Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jul 1921, p. 4

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[ f ~'l4 j t, OWES E1( [IFE 1 ici O -r ~r w1W -aiib tant&Ibelad Dry Cal! Clubli Iwo ar= ortbac Ima hi. b e oriled.'Thei Dufferti OooL.*Or rIas l lre? puiOonty0 otOru m tattclub bs gidfr or gBweeW ? tergltlons ilualar ttetune ut ther T.Patr.u of ti, IIItafield = a1â slîyge b.eaaapcldy î pr ESbIiSUflt. IRiE P. IL 8 O vth ta& r l10use . Inuother fiborthlbrta Cat Clubs maené ~ ~ tayattiarlgrecop bsorgaisled. boters troue 8-15 menthe ___________ lM. itUtS Ui hei groIngmlfautrly bave baein dstrîbtill to the Mema- <fai. Ztm atere lsmaei Utala> ayprîua llI umm-bars. The Initial ct uittethiscage D rg ayand ai.Ilte lgt ld t egre tacraiot no0Crget, let a greiter DurMing July Aor igi t LESSON FOR JULY 17 tarla ia Prent ln the oUutofthat joets or time wil lapie beture amy oss01fil.g, eoea mtlmtactory cTOP cturni as-e soecond. T11UmSDAtionforIDGla ndes 0»abd grln the nlght bacterla bave la nmre t the ghosthoru and TE BB AY FID Y nd THE CONVER81ON 0F SAU"tu, whaI litceuced. Par Instance, the 3Holsten Clt clubi, anciosn mles SÂTURDAY ONLY Of each z»oNTmxT-Âcen9:. cultivAtlcê0ut aifl a a » a 7 X verItsld lu er tsu e etu ps f WMk.GOLDEN TEXT-Tb5m e atllul asv- clover hn commun ln the dilstrict Il la this-notin. Tbe mormlbir asd tite w~.k tu. and îurtty oetouacceoptatin. tesat probabile that thei rlîht batina arc prlvlega. ot tdhdllu lu their oies - Jeua tt he suri lue cave miberthaftos-altalta, ai théi varletygood animals il they wnhbil. Au auctitu lAnsGrining nd Qick ri*hun t lamhierilt.-t Tuen. f oc mweet luvir le gond tus- altalta. mie tor club vos- buhaie tiait- RLepsir DeparLmnent as tustial. si. 212& MÀifik~Atu -If ft I e sut prient,.Il la dousttiel Iftage ad dsdvatnagim. it the ml- __________ PRIMAIIT TOPIC-l.usala te Obir a gol cro0 wll bie groien: heure util§ turu sut satlstactorillYtiey J,.»th itilhflulty tten mt wth ln gît- bould i bept lu theie mebera' JNIR'to Topie--enn usoumaita Chis tmg aalta ttiitblited lu a uîwdils« bande. Tt dotent» the le-y uabet tur o nEMEîAEtrlet cuanestheibacterta are tiret whihl b îîwim rgauiel aud lhere u TER ITuE. AND D EcuIOn-u-OPec luis-dued. Tiere evarious ways tbiii now bilai tîrued are net cuit- YOUINGt PEOPL.E AND ADULT TOPIC ltuaait ew ioule ut oett train sataiail. Thers la a poIn u avur of ANSIi A tfifPuiaCurrt, elu Inwhitci thacterîs are pre- éuttun maesend that Je tatIl itve -eutcnd sumatter ibis ovîr and irnthtiticlub a triai dili ut pubiicity. tPlI . 1Saute *Rmne gHteed of Jemusfi tato hefel alu itreated. Thias u Intie ittuuCuunty Cuit Club. t ICAlif tltPOT Oflit, (ce . Mtiol irsutietiIrai adupted. hILm intie27 fbattera dsirbutd in Feit- 'au kn uttllle ht utneethe mt practilabie, humeer, ta muni ruaryreoidionctioonloi Ar #Omligt Oas-ieLs Gai calesai, ui 20. A talc vas itrtd prîvîro o ioet et aul o oui Sy Jeaue met Legumue lied Inoclaion.