~> r. The Ca«adIan Champion lOVE À ISEASU. CANPBELLVILLE CIY .IÇ OIDYG...DE OSTAIO by Ciroit Cheich AusI.um ast Xu-N ug. il, 12. y"" ByA*VVDk 1Cr Cmp mvi e bvi oliay ester- AUG« 13-44-15. Sundsy. Aug.14-Rer. Tmes. Bcyd, &ayilew &Ware rowd rous.il& - oBsosnte. oulasprrach etBwe't Who Pruooe ite cdm.ulit. 2 = à Tlto gr n SG R ETE N G D 1080 .. sdutHrBy e pst The D*pàrtsuent of Lande and For- la "love" a dhseae? AàpParisieî ereow.,-and ~BGEBTE NI RIDR ~ 5 retiornbyetend 7s ordai Ioal ulagaltusethe n nte ca, ut annerak, ad mut w'eaue inture, sud the ar-' THAN LAST VIAR. ivtto aMOey ngyain hierem urangemsents f-rtafwweshlgond. Tbe Wo ley/eoager. t tet e pio sdoerofntsarwrln imdrenowstncfr e, sstareesfrItweefeCAlu OUITE h>Ia cq iuctaneeub th ed3iate Ofthe vaeun le est trr lae-d. l ceue a t -tIt crowil wasskept tebsd osne.welI CNTEEs OMMI 'S APPEAL. gatien ana rruaw-old cusitnc teMate fteta~so oeet Ha reant Il with tuberculosls and away tramn the bses sud the fleiders -f s Buday snoruing. Ang. i4th. Zavtiais b>'tbe preventlonof t ien tter troubles. Tise tormer la à dis-bail sveychane. Murrsay ieDonalil Have 700 mails yonr donation yet Sîsoday. Aug. 21-Boweeu. 10.30 a. h'55 O eau, isenyac after yrar. de- sanseof the longs. Love, lte ee7s. l was umpire. lHe kept tise ployers@sad teOlsebeys who faireila@hot and sahjs.., Bethel, 2.30 p..m., MeCurdys. 7 p.m.. uc"uet21% leeslu o tbern Ontarie. a disese et the emetiona. the games weli lu baud. Sevon inuinga sud ubeil thaerbondlthat 700 s.lght Mr. W. H. Stewart wil preni. !nalu oes e ibe -eig oo lu te rigt? Let us argue the were 1dayed ln earh game. lies P Yen criitfer theis. you preyed Suday, Au. 2_-BewMs. 10.30 s. ,%ush le s.f dotlarsand mocs temTtrhIm et game was tetweeu Milton ter ftbae, yen amked GOdebibeestteoum. Betisel. 2.W3 p.m., Hornty, 7 p. Sos. ei ars due te tbe careiesseofet Hale - loyess opposite - la aime and Campiselîrsîle. Milton w s k- dueing tbe dack days of tbse(Great M.Wmn. timble wil preracb. campea sor settlera. Tbis i he camp- îimed te ltea ediseese. Ttis ws mcl by tbe long et thse serviras et Wee. Deo>'ou etili remesuisetbes. P Sueiey, Sept. 5-MlCurdy's. Il a. log Sesson. Campers sbouid ae thaLattobewliing te conesls-net au Kenney. wbo la stili under tbe weatb- Tmey eemesnbered >'eu sud dese olil m.,ettel. 2.80J pus., Hornby 7 p.m. tbey ptout ail camp tires mode b>. a resoit et ttlnking the malter eut, et, Hultz. goeste Toroetoansd Buck, Milton saab battis tbey sued luMe. W. H. Stewart wili preacb. tbsfueeves tbat tbey nerer throw 'bot tecaus tl ives. ne ne meetal oubo wet Westlesut week. Beeg. oft1 ferlng Itfttebctbeir lent, Ns&ow wi Sept. Ii-Hoenby annivrmar>'. &Way burning matches ce lehecce and' sock. Hala is an ugiy tina a