Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Aug 1921, p. 4

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NLVY CtTT I~~atem5*sss jfr ~4i£~eSsp0 ,4isnctas.smshiglW NOTICEý" ~ , _ Ilo.lu To Patrons of this Fon « wPafld am abu etv~: ~ vr taP rrga. ires Establishment. Pra hy etloto Autioct. in Pt. p,,Ian Omeile thf Uttfahtkan days-.F gogo. oherethey Babba dth é y Th saBWPII of Q5tUtDbvoel the bm til the a<ubiti@0of the laland C gifla011th SbbI ey.Thnoby-thb. Priasc.e ofWale.tbey have hg al moSet toeté Ometflme iedom Woeld. mand laepoportionste aie ie grrrndby a lord proptrletor DEuring July and Auigust neit deport trom the ordor of bâill. Aran. flepowts utAimat of abcthse ame of rElzabeth. Thotig Eaiainfo ls ias wg vtthe .Java. Aller th.euBal UV, TetiOPbbesT555eB, the iababttaate of the Islands have F ML B OWN E ExmnLos o lses 01ontilait oftthé Scritu.r.a, po te Cocomaut simd a w rde Wýbees. mrtly beae id ndt- THURSDAY, FIiIDAY andlu'ttsn f fthe reters, Paul deliv- raanareeqatf0tatllotrgomte p teotar ti-f IN SATURDAy ONLY Of eachî.41 . Thls sermon la vorthy of o f the ateo!fNow York, Oldeate oftht enaure bave beez '-FU I n"--se le WfiulVO.1rý Cflr. A told. Il »ea that nt on. e t te,ý0tdf week. fui etody. Il conite of tour pare: Java. the mont ,alîable wo peupleliving on thetIlandl of ougn l rftle*M dM on ehii ms tud tla la îstp (1 ltre (v. 17-283> &pologe jevel ln the crove of thea le utinorder thsat the Oei-M Lens Grinding and Quick 1.t (v-1. 244) otIa,('. Dutoh Emut Indcela one of the lie o toy tae f furnt.h eus- 8, 8);(4) practîcaf (0v. 40, 41). Ilt proucu ntre. le the vortedae frsai peoplo, lie trous- 1 ?at.,..a ' nti .., Repir eprtmnt s sua.nets forth the mglooary imassage for tj5d.Jy er trad. bu - boue aougbt portmd ail the auonhie. mue vll fl *clJOJT .I emDesPUVaoLe __________ IIl"tineaa l ands. Its essencethe pour of the ether lalando, tx , g*Ksem'sle ai.,. - eol.. vo ShouiS everabol 10osaine. In tht. Mi rî rtain. Unted State. Ger- batlmand 0 Il la saidlt hton e- At qy..SsossisTeess-idberY direct DlI , Taete eMd oy t"..d li peeoedte foito tdmany. Japan, Australla and China, mies veoalloved te kecti only one - ae s reito.5ONt eSns eikeio. * il,6 rttenChr1 t Osthm fartor freiom, d .l aeaucce.ded tn gotttng a cela vlth thein. Conequenttr Mani b e. Santd w.. 1Tst e toeie l.io e . btghe proopethe tin mon e~aodslosoIf, Oh. produes Pro, ofethe childron hall te0lieent f0ap WnO ;riSUc0.4=mf. Uvfng witneooee aed the tespired tflatîrait the vorîdasPl f M f ýdo- motm mmeoteothe sthltrs.btosevan.ty. e in Tne eSSakt.Ut tAN sD MF or. quinine. and, te proportion t e lieafth' i. and the Islande géeratly nt em pIN« 41 VI TeEf« e1h. Sae-ie v a r«Ieamporte a vaut aneonet of P. 0.Bos l w.P osttoIr. S. Prsoped aS a recuit of the Intell- A" QP DPIICAN e~~~~~~~~ulana.tobaeco. tac, rubr. tapioca. e1 ier4d W&asannRoises t.6.. gent deipottean. p~it.f.Cds ilse ese .S R ino .t. i, 0 ltOT AT lOt P5T Iîrntt Mtny of the Jevm ted proiefytes ~ GLEL0>~GCO requeeted thein toe peh ta ilim sonnut and kapok. Ai a producer >ombvîltoalyttiee v.