Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Oct 1921, p. 3

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Stpe Foot 1 hat will wea a t. Lowest Pi every imemi f the family ~tME'SHOEÏ lows'CIotong and Furnia \PS CAPS! Work ¼. Smocks and C NECKWEAR!1 fiirtssrry <if Muiis i ,,.i tito,u, ith.- Ixnt, i naîy do go maoisgliter eudib e Ci i'iiiitt.t, Io* 1. v i tiî nt t heottit- I,,iof-i r.. J. M. of the Kuoera Ni.iirand Ni-. t i.,i 28t.b wbislî rep oiLa ti tttraca: i it t abippc.d fsom Kenom ra ilt1,i,0 O,1-. i.t tggi .'itt f tiei iso liter, seaffon, thae r-g siiug t5î ,<at.îk. t1 titLillfianîo itttt to . Ms. erey The fruit ail rrwe ita, , tii iin, -ttcs r.i\andiMm. W. ~A S S 1kiestto a h n a ýai t l o ný .tr nrgI the I td Statées. I --tw ats rit o f Oiti b thishall~ andîît i iîtiut.. JîSaturdtay os Tueray to inipeet li 's stî tit1w , v I lt t i t otieci the Rigbt Ihnuou fs-efsge, aroriîpaieti it,. 11j. Othiîî lgieiWhco ieliad- Treatisuier. tbe CreiwiiAttrrOs , " I le.- oi,ýtîstitg in uthe intl c f Dr. Jîs tie e ailer as"iid c. M u.-l iii. . P ., theuicgoers. 011 c tok nhaiîl a'Il b=-ild J.F". Lktie. foirmer hhiî,tsti- Il Tbeyfiiîîstiverythisgiîthii- tt.tft"If i-, fieh, s Columbia 1t,111' about liait' <t' a t u ith ptency of e% iI.o-, îtf Nîr , jtif .î.;lýýýji l t t heioiî Pineecul ad Mn, lit. Pîrirîige. , I tir u t , ittot N,'. i1 i in rt iih e thens lWaienseelentdis o-i. s,.i ic, Ï . ccMiU itibOceht i Os Jîiy BMNikeaIi-l) T I)KA -.iiile.. ,r_ .ttt 19tt20t. and liii ofead rsti it ci lant Siiiidayni sgbt betwiriitti.t,.ti 0flitbr e-m o ieiliripithe MOIdBmnroni iiitihe-Torî,îtr, iit,î ittttec iîîî ioisuoMr hîgbstaY. lie wis udetîtît g I-itun ti. \I:t, ' gge gon Wctlesdiruouiissooî Gi1a.- RoonIngNails, tuirgfosGulhIltr mietrteMas.Te ture &Brtls ifls (orii ilii iî, k. ettîoict us infote. Th arttand Joeph i i. Teincir ii .i0t. ltt, ittlie esetIt tbigsdifiii bh c landîlthe gsaoiiiiotiokit, rtred ea itoulfaners. Tbe tour menio ý piitttitcduseiRoei E sder tbe car. tbreme citîi ruur. heiroiath csp~~ , I-MA [IrN~~YA ~ getcot. more or icshcsoi, bttiGoOe oiistiîihti HARD W ARE <LJVI IÇ. teey itoulti sot cîtrisate Me.r. tti iilnwhjhsc.iidn huglloilsiis svbo viiîîirîed to death tsh-- u ît'iteeti 'fi cîse il rssur 5ee. HFrvvais ecatais of N- .Con h-oiîes ow 5,0,anti psy 381,00 paSY or the ire belga 1. ii for îeî. t, u te ite..Bu ildisg coi-uicns wl dma e ide.a Mthodig. 5Ze eftasîl.i, btegiiiioini.Xuriil lt. 1u22. asti tbe ocio littie daîgtersmoad ason. iîxicîeteiii li e ready foroccuipation * tenîd to s-ou an invitation to vfisif ns during the ùar ake our store your head'1uarters. Cty Dairy VICIMULS Cough aM d l 6 Cream - A Victirola la oonoeded to Rem3Bdies b. the buat Talktnz Ma- ii< and brksî. chine sold. It reproduceH MADE IN CANADA mussic and the human voire ixlCh1erBaWit fruit and fruit in a roarvellous manner. Pieandheryark i u .e,; tsed at our Corne in and Jet u8 de- Pnead i F'onutain. loitite the Victrola and iYrup Tir snd Cod Liver Hia Muter'a Voice Rocordm, 011. .