Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Aug 1921, p. 4

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"j NOTIC*E tlo MfASSOfl'bfl" To 0f Il the b éehc t a 18 aleKO1 W M~. Estabhshment. than London Bridge. For centurfla A <am itmmA» Domm Ding Jnly and August round Ilu a crai., or qw and do,"wm »nce ISSVolr e .1 oes THURSDAY, FRIDAY and 3rdge, ands llgin4 la nome f PU. NIOIM N ormA ~oâa rfwpoperia or anotter, tte ramona, retrait: PALI 0NU AN Y R. OAB twpolrml I D Y N YOfeà1- &Il hat le dot* for aS nd ete. SA U DA NL f ah London Bridge le brokcia Sown, auN EX6-e.14:14à., UV o f th tc lmhratn ol- week. Dance cc rnMy lay lce. ODE EX-Thuott *iiw0Torooneuset tù p nSt Lodn erd nbroSe and BIt e Lod nyI s»l hm a X mébe ehasadt Lens Grinding and Quick Witt s ga11y lady. ith« »ryo.-.t.4 amM 12in a ie aq. la Repair Department as tîsual. The oengin of ttc aid ganc in, liSe 20:16-a111tOn oSaaiy hnh a eSa0 thttoa!many anotter folk gong and IMii.. ehftl RMi ab. G 4 o vrmn th do..in freo eidren'a rtyine. wrapt lan myl- t 4OR OPI-thei area mme iSt ldobfertut tery.", tut thon. wto Snow anytting JaI eOR -a. u" &m Ssos'w&tM M btl uh u 'L of ettclong îtoiy et lb. bridge U4NTIIMEDIÂTBEAND SENIOR TOPIC hqonS 1hais typc ot aalltaace, the resdtly underoland bow th elcf 01-Marly àdristuresi in AiMi TpK uhrobeare salve and art demon- OI ST ita bcbg t"roken down" found lis Y OUNG PEOPLE ANDAU«T yffS way tl thtéefolksîonge of tte people t..UanI« of et rs au Miooasr Méihode. malIng appied Cbrl@ilanty la thele ~lr ai ~ 1in Ilparts cf England. and, ind.ed. mellie. la Me newcomor. c/OtP cIA f reland and Seotiand. ton. Fac, 1. Peul and ameas Preachinget.5 This, for exeple, lata.e tni7 is > 11 0, PTICIAN nauOee uthnrltY tas Put It, if Oid Iceeluse tvv. 1-7). bMe f oSwbat tise churchea are do- FIl AI ~ ~ London Bridgee td à nuit. it vu. A teteir watt la Iconuainoh-lu Le sla lmagtnngo on "lishabit of oceaionaily partly fait- Seve an. c ecig or m ce sr myl h ld 1031 lmr ti.LLu tdwn1 hnanytblng lkethts onidUan e an, pyrpaoteld bappened. or the bridge frose an! .Termne fpecig hsUtGagw nfrtéproeo oter cause feononcvi days, ttelit- 1laituggtiedtytlhe ile word "o l " I0" *klgtbhe ence rasil imagine Thc Pclsec Hînlaler of Canada, ntlion tugereated ocreait ecame a werae 1. Ttey "oe" spaketat a grei a.l notad on sirn malter cf national cancera. Thug osultilude belleved. Ttey acre true huanse the 015 LmigrntSI Mc. Arthu,~ Meighen. ttc Prime King John, &tier partial deelrnction preaciser onlytat wtict brinsi con- to h l rld Miniteret anaa. wo te oheicl Peerî Bridge by ASec la1212, chieou ofsin and Indue..declelon For OMce on board, and before naillint iaar et lîsdth da. ata ttof thCty ilgrantmoed erta&in toi1 le todSOn for- Christ m ct ruly aald 10 te preacis- Cehsaia, gopportoid la parI la Scot- ood ony reciv ttc Frdni o tcCielg mre tu, for lin renair, whîlIt log la the tîblimi seie. Thenome land d a nada. oiréirsbiase»rvice cft b Lô dn as ancd ny tbereni-enry III., coae. ty 7rusar , 'la trae of thse iiday acteel ceacter. aSie ir.. omea ciseerfulol "apeed.' versity. 