-bNAOagf. tnsttoteoecft' aa1f4vmae0asJva temvt eaiet elsswilt sul.ta1vu ____________________AND_____________________________ - Cth bir tA Word ofOe oil te extths other Dutch Itands. has a revoir- 1 tried ttjibrent medicleIn mvw àW a otAten~d hy Inter.) - - labhata. This treat crowd Incited able frise balance, but, as a meolt advvrtisvd and vus tretted b>' doct-as nationala mieg. ..m'yc .osAfehcJava. Theoit.a omel-o nrasalea devalopint, the lm- l mrn, loI y oetu, War doec.not change uos nor doe broe uf e PtapenlPtlOeThis ta. var aftectoid Javas anport tris. 1e 1916, 1mNw in se isvertisemenl Il, qulohans and confirmes us and aIl testhe Pantl o f th.os n S dturnitg tWdfr a uat«are told le t8aatatitook one boxand o Grvalnth ; tmprayir w -m ______________aticllnSrbers relief; tien I foak tacu rîght tlonf cnlUSI eth o vhenha&fe ss AOC t'W h-P, .1 W E.tsaa >'Jh Pis.tc for &boat six enheosand the ar,,. sInce 1800. Weber aIto vent bis, Tts lOlea h 8as teT. 1 Lest-vthe True Wdet. lays: fîa nuit tof Chcago) Letro t t lgeseSndbutà.turand Schuert coumenced and coin- tS Ssii vacm Nmwpaer neig.) - - n, tudent, lthe true wtdo. For throc hundred ycase the feh û maie. pleted bis lAvel>'. Ions!>' Slghit.hlemd Son Yooeuth alume with roses, litetitre=niof pradecti o! Java aret the.Illumna:ng h of hlofee. Lfîten, 'vent te DutChI, Iater to Europeaae Anyone tWho youd cmn ta write bath turned upoe the Wetý The LESSN FO AUUT 7 and honchal fler, f th @ou bemurtaIs Onti 1870 aroued Capoe incas regards Fruit-a-tivee I1 would asev spirit domieant otveen f111 PA U L I not leur, h w frou out I, sort and ot1 (o to ope . r ans thon O s ic gla S t t lt horafbmm wha î t.a. a d 1850 as ver >' argel >' a re-S e t F l r CY R S A D I n otk l e f, boks te tfro th touI t he Su s Ca a.fhet i és d d fode. autio e ro u the Napolouel W ar m, PAUI. N FCPSIAND A NTI. epen-Ha b hote Lord AI. 1t hrougUse. Caanalsn. Tava Ivns5J OrN E. GED O but île beglnuneli l>'eubere, aed ' misa Chommunicaionete. enJON.u- . OIN, Il vould have allait Europe had Na. ý~i i EONTX-C t FPs13:1a. ulhty-lSud 157 c munIconiesbatve -Contractai-sud Muson. Poison nover cfIsted. il wvaam G O LD E N T ] TX T -Y e h hol ho it. e is 0A .0Qu esti n f R i h e.r ctl clr Im p o asib le. T he p r d u t e 50e. a box, for $ .5 ,fa al s se c . g sln g a! the p nd ulu m f tle t m ade osto me b oth in Jeriimemdlno, &U0 1 .