IPar Ladies" PN85 SmokerB' *~ iI3iIP N\ý have thé aUS$ 13SU i « 1 I Strap Furaéa ho ular brandis o& Il 8ba'lng lotion, .1r popular brantis5 GilIewLs Saty Razors, fian B& me T'it.I-Iin pa esmand j antiAuto Strop Bazore, bui mter i 1lb ces. ,Hollow Grounti Razoîs, t, mera Ail bO Smokig &nd (lhemaig Tobecco, Iiswr Stope i ae le, tr iyee anti d ho 8Itin lU5NtRatier B=a or a a 1 -: . Coin Purse. W pipe of &al kW&deofarazots. JN. .MACKENZE PHONE 40 il F Uic. To olean.out onr t4 o f »ioyole we are offering- lek si roie n4a ~*~7ff~ iOefltW l'~l i O.5$an la. Il 9w ihsmnir~bPgisn fl~ -a, o "~ j 1 ycIes rthîs csoun j49.50 49.50 57.50 ~gnarantood. ~ist Sji csfo r 11m10 01i bou .aD U~.ai Na.Amnu. aa.of Windsor,.l a&a%âq1 îpl liE FOR POT VEATUEI N1. !O1M 1 ý'c1q " g=' tew d.vil reî.. -f f3» . mJ :p j i.j...~dwa1~ douebis=ah "whns!ey-. 3. tir 1; -Cly ommunion tiimsayfuruiash 1 " aiti« t 1. e Md "on 8kEt la -suraa l AevBails NutonRYsere. Mlce ,SANDERSON' , l>500i5 ~Our Reevé. and Mise Bla nam es-O ~ A ti .e..i Gari *' botthe c op rtn Ilke Milton, vUS have il. b~~I es~~ viilot lsho savy ln Ontario. cri o dy nAu«. Brd, on accounit . prie f eraiws wiosd h voC: U5l- oy1yabfeaof Lb. llremeosaetabteLo cet. te o Usnt arlrg~oadlielsenaam.optr y.odaT. C. Dates left Lov lt01Undorucear, la h amte egnvaas ai.n"e than Wr ly Allert aito-dytalaemoto tip ta Bae UtnDur3. P ton and other Lake Simoe pointe i tio n U d eRar O pe a nd ad i Dl..O o .î e a d s y bons d ryi The o v coun lim et Tu sday n lg bt . ils ahTies, Torcuoa I&MDr the tbevenîng worla. Main St., fornierly occupýrd by Jonlifaan*mIli"uia I-sans:tcBa e d i"the Podn s Mrrc . andaMarsgJohn 8uuag tâtél ().1d Pantsd Elc. te the t hrae Mr onjroaL. of ZaLM. Kilpatrick. Apply tu M. .Nixon. ' undair thes aoeie o b adie'uid. .andMm. J.M. Carephîl, LKTOODIST Cune'-IbeSar 1."U Iv BÂiuuo PoL-lb.Beviv ys b oi hre .vilb ber children, have ment of the Lord', Supper vi h ii s-d.uuul làu SToue y; a susLa of the Um" e = ahe e t i ngsevie ilai Ueir W=wnnov bhsone of th.e uest Campbell.ot eenn eviootD R . E W S01Iog ocalevaiuatd oda és.ait r In p o s. lu a b e n i.i 5 lu ~ _ _t L e t M o n d a y th e C o t-SC IL T O B E P A ID .- A C t Do pa e p o d c d a n e h 5 i . B ~ IU ~ o~ b ei~t~> o v Ilh Pay of Mlton brckrmakers van redite-l a.voted alarien ta ite icombe" Sand Clothing Store theI llaga bcocllpet80. oA boutrd by 5c. an hour. It ha 9c. nov. The*p e rta tu Rrvandtt,'p hr ooaepoue idrtt ï[uLto7 at.sar O 9t@pool mecdonotobjet-t, a.there ie a.murh 80 'p io h eeen:16t n0*l. and about th en m e r fInmlylet each conecilar. ms oenad sntr odtos b %S! tro a la en mbr f i in oiooen. E. Howep, of Montreal, visitod ' ?