r The Canadian Champion' DASEBÂLL. Nassea CUPresbyterlAil Churoli MoLToir, September. 29, 1921. Oakville boat Mla bd 6 ta 0, on uday i HEPBUlSthGtheGEaju - n Grain trawmr' Guide, 'ýVinnipeg,haV i mrrrvtraba n hal te- atrlke- by Rev. Dr. A. BlIrafre am b puhliae aasg gnateaea utosa ie iscredit. Kecney began litewao i hre fo'10y- ear ldig inshe ut t s intth e pra naer. He fanard tihe fiet two by the enormoue crowCeaith rve tin f h black horse ifantry' m enavo faced him and another in Dr. Blair ba lont cane l Lis papularilY front the United Statea. The moaru- the second frtrme. ln thet amh edoer as a speaker af the gaine1. ers wark on the sanme planoeatan tod ssoe i usoffu is ný. tro oos fFrtPe- T r lç i l wet. Shareholders etod that tiasase@ and an error and in the byteian Char h. Detroit, lavoeed n t huge contracta have been given tIrer oer.oneof Te eï Ten bitasahsrvoswbanrber o..t f las __________________________ eampaniea l'y Rocmadefeff l.e elfr replaeed wicb mere reodeied otbaoifhy cetpa,.ie.by ockfeler.Ford eai Kenoey on the aixb. Hie trooblesanad truly we cin cou hu tirei premier Entn, auiic6the por voirie of stock, cour a on tire eigtb, sixreinsa il rlit. 8 5 0 and the vitica ln perauaded taoviet uîomiomd, and alter twora ien had Tire chanr cr Out ied one hoor betore Ames-Holden Tires, 30X34, ........... . 0 inpsor ka onteaulricf ourdee fuietie. Inbeis oure de- fileul.,aod thoeeioraad win tire"yardira iaeri,20 reds of instameen of thir thare ieeo e-'ointebe x honie mabit an e ere called the Bonday Sciroal room mss ,vtro invested f5lIr,ow t icreot ibmhegirger ot wiirirthe riol- eco aerltem@c ilatýîrmteoe Antherl1ine of wradltrrri> reprat- loirsere fullIowo the barrsanurd oW te m osca .et-o b Goodrch Ribbed Sîlvertown Cord Tires, 33x4 & N.Holder'n f Victo'ry bodarouc ai theuieîumld. Tlucy rmade onlîyfourHThe decorainr o uaeet aranad, tre& tered ibcordsmioir niaun e ruîrrîruu(jo inyt . tluownug folaie aoommitr.I nr1% acrtanomr. t i tru rthei Ifo r fices wrnui aut thu lifirrt On Mooiday eveing foIlocug a @pion- rortb a liule lesruru ou -cck voul taie A oo Supply ofTUBES adTRSREARept. 30 & Oct. 1 srr a remo eru mnay. entaof' un concert cao helin uutire chorcir. wilb AGotfanhIERPI irhoders are rmindeorîc u i bu.auurîprcu onuthe exçenutrrrn. The tire irrlowicauglu g clam etalent.: MisseA E I L n so k iarîuced oinanioycse- tru Il tliri rrurlrrma meue gooart1 eaamkoballa .teie Alexandrr.lectioisoflTorontoaTRA nsok grl dgrt arcritucr uandri ruruciirr andrltriker nnd Trcrdo the field. Harod Jararu tenar01 leif'.Master_______________________mal~ R rtler.wbich nre the reacre. Une uukvillIc rotersrode plenta atfunoise' Costor Daridaorr, 'oluiat, oaI Toronto.____________________________________ Hlton armer o repotrd ltnhruiurr notoly oribmhegoore but oru tire rreela Mise Editir tîmaracopaniat, Milto.N_______________________________ parted mth $2.21) rr bonrraurl. aernr. The above ftteMeI vaccoDintroduction M ILTO N O ! FAIR____________________________ bogcsharen ulicir are igily .pmcrr. CA ILtE. e lilt ater tlaarrîon, anrd iheir faui Ei latiar, tai put it mildir-. Frurancuol rro i *,u or naitrCorraouiiltOneful ooîabayT RA T0R R D C I