t-- 1UUimd1Se VbIaIlIj InPJreUU . O IDIfl Tiser, are moral god y riuge- N OT C E1! heMagc ECVIli i ' «Outhe ma7kit.Whffl there le "The rerit of the var Ie chokioftlirof fl G a patent ir-kJler or repelient, la lumPatronsof t[isUiladvlaable. Thse.are uunaiiy appited ToPtoso hs inventive abilty may h more sec- hans HI WA A RA d &> rayeor. ly' ezpeil"sa lot Establshmen. In its effeet a generation ihne" say b gsand thae r h ed noa netcr Prof. Flindece Petrie in te Con- S there ,,B oung Dpraionmithé iFRWJi.ATiVt iae ln i andb h th e andm fro vorti temporcry Review. "The M oto «We h bt ka nI Ieri Wrh h wiich wouid ielp uis mont ith Ide.: flt h is reading derlved a Ua.miVau MOInq. Diuring July and Au stitare heiug redoced vo vecy few or s enne of the mage f te ettÀ oe-madei e edymay Celoid fo rGases n o chiidren, nailacondition of exist- i Ând if the reBtons for hi&efum- or. IOe-ÎIa I palatcoal a l, r aeod Examinations frGas neoce, and haove cnres e tiichveke gorah, onfait ni ode arien THURSDAY, FI1 I DAýYand rlasticily cf tmiad. When we note vressonmee ono ame Ied, ond tor al rat St of. M thoroney futher tfiat iv ha@ heen ehovo titat temr oTho ae lerudsid, cvihsolec it orovity SATIJIRI)AY ONLY Of each ail te ain by Invention haasiitherto le large part accoontattie? Tienvhand may enaforiled tn a paooed mtin a geveration lto I- piry odore, tropical Ivieglea. Chre ndmo r otlifece la no rie week. crease et mage avd conditionst tanebe10 ritheeend ye- viiOreiplai .Ii.ff oc r ao raii nikhand-wot-rke itelots nf Ioventive tagday.. adretle ndpn-w lukir te mlet hifornar lDoj Lens Clrinding andiQuckabilinv-il ho cedected in stagna- plea, ail pay titeir pot; bot If la as fknmelicrfuno Jispair Depactinev<t as iusuail i nof ftlice geneai rooditionsof & Il. aucit mords an Samacrkand anid lad, thatire la 4en thefandsmliipali, a il iv the trot strp in de-etillzation. Bokhaca aad iBombay, Ceyan. Iliita atertthbi kmii.-if lBHferfc f "Ro.c uffered te saame coreO anBO0 Kahir nd oSHilnalaYaapyatcm§ie.H O ias of charge. More aod more of te Iyi h ot l0 .Clae ulh iturdeuE of public service mece rdogme poeticali 0te oltf5 .A.CigiQeph ienv-vn uon te mrddlr caa, w mitea, titat f1 inte poutioul mincivth - ~ ~ 5F met-c gradua l coton p ity heing tce impulses of vague adeentuce. nid5a~. Q P unlced tounpdeciaie te proviioof more titan any oliver Fac Easternu MADamcA TWN <A"UCI4BR SiBalZhro, jC itMi itlpcedaiocgait ladoîoitvarieun citarges focrte public. Asoan srsth niaginaon-ana 0if i u aarf,(... 0 ND« deO tatîced adail oiceinay van, n teao i eouheerinleled and M4Cartir t., Montréal P OPTICIAN dandthedadca e, conditanantow-net ee i itimagicai names, '«I auffeerterrlbly front Cons- Is Very Woaderful Person, r sinonAi 1ve nýr fJE e ecd,outl te olicollapse ofte raitler titanitecanseilitbaostfigerc n yetofo ayyas 5avoL5iK G Es,- i ,. ,oclety.and coitras and eleltitnto bluin ifaor- " ieauafDeq.i o ayer. IflMc RcIIYCao Be Fouud If me billoff te kind ai famtieso'esta, China does o tottacvte f Ietasatretnadrdg lta can, and do. heip Up formard. 