Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Aug 1921, p. 2

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-lisCanaUan Champion DAHIALL 5 S A b on lijof __________ .,lm._____ Miltonswon a a itmePlLMaue Poud .balleba1 0.bh MS gamne At BE=ptason uf 'cy , o MIoadL t1ia COINT CONCL, 2. Upto te s Inlywuae. IbÀ sne Do .oto .r CORYCUCL score 1 te M 4ln favor iNq. tUie trlc lm psths ecoMd ,btthse visitosnthon got haadsao 42ala apI.. e Wrsup te t emai ksud Milto, Juy 29h, 121 sune on lire bita, Omo ensors belpin. tIseran trouble. Mr.,t3ooper, of MîlonJul 2M, 12 * Telter, ptched a gmsea t u e OakIlile, werked, behlnd the bat And TeCeeneil met at 2 p.. n accord- strec out 14, vaikefi one dbtune lfr. Blanshard, et Burlîngten, on the anc. wlLb al of tise Waen. btter. Tbe uspireé, Peacocis for fie1d. Mlemiesreiseet, tise Wasden in the Mlton sud Wlces for Bramapton Barsett vas unlucky .enuug te te cbafr. AnddMeun. Barbes-, DalE, Mas-- worked weil and there waa no wrang. bitilutt groin by.a ful freinbs owa O-Il , Jsbesos, ier in b Ilng. bat ile be consd aud fercecdte retire. Irig ohsn en5i n .6i 1Milton. B hi to iseplareand dsd fine work. fTeinminuites ef the lent mecling n sOA~ Te odldes o rnepole Worms read and conis-med.R HP..A9 e o rn pvid A cossenlesionwusreadfs-sa . Fa-lo. m.. O 2 2 e i a daIl. unch for the vletleg players B5inshel ,Couet>. Treaos-rer, askisg Bahceck, ans.. I 1 2 2 48 3sud tie people et Broute gave tbein a tfurhav etabsnce sm tt roort<,~iJtaislu c O 2 4 i goe reception. Tey roeted bard fer tis HtenIPeeibosse et refuge by'Rock s-.. 4 1 3 1i 0 0 eti s t oe the v bt r. otalayd tue Inspecter et Prisons sud Public Toletoke, thb... 5 i i 7 e0 o gersa etievises-nds.pBrts oui ola l oteete.a resolution cf the coooîy 1Kennedy, 2b).') 5 1 2 e-n3 O epe r0gn pe'Wgn cliuseil ut Oxford re cutody aud s-a Telferas t,25 O e Iuuers aud, ben tbey loue, gond ecitius0f s-ous-aoctece ~ cMlln . . 2 i 3 0i 0 a onlooerbut their gond natureitanest dW'mt, ud af rsolotion pasnced b.to ewart 3h1..2 2 5 î0Otton tested tIl lases. dtttit nd reoloionpased b teart Sb8 1 2 0 1 1 The dlamood aud field vere lu thse cu 0ciul of Rsesys. es-oi t - - - -best of ioditionu There wonsa a ire Prvicil <g41ys 7 41 10 2) 2714 I 5feeoteocep thecrewd balciteb Mr. Hampshire preseted and sead j Bs-ampton. buse linessand tbere cerinmen ou dut> the ixtb repos- ofet ts tand'iog con,-boygo n rotofi iltee os ceuatyb>. ligM.asil A IL H s-. A Ktsettnbdygtl ruo th ht o pcaldm o s.B Who had so rigiso te do ns.,LAisar tt it n pcs c,saonications, Ilenns. I..4 1) 1 3 1) ()rangements secse good sud. thogis Ms. Dale the fous-h on ed at-uîOs. Ms. IVunes-, 2b...4 1 O 2 4 3 terta i e Wn h epeo b-es- tbe iftb on psintiog. Ms. Mos-- Hontes-, s.o 4 -tei-ian3i et. n(te)eosee den the fIlthon goed s-adnand Ms-. Bishop, lb...4 0 ()Brui b6c ea1ntotic prenofe RuIer tc inncecomnitec cui- ose. - ..41 2 theis- riviehliday. Tte gaie receipta seteof amouut secessaasyte belevied Cook, - a> 1ese1abut0220 for coult7expcuoeu. Avplcys-d,23b4 V 1 1 le Inthe Haltoo-Wentwertb League Bs-. lsvsg movrd, occoudcd by Ms-. Mebean. s-. 4 b 3a >0 O let Saturday, Campbellviîle tieat Barber, that tis cosnicil go iuocom. yceng. . 