îîîdas, SodsRexalTastelese CodL i er 'ilasof odris, 011. S f .is, * - 'ampole's Cod Liver Gi], liexaîlCold Taleto sL KODAKS {odaks and Eastman 'amerasain aIl aizes from $2.00 np. trnan Film, ixes to iA ail makes of Cameras. Cnfeculonory u is and Liggett's Ilk and boxes. USoItmeflt of a&l f rent centres. tf NuNa, Cherry, ii,-iNougats, irea, and tfu..lier varieties, iltys fregh. aqd Statioqery We have an enormous stock to rliocue froîcu, of svrrythîngiso'd in puibic sud high ochool. lu Stationery and Writ' ing Matetial ove have pads, vsiting ppes-s in boxes, envlopesbeautiful paper in bulk în aIl t,ýe.vas-oua aim, with entelopea te match. ftiqfeus l'h. Svan Fountain Pen, cil"m in Canada," bas pro es isfb ql te 1t thae atPensp m a tho voirld. TI.ey are guafan' OCslm nand lott unashow Itexasl Throat Pauitihesl Farm Supplies Flemning's Stock Reuiedll, Herse andJ CaILle Conditioni Powders, Horse and Cattie Saltes ad Sulphur, Pore Saltpetre, OuI et Tar, -Powder Gentisos,an Linseed Meal. liSING US YCOUB lLEiIPES rTO BE FILLED. - NW 1Magasine a n& Periodicais. Tocaonte & Haiiton morn- ing and evening news- papes- We take ssbariptions for PPu lewamosm a A uIssmr'ueuVAuuua.v'.Lustoieri csrrule .vaohroîîgbt toji la ere rni îlot, jus. havicg bhe- ostrnnd te, ti sus sîonthi s a vagssst hy Poîlie Moigtratsui hs. Be isisae. cau- ot give scy assoîîst of bîcîseif soti lii ii au iiintioît. Be is nnn ogabfe. ils refuiond s bath. ladtelie ti ippc-clfui fi.puitit astidreoeu sftcer lie lhalat iti. The ancîîf îrsary osevicsaof ltiliride 'uufîut.iiureli.Sîîtidy, Oct. ith. ServicetSt a."]. cOnduisrdby Re. fi. Di. Haouites. of Burliogtos. Eues- ing service at 7A),uiostisteiliy Rer. B. F. Greeo, of irselcon. Thc Lcville sîsiielcir ciii furnish the nmasîett the rsenisg service. In thci moranfl ths Kuubride Metiotiot shoir vill sisg, aoouuteui hp MisKaiser, of Campbe - vie, asti Mise VasEleet cf Hamîilton Thec- pwosih Lrsuoe of thr Mefîmit Choreli opsord Mostiuy esesisg isith a social. Tlîe prugess upreti citb anosg service . uller the seriptuse lesosnvao reail ly Mies L. Festheistone. A ssîîîber oi girl*agave a chorus schirh vas esjoyeti liy ail. Mise France@o liementa gavs as instrumental solo. wlioh vas esrsred. me.. W. B. Clemesis ihen gara a vocal acf o, whicu vos aisorscored. Tbiasvws loil<tved hy ssctber chorus, sitar whicb îlera iwu a costesttia vhicb il preaest toot part. Rcfreeniesiers eercsti. SCisOt Fuii.-Tbe veatlter luit Mostiay for Milton emlirat iteaii fair vas raid as.d rsv, vltb oceasiosal rai. but it did set teep asîyof the yeuse people away or damp their es. thugasse. There vas a goudly tn- out of parente. Thera vas a large daapiay cf fruit, roola, breati, rates, pies, vritisg. driovisg. vwocîti rt, etc, sn tbe mais builing asti asottier of poaitr asti pet stock in tbe punit- ry bse The exhibiti gss.eraiiy were of a bigb riais, worthy af lest Satar- day'î big fair. 