1Mr. Migten in la the sau.t.gave bies'epeciailsanction" tla cer- MeeySDa coltahra i lwâ i qii st n' enlie lice cf ttco Canadian Pr»ierF lut oinsacallthe bretrian fI oraai*tO ecsraIs olVn t uurua 0ce ahi, lite Sic Wilfrid Laurier iand Sit London Bridge la coleta&Il over ~tims bae sti@ tpreini aIse teur dustination, bo givea acarS of Iro- Robert Borden. have iinited as ineere Engiand and coitet ase. -Tbey te gospel cf Christt noa. auoiInduce.ductiota" ManS w nuedScoual or devîtion laeteidea of British uieiîvdoubUsIs Vent cverywbere. ta... décision for Christ. dfretiom t lauart calleS foc. witha fiir nsisenc on he ightà bettrs Nt, plqlura one's arrivai la a witas ci inietsconte iptei~re-lri fler te slow. lelaurlY -"2. Their attitude inward opposition- loanedianport.eiher HalifaxSil. the Dominitîle Sdeveiap as their oeau a.tlnonf seTen bandresnetfyeara This la iuggented yth ie word tere- John, Qube, or Montreal. Lot as sud diverse linge. He emacked yen s. , taklug monte ta a ljourney tore"la vero 8. "Long Umetecefore tek@ Montreal, 10 be deOinile. One terday at Ediulcurghaunte difficully wblet now couldbt eacccmplilaed l In e ,rie ~ osoio i c fteSu ogelIeoeao wstieh tte aarld indo inu iapcehend. aie many days,,tut dolsg lit ail wi the rrd.Thopsionit t;Ot@fitturbateOemn iug thtpolitical pteuomeuaî cf onîty a lboroutueae to-day un4ceasedof rvt tl rata.u alc taeo-a .Saed b aga iudîrsiiy. if liuks taS are nit fet- Frose village to Scan and frose towia tiies la continue pre.etlng. ChristinI obechainadwthina tersbEcusethe ar frelyinded y tovilagethe wold arr th otry corp. of Vorbersa aeitanla, taciud- I ter.tcaia tey retrcly aded y t vllae leywoud crr Ih 11r!worbeeu atould Icaza nol la give up lot nose. experlenc.d women vto il thase atam they biud. Ttere are of Londou Bridge and ins maay vicia- work tecanie 0f cppoeilcn. 1 rontier la hondreda 0f caesc a mustb msuy reesfor acte marvel. and aie îitudes: 8.Ttc Lord accompanied lhcir practiosi and definiltc lp tu vwcmeu if tent that io vit negligllcand may Sitlingly lho mentiouedoa u guetau oc- Bow chanl we bud îî p again? Préccling aitis miracles (v.8).,ls.Immigrants. easian as tht su stte consioienny aitit nO ce e myiadIl ep ,an tac opposition waesnoerOce., apectai LOt unmfoilow 1h18 groupu>of lauiegc i wihlaes eere inte greai atwa&i ebuid hp gin elp cf the Lord wuneeded. Whobavecomarne o lte ame f Dominion wto coa vocee tte ideais.cf Wlbh a gay lady. ILSTe effort cf thiercaclu mip sa.dosestic workern lunte Dm- I their peipico iit irmueno sund dig- P« gliion. STop are Utche r! aneat type e ity and ai ttae mmne ime exerclce.te Wall, Of courue h wÎw buIS, (v. 4). Tise multitude ofte clly wie cf ob.uthY. boniet cheerful Seotîlot brîîadcr visioaiils neeedfiii for thr agalu, and agai.la. s