Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Aug 1921, p. 2

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The. auadgan champlon Ufêt MILTON, Âug. 18, 1021.. I Th@ final Liablous.Pael 4 g*'%Zmel otea turbdlafrr ___________between Âàon.&ansi llion vu Ot Onbtésve f brsu. i bfl have beau Pg"a«tul0ahAitulai 155 tur' "4wmXe svthb The couty rate was struck last. day. but UMM traibfd u O Xto' -c b= Ïi-ai tm& week st 0*1111118 on the dollar. ThisaragrOt or an etraalatin vng l.n syluma. loT>s la added to teé rata of eacb mni. othe .W.V.A.ronon. ThoaIo ssT ïV tae irl ofaéol ec sivdte vin u knibd Livtonu!Ro. 7, hava IIaoad iti regret clpallty in the couuty. Tis is baîf ap a veThe ben hlve batUng otha o r bu u-e or00 mlii lover tban lst year but hov a v(ct uinthe two lut traines. in tat yu aue butOuteaoyyr n- dld tàay do it? fPousesouunici- ebeliteaY gtsi f hir total 01 noctionvt eh 1e ece niv Of c n eec ourse:lojet.- c vrebit. airleldlng vas de- vlah to take this opportnnlty te ex- Paton a hee Pou.Thas s a mioct.akecl dedly bose and teat of the ActOfl- 5500 raiud o11fo ilyu to re res Ti i msak-ians vas çlt-edgad. NO leua than te dpatiencea ltb os t ail The levy of 6j umillea s the saine as twelve locale vele left on basas. Ken. ters rfe ht o ae10 that oolnitneyv btheagame for tbe fBrt time 17 ibeen our teacher. u u rel taofltyear. atrbîg idoffor several veeks 4nod ampai on as vell. As a Maa ,&firubnen nd aff rafo .Mark ofounr apprassation viilyouu s- Tisa matter of tee propoaed erection He hed thse viators dovn to four bits, w tp this casserole, vite our esmes of the mnmorial ln Milton o ber struck out 17 andsi dd ot Issuée a pass v aesthatoumnayeno urwt sodesas hlu iî egsobolaod ho won bis ova gaimse bh is bit- rarnesi holiday and cous.. back to Us solier an thseýf tis eigboroodtig la the nintb and tentb inuings. agaIn, eayba not sunr teacber, bot Who feul in the Gireat War contins u o For Actoo Durns kept local bita veil as Our frlend. drag, after beisg osser oossideratior actteresi sîtil the lait tco frames, 1Mis& Doris Carter prenented a for more than two years. TI,,re is no Whoo the nith opened the score vas out beautîful bouquet of raies. 3 to 1inl favor of Acton Ksnney IMse Howes repliesi in a levrsean sign of action by the cosooitter 5p- startesi the irevooka vite a double, chosen vordii, expreeing ber surprise pointesi long agn to o il.ct mooey. McMulin vas throvo out by Durno, and appreciation, aushae sud ber choo8e a design andl a -stc and let a Stewart Ouied te McLieod, arv trio thankn in a kindly vay. contract. The siv exptunation ap- led to'right, coriog Kenney, Dr. Bah-m pear tobe p&tv'.Letus avenorock singled te left. ocring Fartev, pear Vobe aatb. Lt osban OCand wsas left vhen Chisiole linesi te OoA E more ofi t. Salficieotinsonoy for a Masiales. For Acten Meleo«d and FO SA E sîtable mnunient can b lie bd if sur Hynda cwhiffosi and Leisbusao fliesi te Sal.ae