- titi niii ai wibcit pectat pIresre cilétpîed fi lud tupesîli Judalgie, Autbîr mmc la to luoratate tiie uîud umardil. FAR FR011 DESIRED BASIS. 1tut lie cra iuiriiy Igntorant of eu iilgm cu uh umth*hFelCuuICl!Cli l il - gratus ut ht3inniy. thrsUtluity a pure cusltre ufthlie rîgiti vartrty show aud Saii joui uni yeas- allert1, (Financil Post i tîrve ouperrerutou. Pciupeity mal ut bacteci. Whî ibiu ln dous, tedlilry tbittera mire idîmrbtel t le îFssnimlPoit clu rite ruprt, but piersuilon bictirlaae ici unibmsurfceior tie mimbera mbîu S$8t mua uffeced in Dtit in umageusud totîomttduti.î îîse" miel m il gtrirnalusInlutheiti u prIisereilieby publl-ptcttid pet- crut lutte tuthi rictosded pretly cool1 aIl Iebl ofet tll blicand nmu ctiit thttiyouug rueli. Bon@. alcug te lune, snd sme ti-ltte p 0 l i nsalu eniiw Thmuîculiures ut tegumu bacierla are Ail miieberu lu titi Peel Dalry t('tiIf iave deîly reporsci-uutrert.'ltîrtt, îCîtbau ettuahItl Smi itil priparid lu bctîrloglutralaborilur- Club nid tea ubrilicordsiout eiî bas n oltl u ttrecit adtat 1 luud dld net iotlu lcisprit, tes and muid eoBo ucitpercurliure. and Litsb tgetitir vmt a5flital buiessoiuo anomiegi ct thotuex- u t ralliters tlenifred ie btrîuifor Tiiy ane bnuwn ai nitro-cutures or matîmeat uhîwluc tie proiou their iunmr. But ouîtp itn a trin týscaoc Jemttu anid isctiples. Il mide imlettlinuestacierta cultures, sud vr.r- îulîprtei. haeroitegot ttatie1:3-14 tot.toutet cdrrtuted ttmu mer toatttusa Utter traIe iraienî havi beain Titriitambenuuilyune siter cillti whcit ulaald he our preet objetie utrr tritis Nariuîbercmy. Titi lu- glvîu tu lbim. TitiBateriugteai tucmîd dcciii titi paît peur atdl lit ilw ainboe Li-orec inb mb00s-formerc lenslyoutliti mudnusanoudtietent Laboralory utftie Otario Agrîcut- mas tie AionîuSitip Culu ntll trradinog pousuitio. ~Icarr nitlute-fIa prtos r e§ troua thatecuf. Acrerdlug tu figures usiepiitu ribtutt octit lu tus-ai Cotege vis th it taluproduci Couuty outPeei. caipilel tor tie Fides-at Rinrvire Ittemor ode <iii Acta 22: 4 anul(liteicultuces eatltaclorilty tocdia- luIntiti preionsshmieîp cluttittu trt Boarderepreemtiug sconiiosIn ~tie Ai26:10-12). Hi obielurd utirlly trîbutlînuounte Amercctontinent,* te Fiel a cear agu. Ive Oxturd Domu Unid States smimîar tt tane lit a- o true iti ltîprlesis 10 carry ou ibis Tb.iy ici uuid truietiti taboraloiry turiew n Init m i re dltrtboted to ai mitoile pe-lces aittoe ed oft urîeroue mile, tienuominal aum uf 60 centmsuit. i«Ch meortir. i-Jsorlutely sainerofi Aprul mri atilu 43perrCenut. Iiglicc- 5 tai Amulurver ruaint f tîrlîl, contanr tiemcm sprîvî sot to bie luntterir tita tti s--mi letIL11 Sau t cin eguri berthem îiîbs audpostage. ath culture la suffi- sud tbacm isied lunepictidly ln comor 1,ties e ais-a ta ofl264iin 1 tee caisru u-driva, toliimtugttie