pany 't- ibe iton dTATIVE:o t tains. RG ETOWNý i71 I- lodsý lies LoCal N401*36 1 Ml rln N. Mm -I swiguas, ý'l O la hl uk Met .*mbdyEJ i TL Macc aata d~ 7 Appîy t (sol t-utsBLU--olbid A i goIre be l, th SchtP ft P& o M * O9bas benure,.Ait k"in1e cf otenckl don. ~ v ~t<&Jmner ~ ~ .f-.r__ - n ol w yVl gMcu. J. D. Fur5ftl oi. Sh Wehave thom for ewvry "chu OtL* Mc.ced Tneam ru., S R. BOuwu lofton WÂI<DRBy reutcd solder, 1002 tocPne cl eilbleIel.*wî D p.=d. c vccUon ca Il csors far-, foîîy equippsd -lmnity of! ~ fandy.bbcOctal. eu Roe ro-"Trouto, Wols one of 1 M nrAc . aucî.D. R SHl TiaC2 os feMIl 'r'Vauni boconu2412. fI. concrula 4' to gr tbick l. HtJMES' SH E STQ P~ uheu fr tbu"M:cna. Pi5l conditon canenbaldfor're Obtu I. OveOTX fer dunki. caoul of Norfolk, leut aus cd rn caetch Mter Vétie.i*daY for cA vtilon Of tiare weks. Stove Wood (li bcrdwodlan sy bus - au bUoua117 OhiefMr. and ir. Tet and da b quAnl yfor scle, 88.00 pur Io"d. do GledysOf Goreow.& btgter truoking done. AppIY BroieS Pmade. CltigadFrikn Soe Tasese Oo»uL-.Te susellcaet on wesbtnd sitbh )r. aod Mru. Simpten 591 tLWs.5 leverofUeau: oec t ret ivr et* Myuset ,IN. 1 aie rne, VodlBoyrbule foras 0n.w.. oneA. SutdY ousCbuepart CcAPS-as tCAPSlIs.foci Apruin Anttoelec boasB and scramonk ennfo es Work Shir -,ÀS ockc an W el Ove in a vl u li'afMllb . lies t hon Je tes Joc, fTooto re a irts Il . A rI Bn lbtae&cc rmnl s.aeconc.r ecl lHt o andMioo l a udort cWIfe, oorsuds Can for y *or . Shirt, .piiee n ihergode d e J %f1e ciobor ours. MuAio secsT LukunAse 'era yunwopufo bal ose Mccday to cppeer butors MfePhail )have Roue on aà ptcD.Mni HwL.Ciarco r 1w(liefa P«olicemep ut re Shilde an Tucudy. Vancauver., pigtrip ten cfrc Miton.miiitbu et iss aR: NECKWEAR I No rcpnrbI~~al lie en rescfd ince. ayOci lplaces. mn.Mi tetBlo e enloringetealmn Mr. and Mrcm.Adieu Chiohoim of Tuédu>'and Thuuciy franu4.0t ë, in vaeir - . '1l'a coit Sh gstûUS ' d t u te K brde ys LSkpart, NY., ieftt for home te dc>',8.158 cciiiturher notice. 4t FiriihoR:,! stfl,i!lt--1 t uleu lsent ont Invtaio e dtJbes n epenin mcsroo i 0ul-To RENr-Rungalow cattuge, corner OU TILRiGL)I>RTqETlýalilAtvursevie. bysooKlae ien vesqng. of n !Oak and Bruce Se. perbieion LW liFÂIT~lr.T i negy e yor crece. lcDcfkota hcle tsnelsdssslaeasnai is Versa e. ies emootbu obtainrd trom present 0LR TAILORI'lb Dakoc vccsl ulcidudtsesdn ui io,0 odn tenant Mc. Clark. V&ca t sepL jet NItl I-s trimmngq ad wrk a Prtof bier boli>pys at ber A py W.I. !r. ,- ~I ~Irîmîgeu~ sor. peth"UstIhons VUiibu a big home beri. Misn Rusa -Harris cf mt, 241 Clinton St.. 1 aIai,-Iili, Wi~~~~~~gtlIsrelngb c f i*ablbui Theprcgccms mteBeceerton. e a gueot ut the sarrmornoli pebl nlirar' san0111an Pot uit c f beseul and aiiUehm.Plcturcsai thebmPri.ccaa for Friday i Party In Lb. evounc. Mr. and Mru. Edgar Wbueiec cof and Salua-day, Ag. 151h and 201h, Niagara Falla. N Y., cnd Mr. and Mr@. "Red Fusiesl by WiiIIe ., lbuha¶uwcD.