dis- Hamilton, woun u and intpitet if yen net ilonate s pie, cake, candy er Sept. 18--McCordY'saennieorsary. tbat tsey vput eut ae ysmuloderiur rase ls easly. Bo, witnet vryagood Milton sbould pIa se conil game., raub ta belpi tbem nou tbl big dayP Sept. 25--Bowae saunivemrsay. lir" es bibtie>' ma7 ied oeil which lotie. we are qite wilîîng le agree Camptbeliville bai twoeHamilton play- Tmey osant your belpi andl nesdI ilOct. 2-Betbel tarvest tome. tbey are able ta extingootat. t. atslein a disese. ara-. Galtraitb andl lbeauma. Multa urgenti>'. For particulars phbons J. C. _______ B etttî ageemet pts s ite lest 2 ta i. Teiter pitceei weill. ad Maglesou 70w or W. il. MeCrail>,D Budis Wremetptae admit- lad at tbe bat tee Milton, tut lest bis Lowviiie S1. ID BASBAI. eBuit position. W a eri-au iute Rbeaoms »Lois tome Pleale label &Iliparcesnas a record et Campbell-At the tome ef ber mo».lis- ditase .AdIf oe, wty net intae sixtt trame. Ha wau wbom tbey are trom will ho lkent andilîaw, 1. F. tiambîr, Artan, ou tien- _____be dieaseggAnilb>' Chisbeim beretso rescisei publibsi. Pas-sels will te accepted do>', Aog. 1 1921, Anneo Fy le.wldaw cs.epnt rie oic o h nle tli ireun tc ethe plaeebot tbe tompirer ronoonce ietSByers stars. or et tbe caenaoen cf the late lie. Camipteli.'agr 76 chamupionhip cf the Wo-tworth-Hla-tinkthItllove mightI te edites» bis> sfe. ce arreunt et interferencesPair Grounds ou atternoun Aog. I5ti. yre ten Lee gue group cf the O.t.A.A. lnoe proo-tis we muel admit- b>' Cbiaboim witb the hatier, seolt is ___________ sitb 010e oules sud one icoswili play tat Ileint.tiebsona.uitou ettlet -ebeintermediate fnlsie cth a Ha- IiAuger - rghteos eerer - ti. a undeetacil. This reourd a bot dis- MILTON HIIGi SCHOOL W T D milto eta or trame. 11 tnala, permIlleil. andl endinraseil putrand en did esotter dariejon in te A T In Dure report et Brenteo civie bolis-emotoon. Disneeiilltuetoi-s beale. serentbfeauoe, outet h io ll ttettlrd AiI h aepuatteEtac x day andl tasebali touroacoet t was And btl, ifte disease flels Vrs.. trike on Utiobols.. Eariy, Camp- csobs-Lse taEt 1ea x Prirce nNe. I Timotis>'Hay iacar- stat.ed Ibat ths receiPte ourre abouot torne te madns. trlsilir.s star bonxosas, kept Miltan am'nation snd wo t eprt ta attend tCh e ci-lotn. AppI>' te 112W.Tme farais toat s$250ou-su Admiration l n e aueladgesn.Higt Scisoeiduring teneat Acadae- . . TAR rcleil. Brontra s ior onouril top. eirad i otr drILdgsmo.yesr haginning Sept. <6 are ferqoie o J. A. BTEWAoT. n potd.Ter asabi rodfo ndsaemotion. Bol, diseasd. Militon. esnd lissir bns ta tePrincipali sscacrftiOt the Oakville-Bronte mtetce the rAIl tesaemellons tacs-- AE ntr h IterOîret Ude 1.n-1 seeigetSd es.ma thaonteedil affe ebi slaved spraion-Farlow. m _.3 0 1 1i0o Ilregosiatione, tise Siela Itat ailte "' T N E @eiartof 3rdain11. adteaon ade csadotwatdelps. ils.Baheeris s a.3 O o0 O i O pis et Fors. i mletlas aesEngils. TE D R cOllMilIce pîay117.A man or ceman wolseswl eCtistolsc.. e. 3 O il 9 1t0; Csadien Hintar>' aud Ciia. eandlAlge* rO'nslIl stes~kii e toaer..i Tns nl hetv" Ii-Toeteka. I1h_38 0 O g6g021 brs. Tte tO tional @obecae r t "der ill bii e reeesrved op Aos 0lely.Tetine0 tl m- Telfer,.p 3 I 2 0 4 O ,t>'. Lti n Feci, , 1 o:1. Layieg ofcfrnnide- ~layd l "- abiitsnjllam:e obs iens teetg, Sblore......g3...1 o OO e0to0tito0aloe loaits mors -,sIk - 2. Construsction ofsone addition- anilesnt etsOakise tua pistelde. Ttere ce gelte test ms as wts- Kennedy, . 2 0 0o o o Iltisse te sigitsujets s.elionea shs r ioeoisste Hlgt Seool. Appi>' for, TBamiltanoams, linst e. thlep oe net love le a dissaus. If the MLnnsanr.f2 0 0 O O 0 andl notlt itsnaSre. Thomes ho itke Ircifications ta Theeosense ompaiThe eMil- emellea Indues. te dol t a sotee- Metioslin, 1if. 2 0 O 2 0O lt e anlise eigist are permitreil toave an.D DWR tan pisyerrateok a fair detrat is gondi maltiagu. and mats. the muffsrer- - - - - - a cisoles eut et the Optionai sotjrcte I ee>' ies HlD. SeVV part au the Champsion seudii e ei-- reilonsteScol oad port. anil as the>' alwa>'U do. Au il -ae irratisseilly. then the as.0- 22 I 3 18 7 3 Tise tsrim Engliat, incindes instruction edHarl Vas an exhibition game t are wr oto entntrl ti iesd apelil. i ieaue opéto-edn. conditions sttached o i wr t - antho is tnelre. IlI. seiel.Copeioi nLtrtr.Cmeiinei a. iln el heMiiad be od il ereetRaHpa.O. mAdE- pelilenindWitlng. Tisoms vise ere I Ntc oCeios tan beys knaw tisaI ail the O0krille adtd' . a oiO tlisehHigi scbrisoo lar andr mil u tcelsoedto playars were Oakellle boys. Whtt L..ve-ttila io yonil denal-Isse tiltreitt.r.f 3 0O 0O0O 0Of F avye n prmoteil tofsFoi-m iInluthe Esoal of ELIZABETII BROOKS. others say does.sot mattr-.The Mi-irouer uneer. atnermei anil lira- Starpa, 1l0..1.. 1 O O i O Otos. i ouliearsqsirsil to luise Arius. Decared. tan boys weres oell osai et tiekvilie fouanilresuite. Il affecte tise eppe- E p.......3 01-, 0mtcAtGauli, oayZogy andl appeecated il.ta. Il daranges temental bal- Hadrn.i 0 8 2 l P ~Hil'. Tery ntepnadmi e .gien oé te s.sasao Ciienp"tet t.. Builingtn rame ta MilonnSalor- anese.Il diliaurt lise fonction o netrsseu ,2is 0 i 6 i O 1 hangry er t tel hol ratie illc so o ui id .I ts sssat .o r uqen . Os. day fer an exhbition gameohict memor>'. DO ce teli a man er meid Lk0g aJ,2O O Olcato.epr nesieh e iaetedci.touth. oernshof .tsi.soau.th. was a dis&eppftuent, & i ai t dto ho Islove as telng qits respensItie toi- rawford, m 1 O 2 2 0il1foe an Upper Scisool. Tise subject