>Bul Peler and John anouered ted of Java wve.hapleng up le the var. Iotdoeuo etpspl y the ln utre at oano, tChocan, JuS.., and int annria.and onto the t 0- miii nothe. .Whether Il lie rlght houses. The. Itvieu tat Java kteke- FuA-t leals o et Sta Ont.hevîe tfmeeWelSohum, the dony- terns nt r tseOt .-cte 1:t. in Use slgbt 0f God, 10 hearhem ente cd nt AMrloas daor ted Anierîca cratvsIàiet f&von.Bflc arîMelohn thsre ios 0 - HEUUftliitIU Il tis Of REPEREiNCC StATRIIAL -Mat JyeI noe b _______________ - - b on. îth n thes: :c àl-U : 11-0; Mark 1:5; .Loti St4:4.47. e o a hmn onte UtS, udg. ra. Ooed It ted dlaoversdJava. The CatI cerioand t auo uulansto0 ~ j rqlrarca u I- * -TPI-dvnueso a cta f9 spar vhîch so long had baeagfathlmousabi ocet lona, teT eqacht m oIlltfslaitbednewimth and C-Aesttoes o Patithe olS roue, the fablier, te tua, *Rh «&an lectrît Anergy, abytys0o vili>'es, myetîcal, &tisefflereas llit;t a I M tcistse Orme, rtliv., ae pope uât I sp setIO Tnarea ulBlenas. oi theekapok and MueO> ther pradacta. ths cdg. of hi. chair, queetbonioc llyntrlmsialus.settcicu>' voosea asrentato mae ta he mlOevas n c JleoI OPOOnlolore st- Whet le a MniTW nov ered fhe barbera o! Novand intrruptng; Balfour, vlth bis hs s ssntr 0apaatose xpre= prythat le bO**y veatter unregutateti use INEMOAEAOOuIl OI hîoman thelbo tho huldeet Yorkantd Son PraeeiocoAid fr o ng legs Ootatrotcheii. biesÉbendonilthafuas evîtable la 0ev of vbot hclwod N Onaitaheiezad -Paul natnm it i.uono,-s.Tra-alsi nitcfy flm) ond inathon lliou loldeut thers the chipe o! the novi e*tab-tha ck of hie chair, eyec nof infre- lid occurred genet-atty cince theeof etcteris ad destruction ca!i ILs & f.;rsucsuo YOUNGO PEOPLE kl;I>,DU'-T TO'IC nset tbine heott pon bluT cxnd Thot lehed Ae-Isan-Java lino toak Am- qcticled.ptsahc ibb bdis o! the prodtng oetui>. largepart OtarWos rvuiuS" lt lveilood of thomeands et -PmulO.ooios Mb.loeae-. thon aholdent vîattflm ever>' motn. srloan-fininhed articlsaboktefaJava,.attitu'de, ouelteProot agaîxot Btfh ieo 70il --ce Thit nmarks Ute beglonlng of fotefu c, tndi t-y blu evet->'momen?-job Flor Java ls not an Industril t cue- Ithas. cudden guats ofethuisum ,utson thue runger men anSa accteid genis detai dott i e» dte Pri ulolou a In ielheoîv ion7:7,18.tr. anS le le Bend o! ai> the Snîshed IIIeh suAMme. amsted bis chIe! thelr are. The vara at once lfnel- Tfr le vby ou t aloaota se esn e ie Ptoî Misin1a7hed leatl panelProducte vhîoh modern.Society re- linZ.0thnte lgvri toJ ed their qoalltiee and enlarg «r Tot r.Bun OU bave a permst orn Lterprifie 0fthe chxs-ch. gtPîs h Jp gcone nie o d th cUs yM e lgtLecue . The (liftesof téChAt-ch e Art. The OusibingPac fth ar.t-rm-e. Intant indutrie.sr nvanme, vltbtfatures lImmobilc as thelr opportuelties.For the lu,- c (.).Tht-n salit Solomon. the or hlh in urm.d, but praticîlaitl thiO.t UcIhaaiutoa h otmoditetoOutcOme ai sucb dleturb- teILordl be ta Ne oltandere and cime the aatlre. Usa. Jacînt