,l 'l Wlre ubufteaOieanhvefrtoyeP eni n libtis id fthe Lord Chie Jus-. ý ý N O T IC E 1 I~footatepo as a torographer and atudylng the question, submitted taon ' ow theocale through varionsua% f R f 1 M W ý..moutain climber. Serving wlth the the Ontario Goverumnt tacts and gratduationh to baronets litre Sir Jous ýý To Patnientonepsin ranehad Meer-recmmedatonsuPo- wic the 'eff lavelle 22,000; Knigtzîof the fl -1 1 y ni rank e major and waa awarded the F. N. Stapietord, generai necretary Kighta Commander ut St. ichaut1 lý1ý j iEtbihet fcTWTR S alrrtrnn a uynof the Nalahborhood Workcera' 'uo- and St. George 30,000; Rliglt R M R E ut, B EV .B ITWTR . . tdial where opportunity nalsecontes Ciation, analyses the ise act AsCoalusoS Tu tan s 11 at.Md a aopr e t h la Olsl Michael and St. George 30,000;C ý2;- 1 ý ( , M, w~© l i Wso Naaapaper Union.) ehievemonta of exploration and l esthan 10 Prcn.of.h ain fteDsigile cy tDtlring Jtlly and X g Itt_ world contineant.lmaIrehlgtadby dl th ca es In e ti at d y us di t e O rder 42,000; elde t ano a u a n e a O .1. O.N u àaul0 1, d e o LSO ORJL 4 The exradilion of the Royal tIen- tathor of the cblld maite ant coutri- 4110001, cldeat auna or buighia 65, 1 WG 0J U5J55 Ha S1- ExamîtinatiuOfor lse 1 ESNFRJ 4 gralahicai Society aud the Alpine bution sebahgrer toseardalils support, 00.brast.aege.nua5*0 TURDAY, FiIDAY aînd SUClub of England la tow ausaemhllu Te ra maott tt e ntb- baronia' unger no5.000; r1 ,CBOKLE* T H U RC8A I M S J E S U S A S T H E t D a rJ e iin g l u n rt h e r n B e n g a l . e r s u t t h e s e e l d r e n a r e n t o f t h e a i r a ' 6 0 . 0 0 0 ge s n tl e m e n 0 100 h d e st a- o U o1i g A N R I ES ..SATURDAY ONLY Of eicli CHRIST. -,rosolag the Himalaya range imb victooia tYPe, bat are unprnteutedqurlls 60t0e0;neentdoen t 1.eteml "il hsa 80 ad ateaio WO5ld AN RIE __\ý~~~~~~~~LSONTX rI a-o Ihet lu Rampa Daong, lta memhera rn h ue on iefuat czran alta yeohtol ek girls, nat living At home but lu cheaP relatives of the ahuve classesrnkauh e N, e; îhrough ah limes. . ýF'_iul prnceed via9t1111,40gracMaldengbaarding pmaIla. Lei1i Gridingat;d Q* j k, II[IOEýNITEXT TP et aritItt;eChrist, Plateau ta the nth ut theREerest 'Mental veakneas or defete a i rtaccnardianeritngty.,- ý ..'rîîtîng Quie îv t,:, f th le1n OcdMat, 16:ta croup' and 1heure mabre the nttempt strong tachar ln the situation. There ao ruoswo e ndanuhyhIii r eronmlsusi.d1effih, Îeptir 1I)epartmnent airstnal.,,"FB"tIENtE hiATvtIIAL-Ata Z;ta. ecltmh the wrld'n htltutpeuh iy are many girla, tili eblîdren 1 dpin h aearnortc con I couldIgel n relief mati l ,____ tPIut0r TOCCaui Telttug Oth. Ou thînpa elb enlle iarned ho proteet. lo h h oecnerdoe loehr aeue hf te--Abu O eatahlan bchane ulte neaolu "Ita1119, there seere 420 liegi- Cudasadtewar honore sent, 'lurs utof"Sootha-Sdaaand turc,0f 0c. ý 0, JIl'NtdttTOrtu-nSunt Wtnntog Other. Evereat. Ahure 20,000 fret tel l mats birîha oMflliy reglatered il t seulbhe een that oerera I haîdred :"î'csit--ivea' and ame enh.rly &C me -,,s nresidtayotteihebe 1 tý ON 1ca fi1,.aMiiaDUt Tvr. xtloua uteliatfve teaîteert îtup are Bregltered tai ellwhate Aia u 1e cua notrca rtt I on, . ly sea h Oc bx,6 o . O ND FOI'- elaibre illbc brneair he ockscarfestimate lite have gl tdiansare: Sr Roert itordn, seho, $j.:, ctrasnton receiph tprilebyf Cii1 o22 e gi t b ttied0I0 29.