nuthorities predict that '.Vcîory bond" Ai i 1P-rr F: ur e asolDvdon i onl o o wil sn o boe arvaue Bwae VrHuIlîuurm, P. 6 14 1IlIîortnadia ts derotea io-e utoanboer eir u ar trrohno,ns..5 1i 0 ira Hi@aecectionso'ee reral clasaicaandr atierakadhlata'aIrOi.Snan'Iallt f... 6 i tri Ir i eachr, Mr. Luigi Voitiuiîtbe' h JOH F FRDNOINT Pur.Hlocirlb .63t1I7I() ru1Canarats u Acdyforaip Manucrnta, This is to advise until frrther notice thtt the selling' attemnoon - at. :i ru1!irule. Pcic.,on trar.tlcrotiarof aur 10-18 Tractor is !S950.00 f.o.b. Toronto. Thts! M r. ]M Ic Wv ilia iTis The tow hall ws packe las o reenu';t. a..5 I2 .3 lu) il Th sea[rroiteromiog.reRe. T h e t at r n o h a l m e s a the clit -rru . ( ie le rr ,3 r f . 3 1 1 n I ln. P e s o m e . r l i , f i e d u c t t an o f $ 5 2 5 .0 0 i fc l a s t M a r c h , w h ic h a tld v-ention af the Haltoru Prae'- traîli.tuerLawrence. ti.4 3 20F) Guielph, aod trav. M. Lttle. of Roak- [ in ocobtaî riiimwihmight ho ad- cal Asocitionand pecttors Thee - - Wod, Rv. M. Mcýicoara. of ucr. bMr.fficuntlilcobaaray, riaiisbewhsu oftenwprywr ulo nhs-MLO.reantation. P vanced as ta prîce. Intenulrtîg purchasers will find it ta' Representative of the Reg. N. Boxer C.ompany, Ltd., Canadas igt aI h m. prt erAf. rf13br i IlT11.. E ev11. T. Stracliar,tlelryecaent pootor, their interests ta look this tuactor aver before purcliasing \Wall Paper M\anufacttirers, will have charge of tbis salead17 The Premier owu gmetcd iry huiCorrr ri. 4 O iaId attaea e vaircporeri u ae1 a machine. mnuvteofapplare. ledelar'ed tluaît iholuri.e-î unare2 oco a t a o i ui hct i ar iris mt ary aean eoh i h c.-4 1 Iý nw n oo ilb akn pfl rders are ta dlean the department up. tiemetngnieleu rrco ( iiîc Maude . . .. 4 O0 r1) u ruI l tietcnvnio.f h Pole'irai Ibe Tlfer, alb..4 0lu1 0 2 i2The'admisoroc@larere 50C. and 25c. J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. li osiliyce btio n i hIbm Pal o rniiry. Tf letaha.lb.31,4 OIl 2 luI 2 for tire concer ;toal iardmission lera andt lied t coerre e canduibmdat frthacfev nedy tu.i.3 (J u021I2 i ooseecollections mere $713 00. Be sare A. A. GALBRAITH, Local Agent.Wall Papers w Illhe arranged in Room Lots-Papers for Parii I-di. o e Mc ulli i, I..2 Iudr i i r i r c ihuir rginiforoa horeticoirytni comeinmîopenid1 proitable good tie.-Cou. Living Rooms, Sleeping Roomo Kitchens, etc. datea ubo represent thenir even aller 3L0eot7 Monday ge.ovnceried thcy anec rectea. TendpritOtil . u84r ui1-6rthe materworrhidebentrure i air, character." the Prèeîmadeciared. 1M. Eanomuîno. Ocailie 4. rmo-bài eThe rote îbaad 2W for,35Sagainnî. * j4Iyîaegrgtr eoaer h elftr U O r iîi- Drurr caciplinientedImle llt ar in i ts, W. Hulmer 2 Dorinnd Green, hce hc rne gi aoav mes on bruaening o nithirair rganio- La mrence. Teier. Three hear bita, ik nt iv sa ea ai eo igNTC@t !ion ta maclade tire people of tire lrat. Plorck, 1Lawrence. Scifcit, C. actire oroound Carlisle and Harpero - ftick ilu sther n ih inig, tire iv e Hlluuer. Daoube papo. JohnsonoorCaer.Sevrmni arvomer cf that Do not came i a week after the sale asking x.r bargans-thl u tbing. ta ut. Il wi'ii have- a for-r cct- Pollockr tu A. Hiluaer, Johsoan