nourri adtheir PropertY, and refereing te Hay loaders 2301,582.(X) pleturee of ourrouuding objecte. ln evidence given, his Honor ment on to Hay Teddees .201 9M.00 Other iworde,. il sees' wlth ilu ear$. eay : . Hoe aks.. 1.5 1,125-00 Bals, white ebuormalir sensitive to -It oai emtome Unît thnu caeue'.-Manure spread lc one nadbeO oa 40crs douen to the point wtetter te r 5.40ecra haveouile onnudaeeclty t plintifh have a right to invoke the a'- ttowing Mact.. 12J 2,081-00 tear certain muet louder eounids. s'tance of the court to prevent te PîOoghu .....17J 60807.00 j EperimenC, tave utown hat they defendant rompany frontue ng their Poto.,iggers.2O 1.17.0 r o leubdt h occ )aridu in a nay that ix regarde4 by Bropert..atr 124 th vice o croc ePeople as mot disuîrbioig and Roileru 20 lI.Mi00 usn pulg odr o r !ljetionable, tut wticb otter people Scythes . .. ..22J '30000) greatîr ditorbed wheo bande are l iit ccautail objectionbie or diturb- ici '-. ~ 474.00 eiapereor palier la torc.Tearing nf ing. l. a tijg to te rrgarded as a Knives(Hlay 0 paiercaunsetireurtofltter and not lite it, if. uamatxc fccjer Smu . 21.aeken their npeed. Bats mure their asnce abe auner f fe peoier 22 19.(X)I e, rery raluli. maklng ten or Pepe et Pt ieiretoteu per second. This "Iwau seiouuly cooteoded icefome Fiee Implemieoto luty Ccii. eroduce a very it note that la net moc that the construction cifti riot Traction ditehioig Mach ..Free Nouse generalir audible te man, but whict woid croate a nouance per ne, biui I parts eaoiip become, seo mttte aid of te raillnt for a moment gîve efecet to Traction engioeo rip le microphone. Nturaiste tave long tttecha acontention. OC ix quite trc t$14M) aalixe .. realiied thatte bat muet rossesleCr t9!at the extension of the tuoinesm part Parts .........a...... ome eutreor-dioemy meansosf guiding S (t a towir cloue te reidences may dc- Cea. Seprtori ... ... ] li tt, but ttey fuiied tealige C preciate thre value et such properties Steel Bocks for same...te truc nature of lbhe appaatus. a mauresidencee, tut au roeue au the pro- Piongt Staren ... .... ......tîuetiattceraue perty crne into the market for busi- Moldtoards.rve hutta hecaue' neao purposex the actual vaiue of scclh adsie . . power orf nding lile muraboutin tire s Sand ides.........durk mae due Ou un exceptions] de- i property la greatiy irrcreeued.' Maetioery and eppîxaxo reîopmetot fte fouchretseoe e,îd 21 Tbe matter Of the teo bylaw rem cen cf roo or steel cf a tire limite was taken up and ttc Judge riasu or iod nottnmode lut ln ttc delicute iemibranous neye the plaintiffs are nct io a positio o Canada........s..... inge. Ttc tcuriug of baiserascmti tn cotorce it, an tiret ilue matter foc Binder Twine ....... ..buemure sente tant lIai ofanycter the tewn connecil. Bartird Wiv Fencicc .,. kind cf animai. aod it la otcrved The queetion ut noise wua taken up Avcrage rate cf duiy for ail atone ibat tteolcirmnit part, cf thele as foliome :-If a pernon in cloue article.,, 7.12 @ are are mocubie and etremeir proimity te a riot cao leqalir pie- sensitive. ne veut ite operatioro tetauxe certain ha nossare necesareily incident te ils HIGH SCIIOOL FIELD DAY. Thre Bomi and ihe Necllace. 