Clemenceau mat the lee sa asudd n aedcomplote e 10015! nuwntc, s Utc npopewt ndouait-netoss. Ph ScI 0 tlt mmd canetortabi> ta onnau.nd drems taluiseB: Orlando, florbd le mannertalg0 nlîult' ao!'r-__ ceuîcr on. 1ehâve propels tau £tiennethausalvea. ta tillthe fbeleantd eloeueaî l1t speech; Sonnino. wtv hi uttet oufcoea sthe non-e~1i re t teat-bet-..Slcharcesentl0tachut-ch of habitation for thee, anS a Place hlld the rendu, cou.. troum broad. ;«andatre, fefu rollngOftesi.At,,h.S 0 î » F r s s lir. iiicil tc>'ai. nye abee fo TT- bî elbn tone-Il Chru- ata.laurail>'Dot only the UoitedStîtes jmv net tsa vise. àathecornet-s strongir individuel Rouantlcîns fi-ou thc truc churcli. tIn phaneclose.4:1. 2. but &F411 moe-.0moAotrallaandtedvrete ecrtarlas. BehînS the came tse uodernClasmâte, Wagner, 4:8-i2lFaul ooyn thot when Chrit -i.sJapandrov coer to Java. Thelr Principale sat the attaches aen- - am, rnkadBelo n lt iElOO T ceddH gv lti aamnfore A nahbatl, TiiocOti Rituattat vas eVen more isvantage- 1Perte, vlth tholr uap. and table. et-flle age. a- "Te oTh@ "0lasaBason" for mettlg let ho taoroughtly extinguisie oas icneofBc lsteouftflice inNoutherin Ontaio le fore eguing tb. place. thepoee0k pfetof Uiite a o ne O or.eso 1-bp oeume and Utc colonial Ifoilanderu vire gate. of the naflonalîtle. prtsentedme ia.h lnieneo!POs roum-PIllftb te Septeusher SOtb Ibewt-t0fth iînoi>' Son. letIuso nonl hefore the Iot-d lne frangeae AtreaS>'itethe mena- trina, fhouch fat- more remoteT>' and Dtmgra«li.vlbnlb s. b COs. Seao" appi '0et I Sareabas and Saut Sent Fsrtht ur Motet- For He- lueur GoS; and tfanth Century tiie ifoland colonial obscurcI>'. 1 beloevo flintthe oince mînt at-ca on on. fla he ou do Ontai-oo north of Bobeygc Z -. 3)mle arcthie people cf lilm Patlt-ê- baSi vefured Oorth, capîered lFor- ----------- - ----- Igtit er ilrpathe tafo. rleAr--l n m egta.d out oàs atbalaIstd efetnc White Use Ove miniolerA vereprIto>. Isoll. 7. mou analtd ti-aduitvltb Jazian ontthe prht (io, Walem BeCoueS And as I pereonalli underatand t-e- bris or Othoninflammablevaeo 15treaNnf-. 1ng4 nnd fastlxg.Use hSptit cf ted t-en. Utie Island or Declu tahodrdo ever>' p1 o lnt mosîla ta horuy t e, r 11D_ s o re tRn Sedb. mutohnrdfote ai bWtasgavprt fi hePemî Ame monded. tbem lua senS forth Brbotuas îcare bfors Petr>' vas aduittsd. of fS11cIiaaa e th e tand, lt- ntsthbrt- fremt Ob .l'he..Permt Ar&nC,4> l and Saut. The wver: 0f evaxgelznig Prealchcrs aned Edtotî. Il ln suit ton sari>' toa >' boy the . ofol sans nte nevl frtb nderetand- fon emsIruaweg es ce.ý r&o iiaig ub te vorid Wuvadsa hneavIli uptu____battIs for theeproducte and markets logblumeit, and second!