--Ous McU&dY & emAon Tbos. Lewso of -Niagara Falls, OcntrcgZuKefioty Nu S. R. B EW S' ired I& orithd tbbure rocad Barry Tgb-a pepular fiel POEJSMILTON ejies vclued A& cant *3SM frcnu d B W.Boyd. of Toronto talated lotIenise coe-sud PHN 8wilber Wcind, et Naum a. flic boyotereri oc Mldcy ;Ji.esy Aubrey ln "The Dachyard,à ________________________________________ bcd he usecedsent amiltcih & Geme Club'$ pond ise.reel Cuffliy fuli ef iagos. bb PlceMg~bceon na cpulsiuLdput up iu tbe othur cbarge of Ihetil. n scenselbe club bousuoser aigbt. GWy-RUI irscseilmvlctsdcedeuue Il thie A-.SAns-cc. Milton Heightu.-Tae H G.VA.RNI. t .lediial cisoo, M efra 'n- ructerad cborcb mardeno tender l'delelte perld- . cHatiansn con- ther sincere thaka te ail thoco vhl The acnai reuaio of' the Milten daseed b. ocmablo e aciaglea thir oto cas cd trucks for Great Wac Veterano lest Saturdcy. ~lean-up P ~rce ici Crasun Attor-ney. thes S. S. pîcnic et Bront.Saa o oda'msaclai Fuscliar ----teucîbals IuscC- Toietekateck - riak teth( Pre - ouccies.Efficient committes cnd ouesLà coaneoblo vi Lihe cppoiat, to teOrnameat Teterdcy and bunt c officiais handledaitharngmts Mun fin &aglt«tIn atho Preston ink by àIlhote cn the liLb arugeenA c~ofj< a. P.Mcelo, cf A u a coi .und. &fiec vbicb rejo set in cnd the wbicb mere leret. Main Street wse H. bhide, t'%ckyrile, bave bu- aep. tcurnament wes pocîtponcui for two dcrtdmt cta o sr PointtdMotlfer Ltse county, weeks. greens, and there mas c lavsh daaplcy sebie W J.Bse basbus alpoutedA special ameeting of the Farmners'iOt ia gScon private residunces throuh il Wl il i\ aMdgiu<u.clfor BadIligbon only and Club vili bu b.îd Stadys c tome. The band gave a pro- 1000 RODS lIlse fr tiseonava cf Biltea onu T th e iba OfcM seito Oibu ing, Acg. 20, et 8ociock. sehen an lu. gramLme cf firatoieso music on cacb of Tb[@________________ntead________ reprtiIis hogicen b h thLie thrreya d hu Guelph Janz ié jolibng osnebapue uil butrird b>'Power (Joamittee on Fersa power.Hand pcided ton cn1 d good munieca lr eliauer aliretea Shîsida or Mugie- Ecrry membur je ruquested to beM ynda> ycd night. The attend- *si traluMocru. acd tiste br Megie- precuni cancevracoer'ilargeon aii iree dasn i.rbmontmuet rt on cancosun je s ad the rccipte corrusponded. n1 1 foetsn hicebllby lieu. Ws cauc.Mr. and Mr@. Jamea Allen, cfor Gay-SaLurday $133 wm atken ijefocrthebsan WOVEN W IHE FENCE ei&"dtbat ait mnicipal by.lase eus!ad, Ilich,cnai turin¶Lsrsa i rue hufi nd _______a______________in_____fothe________________ien'ondeyc hbig takiogu for games by à ia agtr(Onie) o ho c a is e garden pcriy. concert a The reteccos clabrion mesob-L.every. of V'aley City, N.D, former- nddance ai nigbt, igith tbcseetram sel tdSha e un-aeddcongcsgaiion in ly of Miton. and bcdl oat hbers n iestiement canteena, the big toit- 8 TO.BE SOLD OFF O.cuiirealetincetlther- tenyyers GramCbueb estgoody e th evn. tent of about 81,700 wes rsebed. Tahs cr) k .X.poce fmfioIýonnlrlrteiei'erenses ers bucvje.about 1100. buti~ A~.lw.cbe cteret fBrmýon crurprtaheiricibalace cleered. cbout *700, mesoi It Greatly Reduced Prices 'o-' sebuwhn Caonu(Mjo) ar. d g otru rsue b'Tat eporc cicc vr s 4r17n. talngfar hie testri u. J eelc nPe.actaoatr ------ ~~81.seth a prenant day application ue yýT hreueaOte rcontrucioncedthe a- hieres. BalLona pidumi eneded ball m atch Bilt en Ate la ewd ae ou cosr.uTci.o. Mnd ith ihu bconviction and sentence cf, v h, i Mrpo itonbevas.uilcl- 4, iil sud 10 vire fonce in the lot ?bcm D, 0 Bor yl iiT h .b.M. nubrnofibhe Cooper gong. Cbick. cwnoicjulnieoccaicnbsbilcol-s 3.1suiI.,vue:.ruenet caýreul Lb. un rouât» a"e onaoleuted nOv,. matchbuisecen Wacdbridge and feuor >5 ltt iii girl or fres ~ ac. li . csincdueUedruio HA L -ThuMilten Flour Brampten. played on neateci grounds teei prîos.Siplogion wî allénc . 