u.Il v pouon Pn~ ovrdliC Keat- co liped F' mie OlclRU, m a.0< vuilm 0 il'au MDAKSI KODAKS: A t .11 ailkodh , i o- Ueo aoedvi1pMningand oniangeni l0ohThenRll IuStuc Mi,, hm. n MILTON$ THURSI>Ây, JULy 29. 1921.N 'adalChampion Ui TI)'Ay N I ORNIN (i r MnItLlTON tN .." ~ ,.P% oail h aie. an a'tS.ho t>- tO i a 1uOirinssaa a .î c bj Il. -funt.iu làie f, r j,-etr - ..d 7art i 'btu. madn toc ru, ln' a ida Oua ouiaP..i~i, B-d ioiamS. ~ th. ».d a, mauRaOIS kt., aatr.lloa. mi _ y dýta. ..o t - J d îaeOl,, -dnthani<iéds ose .uJu peioiltlp - . - ea-YooioOnde. Be y r., 1.ea.U-)acmaa--ci. s- Cîrea Bacoas. ,.e rW2d8.~Otnaaoald Ou mi - icii titî sNîn. iNà no" month a la y. Tuavellers' Guide. lxl vviiteis King! By buoo oîog ithe Wbhie Sewng Mchieyo ore ouleriflg Canadion proidoci nd inî i turn are piOtiiig ilu'utu home ithe liol e not Ms- chine aîonoy cuti iuîy. rý,tai:,rv e toîc tal.oiiocents iflud h(- ilu bicotive-cutith rouiner, theiedoogo titiulenand fuel gniluorer. CASH OR CREDIT ruueAPAL IFIî bAhlli A v IG WST. C- R. TURN-ERI Furnlture, -Phone 8 dqou pCi., . ,i . il, 1 M ,c7wo., RIoA -e ,iliii ie1012'K IALwNAY "" iC OiiIOi NORTH. lu o1 7.25.. .2âp.ai. MWEDICAL iM . . %COLL, M.11. moU oCUcuac OMMe . .oDESON, M. D., LO. P, vs ..d 7 20 tn . uîcgîau TASALE. GOWLAND, %.À, f Ml JLESLîd ING, M.B. Qicbieio'ti liaii Md CHJROPRACTIC Mbo,c,i ,Sorgery or osataly A. M. NEILSEN, DO.- aI ebieapýemaO lr'à ot~ --r I§Oml o hraeraittc a intala haisi NEAR TIME lu meet ubai cengagment. Tlto io nand there be uothing iike prompt- 1000. If j-ou carry one of oui OUMMNTEED TIME PIES you mon't ho laIe unlesm ii'a yotlr fauit. It mon't I ho bcaumo of the match. WVo have matcetawilhsaliver, euesn, gold canes, ail picea and ail kinds, bal are warranuled, Our jemelry ail the wey througb im subtantiland neliabie, and no one a oabject Ici ur pricea. iE. MARCHAND ~~o<o5e. rtr lova, US.A cI',. Oov. .~. mess a. Pi ~ Milan. hioadan.aa.a wascmaauer au O Jcweler 'iro! 1'e - Wada.adir-, i toapu. Bereecamama iii Msolcoe Bioca 1894. b ,4ýND INL.D.S., .DOS. lie, - t., 12,30, i 100.3 lileio . goi o vappinta Uit. Tae.' LEGAL WILLIAM 1. DICK erolie Oc-wi Asacoany 8loino l uad tamisyman. a-0, o. - ia Mai MACÂt ACKY &PERRIE sa Sinls."2 loalg. MORLEY- & BUTCUiJISONa tmrtam, nnisa ciaair.e, saaiîa Pubebs.m Phono 199. W. Ée-CMna1TH Live Stock Dealer MILTON. P. ILILTON .AiD oHORNBY. CATER d& WORTH MONUMENTS - GALT. ONT. 6"ad for aaima " aui Iee.m ar qk ta 151'ed yon a Titille bit for a' long lime - faim »1672 "Pet pertectly wild over youree th1e lmont moderful wmnan I ever: 77 eard of. Gld rosy-cheeka I' Andho plached théln i mat10a e color 7JR Safety Deposit Boxes <i0 0 CO0iAC lad go. ail rented, but aew amreh CrignTassntd ngi inttejed Orer nelaniberjarba eany chair ansltsson ap- of Farniers' N ecs