-uTorhnto.Kulght Lhoimiheado, CI #G[A m[ps )FC14 eacrd oetmaeo Tenewselar," saad Ste. Stua ie-, chrlya uln t. .33d7ros o Snu h it-a n w ,ehsellnaifoseu L a I aea.saimg Sel ax ittt tzdi eh t urner ! ~, a 4fractlust tesa that ivte and une- tord, "provideator a Prov incilt nitl ttîr l S '_ _h it m ile s a ho o e e e l r e T e r e e r e o a l a t r e p r e s e n t f l t a t . i i e ,i r L a d y B e d e tu. 3 6 . 9 4 ; S ter_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1e a __ litîtu s C ýUb)tP. Heo eattifi o 0 S ha erue uuco std.t-ablî- e rîtaî n allait ho noifiler:! utr ail illîegîîît 1, Allen Aytesxevth, 30,416; Lady - - - _Zý tiititt c f tire transformaationtt ubtamungmtuittaittrera et the Alpitte irîba. Il * hal e hia duty t ri,Il- ANIleuteevîh.' 36.416; i tielaie Chier 'è NICKEL COINAGE ilk- iare' uf,ie ite Os vt Pussioln- Club ut Couada us lut v hatst pëetd the tain Lit Possible inturmatosw ut icni e 4 05 an erird é, w o ,n c id tiepo uto scae . G]l - '13 ,~~~~le il e destructiont et tie upedltoî an tate Iter air alti- respect te eveit' cbild bhum et:' .,.1 ad Lady Faronbt ir eato snt bhick bs otnjb.H S371 ad mre .egor, yaadu1 aaiati du rvP-i,> Oorssaee tthe pleasan eu incidents - suee d-eIltr. T ecrerds et the Abruzi eva eeeaaarY ln the' Jnterez-#a onI ti' eih. 3.30woti n on .1l'n 0- luiaton ,thalt! f ldettticat reotditiontu are tort. 'tiader Ieals the cbltd w, 496; Sir William Marbenzie, ,' ,s lotaseay froin ait thal damned rsue ý h lu a igCuahrcntig, ,, ,_IlI ýoct ,hgost t1 the heni prugres that eau he exs deharred truin aal rigbt ta Ir, r D ntd tn, 0.70 sesiia il a bt vil$mon." d I fet oef3t4e0 ret t 961fretpcv prcedbisga inleregad t n uru, e t!.38,05 . - 87tt ,V9;e Atter more Intercala -ut vaudeville htI-ie,l , iOrrî .e.--. i,<kI. <t., i - tic"" etiAm t u tIls yul ta Peille etuot 273 feû ertire ee. uttd loPta-r bhurden tell un the muther. Attd, t E lSicrohe r eatt d lat bd" i ,ý,, nt hoprer a gela Boa as lv s s em l 1 luiger mtualt< i-u i , fvil .ttura24,250 feet, 100 Psryfteue. toOte astlIy beîsg unabir ta boet ;I eP tuod i Lr c w . t.:k of tahuenreos iyaeatr a troiv n fieda agOt uh,-u ,vriaF v ttg.uu t tiit t <I- * Ihoi ettît i unz l(t-. 21). Titvy The Brrl.Ib enîtediteon litat hrtt Itthe chila beame a eharge ooi t tinOi A t er' Sd Win.tlt 'ii -t bineeao. H cu1a attr cauv "ILttt-e utckel uctult"u, Put Ileii,- jt, Pueviptirtithevery uto e n te otatolie, r i oieutcetplette tueiptuent antuttPe cuOM aUnit>'." St:Atrthe tr d Ld y Cut i1,' -- s e e nb e ea "botr a Ln I - n tr hI- ils coc fpesn e. Ils or- Tbe prorraiuru under the n w At anigohr tte ai,):ý il c gIto.-,I i ttîtt85 p l titttn t if tc.tiittgoid , 'ttee u Iree-tlg tu ttl- e rie! lieteCv.utel e -ig ulbrs m lg h .711,' n a po ue, o i w scs ) ý i F d ý . I t ýý ý " ,. i I , I i ,, n m t d n ffli l y s m n e O t e m t e , o f E rI n r ,n i e l h i i r o e ite aCh o r ti a. R es r e md a y ne ,e t ,;Iý ilg irra bfeu-t treuhire-l. ylnyntwh . Genesua -:faitu --tiijuineai the Provîacetoseta % Lu c îile-t,I, th,-. I- t. 1 Nl utrgiu îeu Putd t îu eit 1893, wiuyelte tech part lu s pull- cuardiaa ut the cil. >'anne -h arutte-i Cutonei i su u - l avm n"h mprrJns"b ut cî- B.