8,Hommce, recducud thse anthbei. Mille enacunce a meteriel reduction te breakcatic. Theuplayswx eesy fest tria "Banlelt i 1y MuryliySirJsecph lanpeur>' Saur-now chiaineblu at one and mes 0c revlatlan te ibousebo me ba-ia>'. mth mlci" lWunCooheas doliacbeglMized ciraI satwc dcl- halldeau 0 lacrsssince Bilton seesaBe Minant, « rAUl bise Siniel wscs a c ndcud, and mu eup çora. ber-,'clacroues tesen, e g cd many ycccu iog. ce cquossocrtlon bymn sle>' and est&alve>'. in teck. Wu puy cc l bas grecl>' chaoged sincu tuas = à- iupu e iecsuacal" highet prices for taîl seheat. tbsn. usancd dodging tahlng thu0ccl LEM ENTS' flARDW AR i v"msaeiunsusy il theucon el gre- Urioie sEva vi ii iheuela n Use, plaa cf iba onibaees, eislche ________________________W.Smytbe. cf Batod ilpechchukng. Ufortuaa tis ibscuultil______________ rnVua.mi rchc h i iesiksci a oyue et botb services. Mcruing eubect, ni in an accident sehicb uaded the a-sq Trhu Revurrection ccd Eniha'ceaeni3ayiav m he s ccru ensailli a île, of Obriet." Evening auhjecL. "Tac S2. Geaorge Yates, cf Brampten Snfficaent Tustiioony of Seripturea for cakOos Stokes, cf Wobîde Saisatica on the heasith isctick. Stekc Ocacs Cavacro. - The tbirteentb , ecskaockud out and bis condition Sunde>' citer Triait>'. The serviceas ecod ur seriosatact it ws mutuae- sean u0esfciiows: 8.24 ou., Hcl l'y cirsuitoed thesgcau. Hemura Ctomuanion; Il11cm.î. n eru, taku e hu otel Mciiibbon, viseru lat..ancd m.n, uo bject, Nc-Dr. LiGoseial atteodeai te hiet and lbu mn; 7 pan.,eenieg pre rad eive i about 9 p.m. Hu e au taken M sermon, obutil The ERyc TataiSees home Icter la the nelst lle aincu.l On Sonde y thers veres pecial ser- viceslathe churchus cnd c greci gaib- SL M A -C KIY IECummtma5-E. A. Richmuond, a cesinlathe etteriolon, ut Victoria mca cecitcer pIayer. ofBauffalo,.b,. (Major> Wasadcoch, cf cor ti ____________________________________________________________ ben lsIting friansi la L or Cà cfesu Ochilie, gae a n eloqueliaia-ea ren __________________________________ deys. The visiter suceceded la pu& tram thueisandatand and Dr. R. K. An- tang tbe loal playeru te filhiitsita dorien, B.P., cnd Res. Meue. Coohek@ c Chocl tsUse exception cf Robertson. vilho heldan cd Siytas aima epohu.Mayer Bari "e Ch loates oda Fountain hi. dw.enteacoref -2.and Wat-Jwvesclacirmgn, Thaud played op. m lfgg t ue\heCiyDe Ie odcyw ibte Main day, There r I - , MM I Crocin et ur Fouctain-An Tous RiutîIOc-AIi parties haviag wirtaiatUcou bct tfasic grndsapln I he, ioe cSamthuat je eqallod ta> a&=uis te be :adlncaoaectionvwtwitb myus ta bu.tlnthe ss af ns, ounTr 10ICWES r tas . W. V.A. rsnamcrequesbed l by cn taso maindcs.enilsec an aes - MEOICIRES fuse and exclld