ia rIon oeruet te ails dagof Jms. 1921. &msti- ralleil oiT ari- one isif for rachteli- actions? efce pssdWeir lS.3.1 0I1O0ic ~arraugeol, mati-ai posaithie, ta mcciq n1 - os-i inil t>post prenai or deniver te aida. Frsm the tart, jontafie- a Siare quser ctscn - - - - - 1tie elneleictti. fortte ses--ore ubowar, the grossailvao wet eand the tees. nottlng saesa queer caues, ile-2 - -2 - - 21 the reirementu of tise siadeals. The ifOssuas o e ..ieremia. fous mte- bell se lippa-'tisaI tise pochers It net asidenttel t e Trench ph>'- Milton .. ....... 000 1 I 0-1 ppsyte th asue hol. a is-en b 4aî ,-»t, 1921 ndtce i*, t.tde th. foun i Il tendlacentrcl. Milton'u sielen waa rîgisl. and tlsd love la a Cemptails-ille......... 001 01cisil c loel etool. - Cansone o mid tat onotor hosipe esI is dssrsthete hl iite insea thtsdererouandilmasae? Tws-basebit. Crawford ; sacrifice satjecls at a tisas lu aa>-crder no ni) -,rdicg to . la ailli netbtelieti. for .nY- bisufos., Wl. Chisahoies. olird tise Weil, Itiat! Love ià the grand- bt eg tln ae,.ioErlpoeb h ricplado b ai,,.mof etietno noticsehl taves-e te - ge iesm ;sreset > sglit'prre hls st ngcl rsn pade a gond show est, acestest. moet haulitul. mont Mordes, eaebaeFry, el' rsa > taPicplai n hoc,,cOo> tuas astte 10e of te dlatri âath a praier p i-e atian cose-slm. Hae-eteon TheTller, , ty RacI>' 7 ;ibsesaon balle, te an>' paper ciii t gis-an ci-nulloi-Cao. lnod .9 Milton tis Os stay sf J.1ny. i0900 go9wsexetil ieColn O-î.off Telfar, 2: pacoril balla. Chistols., mg passeil on s.ch payer anidci M s-e SES.080MORL0EY AetCBTCHINSON, ietAil tt bau seom wrlttenabetev Mordes leftten hases, Milton 1, Camp- rass-r a certiSesate ci suet standing. Moiito.. Oniters. Burliangton. Milton. taelise 'csalraryln tut te show that telîrille 6. _______________________for____________________ F. Piilpotte. lit Parloou. i cords. logic. and argumentât cen te The saend gains ouoc teen WIflson. . f. Batreek, e.s. tclsted te pi-osaaytting. ooI>y fr0. Georgetowno*anil Bronte. Thse Laka- N. hil ot, lis Ctiateim. e a diemaiel mInd coull cre lise sidere won in tisa fouts tramneouben Lisil)c - . . Toleteta, lis tatement Ibat lova ls a disasae. A tte>'scorai tsi-rerunc oift bocbite., Somerield,2 Knsedy, 2b dîsesuel WhY, Iaseer hisaetrs minai ap wiîis Ico esiors sand a passeil ,aali Claclt, e Tler, p taIs., salve. and salvatien. Thes* hall. Ttereyeuuliproside tas-ir C nd R b al Exhibition, Torots Nicholas, um Peercsck. Sbi isho tas-e neyer le-elbave nae-FOUbaila ligbt ailga on W iliemsen. an- AG 7-Idso EI.1 Thoe.. me ticiisn. .1 11551 ottar portesîce, tram Toronto, ouho U 2 - duve-SP.1 K tonk. e-t1. Stewart. St piced loi- bGergtown. T eoee y ~ HReiC-Pgatu ea F. Pbiipotte andl Wilas bot rliaI EPAM BT