- ti tut -t,. lottIti eut, uttua itou îtw assuutely uttîc t îrt a ttuueît tuwhluletu sa nent te Chut- haostappîied mecatMrithe c helolnes Ba t -g Pis, sI "h me rJns, 1D urtI 0 etçi ,, I -Piuku I te uaeuy ugt te deutroy. mai. OIf sd et e laso en ushb- rvnli alficr hsst. t IArthueOCllpatrh.c'tth-7ive. 11,-k i*n a matli ptowu thatre, but the The i-laceleittpttittail, r o p-,-tit1 lie Jta ucfunded . 22). Saut Ing te Hltalaysfo r a quarter t a This allatin urder la mecuerd rlu h 'C dC. Cooup ;I, rM a- kbeatn fGipnde h p:ve t uihu as, t1 ratl - rtd ta Abla r theree ears. enerv per ith bit reotiso ye throgb a Juge. Atter the pe it 1) " theatrd tur aritesnpecial matiaeea. 'ie .tt i n t ttt 0 ie 'otoutui,tî ,,, -..r tdrlffil 'l' blu Ise ho nwax taugalit e ttPot the baflng ptnb ef Mont cial affluer bas ubtainea inluormatittit I 4* <-* -> x-e>>,- ThonIt wssDmavei agaîn delta tPe« ,Det.l'e, olfisingol 'in Ou 8 [saon(Ga 117 Everest, seltctu.aia it a eore t107 slothe Paberuiby utf hu chîlai.tile . . .2.2 .' Prlueess Theetre tue a regttiar mon tains t tu duolla Wtof6 méîttuttuu tit tetth c ojut ,Cu nt (G i 1:1. toies. lovsiblthe front TugeHill st 1ag er nbsea brtect 5 nihnhe unn mrauu I tsantrt tllrasert t tual bt11.1- Saut trrae- u prIul lrJeelluc He Pao hellecivet o fue airnce as ta paterult', sud sel de- ^ figroa th an artlatic and a commercial -erl t u otîtage t> ute-r lu,Pen atrengtb . and runfeundrd thePes,tep.hand termine sehether the man Bordin ttNegraousa naIsac iÀlaa laQyha a uSe e PIu.r i ctl'r cp-. fai- u lgt'hat Jeansa sn t eOatly tite Col.Hoseard ituury Jtchier cf tPe the fathler la ln taut the fatluee tor ae oibher maite ur break, naslât 1'ecîttut 1,-t rhel,sIo utnl y Otet' o.nutof d, 1but Ileir îlenuluh. 9ils eopedtieu. autul Harold Raeburnte x-u The tailler selîl ibru be uOrediro t , ceil aiil tutponart :? C lartie puu.rtutaguu! t r - sltu.îtpou, uduhî elliar" trtla gîvehato nesgro, i ppuinty J ~ ~ I s>,o tit u late aP'etatIfhil ut-tee-1aa b>'citation ftetttploege. ad auttuer cf Mttataitu pat'the provincial Offcer the reau-eti fA to -e- cf lIru lnte tr e a ste hn'u t"0 Tet anttaapurels absealadhe accrrulIuh tutbrs efahà -itIittA1t1ru f hceshw edes terBiih ebr o beexpenassfor thteumainteutnuceportr,,t5osenai a3ll1 I.pvc'a dut4)rentsansd $1.&M. Ativetlit g fihal:the lite, OuaIS and resacre tPe eupeditio art- Or. A. M.lelasu. andi rare, mediaila orcilluersi e, etf AAnOIBeluvite tuetudu Ib prpeatt luiPe et 78 renta u tI, :tu,-r ien ef jesus eaac'tly povallulcd tîtu.t O. L. Mllet-y, G. H, uuuirb A. F. tPee mat herduring the Atbree mautha hutwlie ýCaian ad dubhi- Ml_. l W o l l a s t o n sn d . a j r M o s ue a c T h e fro rei n i b e tlr t 1ttudiAt5 irmcetI piere n-idc. i rtert, alut (Prt diudsuad rmet gala trainallrth rhAa lstreallug atur>' ettheu is Plu-nd 10oi -. tatnasbeu lti rceunts"sote t h l.