~s btthnlabth is . a Jh Mbisesslaaoe oparents, Mr. and Mnm. G. S.Boive. alodtooelnuagte lP"O. a n be-motemetnsfth modddeofoeteweed M.oeha eau neantarTheoondiols toalLnugcona or wiii lae haard Canada ln Ontario, whlcb Openoedl yes-,casinto bis beit for some tinte. ' that sciencecnivxt h aetl oarr bPao. t ira ntladies terday at Ottawa. He reprenente SI.t~ are of the begt-porfectly ehapod, per- ih Lmptiemen, girl@ and boy.. Every,'fuir Lodge.No. 13a. Atctio Sae of hoo.hold fornitoce. e Dpinsed vlt ia> rTÀK-r.edtiBbthe prcperty of Mark Kmctre t fely ins ddît icaperu y le i e'lu-o , Mondy P i nio THnhyls tiakthers.ogii teley, an Saturday, ici y3. Sale d'pyinap rlllý Roifeyappscr bearePolce agi. macny, tri o tha totheir egce. Itia e'cîrat. J. M. Aiderson, Aoce- tnesort h',ic. n b'0 irat it nZ kn cses Idntner o I. but trong ini service. W.hatl re vith usinvval na in a 8outhn inCiarksoc, on bis return (rouit aversai.l KNox Cuic-Short servi cen ais this lineof o! ayto our sfur. Te iman aod teL yb oaan Fut s cBaîAn.-The boys ofthe Talon S oay e. Morc in g a b ject . J galfuneti . unr btbr@hpaebrgd av enPqipdw Ta Diie f va ie.s . Mven y inblel 'onstomersasithe bset Value that money tj ltSaturday. vhsn Mafley vas boy. uatty 0no niformi. tiark ry ihproete bot Sev ees eC m loe'stcat s. ~rX hi hother votir (attie these &wniitneor Ucpoeuin ot nith îg tMt'ation on the iiy-av asita et LAlwanted colora, ail izes, from baby's ib tvno "that Rol = tminlac Zdlait. G othe grcit piciit man' eetn adnn ati enos SZS in the sabboteop AsAbevas goinggrve. oloidy, ano Laerlio.in' . Publie Ire'or prvlfis togan O Ot s' ogzaor ï 'a Dru' mytOR. %V.E. Bilti yanti jui e orDTi u .Dr.n Snack ha. enbl ~ . , ,... ls e ' o cii el. s ou aai'. asecb al, srsantida n g. 01'.. . "" b rnmheid fti h a.aed lhinonthtii. .pt.BThe . Su apl e lm50r. ofmddacig. e nrgo v bu t i il e ta Kit- underize, cotton, lîsle or silk jersey tops or plain, and priced fromtt bey va. i cied s i and n, Sop on Soce er o bo t a dvnilIu da Thetalrat fo Oavile chene2Ir 1tal PrmPirrnav o acdX et Osre oiioidét42.7 mille. 5atT uper tywat and Inlhy ho permanettttva.e. r ville. ebrtlrtelt.manageraIof ' ataille kc HOtatolN. nyt emaettee Er Pair 35c. tE SOW INOW$.5 tue tieorFetovO and Glsnwiiiiaa n - t i. The reacon given far the in- H N .C R R Ii E H W WNO Orative Soiet v as committed for fine hall anti waterworkstn iofshoal ssk ic o Ultho m a tPic arsi '~ trial by poice MnagistrasteShields. Ho a binggeon ~wtb. AGMlI.LTONcl5si ";éh Sio Changei vth making a tale. ftrac- arelielocONe- ci elistatonirlt on vhieh hé loduceit APPKoe ucnetnt.Jtdge Juntin Gciheromise hDabultfl PHONE SMIL iONP ~~I1T'~~~I.V s~tbaeboders to rad»iae 201on à note. arantoil réducttionsoan iottien oulotfrmc aleabotti D H N F ly S pHein soit on 85»I)il tu no btrienihy a nigliîeeo cppeial. agant the fiiding trp in tho Nagara pecineffla ;bt. jury st tex tSemionorbefore that by of the Bramnpton Court of Revincs .aninaoiprion. et 4 4 tb udeifh m.sce o nAisAl tthe ppeais were agint asan border temitO loc al unesne over on Lb. Globe, vhirh hatrepart. nent. cansitered ttoihgli. ntatrpt o poa agtt ln~ nyul oi tha h. b na m areot lnoteati . thi fnvorite fruit. il fo o i w oi.ummuind, sevas"hs"tat"H 1 ot I AL'TAUQAu.-Tibe gtran2toen of the Globed, aubiaiit an aactie oy.the Milton tbamttauqt1oi elt a vint NoxtOUS WEitDS.-Tbe town ou0- th lb uPblh a the Pon0 r meeingltest Motlav evoinig. cil ha. takeontion in the tmtter of' o inbog li n»no al be i Ilth-ettthrlvaa teverd er.ps in MillO o w a vucb lit. in . ' 1 gai. tins a~.i ai ~ tav. Sec notice la ntioi. «, dTRE se. ona.AT" ~ ~ î~i acelir5e w diin1i i n a ipthen ac a t e goao !oaot sittmtncb te Champion bat tirroteit atti on IfS A I IU D A Y rbin v . îliN ea a ti) UlkioLuati,,,p g..auheva.reio nmallec thon thatftet arn, mur thae once. The words muett ho, sallaâ âi. for iie 91", ~ ~ idaton the arvai ot bis bondamen. Jr. alait i . 'ai(oco l-entene ~C rrSau 'lTm P.ýnl;nl$b I iu audyngtorproswr ak Wednentny mttntîng ai, a noior trip t 011' ~ -tslTiilrn taPetteoon. cv Jcocy, ait- A lItoott RroULATIOi.-In a ame W* ba"cGi ' n'ia t a.aoc oe Wvst trdaus îghtmot pan i grhped L a lrtt~~i day. thuden torni as&terrifie tathe ooîy aottvel î ie ra icn toatsanec roqiredtota eep, mou ni50eonaa.Toevoastd .vr ota enhted i Th niJ I ~andn te Nv Vnt.Thelnp i on e abut otbhata n te smenng bee.W. J. eI£J. Pi.n cina. nuppliet by MastorClaude W&ds Pesla Boy Vii-s'a pa La. lio oorot îlo.W&@&leStr. Keepingaunsein aroont a girls@ vaict byl etii avoo-snwU oedybk sn lo h vm.mareraiera SENEmSlesut tho vnt inSmaa.n1circli..Thon vWho board htm nt ~ir tnear OCapb@Ualleia ta - in ccîtten. A man vws finet et Hart' u h ol nmsc X. bl 0tb girinCONDENE AUVERTISEEaan"Stra putting it on, ~~doue dovnopolr. v"liibgaih int. Tva reprevntativea o! theo lrburt fort. Cone., tor deiin it v 1 LnIIOLUed1 lan ht i wfl owihu lo'p tigTua n turmaem.Od tO molet-GO. o C., o! Preton, voro bore o h is.lep. H ___________db rs f aib. or, JC 100 a. ouls haras vone bourot by lisgta ia! o epotti ha noorabyenaodYM nig lt bsr atelS na.t a y o iiry bavte n hig fataey, LAIEAto0 ND ENLEMENo iLatien. Meet me t Borebea's. bing yottr triendean jy o -f iaaa vu about $M.00 i% 5201)irl help. Tbcy tOntemplate opening be permittet aftee me maG ife' o r lEtaey â; nt n'" oHn rac o unr.bonne v.9 abrandi fattory nsohe re. non. vatlt Ycui-ae aomni p i M ari&HtclNo.82or slen. MAPo tsfelon gPmE r a ort t29 & lb hm wuyoa Couit lice vitb ber bot threc days Bpasble Rad te.