'cînation foc yoolh t aIdiashon-&- constaet headache, aed van unablo TUE LAWS FOR ONTARIO. n oIte vcocingofisocrond-rate pecitapo iecaune titere no leu ro- taonleep aI aigitt. I wau getting sa ID yen avec hear of SicrBani mnds viii do anythînt. Itlab, more- mnnce In thoeloigeong Chinse iYi tin tat I van figiteeed and son Zahacef. O.CB., .B.E.? Net- mTe Ontariu Statuice fr -21 'îarc ,ncr, ,ety dvuitlfui how fac ant oale talhen. Hont Kong, Vanglie, 8asitit- aeveralphysalaa vi, ivever, drd ither did vo. But te London ThreMarrige.Lawv Anendoteol eonce pultIte igid harnea nd r o' ns fJargon rathec than t enaemailahl m.ereadelolvSoad Act, 112.11 wicitehall corne lto fe-ce dered 1.le eoriginal. Titoghîn do ring ai magie. As lantaefrsad .dvoiaad me jean" Nov York Herald caps viat ha la anad tlaleeffot on a day 1t.ie nramvj ot gcow te ordec, they gcov iyth ie Bot as time. and nations change, Fmue.e-giem I did maand oaS 00I oeaof lhe most cemarkahie and in- icy prclccamation,.malli> trccsrty clasitef crcuotance In actise life, in if unflting ta have namneschange fet nme relief. I enntieoed cir tereities meenlanvive yordS,anS ho for clergymen o n ov ccgc.ca i e ccvrr'and aitove ail, In a 11e af cesearch. viit ilema? Every tevapaper readec cnaoncorcrngv egtot vn.giste, miere te inexplicablie lnate nce. nifte aidec sehool viil are that«Fcait--tiven and le a shotctime, Malles eut a pretty good caae focrl. enitite Provincaial Scecr.y and ch mitere ovrtiting taI Je Ont onder- Il tllses a briok pare te ieep ap ill tise Cotntipaion us asianiaited, I fr11 100,unelen. hoe ladra*ýniOrion a taintncertiltratofni rcle ccgin troati iSoed heekeaon te mllaimpera- the ne* namnes in geagraphy. Old n mare painse ochendarite or te hivgily hoctieimagntion. Accord- mTe art pt-cvidcv tai ilnny persnno tlvcly tn fllnm te trace, mitece it Carsa Io nev Korea, Set-ia hae h@- disng-eeabii aensatic iostal feiiem îng ta hlm Sic Booi leli te"Million- ot regiau.red reit avrd certîrvI icv ttcene tened. Surit le tie ferre vitici corne Secia. and te Set-crans are yppi.N 1»«1 in n ir fMsey"oee h elh Pivvinciai Srerscay oaniercuefccr'enddeniy bi-ngsout0v vie felomer lto Serbes Roomania han dropped lis, d-yina ofc.inm«nd ar fMne-. n !Iemalt prnvideal, solivnizes oce ndcirltae- o ncv vend oni dean, anaev ceneeP-"o.' Romantie Rhteims la vam Reims. t~ ect mon n lathe mariS, vhosé vnloua o soirmoize any macingelire ,hall in- vlan, fccm miic i lv Ivndn niconoe-'Te proceen 1a faffifiinc.but il haen ivfadasn ARTHUR BEAUCHEit. art collections cao compar e vilh ccc a penalty f $500 anod 1e ire d ccunces l0c. Il la te souce of te leen hatned ry te mac. troae -of Boy Ameican miIIionoirc, iirpieonmiert for anytlevvo novt e-nenomfeuittrit cao ite grnltrd o Corea" cniied op an Impremssi e&boa, 6 foc $250, trial ise 25c, and vitose philanthropies are ac enni credrof tmelve motitu, bt ucit pro- 10 a docrt oid stecksa ai production, ef te hermit land of 180, mitiv taldaeso rn ri--iei ute r arcoe el bu nitien aolba e reenverairr e r rrnoed vo tee itneeî of manknd. srav-halted farinera in icr fild@ Ialdaeeo rn ri- ie nte-a arcoc ol hu oniy ity action Or suait cf liehe Ccwvc. 'No acificial tondilions iiido aSBShe tlst înîgtm eitid, Ottawa. Ont, tavo iial tivc ontinent on a opeelal The lae s t ho temy oemoor 'ar- tiis- a road casa of active miade pie helslainpiaciS ignorancer afJaP-- -- -- mission focrtd Brliiv Govecomeot. rages n-aiS appear luat have brrr, fanerfomad pn epr- intetrferrOd ith bty thr e to tri e o diligent foukitefomnite pecesaacy ana rfraaa 9arneeapec-Hià vddt han vo deal viit finance, ireeding groond foc the ev vite nions. "Korea" alle taO nid te 1il anah DeaiIrtof course. frIeg la In leths enins of viotie ni- ccrio leie egotaheîp os forvard; anS moe vu that na- viat han heen otftted mit rail- <fW i u ahn finance thal Sic Bail siieen vîit ionarrda t the fauormo rnCritIon miici etingoîshes te aeedfol maya, sanitation, bridgea, and taxes UJY WRII-pareil cay moele.eThe farttîhnî lie 1crth Leatnat-ito rne a close.cîa Spain ruineSIlîceif bip eel- ity Japan, and leavctrggling vo ctaIs - an bore about 6Ilypence ago of oh- Tc epaito ivoslac alin ite altve Moors in favor of a lys national Indivlduality. 