n e oso hs peuple are asked foc it. A respectable T luI the tentb Telfer vas thruo StbeshdadenouonC« aninnt as areanly eessub trîbsi. Domso, as Tletzka vas by, Davidsonnaproperty, Martin St. Ap- amont as lredybee suecr .Neson, Kennedy soglesi oleft a PI, in Lt ua bave ininediate action, s tbat tele, Kenoey sent a bt lioer o rigbt F. . DucwAR. tise monument niay te esectrd tefore for visich Kaley madie a great effort, Soc'y Higb Seboci Board. theous oftbi ycr.barley missio t, MnMulio ingled the nd f tha yux.toeotaod lvn o coresi thee vp- A T D 010e run. Kentnor tbrew Stewart WANTE . MOONSiIINERS. o ut te McLeod. For Acto Kentoor ___ vONONES as tbrovn out, Komney te Toletzka. Pio uN.ITmiyHyncr On Saturstay a long stery about Ha]- CMaselm tofaune a.urovet osi, d sIlots. Apply te on and PAel ninunahioerr appeared in Milten. J. A. STEWART, the Toronte Telegraus. Tuey cere saisi A.0 SR H P.0. A Bs lit Bancroft, Ont. to vork in the Caledon bills. Chief arîscus...ôO 1I 3 I1 O ____0_____0__ Consable Melville, of Oeorgeto. Bateock, a.s..4 1 2 O0 Il1 vas uoted ausosyiog' Chiobolus. c. 5 0 I14 08EN ER "tllbunting" bas lbu t s ancien- Telfer. I ___ ni nigu Halten rounty. Souetinici Toletaka, lis .5 0 1 Il O 1 teca t .'tappiog for a tili Andi Kennedy, 2b..5 1 i i o 3 Tenders viii ha receired op te Aîg. that mnans tisat a party of oflirero. as Kenisey. p .4 1 2 i 2 o) 30te for: 1. Iaylog of cement aide- aurreptitiusly as possible, go ioVo thoe!4rMufii 11. () t i 0 o alk ; 2.Construction of une addition- his and searcb &round for tbe mucon- Sewart. et... o o 1) o() () (ai roue te Higb Scbool. Apply for sinere' planta. Bo fethese oehero- - - - - - - - pificationo ta, have bran unurressful, altbsugb botb 43 4 12 .1 Il ô 1 FRxxo. D. DitwAI. tbe local police and poviorial offirere Aten. Se'y Milto Higb Scbool Boacrd. have partiolpatesi." Aun " P.O. A E______B_______ "Butwe know there areillutbere. Kennedy, s..4 O O 2 4 0 aaid Chiet Melville te tho Telegeain. Kaley, r.f.. .4 1 1 1 O O Ai. 'ehave every reao00inknow iL Nelson. Sb .4 I O 3 3 I1 ~ C I f al Tbere are raves in these bis ihat have McLeod. lb.4d O lu ' O 18i n al ire in tbam Il the year. Sous o f thea Hyssis, If.4 0 2 Il() O)O f Fare Stock, beplesseala, Etc. have tilltethe nea of Indiensuin thous. Leishusan. f2.4 i I 2 i11 1ihave beenin one such place wile Ketner...4 0 I 2 O O searching for a till, bt it look@ t ike a Maaiezmni 4 O0 O0 O0 il 0 The sndeoigned bas rereioed ixstrur. helules@ job"Duran, p.... 4 O O 1 7 ios tenus la tberc usucbof the noashiner'- - - - - - - - - -W. J.ALEXANDER home brev araudthe locality ?"', -,368 I 6 90 15 2 -Tous of iý" exclaiused tise chiot: Mito ... ... 1 0()oi ()0 o() 0 21-- te asti by pubt1ir onction B ai sgrove, on "Wbycneery usuirniug yoo caylfind Acten ........