instlle. Orer fleproached. Hie batlaly on theo huer ce. The rentali e ve mC. asofbon h.ig eie bt; nhli. <lagtnn er ! ak wa Don't takea tehe rn ls Eghyiiekyar o bnkn lo' aetere enlog altitude; a vagreni uitile breeze ln Canada ha% given The Ban1L )gIsbyfir or hef ofrnntled géntiy a iock of hin fine, long bondl and valuable % whie linir. Bryce aioopei <er the. of Nova Scotlý&n experîencc and nente~arm DTIR .11mm ohdan .and aboob Nigeniiy b he . nslghî Into tii.Bai>sgrure ~ ..ed "Wake np. partner," he caiied cheer- mienti of farm %âonÏ:h enablea *GâpI" fuiiy. Bot John Cardigan did nt i oPoieaO mgl aif ?UOWI@.C*IiA moite, ani agoiln hi, non aboob <k tt poid hcoghystîfc ýwe Stilil rec,-Ivlngno respoonse Brnco Iift- tory service to its farmer HAMILTON ~ed tle ieonfine nid heurt ndd gnoed uties Huian MoLON'.,nag m hi. faihero tface. "John Cardi- -ôrk rieau ln hur eaI" I.ha cried ahacpiy. "Wakn op. IJART, Nus. Brasâci. CaDiegPoiticel aspiratIon, bhad beeftCt he bad t10 for if the lu.sale had oid pal"JonCr A cail on tii. neareat branch emlydeaâbated becausme atà egone over fv intsRondeau'» The o"Id eyoa opened aad maagrhn Car- o1yu ha -ai- daminable documeatlin th111es-youth monld have decided the lissue. ligano milod np ai hi. boy. "Gondma ge i mv toyuht 81 fBryca CardIgan, many es'et "And Rondeau mas whlpped' non" he mhiapered, 'gond son!" Ho' It would be au advantage t0 have of ___________ !Imaportancea ere tranapiring n'"To a mhlnper. Mue anoreolbia, lm ofissitle s agaîn n a. Ifutl lh Bn f oa thile veranda of hb@ old-taaiiloaed hone. aad chokeol hlm unail ho hoal the the mere effort of hoding theni open a tl i.Bn fNv C. H. HICEBLOP, v.s. John Cardigan *at tappIng the floar grnnnd wth hîn free iland in oen <f menor l Iehe ii oe *111, hiastiuck and dreemrlng dreamàa arleender; mherenpon oid Dnncan loicotia T urnniîirepnod ucnle ltng" ho nont on ln the une Sota POGNE ia.1, ILTON, ONT *blcb for the BraI limte In many years 'hlm np, and Rondeau ment ta hiqntl hse."o e atn e Speci liai s S nirgtlntand Bealde hlm Shirley ahanly aod packed hi. inrkey. The i, wioçe.no,0 ailg e Specdlit i SureryandDeniiiry, ut, ber glance lbent nningiy out laitt 1aaw of hlm lie wa$hea'ied ovr r Hia hoadftellorer on hin non'a %bout- ais cCanine and Falio.DManae.e ronsac e. hronfs of equoan d on ta the bill 10Camp Tmo on 1.nguna der;oco "Unon" e nt gin."cn l1IforîcofN v S o OrTinu-lin aa M- i90 seP. . 