ananale am dd Weemnfitsul rarswmnod n antSo eada atatesuses of a rauîmaswealtif na- full cf records of Ibis nd tia tb- te gospel th isralU te division- , t laddition te any counIr!. Un- Il lians As lime gies onansd tte aurp isg dosec tohrc ril ep, t10 trengtbcu Il. Atmpt te woahlp Paul mes bappiyanSdisnfortunalcly, towcver,e cf the discussonoi a tio yearn Imper-.fil. l rcpairfi, and to gasard IL Mct *arnataa mu Goea tnt 8-18). ttay eed Protection fro» mincreaulso ,al Couferene erecmes mien fîlly .se0ctdiag e.nlory allaeéaed trange 1 is1ccscuWho-c>cseica- are on Ibsir Irail.. Thtet lfew buawu. tth eiportance if tte part change.. London Bridge hbaS lus Tof asiou n v. 8Godi grodel ou and after iandlug, in a new clîyC ptayed hy île. lieigten wiil tie cati- time cf Pcolperity and grandeur. and lo ftelmea.Gdagalu d cuntry, wilb mueS tti a II susled mire und more tighly. He tas lin pincbed igue. of naglect. n Vu powcr extItIted lu teallsg 1h18 lame steange. ara vital one@ front seau! rctatliated beyond poiilily of mis- acascd, morecver, »any gorgecua man cccamloncd saue difflcully. Tht tPointu cf ,ie.l îssdertaadiag te determiutiîî cf pageant,, a. In ttefaemous Nove»- ablet ougct to ve been a bcip was. Rlieaàacbaplala or deaconsea. en- Csnads lu igrer to nci liperial pilieY ter of 1415, wbonHenry V., rtartrn lma lin s tludraee. Ttesean dcrs a blpilag baud, The group re- 81 whvt iiîiuglîl leoardise esea taiutly iog trouatise vîeîory ci1 Aglacourt, wa. a ccnr»ed celpple lit eavee farrcd 10 are honnit for te Welst hiec cordisl rlati. nsuwith ttc Uniteds aerccavcd outaide ttc gattwer wikieiiHeBe tae-d paur. preactîna, 10w tour. ltaler, Ttcy need la get Sttates, and lie tas laid doan a pri yt.lr ao n l a ier bcscne at1 aM teir moucy cisanged, tacir cailway graeime f "p?iiin wtitt -fl5edte'se and cra la "lu scarletgoe and tickets secued and otter travelin tie- plae o f the Daîsiiau. i epm 's- md tll anda."bout (Rom.e,10:17). Whocu Paci per-. ceaiiTtcy aa ferd li e. ai îaseigiî salie-y atiet iî nasel =àseS) Lod wen Brldrisedtt Icil elveil ta telsuted Cisha ishocslicd ptailîyfor iisau nrvcuiiag lie hcfrt tuî-eaeliiig. Siacc te fiet tepto ta-Il glor! lu tise roulanof Quecu wt a 1usd vclce tbaa ail cculd iser *afnoîd bouili contre in Montreui, waa-do uolviig teprebiemucn t liattsb ~ iisftaaefoc tac man 10 stand uprlgbt.STe cure bona.Drbtilose,0eo Empire ia b recaguite iiourgeounlni ac trsnîre.ligs a ae isant, fer te leped up and a cheafn et botteilataislhed neo al thliii y dilcitifeahiit typeU neSuthulwark end, anS tise aoudcr of walked tv- 1c). Tisere wan.no mr'Haliax to Vancouver. This ecelentu îrlic. itiy lin temeîce i~~'London, Nonuet Bouat, -"a lige nette tonds, no tresameut, only tae imtiallion. comnaodious, cheerful a det o grtitde t Mr'Meghtîa1odcu Pile, tour nîccle. tigis, wtbCommuand, sud thc uatucally Ipscibtle and "tom.Y," laeta onc, a buaet cf and deht rtiudie I he dMc enstu tPoisaend ton-et, aSitact cornier, became lac passible andte rsc.l refuge for thé.girl immigrant,_l a i Iclitice if Canada.,are tape thutth- rouhtt trmBoin oland, anS retsd 2 The melaed tvv. 11-13>. The; .