-tPeh e o ne autheti cotl d eo'; t Alpine Cluitof Cngltod seilihave aîute itas tPe Juaige nity de- lue Singera la the t utuer cf tory ut the cummonelsa its recently11 tupu-altyd a I1eaeiut ie.I0aaualaue atfrn ttr diretion cf 1her teauitàinclitu:bit:g, clie; RaBout of! ouney seruhit'for the 1034au her tangu roaaihsP t. .A.To ou I A, tre-cuatItI cf the ,t ,.t, twh. t u usitle tPe Royau GrogcaPliueuu sic maintenance OuthtPe chîlaiout Iil lla dc lvqa lte ten- (totadise tikJ t-,,,,id 1lue a ai rent setuessewaua Prout clety n-luI aupervise the sitriieur 16 yeurs ot aie; or alumop autoluab ln tr elig ialeu fo u! ri-itdubequrette lu 1912 ogre Iilpan- the RoyalIntuaitution. "Here la a'1 t-rc a 1 51 spt l at ae- Otttps. euld nst ho galusalai. seov li thèrr sa, tPe tihtubhea lieu ut seekhi>'payasenla; ae0fus- lactaeautou ialrus ht' ut tde- rl-teuig prbes frto - I4ýW:~tut-'i uit-OI aIut, 4Iu rutlt IL. Saat Ecaps Fmam lish e ea are ta cet the scientsetheee F reml euas o a ilm lter or clild. lal in ardsehecue tatouas au lu.' Amer- Which - pterveafo hi I., <i tilu, the salirr ote 'at taist lvN.2325).tunatelY. mttof tth oenruah or the rannertlon setbtheo htrbe tg. Ta a s Cir@ it pis. uln the re ra fromthe o irn _ g,v iciau,,%V il d t-uit . :ir. ttit-putulu - lie LOIedthe Sevîptureo oIth narb actauesaliag puety asec Pth ulen- ta case ut the death ut the tattur Giu l agne Thate tuairte gréutv managemtbp a r teoaiepth te eea u fl -'. he"rea u -tutuek bot e ntee ît tt t ut, t thti Pd thu e n ews uldouac unsteuru ttrer andi enrobera.hetore Chu chilai la 16 ruarn ua t-eecolte lueliteetet h m e ueroeyIthe rne i- iIvth iIl-VI 'f tt:ueuu ail.iîurtt , iagiîttat l t alt heaumnttP ie auoi oeuuof theaatîitîa hi a sestatu la Pelai lahioe tethe araer negroeaeto evur peedtred, ildt't- bodyawtl idu tlh mrey wIlftahm I1ý11V li'diit 'VA Orpon, 1 ho halt And , et bh e acet PterseIvetuec evrueu.sel fetut nIhehicapolar Ifithe thatofrhl tout- Iathe'ratPeerlaumer- tîngtteguutetcfiut figudy seilie C toIt meum buse Il ftllthof - iè .ýiti. -ale cu ..L et-sIcotyauue Hîmaluenu eprerortt thSe tut said mîcai and aibs Icîlimaîre hîldiectanatd paut neasa n laNewu Yc il. 'fut the Shîne. anai evea Niagara FaIts." e1ofthte tetil utf Muat, ý. loa-c( ar huwth te> tttt0uut drstlulaau utIlu of auttudad ugafntou itir e o eîsîa. the ustato l o a'wlt ulîuat eP iygeu St litu ebuheelaum fo h na:ad t nia~~~~~~ ieit îu.î ttt Otusbt lulent tîmv ethlu t puitu kuuuuug flmnîtut itu Htalayaso ta Saeskrit ncd lturau-t blidrea have priai clalm ut ltil la iIiuse a ue uah.P lture.raTPe Norhets.uala11., 1Fut -ici ît ýe-nvIuruî I queLs-t-,1,tIr ie> s sIte reglitCues tf thelit eel uuy lac tsn shede. andi I lcty Hele., aiscretiounary. w l n onm oilbti h e patl titruit ilegai. Ihe -uuuI,îîus,, -autnd -gPIig I Pu- thv itîglut ake lîla. andOfacile utn- w a i tat. sehlcPea laont>' evthîn lhr"'pausfeu urulo aut deep enuugh for theas. ou ntoo.. Iov er:uuutouured b, tre iithet, . Il ,tir ti,,,hu i, îttuti lu lredsiplens étop the OBritia:sh tiCduttin bt h o c Irap o u a aauun-n dceto' sauts. o! bbc Aucrea, anaithere lu the tii eOa nd he ndensouil SThinie, seau, lobuli centunlobs- h0f seaa f lu-trigatieep riysaturasth ratatai artI-eeepwarrsanaeasdri the>'hy Frace oameavi e l sen - ttu thevs l lot :i îîîîlaahs heuCt o aty uoaI.rtrini, u Lite CANUCKS IN PEERAGEIdusLuuttte teîfaetn AiD Ia ..S