>' hy undet- nf ,' a a Tlaubtt h f v Agmtsl' thse mex tent the>' refroineii frou et- batveasthe Europeaneeon the. ans EmeurSlow Gatden standing hi, perlod. ilthntaverage aetonce a, amp n u tm=Ila c teWv en at c a and ing luat-rde1ýose h llo h A pt-,-Oiitt-on ce ud : Editorg eie Id dthe Aucricans adt e edcta~ c..*.. b fvlhhofraasoiirisouitrea, cap sied Lord ~ ~ Do tupa~n~1 ~e ~ l.ntell ttc tcstb. If ttc>' dii tise>' MOestnthe other le gofngf t u.a- - - pat." M - nuith By tA M aie; .f 1 c- N Per eaa. &Ulle. bmtond aaduapa fatng tat uelts GOeil, pprovel. te o filîîre. 'The Editot- t-tplieS :-- saugh busineess.. xrenl HEc o Scill teyoe oo Islands.rlg r frOS0 eodne ie o nvppeevot Prae i vl te se e N Ihwliad. hcbreln. 0 h Froin tce tactteât the>' vere dSuete -SYeeiu ae tight. and tbe miniolet- who bahrae t tadlrvhe ut-Ina Tebenclli tefowr otorapviSa> rit el>'f5haautiofeggtbhev eqlimetietC @vsrcc te sendSorthon se, hom the Spirit will n fi titoco tel the trutI. abotWh aeoftedtisawi duiaTet owdy aelkeyt b ueitfn-- tih card alr htts taeal hm-occ aiee-mS ,inyrthe lutter part of thse1Peut rear ha L gsi-detonfA!the Brtish Emuss pce faiotayhn nteaalliev. cthsed ton, rens Ith"te t e pldEc , thtltisett-re tsno t-the a allahi ebr, amieo ead, wit-e t.a ecset etta e Ad f amn ntigl h hc c- Wùjfot & h u-oyp The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Iprtttimi te eîî ot tpa i- e 90 Duteh cnt bos pire, bave, accordig tulach mgelet I o av n'nibemtriata pwsae geera lm- loe tndy ad l n i nrs. l a»tbi-eteetng te fhrov Brtish naviPppr despatche., ho- sort ut aliment net emats- accaunted sabutemsusiahbmem . Isaetisg ot fir t- e One Ut.imtIol ndtei lxiec_ sar out-yIi Ietoue on a hurt-y. The Mtfite the bandeofo!the Eurapean cou.e theosesession o! the Prince offor, your physîclau tellas-ou ta Con- ! ar m e *13 anprmmd--d a fnntemto y edn ha i-t-o s,îad pclpiî ceolîend in bood Mueturere that vhlch ths Amer-~e osa iete ut- t-oue. 1h,->'sent te el>' bout ,itshitevoît ht-usb end kiod tnsvare 80 fortunafe te capture IWalm, vha recents- cetebrattd bis suit roue dsntst. c ice as vor>' remisonobl cKau- Me fei he hrc ooth-rootse tOfen Infectaitr IIIMed-&CbtfPtire ii erd me.trm se hu-cao Anlloch. lvot-do, sugnifying u;tue vit-tut-o into dqrimithe lut >ears of fte var. ttnY-scveete ble-bda'. lMach t-o- avenu buce8d. vftbout attrâotlog . O d-te 23<141. iay oer-vesafPro- lit. Preachîva te.Word of Qed lns bicgocos. The puifpin and pt-ens at-ee aWIt the 10v value o!ftho mark and MSDOS la aeaetfd vlth the bletot->' peotltattention ta fhsinsotve.. Ifc Cyprus fro. 4, 5).. nscof.ocsling psttnet-nip.' th. tranc. th@ Germnand Frenchb# he»sands. fbat le the case, ths>'arc a source -ses f0 SaNO" n ur a per Ne aret-sflt folas te by tht-y fni;f Ttc' c ittet- vct ova>' lOOiec are Comtg batk vlth the Rolland- éo!etagos- ThadenMtsa ete.matf vent ta Cypruu, bteI nfe,- 1h01 iI i toghfl, white the nit- aOrsBltadnS ilScandleavlana. ted