î b -ra70f dîffrte Senomlnal ainsld wail ant ete c at Imperial Coite-rt aS BirualgitofDasoadifes enmapton, ld trace iii ahet lie ail tati-part. -Na. red Izl ecvr te sevent and clelBraa uie n alMl db h aainDprueta chestr-Gnardisu, Joly t19. eigbla arcese, un tae nortis aide of tory, bccaue e aa.tacelchi speaker. Imigration anS Colonisation. l the drawbrldge.STe wtolc bridge.,Te pricnt of Jupter trougtt oxca Dur-ng 190,0.no leua th" 1,I8002 _______ ibone days, awu one vonderful and g.riseds eady 10 offer sacriices girla Vers tas. entertained la Durc- c Broutc Boys BaIl Greondo. tiet ofchIopa and dwuiing housme., auto tiee mon (v. 11). Idta!the ail chester Boue, nearly 100,000 moulea awitha a sPel tuilt or rctar*d "witis ociy kunow aIte prion cf eJeans aereserveS7 6111anS 8,000 ted& Vere P Crin Peudor." Tel, but a tendreS hitO tdilsl eIe .supplieSita. svalue orfcoasa ele- Ttc Bs-mte Attie-tie Ausoieatice Chrisat l g-tboume for aomon Immig ranl yeara or se Isar, tis e a chai- mon (Joisn 1:14; Stil. 2:7, 8). su or incitesior i f nt- el hcld au cîttueisutie imeetinggin the id ludéee.STe housse.and chopa oragtEtr otct fMn-e Orange HllIton Tnesdayey rig tSuad tise ebapel ara uiltiseab tta B. Tisir effort. frountrted tel, 1le rasilcannaItecovo-.Iimted, tape- l dia ce t adviatilîty ifptintaiu, t d eam oder- Christian 18). This foclatshet wuas apptiy dua is wea the dangers 10 Itese t aean cre uoniîsevda Optirea hascience Monior. avertel by tac tact et tac apoeîies, ae roua1IS woseonfoiS are taSe on mb piecec cf Laud, aid it wis flsally de - exlsibiind In tac sddresefthSe occis- accoa, cided. an milice of Hcnry Brertaiý Deadis- Iceee il. sien- (1) Tiscy deny tol tbey are di- Returilg 10 tac wharf, 1.1 s. lake t and C H. Beie, o purhase m, Th Diretor o vinebeing and npl StehanIor! 0fup hb.at nmn'rth mmmgrimmgrant su C H H-caSupîrtae m. Tc lretr fArcolluce for vnNceg n naee~a e o-lcproducu isaecs-Sot latrodaction Sargaita asevra acres an ttc uirtl Suttere RhodoSsassays tiret the slslp biegs walla UtcpassIon Sa Sle»- fros tise Glasgow immilgration cisap- .ide cf the tighwan sîlct ofathttseine IOY.no wldcly faisi tc dosees- mlvs lu criminel. (2) Ttcy direct taanSdtalaOpeinm a corihaponding village et liee-anceptiaîalty gond fig. tic animale. ta. lavaded nea dit- Item t10 lu- say frosetIthea» vetnCanaStan door to . Ie Belathere us- iftr() t aanaiifcîdicctsofetSoula Africa and ce- tinse uno te Uiving God arte made fora e loood aS bigport of entry, itsecif lotoeacn'iîany nupîtazlîa toecupied terItor! tat Va. infecteS b«evn and cas-aaI!.eaee lf t*trmiedtehm0faaw ad ,1, r0. eit hsictine- e$5 de.Orsayysa«reago tuttat ta. been wllacssefcf immlSfltat~-Helic tud led, a nea vos-Id bta literaily attiiatiriaaprorese