'ibere vas a pregrami et athietîs erenta foîr boys asti girlo. wîtia iota of estrieu asnd iiveiy cempe- titios. A meet isieresting featueet the fair vas the speatisg costeat for beys asti girls. The visser. vers t Beys, AsdrsvwbIkite, Cavera lMar- sahal, Johs Holmes. Wilson MeKiti- bos. Girls. Sybul Sintlair, Mas-y Mar- ahail, Dorutby Desyce, Mary Stewart. Editb Devar. Isabel Andirevs. WEDDING. GOWu.iND-Kceo, on ied uedny.9 L 1" aieIuSa ras," vten. th 91 e ds ogiste- of Mr. asMand W.. i Mîlton. becaise tSihe de of BiRulis Me.Jobs Oowiand. Ash, 11ev. J.C0 vas cien avay by hie father, tboleai love y in a goves of geargette over uIt aid ts-lmomi wu tSi n. w4tgi tulle on pber wedidado. Atertie çwei auer lie ,oum Betoasts Us.te to RateiOntSieïr retdM .tier wui ceaide on thSgow, brin.'- uq l t E.sq>-Cumit chudAmmuso u Viiors ntt1he Fais-. Eu. Cors. Oshswa. Rd. Asisetrong, Brecelridge, J. i. Harrison. Port Coiborse. Me.. Moore. Niagara Fall. NY. Mr. asti Mss W. Ocore. Brxmptos. Me. asti Me.. John Megachess, Eins. Ms. asti Mr@. Jobs Currir. St. Cathar- Ms. asd Me.. Kesos Agsew. Peter- lioroughi. Ms. ast i Sre. Waler Wheeier, Niagara Falls,.NNY. Jack Lasdehoooghasd Wallacee - t'umpliy, Glii. Me . asti Meu. John Tsaweii asti ses Emory. Biilisbrg. Mr@. 1. Bakes asti taughies, Mise Doria Becs, Waleetiowss. Mr. and Mes. Jas. Daviios asti Frank ilameliai. Hamsilton. Richiasrd Pstritige. Superitesdent of the Hlitos'Peel honee ai refuge.,lBramp- ton.- Edio J. NI. Moore, of tbe Georgetown Heraiti. S. B. McGilihon, asti îssy ollies Gieorgetowns mes. The rivai eastiititeo les the eomnisg Fetiersi sisetiose 'ociili e es in the in the fais groostia ait Safustiay ia)kisgf silI, the eiertorc. Ms. asd Me.. J. S. MrCssssii, Ms. asti Mes.. . R. Cotiseiie. J. S. Haw- thorne, il. Armstrong, Mrs..C.ruikshank, Mr. asd Mes.. B. Osgîiali, Ms. asti Mà.. Wm. Whaitee, Torssto. BOWLING. Two tGuelph paire.rame to Milton os Tiiesday evesisg asti liftedthte foots Tropb v for Scotchi doubles. Tbe score:t Guelph. Milton. Barbes- Jas. W. Biais McCieilasd,.sklp.18 WV. Cbiuboim.9k.12 Lousa tts t'.St. Tuîrner J. Heuther. at....18 Dlr. Oowiasd. usir.1 36 2W Georgeto. Sept. 2.-The lerst of vbat promiet eau ansîcai iadiea lavn owoling tearsament vabelti bers to.sigt and proved te be as an- qualilisti nceesa. Handacese prizs vers presestedt t the Oe.st anti secosnd rinsain the tourney asdtihIc consola- tics romputitios. Tvesty rinto en. teeed asdt tbre vers se defaulte,vbiia tbe sempstctses. vas exteptsesaliy tee in eery came. Among thse par. tiiipasts were repreetatcses frein Os-llia. Stratfos-d. Bramptos. Atos, Miltes, Streectavilie and Tor-onto. Me.. (iraydcs's riat frolje Streetaville sas-. rieti off the boose. by aefeatsg Me.. MeIleais, High Part, Torosto, la the inai bY 12 te i10. This ganse vas very risse andthte vissera verse etesaiet te the lîmit te nome ot in fs-ot. Mms C. N. Tarses-, of Miltes, met U. ouuriay, ef Pas kdia Club, Tocantes, in tbe usnai sf the consaion rosund, the formes wlnslsg by a fiveeabt margîs. Tise Miton riot'. scores. Por Tsopby. Miton, ktigh Part Me.. Blescoby Me.. Sinlir Mr&.,Scott Me..Tas-scr, skiS Mm. Stuart, stip. 8 Milton. Georgeteiyn Mrs. Tssrer,at.ld Me@.. Bodeos,.i2 amiltes. ePiettisie Me.. Tarses-st. 5 Me.. Oosdy, st. ..18 Fer Consolation. Miltes. Actes. Mr».. Irner,st,13 Mise Nelson, stip.