un ande une sent oui auuuailyta lu at î acdelp ta nomeiouthtiticlub otcttt- May.,1920.but ws bkhart.1 eait stht a marp trou nil dte titical pars-ofutCanada ou application toc bics ibout titibriedenftraien whttr Apsil out ihlmsc.ir Ii theai-biswuds, lOfR aPute. Titi unimalinlaprodel un titi saiee. ellrs riceitel truientie ees aba iu bouottvira' bot titi 1918 dollarmue ichtIlta 381cielsa s-tutfileIustrument aud If It ta ci-.tesi wito baveouI tti eecultures Il, encitngîl ibume mitoul luuu ha ftt in titi Unite States .elumm sot trutory h irbck@againss tI& blmiai-p apiait cy ii-gbly ut 1his metitîlofut Ime mearlîng eirge îcb mit a ir arondul70Ceta. rotan îd Inures usd1. Tiis la a Inocultonas aitumu bp titi tuiowlug ismit. Titi 1lmembirs sch it wth 2 Ait titi Mane Urne i-brie as-esigna u ltutilcofo!Saut au ibe madty ligiti- ai-pie: mieip itld216laombeînaulletrc tt roi r-tal ylaietc ln glu eeCouorn. C.: "'le ib niring outirsaters bal biiu made titi uts-i, h eeiitlu titi gmlerat gottlitsia ntJan.1914 cou et me Borneosltaita cul- was foavec tiaieb purar e businsmitnu hOu-io as liictn Iro .I A gt trin lis-mes (TV. 3 4a) -uresu tablu toc ibmislstrct.iAler lu au endeaor tlu uId titi rcur. Titi ued.ctlen la rail-ou1 Tieti lme iad Coumle'or titiLord tmu eriss.I havaro1cepui-t itaittieiii-ly lamb it storluue outesat euîun, wages in a lealtby sugon i-laioatautululIifre. Sent ta trtcbîetit luoclsted parcheos buve fouctubed thei-riiîusetattve truiePeel uccan- 'lie se-eajittmimrofutlabo-. biîtduma adfl tleutt tie ut. This eeiily miii sel are umailot laed a breedlug flotkit lu ecctla ____ -- pityicet temunsti-aclon ucenusiel mont luuriant growlt. îuîîirety ritttie Aioln Club. Titi iehaguo LIENE uECAS. te morilisutf da consceuce whilcb î-rmlng out te coudesud asoit-g mOre sitppd In sud flociid mitita LIENE HECAS. dauim nes- inlg ou, qlcieueil aaptinlîl cotut. Tie ti uira ncbtcb goal hpure-braI risunauNov. 12 Sp te Baly Spiriti a Hi nordStIivis- euent uoculalifi have sîmoît ru- wi eutdl ob attbr brothvills-Recorde-r antd Tmrn irls-upilîlouI sud te tew plantset a i turnemitéim matitir osorue ThCit Cli iur ofutWnniîpseg bas dc- phen'uî îeîieuny, etti vin uitansd rer>'pale, lu favsi-able. tes-tined tu chaîrge n dolai as lices-'0 2. A ule frtrielaen vli. lb. f). tact, 1 bave rîoouîîy plautitel tbem tre el stti prrtck ualu ta biop n rît lu -ii.0sqcupof .1te, This as teI.os-di vice clltng Saut nIoidI h rvicoel elcshdeîs-ruteionoufutbîdusite, Sp aieiand asiblg, 'Wbp pesseetesi dnnoa lt-a: W aeWaterliou Coutil sud te othit-l rrîthe ttiordsiout Ata citîint-tou tue?" Tietovs-d SautltluIs- msny teutu In Outaeio ebicit pi-n fiu Cet. h a- onu- ui cit t. ILhabn ilbic-e eiat qutre '%buos-It lbuo. Lord?" T l a u ire vnn flr ren ta pas-i-bs-id snimale, bol lbey lîffe an olI so i eue.iqtuestit. i ol s-I Ti.