6o inathe bay shore, wbece the imoke and Grande Hel probabiy chose ihoi ns-decThbis hand mont Nrvping for p'a, Jeilausinan tlifloeted ap traini tmo iltant wnodà bons I hired afier the Rrc',"ltn, ecnIud sannl-her no nnd liryce Candi- consoiidation ont of Shiriryn n ooin ton hear t-lbe S'Iienc ? tii wat for H.C EPH u an@, To bar came et regulariy apeced land heip hinineif ta the feliow'n job. ton here, ny son. Moiber and 1 miii ES'IABLISH-ED 1832 W.B. Cleiento, H. t on cae chodoe Whi 'ireIo mateher nom-m tiuaet sha 8onCaai u laà M r.MIL'TON Cla1tervalb thfent mhlaîng o h as1dntr f olc. lb. feess anclifr<ancb nt Cossy Nstry.bn.Issrseand the ronihie of log trains cralIing'nCe la the tnct ihot theolod Condigua .Iiirdlmn et obi.iî- ,a alia Oaapleiileii Marci imenumIM. . ~ao!ofthe log danipa; igh avec the w oo b ban on the joh ln Cor- afier oid '.%tacand hinico-nnd PIII R.an. ei s fera Le t o5.5amu piles of irigLIt. frenhl y gamwultomber igo namond aa nd I'ni 1igh1y ginRîd of Da nd Y, Who onsithin8 1rg ani ORm p SevepnI th1e cangbt tconi lime la tlime tbe flashfil. Tbe nid borneihiet hnsnlhod itsniesiaii-nîTom EllIigiono chlii Ow»TWNx eMMO.O T fWhite spray as lbe great logi toaaed leeon and wmiiiremin ohen here- dr-n i h iesnn o Ore VI AL Ml.ON OT.front 11e trucks hnrtied, dowo the after. 1I bnli ben cueu." bkoom, Bryce. Theyre yor r"ponai- skid.. and cranhed mbIbm hheay. At "The lnfnnionn nid noulw! iiiiion Sorry i coo ail watot.seo lhe b13 1a te dock, a! bath utiles vesseis mere "Mac kaown the San HedrIn as 1nn liedninOUopeneol Up. bot-Inoofiired III i~~~~~~~oding. thefir tnoiapoesctting the baomr my omn pochet. Heu ho n amUoer my tfsnnd iored my love. Ah, ye% AT BU XECI atelnlna1 aoeo ibsiings-and-dronin hapy- o a m ong a rZkIarilng e. 51*50' sky line shore and heyond the amnh-o ilgt bmen me 00ope ot ire oon Sapitao oliFigutresogRegarding Famlly anv1.oroni. ttca e oi he boy a ionni1 ý1tr oio ie rniirnnd hniids ln. y h1 Iota' lb. Oreekre mona kn n éebooner, iaded nntIl ber main dech ithe may, bas my dnd been don i -nd-" nf a Patata Bug. lo!tlia. Usiea w-re pnrpio. Aprio Ove sat ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I sa iatBs vt b Oemsmnng"H ibc euy Go on," ho Inn pornons. hobeves lbe Amer- dite. W*Aséos'ng bareocntolt th, ~pstng ont ta ion, and Shirley beird j"Tes, gýMoira rond the mou 1te him ,mhIspered ,ain; hbis hig body einot,100atucint,&t, Mo, Jumoa Butklaad, nai woolýmalWlI.pIly o ui ari th. talni echo of ber iren as sellde e lbbl p 0ieVaiyo nd ihe great hbont of the Argonant oeaiine bow onoomoon la the uuni-lby a 1»«&.The whila violetsîn mdsnulihBecnhidbi ntk io ecofenoo îeoaaoehu athectedValleyib oi of1r. in se vbilted hec intenion an 0pans ta star- the Glanîn. Ho aid ho manned to do'e8il rc edhmutltebre sc pce rhwaa-clvdln lo hc rpe rý, t wealization ocame ta hlm ibat bis fathet' log la theic power of nultiplicaln.ithe 41,15 foot, and thua acQuri board o! a w-ind Janiner Immmcd hound a Ilttie quiet fignrlng an Ihst nom a rThe, nombor o! laect apoclea i mte'a heu. Noi ao prou, intm0 asla . sîran chonryo're ibiabing o mseot oe-ibatIlibe a maicb.te eae y a ta ha fthoe-iatherIMb ot ya nl Tra