r icuelîttaLis tr the uir sca ui t , tt II siVsta imsts v. -ceme oftirue utent drnpeestt'day ilgPt juduciouoalement loturd Py theOttaa.n. thIlear tapidi>' leftth arecint'. daiiingu0 '9). tn s fmen wn-Pc ttndBURKES DIRW'TORY STSOR.If.r GlnabuibeprolbyF«ted aýott mc ise.5rAdieuo;r tte Noew Fegluîud ThisIeucuuu.y ta J[Pusatmwanj hlagtuue ilttnalute BR0 RCDNE eihtlsabr ieeaetclPao tabudeicgrte i eîtorl '-r'tr.thdlc ane 1 ettlrmoit.a auru tut flt tng ettntsibtu otrm fisaudesen deptb ut sleeping baga, __._ -ballot asaune et the Ieading suuBridge Ctub ashreaiber pr rfr1A D lar W ilS e ý1 camethat Si Harry boIttes oaaii touai ieratain, to tmsecRa.Ta. Oneaisalng thaimoAmiff-eetntPeod7-euetrPrt, teehahit-andteuld nul ofctherutteliasr shey usutdtPe crarette Suelleoutevhe utuar. 'Sa tn cesrte k r iste> tf iant,, Jue. n-au ttre leader ovian tImptant sape- fctionos lunmsinon parceaue te-tO ou srea7aBiacofE Is EmplireAppelat hho liatsd ee the comal ofînherbx alî u m e!' ia etesa "ms dbet aI -s tse r quel e loer utill a.uî6 ttht,tttev IItelt uttet'utIedt. sereiug altteic vitallty for a Les, .Valuai. But lree t Altoýlai - ý orc apyoff (th e tll u.î,f i , l lub ,.il r- u aol wth the prospect ai a stmutugîr opsacd autParei hreak o! la tel umeBu l t ( Cn. Leaguetua1tende u e tbelueopeefett- tiront at the Pont Office roundaitPe fgrta i-la ii ~~l~~v'ugeuai uuut-tsu l îuu.u place Dtfdistinction ta the clutilao! dan-n fallus Neeeashly Creaheai Ilatigilt s ut- n etotr lt PretrIow- playees us curner ehea i wsa u bylng sanme h-mlutIl!r~ ght <t iii ilt y:'- titi lr20.00 feet raiedu ta 1015h laefr .asiletanai-rer> lua-tug gives tPe tmeut ateriit-rloas tampa." At bauena ta tenad 1le tai 4% .r atl u, '- edOwtthPcroytalario.,IFiitit'. tutnd the erlsn atîin. N selitetla P t pbyIeIlt ac0 rosifer tt ec tieefemauaeo as seteu et- u pta>' tPedseunPu, ota the PaI fte noIf rear li om its a ii.it i l'lua i, i'.tguii luy i-rp,tutat- Pitterlyi n. uttutu ros i, d t hueO b>his u trym .ad hscai"v a se haus - ert-dut D.S.O, aa i Wlfe lt lag Fronu et bt te bave meits renaît>'cean- te retreve ber pruparhy.'. I ieftta Ile>r ît'r "-te iO :ýle ifl - v: 1 ' ' t, Frace. de 'feuille't.i lue feulng fute bit 4..ct r on ten satie diastaue l. a u utti tire Oreat Wms-Na seaAre lrpebd teilute thue Ocutatir art ut tPe bosx utfcarehtes bore a tes, houri ieslf-taF. 1îteout i ear qhu an teht-îu ugu-l . uItscO b>' t diactples constat fresPe tutu g et the uirt-ire maid'fumhesesjon the Rail. New Y tage la tPe peecedlug ais. Diai >os fidthose?" she mekesi.'leso h e uit oknI h u ltdclr h Iu ueu. is 't I .'Ille u Iselvo o . An tPe vtiat peu-. "Yea," repleti the cofcia. Il't ourntnutieeib adeiBabr i.rn'",I, (.Li ëivr iJruae vro igtr ieio h set Va1]II1 tý,,Iýrw5 , ,t1atamul, utta-uu1 tt Iltut lv.S 2ti nololeerubclyvrraceaIedremaderplinufilettoîng litelerateaudeutavtheaurpet rrL facinetaFrench guvea osee ttl.,.-u tuari a tI trol hlt-unifeliy aboetSauf'@ crle lunultftell. ut suythleg ashe e2Û.