cate iatfroc sinc e eoutrake ots-aindes-- ilwayn doue goeif, giving rais and aSiedtpt&PorlaUY. Bisadeallnation l a10 ttcrbeeetiîîg i appnaisbellpest Iu 189t. Ttc advancc 0frte Sy fsulfl aucn, ,jingtaelr «t la u«tln&Lot unas »oef in s- 01010) achae-ihned. .1 go iidcutedilaunme Place. menace. tarsnesanS le Vita itilicns. - .an Onario tevU like calt, or Coling-ne th th t tis allttag ýt cI prS. o Slmthe or 1tanme ointol iug. aud tcBot n ra .i 1eup-e-nIemtleet0 oas e elti-'2' gu eI ltoutsomsayoit ie haveone f te bpt s tes -a h out hrise detcatie land. la are" . lt.Th t .ios-u tot eay hei haseor,- aie if ttche ssilciat îan g thorubg gainstasnieen ceSuceS te Wleked JIca r f-e»Autiochda a cot ecl on.lra ! ciapiain seude' dfac, fcoe ye. liiid theaasice-itiii lel e horte c oree.tba. Dne» pcred Peul atta reletIlel an intimation inthaStisfortlminlterc ceei-il teitlhei-illage-. ai Ihat BHenite brlsele ,, t i bsen rosit- tala la tala place, atere tcy tirsed ititying biseof te expected arrivai eI stand- lateoe iitbiag. Sorit oft I e -rduced lu nemberî.Te bile e pSe of epi ieareaue0 t.aatuc-aSaSigtm5 pcchii -atîînî hei:idthi thae tttîse Oy causes abat la "u Op the wor eple t ee» in Of telan rady t.reandive hm t iuiVs-iieî a-r p. is-mbu W.H. ar ritn au a.e laesiepung ieSaca. Tuilasowtea Ssa inie worsiep Many bade-eS immlgracm, mon P Hpeei- % n, a rgat, C. H. Bye-o, F.I _________euanS Vomen, wera tugumlacden at 4c Smie.(ailliRecrd. od os btm cc o tre ud'imb etoei.Ta, n y«e,. Te os-S in doncty te os--ia iciili-. le aI Coaolcio. ats-eS tocit Soras-mi teDiag Paul and gaunletiOna ot ma" diSfterent fais, Bot (dlemaly) -"Belle ta. refule- draggiin na lmout of lac cils-for domst. aai ea lem 1ecurb FALL FAIRSmuet2bc eS me. " tiosl aines imnsup, and ialtudaunt- . àa aboie, l. la lb. tanguage cf tac o Boc-"Sbc Inth»tehre l - ' adcourage lte prcssed on alla tis du. treel, "oa th. job" la hlping tl a ..ct....s ..Sept. 20t-21 noation 1 taec-mn Iane w v if e s ua islilonar! teariag:thttc odVelcome anS guide theas-ms-of Dow-a- l Ahertiyte - -..-.. D- ct. à would te much a triai," Itiiiga inte lest, cornera taet arepoucin i lto Canada fi Bramton . . .....- . ........Sep.2324an cvehy ase-ing ahip. IBmuaIte la Ei -aîn - ... hnsept.v-2n_________ on se-ec tai Paul tus-ni Sbakrsemee bclts ts fissl Feiiio Ttautsgiyiîîg Day M eile h lcswee i MM6e httetd fim-o l-eeeltn Ttulagsie Day O5SPHOSsePH mam dreiîls lcpîee treebat ggraîlnlà tmdiy ring nowtat th l (iecuîstow .t... ............. Oct. f-6 fDitOrai E»a. eacteS, Itellingtem IbsI ttrocgl war le oor, Te rrvais fcm 1920 VI Londoni (wetel n Fais-) ......Sept. 10.1-à * tosce ssii ,ogteeiu aialunengrîltribulation tbey mustlenelito totailed 147,503.nearîs- hait of wboma MILTON. . ..SEPT, 30-OCT.1 seose a-Ou. Inilbse ec NuStle ingdom if tiad. carnetram'tise Briltis lalea-Franis tiasile.kSet.1017 - .ty i sd »mieit eîwey IV. The Osganzatîse of Chuschu a __in____ Sac 1 a -Oct. 67 Dp ? Lno m . îss'im oes the Field tvv. 23-28). as-u.u trls-cisle ...... ÏSept. 