'>'"CI1FI1C WANTED_ ISSCT DESTROYERS. Spowa Vals. olrglefOot, Fiy dna "" NTAIM îýeltt uhl~iêu S!J ra.n W1NN1PEu VOTTM1t-MILTON. Ph .. & Calladian ('h i l p io n I In n nr a î ~ r~~R t iOIt~lNOtine oeil and lneultleit Thon an ides N[ NOTPOSSIBLY YOu are eaving money Afv,.. 7 tbimd."al VAI.1 ST.Guise, but that Weald aveu up the -w 1---s" ova, uta -U Vng&lmouYeucre nlCely. Tou Are, au i nnderstaald ,,,,to-day, but a1e youIt @MtSa i Vrclaia fesaer 1 mnigt ? Iany tould double theirlogatr" th p1li.. pdepoiiLg quitleeily. Thet De à"R onndygo t ii.blien b. dl& = t~~~~o fo trtune lien thraugb maving, .esnec astet er. bi!ités today.bidder. ]Pi de il, fellow! Te sftuatly TPdnacofYaU wavigpallr bc sur ~rîmn. low a CrlylJOf u ouet fo b , p rie ed t fin d b o w m n y g m l amountll migbt have gone ino theVIA IE oétàles,1ttw hedi@ 'y b.M---idÀsnl ntedh i î Al'N S " ery nobl plan forraee, othî..directiane. admltted. "Andonue wblcl A au, Det RNAUMADc INCANADA T E PAore.Unoînaeî o ,..fly te frgef. Unftunately r * ~~ ~ «1. KflUA II. MRA The Importance of coule too laie. Il bappen, menor. it $15.0 - l L T O B A Nn rec'i i inqi iz e at s fey t h ca led angrily i o W I E Jký _--_y.C. Il. srwI.r, NIUU. mat« smà MMUmimnguuu the prisent lime to a afe me:i mo murINNtItPEGil *7981 bA. Utueà eiiDone te]nosueCt aCrll ~~n5eaa ~~greater itent tisan ev r 1 am l the. aina Ye." alaCn >om JI -, sé r- -1 ~~~"Ibave »aeetut 'borne," si« banlo said R Urn Haf r NPoete llf. adsal ee ot heo uslvely demonstrat HATE 12 et Per mn* ta Wtulpl C. H. HEBLOP, V.B. ImPienO3111It made on me. A beanal. te ea arc i bs UeI meuP a MILTON. INTi at Ireoonant oscbl«g E rested la mY bertb fr.a long turne, hdtJ . W . S M IT H~ MIanr<» 0~po rtan eltnit targ blaily up et th . dark delkE x u s o D a e IT H 7Zcielect ry.int Su.rgery and Dnia.y ayp le have ro.- boa, Malete aleursiandi Datesr ~ L c t r~ L ve S tock al» Canine and F elin o, 4 .ceve.greai bon it [nt t fgue out h r u m Itain l« x EF O « A Depe m.et og hscly Pyb taîp AUGUSr loth ad 22nd M1LrO N. 1H. CAUP13ELL RaaYetantabndeutro. M.mj RylYe.. n " .Sot adWstt ied L0Z Cul Xt X i. P. IL MITl'ON i>HORNSy arinsen LOen. 1m.&orf»c" UrlVetiS ca cOmI Èinfrwre. aunudicfer a-P ILCakes fer lee ialîli." ovril brh C itCr.Fclte jd- ~~m-OVsHAL MILTON,. ONT.ILW ILCOPN #= a :"t : T OMtu navets nd ull se te tbaer m tu Ceuia ou~~N tina orot Arand EEPAu ai uPin. iei .1-1*lb eer Ain wteh f rendI -,btb iatio ih Pue" 3LWth" 1leutho tutchSOnt odlsi and l th oit». AY, lit menus aeu mre-"fmdcelle uwne .i lcn. " »le i p@ mieAI ïu--J beiltaid lustactil, renlleing tat -ue u on&ain and Wt a liu ntsrtc q wt .n, d.nAu t D t ttar t O ne imatuou m ir t.i D M a d t e o yb t% y 0 DRO ER onds leaplng ta myp.bsepot u!-enfmle e eni oreb Ai T\kJ~"Merct" abce xcialmet. kht ened$Ice 1cn b.d netcaes.le.l lau connutein& in balo'n.oayOeàOIi bean fain efg de elaaalAt n-w. 