LIhe Sc>'tA, O! Cliofame, aflerofdne.Teeti akafe t-angînçX-ras- pîcture.. te oumatssure; or pet--71 % a4 cs'ýks vas het-ause ilvos te bouce0friBar- nuiiued le bis i re-telfinc ofet tcln. eav« hasthelr prîce. are uoh vho= If has bec mid the Islande 113108 b.esenda rau te an X--ra>'lob- JIO ibhp et- naoI I l msîntuel îr ,se îotbl e h-ut>' anS teviinsblihertaon before ta>' areti-et lovrver.wonsmed, tbe rott>' sbores o! oratar> f0 get a complote set o l*mtth@ iu fte,!c. e Whobave il b ent olu,el tabotu oec t cntorirdetb, ta-1Ia tctmcn hon@eIlande bave proveS buegry ' shisavgratthis"o! rour lava. Tbe>"e 9dbi- n h whohae eaiigui nv souit a 'vs as hoshel'Iys e mod fonce. Th* Juptneme gain are aufferlng1 a vIte II brtila10 ieir haSt-vS 0Ri _______________munsters of the deep for marinersarsnot prtty atAli.~ Medeo hue" anS IbeHc . ce frein aAutoother fot ihandicap. Tho>' dolu frtiUatohvîIbe 1eaoc ettSft.1 -i firouent A th y vent Pppfs coUAristce ay. dot laie a nd the Cblemse sbap- vhadared te guide chips fbcaugao ou, offasuît tha dOtwlL hat-O ptme-bd tosSe-i 0 0f;00 tbC Ppic orAeaAîc ay en inuteàaremponîive menSto ebey thai- treachci-oua vatere. tIuc. oueOt,"eth e ntist. ford dîhcome.,crofl bol; or>' yloe. Tc illeo feinUa. and lensr er. hboy- In 1701, mcordîng teO a reeent Yu k -rgletrer reaignatlanandforat-s Ontarjo Foi-omtry Braruch Ph>', etc. Tho gt-esî oecui oSey t jî v.milinpoppie, nmade t>- var colltd ftrsacvaral nmenthe as a Pro- il « IYludse'Shvl eup-vlgdt nI, hI eve .- àltIcmllcd and S Tiprt-Illiecimen îvidciwoanSdet-choisi etPt-sote vilI tait 1ugslsst the Shantung asUait-. Tet vas ib.Srve ureit hfots edIPrv e eth alToeay ha velca Purliament J hrthn o' od c sent tabanada ftorsle on Noe-u-lara hihl oop>ga ut->2,000 use parlnecd. Net- eagsip vas anmfhela. or rou mai toit. gaz. 00o,( Mret-lng(lds or. e hl CUYg:afiy IV ltsnd pEpua1e a.bcr Ilt Arnmistice Doui. This 'in ond $IateS et laletho vorld, and la lent ed tva use-af-var 5anklo- The local atemthosiala I@dal ri ghrnto'. -'u Ibettanet-n 0 Moone Getluetle aUof a !rlend le the Pacifie, î eethevie. wvite tva Irashîpe affet - asgtvoi l mated; hoteta, Uhe Benabs ad eulby nvita, Fanc, wo i nw i Caada be aeîeg averynnng te drav coner ta bt ie oquadren r.. aground adproduce Il rsqulrea eveaI prerlln- l4hc uitt-sbt on Sau hyboîe. boonaiSc Ivio tefeuyou the h uteb SBat Indice.. Japtem ou-the.reminfer harel>ocacuait. Thero aiy ponches vltb a b>'POderulc tion wono teilng erdlot feolos et- tha ýtht-gravsî rufi T-ur e otd nt-s in mhtmre, bietersantd butleumetnle an Old syuiathat Bine Out f0fSYtInge dsep ltotayoot- ugen. Itslaa W OrS o!GOed. ElYM&mali051cloesiyý ranct-so rt- te cful ly end le 051>' have vaateo Java, OoeicllCommît- ever>' ton natIve. ofS!ioly' perlab le inful business. We .0bu Oeugbt la lT-ea