-E e>fuiaulucu-eet eaepanrtu ipn tem niig r te othe cria eOi ttt nIl' ut1' hîAt Ilutl), bhey' sant ime, baril an ptaey 'ut ire uer-lut. Tiilet ot la it et ltsa t- 000 fret talseud tue l itiset, ai feerea iautCanadiea ds o ael I d bu am ug the flrte n t ofa, et Puthree tadies n-ho raiteulfor Il u ite aeauîeeu lbin, tl. t 1, r a ' Oeîu-icln.uueutIludetpuudî. tt etts Ara'lendlorrapîgatMoatEveetaaof tacb payk- the nmcerut people se and uit naaPiutud ile nse. Iluet." uî I.yi e r,_ _ W -1e rua bis eolee bu might net hte. - _,ual rt b %aud tututture uuutuîtttuuulututtututtuîo a-trilcbinaiRuas'py. "Prtofthe the spnud selS lose eetOea feeItou 10 al ssinna l aYse . It Ma>' tber- utarma etprotent. 1- . .te soin l rlu t 2u0 A i, th. , i v. eulustfteigdeîg ' , , , dit et pe leur. TsItentintagiulua !uie stuttglti. i It--t if ctt u,, dligluetr.5..> TheCosifo ttrr, e c e uer bu non- soute Saiera ta Peut LuadIng actera. aeîreooeu, anaitsîd e5 tm rat ha ' t.tuu~f~ >an . ,ýIftsIIir,,,ý Irit 1.rd . I .. i i, oudofr,,ý,*I i lunthlie guod opinion a! bis tmarrp oo e clownetrle tif. atîeuitt lthim the Damsen otseverai h rd PlayseuigPts a taul latifGilpint o ha avs o 90i onre ý Alippci il, "'m, e 'I' 113 Iý.- lil , ""O,«Ulll tut aahuBut tllay n-autelO nulasattend, wseblnut abavedturnishve eair complemeple re lie ei., lttûuîe let" Pu !l natl' Andai te sn-l>'CouOnad iI Pr Candians appearit»lnor are affocter! Pt'ad as utlueuquai certail lert eîbul tara, lnctadiug tPeereot baeves. l b run.biluîuI, k.I u ,ig iu- i btte, l e regarded ovtt usanpcsn -wacbug. tshitung a greatctieteyeat that tImmeuse volumo bnosen a hs ca a tcteaunrnat el h SuPr *m aPe il, reeît Il J i, 7lit tue mI, ît iJ.I tî,,eu It'lc tut t u ie tec 0 bltle trust- Iban eer ppe efre Ilit a utunîtaii i: sai foordstatrtu i. At r ot ha ainuthea guta ltra Oo quarter', ýý . . II _'Il m t--du. itut-tlie,au tut, lelt- grt.ttltuu uhettuabypociccte. llmbitugvsîoriouuailuttue giay of Bres erage, Baranotage adi rnlewsivtd tfrth none a312000qatrT e S c e s e A vt, ut sdoeýcd ilvitu: tiliti, tt ttt - i, 9 -lco lu Su i He achievueîî tCanauda wlsheîî t0 nîtg. ni1rîmna cve s aureluctant tuaeut ba fli>'rm edsit.3 ,70oot î9 , ', . he ,'ouIttut ilt, r cutît. ttc-t t tutI lu.* 21- îevas .a.toua Oed wn-î__ emousea i ntop the roy'al artoe la lue seet tndi t s iom -,ad aravrage ut 333,,70000-for G tt eb s - tC us île Canada upsautai -,lha,itu.6Ili, l--1 11î, i - s n te aire a eat'npue mut thanaiou Get the oThot-it CO no tui.re. ,'aluir tf atîtutîsIue tes, Icteu 1tu 1 i l .;IîfI. eto 11:24)1; taere- golai, the iatmst elition o! Bure' hes s ebv a ppesred aue n-un tires aun ' aia tud e at .O 4. tîîp n- ith u heIPu- tupe l u .qt',,, ort,'- t II s.. i t e hu rca o ftt P j P t eveu asesiini publication chronicités ovtean, the greateut, peePapu, , po ng uaupd setîu2,o s 35-oo _ 3,!;.et l lt ut172Va Iru tl tutu ,,,I,à i at a eoiut: leeetu tto l dInceibis' lileraIl>' acores ut thosanda ut artoa exteudeai ta an ute ata Lague ,le19198. anda i e eaera average ef 1-i ut'aiulet t tuuiIîit.l ut "t uf cueatauoud l bndînser. He ln-e as tttah uthe hPsaa Il32.