mJLU-rNITHU BD YIOCTOBER 6, 1921-No po1111l t4E72 m niinHAPiTnlninXnin1n11. asgood as another ter mue--onlly 1 HPERXH N NOwan to know what sorter game I'm playn' n h r eA'wa' The Crew Decides, T I E S ýJyr cum frum?" EnhiL'd xcept that tmany of the men re. - - WE do not Offer to do your "Ir am a Eglshsema,"I n-maiued arided there was no suggestion-. -- -- -qeredashortl "a how I1cameof violence. But for the gleaming car-- business for nothing, but ex- 'E aboard makles tno dirrerétce. aight tre sae trinedof the an hath, ad Pl now I am the only navigator on tthehebosmal group of gn nelusee a~~~~~~~ lel raonbepoi, n au.Estadla la dead-knifed [last enaou , hesemlnte was peaceable- pect reaonabe prfitnight by one of the buccaneers. Man- mernohesmlingeveckliotsome Wdigeepomt Cutou1iii net Estevan lhad a hand n the busi- estespop ra istarig ornotnd W e Finance F a ers wilgv riit o]iness, and he's safely locked ln a state- i tiueadepeso ffc ervlCe the b8t poBibleoom aft. Captain Sanchez la-wounld- arused within me ai doubt of the lutin, PROVlEDo macny a"s sigth ao u per ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ed and helpless, and thonse cut-throalts a drma aint u nt h etpolmo ayCndg rs sevie thned psibe amidships aire baittene down belwIvdently hie had held l aund re- A Bank Loan has, in past the samne rela- hrwIYlatches4. LeVere aun (I re the offleers frained from taking even the slightest tint amtacttes a sY us oor .. M D M ~~~~~~~~~~~~~lefu. and %%e control the dee ar i or"ctviie.The men thlln--mcieyasteatren$syotow9 n~~~R N A El. "yer mean those fellers were simili' ielves were mostly forward, groupied fo tottretieheaontan b W ARRISH ~ ~~~~~~ ter jtake the ship ehradsil xiel dsusn omerly cultivated, and a Bank Loal i "Excty hatMnw heraae o the itan tion. lel dsusigfurnish you the capital to operate tnli : r d lad~ois? With Manuel and his bounch Of ".Stand by to reef topsals"Isot ad C.II 70R, Eagr i0nBanhpirate? Or with -us?" w• edi. "We're aillone watch now. Go0at fyou e elat yor aran Loan w11pe7r 1 orah b1.CMcirac. What er yer gIng tar do wihUs, lit lively, lads, and when the job syutences or amf prains,we ýiiean' this ship? Tilut's the fu'mt ques- over we'll est, and decide together Ill eypleased todiscus yre plan wth ytion.", what's our next move. Two of You I y aesudw r reae took two @teps forward, MY ad- I had not decided that even ln my wIll be enough to guard the hatch and yu - --vance go swIft and unexpected the big own mindt, but the answer cameon f you go into the caina and re- Travellers' Guide. C. H. HESLOP, V.S. negro blad not even time to throw up promptly enough. Ileve the girl there. Kep oureye r •Ha an airin defense. With open hand 1 "I am ging to leave that to the Ire open. lI'llibe down pres.ently. AloftF GANAD AN 'ACE10 R i LAY ,Po 1T struck him squarely across the face. As sooin as we have aill eurIwith you and see how quick a Job You cIr.01NUWRsr, Specialist in Surgery and Detsty, CHAPTER XXI. wei te t r.n Thaeckiran t catk ns led the way up the main- Caia,$,0,0isesoe 10Oor Il.55 midight K.10 &.mà. S,4 3IL.m. aso Canine and Feline DIseases ··- sn't it?" toast ratines, and Cole was lirst to 4.3 a .m. i .ò7 P.m. 6. I5 p.m. Ore as- o9. t aemIn Full possession. " it looks fair. Come on, mates; 'mu the fore shrouds, the others following M1iLTO7N BRANCH 00Nis BART. . A roar of delight went up. I knew !ter the Englishmnan.". eagerly. I watched theml lay out On H. B. Youell, Manager. .-sailors and felt they would welcome a ý Only one followed him, however, a the yards and was heartened to hear t tUIa. m. 1a I107a.m. H.CA P EL ghtlketsan thei r immediate sheep-faced boy; the othesrmie the fellows sing as theyfworked, the 4.43 p. M. 5.08 pxa. . 