'auepreaaS1 h nevss Thipnlte gittîne bt ss Shpretaadinthdntreen fora a reacit of the Ontario 'emper.ýfgtn cate; France ruineS iseif "Servis" la te comfoctaitic coun-o 810and ia Abufluance ol yearn han made hîrnacif anamns once At. me clerk of ececy city, ýt- expeiiig tveiveldastrinua Hugure- try ai yearsanivrc the 'reaîy of Bec- for re~ atune,.anS vae able aI mocoetitan toma and ncorporsted village,aii not; let oshevace aofte coste- lin, agItated ity votitg more titan Wt treNcCCswAy. one critical marnent 1Inte var vo ru rry police magistrat»u Iacirrg lria-tuenCen et degrnding andS famiehing King Mlnn'a poilicai orjuaititîs and tbrov hic tremendoon cesosree on dicioa in tercilt- ihhort aunicipaI1tte clans wmicihanu done mont vo the pricerof oine fattefliof on Tro eI e Paniue.a BooSOMO5te aide nifte Allies voaid &sein ta rgaiatiun, thul teex o flicintan itetp te conactr y 0evthoogitl." acoos 1eInte foceets. "Roumanl in e owu [D-ink 0» Galinan of Wallon qualit- hilm parvirriaciy foc a fenan- tracer of macrage licenoco aned ahal Carman Syivn'e ration. "Rheims" le a Day aitIligh Dglii Flaw - Fsy gial miseion. - fararih marciage Icessa l pet-aune Roman Boa-iso. the citp of tire laebdam, Joan of Are, Sit- Basîl vnn boro of a Oreek crecrevafthenoreutoni te - clWitoaoevec este the roman bot-t-lesand fte untoucited raltedral. Hait RmdeiUiniHg- motter and a Itoca aiier le 'mieres o cdatic ir lrept-erof Ducnac itas te secet v lic and depnpulated Sot-bm ndSdecimated lCmtfttelvn taa , sseDepartrnt ofaeAilhens and ceared amid snuonor. At of ' e licnea, v icit emaos at, ve Immor apne.Romania and Sevasîterd Reims are Agesutuso e rntal te age of siafeenlire ment vo Paris doa, four dollars of viiritgoetu vile ve raopn ie one. W cthe coveremeot.'Te jewriierumitrl Thista 1 ove of te legeade of Oid nem placeital nord nom appella- Dnrigeg fi otremely irai veather, nov aîîriveriven ealifvy odd 1cri cloicre ofteo soldil.tie licene onitea iceland, and titis lerom tire legend tions.Do skpaeth x "Y:1 lthe grrrccrrr e îcrreddirrg ring ap-,came le ie: We cao evoivr te tmospitecc ni coma and calven iroqueaiiy auffer. t-sari and finSi ia dveilinIag npal 1c,-nrtc Iav n e i iirated. '1In the boact of Iceland i0n adeep thcee genecatiova ago hr speabing of ancotimeiaoedleialy. franm tiree aCs.oesai a lime. but itavina hall a mood-theo Wood of te Dacit Rock Australie, ns Van Diernanes Land, tinge--effecla of! igi temperatoce, damon aliter palaces ta dvellInb mben P.ARENTS vMA.-Tv.rAnr a Arr t ce cmngmvtsetltand of solll cemoter genecalloos hy ,h'itsgatlred ni 0ne. We qoove traim Thisinlegivmtion o aureetîine oviicit ieeies n oo1-lt ant-one con finid î. t-dotring te Mueront-, Bat-tact-andlainmteadfmlomf'-ttooreode:"H ejy ve tiac heretofure be consider ed Mrrr ets arnd rcaro ago one day te Catay. We nord names cedoleot of file«. felovivip trf the elert. the brrage 0f- - cees8aay, tIre moral obligation hav- fairirn and te menonfniIecandmet-e te distant pet-odbdiefore 1914. Ttc A great mustais van madoea Inte vauty, te