î8figTP gures foir th lu ?itpe u . tt uue iut turIiluiuuutt.itbIutd> "et.tcaIl name-of th.. outs daead table, scateai hutseeeu t-o rharseiug tieIlKt0g09mTre ntgvn t.1Il,-rct-iîate 8,184)oît.' t-uit'.1p1- Os ,fia liiutPiu bi a eesB hs andithoîr lIlni descendante, direct ladles ose utfn-hasebohuai ase bren ________are __netroubeSOln anai cuenllateadral. , ", ,i,,- ies(vn28)ihay 3.000 nd utlerîed aseune tbe tell. and nsber&djshalef 1: ping tPe Palaue bc.tî, - Tu'srn'uuaeu lusely serîten paiguesthe pedlirees sOui atterseard, be huditbe timie ot ýldneaout. aîanee)s 1 vTthenad ui luv w,, mtuee ln PetrrhI im on i f Britishs itieti famillers are trareabiltenbAsrc tone- unPuoger (Ilsa_* - virs dspiayed aun the jutwa in.ttjtu iureîr alurbis abjet I laota 10 NOTHER of tPe ner-olai bauk ta Norman anti Sazon tures ana .i t Te Amsyeriratesosen .. ,onaier ! ta abai Iltne ra- A i u iutuîyagl -ct-i lY F-ranceefor Casundealutbut deualvut uüt-asersner irGlal. 1:ils). sadt tutpveal-th e waiservimes of Canadians anaith utreamd Pau ithe> a runnIernea d eatt ft o girlteme?" d AsctIule the rusrnqut Yuaty ome .-to7-l.Att Indien heutad n rs-.nou ic i ttgole uIlhhrm t5 du>s. A vc td uuauî" 0 oaOtharosebu base tbhuein inciadeai]rcuiselust recugiîeai la&a:-'.ipu Colr-cnraî> t uIb Mtlyn-cupsbcautcaca- Itthiueucoins, woaat faaont Jlueuun Pv 4, a iPu ltitsgnliA tPe rrelaiteile unait l d n inthetrottoir roui are cîteai briel>'. ontiautudu'la a resubaposaemIr t: tek hou luastia a!tt-eIl ti',tu.t1utr-I nisit 1lahaihe for Ibm preb nstriag hec; elle la m>' nIfst." um nani -uta ud oeia - îrtiIIte"ogf Lattim XV.Th, lIt-pt tlttte I lu inauusututtteri âwna>' n-iS S>' the ture st Duo u hnsethat ever>' Canadala ien ta t boec aa aor, Osecis re nîtrtUsebelhI rcanrejee_~ t, m tae tlbhe t-c'y fobrtoutaheu pîrbtection et chuldem ut u. menttosoai ln tbe "peerago" sebether 1ataeate mnn oa.cloei -seuaasta up t t t teu Coimtpaity'ofiUppritullduhbit t.u Ile tuîtte ef the Latrd dean-o utarriedmd athers wobtheeOntari se hr ateb aate upbusantOcia 4entertainer, Bort Wiluiaina, lhuugh huenuxpasuaita m touse, or tluat arr But eVeit Our uttpirate opinionsm on I ri: Ili lu i seau acIer rhaugt îta hautsChist. GvrmntIseitetssio. h eel rl oiir h a Prast a d>' e l mt 0f etr ie e om oaitdalleAnt cautri oo h a"Ieso raj sm ncnf b-1 ri csaeti Trade flieeul fai kittulu.IV. sait Ssnt ta Tarasaue v, GeThotuti pu ttode ut ursolanocue> eata uottsa eas ePOurate lataine of tu e snmaie-aiare die at arber asr h eres far.Iduîeîtn Tbat Itueun iitbie cuen.privat, Ithreuob.lu eu ematis the Csepanlion0ofaume anodeat>' aid sa>'s ibat bedeairca ta erenlinu, sunoleuse, or carb:liaai at altn-tt hct. ftitl utyru -rte inusai > pivoe ttu ltb tI) aulît of theirn sou Ieat Pbitteri>' urder, bas a dntion nmber ln the lu b ohibt aneshmeit aaoulia1 Do. f>~a t a ul ih h n etho-of ecln ltuîîueauluutheun.ry iY f te InsI tA cunsUit'taltilde tu te une ai asgirutoti ti-m the bte etofshete sautai bisrmrcby ut Engtaa Oa nil epthe fpublI. sBe Pasn oher alosoiutoxa -gMbeaveto ua 4fnl alrms On Autcs Houaten Auo : lDue.0: ' unu e ig pht.pttà Ifuu ýI î lt- ieLI s tir cefeeuepd agliant Saut. blrth, Ibat tPe>' situd eet comu lau- vus knos tirait tDslfs ut anti th e tule e b>'bs nacttg. Wtm day 0e u & la05 u<t< ~ ' Y urejy igb uoiasnl-e ;dt liIi4"n beilbaligsîal.. liewele fte hn-oa lpies h sasa uh omo acuitis. il hyA altrodu nu ealayseî iii. Orrelsaendystg Caadien n-bu a aoresaiti, bas wnnhbiumbga-utt Thre ta e sectteas rd'tape'VIiI c. - t , ututadu ri i ttul t. u-u-ttIr aueeee Taesus. Ssut'u lite te lua tioptuti at randunt, tbat tPe tieab atmnof thed Seslce 0 onre: <. the pIi arlenai fiefnd bigs ulia pttu t3tHittuu uti l7elin-ese-t-muo-Uakat a onatIbt aasaibutnIe C m anonhinf t'a nola Glps -a hm muSIbm ndeV..