4 0 11, 3 2 0 Wates-down 18Sto16. sittcet tftce hole te ceesides- ttc- - - - Ttc locals bave teot tbeir faut third reportaefthtt variaiso standing cois 34 2 4 27 13 7 baemras. Ms. Hulto e t Bank et inlttec.-Cas-rîed. Milton ............. I0()0 00o 3-le Nova Scotia, sebo bceaute a citizen Ttc couacl e oen 'l tecOsesittecetfBramipton_. .... . ~4.. 0011)-2 cf Tes-ete on Tuesday.. the -ebois, Ms.Ras-ris sn ttc chair. Tobs ie uk hsom ATNPE IAU TNIG Tihe ceeus-il r0nuinelittc Warden in Tohs is BeCssos, ATe.si ocnSArîo th hiYugp).Thhsuca bit, Buck. Sac- Won Lest P.C. Mr.Harisreprtd rpots ftand. rilesicet, Stewart. Stoien bases, Far- Milton.......... 5 < 1000 biog roiiittecu conoidcs-ed amendesose.Chisholsi, Babeeck, Telfer. Mce. rgto),l W fi sud aWirvecd ie comuitc e tc Mllis 3 Wrner, Bishop. Double. Li sucm .3 4 428 sebole. plays (2) Habeocis te Toetukar Sasuk Bmaip e....3...... Mr. Masrie osnooed, ucconded t>. Mil unt t y Tellfer-14 by Youg4. %:ce8Acten .... .....::0 4 01)1) Mrdes, that ttc s-cortsolettevesaî' on ballu, off Telter 1. off Young 1. it entitrecs, as conuîdcsrd n asn by pitcbcd ball, ty Teiler-I. Lctt ou Broute, Alg 3.-lu a cloccu cdIncmu f h woe -b base, Milton il, Braipn n6. tse aeOk le to-uigbt dfeete udopted.-Cas-ried. . On Saturda>., at Lisurtoube. George. ttc local basebl teans 5 te 3.2110 Mr.RHillmcr preueutcd and resol tce towen wou a Ralton-Peel math frei ans sase thene aid rIluplay.. fifto repos-ote t standing comispitee ttc locale, 10 te 3. According te re- os finance. ports, the galne sa followcd b>. a free EISE .C Mr, Humies- moveol, sccoudcd b> . - gtt wiirlated iatout tweeety Iladn-5K.C Irv-sing. ilat ttc report et ttc finance oies, ttc reselt et Ili feeling sehict tas committe bu adopted-Carrieii. cxited for se time. Soine et ttc Laut sweekthte Attorney-.tleneralc Ms. lrvlsgmoad.eoueI by Ms- participautoarase said te have isecnunlaes a ligtai 911 busristero aepointeol iteen-f-Icav- tecinrodc admoreor cdiufigue-d. Ail frieude of au King ossl see huW ti y-law te appoint a Couety le5uan port Omuet regret that te D. Ore 9~,e Okll audcic Treaus-r pr ts.-Caeir plaerisudtheir fricns se tfs- torget sud rominsu te bis osto peefereuce, Thc bY-law wons reand firut tion.. theuiscîves. Ttc bewoluespil>. at plin W. D. Gregory. lu a lette? te M-. nardî oveh seundet teosgtonI l satSaturda>. and more tc Atteruey-Gcncs-al Ms-. Gregos-y Mr uchotat tise onsucil roube afesred. said: 'Ilt comiitte etftise seiole on tLc Ttc teonamnct st Broute lent Mo.-- No dstics are attaced te tise office second s-cais get tfte b-lwbiank day drew, a bg crowd aud ttc pis>.of KRing Coîuecl sud It appeasute me Ouled lu, thec Wardeo lu ttc chair- 7ws exceptlossaiiy faut. Ttc cosapet. tisat no publicLutereat requis-es tise Cas-s-ed. sng teains scee taoseot MiltenBroute usakiug et scb appsintinte. Tisssm The counocli went inte cesanittre et and Camnrbclvllle. Milton drill thelunne fus-muof LIua Ilo tesnt and te seie. tLW Waedlen lu ttc chais-, bye sud t e tseo othes teama piaycd ne ixed satand es-o detc-niniug te The scif resuines. te irst game, wseblet sau n vue bseth ttcttie shuesd bu giccu. Ttece Tise Wardeu reposted By-law Ne,. Brouie, 7te & MarI>.vasbelug naccd le toued te bu dlsatlisactlon