adulation of alateamen iog been coîcidered snoilcrent.'mThelpainlaihncley. lTe came mas 9au uaotoate tact e istaImen iii older pacte ai Ontario vhen prctit adlire esteet of scirolars,' and If Act proideu tint a abte ur dargitlec prtalcted tal te fIîceedecided 0v eito leli te Riteimsofnipro- rlyai ctesveset oa rtlaitîtin istat îao Helie- salboliainiIefoc the asupport ofhin a 0goe iuoe. avd oante mayt-het- mac timcoReims.l rblyejath o. ber depeadet parent o thoexeterrtIalopped lu val a lunchithliter tS Tha ItatiannaanSdte Spaniards ftug leavseno ehade forcattie anS scribeS as short, lry itut distin- thereio previded. A parent sali tbraataonl o un het ave a happy geut foc namen. Caden- otitîr lice stock. Thisla lc i e e- guisned looking. vîitioSly binie deemed hta e opndeot mioht- r0a- spieS-mornre roman hordes tiraialibisi, Belaglo, "Veron,anoSLuganos Sud vo nomie etent hy lai plastîna gree eyea, wviteisiar. moustache anS a bonof cfage, lofiraity ar dioeane, te c te m attioS ioîct h taiofrlî- a r- Impirlal.lHe han semeriteen kivomn uoaitle to aupport hlm5elf. A troc prane ut- on the spot, andoS luiaa namnes flt have cadencenitialDgraidlanodfapa'vîou acdcrain A Sepeadeat parent. mit t hie con- isîcesse lte faitlea vert- mugitfac anSdcchrn. The hest legneyt- tIllao tens. ivciie hé ei mie i sot In hiitsuttonivole, trirnmmbch on. mrmt unaoann or dug je ci ial t- y tScarelessit- donc. Fer Spaniat exploreraeanoSsetîlers fort fitetare vila thi crapa. Bot Iftakeivould infec that lhe ls nivays mii ntcb parent Iefare a police magitrate fi wuldnover do foc met-tala vo the Nem Wocîd la tIre name that a long tim for Iotra grow ioa atleta ae epv iii or tee justce* ioitise peare, miten, f if anlt ioa n oevet9aaii&iierOiarClcdo eaao hih vii i M e aîia'. aractet- hasnoame iuaint kinsuFor appears tbat sansor daughtet-bas uiarrf- haSt frontpartabli ni ite faicy Crus anS Moolecet-, ta taire aat-ov> We h lisPo. rw a Oicent sneaoc ho provido for nucit par- coman. At loaut, If sortais manteS aimetait a dom, bave a monol.rataPofiBavsmc InInsetance. thougit a bactelor.lire haves o rat, may, is the icreion f therosu- tem tet-muet figiti forfitema, an maleat-tatlainetont lite rond 10charge ai la. O. A-. Colage facta anS tive oPppete soz, anS huenannrom olcrahe r justrcesaaoftse pence, lavrng an n gir giano vas set vo îunrd thie pareit-Englisit names. lice stock, ho pilantadit mali gaves o! escaples tfanmmatrimont- have iteenlr regard ta the mioiocir-ronrtnes oflres. Hernes lIme anS agana mugit Ia fact, Englimait amrn. mietiter triine nvas-ianparstefetthe Collette thriliing.is lame and meallI tam- thie ease, rder tint nucit on or darrgi- iim anoS ovecase hlm. of persans or ni placves, at-etalliter frsa, and ns more pleianant alibI Ing maSo hlm an extardinariiy le- nr ted ali pot-for tIre oa1pertt crifarcci Morrover. il vas a tree tal poova deiîlenl Ite qoallt- oi chat-m. mat- ho amietha" hat ai the College terestfnltuca teieaIdien. Ho bacl pareot a eekit-suvîm nol eceerdcog mould n-ibtle finS, andSloyers vouid'Te Engliet îoogunge bas heauty ibord lt-iglenlabsihde B.rnDBth«e had ailieorescapes on.an atoemarccr îeohy dollars, isittetaianS Il, ton, focrte kCdof biraiEnglint people bave oaghtîthe treeà se a hotdy. TiecoetI Grnsaealtebvpta 'Te rder mn>'lie mode totwitit- itlleno wSmrn nthal came irom quanlt- of Iomelineso attor tas saltehela.s0.4, viîni icatad raviver price of $100.000 os hie hond, for sr