'Thi.» Wet O, M tbuetshit. "u amlod aters dey cfa. le w ~te @tour.,lt"ae~BtAr b a t e s- - ' " ' * ~1 3 Y B b u > n g t h e - W h i t e s e w i g « I H a e n " m e s T b e A H I 4 e m . I n g l o t o a n e w e a n e L . " A l o n g e r « >s e s da i n n l a a n d r u e t tY h a w o n f l "i i ,a0 î t â it b o i l t v l g i t sa r c t e ! ROXCl yuapeldrigvltude. Up to titis moment UMyuaea ____M-nrepulattea. a sau t sIIP d!gtlngnls. h .ng lt aeiae IT"')M A I MachineC Yaal ran in gie paîd In~ £m14 RS i R- dreni bas beau te escap, bt 1 mut orë num- lzo ba e r bnd (liid 2211d t 0',4H LO U t ui-n are r' tt lu 7 1 uvy:Stock. mi.i as n mer. guilAben, an ive il et up n. Ton bv an IbtMetisOf etpiinCpmnde tee 0«a nterrer, e. t iafteho l yat ivu11FII. ltt orbep7titseaernati onderfla. hve me under olitiut a 1 serve. I erilt eth o lwt& e " mi couled ever have P B nbr-seueb.k vetî i 8- am ren i treen ne titis hau bacon. n deltAéet conliltite Interent exltlb- C Bi.mn, le rasiez tp cbine filo cell eWsfret cd ania ui ptesentthe potnesodeilAt Otndinclos a, nanuk honor." Inet Saneban airaxanni Rai placrie.tre thy ne p lacetlnwor ch ou p rl)atOr' atachmnta ri.= .,IrlandJi ely acoiojrý But alleIbo 'a «jus a nedaeaY leirmtter,1utngnemueae Baupreaecy aletbe preo tourIL Érang plae L iIi n.t Onthe a't1 nat - t fatiteo. "tu t . a . amiaibims a adandlilei, oinncapp4r. qW-Leueat I T. . n m pie er." i c.A .,e th2ngliSaintthel. J - egtist euongh lt aem zimagine .bat lagtedividuel, vtth White.&ad radMMig n Y ee ,inen m brel wx1 tofl c urAh h Fctities . th" f otgaherer. The Double TfRal k Ro ujte ýjf iw r te . tm aegntaa i. O tem l e ry prnettrcodte a bar beut eabtn, ae a -11. muareBah é pnItrsst isiudau nver ~ ~ ~ ~ s beuteeT ou Were alatefed ac m,' L1ueaa ""albeg Wb a tlaarit@yt _pia dl" MMt«ee.iioteinteei CAHO R DTbolreen "Trce Once a. mata, anti theenat iaur iievnèe 1 * .-m 17 T o eahntsrdhezrandy w« epeny Ilt11tbat1ti0cptln. bir MONTRI H~~lme As master of aahstp. Mp lnatntself It rand: ýGedErp Carlyle. Ma.turey ee laroutid t alr a na e ainb. ttai elri on . actl tell b«,b tdl nèet TJIONTO nopas.leCoule! Ifu IlleI tonld us' os -' .5 nTIT" ýéàI nto arang a ttan l IL r thée snt- «reussi rite, yih f baitjr X 1e-eJu to un" i tan 1 l h. OB pile b r i b.dO Sachez. mati MM DlaI. 1thm t euh iti h CA-" tir tl t'l"(r111(AlAILWAY PUintUl.., - phone 68 CItÀd > aouZ' be taI narsaiunpu"Aeil-nt"gome ,.r ~ resne nea tbi rcele slaav.le bs rseunsPat@.-ne ent abServicetist.asteug uuif.le i lavaCee bey blirni 1,ad hallb.dne tis, conceptionea. te th. nbly nilly ani mponmi. he u t ot ra i nut Bncbnrnralc En. r. " ~ 43 Unecelled Dinvg Car 2Zoea isggbe ntraif "titandl Unlelgearausapg eran egusMai&bsaivgrnltongtthiba-lene5 snbtlt m ayn Ie ed la tid! mel rhîoue rare, andti ean ex-. motent.. nu p aivt bair 19aIn l mO s n aarmore thaina pueant nn enh. hcln e -OMAapagcaneon Dit t rins and plabedaeirtan d necurred ti t our 1 ii id nerI, i embr mittp»trucflmpntp el* .eallytaoti aslanp, « It 1 tlbetironlîfi.D nParler CnCaron priar Trans. W.il eturnU e.t Yu becaine te me noai ritec- th ftttact oedl. sIre ta nidNev«fettee&m ad.-OAI fl 31e',p w b ît ha i Ftun Information trou, ail Grand iomething euttrely djiferemit freinthee ty rite M M vaes..G(oi! b.îten nrsdymrvi eI air HAPTER V. bleer log DstictPacng e ntTrr etnt b, er yo actenlp viwte Mon. areie;nlrSd a ig&&ht ence 1ber serviceit raturni .wu&ntbe ~ Nre; ~~: : ~ lit rent. 'e nmpetuy, yen; but 1 bai ne fr iter rwhan vIii wrniA I mebthav te It=rsm pasdtp te place 1%0 brig, wnb ai allte an f ab*dmouI.n effortt '-1'J. A BELL, Agent. Milton. " nazi e aectueli ightlng. 