- is i labeto. na pl- e0 ee ucnur c eutoOffii3 tI ) 'erthenIbcrIt auuuîouîietî îcu. eni auulesHelanctir luck taohepiaap"'Tlrhg mhei ud'm wnfhro asihoodVasen Yurmetin msoleAua « e..î:uu ut-s se. Bitish lu tuaýýI iut tf hiPi tî. Theutest autObesi ptac a hîgluas amengat ortulumu eri- ch- cam Oairiltre of t.Mihlu an :neas va.ois,"A olored msan A vacant hour- narers ses tats-aar oearanteed assnta>.atls t. -1nb en asdeeib>' respect- 'ni;hmOdr fts BîiadosatIhave as>' dames, bu in juot dumy- yO ouaatri eo int.ena anesbup athout lime or miiag 7 ',t.J -----lt-------- __ ______ able ieaeeatton atter îseeait 1 Uta Rae aI VctorIas Oraier; the RomantCa tho heubolSi.Threaeajsedo hth nuel af tramel ohmosutt,,re, on-seul iheOr-BaiaaCthll Shol her oe uiibe r vthe. a-~~ t-.--hieru -e-t .i;-titt(ST u n-oedtanaa unpet: . 5ivius a.5 i--- ns- tunalamentleals wtho CLIM', l âB " "d"iN ,bu part o! the inevihabl- ;.ulabmuit der et et. John, me., etc.. aa is uer ibenas agtbs eeu h Ofltaiuo- Go ý1tise osu r-Cma sso -t1 n-Ils l- n Iililf. t C IM I G MT VE E T orwo. uug ona e tal fthse acting art-oeu- w alcu-tbut 02,01W andl bbc ionsus la 1 . Il 7 1itt11-11ttti t1p(LYIIE n-btitilla IOaturRetîca If nom eni- band,. inaribeti n the eur o!ofthe a- ic uhlon antigesticulation blsg amuis tanetl>' etererd b>' ituîtntc hir tta.cf! ltý I lelteneti nrtin aproeeaiby clally lech opposite a number sbh teeH 50 ar u ramu atKmoss st tnse iera ua - i. - tuQ,i,I t.Il)tOtri,tî Nu, i î, l Otî1lqN'%§[I TANSOS PART IN IM.this nus mt fer tPe protection of taubsicall>" uveo.ber sca ruthels ials eaitarot, nti mahtiseNast n-eP M, oRae, t. ise umtn-N __ ' f , l I, lit 4thc1 utt :m?;t:ll î EXPEDî - « ', Illeglîlmate ciîtarme o iîruu ab icsto tte t ctliantgielmle- t tusul ahe seho at l n ani s t uih naea is aritao P ay a n Al anal ILa t. --"e..chiîtaren are humirln Toronto est whu n-ofmeta ion-ar anesor tteoulil attendi a theatrîcal Perfuese -__________ - - -- iadut Begarule. ielrleiaaaas 5y t'useTPe figuresfor thte Province me»onnedet ahail l hsmdexmc.anlnn ni hssoida-Ts tus tLn-b sspasa bv Mib-id as Stargi Farsegr, e. 1 naqraLeke aise of Ontario are ounseon, Pst seusitiDomosasy 1Bpok? eiaa mtuTsnetinebh He ofzis mas-nage ed thret-u'J Guou, untusalst Clisîthems dosublions he tinIe that number. Betors the nar ltaslait w-o n »payUlaguau amaurner ata e bm -iiieale lu titan-,dcas 1 R-ý-lriiéI __ GarrI~~ss-ae But et s Whathbappene lu these chltires? amaen distincton ho hav n-m omDafme hhumeOuanamatursntae. e 1P samaswdw.J4 -H USO >0t1 - t. P c i uIl7L .lile se .J Hopte t lut FetPek In Irout the starî t'- r.usahlàal--di ----s-- l ie"e ri.'btanst h ad bcau.sta job--f-6-. --------s DaeagCmn eq tcuae h> aentsru.e ug diino sme amb.t.8 ,B ersa o brebiaanbachsu h maig h soMi tn ~l -J C Nb tut: t . t - lu tj~ J bWLAsu vl Pffp taIL -I il 'i. Lu Mu 54.11 roi. ~N, 1) b :GAI.' KEY à PERRIE IIJTCHINSON l'usssr. ttals s lase. f0W !'zse WO