14 p. M. sympathy would ble with me for start- sullen and denlant. I haed no further ianas mlting away as 1f by magie. I g "i-UDv- Conveyancer, Netary Public, Insurance Ing It. More than that, this black timteto waste ln explanations. I climbed the ladder to where LeVere Nilt RtMEa.n., U k9 3p.. Mrrige teesee1.smi bully, ruling over them by brute force, glanced up at Carter's face framed i stood on the poop, but carefully <,,ing WeV-t -12.1511A1n- andl 4.:2 p.ln. Agtent for C. p I .R. a.Ip Could be no favorite. They might fear the scutlebhole. ignored his presence, mygaeoth _ pas ie im but with that fear would be :"Carter, pass these men up and takre sene aloft. Twice 1 gave orders, etpi olad Wen1idtrc. hcl Ihv bn?_:f minged hteand deightinbis them forward with the othlera. Turn chanting the steering direction slight- Dnaetpito ad hnIhdtae h ol thv en GRAND TRUNK RAILWVAY orr:Es-TOWN HL ITtOTdownfall.'them lover to Watkins. Then comes y, adcmadigtelwe al ompetethe epawtint eion, adsodGnalssrl-teswr v ^ r H. si N. W. DivIsin --- --- In that Instant, although I Cannot back here, and report to me." reefed. The mulatto scowling, joined eoehmaatn eiin twsbt ev n 'eghfrs aoNlSOUT3. . HOINNG 1ORTH. -'"^^'^"^'- rcl removing watchful eyes fromI They went up the ladder one by mea e i Ha Uines who actedl as their spokesman deed. Then therte wa4 but oei,, su- 2i1a.m; 6.WpI. m. |7.20 à.m. 4.23 p. m. H . W H EEL ER the.negro-s face, 1 received an IMPre- oeeand disappearedconte the deck ;' Vhat's rai. this ailbou?"heaked. sye re l Capon e ort? hi pt-Slu .ganche prtr m - ---- ------- ---- - ---- MSIC TECH ER sIon of my surroundings never to bie above. Carlson and I watched the,.Thiat's no storm cloud yonder." c Aned'g yerthuml@ bot a bn, ISn pnte nr or NIUSC TECHER eraed fromn memory-the gloomy in- 'others until Carter stuck bis heaid "There isa lwr.ys danger Lu fog," 1 d, onanglance 2Milee to me Phone 199. PinvioI n nd Theory terior, the deck, fou], littered with see Once again through the opýenIng: uiswered coldlIy, "anudbIde there lesdred adoutmils et? ' PIAN TUING ND gPAI botsand discarded clothing, and the -Aill safe, sir--they was likre lamibs.-" n s arlgon until we know An thar's no settlemient?" Pan: - Mr sget beamis overhead blackened by "Very well; StandIl byto help. Nw ehere we are bounad. MIy lurpose la Somne colonists fifty miles north la J •. W .mke.ITh rays of the swinging lyou lads, lift this black n sOe i to. keep the men busy, Rand then talk sluh antrnbarlyIlluminatedl the Up to where they can get hold above."tesiutonoe with themn. Have at' bu iht." H undt Live Stock """cetr'l spor, the r"w" of"""""e They holsted the unconsciousq form ýyou uny critleism of this plan, Senorthohes"SymethsshwI Live Stock yond remainting mere shadows, yet this up the ladder and forced lit througha LeVere?" fiur. We can't go on no long cruise He e A M T O Gd[m, yellowish light, tell full uapon the the horeconto the deck. At my stern He hesitated, but his eyes were nar- w tall those bloody rats ln the hold. Dealer excited hialf circle of men who were command they crawled forth lntoa the rowed, Rand ugly. They're bound ter find somne way out M TO N D OV R ari"ngh'ab "ou "*'e ngng *n' ey eesunlight. There they Vpeldup Co- "You'll do as You pease, but you If we give 'emt.ime 'nough. Fer as 'm rouhwil lt, anlngln C ho bse and carried ima aft. told me we sailed for PoroGrne, concerned, I'm fer dividin' up wha SmPrma Ygns ~from the intense black ofCnta 1 went toethe main hatch, andhd\Ys that a lle?" - we've got, and ter hel[ with piratn' P. R. MILTON AND HoltNBY r i0, 0(, Africa to the blond of Scandinavia, tecvrslpdto. one aide, the ".Nat necessarily," and I similed Wht'ryr 9amtsSalw hal naed ome thir oics mnglngarmed sallers gathering close about grimlly. "Although I should not have runt the cl' hooker ashore, an'lev nadozen longues, their eyes gleam. the edge, as I peered down. It was a hesitated to tell one under the ciream- her thar, white we tratmp the coast? !Hihest prices paid for yiour lna with savagery. scene of pandemonilum, revealed In the stances. 