-t Miltes. reampton Me.. Tas-oe,a..iOMe.. Bsovnridgc ô Mltos. St.Lawrence Pit. Me.. Turner,st.13 Me.. Culiett, sic... 10 Miltes. Parkdaie Me.. Taries-st 12 Me.. Gsady, akip 7 Testes-day evescsg a Miltes isk. J. F. Robisons, Dr. 'island, J. W. Biais and tC. E. Tas-ser, skip, veot te Ta- rosite te ts-y te lift tisa Miltes Cbml- lenge Csp, beiti b yW WbrvPart.* Tbey Isat te, skipTaylor b y 5bsha. The ganse vas cios.eistii near the laut. vhes Taylos- got a ais esnd. rPrivate Sale of FURNITURE r I Local News Mr. - .dZ_ Ma',-f0'% s.COUDENSEDAI V U S el. taid j. ,MiRrinauil . »atumblCbaerte t d moto Ios onfair Moli eet Muet 7 'd a y.u n 0 0dQos s osd f o r . m Pd1ode K2&Iand tc, .1, eta Bsn)If ois 8,4 PIYW. . Sewat, oureo&a r. AP. eariy sew. Appi rices f M"h '0ghone ast tîray pîp Lut. Office. et HOW fairn ltmî sre .t.ws onsg w0uan wouid likeste o Mewamfca lditoe as bouse kepe ihere cbiid le net e.Fea SALE-BatsI )e Mr%.. T.irk (Mesu. < T Baaeedoi and Ams ppiy at Champions Office. DeIls, ossgb, pi daalgbliee. M. A.-SBUW. Torooto FAIs dayMilton oid timer. bers s S 0 Aiie e t sverl 7 15lov d FaIir a ereHugli Facter, of WoSd. yhieApepier..o et-er' ly ntO' iceîn tock, sod tri' o C, iof Igr o Ccca t f Aulatdo hlgl ric... BoW.'. o 0'ao.othe Mail and 7r4.= e. Spire, mA.Is teher. of thiSisele Mro. NV. B. Waiker wiii recesise for FOi S.L._-C.i (Jo « e4Jobn Patte.. ail if the irst tisse 'm ene5 y Oct. 12. ose basgisg, mue TTI E Ioeeoa e e.caliers at thpCuam'ion~, After that the scond Monday of ears Aiaddloeêofady.ioîhSgis onIebeeto CRAÂ,UE or Tn.îl.siiIIcela, on. Knoxîs horch ansîveesiaey services Birosa W.ses day tbi. T. Il.iuorning troull, ,,. ,ý i ihl lîinuo Suniiîy Oct. 23rd. Dr. makte, No. 10 sid nos-tSiha aues arina.Miton ai 7 ioîiiisof G<I'itPh. iiill he the mak aeiait: Li i.tesad iof 7.25 aaulpre, iîiay T. fo-cher for the dey. forcitore o aU tii Iimg Store iulgC. p. Il. toii Rîlt. iamsrhaw, jr., ofragrFRSL-0 te 9.11. ~oIl ei toleoi S h o -umaaer s itlng ga ercheson e Zimmermnar. ethodî.t (iîî n fait-dey. 59&r-41 Milton. bod tbi aurrverarsrîici.,, 'lite mocthiy omeeting cf the Chiid. FOa SAs.e-MSeve dal Ort. th. Rev. A. E Mci tlol, sucUd Soetry ici]]lus hsld on Fn.- Wyandotte cosker 'ilteit in cas bne MAta., wili conuîst loth h i~îîy 1i9oiî os, Ort. 7th, at 7.30 P. Martuos ttc-gai stei 10.30a&m. andt 7.10pm.is l i.it 1i o.1. iihai p n iîe iii,rtioii Home. taekey, froole.