TREL Bronte. T eom OE EýSprPgato ea pt aieo eni ,LiaIlet. Ne. slAn R H i-O. A E L«d Byng of ViR,. M gcedrmtzn idC îd's potaisle e It Lnîs' hifi gliat Acter Wam a Wlt - Weil a otm .p. o oi Ciaa nw Ligin, Groseth 5fll AcàWnevcua. O crusIiit, 0 si-iors. C tep.... k d e Miltn-Farlow siglai tbrugb tbe q Pisye. Giir, f. 4 0 1 O I il O Oliri ol-Cýý A% r-pud"o box ane tale second asnd Ibird, then .5tjert*0<ýree. mauSir Herbai-t Oshorse, 2h b 45 O 1ecsrGcea0C 0-S 1l 0Aaey-Hanl-e5a smoi-ailona a alal, Baiseori sud BebtnT- vi ac 0ma> tsac.. 0 ooPtrfmer-Mioaj-Fume Act-Werlda Chiabolmwalkeed Toletaka sud Kens- ast tOn frienils, Vl o nt onlaiagreat N. Pilpt.t, b4 O 0 I 2 O Cl> fginL0,tCllcino a Pstgais oedly faeêl. l'elfar doubliedt rentre, sud trîlliant aclor. tut the cutisor Drsi.m...4 i 2 00 Cl2,o il OretColcio fWa htorpe ced Baiseie erSreil. MMli îg tesra arielnsrsai ietS...ui ,s OOOrent Thnrillers of Man>' Kiesds.Fi-ework umn a icoito laft. Chisaola scnase anad Telle-stoies., la tact te wau aimosntauCudmôer.lt..li 0O 1I6O0O i langer smaie thasu*vrsbuore--Scores.ci wpslbeewn eut aethIe plate. lirons, tend et critinsau osie cas of actina. F.Ptilp'ti.Lif.2 1 i1 S O(u)sc0ee a 3Sbits,0O si---rs, adlte nsnally carreelin bis poctet - - - _ _aey fa Faue Ol eb ee tTrno The Actan-Miltan game fer next a immdl ntetoot ln w ch le lottel 31 4 7 21 t0 2 MriGa .eaîuC-.Iesie si es S4turday, echedulsil ta te pleyed aIt don Ide"s liat lte board or levat-tGeorgetown. 1 Maj Ga Cidbp/s GMO a L'giSsimk aen Fc Actan, wcul ta paycd tare Inostrudi adou. AÀsîeclion front the saties et AB R H i-O, A E C nsce xeioin E.sjlusDMaigsi fand-sa ip is saceof esoteectban oitb the G.W.V.A. Ha- bhW collectioa o! notetoats inla icluil- Cavei-.. .4 O 2 0 il Oxoiio Odei ein o nremn keF«kc onl>' tise aubalB matclt. ouirh is uili erber-t BeerbeissuT-s: "me Colekr, 4ibli il i i i o shiii oatei mmandth5Cmfot f L HF teieet2 to..bu eciemieablsMemorles oetfHlm cul RIs'Art." col- Wiliias.sos.,p.2 I O 1 3 O 'eslofutmatrial. Roesl.cd Farc on Ai linuof Travel mi oer larreses mtch et 3.30 pou.,lecet>' byMax Beribat, is..ti >055MeGili. r.7 0O 1i 2 i O Biampten ru. Weaoisi-uige two e tetai-btt litacise celetratel trotter. MeMeme'y.iC2 i) i 8 0 3 JOHN G5. LENT, ItOST. iLEMS raestttonesuinaOntario. Tisa>y wil Mers are eome o! tis cypleal Oeh- Arnold, 2tb...2 t 0 4 I. i .1m.1st-Dtest tcenl ai'matatal. Tmey tes-e ps>'- survtiens" o Woods, .8 3 O O i 0_______________1_______0_______0___ d Ira limes titisasseseaceh oining A man lu alloeus te thînt. tut net Nerto. 1f.3 017 toe, oitt a lie. Admission for the et- iOU&.- - - - m'.. n..