_2 00 1 0 00 000-1 FRIDAV, AUG. 201h, 1021 eînpty hottîru lyiag in Georgetwn Tco-hase bit, Telfer, Krnnay. the msltocing ar.Tbey were ot ealed bottlea. Turer-baie bits. Durso. Farloc. Stal- Il .,qose camle trous the musniains." ron baies. Nilion, Farner 2, Babeuck. -Hossa-iiey lesus, g.p., umares, (lansi Tise hief said that since the laut big Toletzka, Kennedy. MeMistll.- Doubla 7yIl cleaaspiln Deceuster tbere bas beapoys. Leisusan tu eIcLod. Taîferete Corrs.n-Virade roc. dse Sept. 3, grade Ios of tisa virionsliquor sean around Tltsaa. trlck out by Konney 17, rov. ciii boiter cail, grade cw, ith tise district, but hat it la still bIng by Dnrno 3. Baies on balle, off Dur- beiler ral. moade. nul2. t.et on bases. Actuts 3 Ml teai Jxsav-Rez. Jersey viîh beie railu, "iVieredoes igoten? lait cocing te a Umpires J. J. PeaSock, beind biter rail, eigIble for-reg. 2 yrs, Jersey, Toronto ?1- astesi the Telegraus. tusbat, A. 'Jardiner. in thesfield. c, tresh. jersey hiler sond beifer rat. IHt udoat." e t u4wt Milten vbitavashed Brouts ou that Jersey beitar sud beiler ral, Jersey bei- tu?',vd hygt tot îhvillage'a civie hoidy nsion theefer i y.. Jersey heiler 9 mos,.grade "Ves. Ttscy bava a fat trurk. We Bronte gronnds, 2 te . "route more beiler 1 yr. have uea t coing fu speesi alung the tean squared sceounts bore o Mon- pFs-R.n. Tunivoril sec die Sept. s oala t ug~t bu bae nyerbad~ dy, stba score ut il te 0. Ctter .Re., Tauscorths ecw, York secr due Aug. chance te gsi it. Wbcn ce foiov, it;Boaent prtsld4tpiteher. hasi tihe IiiT. turosup a sideline. and tise liintbing l mt a suerry. Be kapt teeir IMPEUIsssss-McCoesick usocer, Me- we bsue itinaloitsIn themounta.ii.' igist bits Weiliscaitered ansi tigisi. Crmkk diedrilueiy nec, borneraoie, Mr. Boiville assertes tisai ouîy ico rural1 d viies bits meat rune. Ha lonce tretcher, hsy fork, graia rock. weeto a0oprovincial offcerg vialtesi hoceld erorlena nsupport. TeIýer. sec wagou 2j lu. tirs, Peter Bamilten tis e aiibbrboed and searebed f w v1<el Broute dovo te tco bits at mover, nec dise bsrrov, 2 ploya, block gn f @it.Thycm wyBrne falled te repet boe. FWO and tarkie, set ainp, stock rackA terk 0eoftyhesnle. Amoth ae yrune cere mscessoff ie la fe n. wagon stsoi chaste, lunoing Mi, couic rsy ha n thAe bnhag oisrnings. on fve bits. andd Ove pss. teve vite reservair, ieater. 132 h. ol. nntbsog. 'I bave been sut sebrs-aibu liPPa>î,,tboi Unis, santMe.Mevile,"ba tliat anougis te uecssel i pth5.box nov, St eleigbe nese nove, tnrsip alcays tee if thy ilod Tuie came of Oiders playbng out of dil ii, n rfiler, uev aprrngtols culia. IlI mens hooingif heyflo ustheir regular positions on accunnt o vator, about 2 bus, sitdals enseOmo e -'arh seasa coting us Mlvll.tisebalout fBuitz and Buck. KeflDey t es, severa1 nc visiffletrees and ocarbusg'ponti aegumen andief eirileur:ceeded ie in theso flte trame vitZ t e kseeet gond arrove. nev, rosi a.reiite.e a 1vucalocon Suce :t oiis;;nobody uutand a eau on poflper, noepara tor. l-S. u iîk poil@. ahreba] ies.aproine calokiasg nceirat base, B e retires tise aide