-i evesisg fiiowing, tOct. 14ih, th,, î Mtn wil lie gises a tea.fls5itiir aLIarplf nModyfri.Ml4. Iveralla proigrammse ¶fcovide<i hti ,, ,iiinctit,.chers he vill ]visit hi.elisith. Sommer Firewoo hi-eu gpKids, andillieCo. o Bratfr. Tea-1 t ly,,, , ,Jforis i foir h i. oei liosaiplcul 12 or i BoysOaA.-., rc.~ i ic i oîou iTiurîihesi os fusd ered I1 any qui se ('awfc-ds ury atiiuiiîîî i iOOst1tietllb"The MostiPopulr ini ea, h. 7 Fp aerd'ajdry ,c euîu.i it o uîîe sject. TefFOR SALE-4I ii uihcriic 5ii Pibilit1' fer the dai 1, . . i~0Ot nu"fuîN"x eldadoe3 Osraid Miller, 'S lanid.." i wiiî , ld omy car.n s lies.l fr-on'itierear if afn, ofiî,Hrshy W.V al o Iel É alo voar serviVIe, rus orme tiidisses-.fsîirol,dîîeî , i. if iiihi-luI nt the homee(if NMro. IR vu 0si h lii ig~ na wirk an aotii.Appas-cop su5îîon il ic. iJia, aet2.30 p.n R. S. ONeBi, al 01 it;iii-a dw r - vlpdnx ay tiiloc. i,,î, 1fi i iî i ig it b.fos met. CAiis COAL.- faeturr . f th gkituli. -To'oî,tU,T t o1iý i,iei-e. Huiw atout i and SM@Cka graim. lIi: i RNi tOTIa5 cAttsiîiiuus li di. oel rosifor the g Miesl BiVovi-ro îî. i iift,lthe, àdiiiti.upnenstuf %V. J. verylirat. It laM.r large tig-seiit of lcd,,., n -11,iii... ring his . iires. alilires qîickiy. Try Afiu'rnoicxi te i i- ... i- , iand, eirly iris, by private sort, e ~ ~ ~ iltotin. cf lTorcîicuio.f,1oI jA,, ioporutity for hîîyrrs. PCTREfr tiresa sinbe ii.r-, of thi, 1 j 'd PIhi i, . uiî ii 1.Aiiss. m ct îh fo ('ons*rvaiive rwnaii iniil, ,., ,,I*, H.15 14-11, lOshiaa siid 1 M 1 LTON Frdersl elertie.,. iU,,- h i iand i.Meiaonett. fcmluring Jean Pal iîi)ted ses a Hiub lc I l.i..u p-i audyad u-dcin;bte h mil ,,tsana eonî t.r...1IL,. 1 , l î% iih, hi, of iiltiht. Meanseit. Comedy. Admissit lauiîc-sorgasise.ilfor du. aiiti . i i ii clgi hn h ih lei)-]ii)i iti i i hithie lFiair w et s..., El CANDY CANDY DAY DAY OCTODER Sth ( .OCT88ER Oth ,VER'YBODY LOVES ENERBODY r (fý' i CANDY CAŽ J) ' F,- "SATURDAY TREAT"9 This Saturday is set aiside as "CàNDY DAY- ibroughout Canada and United tl -ýTh means thut nillionu of men and wcmec s Iilti nk cf their frîsnds and hart up hi m thoughts hy sending a box of csndy as asewse enlrne . Remember "Eves'yb.dy tovts Cmudy." Selfiuhness is altogether 100 prominenti n ibis fair land et ours. ia Candy fr.oierîîîîî invite you to, overcome oelfishness and reunember the toIts at home on Oct. &h, CkNDY DAY. "The Sweetêst Day of the yemr." PEANUT CRISP 25c. lb, 150 Ibs. cf cuir faiouis Pranut Crisp. OurVrWiap it nons." Everrylody loves tl. teg. 30e lb. Uslrday Treat 25c '5SATURDAY-SUNDAY" CHOCOLATES 49c BOX...Thiu la new e tti ______________________________________you. A seat fcilsi,t\, 0onteinieg cite pound cf or Cluocolaico roîîgiuig ic price freni 50c. 10 $1.01) i-r t. i chocolate piacedin apaper ccp. Oc caleS.tfiurday oniv. Special .......... 