sur- ofaàad,"aida preae shonr c nbenneliy, goore t ahr ihing that nI lbupo-Who hues t lad taeughita eu,!t îr ei"Iawnefl sesd rstlbuilding. lHe Ginbs ihe anght ta0 e iadIng o!ofhic a ennglocodcls!aiotr bgoiraanvo105 haIbmbe 1 prp 0 f n,,ig.big ,-bg , ,ghtacarytw m ho bad gt-odnaiiy sooed 'np and inod, Aiihoogb more than 300,000 ver. @ib51Oona girlasmo o re-o1 in 5. nahvethlni dscrenangliablcarry tatwon "Aye." he repîles ln bis doep, nelo- lion fot" tniappeciwit tý a iucotre Je"'itfnghre y ragance n-"' a tch."'shue oondoncîedbprhainiw-onJ0ohnhnethlo eatyeeledisavoie,"Pr ben illnuheeny ryo ganoolaIbismach.e Godhy nd Jhnpnnneiofo hutoobeoceub 10Seenhend oaAhlndie. hoango cc deer,lilstoning ta 10010 iboutsî,yon bialater elevea," ho oaid, "Gueus rit mnnmnced. "Yo'ce escnped lie othe Virtuaiiy ait living taniale, ao moilappeaie ta Eron foc Jodgmnt, c WVe '-jilay solicît aciermamethiag, nom, oa!hlbielbthai con np 10 the Giants and hrit<g bu inaIgbt nesot. %Veoii go homoe logoiber as mont plants, oupiiu food for thezo the losigosi miacbiarounio de1,P'i a Po lion of ,blinda my boy ta Sequola. TitIa-hbhoro né tlnocheon." no, otmo 0<Thheb gan. i coui ofea. t ainis prt poe e adedna Weog ri voit traide, mevesi hIean ahcaoad In the durit- H e teppod Ilto the Napier standing And miiiu hie faiber'n body ln hormahe feco<diy ! cRilaluuon Aph rasacetiteedo t fr iv nme."ilnlu the trse ensence o! llfe-- ouoade the office and Édrave nmny. 1,nirongeras ho deparie<1 frnmthe ilîtetie oro oaniheooa gReny outhenom- liranea Sale tit have -nc uir G EO. H 1 Y E R te-ae. ta develop tie gifla thal Biock Ogllvy walledl nnlil Bryce mras amphithenter, waihing ighty miib bis aphis, mhicb noon thirtoon gaulera- talmed, Maicbai aîlrua..Codi boasgivn os--to mork and kno ont of alght; thon w-litsdden detor- heavy bunden domu the old nbid road tioonoretaitlnla asingle yaar,1 Mécht aierMil.hehleasing o! mnrineaa--to have minallon lie enteresi the office. 10iebte w naut nomole. And Inw oild. if uchockad ta the end aIf itage."Linon." ___drogesamnd »ee theni came Irne. Tbat "Moira," he aald abruptly, approach dopa iaier John Cardigan reiunnd t0 tbe Imeifthgeeralion, mnltlply ta Boine et the oidao bouécoes iiiH la lite, and 1 have ived, And nom 1Ilng the donb mhere abo morhed. "po ,n leaI forerer wlm io lebsot maste anang the inconceinabie oumber o! tnn soi- îaaod baSliera donc.. whlnh an rc oe W HEEL - ami rail takin.gtHe amilWal. dAd ta back. and nbal's moce, Bryce the Gîannî, thinei aIetttan InnItoo- tliiona of Indisiduels. nsed for aa'ciagou and deatho W ils- CadIga Ic bli hao bi ni rustmalportion of ibat trpeodons ilence OnPPlemuong Iat atalaion. Ion. doue lthe brida and groonm r MUSIC, TEACHER téking.' de I yraired amuasmouds bons, And Il'un r e ,:, thtIont hedinpason of the