'Pa "peratior. it would te Weil nigt im- In ba certaionBalkano tatetat te i8q possible te operate a riot et ail in a Ttc iratsiaulfield du r of Miltern refrains from traiin, Lord Frederie si tomn,ad thia mould Soeurste lie con- tigt aibool came off laut Friday mitt Hamiltoo in i bock. -Dayx Befors Ec trery to common orose au welleas xea- greet eciat. It te gan ith a xarch Yesterder ib te intatituntu arc con- ffon. Sireiy the operation o f a r lic Main Streetandftuethetfair groundsu rmcd souvenir hunters. During annot te e$garded ausrmore diturtîog liy ttc popils, oumterrng atout 1I0,1111dinner oartr at te Brtish Legation Chbat thc operation of a Street Car SYx- keepiog teP te the rat-a-tat of two ointat namteeax tat u onf the ten., anid a very large proportiont f iare drnma. At the grounds there ladies mas wearlng aufinu nechiae the people have te lire on Strecte on Smere foot races anud other Sporte. i utO peris, mîet a native of ttc state nvict treet cars are mne. Ttcce are uniet girls as well au boys competeut. dmired imeslan gedfrN înany people mro wcixid rot lire on ln tic aternooneat thee chool grnaxde, p umsson ueeuin.bcThe dip -for aîîct a treet. arnd doubtics ttrre are taeeema a tasket hall mnatch etureenteeun.Tcdin-f xîîeny who wouid not lite to lire any thie girls of ttc Miltoni and Oakville mat', ie nery unwinuiy nnfaxtened 0 wtei-e due,' biluha choot, a rpeadid ane. The the neekiece; and umid iond enere,- A nun.ter of judgosente mere qiiet- gaiee otreenuiixand the girlsof t oth @ion& nf admirationo eti lsbeautiul W cd, uniong them.in Churcli mardeustuupayd ttcai hymr workmenslp tey liaxaed it round v .Stephena. ty Chie ier ees- mrtt, xparing neither txenaelrea nor from band 1 te nd. At ttc end ni dith. in wnctht held thatt te pay- teir uppoiente. tut the test of irooej the dinner te lady asked for ber inrefcart di hn xrincoidmers t be- aT nd rportsnxînuhip prevaried neetlace, but no onoe kocmanytlng- prevnte whn srvies wreet c- hetomnentero wonr. 7 tel5. A base. ubout Il. The British Minlter. wot uîg tnld ini e churcir. aieinChristie baill match foliîimedr Milton vs. Oak- tbnght thtt e undertood ttc peu. n vo. Davey, that tte carryîng out ?f ville bighla ctool.' Our boys xqoared pic of ttecontory. rnse netce ocre. the defeodantu ocaling au a -music the defeut of the Milton eeniornst v Mon. WItt e Smile,.lire ,eid. -Wn tracter did flot cortitute a nuisiance, Oateille. Tteywon, tefi The morrihave jui minencd a veryrilever ettough t t vauasource ofannnyarce. of ttc local battehairuoranh te do anrd vcry eneing picee of legerde- -Iii lnyder ne. Ceteli. 29 Va. 48C ait the restait. Aiin haedair aouort- main. Nnm mc are gologtbec e un- euae practiclir on ail fours witht ttcnient of baffing ug seves, witt opeed otter littie piece nifcnjoring. BHe pre.et, illI m flieOtetpretent the and Millea mork telnd ttc bat was malked quicetyte belti dcccx cf tte eriin andinjonctionceogranat nd urn nflire.Tire tolluwisg arc thc Win- room,ioced tem and potutte!. ecnk idre maunttontie rt eei tatd tsofte diffenent evectu : mb tie pochet. Then, plurn aonaxit pr evdecews aknwhchshwd hn Ova,- 1tcaiuv-Oca eilîver tomi f ram ttc ideboard ln tbhe i to use cf ttc oaid building an a skat- . rdo-Cnrete W. Stîert. Wilson. cetentcdnnrabtecn-i cf rink oid teea nuiance,.tut the Poon euuIi-doinrn Aiesn, Hli cnr fth inrtblb o-1 scurt on rtioxi dieuoincd the ioiiic- ilb uhiun-Wood, Irourn4' ,s tinucd. "I am nom gong te nmti'h be t on, reerving te ttc petitioeerse c Hoo.ie ud iuap-W. earti.S. Pen. offail th igbtu and court le, i ightt oaepifor a reinttemenit of nos. Carertr. sa. aVEN-S slomrly. Tben 1ai tiram on ttc Va tie injoction after ttc