standinrgthie Sepoodeot par-errt, as eatirtg roman terries are vIose poste that of magie in ttemr nomea. IntIre avivardlata ri, but thei cafte cr- lt- yrecoasîsed le hlm a aSetormiend 100 afhea in uoioppilytheticcasr.,ieiog anS lovera mont have. Art-tntian legeodo te names ai taiDly esjay thiméeemi.amena the aed leital esouat.s curer] foc bt-mornseitome, anitarus, Launceint anS Guinevece have te triia.Oe a Ulietoc aid daint- tasm'Tite Sus correspondent, hMr. Edgar aotlum or ahllerieemsyrrart- instta ai Seiueriad aeor iwmol ca- nsm hiIt mayt- alho dial leto plant O. MiSSietan, toila of as Interviswvth tcor.'mThe utdec oMay bite r'fcrced l'y MdmeSrh -enart ai litof nasesthalarr comaitrans fin lai mddieitafilId, If cor- OlicBBanlhall vilh a former Chancel- fcccce onma rlayTlu A'rccd omsinlioTre na lingamtes of e wrnti- ao tetino ns alarda- ivuttaait- mIliipsy ta have titis la an loc of the Excitequer In ose et thi fore n dy o ýcicertecothev - eaeed livng ItenLsdwo tae, n l islathe eceptionni Eagliinman or n my paces an poiil, vioe fot- ydaci daysc ni vie var, anS thoogh me proclamaationrf teL ietnu o- epe o teLnonoae, sAserican titat ould vini ta0nase do netfIntirfoe itite it aing et dlnhlece the anedote, vo repoal If.r elv-ont. Roeine Becnacdl. Hec motiver. Jolie Ii a aneo rbsduitrthi laid. Tht-, aifcorts, mruet le At teUlims, Munitiosa nievent- bled ILLEOITlrr.Ar Irtrîr corLR . Brad, mas n Jeveo ni hex- hesnLunoo rhe agt ttetd vives yeung, train lnjuc-t- vre diroît- sedod, btthe servi- Btratoardt i Be liado i- Goînevece. l The rovice hs mcliii- Pope nams hae ben apect la.Whe tock, but thisetau hi dont sr credita ta pureivas tiem wvil]- erty for te Lbib goure f ail ctidr,r gcat -'o Parts fil earn a Ilveltood. ta renasto es ae eenc telvthoot fo much sapi,.. Bt iotthcomlsg, Maltera mre ai- bot-a out of ediovr, artSa o cvncil rahitaîendcd n Paris convent ngec ai Hebev ang anS Greeb I h aiie ndtyfrs etdseaewe n a h officer iii itereafit- keet-closec irent aital fur a lhume "ornesven yenre.e. ' eraoai nS oga Itwerens hadi la avaitabli leatIrs Choacellor hapfroned teasitbr-en t on sucit infants anoSlbok aimer thicr[ttt oe0 tole 151 ietiveoesn pervade tevitale o e rasa afdeftdenatie tssîf1 roS moîface. 'mie oct ions ery eornprrlitrr ent clv iteet-Ird. Aiîec cant-tl 15Testament' 1heyenic ee v ood-lot nau lhi utilisaSitsr lai tock I "X-milla PouneS,." emarked theor ine one and iitorîd ie fiilorneS bt-off pitesnfor lcngedy arcS comedyit- or wete tencre et-anddurlng the iai tithedey, tivaugit!riend, eamlng Ihe ivugecua ce- gond rertots, anad ueitcresrrmocon- a i te Cuiterartot-y of Paris, ec ncieee ie isiaaStInt-mat-damag lai yaung tec qoired. Thata othing, I ksov a ceaiment cf bit-litanS infaticide te- maSo hiec dobt a ate Theatre Fran- deepen te thundeca of propheet-. ta sue attent. Auelilrplala voa-Mais vhs coutilguarantee ou aavt comoe reedingt-rare. 'mIe Ut, oritrh caine la 1862. Site acteS uts a Mant- nf thera muaa litle tOa0unibut ieep fIe C&tflinla adaritenid stable amosef vwithin Iveive ihoare. Hei caeit oc roht n r lnrcyeolgil aSlt riln u rcthetr opii lenot veakned. 'Theorfanar théa.dey. ThivsMaisiàa 10London om. ' II ani hlm ta drap poe oee5ta oeh O heItof Jtue 'i e ch grmai h rtia u irtrresont tIre original Hobcev usaS Seuit a! extra tahir clianina the round,' AnSlire diS, vlth the renuli t poe titobligationsna prativr1elocoton wsperfeet. r cactualtogeaStrtsemlstrlet tIaS eilgtv v en.tal ihnvvetpuae lseie muter io respet nofte t-h Idn 's oi-fIrat appeacance an any stage wva n saladke lae ose« htwti heeiuae iete0 renrance, rdrrrahrrraavdsunpport. -te couvent,.In a pvay- vrîîîoo ty oneoman anscieatioos. 