sud s-c- 475 rns-eacasi time in coiemitoe et for ttc final al d eas-ne mirat lute senaenuct, sehateves- the composition ttcesetole. bux, Brouie ncos-cdan as-scd ron ilu e iattc lot a.bu. Ms. 1s-ving asoeacoudesi by Ms-. ttcsecond, ounts-eeciean singles. sud 0I frt lstruegi>. that ttc practice et Lecnard, that By-isse No. 475 bu reand kuocecd Bearutoeste tcbux in ttc glvlug cestain bularisess recedeuce a tht-si ime adttec cespoatsaeuai foîîstb. scoiug Ove suns on four hits, oves- otisero ln tise cours y usakiug attacted,-Ca-sied. belpedo ut by tioesrors. Eariy tos thesa Ring Counsel is undesis-able Ttheyls eawea i tiird time, bis place and tcld tise local tetOeasd ston t as-ny is>.sethttcdeino- Ms. Hulmer inovesi, sccouded uy bit»anad osers- o thesesest efthtie cratic taudards that genes-ulI> prevail -. Mrdes, that leave bu gsanied te game.il Canada, It sens te me that there mtroduce a tY-lase te levy> au aaueeo. Brouie. ea ne place sebere there should bu aisso- scotoentleunt u Btid s-heA. 13 R H P.O.A IO 1lutecqulitmore tauin ouscous-ts. seadaftirait tiine l b -loirrr unisOstos-uc, 2b ...t5 i 2 I 2 0 Nor da1see any resues wbylasecru Ttc hy-laewaul read first time. - Pollock, p.... à 1 o() O0 2 1nhosld bu enil precedenre levec thels- Mils-rvingc mored, occonsird hy Ms. Blyel 5 2 2 8 Il fcllows any moore tan that officiai Harrsisfor evcte intminluce aàuy-ase Grice, s.t t> (j 1 1 0 (, precedence shouls iebugisen te cestain te auttorize tce etfdebuntus-es et Ttoian, l 1..4 1 14 i o ms-n lu ethes- professions os- callinge. tt rue>.etHate t O. nsunefStensuo->, cA. > 2 i CanAjlîannseould net et themuelvea $100.000 for ttc pus-pose o elct c-Doslansi. ..4 0 i 0 0 hv c-aedtcoM- t ig (oe pendituesson hlgiswayosud si tyCottes-, If 0 0 1î 0o, gel. It badl net itnsirinluCanada law bunIlIl aafirt time...-C rsied.Codmore, 2b..4 I 1 6 0 0 sd ba net its-rue tin our soit. Wbcn Tise bIIIaevras ces fis-t te.- - - - - - - - ilrosght oves- eus-political institu- Mfr. Jotustone moed, eonded >, 9 7 Il 27 iesIrusttlo .3, ecb'0gs Mr.LeOafl, hâtth conci g inLewlth tise gond timburs nae dead-olei Ms- Lesssd, isa ta conci gente Casupbellvdle. Iand tise office et Rings Cousel weu cosumittee et thse seole ontae necond An» R 5H s-e. A n part et ttc dcad-wood. sedlng et tise .Y-iawe, ttc Was-de Sisas-pe, la... -_4 O O O O O -_______ ini tec cias-Cas-s-td. twatI 4 0I The council qsenutu ecosmtte Se atI.f O I 2 ( O I gteneesiae tePo h.visai., the Wsu-dcu lu ttc chais-. Mrdes, ck2b4 1) O 7 1 ]A il u eee siaetcPo Thse nsail resumesi, Allas. s.t ..4 () O 1 0 10,vinceas west of Ontare io iibhae480 Ur ifs- g -s5 occd, secondes Ilb.s-Mr ess-ne, p.2 0O 0O-O I i scusere saua result et ttc nese ceaune, Milieses-, that til soîîucil de now E a rly~,ipt2 1 2 0 1 ecteas oft57. Ontario Wesld hav 7 jouer, te sacet jsIy 2Mtb, at 8 p.m. rr, t 3 î e 2 î3uie ol2 u otcntteAt. -hcars-ied. ornd.Crawford, 2h 3 12 0 O 3 o lautis- Provincs-eu92 ;thue dividing ttc Th -usi du-cMagos, 0..i O i)l() 1 O)I1sepreseutatuon mto tiore sîmoot equal Galbrith, c.2 e i 6 O0O0 Milton July 29, lm2.- - - - - - - -part. 5 Ttc coucilmet et 8p.i., in accord- 1route,.-. 01...10...._______.....____ Mesburs pinent, the Was-den lm ,Camlpbelll. .