-Mltonar L EMENTS' IH ARDWVARE vceck ed"Th nrim's te Wile divnthrongh BrantPt.)ia weekP SeContance Tamgou~~ a~~ ic va h& ' y red a the îgi tntlg.ton Miltont l wi,, t;,,&l n oml l r amt ceLa, Jl 2danti rd.Stove Waod (aIL hedvoot) ie anY lb ... . *. .................... peii 9t W lroLamy, dd. Miiithet.ivent.ngtw WIEK ENDmieO;O&ATEtrucki.gldeuil cl nti i p. 1-P iRobent- dion by Robert 0.tuien, Mr. Cailow l& aetpene t p aae ilS.-s-tn lie t ag l tO r e a CborcbSunday SechOI. iith centit forENDe t alao tonkin70.one 5a non A. E MCCUTCIIEON &,mont tva cokntiLtudatbis htuggy naooat ontie eeie atavellintog in utor Ailkind Of iOtortrunkinfidons-e.toelo urwe n hclt-aln te u employé*MW glciked, but thry tiicsenviceraa! a tiotor. Hin injutnien BrantT q new abu2& P1ylugOrW k odC c- BmeliensAh nameiensie.get niFu niitu a un ifonif.Get the bh# i fbuigo W 3dCc- PaMIR lc avsk ortoSmthaaaaoaout R yvee llgdvith Brtaaaplc B.Durno. Milt. P on. 111lXI nd Nt AC CONTRACTORCi Piiniaanirg. Grtnteadining. Pk fr npéoSmihaf Trono Cnseval .re tr Lntetet.toMreontaoigso nom..McdeEIight IedC Efi na nd Dscconatiiag Of auil ieds. ketu % wn aDt p! fMsc onutdteLcl ete - e Ftssnpe fWaiPre 0sistc 2i ig. TeAInBin ' nmota n i it. Tbe fiI e infenlor ta nae f tiiemore dia- ta tut, in got droua n odns.-.r-31EI S N B C E âprufr-nGtivnt a. u y t The Ariy Byd tri o .0ext io in art he ron uite o! M ma. Daleson tant plce. Cordy. R. B. 2 Hornby, phoneel--Si vent I ý 3d W lh o t ito ee tak at te çpc Eea tr. bonara. 011111 CARD or TuANoac.-Ornee Char oh 1 RHUBnT WA.nBUn'OT Ca biet ' ro m rt Neso' Ic Cea ,a.sn l ne cl i .1t- tiOU Tnm M t r. M ainSt.W . t piene. Ti. aaaer No.il) aandothe . KaeneL&yEqicemn nd 100% pute. ee rcpia p tototbusiness. Mner. Pnîo Iliîit Walker. 1dm nococi Sunday Saitool i ei. T e m rrN .1 ade al u 9 LÀL ý1 i,:Yl I&ILOUITermeModerate. Main 8tWest eCotrîncplaitbPottuatOf MaryonJoysbel.snectarryoJoco- ranti oteaciceandtenderrn m teder akas naity cf repfaiepianggcil Intrato ry.Mîrtt-l Farnanti thei tholartincerr thankito tioe mmbemn fannitore o aikiQ8. 3-Va ----Andersnit ivital). of the churahes in Milton wbao o vill- Dr Mina Hovitt. Cirapreotor. T. H O R H & N cna.in vhicii Dr.- on arnct N"nEonPet-Tîia id n e grlent thein metor ampoi ofani !Hamilton, i. ii otaet ma.ies tC OF tenntrtpotprttti Mal ad âl. inleStreet, Mlton-ery BtM T N GLo MT N 4 TO vint tue BaptnConertator tait a.g pW t o ar ssu en a nyyfm4.0t labo t aur iant n rrp t hein f t ri arge wre coovryrt thLe pl-aae T rty at hrdy fotRA P O E R NT W sl.O C O anget unir bandi attngooo agraandsat Broutte. s.i5 outil fiirthon notice, i Orageth eation et ay vgeolt tu a BitaWL uEi.