~. r.. btoclofetcontcollitegare pi-acisel>' Bronte.................O0 0 i 3 O 0 0_4 thomercht e do flotIpoues. Georgetown... . i.. ....o.. o 10 o t0 -2 W ILL HOLD THELIR have btesmade t>' common-sense Doutle pie>', Cela te Arnoldi; too- ElereaiInstrument liasProsel people. btses hits. Ceter. Backisurn; wendertni Invention. Toe scife asespigras. on 'theala- stroocisout.t>' Wiliiamaon 31 m s Developouent of an riecîrîcalin-a tar 0ftact le tise lent marlyrdoi et ty Culter t;tbaseîs halls, of' R AElIE st.7umet tht wuld stale pxtiily anCotter 1, off Wiliamaon i; bit t>' dïfpesi2it epa, utar a>' In 10 ege non us top thball, t7 Willlemomn, Thomas, bat pas-sons 0 tear, Iealsgiauses ;.aessrat osan muaI îtoop (tralteose cha suffer Ires.ide- te flattai-y. One muet leste-teowaîtl Ctr-kslame oodhlA ~t.re -Isa, au cogtee oefet tsetari ln rai-er te ge on,. >1 ;letton baset, Bronte 7,R N TO m tp t asleogselencoe o, CYnicles. la tise humer o hatred. Georgtowe Si taien bases, Therns.a, W d e ew1 r tbeis tdr inrogacN o u e rs 'u eî nlDes-l, .Cevea, MrGiII, Arnoldl 2. W d e day,.A.ugust i. th iiemeptr&e1litsait an rmîarnîîy auY'yoar prarsaiet && me tinie. Brontr and Cas.pblls-sllpleyai lise RACES START AT 130 SHARPs sujoceestul ariîtemenît beyond I al A gentlemen la oas cho dsesnt final. Rerl il the icon masnat _________ 0'u'Lca$uhtîer lte laoaseor onet. forte l saeld ili ilul. Be bal ý#eN6ist i osil ora sar Whtîdo0te>' kaocotfIbsenachu Br-oute dowe ta Ive ibiteandpasualP RES$00 R A E U SE 16 ouly tt osii oca perei'Itsen issoul there, tut tie cas net wal aopported. P RE 1 polie* noe a ty or ore tes otie-al HIstocy in the pîaytîng a! poseu POllocIkoulpitaiss im hm.ioweer, 2.6Cas-rto Cc........Pue$300 vol ethe fers tndofrmofor.Thie- Tothe cool>' ail tînge are gouty' Oui>'tour--tits e rradous ff hlm, te 1 IOu neort oeth sed adbaioe ate. 2.24 Claie--Trot or Paes..............Purse 5350.00 aVietta nofereemloi oo.Tha laoa ransesor o ove t. .eni>' ,Les ed itheeo ndbatr. 2.24 Claie-..Trot or Pac.... ...........Porse 3,50.00 Ire 1,ne rcmoi-ttcetete Itn gondqctegon Ia iscta -e recls-i- tiatel ontoser un. u-gi' net rame off two bi te, a pes@ andl Icoor e fi onnacing up n i-itl oms. F. Piilpoît made aisîcis temer Pursea dioidrd 50, 25, 15, 10 per cent. >lqt tboxn&bot e mi sse ot "etsrra fmi ot t veahît. ey a W ta igistfild. in tise ses-antis.The hall- Shat me>'c te uth , 5Iisaor ead- Wtsapole Seontei I au lst in t is HorBeeigitls Aug. lut. Fis-e pen cent ta enter and flue per cent. adis- 1 isslqI unar te chiar.Po1ttn o tirdgIseoal fer moea cinern.Fis-e tlenrter andlofetir ta trt -i-' err et. nie le-ete l Ri- C Hemnut>' >'oo e>te ur tc'ta-en1N-nt.Trotter@o showedl secs-oi ecrises-ast. Tiserighi s eranal ly the Drss----- usnos tsrPdsa.AOR ..AOigisteagîerao tepormesctdslc f n'a-a k~n ton salosobivnons-.,. Te raspect the presiaires.of ot- Pollok 4 H .O e iiiiCgb