21 theHme, u7ngiqieumy. mImBIerbosoi.lns ue. a Torontolii Aîîg. 27 Srpt. ü fac .So.lbiS lidennie. slala sials EssugeiinisaltPaul dld oeil Ttc Suint corS la teans-Id comes MI W%%atersdava. ...... Ot. 5 pic. semr-cip pii, e~ie NapmCla eo-tdmesi setyad uupocfieinl preacis- tramnSpain.Te proviace of SAsa- ai i-orTMaéu nuuesegC8 CO-JTO AIIT, -Ing cf ttc gospel tut tela lishmenot lissz aleprticularls- faieus.for Ia s ex o_____ f u permanent wocb. Eiders acre corS Ire«., 1 appoInteS lneey churet. Thc VerS Corkstaoppera manufatures la s-I of lac miuolonas-y lanoct doue until SpaIn are ezg.eted Shietone & Il 12 .- '"--. lere sre einhllîtbeelou the f0.14 prs cf théyordS; likevia.Sue anS PI lelf-goveeuIng ad sef-psopagatInS verY meota @hotenot carS. vbisasise -Vcturcls. are ceeSi fer tipm af cigarettes, lin. VI vitilascf btandnSiseineinanS te mechi Fr-IeggdA igites e«ant (cus-luiy eaough) fos-te I~m prlnting of vlmting omrsm Au a iawycr,te tae Judge Ban- CorkS@nvantuat 8ue.S for malng Seuil wa. a gret advccate cf imeple bricks, and. combineS vIls oilS00 ans nambguca lagoag, su Se-sdStir, for tuel briquaeit«; aiac for lrecated ttc uste Of court Jargon nd Pacaing fruit. Tise extat 0frle com- i tectnicatlticu, abt cunlY tended sa Useon for tala liant pus-paee ma7 confuse aitnesec. To Ilustrait hio* bc jud.geS by lise fac tsleh b dilsteas1tcueetcei 1 dglof grape. exportSco.talnm elglt ý.d1111l» gosimple tanguage, lte tellsete fcloa- Pouadi of lise jmatri, a"amenai- ~ss.sslI ulu u Inbis reminlecence., whis w're17ytace eportatioa 0f graveu tcom cecently publised under te tt 11e ot Spain aunla la .000,000 bars-ie. -Btris thouht n sd Memore.;"A Fn'-À , he Vaite serapi et cal t udge once saiS t. a vitae«, -Te r "m""Y' .. te iu -e n orIarc iato teppeneo la te*a hares.»p dois the Fmur 381 IIaaNowlu Pr-osicwStcsla la vortiforse; droppiInt bos1701. SiSbpoundi- 71# e dm ons f d weA« ocfe.> r Ow msudors- medicine 1I meS prvsamels.mani1 a frlnd, ladiaced me ta e m"PelSmitva". 1 egan t. menS Amoemintoaa., ad neyerbiaucluhgaod tlla . hive enjoyeti tise put iSegbt;jour.t tome ueocr adilàosi Fueit-Va in Mot Aomel. JAS. 8. DELGÂTT. M0e. àabox, ôOà;$.A ,trli al Mel2ee At ail deaiers or sent pcetpwlS r ruIt-a-tire. Lirnlla& Ottavia. GROWINO SMALL FRUITS ProctIIi ts for Boti Fumues and Townifolk. CareuaM apherle. Wou* Wnie Bahlug - sOmahbrs-18 Iid Geuicroneis- Wiscra Prope-is OasiS IFc-osaSeofPlatin Devcribe. Am tise e»ail truits as-c 10 romain na ttc garden for a longer pes-iod et Ume Iban tae. vegetabl.es-rops Il la setter. es a malter cf Convenlence. .o place teo oseon*ade of te gar- den Visera taey ailte leut inter- 'crcd wIls mnd abera tc! ailnet sînder lise pIossgbiag for tise other cpn. The beet time 10 net cutl scyas- l sinds ot fruit, la tissprovince, le .