-hrvl roof tbrir îîov bant, wbo aro e' b. a nammotb PiirnMC n9 Ptusaits nesu erFdy P , t i thir ewaniforet'-an oii Oustio. on Actonao ivioiiolitay. and Salnrday, Jnly 2ad and 23rd, vhple layet n fine eragrat itto Aigutast. Han. E. C. Druny. anti contance Talemadgt la a 1111101119 an i yit L vp l Mesrs. R. w. E. Bunnby and Jules roliCki ararcs. Elperisesatai Mar- -~~~~~~~ C~~ndp iv un Houan.- Mlo cntan di,.l vil take part in tneh o fcognn t.,, Ys ud isIi -,, OIDY-iiýn nulThere vili ta baetâland rgais. ynSolntMS S B Civ e hoiîay vili l rta' ny. Aoc tGalagier v. Jainie Dcli n pil[t'aSy e s ba ouaal e ara, the date of the pravincial VOILttn- ociiestra and dancing. Sîîpper nene' , eu breakfast. t sa nla fe teFîmenmt at Wstoc. Mtl- 'ed Entrenre ynhppasi. al 0R0M Boys la ton brigadeovil iitPete sueusuj tnt AerD uga-The loltwing Hilton ~asv liesne OfcouasIOSa Fire aud lt an itocian ivilI go nitb cndidates bnh av e oedtei c aer S&booi Fled" Lb. b. Sna biae-aeMaEaiain irace inoathe Nonr-______Cool________ th rga ahra vili malsi bcool :iH. G. Cartwright, MftinnioE aE h uim oLta bo u M L e g ~ L t~ s a n ti N e ilc o n '. O L D D Cu ~ rg a re e E x n at io u f re t y A Hrr .L : r ;I a e d A . b-HUE S H O T EA C ii olono y cte v teten n. Th . Chishola. F. j. Clementa. E. _______ K S I i îllC nE Mu c o d o t Ery E W 1 an pr .. R . G abr ith,. t ti v . Gor nnt. S. 0 . N T C .& O & s m e n . W o u Bouee bensmcf ed aitlOFto t e r b ay s c a n 28 M.eyLo.oHanrdty.nt.at i ti alWtt aN an oanan~ h cpy of teMlo ;Iwgatn idaI 0 Ur the xi Outing Shot. W Ce11101V9them tis eVery \Lurp ic Kodk Junor, 1 h. pre opbged. T in C . bee =oOleiitt iicCofte poil by tic E: Ceozier ha. pa.s ent a nce i s te lnle naaoceuPlct. theos apai emer ofbatam l le . $25011 chocolaaée r o u jroliue tb.L, 181,tIio MoeI Scaools. Irut dowu or dstroy Sahiltic Canda 1 c-oîl t I . H~tkarotot- madyers Poe, connectetvi lsol 'i UDINra no Ma OTonuIT-- nm 7 $t25c tt 00t . iC ~ t i. re ta . . g~îo y atieltt h ow leg db e C b C iet Coit teC Lp mta n ayn tiers ve t and bordock geovins ticroan V ni l a e uéti o n s -t mc t i O n nnaarmo d e ro n T o e a d - - - t Ill w Z rep lo ta y f ct ry , m ad f ?ln the ofc n. t t eC a sart e aout John maith a rs . h rOu tsa te t hL e ripaning Of ttt1111Oreetvertet lochïoa tram ai yereTheaon ver . la heorn es liw tona e sdili a oLau it a t r e veti. Ao ner ar occupant cI~ ~ lBi V beet meteriai oltainebie. ooa in t ,-a m er velt o tre oe n otr r o n t de