toagethei>'or fer af t h rai- rt olr ofay@ett Une of Mnsenu lalest das-riopmnsaterceelate tieul la fc t iIlsenatlp. G 4ice, i i O ntfligsifaoryorora oetcu. etera portlnee insocbeoressaeta 1 WiIi otonol e 0fer mietese>'thct Osbornse, 2b.. 3 0 i O 2 0,ENTRIES P031TIVELY CLOSE AUG. Iithopa eoorr pr If inllaregotas-malrs..al People cto write lattai-s et more Thomsas, c..t. 4 O0t0 o 0TeCnde atoa OoitonRlst oen ne mallerg if ail Itatte ra O ni>' te- an ainsI pages ara mail.bt.Il le N.Psuîpottsis3 0 0 O0 2 TsoaainNociAsrainlîse eGrr.s t>'ver p egUettrogvibralationa i-ea a turlous tact flint ail madman wciIs Doclausi, m.. 3o1i0o 1itiso ADMVISSION 5Oc. CHILDREN 25c. a ~$0cr t eel-l -tnlos !elatteaaoe more ttaa rlgtt pages. Steanstury.os2 i O i I i; Autos and Vehiciru, Admission bo Grosssde, 25C. gel ctr atoleissd aioo lis ese ttos. We oni>' do iral>' cail wtct we Codmere, L oInca' el on.F P it.. f3 1 O 10 0 0. GRAND STAND 25c, andI War Tas.,a of1 th des-les teat l10 tealad- Ne sigisI la seoeial au tisat ut a- - - - - Di-. Hstchlesoe, Pi-es. Jute Speers, Secry, Bac 682, Biamplon.the ylopioanl of an Instrusment 10 alisuffoan teruel preacter. 28 4 i 21 10 1 ___________________________________ te IraI. An As.Srîcau10 teme in au tit«.amtil-.l Hauson applird theise mapctnec-i- narecautîs. Cmblvle plen. Hie oew Instcumant ila e lny Acmliesei ois e na occ m a ~lis vacuum. tube, celed an amplifier, trmeames. Ico of chas.anareasnt. Aileit. 2hb 4 t0 0 2 O0O0 111' ýrbict. chrolamaited btween a A man nas-se knowm chat a fotI 5eipe. If.. o7 1 05000iM AOT STlLE source et saunaad a leleptone ne-tle .untll ta tsars htl . ,lut,.dWair, SbSt. 0 O 1i 3 1 cs.cerr magnifies the eould. Tthet>' oas. Mari>', p.3 5 . . . . .N............ 1 0 0 1 11...... 1N......ithe ilnbla ~stoppal it u nd made -Noy-es-Impact yooc isumer t tise Riseums.,... 1 i1i0 33 2bud atd1ýIe t he eIa ra aler te man- tumorîes.The>' ciii ose tein aes-Gabraiths, ih.2 1i0O8t O Oi tinzdadmata possiblo long tin- If la dfiutt b hr hyMoi-dan, cr.S 0 9 taure treptan>'. eppreelaîrd outil oes-aInquite d ancoi-f .1 0 0 0 0 0. ~ Th ano aprae cnisaofIeanr.f....l 0o O O nti Th ano nprlu oolt In lersir lIsags humisuge ai-eth a mora or leusemnitive microphone bond os.t. Ttey tas-e net the energy26 S t 1 7 )c oc Iceusmittef. cs diallogoiated Ires. te kerp op the rame. 2 -4 Pi-i we a iigli>sensieIsre eumentl chet It ce bon ttaitsounas-Ires m*@-Broute... .O...........t-I.For3Midsu0 nie-4Wehe' wouid pIck op aiknofetpomsîtetîr 10.1>'wto wllCeoupteililia _.O0 O0O0O0O0O2-2Fo i s m e W arop sourds: camiisaccus. tute. Irans- Two-ts s ite, Gi-Cafr.m Galbra"th & Coýipany ---------- - Special Values for Late Summer DRESS, GOODS MIDDIES-Girls' and Ladies'. Some ail white wi*h colored