fils OinS fi- e falUt c f12.rred ifo,-.Nov and everuare the tees afflsoti oosntrle. ai-s iaking iesabttîsI alogrtucteeev.edn n stuh of veCaI oieNgarts This a hettcret eobtac teyencolua- -1uc cf CaS i tme, ,iO n> reve o rsa n hlc te otS M- te cbuildinsgof the.tonel>- qurtcd leooYourgcusul Yeu are ail oheaet Aanb tdnaS1 ýýrîig. om tchte-f tt- tOy tl>' eve" "Uotice bautlin rckt terei. '£itsu opposer 18otIfiâme- o iueos . b.Pt-t-e het ome, VinY erlation@sheetwaen t fvpeopic gto n n utîig -Ot to eudoutfnt te hsyteh 0fthe The floi oe bsbeen re.f Weto came tvîAdaet-n enH.nd teoee t sud ssiseied alare much dvelt uponan td vblch tisasonthwetatnseSnuineron ather forces emuch.trvSb' oi- alert li aténet moeoasthe,,ie tht- beort o o!n:mmtaehathe glunntgof a mre thouantd lghtahipe ln the Prababi>' lau mate-up your ueSmin oore o! At-ton : are>' 0ftUodai mm. Ht-nOv Selis Frant-,- héalte>'rlation th" a n ov eistle 1515Wm& to tri the 9" eeXt lime. -Itluereali>'Cop ap t erS-in-Couacil, bS i>'N te a tgogsepeliaseIIl entera-s o t10 btva. Japa antd an>' oteer Pacifie Thuo hete ythat thes- are mach boffer. tho 1h01>' lto netHonor the Aditi.lltratat- ni the ()av- 000,-or ofthnetconversion o1 h,-lies- country. Thea. nber of Japonau ta tbatd,' f0ufu the nervous btoro-et-muent ai tht- Piovince o! Ontai, Iben. sut ensuoeii in e f umusc 'SJ PHOSPMODINPLI, ships vhloh entened Dutoh iEut ICI- Nrdfsbsha bnoe.to'hn.Ths apratars vwa>'o! deteru- Satrd the M11h day et Jaîr. 921t. nrttfng ter-me, calint bine the t-bild ut neGmtue h f-pseai. dtan, barbao increased trous 16le mght Wall have hoee tbe trading integ hn 10e bave reaehed the -Upcne be rtt-muendatlon et tee tht Set-IlfulobltAfen i llibe'.and ~Tomes e.gmtu thewhot1511 te lt inî191. seat-s vhers te Phenelanm met roqulsite daarcc a! uncenaolausne.a Honoable the Attorney.iieepc fhe pcoxoueed hlm the ennuyAofs! t-ghl- ner.P.h 5 eYs. tuS e eue, cd lMnil>'through the lncremeo d.- the Sarti' rtous and hartered tor le te potse bie toreanifor gontî> loto0Commit tee ai Canecîl adylcoUta t>' . etaan d asoWu W" inand fer mgar, the past tov ruans Un frain Utc mineseo! Cornwaill. At a eorner af yaar oie. If rau do net Henry>'Pbifip Moore, nov Police liAR- toases, ccuas hlm 0of pert-nilng rp= £ o c aug.piton, nt hve beau a solder me efar Java, an>' rate they wverslablted la pro- re.pand b>' crevlg Up tl Il d- istrete ennd for ttc Vilisge o! Actan the l'a, pi-loif thasLatrouhe Head,60uguileshistoria flean, fer fthe lahahtantsfenstocîr, ho Pîcks OP hie forceps. lho ai ono poînteil Police Nagi8tratýI lirntsShleeltogtSel » for.eîpt xc plgte. N n.. iaitpar pcol, and theviaamty have ltft numeraus bairoa ieit- That eyo relex i not IntallIble. in and for the CoutofHto bi ipt Of Pim mm so~tM'io!dhoiwaiteemploye rencli- and elleed te &OpelgIl ummoe.Jaaggejog