1Iwura«net paecbar bdite tpotualty tbanspe iblnatietam IeVe by au9ntrnng d, mer rap__y cneaou lwr TgtgpaoNe 17. »van abareountil Ihma nIl omer mte, min; but a e int a nt tsf lgr la tee intimistyr etM, fetisg a untewriitmhepoint of landing. TheboitsrI.lhidI. r ~ ~ ' h tii î'AY ____________________ tiîî 1 shail py m sire of the l" of a moa roaei t eb ran neint bave tadn alm pobeai great inrtp et te Primus ro. t14 t ho liella u Wm mnt grn. u lA",W Ani pou kair vbat ihat ineans emengleg frits.th. eo e ame. fer n *baga bond muimuly ianînn nu de, chaîned tegetes "a hsto iuesr le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o p3 ani We iitpenme gua e laue aIrlgtpItpei eut frin the. bsct botuath bst]Plaoe Yet surrenndei by nreid SU lAOa'lisiit Iag 7. ehiiVgWnta" i ractgua the trion fors ndvaeug, rbere 1Igla. anti Raloya iste tua s wi te the fer rhc ha! aires le dy ei «r . G. RA MSHAW '"Peroctlp; I bave neolluosien.1Ianti as tuntuntlp stappat hock tutoie lta e i s seitosp: bitapunchaitti by pagsengersns- UWer deet n@ lt ppenni~ hava insu ai sucit ahipa asutls tome* sbndnr. ]KY qqline n oemienttne ta;nt'a up, mata? TA blp taelloea i usIlawvmasters netaore oo nalngb aeptig a -LM D C LVaela atn udstemeen laWe are In b. aivartumeti, anti "ciiber te tuaeand tace MI.nrawmtirt vythnr au'nost dis- theemoment tte gengplank l.l.hai u a ain ft, antid 1 t, MEDJCAL Vaimailena arniy aUeaimai tIe hebihent bide. A eek fremn "What 1" ha axinirai and oi- Inia'm no, til e gai lar tlin' the mai et VIngles. Pare ers lyn W,~ ut ffappeti la th. ms t cond= nd tiatactiou m er I shoah prohobly bhouot tu thee1 eniip furprioai ai bis iistovery. "Ift1'bon antSe allai anches, Phen eOf nu aituetue thtitafveneti, but bettgngnrtsc-r t.A.Nc(OLL, N.B. NEAR TeME anda. l Mttefices.uner the rip of an le tudead isltrnon orotep-ont bure i eflrcel n biÈýft ttresiated 1bowiwu$ tbe Ouly One aving allngunece le toi ter. eteru-!mad sol cinn hn toi ù îii.t tha engnginieflt. ___________ avreeo»ou los:~: MILON MY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Refîfz h ue::[ !~ettye ai u t , ~ ~ ~ ~ dd. cm Z;rA Tft nahpor le a bin-hertai master, antelp ta pour Cible long stuc.. Ba- hligh le teu botter eipress bi wharf &leng tid voI W* p v"as nlrunIdp n eteda A e ye soannd there la nathis# like promupt. ____________san a 0111 pepnrtuutl l te Xpea" pette..-I mslne; Ton ar, e »M teallege -1%sh -i nnoanrp pirate." ienseip cnoviai. Aiicgether It v a w e e fer Ont acroîe loess. adIIeregre bra«el dod Ywoe nlti a otls eu.fn rcat, n aeoser, tIl th RTEEO lIME IECES c. R. T u RbNnE e i aetny cmnpai mine. lit te «I rwu preparlng te go in," @ho an.- ceagadi, yIia remna, ceer the es ie irutn 3Pfubbtet ne P5.ti t a SURATEDTIE IEE 1C.R i U R E R ct alt te i uîîs no bad ai test. amerai, lgnrlng bimlatter rordi, "De Yom ratertein'Black factai? VOle, 1h. ne if vhaàrwrlemue i ta,.g t eepeedn.Abnie sut. Ii Ojý bO 011 l ne tsyuras I ban aranga ane aratel yn. e n ght nianre uaioent ta l d. il'y bI rdoet it, ofnhiY"mae sil e tit oap titnogwii Ul Rt loret cano, e prcaus aiofdthe a"i lUlnih r ome ecreus iere te pou tonlgbt. t Th. toue lae rblbho e ot r as - eu l-thote laeaigrnlwyp. - mIte non u ml, didiulip va mnee iie h asa eearrUa nge Tar e s ninma t i m en hiontgn le e lg e nv dîne ye'of ne-erateUan op1sLu epoceinDo tr I tal ia j_ ansp w5i nu lackurî, etase.f u.aIll iLESI KING , NB. kcne, but arasseal rianto and _a _________II& _MILTON. .esntracteati rthie capiale for pear "Tour perdue. 