vite- suos 110,0or r102O8, I ores blankets, plens. hepepl akiug theatteaed frtise halanrs uf theegaié,naec. @et piov borun,. set expressisar- ptuilesi t on ua, thepruke 50 paiua no ssandsitl tvo rune Den.,@et ingle iharnoise stafftitu g a.s tetr ck eaysusi scue<ioff iim, . Walas, ut Pncînxv-About 380cwhite Lghorn mu ee ntn gig namn etroiîa. tarted as uepire babiod tiseissee 10 Pore lteed bafi Pymsouth tock the ill tht, e wuldhav trubl ba withJ. J, Peacock on the fe ld.biseus, i cock. 2 h.B. Rock cockerels. tris ui iant ce busi hae troule t Mr. Wales teok thespoitiounder Lcu--Aboot 10001IL 1 iu. eue toin- if ana0 car vers killes." pressure ansi quit it visen sumesof tise bar, about M0 fI 2In. e lumber, 3 lAw-bidng itiensof tise neigb. visiteasobjeetes o ietblariine> on aui«s- tcketime br sibrS t. ]o 4 - l Lav-aldiog tcciti n a oke id iy. a correct siliog. r. Ber., x31 IL long, porsable pou tep Sa risig inauspctedores of he uto. o amilten, eurceeded hie ansi basi î buiding 121S. tainsuniaten wibhut a doubt theusi)troubles. 1mru tse rils p Wéncbt eill. But tise suoke cao- BotPositiveiy ne reserve. Far ia lasses], not br'exactiy oates] sciog te tise Al' R B O . à. le5 TEOE5-'AII aor $16-0a.esn "der.e»b icaceesible nature of tise grounsi te PolockIf.6 1 2 0O 00O O atshMssosessmnosus re&Solî , ;ese trangare; visite tasse vis ksov IL Osboree.2b .4 1t 1I 3 àî 1) o int bote..6Oeo-MLspur sasaiaue r=ret sasn ihte tetterine tisan avec open Cotter, p... 0 1 O i O 3I0O BEN, PETCH, Auctionoer. geonus. F. Pil pottrf à 2 I3 OO0__0___0 Ansi there a oVier eidesce tisan Tuonias, ce. 4 2 O Il 1 0 VisainI Chief Melville te the effect tisai Stanuhuryna O5 2 1 0 O 0 uvamp visakey ie beiug coade is hs Dolausine5.1 i 1i 1I 0O0 Caiesino moutaiaa, for local cou- N.Piipotthi3 I9 I1 I 0 0 s.ssnption adfor "expori"VtoToronutoeCdore.lb..5 O 1 y 0 O -a rcailiy aailahleumarket.- - - - - - "I have eteood of one bostlegger 43 12 11,*2-7 7 0 nîso inay te a nanufacirer-w 0 Milton. hssgs s llag ostailie hi& p lace cissu be ban 'a lot' for sale." the T elegraus vas F R ilnP.O. A'19 oisi ly a ctizns. Wiseo ttailag Buta ro,3,. thse sesgiborhoo no svutisaitise, Batesek. a>». 3 t il 1 2 2 prieVor ts resdy for business. =. oCibinusc.«4 Il0i9 I O the fiagisaVtruîctuff'soff." enTefe, p,'lis-..4 0 i 3 Oil A rsiivsy ruspînyealo.> asisdiesi sToletika. lisI 4 l 2ilt O 0 tetran.Mande. rf 4 t) 2 O O 0 "Sr, hreswhseybingeisade Kennes.cm, p..4 0 O O I 2 *1t:icie e. l,'veaseeuIotssciit M Msslin,I..l4 0 O 1 O O ever yplacea&roundilsere, but 1 oild't t::ich it.i1vat ie vitba knswu3a 0 8 27 13 7 tabtlton it. They putront their stuff Bconte......... 0 52 0 31 100-12 scal. juiercsasiens ans] labels. Souse. Miton m. 0 00 00 0 000-u tin)-,',Cas kick ansi soneticesu us1 Twn.base i, Doriausi. Maudo -2. prety ra andweak ButifVeyrc Three-ise Lilt, Msude. Stelen baises.