ta veighirrood repart the losa of Ibeir uve effeat rîpon the country. Pollock. Stolen bares, Joihnoon, [tom- fl aedonRvewont he -unv "The onip uap ta bld op a pros- atarGreent.rdallma , evici. -enI1take this opportiii ty of rnformîn15m pelionscuntry ia urth o uroteut Cari- am, MeMullia. Strack Ont.irp Hill- E.csaîr ht lcniu acose my od,"trePrmereatnîed Ir vo mbp Keccey K5. Tirfer 4. rr f 'dl'-<eeyWdnsIî afternoon untîl fur- ohm aid tire toarrnad contory people Baeo on halli, off Hillmer 2, f e-Lourd-At il reuî mnce of no *. h- sirop ___________________________________________________ ire at agait eair ther, wbro theirr oey 3, Bit ry ptched haIt, iry Ken- tee, Mm. 1. G. Haggert. West To- ther notice, aa I ind it is heneficial in a orijet ia the saume ?" bey. Dorinnd. Passaedballa, Chiabuivim onta, o Mooday. Sept. 2111b .Jamse e.% a~~î1~ M. Iriry delareu butstelief that 2. t.eft on baies. Oakviiie 5 Milton 6. Aexander Lanird. afIBBmnpton. ngedi great many ways nia connectian with theR a the Peapimoâ Poltîcal Party, locor- Frt haieein flieders choice. G alville 68 Yara. ' 1 trade. Ilnpiîîg tiowîll cauîse no min- LiA I UI I'N ttî pitamnyt oublec -a nidante neriuiaehl et day. Sept.21h, 1921, Elle May Hen- venience ta you. I am, G LB AIT & COM ANIof Mito itlrdoi i yPeroicia~ l n d ont Herveotiera n n altan1 dersoo, blai rit iif aif'. H. orsreancg-ly io r rîlnInod nnd te b oain n ori tai Waterdaiv onSalrirday beed, in ber :i-Zdypear. nifroaiMr. or lt bis ncap sd drfrated CavipheliviUle by1rIt tati. trtertoent tooaitplace aI Milton on o SlZîuupe. aiid poîetniioe t r.For iifile con.- arveorerpio......ai0î1n2!riand0p4f2thi-t.1JAS. TURNER, Butcher. ---- Threaama mnt etoe tre on.Hnreitr~. 120O4'O.'Scott~-At Tront, onMody, Sept. ventino thote af Jahn F. Fordex- Canpbeiiile... 0 1 310 00 5 010ur 3that Private Paviion, Rer d M. tP.t., Hfaemy Pettît andt Jas. Woand- Batlteriea Harvestersob tiinson ccd moud Edwin Scott, -46 Crairtard St, [ huar.ookOntireecond ballot Mr. Fard CIcm n Campbeiivilie, Earlp and outr-paarataCafrdSetMt- won declaceu thIe chire of i- party. den. auit Chrrch, blovrd baoband aif )r moton of Mr. Pettit tic nruarria- Aoetta Scott. ~ ________IMPERIAL PLAYERS. Yaaeili Gb Sept. 24. 1921, Haroldt Bar-' unIl YouretI, Manager af Bank ofjN 9N IL O OBITIJARIES. Torotnto, Miltonr.eldeot aon aI Mr.l l'ine Iuurîril Ployero uho tiare joot and Mmi. George Warren YoueiI. ainrupîletd ooan egagement aI tbirtp Apiroer, teloreut tuohernutof Helen Rv. E. E. Sm rm. weu rirgitr turoog ioKitchener,.jB.0 taig1it o on of the tanst ponenetMetht lac orndu dratirngtinotrd poingacataior, rioitern in TorontaoOed n tirerien Jackr luirîtandu Robert St. Clair, uitl Hilian iv loving nuemory of Pte. ~IIIII~lIIItI% IllI .èI cmi irionptat theme at Marruay. le play a limiteut eogagement in Milton. Fred Hilson, tirahtBtt., ilird 31h DodlJIBrothers MIVl r Cal ,tafr tie orn t hea cri Po.M nitcGe 3rTheatrring d ron , rituetO 0.0 rat ameta utIlhniarents frn Itir roenTete tei Sept., 1018, t Cambrai. îo e n birnS u e a e o o as tie Hn e remaioed iere until etPayr eacci night. No company aI Thon rtseioad ot ite, hast abat. 