1 anm ure-Llentea. aihumen Oeta calide. If ener titnr btîoIetires compoulns Ont Party ilp" aStWIhw jAtInif1 Si1, Ornooeisin nd Oputewr o raIltedry ___________e. cm Ton are going nirtu rite niti gamelles. th'* gentleman le Cap. roi tripeeple la e skia, aitn, laWegriaifxaniHndeu vt t Ou eer i h a rouglitgmarpîanti."tain Oaoffry Carila," AetBa k int Hnittit o u eni's pinpy 'inu, tnggi eiaIvetem fer peu. Wl U aal e f70m I~~~~~~~~~~111I 8re n epbetai u e eicqtm~uiaid stralet c9 fer geai boa As cati aos wmitecln Paraas evlîntip Won laftaqI'bi. Tuis te s etc ssubmtantial andhlnabl, adnnaI rewà dep AesiAnndia ni-e etè -out.: CHI OP AC IC on c ajet a ipra.. lumiden impulsei ei relet mtlch arapi agaient tibn m o fi e f , ens as e dandy Ln Piecniilip, @Was" beontesnihr preust, fer h. xbfl -aeo.Wa r la md CTC on n bec o u ribe, and me i my ovninEgs ma ditigbtip bandt*lue ffc.degroeumcerse. t.'a rani bho'a lits a d«vllla tea." s. ain geeted mau aides Iwj N Mettte, urgry t Oleovilp W about ber bande. À2g tee -ni of a vazui muteh e -lmWerm peu a prbsueut-Me y"i pe b«t bdebkaii~ QI me..--ý 2W*d&ila rayai bis bondase a *"' OMeiln, urey "t"ty Iora thiste pOuD,1 arnmu81ra î1 tce, * r as aisierpet E u tle mail mint b lini"m et W*& ilcetleiguit, f jA.Mrdil I sure meC.iJe &bOue ttertsm-en me raime?" awgre of the et hi lem W. loenaidetenFanefsbeaise> T GrcWacukrMI ew Srtutur ez . ah. can Irn-te nte eÀp1meet p"e s ir 1t. ns ime théet IEsatr»»oiVn."liaewAtan as V eof *~a0 ~ t7L. Mil d Epîr ~ ~ . v. gn h bf e ro brseas I-I f lam 9wpnn " ýde m neeu@In9m, "t e t i béa o - .ý h -~n, 1.,i ndkM 0£ Mph0 W ti ke a a-sai Rtor champio hOly-ou hei mnenu thtax IF. s peeban - s e ut ban-eS Mrse eaI é«; bthf l e get. Nw y ale- 18 Toono a! Gob $.00 *3 le eia a9wl S ---- cl t.d io UteM t b "#e idla a lsrp meevu.Ith@ handwoEmpi~r. 3 h "fado ht.Tueem- mca bcf 11 bdl a Mlm oný adele b af e soo t e tst AIME, um 'Feae i0,te . lar n n th e OIlertte csalbe brve yem teMh1eI 1n0 1 S thie jOrm" be le trot eerp hm. (Ut o ttn -r ie ueencsis, vulte 8 ar LD.S0D.àS.W ORTHtthe .eaEltoetehsteck, th H E gýrC1T10 d.Ar.iinrimMO." uuvîu t.eEmenCleNEaNiwolà. jmw t w - -1abuu a inpate, teC%- e1qand amead rce r r 1ti. tNpr. .n sý0.eLanPote. GA T, NT A Tr..2Ô I& 5 rl a l t<Oun i&to om r leo& m t m eie-W*.l it)2zi nt tenung nenint jêm l Iwo dooee t e e m u e lint rhum ted 0 n V 2-* LL, 5t 'ae - N amln f ai a 1rse tattenifoabou te ln. 1 "RU me b«on * bâard &I m Ie s,&Mte OU e d p Od i as Il I l. "l'yapl , ;;et nA M aiNT St. W$sL o It eullihr s'b 'W eiut« aime " QF b sf utte 5)05, Mulio , *<a - hho,'» m m out i..echj. l e nlo np Ç "Or farr ici- _oransor &i in "i. o bMIy-- W 4b« as«W . W« M - if 1*gn r ,' th- ÈadOt1 s a le d t v i n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~» O M80 W th é,e M esi ree du.ite~~i .n ~ , j 8~ WILIA -. DIC au-m . v KODAKSI KODAKSI A f J] tint of att KOaand tott Eettnn' Cameras. E"nainît'. Fi,.ý", toi intnîaiAc.keftCam,, il vif j ZIE ýt ... The P..&II sw