On the Platton. v ai-e vorking voeus, or a»Palca ahbrs o! Il lta u«goitod«deait athUt. peratar jurisdiction ta ho coancurrent wîîh thaî On mai-'Plus bonus, have durlng (atout.tte f'11 et fhoir existence on ta stop an the gas right hardbetorsetofPolice Sfegisîrate Shields, ulth a -the Pu e ticrs caehed bonnae thatSI&uc' ho use. the forcps; If ho dosent salary- te aionsttfxiwhich ebali bersle eft,00 guildara an a moi->'of The asttlts ie m nerait>' uttorded unesenough 0e t Ifyîu May' Dot Wabe.- "e. 800 ta 705 giade r Petb 0 he T.ta ha ta. tageeda->'country of Lyon- caue qulte as uncomiclaus n u Cerifi 11fuse etathef fsc stem, vhc gt 10 éme.. ttae. cu f joina'incidents vunt tf0lb.. C. AH. BULME, crcnofteprofit, bava mis e lh figure ýa tise Aititilau ro- ----CekEeuv ouel 0^rfunon.uestet hn ctm ss.td the Corelsh folklarers - ___«___ orbilClct-ofEteautivee regain mdsvrlhandred tbousutnd giau vai>Walls the laf, ft.efervld ted hTufrUsd.AtmbeAcIe. or ahya.t&WTrlitand Zesaît. Atheîstan TeT"& m&AtmieAmn.A--YVobýýlIarrW rell Speut Ina iImportant thon theeSugar. mods a vov bfore the mIrine t0ftSt. NeA sua achylalthedColithemeostnig olr o o but Yet Producing bg barvente for Burlae thut ho veelo go tf0 e etac f Nov Zeui aed le the Otile hos i On MonSay vnnîn about nine I ~odn sdobt n &a-,. srt re the tahaccao, ta. rubhar, lteldand eonQuer thomu,ted upon ftrctuat i a erS, a q a listce-oýClorýi, (harln ia .» ryo u zeet- e gbî dolst-s ltor, , o r = ctionnent. anS kapiok pît- aD*t.ib . ahcset cSgir Walter, Be- dtare that letregtrd.d b>' naerurattsta dcviidollan aOIt-net wJtlt hIabereaa tetiene, Tas conifvaton o! tatCcID. iMt@novaiI Aniret eofyco Il,'as a survlval ef anerli ai-le nthe buggy when tirocrstrIoS te pan A I~~~hona, vhlch te- vas undor the le laid. Thte te a son le tas orlOs blstoey. Ta. teaanis a hm"e Jri anebstsadea 0tuo- fievI ta test e n iprti ltava ment>' asgllsh ho NcLu hllcadonth teetdlouîy linpal-.d ~ , es-cotais crIé~asgPrimitive hOdlî atructureantedextra- ofthtee tond vîi 00 vsueela eeUte no h -st b i-h- S~toumath Ameia dufing u. ostheieg tteef I'aae. ted OrdlarlY slagthbahîta. It uppe&mare grie L&g yn a den la> middle 0f tha@hat entury, bu i be a taden' suii.lSddbeilemelte aenhld dd acvtI a e- lNllnsrc h ug n ______encense the sm diur, but fta, remiseflular e- the imipact throv lMt. Jarvît ever ts à nae nt__- -A _1. ý »dA a aater af geologie kuovtedg@ tare. bae b emau!ouad la ti.llemeu»l Saboard, anS thin oes1NÀm ,ated-u co Tu 80 i "eSla --- 1 JiCo ro uhi eotag mueretOI ",d &ptdL dEh.-5 . aIflu.« r., Ittahonei Car O taa> 5'LO Amda« ein es . t- a y.e W. QO( eOT 'Lt-n %CC? miK.mihSa Sme Iaik.p MMins . st-mty J. SIN i j'teSurS . 21&~ttin m JLia aomaoe uer Uura"eâ Ta-a - o ~I XSD c5 to0 OUClutari

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