--O... 01 01 i O1i0O0-8 ttechs-ais-, sun$Mes.Barber,-Ha«Tisrc-taae bits, Ostos-ne 2 Cs-as- mer,Ras-s, Ruts-teesHa . ford. Sacrific it, Cottes-. Stoes Irving, Jostone, Leenard amnuhMer.bous. ,Osborcne, Pollock 2, Cottes-, Cul des. more, Rari>., Crawford. Steacis eut Th isruses ot thetcelst meetinsg s- PefllnMt 13 e 6 lb? Barj & I wcs-e reasiand confis-sesi. 0 iosonzig, off part . 7 Let T h Os motion ths e uesil veuit jnhu r aes, Bossée aapi.e58. li4. co m itte ofthe seele on t ac sec ond 1% 0 111141 ceenB ete sM d U r-adig oet Iayiws Nos. 476 sd 477, Miosuss eté.sb..hast, tlisle the Wardcs luntceshais-. Il ev e pisysd i hlu mal I Thc conseil resusurd. was a pioh*ues a, ms Iil s- a u Il adnreposted By-luws No.. Ill a 5hMeIado i f loeCt 476 sud 477 read ses-ondimisa- orn-o:tes-. s seuls ýêsIw.vsIh srepestir.et salue.efthtc ebole. s-ssvea, pIqet>.of ripent] snd sWesil Mr. Iving moecd, esonded b>. Mr. werkcd chsan e sf puce. Telfenhlthe RuIlner, tat-y-lase Nos.477 te sole har-d.istti.lngîkesdecu doses.te tiro rel thrd tme il ed nd hite, fer eue ut vtlchil b.Osborne, le oral io- OsrJ oC" ttc Mb tframe an lucquality on sec ilound s es -apsIble.Cottes-,tes- Tthe -taseilseasad third time. Irone teldMPlteu dosen te four Mr. lÇliUmes movesi, occoeded b>.Mr bita. TelfersIl el second wu Irving, tbat the Warsles sud Treauseres-tcoui>.exter ase= I luntisegain ot ttc cosst>. ct Malten bue ansi ttc>.Up te f iscnt frail ot r sun, t are tes-e>.autisoruzesite tors-sro safil been sei Paoer es, nrtup fte ttc Ranks ot Nova Sentis os ttc soies Milten, tut fanucd. Dr. Babcec sud of thec r raionothbecoilsof Cbustomir silglesites-lght Biset ttoui turne te time te rait the s-eotwOemirmnr avne thisi constructiosnt o et>. goosi rosadeun- sud secou soscclrly on a Pa=c t1ilsuct tiiaee au ttc detentus-es asqcd bai». Toe modehen astreuson cîndes- By-lase No. 4-17 hvbacc on . 05Hdive, l «t tcalght upvarda. sunmated, sud ttc &eai ofthte s-set>. As tise- o-ea ieuthUe riusioru te attactesi te tbiu resolution and teayed aiblsse e ad meresWeil ou sgnesd th-e Warden ansi Cies-k - theor seay7.uehesSliuebal dropied lute Cassis-d Belycae aise. %e Ololer vas eves- (Sgsi) John D. Ellistt, Wsrdee, asxiles,,or rattis >.tserolubn IL8.I W. Pente.. Cl-. . te ds-oiped the l-ytws rouinandcc Mr. HBibInes- eovelseocondesi. y>. seiToletzts ceas-bcd second ansi Ms-. Mordes, tat te Cics-k bu in:-le third. Kennedy. ,fas'hit b>. a as-tedlteusommuuictcsith al t i tte t esi bail. tut Ber-g taiees. For a b'ond tommes, aoking for tendiers for ils-etes final.Osborne started seitAa tlie -sale of $100,000 gond sosis20 lucky siagle, a faut grenadier, Wbl vs-or, O t ent dets-turs-c, saisi tel e. ses-traigtt te Babuock, but took au ýIisntupe osseented set te net ont>. uscipes-teitonsisud veut oees- Mncitmm meetilig.-.Careied. eau. Oboroc made secondun àu Ms-. Leenas-si soved. secoonsis t.ad by ailal Polockt Oed te Ber-g, sud M,u. Bas-bus-, thut By-lase No. 476 te Bciyea sent bis as grounde-, seticis te vad athird turne ansi adssiansi te Jîgglid sud tseo sere on. Thomsafan.- co-n-el aen tas-ted thes-ete-Car- fles. It wseaIl to tausry. seto Ttc bylaseWonsea oslthird tisue. in the cornpatoi btuck amodeat Mr-. Jotustone sanvesi, ses-onsiesi by great jumping caitchafier a long ron Mur.