1 menan to leave that decision we're just a shipwrecked crew. what Liv Soc. 1 know not whether Cochose lunged yellow flame of slush janterns, a group to the men themselves. lit js thelr say yer?" forwtok. teard tif his own volition, Or was of white faces showing clearly, as the lieehtaei agr" heewsacoa fapoa uf- A YAN SRAM lA ' pesed n ro bhid, etsudelyprisoners below struggled forward, "That sellm! half of them are Eng- elent ln volume to satisfy me, andI. he was wi thin reach of me, and the gesticulatIng and shouting. lIgnoring11 lash and French. All they want ls to accepted tis as a deelsion. battle was on, his object evidently bel their madl roaring, and thefthreat of'Ietaay> he III never go back to "All right, lads," I said briely. "Ia ing o cushme n Is gantgri leele gus, streddow atthen-Porto ,Grande without You Emake my judgment your choice isa ILis R lLA ine to oppose science to strength, furiated faces, until the clamo'r Cesedte. n.Il aea bevto sso kofSYe T aEiM and avoid his bear-hug. esae sufnieently to let MY volee be heard. ,-.How makle them?"i as the fog clears and we'll had in for · The Double TPlRRoute!back and forth to the sharp pitching "'What are You men trying to do, "By fl observations; lthere ls no the Cape?" oftesi.Then he sprangl straight frighten me? You might as well stop navigator forward. It ,s a trick esy" When do we divide theswag7" between at me determined to smash me to the that. Thlif opening as lined with gong' enough to play with a little nerve. I -llfty miles off the coast. That's MONTREAI, deck by the very power of his on- and If one of you fore a shot we'll pour would never have taken part ln this fair enough, lsn't it? And MY Ohar TORONTO'( slaught. But I side-stepped him, geti tead Into you. More than that; If yonu mutiny Ir I had supposed You meant goes to you." 4 DI~~~~~LCTRO11T ting ln two swift blows, which rocked attempt to climb out there lis a brlssto play Into the hands of the mni." ThrwaastggngcebtI and hie head, and tore open one chee ' carronade trained on the hatch. Sn I s eyiltepatyu oksee re i wita sarp ordcber. u r Befront whleh lo rcld listent! We are in control of the shIip .LeV*ere, judging' froml what I saw. You "Now stand by for work, all of yFOE. 1,The ttie Sallor Told the WNhole e. W ht6s K ngC -grI hsfetTln gipigosdeaete da rpI es h ers em quite content-to sdiftheeWatkins and Carter I want you aft." . Story. rinsjio and but the spacé was far too smnall to per owt. o ildpn nyu a uta epya m n r glg--sue a aihdO D. By buying the White See af Slping cam ',ni yTri mtthsjactics to carry long, and tions, but we're ready to kilt If neces- Th rsoe Escape. the strands «f rope ï,ih1 Mahine you are enrtng a o r 1 nally he hailnie. Yet, even asnee1 sary. If you kee quiet down thereJtol)þlay the game out with me to the Th.wmefoledeslntyabenecr hy a Canadian produets and '11n il nfornaii n ho .II seemingly crused the very breath out and obey order, you'll ble fed, and1 end. Do you understand thatl" if ar as the compantion, where we by a sharp halte, the c sg turn are putting into your i lkTe tAnt, " T or e, h is giant strengthe ihis treated decently enough. Pass up your