'boat 1878, ubenlire bga isdisarditno mi einesasgreve s sana tis ga ,IieLlepan Coliege, Motreal. Atersoi', -ONutrE bave been able toas- E o.t-11t ore ewsagauat ftescino h onr o yase- 0N i s r .h.matir trip mSYLSoREn.H goug toTorontairebridoa ruralure iofvembethe irondertul clectian af Amidhi.daiaii i -M ..e e. LTE R H ET o GogtWl itnadm n imprtat cargsiaclnrdioî ug onpinysrtluitaena partol Tons OIMPRovror. My Gantae cacre of miior me OUR QUAIISAE H ET iveporAvnuehR. nS i. Clar Are. - EF8repeetoire. LittleeMMua Aime ai e nisi iai t huer. Mrter annrt. arrGogeonMlonad Mn tiarabea. Cpt tIe tivieoallîns deetb BovaeiI celeit hp bundeedo "CannOn's OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST T.D1U E IT N E R S N A IJ ireliaitbaena csiofrvg ai lir etari ccsfsiaplua ite) laa heem ecuemi front Auction Sale Register.ENTAT1JE (it Cecuiorit S. Ctrc iuetc rsur- Nmw Yorit, ubere ire hbaenc piaing .D H M ,M L O E rirnu t ybio mîfe andut tree eidrmo, for tire past fem eaonforatepret- TUESDAY. ÇOCT. il-Clingauaalicn SfIGI rIfIGYt a c h .R ESM N CO ER8MAI F.B. Scottcflhe InipriOîtChiî('o.r.- t tour.nd aitlprting castOeovix"lîttarroofcink im1crnricmheeoîRa rt-c cACTON!EPESÈTATVE Drt. . N. Scott, cf Sasatcherwan, vtcpiniahlt ua eoan.i E . EtCooper, lt 6, lit ime, Trafalgar, o' tutholuiorstfece i he sosw M4iar Ruth, ai Tornf.tos. . .T. Tlue apenisg pay -,Dnddp Long Legs' - ..J .Adrsn utoer rtho u od elctdi h hesw Scttcand Jnvmirrcatt, bmttof Tarona areftpa ry ot negînatedut ah 1 JutoAtoesnand. Auctucrner. toace theaoniy 0nrvivers onittnt par. ant i othe piap that hlepei totmaickuTf'ESDAY. OCT. Il Clearozauctinb' show. If we wiîî sou youî a pair now Ne n AUTO TOPSWe recover uttosadqipouauta t errtn larecramiy.The utriernltoornt Mary Pictfei ird caioofy en- faiIrm, larvi stock. umplemoenta, i oenmn curajuR rIne ermmay m tarmerîmu Tmnrrrr cirGisofte la a etoiare M &c., ofa. t J. Booce, lot 8, con. iNsa-I seli you your next pair-aînd the next.CRRAfR BRTRE-W haeheeaeqpetfo n I ran gr ~eCabae atar"ccqrweya, atm1 p.m. Tire afi conssteof~ H. B. Ytil ELL. "Tont a oyer anut Hucklnberrp F11n,10h acres, more or levi. On the promiasCRIG RB T ES W haete " qimnfo H. . YnI wimtin al ipeciai cncry and ight et- tier are a batit baren 65n4O, shedl 00n24. Carrnage Rubber Tires ou shortest notice. Harold 1B. Yrumn 'itmnage,(nf tIre feto. orand aogo danana andt mono- gondt stonebeose, 7 roocan. ifircoler, OUR SIIOLS are the hest ahaes for any per-WehvredfosaetabibrgnOsat miMaulTu g j Bank of Torooai n itnnm mid lait lagrîca. etc.. baîmeen the acta. n govit condition. About 65 arelmier ehvradfosleitabgaginOiis«o MVi Tu9 S aturuey aur a N.Y.C.t'rIaino Sciaen cotivatian. 5 crai haeutmocd bush, bal- so h atteMstpsilvlufrdienesta 50mlsgdasewÈ Rochrester, Mura. mimad thicag,,oncutis ance enclent paitore, mith nerer-fism- snwouat h otpsil au o rvnls hn50 iego snw uey tatire borne rît lii partcolo, Mr. BOWLING- ing creek ronnîng fheaugh. thoout ocîne- andt leIa, dio. Iy. i'ruei, Ayliumer. Ont. ailin cuil ai biluings. Tht tera st Monley. Mr.onel ws:ý3 Par ofageandasillate fimils rm@chc],1 mleJ. N. O'NEILL & SON, -as a GEORGETON e foie Ay inea hFyora imbr Twpa irciron 'iciptod c nIMla- frtamGucîphn Jet Rural maii delivery. ierTmrrcniiecrau lthrceri.i tuit unachinîcubea. onthe okTui s ia gonut grain andoutfaimc. GR i v - - v ,ifamorote ndenunam n mi tniairT lonha-ct chniit dom ulert oaI h oith r ermecforabcnfuroyeOri GOutie tit Gm uiîh Tournraiîent bp Miton tat G ACityHO H M li ieteccist wa ithirs.w wtuit chffiA. Mirltnoent.The Home ofGood STe. Animal Poiles.