riait oîlîle ud-î.;r tsiccaee. lihtu ugein, und. bey.presto' cn operetucu. A eiipplenentaltbil lic m-Wilson, . S.art. Cerancit. Madame de - 'a necetIuýec itlite t] ivsflecag gt .. the riati ilcycle itnci.i.uim W. Stewsart. fouod lilg in It csliver bomi' Tic operation. lit consuquence (ufthe Pitt .at Ju .. Cro . c eruom maplunged in dartncns,,and crowds and noise drodiieed, u a J Kme. liannST. .LI the miaieter countcd lomiy up lu On the Ïnai heeriig te y-o.HnatB ite nurtance.ue erintt h njn- lad-More atark, Hanutant. tnec. The elcctric liletbte ted on Cout efuei torenattetheinuri- allmie-recntone. icaren, Wilsonn. agaîn. Ttcrc mas no itechiace. but s tios eand diumisoed the action, tut on licp, lie end iump-meurnnlir Moore,. the smurer bowlibaid vanleted. appeel the injonictiou wau ruinisad F -iore iceCr rpos in ruade perpetuai, tent.nd earencsr "1 ar nent prepared te toid, itter rontuCronTs. Brides endt Orange BMoissonne. - ttat ttc rink, conetructeut au proposed. Oeyenc-Iv, wiimn. OSeart nd 0ier- Varionsteomies havc been giren would te earnuisancee rsueor that ui-. .ccritMueend cnCiteio, .regurdlngte unec niorange blou- tle nuies and crowidu ncccssriiy in- 1, ]iOi .... tad S-rk 3duxex, somoa a bridai ornemente. The eus- îident to ttc operation. onheurprnpemiy Starkandcittile, i. 111, Dcwar sud Siniclirc.tom le soppouert1te are been brougbt cunducted, austxeccualy con.-titute 3nol, lart. tgErope by ttc crueuders Iro ttc airusane, n frt mut asum n ils;o Sewat, ree~tuoImeMuiP.u..ueaot, the Saraccu brides bcbng ac- ttis action ttiihe rint iii te pro- 111. ODonnlil. Cartwright. carbei, Litic. coutomed ta mear orange recatta ut îîerly onducted, and ttmefome I dia- Grhaca lubraith, rud, I, obert, cu. Orosu ir murrlage. To tIblaobjection riesttc action mith Costa. Stca, Aik..u .-tlc n. co., _3,rd Cocu race-î,Dwar Il. 2nRoertssn m ae raixed thtt lttoughthttcorange 'tejodgment utoulai te mittout GIRL' EceuNa .tree iestmougbt te Eogland a" eau- prejudice te euy action oniet ruay 1te n cdOcJ -icseMeti.-ni y as 1290, utimalongue bfnmcttere brug ytt linifor aa iilaur Kci.. case 'imou.as any ceai roitivationaof Iut mm r-cm y mten the rint ju in actuel l syardclaush. .-Laoe ntidsay, ldsigrehus.Aecntboya operation if, upon ttc tacts then cuiot- hMari, r e.ecGrihcam. lilrdesin raen to o. Aeeeond temy Nc.. nadssdR u-LuaceLnuy, te rneboum aeb b iog, iL ntouid prove te te e nuisiance weoOîtilee Cbcen omu by bridex ounther mueiege br- in fact. Tbro-lnc5.d e-,.A sAIcns d iir ranopiunion ttc dicectorx cf te udSxio mne and, Jsb ; . . Chinhaha cause ttey merentonuly xccnted, but cfnetrmaimoid t eCeeil ..cd BOus Dfir ird, troue Gra aead aiseamere rare anud cnuiiy and se nie t tain ie oucîît of ttc co- Ouyit alrace-c. Iswtiun udPo-mthîn the reeeb of oniy ttc noble liortior of Miltou tii the propoard ceCîsmî. e-su, and rlch, hat iodueatioc ttc bride to inettod of consctruction before roter- bica;. gsextli.Talor MeetFloeln-e oane ib raukeAtbil nthctr ut utc oa iiîding contruet toeiiuiid. airaube'.00 hn ro;rPaic rnebia rct x ti And it mey mcli te tbut titey mould ccTrowieC sasicati. 5e-,si, Meil Har- urigin in Spain, mhere oranges have te vnIadnaedto cat tir it Fdeard, Blancei unis î3d» Mary cpo- been caltlvuted fur renturies. Tbect oni enotter ite, tirat ctinieg ts cn c-AnneiHloptius, Flrence )faMx- h. fastien pDedrtte France, and br the concent ut those licving inieihnga.inin. means of French milliuerrmas cls rxmt hrtlest e d iff 5tciccIo-.nseWisoe, Florence aprend ta other land.s. eut conclusaion etoîîid te reeclîrd U Obstaclesrce. .u.