out hat you mean, senor-playitpueamontsrngbndybutwhbld an.Ilw home the best Sewing MR- ri. , tresistance which increasdb a r ms". u no h"'g0vn"h uada Wtis chbMinoeAreay hefelowhaclsthished hee as.o ovmetEnlLa GonAitgtenestofus tkethe main hatcha wias invisible. "Cut esincethe inomrd, r, " .A., 1.B8 n oe a y EL gn but 1 fought coolly, putting my skill glare of hostile eyes, an indistinguish 'your chapsèee with the men.and do your 'Cre ur hsatrdc ni ytesmkie htd Wht oaoyatahet EEHagainst brute force, every wrestler's al rw fvie.duty. I am captain her. The firet-Watins ad icobisaetck Unr n of t.e TaOmDÝ . Wl le 1. include the latest five-stitch -- ---- rc nwasigit ybrain "Kneel down, lads and cover those sign of treachery on your part wll circumnstandcpemLeVerct enter "Weolorfthe hinohe" Est ad rfiertheed sttchr ndBreathiesggy, my flesé scraped and. fellows I ordered sternly drawing m sendi you below, with those othler.Ithcan. try fer Wn" be ter rebý- i, f eta geeT.G • A S H A W br'ue.lft 'd WensstitNwr" "'" °"""" "" '" Vh the dooerlosed we were'.midship. I dea1,sr1-ii, foot gatherer. . T. G. R A M ~~~~tri,,ed him. big reat body strik l this le my last word. rI'llcouit ten, excuse to Put You Out of the way-so itdnoadrkeswche-h'dav etrgtthh :C CASH OR CREDIT Valgator and Auctionleg- the ekwith a thod el ihlm! and you'Il either pass up tose weapons beeur d yu owa ro i the Intrl invisible. I won- do pe «re ybd C- R. T U R Y E R , Vastions prom t attsended-to. but was first upon my feet, saluted by am by. toward the forward rail. The men deredo htiywh hw n a en hrth i u.thtnem itoopathy sa les conducte d ansatisfaction guar- a roar of delight from the-tips et those There was a moment of deathly al-., were st Ili aloft but coming ln from off basntumlied oe something on the scheime, e0V we busted in to q , D.C FuPitRP, - hOne 108 - M LrO l abou s.khAs bstagge en ee, except for my counting. One t epnosodD t redeck, as ItgrI ad f1 te , but dt Dnt hado th are-skan PHONZ 08 t whleh woula have ended tne gamne, eyes Peering curiouly about the de. pause u ri a he ht e- H teŠ mkn lantern holntekAdOg. Ph..bad not mY foot slIPPec on the i eelling serted deck. She glanced op and saw la tiereil luminating th cain and Onto the ad to have his hand, r ropractis 4 As lit was it drove d..îs to LU me.aIcoepthr"eakd. the first thing 1 saw was the out- for action_M drew a cuatlass, il ,f d, c R~~~~Ft T U R N E R k.ee. groggy, and with one eye half "Ceay ;ltme heelp you. 8nd Isrthe gr o hlaloylot ng codytwtstegheoglethere besfide me, and you can sesellI between my feet. We needed to sask hlafl tebliet -ý t day and Futeral Director teo regain i feet as soon un I. This that je being don. That's al], lads; no questions, imagine nothligaesharpnes. * eyes sought miine ques- oep .and Embaliser time he charged me like a wile. bull, breakfast is ready; lay down all ex- overtur-ned chair; the stricken ail o nu es g herih -froth whitening his liPs, scarecly ap- cept the lookout "ltod the whole story. Hle had been PobLbryourgue-i 1ýih for Dale's Funeral Designis. p.aring human in the yellow ig.ht. In W wacewheteysra eecrosytukfbhithe one."I aid goberly, ýWe give it a TRICLTON. mdag egtalcaum ton hisi down the ratlines and gathered for. blade driven home by a strong hand, (TO BE ('0NTI1 PHONE d63. one thought to eac ewt i ado h aly qatnagop and was dead before hie fell to the MIlp.0 an1 athrttl m e k din owleson the deck. Tc all appearances the deck.' It hadbeensilent, vengeful ..8 on-- pul. I fough his bak, dvingblo fellows had not a care In the world murder. and thi assassin, had left.no READ THE C H A IYI PIO0N. A. mcuTHE ong i a uselnin gln