-asly in Mas-,te date dcpeadîng up- on the soi and wcattecocnditions. Curranla and gonseberree.as-e encens- bs.e te tîn cule, Ilt big gencrallr bout te plant tem le Septeseter, a. thes- bttangroats ver! eae-ly la spriag. Ourranea. Red and black cure-anis are native and grol ovor a aIde s-ange of ler- ts-ry lu Canada. top ara planted tur 10 sixaftet part, athe baste. taS.e up ominderable spaco al ter thrce or four s-eara. PlaI nt nhe inuun Tee ue-ranI mcnU areoer lhe sue-face. boucs If the anC 18a bol and dry lbe crop ahi nuffe-. A riÇt, reil-drained, CI"lyIase la test, ai- haughthSto do Waill I mont selle. A teeS Sreaslng et uauc tetoc plantina, vel vomScd mb teani, s-ili maS.e conditionsabtter,.Teor* la 11111e danger cf glvîng te urrant on mocb fertiliser, Bc6P tram sta te eigisI main brancis eactu eàsaanId af ew otaers COMIng ou to taS. basic place.. A good mule ba net te have ns- branche. mos-cIbtha trse -eara if as., an youngcr Wood give.sîtosa- or growtisand botter fruit. Iu good cou tise baste. aisould berfromse in oe ton crape tefore remcai and b«e- fore new one. take tbeîc place. bu a favorable seann, aten in full bear- usg, theys- isuld yîeld Ire» tfour t. tn pouada per bast. Ried raiptemrleeire generaili tlanteS luns-OVE sixn tet aPacland Vwo ftetluthe s-caThe numemoum thoil orsmc Sers wblet sprint up fr SIc, raocl on&ite te agace claies te rcwsn as-noV, an wit rOVE a fgeVlt l part a cosderaale nusber etftancemasSt e eut ouIt t Permit cf cultivmticn te n uckeeu sas- te Sug anSdmet cult incv wraya. c 1 coolamy scil, WalldraIneS. s-st capable o01holding muct mseltura, in cal Au moiture la a orery important tct-r la preduclag a gond ceup, anS lOflen ae ISngdomina the frolisag es-led. troquent etalica culivatios touid te given 10 Sep te anil la 101.1 Condition anS alan Seep down te vood@, ASter a cane beara fruit it la f nO more nu. and go Mas- te eut ut Immedistel-. 0f t#6e otaer cas. tae out tise VeaS ons.anS teave boul uta gccd ca" e. 0beas- laé fruit ns- tise nn es neaacCul tese bme laSe la the fal miter grswt nage, s- eais-lante sps-tag, la tVa cm twe and a hlf teet lu iegst Te beet eisUe ara Cuhbes-t and Bcrbprt B-ui-laselodile. Tise Ses-blan melcdie. are nolema id ImPs-e.ave, and bave a strcng IMnîts- ltttheir chue-ctmaie.The ungarlan Banga, Cn thesotiser tanS, soW 'vitalît-and lmpctuoatty te an Mtrardinary dege-ee, Tbop me-e Moul- ýla tac-four time, but botS tise shYtbma and ttcetime chsange con- lmuais-, ans tise munie in ful of NUsMa aI effective mments and ef Oodguticna latc useaPfced Sopa, ticb corrspnd 10 conatant ange. la ta. gentimeont ofteé DO YOU KNOW HIM? MtOie.l ccii and dSe Msor eles lis mepe 011, te Ms lady anS yî Hlstery usoi HmS18pa Fo-mUtmyoh s a i - r Natucrl ae a Ib i liSl uu ae . .very e-arer 'làOutarlo a Tise ais- Siulatiea at tise lurnung thec nostiseraart ot tise $ave Ontai Theoe lbTho avuige yary noni- ber oet tes-utmfin-selantarlo le abut l= , TbjhF e tglac an avezag* adueof lus. tien ae acres. But 15e olior are