'mTheet-InS bath iadondinr prenent tabarc cneiti;Bnitisiv Goet-osent van guarasteede of te nlleandperfrme beoremusie anS reaimientte exclama- -Mat-nsotlha preefleable on maaty th. requined eom, If yas itilics d _________ 0vthe so ofe nSiotfore beecetion o! pools anS seera. iarma Baicîcr, vhaeeare la the thaf a Gocki t, ais pta tht, ime,r IN FAYOR 0F SMOKING. te itirose0frthe pnaeso. a"lie-naHall the ffect af Macoomesniciaart-laivor availablo anS parti- Wi mai oeiotve the l itiIsh Gavorn-li gihe eain ce-e to it pat-ayho- tirringlaitiideofa!nacloot Rose. colarît- miere cama ara necoii aiti- mel, could rafle manot- far muni- cLe rîre 'ittn, 1 aye the e ai Jof Jhn ' Londeena finoalagi lied f0aspplanment tf ionsuval vive British Osoemenl O my bond sTime). helvu lewentt. ng m ou y, nobandbytem -1Pantune, tIre iiediag inthe staivle m outld sol raie mhee tiement- enit- Ifbr t e, t e n moklee osrt- i tmono, and une ai my rompanion a itd ga ncbthne s ite'r of th oi veti tawslekiplace fslle htIr dt-,janS oiseMaiyas Epthin@ory.a tai vil bave ro te acovupisitd itirout ta puet me formard Jbtatun, t-onts El ieo mNraiVer iusbangirlo," tIre cv ibetfS1hici ,t-smyaesiti mat thec ard arcScosent of fte edihrs, A lter, Scovoal hittdo enlamt eitut C'musne o cad Valiumsan SeCn-aa ent let. This plan alan ceduoa IMrciliaiater anaefivaf dose nov Q rctlqoercyono the soitectmue S-at ite Cnmedîe Franfaîee. Homeeor. ,vntrinm vî hn heWndows 80 meoviett- tas credalitty. le lai weproniaroAcalmna paAt ii otehan-are gomieS dta moiete istable dank. :ePOnzg Otags ai thesvan, Germanyt- îapccmen ot hie ation,.Gift. e ar- monhaif ctoniiod mtitfear, anSd cents boom te value of noblie pro- CaeifroqilenUt- cugfenfrnm lacit . wui isnît- alinlsita iisoc theehs y S.,Waoamec thugfst-ct-ceiveS 27,'311 ddaoî itoon vit1 a an tig,' per nases, te etivalies of te ni sacient mater. àAa a boy, .the CO-Openafas f Of rBail, aed ai it vsere of tise balef thnt an ali-lobacce _________ Middle Ages id ton. "A geatleman, r ritorr cm.mbini divtns catleti a is ntIle rofei.ths-ough ite inigtv crcande mas futîieanad iradvisablc MY oqiglhor." says Montaigne, "Big Ciok" Ila Brat Coeatys- Sas-ig 'u Ge5Iaist-'i enofleal alt-. Sîroni s 're ttian 80 per ce nt wer - er1,itvvrr-i Poplaions, "esteeming te cesmoSilieeofalan- dry opena Th. c» ava yen eiry fýrirnmtatle vis-imaS. thrsigh sa cm rt thealier tal the eLientc0il .Oor AmierIran cousinCase ourf dent timea ln rcgacd ofiOr n cy, aias liteS viv thy es t-cchaS d falt h ave a canlG«k OM Icee ta i 1),i1cr comrraltiev disooccagctorcy ni ibe.rretconcnuas vlover te forgol net 10 aliege te ercenlesa c 'Cri4egnSand iud droazitulit- sh# aoutSt havea naaa eal lic -IUm wrcclvr ogairce:ter, . *Ifl ecenrded millilon mat-b, anS therefare anS magnifieence aifte nases o!fled lIke burllai, But, by theGereDai Icaivatl experte. Ta titi rcccecerocclo vo1erri.,- c i cccv jied rn vet- 00selec cam,. At telIre nobilit- af tonu imes, as Dosntise lt-reachendhome, allen vaiit- aelnlesmentofni&hIcfrantede.vive Hia cosc thr omccvrccc fcW loi c nt.