-Giudc Munti.Myriin an cepeluete tribunnl ripou en appeul 1iHeod, ire.. Grahams. d Locusia Ou South Atrica. lierelour on irwof a possibedverse b.;*rCoIlco 111. eola , Hnm te Sauth Africcu Goeea ducision ripon thc factu exiutin g wnen ,Trbownga basiet saii-Ous iesns, Mar- ment extermicated the locuet icest la tbu n hoai cutîal ii e Sad&cc bscuir. loice ersTalorir e ld by Mr. Lennard Fleming, ana ti. i.:oraioteseîdayswen tT rshall. nitire farmec num rieitînig ngland. A ueyc,îiî orfiicriilyoInciChcseut caceJ.-ieco enti.Foc thre succexive reara ttc count- wnit the jodgmont. Oc ils uîoe, josss iKtunse Cheminaicci, Sc-triades hMartin,- Atrntmp mrau umpt over by locuta, the Aiede. Inn torcam-smcrms belng sometimes Ofty miles Ni-di.dîcg cunissli-Arst.Hpi ayin liophiprysurau, rent P. M. MOORE BUSY. 55dm, Ruer Wîîmo,. i eet pas uearnt -standig ump-îoorPiemnos Mnrshall, 6ciadys et soda, and treucie mure given eut Martiîn,1cm eneGahamtn ey mer. Poutcards mere le- lic Saiiuciuy Rotîmocon a octiic f cire ic nîued end reporie 0fMarmhamsmers rccuru bc hld ut Nouvel ohen a number tîsCoil. Marycye Oyss thtnilII)oudadrptsf w me e tihbe inls btnuusail-OuCo llev o. Milton. 7-5 sert te ttc tcad office. mtere on a A cif yug mec mccc cturgcd utheng f,afocc iltonia. lrempeeysaml h o int,,uIcOieil on tise Publi tet noe il uirC ... oneip o... te Fine- lremeeeyuau utcc miii. nuouii StreAtice u sce Marsthll mry mas incated and mrtrd doma tcuiasa ý hring aurage nuni- Gt'îcicCtnopîouetip cu. bc lcse.fardetruction. Ttc roont loucta' ler cf niiorOors tiosuili MCcre andi Crhrcn. lutheir toppigsaeaeteset t- liott McClcre, iotteru, mocre connict- Foco cmno IV.'i9,o eints' rod II taeuctt ma 0,1 ri tiihe âge. Ttcy mccc til * 10 7,iniiO.1iO. 1,1cOui.rt, lii s rcius '-ened, euieoned grass on every feomm ilBsb aci, tiaknvile uiloe Won 1n tteCcountry and Oed. And mince ccd contHeau'si. The charges ginise yMiton tea8,06. tei- tec yccîîg umen meedilinieed tAi O uoimii iii Ontili striuents anid Issie.1905 teccuuntry bau been mittont foc Jack otfrnislcce, imrr, wreonici icicîisd c-ai nipecriuste locusta! M. Fleming Ctartcrues touei icireoss i ucuciîr u igteboot I.This e olw4yadan-a theusorceasfnt eterçainution ni the RusellclgTure. Huaieeon e ict uSer ti a co c iorthcstidtsi mocis tupeut as -oue of ttc groateet actiere- offr, onudlnrii oO on sentence on menti ofai co aerument n ttce pal mciii ofcoësu.au ncwomrld." Ttcoc charges grewo ut oi- miîcodocl CURLING. ôit theYoung mcnualter eceircpaaaeof tadiama Yld esdtxLIand. nivedîîi vn a olutHarua tbisCbei The annueal reorgenloation muetiung The last ereat tract Of land in Mcnile, tics oeteo me. tCent bm. of teMitnCurling Clut ms es rcdat Canada fer mtlch Iodlenr neteand CMeusillto Georgeow puecctent fra.uFl rtle r nop lest Friday crenîxe clalme ailadnet braun tretofare ex- Crw. Lettrnoeyr, Broplon, dendul'liere sa large turcouat, mith pos- ilgulehed iii tihoeceaucecursd W. ent bari8erBrapto, dlenedpecte for a fine sunnof sport. 