l the r noxinAU s ed rv lot r e vr TenU na wee. jo i ihtao etad it. Hr l igth ent lnivo otaee@ any ote Doena, Crovo Attorney. tiatlise ha. been î enient no fan, but paovisloan of thin Act @hall tucur a lE ealt Sats uxn ierTonos OT enwan~a.tSunodaafter' viliiproarcols ail ofieoding motasenaalty ot not les.thon fiveedouea n eogeHrdenc. ii ttos.Thn spagitively bis lutnoisr more tban tventy dollars for eveey tt(~O~OgO ,.~.i . f alcoo l io.aot 12,o a tb s Gnii eeragepobiic vootih- B Gedr of oancl. E A I ttltct vtti R xlS aznrsaprilaC mp tailpodhfoeletaitie n n knov IfU a al vii e tored tise ama _________of_______________________ - at titat altîtsaî bigigv Tnialuiam GvToms, il n. t hva Cos onnTb Eroe ora t 0ott FruitHalte, omp. y np o H pnpltZ PhStos att elleyforabt 1 et otis e g ore wr ilinathei; netrar ut i se TEE A N2t A T lc , s f a' o tn im O. t no a i s s infect iton sin cat eatoby --------- Real SrsprilaëOpipnohe c mite he rés idenc okaityha is a rect a aii c Ci 2 A>1£ i:11rOt r mmr 'fi aa .ou, ar a 9t P man ger , 50to have COyNapou .tt e E ppnoraias. h il'- Digestiveayomea die dothe sage bbibil i vrnyailtreornfuta Pey THEer tisa -p t, Malq ena CiSatoh. R zaiCpeh ndIo oph itesobeeo pna fra wh iet le y Toa 90n a iteS ch. omisindie etio'tirsa t ee Onai brother SuofddPm -L tutGeoIn an k e uto potie aere novaTe i iadM.Bga dm if,çIa tie riL.pealt taFanlitacaSalaiscuieonIURaY raJftV 3aSLES AND SER IC Rexall BloodaipuriaiernCvere eei Om. aob'cby of enina ret atterCsit tta hevy P RT batthe swtD cnte l ae Ovns Dominiartthn te net _______________C ars SaloRe al C ley ndIr n onebthe ffm. thrv nol te liey iron s inaiiie lDgtse ast ai t a ery ar dta T er Of S E t. .trla eP Chi alo am alo, on«Lcati LhtaePant -Qa Oati'aiJUDptmeIIT c=&qvL,-GItureanKt dit" . HEPBUR Pierce's Glden MediraieiGoot Si ru 1.oot ousta Mr Ap t Langba aucin P S om ba ne iT u o , t h et. - tin r.s udd nl rgO " t ut Laisasev trie tc 0 wb m ng B mMo d yS A L ESttaN DooS E RVtI CiE sigis a lsercom ll*Tvr.bou t ' ted m tan o ea ao!sIal' Bse. U els. Tris ant iasy Sece2 3 _________________________ Everyhing or thAnym Vitolrviipa ahnPodmhllie yoni ros rier. Li ouIthedMeatr tlVam rdtise ,)vdO.OtieP % I 'jo&HcIdeao esu ed IoP vadst hr ge aI ti. ralvay'ua coei l- i nat. Sia on ra, Fae Pan itioe re W g e avse sa eya em lvonhan ve a big soppIY .tMre. Tb.YPe areidd lt eyRut, e. osthee .PB. Jde ltiv s»-ad Miames forquyt a l.cîo i ,ilTliet Soap. otRecorstbeco sa tem. .rO araniea to a t er. f5 ic O .ILandbui oeepr i usr nt he anom o0. DAVom st I Da . * ver. ea lst5d and for th v 51ev. HVTb Guelph Jubstrsen .b( . ho 1nALp ON HERS TIVE TOWN LTON l' 1 Aamimon zuç- m - 110 0