or any thought of the stIrring senes- -- O.ap.0. A. E McCUTCHEN ping.his madIsglanust Pa,,ed thouh. The gi,,,s band en and agatentn· y· toueled my leeve. and I turned and gaae TE t-in over his hIranl tlst on looked into her face. pitnGraining, Paper-Hanging, Ithe chance I sought, and seta he tv o osdrdCpanSn . itns NEAIR TIM E Pand Dcoatng f1llkinds. jab straight to h etLAl t hchin.t ruds was c es?" sheaseed CpanSn 7= - adDcrtigo l of one åpndred and eighty POUn"WM hyo"si surrie "e shep to mneet that engagement. ThIat's Fine samples of Wall Paper to Select behind the clenched nast, and the negro ess belo,"baIy wupdied."ea lp1&J _ so and there ils nothing like promnpt- from wn down as though floored by àal"Not obadly as ousupose, sh neens. Il you carry one of our Terms Moderate. Main St. West~pa. once weakly he endeavorsaId swiftly. "He la able to bie ab and to rise, but this time I used m'Y f, sabothssaeom er i ,D. D. S GUARANTEEO TIME PIECES -and he never stirred agni. ll maovtiadbeieve ..teoard has there with no sign of lits excep tt old Im hat has occurrted oneard, .u store) you won't be late unless it's your g m M r5 1 quiverhi of the huge body. Assured tlbian e.de.v o cured one..besage, to6.; fault. It won't be becus of the .aI ATR ýthat h e ws down and out, I stood from haim to thtose mon amIdshps, 1- li. .le-wate - g0ILBER ud8 TRATOR above him, gazingtoothe ring Of ex held m, i.tol to ishad and locked t. T av .ace ihslVresi es . etcitface. t dhim )ln the pantry. He la there now, We hae waches ith i ve m.,,1"-" "Tat's one at;âdedtsad wIth the saleor you dent on guard T. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ àm f-.o° ""* 4. r, -. --tl Wea thrsi wXe lTet.g'e-ob-oeTosew.a awhat I ecame on deek to tell S l c o r V l a i e CK n om Thee asno answer although the -He la a danger, of course, but not Our welry all the way through cox14ImaBCussa ssB . ring widened under the threat of my man uttered a eone, and the .Jafo seiu oe"Isad8naety."t' il, ubstantial and reliable, and no - eyes, and 1 met suinen faces bere and ý fgures at the foot of the ladder en-.ilaJigte moughtoeleave fim mlundia. IÀ osptal le gg •aer. Iwasin n od to take deavored to work back out of inges.tarhe4 at,present. The frst thing1 ". oecnobjet to our prices. --laure Your At cll h-an waxes. noyet, before I bhadispokien the ns t oist atsxths en ' anged. .IN - "Carlso~~~~~~1NIsaid, "you know a'll igt, guns were held alloft, and poked atn htnw i hnset . .& A A C A DTho PROVIDENTASSURANCE CO. t*stand avete te ove hr ureree e e as as a e»h"e par owit g or ui as iprant asyour deoÍsfon to bave yoi Head Off", Montrelal, Que e lernow Itwas a staÜd c t s ýem t g elo we 8yu eeto f aal Q nzitd h Wa eaan ewirsad age hse rlv e efore te d osnd t fe very d-ens cr p but i , 4 t h dngr__ urhe dla, ork. eetôno aalevlIiertd l se 088,VINC sU PPLII mopdpr il' "' ý ( alup Fin mnv' Bâtel 0 ,K&NZ E Tb, R. - -ccrnmy. t pay he", U buy motor Oils. and COU, REMEDIES. TZtll 111) i 1, l' Tar ari'l neamif'- ail Patent cilie ful'i iý' MILTON. 6 BY T "-1 bd [A Kno ssM I Jicl W m ý-erdu wu a. Ib fA î.t ai- J=nnt'd euu ne ED a R. . A DE ,ýü . . ,". prpm4th.a J. A.McC LLM.B ,C. KP A DEu u L CTI No Mg e Chas. teor a ry or Ott Idfield, D.C. r Scholofchi owU.".. nizeE NO ELECl E SMALLMAN, D eeieseof Wome f candhildren. th .trsà. fourlam e( ý t or the McGibbon Motel- DE NTISTR D. W1NN, L. D, S., rTurner'@ furniture .Mm. to 12.90 ; 1 12.30 ; 1 to 5. gm by appointmen E. 1BABCO DE 'AL SURGEO N n aeter Demta Etc A p .tt PA -ut may be arm XTRACTION Foird trom rhets rrect treatInO Purest C0dý sas contag eli ere, or (0 malsion& T YOU' W 1LA . DIgg MRLEY&HUCIN RACKAY & PE MILT