-D pctsy h on hyl mpoeterOborne, F. Phlpoita, Dorlaad. Far- nu:cagbtS055 isyt imroe hei :loy 3, Strurt out, by Tlter 4, isy .y4cus..Keuney 7. by Cttar il. Bases on balla. off Toiter 5, off Cotter 2. Mii by piteh. bd al, by Teiter Stanbry. Wld TIIRILLS, PRIZES, MISIC, pitris, Keuiiey. Pases]d balle, Thoinas. AT HIAMILTOIN DOLLAR DAY. Chisisolus 2. Letton baies. Brante il, - Miton vili pay a retura exhibition t t.:îsday. Augîsst 2th, Hamiton gause st Bronte nei Saiorday. tiiasssoal Dotar Day, prouseno Tisere viii te au finterstiag aid Creto lic biger tias eer. Not ouiy are 1fast gause et Canipteilvilie next Sat- Cret a liai,îltou inierchîstu aiug tren uday. h isu Vo e for thee ntrmedi- bargain festival il ios efforts tu surpas lssi year's vaue te rchampionusip of theeHamilton gis isg os. tat dey. but Cise conînitice district cftise O.B.A,A., Canirbeli. Cornetoa am cu charge ot eaietainusent has ar- ville va. a Haoclton nine. Ados aion s:isged ssacy nordl attraciiods. 26C. Gainesiarta ail5 o'ciock. mercihandise sold tisief of hse ns Dace Decil Land-' At the Carlisle teurnameai yester- Mne oe' igan: shs. iii. nitCyns 'rlockis tise day Brouie, wiiis Pollock pitehing, Mns oe' aftc-rn.oon, Oy nvc tise businessec bota lockwcosi, 1.2tW 2 Dundai de- isousefurnishinga Ir- Select Your Vulcanizer With Care Quite as important au yonr decision to have your partly wora tires repairet- Ie your selection of a capable vnlcanizer to do thie work. Here, lasting repaira are made by careful, con- sientious worknsen. Ati geneoua quantîties of tho best materials are useti. Send that retreading josb to us-that badly blown- ont tire-or thse casing wîth buttEa little troadout in it. Large or amail, every job receives our caroful and individual attention. Milton Vulcanizing Co.' Opp.Grace Church SMART STYLES ....IN ... Ladiés' Footwear Fer Mideummer Wear. We have an especially attractive show- NEW SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS just received that wilI prove irresist- able to the woman who appreciates the niceties in footwear. GRAHAM'S SHOE HOME The Home of Goofi Shoos Oome With the Orowds Share the Bargains At the Third Annual OLAR DAY HAMILTON, AUG, 25 amiuton on Auguet 25-Dollar Day-Como to tise great of theiseer. 5 multitude ai hargaina that include every article of lin tise city, et stores displaying Dollar Day signe. andi clildren'a clothing, bootsansohose, hardwvare , gcrockory ausiglsd aa dry goosis, f orniture, leather le acoegpriese; the ans Il other coinnuaditias wiuî ho chias cUl make your olsi dollar bellevre tisai Ifrear bock again. AL'.AÀTTRACTIONS 7Dare Dwil Landrfln deatlz-%Wylug acso on ea n.ing eo lm eet 2 o'oSk' ahic. bang by ou@ band fWMs e n d ofetEaithse *luge Oter - i. it6ý - Î, -6 IGalbraith & 0 - -- --- - -- - -- npany tau"ilas atui l iion Tore* AM 2. 