49c. Box BR AMPTON T. Ha MOOREHEAD- GEORGETOW'N Du1r Ioder this week SMOKES-W. ha»e thsm in aulthe.Popuiar brande. -Drop in mnd look ovr our stock. TOLETZKAIS Tohacco Stoand soiIlIlird Parler$. jaturday-Suqday Clwcolates 49c X Thîs is the nams ws have decided on for our special hox ef Chocotates whîch will he on sals Saturdsys only. A.s Ibis naâleeah ouggested by onseof olîr siployes the following wl ahreceive one box, as their suggestions were very geed. Miss M. Brundle, Braimpton. Miss Sirelton, Georgetown. Misa A. W. Ostrander, Huttanville. Miss L. Preciîîuo, Acion. Misa L. Brush, Milton. We wish to thank thoas icho took part in this competi- tien for the interest lhey have tgkeo in in. T. H. MOOREHEAD BRAMPTON GEORGETOWN MILTON ACTON_ CONEENCINS OCT. lt. ______________ __________ i Browa Wcter OSlmanduai2 taras Chaire A R G ta match. uoldee.d ls Tapetsy. HEPt5UIRN' AR G 1 Walntst Tass Jseobcîe asi pie. H N 1sismbs 0&4 aTable. POE103 MILTON al ifi!~ rror, vestb"Ské s ai ffl s saIOM!re Spéci 11 i vlan. A.esHolen 'Â'8qoos,'spially pricod mas I. %Omari d 1loja,1tisse m. -H le > Sçîds i ebe1 So111018vitb (OVs..Amea-Hoidoe No. 1, t1i smsin stock. and itsaIrI o w.l .i We ofoer 'xr iu nQ dihRb *etw s'. l' or i i o« U i $4,- W. >iW 44~ Ân~ <t~ nht'Ubou~~ 4, MILTON ACT(tN Yssgs h.sisuOua ..s,, W.V iiiiTT. t, Hmeto Rent, 12 roisa leo hcsuc tt ncabed. u h sssoî uttie Iseateth"asud stisoit Sais , , Party vho vesiti tsle ,o.e'M Reet ssiy U$MO) per nciuii f rom J. J. 'Wilson. Wifc,.,t is i t, Milton. emoMln Lu 3t NO4T1-C E. Notice i in elic t i l 1 ut debentur4tIea te ýit, for tics purpua of mrsie t'e i on bigbwa7g*4stithar Soit, 1t ut a sagistaretl sa *e e Ngitc , i i Ri.try Dtt*don oci i ls . ia' l las us thi fe otb day- oit)tý, tii l Any motios.b qeashr t csi-ti misse or aoypW ttheseci icuiot h4e -,i t, vI"th the.ee te onthecfisd utti lnrittis 5f sice Octit afinict -h ruade tbrd. - Datait tb'sa4&hidu),of Il MsIqfE & FORD -sa*ILTON -- GeneWel Garage Fai nks Morse .lec. i'Supplies and -'8 OjilEngines 2 ord Cars. e .5 nSANDERSONs Colder Weather Means Warmer MIIing qp We are sriowing a big range of Underwear. Penman's, Watson's, Stat, OP field's and Gcordon inakes in heavy, medium and light weights, for ni io wômnen, children and babies. Prices are about one-third. less than iast voitfr Splendid assortnierît of Sweater Coats, Pullovers, Toques, Soarfs, Mitii 4% Gloves and Jerseys. S FLANNELS-Red and Biue again in stock for Jumper Blouses. llillinery!1 Exclusive styles, firqt ciass woi'kmansbip aîîd reasonable price-ý.\Vu Sinvite yoîîr inspection. q ~ Qualit.y lîves long after price is forgotton. We have a reai stock off l Sand winter Dry Goods bouglît rîglît and prîced close.hé FEEDINO MOLASSES We are booking one or two cars of stock moolasses. We thînk price 1 ~Pright now. Leave orders here or with Walter Readhead, Lowville. op PHONE 9 SANDERSONS MLO Penbody'S anc PHONE hA tIed ies, iii iii n . .il mvii- . V îOTMFNT imii ifsil'. S % ih 1.,.t a i vi d atihart's overala B Eil il GI BuxPoî CJars IVE d.r qg Car, nt tES ou MILTO0 K A, JNO. "Mo.*Xl4--CKENgI PHONEj 4 TEo. ST T rx- e à n- 1 ï

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