byuone. te Secaikl m theeuerLb.R. ec."ebr tth e mi rs seeoonrth t I VacllaPI eiasberr, .Peeeock, not Iter thon Satarda>' nae. i .wUebecans eabwee eveal bc 'Vtlln Pi" BuaJI HalLh A indte -up meeting ofth moresl eulptraaeAnt«nBaiccd Li rof Bezai Lîer Bhalte, c ac sel -it cmmttae euil bl el:d et W emmler <aneand rreuaunt and Il aVe RzailLivS Saie, VA, celub rcams next Tausdy atise ajanaa. SaItre. sd, ,sendae, Pmuit evenlng set8i oce. The bacsil gaine. Milton ve.Brcnie, tgae Ena. Fruit Saita, adJPure:Fria JolmNa B.Âoa.-Tae InquaLat Hamili- learreorbesd an tashe belclaan. Abbey's Fruit Salta, nsed ai OeilFou"sa. ten on Lise death 0f Mens>' Ors Wison, A nambur af crack athletee teoir Part MiJ Citrate Magnecia, cao oveb>' ascr cf HMur-y Gidainthe atbletic sports. cnd Uers seure IC o~DINSdînge. Sr.. af Gakv-ilse, soded lestaeses ccmpetiione cnd races for Otaheu. S 'CE OLUDRINS aPhosphate SdaTureday oveclng. iL secs fauna th" ITae fclloioeng i hleZseprixeslise t- ]Éu Kkovah Health Salto DEVELOPING the car seu iuovlag very adcvi> sei oBO acs,12 au Dadtr-PeterMe c- Sount" At ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OutohFmtla Wspl' Irn smd ~ Ue maetuppedin front of Itegivlag Milieu, Bd. Reard, R.Trancm, Ob ci At Or Sda ont" WmPoe'sG ad I1M G Mr. Olidain mocchance te avali stri- Baye Becsl1làc&d undsr--JcckH&n-Vi OrnLvMaU 0 FWi Cit n a eu B.t u Il bc. se cwusetoedalitale nant. P. Menteur, F. Hoeson. Leo.smn u se le1is Tc urié scsccl-itnniag 19baJnmp, 15 and undsr im .t t)ugg Lime J - unise la, DcVloîýed aed Pnînted. Ws dental delt -N. Pbllpott. iGeorge Vaugbha, IL bs Dce(w g-ccp.. w afcto -. Oc BlumSeat. Baai a aincea t ~a et atiy in plain, o »iB(flOior e selnbd TsTscl> ne Stuedinu adJunp, 15inl u- on- i 1t Aie, BScucaarillc BlHpaia a ligin rcoi.oer tram thsPrchBarber fil idcNl lipoit, J. Bannant. y. Heu. Tcrnn ng. , , GingerBssBel O5adELCME 'i saBy Ame d iodolîe. B sellA an &isstmant son. 1 &."o cdSd.adElAGuHT ftasbockltynelaid 0ut the rit@ LUnea' Bacs, 16 ccd under-L. Bruab, lia JuieadSd. Najoi. mad.o cebo rensral mcof Use E. Sl;*rey.H. Deware. _____________________ Hcbel Mfflishon, BuildInguec.Girle' Race, 12 cnd onder-F. Phîl- b1ils avili befi ugl ool Im càaunceai.plit E. Barile>', Jean Beaon' Jii. au, tantthebsniellions visa Yoterons' Wives' Bacc e -.I- Diinecmue OO Sb aiss te bayiug thIos lune tialien. Mîen, . . . Whie. IauiavIusfi(à. trir rcideeUevicppiy for an la-Voterons' RBes,50 ycrda-G Par. C.ra»(rbiîc Àcd IES U L uAtioun ontise grao tl ia Llli oit c, N. MaLcbi»In. Cl >Orîdrso Good Books <of otion e publc nisance. The Aea, Ltai., FoiaReBacs, 50 yarde-C. Jarvîs,M CrUde Carb LysaIJonteel Talcunl Pô. for summer la uga J' e iP5bd b te ltan>'Injnion. IL. Jareîs Ln iL C O lP ToetWaer, hemot asnnia. uhes xss o .Nna-100.>'d. Desi (olaeSmiautis, A. M leot ide ru, amai HrTo nic Waes Wethe t; ge s atok .te Bacs ancIs Rnv> tuetseil tuaBadJm cs)N h aSÂNI Fi ip Buy Flannelettea no*. Price, 'p'p Lait year's 'p Réal goadi Bo, 'p FREE PANTS ta match SSuit, bloomner pante, gavornar FallED à Lovely clathe, puttiag yoi Scolaringe, in stuit, dises suadR 'pinspectian of the new fJil 1921 q~GRAIN BAGS-I 'PHONE 9 SAN onea»cd tthauiuusou., Toonto. -toi tbhrcaaa na."