** nJsu o tir o litr e rai tle r ettetruine titiuit.Pge, or siteep clubs suc asuggestion i mde trt'l aie -m,"1stJu. iouitOusoilpoueanesirguli iiarîsîy menîlunel lu Ilai lasse Crrcyagatnt ui yety i tlusimutfprieclia as iftlu say e 1 rtin t rotainauseond ceas-, aile es-ieuout aimale are inluded. I S.Dut-- te eammnit-, su wgnss-li tleyof te eburcitJ ps reculua ot Jeas. irealel mlb ithte bIl ul tur. cn iitrAcsulriieii bave îuildd uqe it il lîý 3 "Wbllittou avim 0 o"tiotahe ne-a' bisiquulty of saltls a" Isilvis rcutra Rpesn vus-ydeuttul. hamevere.if l î.y ti e (v, 6. Th ict taor Jb uuwm eling il e mel ould vitioul trearnut. Wî ________ rigiti. ILbai benpros-rd thitt nlite lelule lu. TIhi Lord isl bim ta bave item ausiatae bctî-Is biei-i, only araest& thselests-oye- tf t.!tsl otl ii l~ te ao- ansd baye bal a vis-y tord resulit te AE EPSD aZ go li. blttevucie ut-filIi-beyaieond rsi pear. M R-'OSO PJ Z on a largaiebtwreshi he l i guu hlmtreau lu itat b. Fust Wlliame: "Regardîngthtiticul-- aie te-s-riss uflaiseerismsait ieso du a lausgiels- il. Qute &part train tursel iîtit oO seppitillenisprint, COURAGE 0F POSTON POSIT HAS thl t r isau scestain emutuni t n . Seat istiag Drmance uv. 7-il. tbiy mcci eileou a ienlutf peie at BEEN REWARDEI). tais-e.. in a dos tax wthe e tsile Thte tsegbty piraicutur goim qut. u anlrvuseiy. Titilis-tir portioun n- eerats. Ceotaly doge as-e nta iumily lturcDaiesmeos led liy biutottie mel mraeluoclaiel but part snob a nuaiscius- a danger as rate. attedanta. Fac titi apara aft tires mas paniel lu tie us-huas-y ay as a s ILtuY o!tie tilgbt ioftieia bha deliîereimlesd Isblendmece ald cckplt. Titi sîdntorsasail donc FIi eaii Titite Gct- An u c t amtl. futlutg.Wbmi ment un lu hlm Ont abouttiti 121h utf May. 15Iître Ric-QuIet Scitere Ias s a i n titse laya uo mustaieauCouî mwoistahtii miolaiel bal rîscitel asdd ru I aîpl W'iec uas--l ittii isaitr ,îsb ut me My i eunsrd itI aîunitlimt itie exception e!ttie mnat ru -i aipli Whenyüt red i th wethe bu- .assredths li, iireunluoculatel stIp miicit mass mîlit WueNou Popula adlHe Faed san es-pustaib athL «icit ut cit bau the Lurd lu t sth lsre, aisi. -maiiigreen. I mai nul amas-e tietttie use ainianelt. tale-t bamsu titi-es-amouni-outdeep lu miliitas nIdprayes- ta de- ut cultures hitaeuil matus-tia'of ibis mater athétbau hesceudel ti'im the ire J10a. Doubtiess a tiie elegumie. bot IL uppearsa-Iillies--A MONO titue mumitsetulnofte bave csced i-bsthegrouutl tut lie deptit piucltmi>d lttie ol; fors- hlmn- lmpeoel luyiell. bot grairtitand laie josepht Pulitze, unr o! os-luit f ulu ît hitl rtitIfut iroru&aste liallogt tor Ile trit-lc mre 4,aoîened. Titi pot t utftiNeYork WucLI irasm soakdI tt tiegrouqid. Os, it t itier 0.fv e V tuownjo loultd d le merde. on one &cri-.of girolind enotighgaveiecellenit remulin sud lututus-i fod 5 c oudyil agl vîtes-bais tallen ta IMI uo tsan Itue 111I. AumîimmSoni te Saunt (sv 10- cultursrmmîîîli uael on ail legumis