(J: iornimetratc, at- a n cenl aulhoritt-. GrumeSan, Qoadrucoo. anS Artesi- lington a mlle-aad-a-teaifovit aa -»weeeio by doion, l asteSgl c, ie-ctcrv cri A uerrer ag-tc , c -ci'r' lciu e nerid preitahit-lho ver-osiear lan; anoS tal.bat latoac li tes ai aicil mn is-t ithl- re c:Ilcncrc. t lîco 200 oil ion nom, titosgifi la fin- aaondeda asno mîghî oasmît- pccoîve ais'en. wr ery mti anS tee meeting takplace. Thei r hâcd: t 1,cr 1c t 1cri - c blb evnoii jl udte of te effeci af the tet-baSiteenalliter son titan Peter. Th itiauy a«là sourcieof ilaura iGermana tîoihtiîlotlthein Craint ue 4fnr far.ll am f ac het-noS Gilcs, ac Michael." wvoter 1asppît- s.a o Siip vei, drIves i bu ah idSI-Oeeti - 300 Umilotn il China tus n lees- Il is saSittal suol-fastinned or hanr, aid halag tlaiWmtir tiltiona ai lasOGrini tiancien, Sumoai lUe populationofaimaoetitan 400 mil- r ases ai Timotty andSimbnon acelIe- pompeS byhieidinaU or otisurcesn o fnihuidreers illions af doliarse i r crin marrco f-rbnet.c '-c cý lions. Probubît- Japan comenO 00 10 otj l trodoceS agamo, as wmo u anfaipover, Itha a tsrage tank fan vice mînflaeed, Papnctfotty but Co- i c r-edac.ed 10 p-rcent ,fros 4,9l te Uteid States mt77 millionts -foc Atm anS for te 015 Poitao ,margenecii.. Thire la no parteofaidIenft-, 'Zaheaf van otrtz icl r-rer3, 700, ne souri as porsibmc aLter uet thc lastcout. Tht- popuIlionorfnases Ces eic>', Patieoce, Gruge, OGars-lan10 ich ai abondance onI lvIgà. lHe vint amat-, ani ho dIS 5fn i c~ l 'mrcc r coraiit-r I oritheIbo mold oa i te.ee.nttecul l l mc-and Prodence. Mant- dliitîfol lit- wvoter canst le obained. if vî o 55fcame ock, lest If la aalS teatR ie ecrworld it trocr rrten irder o u.. rull6t-5555 l te leitigear1ose.n t it-ei -oght.tp a hSes o a.c. tt et .# ln ma -n-i a1#b LunbenneWs'8 Yir Mat- lOtI, 1920-A cas-aines rives- driver, It- i.avlng liis ssodge ice or thrning a cigarette inta ilasé, bocned avec tmo toms- sl ips neludng 7,00,000 teet ai pino. s $ô,100miii, camp buIlin;gs aSdeqsipmont vortiv 9,000. aavn Iomboc morth $7,' 000 and klaS aimverai million yt-nnaspcsce anrf Jack tPi-e s-. Mat- 25. 1920-Fis-e in a robihihIap b.- iinS a tomber esmpant-'s boardini hesse got saat anS. denpifa prompt action, bsrood avis- 1,600 acreass'ieluding 2,000,000 teet of wite pi>s, and a set ot nom campa mortI $1,000. Zona 1, 1920-Tva aid men eftotattend ta thes top loge in a dam, let r gevan-at- froua eltier thi s mndg or eamp ice. anS sread over 9,000 acres, incîndisa ,000,000 faitt ofpias, ana mit, tsar camps, large qiantilie oi suppliee, and equipsent ta a ttalivains of 94,000. Mat- StI, 1921-vLumbermos butsning sianit aroond lhiai campe, dent coofrel ai their fin- seS 1,000 aces mece bus-seS ivafa that- raganea it.f RailwaY Fi*re Zsne Ila, 5920--Rogine Na,.lJUS atastad a forent fis-avîtit ram over -1,000 ases, leeint onesaw mv sl, tireeseoai tmbas- campe, tableia, bounen, anS setflts, 5,000 rot ouieend 1400 piles, baides standing 91 t Oi, i920-Emése No. 2609 Ws Ontario, Farestry Branch - be o otit 920,000Onas lasstnP, campe and loge Wortht$6,760, a" 4"t 11,00( lu ilgitI. June 2, 192-A seelgin new loti a piln aifIvesnint tien ta go RaW b tiai- egrlar work. 