aes.1Forghobaula tiif etnteOIbis hod ,mre d totho olbdeo y rd plane. Viens. aeid 'Thaoery yoershavauoocn Ilfae in Seqsota noonice that yo're net cudnî hboa Wbehe befaerai wss 00r OhIr- itmcaiold o ne.t i o 0.int n , ci1 a fo bn adNad . - Oiiy mita iy m»n, Tt la a dlii1 the w-oda k eep bougnoritenim. Un-anud Bryco Iingerod ontili they found in.10 p ofondiiy of iPano thatlilghl ri luBmi. aond Nymea. o . $Plao 14 i "D oa' pei " iiymt onheat sof ufoidsdalodNom, mblook re, maire.ra themneives aiooie beside the freshl' from uhe boaofUtihe procession, itb.almzdunihîlpo PzOV2ý si.tradusillygrithostitthiii-mbere 111e sbiliy-aballlod acound pon fan monibe. inrned eartb. Tbrogb s rift de ihe@ îoarcîîng ai <thcrate nI 184,000adt eslmzdunibh m ___________________________yeurset,.eb b«ad a! OSe il y!pmatet.g mi love, and 1 has-eni got-.:gresl branchen Ino bnndnod feet ahove naitens a eond, nooid labo 2,00 tins ha4Vrodufad notiticairot ei tros, ausoag simipe tolk. The lil!.ton anymbere, Toltly rmagoînî uo ast a« patcb of coruiean obp nbned feint- 1,000 10 ceocli the narib. that thnoeg bC rainenrrcv mai . brd n yn, hlrey;onebasyoufertbelai Une. îîyonmry ; thie sunalitfellI libeo hroad goid-, Kirbiood liacompuiod ibai ia mark. y ebr nFU hre; n a e o ai re ilyumryi pa ia~g reoa auald îe. be <mor- JUUEte acqoire la tante for lil, 701k nom," ame? 1 neosi yos morne than thai cea- e,,a bat, ove, the bonnidngravo oîghî 10000 ili. rogey et0o0e p ea ientila Bootianol and irIOcO. 0". h R S I ava knnvn theluIt of baffle, cal of à father of yosados,andill aid !rom the brama tuof !an ad-o iPsy mothý cuddeairiiy ail the aOs tionnll teropotion Sarero I VE 1tuiinI1cao enjayti e eots o!fs-uc- nodua late cure o! hlm, Come, malt, perbapa, o! the gray aqulrrel tban oneu eao the deanuts o! aAnoerlea, .zlbc toy n otn, om, Moira, Do gis-e me a dolanite n pair o! po tale bogs mouid, If u<o Uar flmi enla gcil o Phon $2, Mfltg â, . d mba co i &Ira er, eehed. nomber 60,000,000. acariot. Ph« Z II.,. byEye ~ ddgn I'm fraid I dan't love yoa w-ehThe cracity -of i umacîn l.aiment, arael ukyl adt Bine lauieds oftiy. -1 manteoshln ""'8'ta0îacry yoa, 1Mr- Ggtlvy," anasatoeidl.g. . i omrn e'iarlg aToaysaad1 te nt. hat a res cuiosiy t Se Moia peadd. na rul fon ofou.prodaction- The datifyrationa1l, a munt ;roalcaffair, I belin u , Hligheit ricea Paid for yonr bu bd ra ocoîi1 aeIoc peds."Uit'1 tn fyD, v e e atorpiiiao la squat ta majonity of cuson -' quit@ a huojo,ý 1", aS fille un..W that was ln hlm," sue ex- it t - i w egt fabre ainWo a ibot e .,iîO nuz., pa&'"The taut hua'@ gono." crled Mc. Imice tois acht, If a oudrn-e arenOan va Ise fho t ve HA) AND BTÂW DEALER. Bail day By Cria, igteOISlvy dexiierately. "Ini înnmeresi muiea tont aO mhh v onld cent-u Pafo eitaot i î ale )hie %VelteeMonde tcock