midai as a prse tocrtie Alues-cau bati-l.acit .nanitg 45 gllon.u ltal. gromu ou ib m re tas-m." uvapec îsictoemlag the most tir The ieigtgof t ibitmater-. if tie ti ct Heri appeersriountiti ceme à Cutues are lliiiuteiîfrouiette n bail ramis-id 1,000 ocrest-i'itie maudidt tes-luoîunkovndiaciple. atroo tlLbsau-.O .C..pustint pubtlic ecIlce lu titiprueed- hi a va) y luttaîi-oasi) lcttd li1. nuli leu n 012). lu iolit. aluLaouatt rel0f Ai-ltie. uit.Tt uicl 3 ai- Ipni.wlevsimenthe.-Tdenpreedtcati cternm wbicb en ers aits tfeo fut. t-bim.vision teLurd uppel udald In-taitss-id loi-ers-. eelt loyer,cos-lierse-of te pr-iseta thte Boston Puât, ing ta te depti t t uo. ilîre ru o f lru etted hlm te go taut leHigavc sou eluvin. tlaibe clunes-. vetchîs. mitîit Îeàrewrdîel tur lis suooîsful incrs.i-be s-iiuli- aigitu s-i-il euth l itreteinethe trlieeta nd Saliapes mmiiipeu, cowuirtofIid poasefgi t iilustpînai. If ms a long. lOIlJ0.(tltenufe 11rat.tin.-aouthuand iufrmcedil etai Sautl mm bonnan d oy huneO. H.Jus - speetogmassudciti h h . A. Collae, Guelpht.itordfigiti sud a aisous Tt i i-n&1 os- iyngra ndta iebi ras cundctil. mureuvor. nut ha'te rpislai-t-ISeultity teitin fotr tie II peitlitbes-ald elîtus-utftie pupîn, Xo ScarClty 09 Farc ei-p le Peel. eortiog ut Anaulsu. !jJNIO R AGRICULTIURE L rit -tetilme of thte ciipaitu - 2 Anatifs' teair andl biaacy (v %'bobirsould i orca'city t im psj-ar1)i. He aneo! Saula mssiotn adganset Pouel. maabsent titrouait 'utf liasptlp, jsdglas byty e i-be ilules- te antbuclly by miich ie tscame. Titi iWYSP and Girls' Lîve Stock Club Iitealtttasd coutld not te Corit af bppllctobleu ig s-msi-cl by J AILord rat-oui-sud hlmruit tatessortIit« il. but b l @Iss'M. Richbas-I Cars-aIl at the Ds-patmcot ut Ag-itcîl- hlm tt ufsinlenaulogeasi n. Wrk. Grnier, assistent iliton and put- t00tdm Bis ebisr. A lrgeusoieris-utbut a chitovernit toher tslanom , leitis-. Ms-. rostîs-bobin ahie figt ihW applicat are mnceeh forcmer bitos-i ts- OntIle. liag. and tie ions-li, petlîiICultes. Shaep ur &aglsat Fonmiand narcledi ninitl experties-ha lift -the rofor thte etlnso et.i Fg.llei ieal -Bitas dllcult clrcumataue«. Hi mas miru- a. Ana vagi. mffs-sntliu(h. 17)siIaleI d Une ad agals thai ite ris mat- ctîcu. vit Il rotteri s-a airue tu tut 1 sna'oblec e 1) Os, Aies-pt Notes tut Jutulcos n..iegu- tnt namiabeleadtitat lbe ms eu- mis-tof u ai lu. Peel ruict iy tfsara bItrlg remored. Aeanisens-t le r si nîesus Wae. angîrlugthebiPeml, berause Ponzi esaienot paplute cagntirat ex-thebiboume s-len Ssii s-nsm tmYlng.Idiatuenaconfrmt la ayr. i tcdrap 1in apper.put bis Iade us hlm unIdafiection- - trts-tdbd otas-lu Dis-astltient et Wouei imlia cIntcmt c' hne on4a4 f $5t '0le tl ddeu im""oh. h gluiîliui-o.'rus-ýnoat liums &&ainst hlm. Yit be pirs-unr claPisos.saga re*5tait c-astadneilIî slshn iiildleupîte Officiai aul cos-esnmetat mcuh-Bramfptoni Danase