______________ lc aieeiandumt on ofwimmniadeteILm 4Jonir. Jas. W. Biain I-)2 m, teai torueaîog ,partilue_________________________f__________ ummTh omîc soeet to nctentaîomcoliofit. Beîvmsonmf- u i ae i Gmnu oamttratît atrhe4iemres The Stan Bok ut the lerrof tho fern taemalady tha ira I . i ainev kit. .Il. Turnermoit .16 - tmnf iraho moulut tait bordevi Mnet ýM ae r o lnd lcti ir ndsi ae.od"gires c Itl nsght no thea _ m . aln iisiei iti ocattu adataocofcr-'.'fod ok n cen bouankeepèr - mannpbenefivent uses of themian 5 whmain giiio fottm t ie 1 l etoc 5.t) etomnit nqiemoner field aniimais; The ha., dei- E R S SO R ' E" ~r- Ti t w hcill nii n uit frovi si) 1ivReousoimiy $a .1s0 rfvianfir inqand, seeetinat be ehnt t eaoaArmînlos 'l'lie Milton iCiubasanrraîgeu toi front J. J . 'WVisoWr soaa&n 0maifi I L f hIJtey are auttawed. The mule purgel ta iRloch îesnter.A interaopera- keri lire gaecn open foi' aîber cirai- Toronto Mmlli og Caoi, Il V tht graînut otvermin; the hedgebog1 inmon .,perrvirrithame, bt heiearrld nicagaun. _____ 31 SlceetvF AIR oct ie to lire_____________________a____ig ri gt birde are creverrat. r)ire ohnir ai Ocsaciindcutlie 005 tiitrg *ait. hantera; the cdder, the tond, and thes alit hcnîe . ltioearteccr andcoblnc iSait lu l etcraiunag cf wnic rmime RI IU U* 1U U r.'Iloth an are uit .ag dispositiornuade tuii On encetu aerne unrir-jr u ai short. Ereryrmus.dThonan ksare si hur Ve wish to announce to our tI1 msd on. îp e a de mirnokr il m Pin cI sýa ar ona toroaboutirait kanhandiman wikh an etiient pliosi lown rgan zatons. Ileifta widfarsae.n the_________ r thec u sto m e rs th e a rriv a i o f o ir imd rimelutIle tarîghille the rai sO'race rif al turc cotries i teiM ILc 1 A T I s, 4Pae" plît race rt AyliureysIteay. ocluto10a ueplur nof orer alxty fetr. - ~ a a O C iaOay augra n W. ntl ovu-aou day, Persian eall&hamtar. Kai ra3br AtltcCii map alreoefrn l PUnr nlsh pol o ar Oveyý et clia wesiraberutatOPlay wh'- w A-itrîctiia t' nierîl.n a laaccOnia i lidpond. tgi iae Frech bouvmne rosaocvnraafsat n ta ___Mx______________________________ seveccad In ater panmn basiseen ew FaitGoods r-minzeekteulier meat lilay veentnRaral Utemm efle l nioo- as ruds o5 omte erut it int " a nat ar=e flan tmenty of ber ploaspeo- lire gereusl ti! ters ln Europe PaIteOdaoticesnoasà sekc5.rns Tiadceir rco-haOonNîolnonuYir ofn -staiadt's of 0propboseaitrau on$900 London stage lnrmcmoakumiorrraagamumatifrmBaioo înnraîoo,900.s-TRI ALS 0F SPEED $ 900 o ce n'Oi"Lodm sae IlLis makng arangmentsfor alto Ru ir o use about twice as obucnd oa.tePos Offieof liinmW suad rnnml10tae ouci pnuinma10ie iemicir is mthel erfniy mi outaroat aOohsuOffori ýprnpnOetaPt2.30 TROT OR PACE-Pupe. $800. WtieretoreeG scalIath htghiy enuinti unrgcî ere I unt re elt ammm ecuru tmcylie b clu conîte rnruar, i22 TRT R-oCrPs-a