o!oad îeoe - i bonrs. S'nrhnah aoya fltaacertainn h.,'» h ohrte al top__logon__theend__truckof_ aOlonggloner, ai c 1relit1e t beua deab-aatlng larra w-I consme Inla se tanjiLntanarlnaWos1nisance -bat i cant beip being a nnl tvaaty-fanr bom s200timea Its arlg- "What con o'or daughte do' *la Townahip Bine, drappesi traini hlsa nnce ohen îon'retient' ne. so rt lInal mlghî; a bnman ebild, ta o dne ahpkài. eherenpnt< aubroodr-c endsio! the. log athe train camiesij qait my job here and go bncb taiy sa ilou. ood hare o 10est. la 1he alpets, Vol etc., are oioaiiî exn RoUte th ithelb.outilyard on lismay t10OW dgameofa!relirondiag." lirai day of iâ lale, 1,500 pounda o! r ai ftholaod-ofrthebandli, Thp tible Ti» Bo ute thelog dmmp. Be halimi Buck Ogulsy, b"Gb ron noofdt'e quît a tea-ihaii- i boirillsera tee lettOr atoos Inlathe doar or!un-lajoMorcre!ahs.rm athes t«tbgnsamethé th s&"I'd quli a mUioLa.dolaer jaob. rio mîndy of then&abject, affirnasbon,0 0eau a.ned« oeu te iontb MONOTE ' Big doinga up on Little tiLautre- road talon by a singleeihnurm na onadloe.hm1vi-li DTowrOI aok ai ianlg Bck mliat nd ik ugh t gmlette bg tlty-slx daya oquaiî 01,000 lime. claver îo0ag lady. D MIcrat he momnc k."iu M utad ced i Iwthte :ls aoriginal netgbi ai hatehlag. Wbatif, on e .OthoO laodicii ,- ' 'Do 013.1.1" M.Oglivî iur uredamnroigaing ansi w!her, I destruction lOis neu0Iaaact mooli Ot tblak muth ou li -[ - I 10*00 mioe. caIt ae yen, or oye. are drls'ing 1aaeIf evena a ne-huudcodbath 'moaasom@ diplomatnie noi n' "lit Wme agoet»" Bo'ie coisd. ni. rra". of lIa egga avec batched -pnnaont net he, lue eoe 0,- Ueaaq"ii.d Dinisg car seslcs OdDua lEa Tanli artaoosie. 1 "Bol 1dont mail i on 10 go, M' ThuIe tacta show bow gceat la 1ut.h bween, th. vou i , iiia ekm.vb.ho mld. fiae er onu tbee <les-" M,,raIne taman of the laaant-aattaa anot likesi by the oppoaie r PU i 01 sleeping treon î t trinaind heih epirsi .oleday "Oil i.Ioek, 11 romandd te_______ Parlor (Car oa pincam l aDay Trins.a . - ase» boc inol0cleni in OdU. Carli, 'AeanglbuVcko..- Gsi lvs Lgb ao lrseo Pull informnation framil u md et w-codau," i ntv*yt o. m»"Te aigu taya' Oa i- GIr. ioesfLf o Cend So e'. C Trunk Ticket Age -cmO E eBi' a..ouias o &e"O# e eftdMul.- b tstguy h idn tteya' iâ i i ia, ltre PaauegerAgC. T- ya tnltILSydo eiatdmoH! aoli..el .lrlts la au Important aunuai avan e.1ta mai11 no iopefeî 'I ,ýfeut riDistic Agn. lo arasi,11woildn't lot thet big Cana- drlelag you ont e 'ai . in pdnilm. iEe huhI nynlh 0 rl ai le na. ykoot îo do Ho IfII, routa. ~~~~~dias Joie. Bondons Quit frt arta. *Thon marri moead ri tmi," vntog I a o etelra i emne out o eiis J. A fIELL. Aget, Maltas. Saoie Woodsbos, thoLt-and 'l& in me -Ratupoe I ov yte -w-lldflomar 1he Oraltouth1e violet iy gîre lIght and airnogtlo. Tir CrUco TzLasm17.il job mite Ibis ompany mas theedirtlot way ion.ie.rye..., trihe l noale. Il la the ealueât o!ftamb la suroiy prouf tliu you outl bnd lm-mrin grine «suposa suposit» ockO-i g it a!the IBarai fanlly that la moneat nsu mroc may.foru>go ici;ei.a on thlb.SIid reaaed ela ir mud aàal hu it 'onr O lngelrcertai flovad. Every one lave& the vîLî,lev. Aalle'ev hlarap. a day andi, Ienmd. 