-. humer. tisat thisoeil adjouro, ansiailsauoves-. le- nuet gain at Sitec Mile Crack le-isge, undasStret, 5M10ltooc. For Midsummer Wear. We h ave an especialty attractive show- ing of. . . . NEW SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS just received titat will prove irresist- able to the womnan whoeppreciates the niceties in footwear. IRAHAM'S SHOE HOME The Home of Good Shoea. D .OTTED ovcr 100ooo,000 acres ~-oforest, 1,000 men, organized lathi e employ of the Goverosient uf -Ontauto,ý are, tus SUnMMer, pasoing bsck an& foRis avec- tse casseroutes sud aliSg tise cralhways vateistg au Ofor tise Oil-taie assebo vt4 si e ienof ut r. -Bsgpxdusebut veather hIsâck fics, ssntg, nI booellsssse or nonotn>. fibls. Fb eihgeussa ho srounds, preventi~qoeslgs ue Oses in OaWrlo'e fos-ett,~$- Wi sud ls-avolsg expenen and isusivbg ,q &a dY toc hie ues-vfcea,; Aetals Pie Busge - la M - otas i> o j,~&~9g i..ryne RBsdeorvsm tho sppo epr ud n h.focostê me, W : o t '\ -j k I G~aIbraith&C mpany I 8,SPECIALS for IS wF Eh New 8kirt Silks Very spooal, anét n.W. strîPes Of -.black a"d grey, 'blaok and naavy, colors b.autllgll'y.blended.j :Very Pretty Geoz"gtte Waiats New ibies of sand, aio avy. Special at 5.95 aach. Ne Waist Silks Servicealde Habitu, w0iit r ( .White and, black, bhi-ii , inches wife. 51.98ýi Bugle Beads for Dvess Trimmir s-sS Alil îwors, Artsyl à* Spool S-o]k c. BUY MCCALL DRESS PATTERNS ansd mmcm own dresss, akirts and vaista. We have the7 tatest patterns id, finit of eveny month. Ask for faBhion sheet. We zwil mccii Cotton Shirting, -l1, ,Iv Heavy Q.ttons, Shee, iss A pecial buy this iyleek, 25-c yard. and Plilow Cottons. Suitable for Mon'a Shý1rte or Aprons. compare Our Priesa nd pI IIEADQUARTERS for Wonien's WALL PAPERS. for , and Cbildren'e Hosiery and Men'à. rng roo1p, bedrooms and h i Socka ind Cbildren's Socks for bot Prices, jâe, 20c, 25c, ', weatber. rll..Vksnsrpase(l. Cnps, Saucer., Drinking GMasses, i (IOCEÏ.5, aiways frc n r Tesa?4e Plates, Fanoy China for Our E$peMI4 Tea, our blendeý] :, presents-everything to decorate the JelIy fPoers, ali havors, i table. ' Visit the Basemont. Olives, (.kâS»d Goods, etc. H.avy Li9bI.um fô~p Ioo00 Rugs for Beirooms GALBRAITH & COMPARVY of Milton ~tn kL~11~ i STUDEBÂKER 'AND DODEM0BBR0THERS M OTOR CARS For Georgetown, Milton and 4Auton. T. D. HUME, MILTON REPRESENTATIVE Carriage Rubber Tires We have the bost equipment for applymug Carniag Rubher Tires notice. - - - We'recover Auto Topâ and equip yiun atuto with M-b>r Opeeing Ct J. N. O'NEILL & SON, - L 30w000Fat.. labseets yeWrq eri>p-in M) nt" a , l "P'.â 4t1, -GEORGE' o011 -t "T 4W $T9R~S hy5otds IN1WBfl T~kaq Gel. Gm ~:Rus .ffl vh.v ]et iot davs just see lIE ring you 1.1 ag Spr 1 EME rertis 4 Choc 1sme 'sandl I1 iiboit anum Dsames tIil Y(u theyo are higÎÎu rthse ps-ic is bj,ý -than tise Ch 1Chos-olsîeu, y th satisfct11l ICE COL ýAt Our Sù Om-ngea. kRootBcs D)ry Gin9er AI Gunger Ais- - DiÉinfe Chorde lie, nscpwdcr eoidehyet Hi crmante Poî N, lisgI.0 - fi 1Il i J. .0ONEILL &5S Mells Fi 9~RMP iorar154 itle SMART STYLES ....IN ... Ladies' Footwearl

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