'The firsa prIN iÏc Ifi0 acres, Fires Set Out Ulode Permit Jane lotI, IPSi-PU9tà Iseeng rsiasit sader permit, ot ot nr*tsUmgI ladio de rof nSi0 es es erraiS anS fort-y luliii ClodeiWgia l, vere mrpvd Mat- 27tth, 12. iterbus-ine de- bri.s ean hi. =iAci kWtn;eres, 1,000 oflcaef w gi> nd S ped out NegI.cI.dCOMsP Ires .foly ahi, 1920-T-o lttfcamp ire dot share o eIeir laite. NIsiox dats' Ogit, rangesepot fis-eol.ti il acres att-cave plnvnra demi Mat- Ble, 1920--A ûited camp fOve. Seapite efforstofniChieS TR anger and 4 2 men, brnai 1,M 00ei~eu ong pie. May t- ?te.2:4!!2M*alofti amp ftee vhiel boiseS avec ,OSan nS f oiet %ei c iil lnchde frs B ae Parlisment BIdge., To ,onto, Oxitarjo I J QUESTN>WNS FOR YO(i. Whn t-i bve meitcs as adorerJ tisemnntread it -ver agan,rand then la it frue0 Dace iv le=eth aiseritt-P Doen h karie." or os-os star Mas ittLoo mieh noelt-P sle elasggsetorsnont- le il grammaitiral P liathe wrdirlansdirect asd aimple Doe oaci eSord test express lthe ineasi -in ua -ahI ho 0ey ? Ca ant-patbof youc test te ait- understasd ? Are te prrnrtuatian andSepethirre eruret ? la titere horsn liuet copt- for tiret sporcP Wit-onrt- tntfa25it orde or ioese sais temreller thiek of a husSred ? DoSe theeillustration linsi rp vilr tae testP vites it tall a short- Dues yosr"ad." an a vIoleIras-r lhe atmenplas-e ofthe gonds odr- Wil5 11 gev fhe message acraus? Wiil the type mat-up anSdvive genai lat-est permît thc testtho tri rend oaâ- It- P WiilthtIc*ad" sppeai Streetît- to lhe audience t-nrr ant it tla ach ? In gaugiag tice salesvalue of yoer rent, hase t-asput t-ureeilfin tle reader'a place P Will iv sel[ fie goods ?-Pallicit-. TmHiE rT-Tte price ai ail maken ricotinter cheek booksaare aîiforan, blI thos oanili bth fe Applelord Contesl Check Booki &., of BRiitos. are vive- trot. Ses sacoples anS beave t-tsr r- lors av tle gChampionOffie for th qairloit Selivery. Il Jobs Harvet- mat eitb a vert- aer- rusascident 5ast Monda>' comangr, ehile a atwri iin~g othe croof ef the Mimae@i BiManssu ouasn 05 Street. lMc. Rarr a eoî aa otra -o St gave a -a-.a-1 iaatt- anS le e lltIcth grond, a dis- tasca s! about twasatyt- oiaeterisgý to bth aev.s«l nuremr tt.indSlat-Dr. frgr-a :rataeC Eeeiat DBMS REVORamS Die>.Faaitn LmistedEven uDat- Ilcen reformersaof .the proent dat- vive Seplace the alîre-lated, sii aeS the peek-a-bnn valet mat-le a- ousSeS fa leanthaf s'en latiste goaS aIS PuritsDtims tIi inre of Dbame Faniln bai a bevttcilg et- fecg as fIs yoseî men and maideas. Remearchba Inf lvthe cieut lava af thi maneshonîtt.Bat- caint iava rfvaed viol lite fativera hai their oa troblea vît iv Ibir offiprîsa whiteoanleed a anappy style mIen 1634, just tour t-sans alfastthe s cal oet Gpvecssod Wlinap'n hItho aplanit qesion ivad ho- as priiasagtiwtthla an)Aeir tieir bands «antilss Sa era. ta t -,httuiaplaceS au the M usivnfg Saaea IISaiBia, v MORRIS 25Cvr5Y Drolc£g 2' A Dollar Well Spe Ifi b>'spendinf * d011at- moue- r U'i youreelf seven or ebt dollars inter,- nI c: 'c igure fiel dollar o.iwghty goocl cccccl:. Mat-be you harpa amis-e rith :r ccc tg If repaired non-, t mvil-ibe tc1cdc oî' tire'e lite iavedt, ' g NoaIlcted. a tc-ut soon IV t hbode.oaaf mal4aFrcsr.And r iou i-t r tc lia 10demand - V~aLllW4 opPGracef 4-Dd10 Em 01 mûre.'~ Me te . Wa. M Oiris Tai VALL tmotu si. acons Par. Baeam I IRANms UIne5la M4Tr -BÂIBI hodinsS nom2p u chi, s <OffEan kerdat- ti Forest Fires KliJobs TTERE are instancei of cas-elenoneas such as the Pis-rte of Ontario [Iare meeting ail the time. Each is an actual caie, aa -iIIy repocted int detal to tha Foreitry Branch. Until ech undividud,#"Iiazes personal reepoaibility and co-opes-atos to ps-oyant forait fis-ci, Govet'flhtt Fis-e Rangers ciii hope mes-ely to lesson the bsagiecneuncioa k 1lscrle- nesa and bad judgment. Save Ontiio's qlFbièe~ s'nW You rs Fý'Fap ", ý