130.made 1t on d yoqrael. Rom damrenode4mi ioiP tPechapa tua athar Baver han laimone' valuou o. I doI't cae wbat is lovfefr meg? i MSoimUra5i1k lb. nlversally admired. Mner, vhaaao T. G. RAMSIIAW ~privaimaoruasmay b. fe cas oI« fBer ey«tfumet! ta hlm llmldly, amd _____________________ Vsi.,tn ~AUUS mit-sth11e loge, bang!ilos caelly bide, for ttaBa ian eb.lom in thein nnd ru fer Mm." - smoky daptie a Tanibent Baea "I VaIsaioos pomtysamodesita. @TS efatid yin avent enMIting tadonlt know," lle quas-erasi, "andsIria a aMaWasaa lat Among Moaa ie sondai ldctm gl azury eaot ItiBock," Brye npled 'big re.pooshiil n o.- anteesi. -Oh, the.devil tab.llie éeur 11e bâiaduomont ta rob Brycempocketl T e B n jpaqul . MILTON. a1 burent alti- W@Ui, SanM» liem meuyni roudcnsd took lber benda of pine nule tventy yeara beuThrBs, fSrofagyosto gngtoboofLteaeV lassie t kes mite mb C ugd-IWr r-cyepftly Wtafiinpace For The FARM ER Tair!1 If i o 1 e mteilon, a tornadeofe!lavem andi for hbu ta l" e 1 epaas.d bi mini C. R. T U R NIER ter -ionie for rasete 1munt se- piemsibgAndi preUotiY MMirava.In acosads i e ifl alonldera ansi drew h Bank ci Toronto placos Fustal «w Tat thé11eoola i ment 10 w-rkiii'" b1laWrmn% mSu -d itiltns. bar, mmd ber t iln "Toum nade Ltpousibe,' farm productm and nrop fban- ~~ "~Oh, s-e mai,"Bryce inba..1 laauto&i MM mi"mli. weetiisrt0W igama ,Ontcouo and "Ras . -fle t'yoFmovn ai.* Onu f i it Y ! m310 -Z'-red Ur.' e oewy8tV; mmlSo, ho guset! sp e i bin aadoration. lu rstcen mn i itclsuo t Paosa u. NLTOI. un drveDuncan - McTIel0s .b ousat edbI naw-henioi 4pratly uliey tort the Valey ih Agent for Dm1.. ýn erlDsigne. ClrdUls w.oosie rdi 1k.bteasmen - UlblL eo mendared a"eh@0 f b ! b.Glamta te tace tbe morîiS ta-agenn;e f h ra o do l. Pe.«ouOm a ln i Obt8 Of v a4quis# JOY tiiolesiber ta galaer. mraggla tuteur faîlite a lIre Alrenm ftebace I . lb.~~~th Iaw. 'e-m n Dne,15I lth .tit ds- I not f~i esir lie.aS loi. thbur lovesa, o fhoakfeiu dnro i toi.' t e 0!ber ttTOln Seu tib egi anean perchane setin and JOvillages uand ton n __________________ Bomdpf tg wlgb~iO en leeoî N .4m ita ansi tae I . mpgted bythe faimn- '1 mmm met et tam otelÀk trosi ore colaibaud, tea sraindoc eA'ro1O me.ut «Tmm o tavi a Wbd 1 eat. b liusoê' tiss 1 n imb1e teknk g communqWe understn 14P1 q'taoL 'a mie.bapie eedp«ton riOO ' r tho fameî'm monts and are r, 000 uswt rIr -.AU fdepoali l lmi. i 1' - 'a>