coilar- embroidered, andd mne colored and trimmred with white braiti. Reg. $2.50 to $3.50, clearing at $1.50 to I9 VOILES-Pare white, with fancy woven stripe anà other des;igo-4 are splendid for dresses or blouses. Reg. $1.00 for 75P. yd. Our plain cuiored Voiles are 9ellmng at 69c. yd. CÂMISOLES-These are the best value we have »«s. Corne theni over for youraelves. They are made of piak or white 3jtil med witb lace or georgette. Selling for -*1.98 each. GROERIS TEA-We are selling a epecial Ceylon Tes for your bWt. Try it. 2 lb-ý In our grocery departnrexst we can supply you WÙ hail requi8ites for summer preeerving. Fruit jars of ail size are in stock. Cornei and look around. GALBRAIIH & -COMPANY of Milton Ie JNeO I STUDEBAKE] Mo . - For 0 ST. D. HUME, Carre S We bave the best equli Snotice. S We i-ecove- Auto Tops RJ. N. O'NEILL 9NIEILL & SON R AND DoDGIBROTHqERS rOR CARS ýeom'etown, Milton and A0sa. MILTON REP«rtENTATIVE lage Rubher Tires> ipment for applying Carniage Rabber Tii-es on sil tes', suad equip your auto with Docf Opeuing Cui-tain l & SON, - ORGETOWN hm Tiu ty ir A. 0ede Bie Auckland theddes, lIts Bilta- ci MaJeul>'e Amiseesedor totu he JnteI States. ai a receat Ituûer told àsc taies; A Bnitiais ruerai uni caltg luI- ?atieutl> for nova fraou tise tronc a!i re Battisast tise Somme.,ouiet tel .7stets 1'ysarcler pIfeon. SuddenSy tbled droppel luche sage. Ucueisingl steellucte oem r.to ou. ald.. ie reserai bimaIfelt erly toe e seM«. oe fImmsstise iird a loi. Il viounlu so --n visa is bseu douastcted rlIt thesbSf1. It rusl: 'I'u led as! tepintita isibosa- mg isird 511h s... Is. sendlng To« tes tô lot yasu tstoc 7Foucaha"e A sasmechet gseepons imltu" merel Vas laspotiag bhi&sms' la eo tronches. Dleeoverlng tet iho ad loft hieOs c u ai seat & e buiusi'elySodc a plIsSte h. esounterel lu Sivaeap hie ne An tour laîsi-, des wu. c oe ousser ins ouieot ane mem éra plttmin -teobm ma inlaa racttpe *arm. ht elmuded tisat s>' Ilc hlm. QUMisly Se to-e Fe :bs soelfor carryleg tise M*is ichea u a smaticalr 0ploced lhie filace le" sassis t inteosludit>'mosuatise euk r bu lbaeambig tisep Te o eire bhie mon aotw eu. Mi etoodl iessy #4uasSole au -a '*h* euerl saintes ise pris-ae id," te »Idileonoou. *Whet li tch* i te semateu« it se0 thélg istu, I(ovru»&" des tram ondes tissé Sonkhuon 618 relsier. Tise mam ces O&> nnadel. DU'rAL SUaquN lisméduse SYER' "T9RES Dry Soods Choco Wr cari-o c fi; mn's aldLigeti nabxs stell oi thir> are h iÏh ci> the pir i. ii thon th* Lip Chocûlates .,1 ceting the ci ICE COLD At Our Soda Orsuogmnge Ceca-Cüoin - i Inge-r \i OBlger AIÎ 1jjIaicJî, md >-e Gro cories ORES - JNOO by pr -Athleti -Bal brîg -White -Grpy ]F -Duster Men's Fur PHONE58 woVi tGreai tome n(] iget q LEME XIR @ S