&s fou higi. grae maso W1usd fositon. ceaady arair. 8. v.W. . mo"s -a-es 1 11lIMcdo Olai Baye'boues, Labua- ay, SUL . th. Atblallo sperts ced trdus pcrty. Rousueber las dais. IDRO PUBLIC MEETING TOWNSHIIP 0F TRAFALGAR. 'bu Cauncl af the Tosenmisip cf Tra- berr hem caussd c a ure>'cfathe waosip te bu imade for Hyairo-lec- c p-ower andliIgbi Ies. A publie ciog seul bu beid le Use Township ll, t5ostvllu, cn Wednecday even. g.u us t. at 8 o'clock (standard ne), whn a fnll explanation of tise i of obtuîontng ligbt andl poseer sel gle. If Uemeare sutîafactar'. emeetieg me>a radi e sn or ,e:lec.waiefo h -il ratepayera of the Tcwnaiars iceabea to e upeeat. S. H. ALBriaTsO, 'fovneisîp Clerh. )ERSOI .nnelettes es are away dama and aur stock is Y s price 30c. per yd.; To-day 15c. 40c. - Ii 200., up ta 70c. ci 25C. da and meal vaiue, act quiokly. ýys' Suits suite. Not many (oit'of thoîs Gari fatoners, and cut up-ta date, lia Iress GooÉ on in mind of aid times. Real Wooc skirt iengths. Ne two alike. Wi Il offoringe. In etock agan-A and X. Get o IDERSON'S "«SATURDAY TREAT"y i Thesescond ocde, tf i FeesySundacoc t buave &cmohed v ir't dish y.u fel 'asaif w 11like asc,,, die sen OoeC&Bdy Specuals villitikahu s noçve t>1 THE SECOND DISIt Btdy vteio SALTED PHANUTS 59e. 150 ues.o.faiur frcnh, cri8p Salted Pce.u5IReuîenber pa nuis arc very nutritions, and ours are0 so sos. Reg.3,- e per lb................... Sla-day T*8ct PrIce 19e lb. WHEK END CHOCOLAT An a8sotment ai Creamand CaamIcooccres. Reg.I per lb......................... e UIW Speclal 35e lb Aosoreoi Nul B3ars, Plan Milks aud 0îlana,re.5 -ê1i-RAcr T. H MOOC)REFMblE AD AIL CNRC BRAMPTON GEORGETOWN P41eTO'a ACTON £LED Tsaa)uu. siemed %n thePott-~L2~ cO ons os ,b iSSe> . 0 fedstott accu.ï bsaescayaeoaS'Sic ScmayeEà[i"». 0. - susi as th* aaHrotHe= sud=(OhtPan , sal BouaN. i. <cacath.1e lt or smO'> à ei o rocn oz, 010rl .1To Char uut ai COSI lor )iock of oas~~ the.asa ornas etoesrt m 020Frost Wiro Fwse To avoid carrying over o-ur stock of» wie fence we wiIl sacrifice at coàt. If yol (11,V r-i tni aI~r intend -ing to buil-d any fèence this tait this i. MI. %Ou m 1 'm%».1a good sa b naed 1..Otnvery loi SeSu yor ,as aisdi ucl che Ota roareh ouci = =09* .frtheOa lot Jaaey. 5152 set. asedeac5os toontstealc ac tear isfa-ma' aaa cdtios orpf uanl onect "7c en Med bleuîh forme or tender uw!b n-. .e o h Bst eoffi.enS Sece ced aoronto 10c~ u.iscoPhono 28. AIL CONTRACT lic IMutcsm. cduume o s"lise qj. tse e*ec.B h c sien 09fra ocse.uu i m eJe' CoapooocO for o ne vei omlu0 udeUs ooutehim tisrer lufoca., Md seuioee ffis ee theore ihs.eia sce fSh -o N0ule eOTICE. is OBemsht y-o A.1=diwoii0 I lUI opportunity to get yo 'ur fene t a w- price, and we beîiev'e cheape-than e next season. tOc He DAWSON mmml ýeo Milton, Ont. I:- - -- --------- rneir's teat fil W. S.11 Quaîity and Give Sa -Du C.ked laits -à Orders delivered p PM42, 4ME AA IDRL. A. ýw i» Ke e.»' TUS s~"~' PHONE 40TH larket' 4ction of the town RNER. ÎE- lAIBCOCK Deu iwt 'e D0%4Juour t; .itu imam -âwlm- I'I ù,'esonitbl re -nvie 'yl i our price' MILTON Èý7ýý