016- for the cro, ance the trety mats tceuceuicel, cers mere electeul as folloma : by H. A. Couler, IndIan taupetor, le Pil torben and RuselDeloreet bail Patror n ndPatroncms-Jîudge anud ,conludcd. Ttc terrltory invlred o cetier lorrebol argument e0t tecorner Mru, Elliot, stretcbes oortt fromt the sititetb ,>l 1iii und Muin Streeté on Sturday Presidct-C. D. Brturegor. parallel. and cit and ment beCmeen ulienoo. Chi Cooney camc niong and Vice.Prcidnt-Wm. Chiriboîni tire Yukon Terrltary and the Cepper lhe on ceaacd, TtcerltrmLth mon Secrtar-ht. Davidoen, Mine rivre verirg approxixlately - ~~~~~~~withi tiar. mnt rtb iOpb Independeot Literni Candidate liretion of thisrnticendu canni t e for lalon. made thereaiter. Dated thi, ltt day ot Octeter, 1921. Wtt. PANTON, Auction Sale Register. î Ciert. Tuesdey. tOt. 25tb. - Unceserret credit asction sale of firatelaxu furm U F & F R (toct and imjniemerats of IeaacMe at 12.30 sharp. J. M. Alderuon, edlt2 the S.TAfa g .Fridey, c Mb-Credit auct - - M ILTO N -- aloerm rtuntand impienieptot tot King. lct 15, con. 7,H Mrnby, ch 2 . .Be ethActoee. General Garage AGENTS WANTED. A GENTS FOR Wr ment e reprenentative l o yii neighborirood mnth neliing ebility ut hacdkç a hennebold necessnty, made iii eanadrSelie un demonutratuoandu r a rex-peater. A gond opportlunu -ptegcinttuinesu for yoonnoeif.A mail. Initial inventmnt oniy for goiiis For particular ppy Champion Officu- DROWN'S DREAD Nom moldait, A. NI. Fostero (Coni- fctionery, IMilton. Try it .nuii îe convincel thot it nishe tout i-tir. wanL Bremîx sSasllarp Bakgry, Georgetuown. Briscoe Cars, Fairbanks Morse Electrie Supplies and Gas and Oil Engines 2 used Brisco Caro. 2 uoed Ford Cars. 1 xioed Gray Dort. 1used Sawyer-Massey Tractor 1 used Moline 3 Bottomn Tractor Plough. IRACIO-R REDUCTION! -This 15 to advise until fiurther notice that the sellhng irice of our 10-18 Trtctor is $950.00 f.o.b. Toronto. Thio is a reduction of $525.00 since last Mtrch, which shoiîld be sufficient to combat ony criticisrn which might ho ad- itîiced as to price. Intending purchasero will firid it to Lheir interests to look this ti'ictor over hefore purchastnga amachine, J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. A. A. GALBRAITH, Local Agent. FORD CARS The following îs a line of Cars and Trtctors for fal ue. COUPE 8M.00 Lo. t Ford. Ont. SEDlAN *900.00 Lot. Ford, Ont. IVe carry high grade Motor TOUJRING $&W.00 tot,. Ford, Ont. TRACTOR wilb Puiisy $800.00, bMilton., Ou.a for cars and tractors. A full lUne of guaranteed Tires, ranging 13 to 20, 30x3j. Àlso ftull stock of Ford Part. SPROAT & LOTT Phone 171 MILTON Ford Sales Shoes for Men Women and Oidren )UR STYLES ARE RIGHT. OUR QUALITIES ARE THE BEST. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST SEEING I$ BELlE VING-You can ses the truth of our words reflected in the shoes WO show. If ove oili seiu you a pair now ove oili oeil you your next pair-and the next. OUJR SIIOES are the lest shoes for any pex- son Who ovants ýthe most possible value for -monsy. e I HOse te Bout. 12 rcms teen. eani, r areslfur nlsed. le aod rsjr an mii et iocstsd. hberd and7 st ter, itequire Party 0smo mld tutu toSrdes. IMet ce g ondrok and ctei )heusekespar. ltext nty *500pa moth. Eaqslre iromJ. J WIIoa. ilson & iitmoRt. Mlilten. Toronuta Miltiog Ca. Lt.. st Streetoriile. NOTICE. Notice le bcrebygimee t CtC a bylas wxiu edt h. e uncxpalous cil ut te, - t.anntof Hatten os the fourlt day ut Octoee, 921, preeldixe lacthl. un of detenlares te the emouat oai4100.000 far the psrpoee of meeting supenditures ou bigbma1hi. mand thut e.ch t e-les mss regfiîtared un ttceltegietry Office of the Itegiotry Divýision ofthCe CanCy ni Hei. ton unte iouctb du e of Octcbcr, 1921. Any mation t c q uah or net auid e te sai ne e nvmart thereomL gi emade Men's Odd Pants, Youths' First Long Pimts, Boys' .