bis euugh terelue tise total averaee t. MO0 acre.. Foa fres. inluOntariou arate .nti-sigr O vl alamea oftise- treanSdul> ood ui scis lite Prp poas-br abare 0 tmudnWr DihI. Fo :rent O-.de s as Sise ilia, cause p la " ooa Iaero- sie n sdtise cs-Ippilsg aS atos- Out uf ivers- 100 SmIn-, uon- Ir la]i isu Sresta 'cals- tirac are mueS bs- llghtk%shlabinevs m mararM e a s Cas-e- Onmi-o Fouse eSoeattm of aIl t n ci meepgtU d 1i n nti t amd netinal d, ce et428,M ney e es mUu lgS p 5il's- ber owun poleis g, int. a rocks- dec )Urs 1*1 - oves- 100,0O00,00i) 'oIte Mechance of pricPt se anS pot tisem n out pg upsesd eynnd cntr. nlu ps-ahI.» cf adcqu' t.en cf Oninri'i Forest,~ e le mimonst nticcis a tnsr-c elalng tise wtoie publiic 0 to The Vuet majority if m- s ara rauacd ty tsmas - lmal dm. lalacS oS ci, = %ibltsTise Sendeni', w.ml b esponlbility MMansont for prstee-tie ,ie clates» fm ire. Ttc G "taa prieet the tý ý tg tepeople of O- - - te peopleetf Onte ws. e-'areitcy aced htiun, s-ose publi, iw foir e-the gra. aà af Canmda. 1 C h Torntont Àw Àýý Il 1t lae lalsvke -e- niiLe TSseda- 15cm oA..nmap.;rne ma A 5VsOLiO 1. tasse na ILTuis AMD Ta"ei-u i1 Jtler"t"re-,; lis , t ii m.1 C2ANA iIAX PACie IZ55 u-lalgit &p)IL. 0.2 eg ià.7 p.u. 3.48p.- .i... -4-UNDAY- G0Ui Ve ", la1n u GRAND TRUNyK ltý H . Vt rini ]XIDIC lA. UCCOL,j IR, IL ANDERSONi L IL0.'P.. n, PYâsi-aAiand SA- pptp0d en suea- a p O ine. -'l II1SBALL E. GOWL&ND, JLESLIE kiN,, CRIIROPRACl- XnIL N :~J. Lnd i.WIN, L ~, by ppix,[1 LUQAL .DiCIi 1 el pi-n, quelitym l - l -0 Ne jo .louer r .UIS -per gsoirf-reie tb.g elo peu geS mmr IsaPeeSaPe-u-l-eam ~nit .hea- trouble, mle ea- mjas-o nýy 0 #oder. Bellee POMMI Atb oo,, I Te M lIta 4 te U ,a.. The selnb. - :RE miliegel fram i» qfy pilon cf fuel and tur ..î<b& »Il on; nitrlipted e*vlco from youc car; ,.""Nett.s..im preciaiion; feecr Irepas bilis and cno lutM "S"aem Cjust about tin he sav igs and sat- ;id¶1c@m'Po", 70 , by USM ~ of In une Motor Oil.Wtm tbrh,114 e fr crihgh quality --Ibperia1 Pola \ ' JOC- 10 fer yoo boy theo, ycu more m'e hue ..OM lobrecation for or tanYou cas b imr»d tf ray. Qoalily anecony. Wuii ~ . PAM :tart of Recci» shows the gat>c ai Plarie Qls cq Scorrectly lubricat-____ is grade exclosively will get the year jsfactjon which yoo snigbt 10 capeit f ri:: CaturC Di It or CharS at you*,MWrs cr write t 5,- Tocoto, foc a c 'Actomnotive Lui-»îl motali the COinpl ei andcter usef ul .1 1:À Muaà IMPERIAL IL LIMITEI) sim jo wxe5 LEt Aid leul Mo"&a *peeiailans. ttMo uitlntcuicai e por s ~ i W e l. Your caanha..s tooghly ceed i a=*,~~.s -n .. -Deaiersdi plg tnte loft iwll CleI..,c o. k,,a i and uochisaa-lih .Sschdeaklme c1is. ý ..aret.esy sibS .d.orsci.aific ]mploylccaat-csae i oAao oi vWLU lace huaid" W50,rae n e" Ir. Mahuraài )OMa lie j- mir The usj wterce motor I cter wi Ouar Ci Imperii Use thts and oati Conseil Street,' whist c

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