7 -Inc&asfn - EPT- Io Lordiii Mwtc i, m wt1ZEibd*cWw 5Udt pcf«m*w-MuFmteAi-Woelds Colde o the. LMO Aqectciam d Wà Phlsnaa O- m llgggacd Many Cind-F'rcve ea a GwyqfaFsaiwa esiy Lu be sac at Tarato. . agsle,-Mmchhmpuva«d Eqetsasitof C" iespdll DLadsa et fe invgasbig î& lAic, of a M unFma aid»fia Ctsetof tA Hosm& um ta u sss Rmimsd Fqrus aAI Lhaim dtaval laa "w~sirs nuna TEA-We are eelling taspcial Cejion Tea for yoar Issefit. Try it. 2 1b- in our grocery Jepartmert t e cant supply yoýriwith all requieiîos for summer preservfng. .Fruit ja of aJIl Sip are in stock. Corne ini and look sSrihd. GALBRAITH&COP of Miltonl J. N. O'NEJLL SON =I trli o-llt oxmo-- STUDEBARER ANDDOd MOTOR 04 For G.oaetown, Niuie n i T. D. HUME, MILTON P S'Clot Spécial Values for Late ý Summer DRESS GQODS SMIDDIES-Gils'aud Ladies'. Some ail white ÏâIt colored collai:i -enibroidered, and sotue colored and trimmed wfi white brttîd. Reg. $2,50 to $3.50, clearing at $1.50 to$L - VOILES-Pare white, with fancy woven stripe a4i'otherdeg- are splendid'for dresse@ or blouses. Reg. $1.00 for 75c. yd. Our plain coloreti Voiles are selling 84 «Oc. yd. CAMISOLES-These are thee het value we baVèâ'»n. Corne it on;] thenu over for yourselves. Tbey are madie of IWak or white satri med with lace or georggtte. Selling for $1.98 euh. ~Ri HS ý8 ENTAT IVE Carnaàge Rubber T-ires jWe have tise best oquîpment for applyiug.Camrao fkubber Tires on slio notice. We recover Auto Tops asd equip your auto witb Dowr Openung Curtai.ý JN. O'NEILL & SON, --OEORGETOt FIRE WAS INCENDL4RY. Georgetowu, Aug. il.-Ts eovlienrc at thee nqubcy loto theehusnlng fi Bsagh Iagan's harns ws u mplotes] ietayateaoai cliloot astai issing the causa uft ihafira. Pire Marshal Boato au i ho oulsi report tethe rovu Attorney cerýAfn; Macts tisat havs eausonubmsito4 Ji ovidenes. Bo daeal isdgbkssne -ý ruemanea sk" wdoris g LIseinvesti-, onhaano-b0e as bal ass =iras tbaynight hpcvObae. t'Be exprossosi tiseopinion utsafires vers ut lussusila rOn &bsd saIi neibher plI@ sursacnY WanII h spares ti rlng tho ppokmtot "atice. Iss Investigti clii huaaaljses yLuiateby .vAin .masitance or, 1M»s. Lysbla Merday.uaster uoMa ijigan. eiseil at si otee da"tit Chsarles MeNaily vas fosansidosmia! L an lhsMms.Nactuseviitami bu lnoigna Md Mt I etisa II oêtn inoam tharg tselllagueJaN to com ul avelýg i 1-d- ithon buda or boise 1- w-0-4M Iatss0vueY dollar bua= Dsieusr IsimeeZ if "norton saisfba loulé sonsi oai oulaiOalY -4 M. Noac bosdour ie te""" bs ýXm OWO Paidaau i al0l9ab-r Tb* lowm w rai o!!u mibt Ohocol WN WIe urya full 901iOsans igsgeti in isulk ans] b, stames toitli-ous S he> are b:gis ci8 ther prie is the su tison tise clseaps Chocoiatbt Youi lise uatisfatecsi il S eatisg lise best. ICE COLO 1B -At Our Soda Coca-Cota fIyGingeri liger At. l.iMej Di14 ~ der, Wax]I TORES '3ORJ Dry oods Grooeries A eplendid ans on:] gcey îehaidro. nC \'csîe is tise tiiis svaciv for lise flitvw Agood secectios Sii Four-in-isalidu OUJR TAILOIfINI Cood vooleri.i atin1, inanisifi. Pexbody'B and PHONE 68 SWOVE st Great, 6, 7, 4ýii andi gel -L

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