*Joomers BSpeciafý- Boys' mêes Suits Boys' Suits Reefers 3 -pieces, Ailpieces Wool AU sizes, Aisizes, $975 Ail sizes, $9.7ô #19.QO GALBRAIIH & COMPANY of Milton Je N. O'NEILL & SON Dodge Brothers MKotor Cars* - Studebaker M r Cars For Georgetown, Milton and Autoflc T. D. HUME, MILTON PRESÇ,TATIVE ê J. R. LEISH HAN, ACTOWP'PICSIENTAi&yB. AUTO TO PS-We recover atuto tops and equip ymr auto with d openîng curtaîno. CARRIAGE RUJ38ER TIRES-We have the beet equipsent for appIxý Carniage Rtihher Tires on shortest notice. We have ready for sale at a big bargain Oo# e lo daI. Ml U11Teuriug Cd[. driven les. than 5000 miles, good as neov. J. N. O'NEILL & SO-N-GEOPGETOWN L >)umeeesgrcegsna x uxi.n.smmumm-um~& & USYM'S S*;DR ES Don't oîaît until the cold weathW cornes to bu),s d IEHosiery and Underwere BUY IT NOW. We are offuinïis.. cil tt- gains in these 11210 Wehbave agood soâ of Men's and Boys' Sweaters 'ând Pullove r-, Socks , Working Shirts, Gloves Mitts, Caps, Oeai and Rigocks, etc. Yousholdstshé Comforteg* suing at 23 V6l 1.hBanksja 11 -4 and psay and wii. E'L,&NELITTE lm>- d up. Ryivy - TON-1Oo Men's çiothing . -Very specia,I Men's Overcoats, Youths' Overcoaté, Boys' O*ercoats, Hats and Caps for men- -Ne* styles. Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Boys' Reefers; Men's Underwear, -Fleeced and Wool. Best value. Wca aiso Stove Boarti CLEMI2N MA We ext(iî Fal' C-ity Dair Ice Crear lai bulk ,ý fure fint i ifiii fc uit î ill -i Uuis fit ain d. different 40 AN AMRIRNJ LOI6DOf. Bie Toon ia l Wlrss te serg ChincChas.', The Amir af Katuima, Nigeria acoampanled bi tOsofte fou minve, permltted hlm by h. Koros. hie tifteu-rxar-old son, and a body of htlgeri4n voterane te guard hlmý harem, pald a eOte riait te Lundon rocenîr, On his may &round Ohm murld Ca Mocumat te monareh decidei 00.0top ln th. Britisir capital tCa serc his reepetu to thc King and 8penU a buey mesk tu eltt-geomtg. Ecaland, aceusten.ed su &bc late visita hy forelgn royalty, lof tiemg undone Ca keep h. an.lr amceed, He callcd at the Mansionliouas ta Osec h. Lord Mayrcand uetsate.4y and dlgnlOied lutehétsLard bMeyrc chair.Rie Iment t afse.the zoo, ti. mn, thm Bankr af Englanti ced th. Bank ai We.t Af rica, hMe preaa« delighC at h. .lgbt of h. lions la caDiOVItY KtthCire00a. ddlng saisac- lr: 'Our foeafcthere mers muat fo, hi -foretathers.1' Tire amir'% mivés mer-e ermlOted Ca acempany hlm ta "ChuCthi Cham." mhOrO. haasld &bd vel1ed, hcy sccupled & box la full vlcm et the audience0 Tirey %pontlttirut t tir e mek lu tirc harem at thid1- aned Moitel, SC. Faxcraa, mirer. va- mon vistari mèe r emelyd. Bot Princesse. eaid tirat tirey audmi Westem'n wmaeule citir.aud hama. bst moe.psrfectlp content mîtir thair turbana, Tire decision ta taire th ir ieat Cira-theatre W«a acompotse 1 ea of precediit ab ehe mh-. par. O tire second daq of hie mniera h.' .ý ciallmeed sudsisly te 0. W. weirawe a seulor reeldeat niet letl% Ir lueg aaiMbrollifot t tire «U ar eot ti1tneI amtfard ltr lv ~ ite te amt4=i ta Sasemueonte««dte a titi, mae - e wae ti0 for h. fntat 4b lbBdire sie ( c ul 4 rLORI% ii $Wgbdyle and Ce Torcpahhhna«ge i.-1 SAl *fw Aboul We haie ju' elean andI Last year l cthese sold a are sîîu 6 or 7 in.5 Elbows thï a.nd at forF of UMES ,sClothin Work Shirt 'IV the fuiil i ý 1

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