gaa-ge pess-irton fla nom a brother lun lIE 130%cs' anuci1*tIlt litvOiasuranees tittPonila cbcme mas Chitu. Hc InformelitSaultihtlthei iuent iida tour 10ta ival sia. CamadWm Oeb. Lord bal mintIlluIe mit a tieuoll uritool taie moitit aithe ni t WietheotitiPoirsit erd outhtit mîmtoi:Il be ttes lg T etPumui el seme Ih seeme ttolte jui A Iai-ai u *,81.51 uttit at eMiita' algi-ci t1thonMJ&Is- Rh popia e e ofai t'ltt- sauter git-rlith-ii re -ulIlite dîltuOfaaada durlug tite mutti th ttRatpSprit." Be reeavei igiti aa n itl, ui. icoattI îlr.andIfh ras meuiltthtie btîy as eom c lâte ,ih aunuucîrat of s-ott'lTit. iim nat ias t a tieher ileo ta the tact Ilitaibayusud giîle police meuld pet au end ta It as son $*tS.,md6urin-g theitîane mout h i ee ealc pOku ut bllîerulla'lovtare iumal Peslu- thitguas the matier s- a eta to ieir -us- 0go, tea sobau he i-bm uacialittialits-o nus-hpe H IY heSt hIII- bu tiat are siri and epoal ta tire tention. But vten titi police callul. uVrai, . js-it lisuilmatroueovt tirits-hal le- Pona ras ast la the thast dîiecitild. pi-eint. Titinet dlt rit Ctnada, l.saut bipital(nv. 18, 19a). Alte? sud lul irealmneni. Ioevr i~He ltcr blutffait un belmiabed Inie cLald. t 82.306,ffl4e7g,2. sas citr--'Seulunioeltîletgiti AnuI LUIs P caumsetîc sau cal[tth lPit, i.Or themu. Thou thc Foni Office Dîpari- pasrdilvitb 02.818.,%fels-t titi raIduti liel bltet. aitiopti i e u-cOea.and barauui Meut mni nmre oflis sitrerduet lu- Apnîl. aId 51.274,"11.253e1atiimaueyîyitupthe eilndt ul-vetifgatura. Feilrrnaluil i-baie. May. 1M2. Thiadesriant I its -the acmeasmieaa.r- ne noml adaerft ailaps- eil thint-.ael silieuthash t ay of alihl tej aeccesuts- tus-'bhetiitact that ilaNIai prfitanuuun uhetorayuiiitetahite iat offnal e is cemp tan colletiono dusiag titîaai INOULAIO O sDa: il ote l it.hsualtaand animales îîailîlea. mugouvloelagiy dII i menit totallch 1139.650611iamtrailer- pos- - ttets nisest, tgait iebiacîuaîîy detarbel saine Lqllme B$2,12,802 inEay, bmeat Wberivir titese lire stock clubs Police offiesaand postal experte LeaumelacteIaSas-mg. I b«t ave beau ongauzeil ties-cpI isiata-truie tha publie eie and ia- t ut flic SoIL tritis bave Ibm active support nad ce- piYcd them hlrneil!. Thea'y enr 'I eeit t ui oofnuthte lSoneLI peaitn t tae lIre tockitala luendty tee glvc bîntestimoialel. Even talite cuierniuta'. This aîura miii ton sm n ancirsmiitlit appaeiutiv 1 'rab I 't cxiii L i i 1 lalato oueediuh aId oUilDeacel- litefutus-e u ota-tsot-ta s-rn-ponlet mas on te level and ihal it cîlîlit.," «M aIl Fis-msnumtoiel. el-Clove. Altal5,fg ua5 , -- ers. Titiboysarscomrmueectg earlY an aun nasMs-.aîe ie u o -'ha îârsr otld titat maSs-"P' P-msussors.uof omm.iCou- - la litsta e t gtto the puse-bn1 hLITcematli gMoal. s-Onuims aod tc eatiumuais ffeol. stock business and it la canfiatîYlisSaie, baltit OMuaIvcel ibat titere 'botih i-o ta ep Ja n t lâJmu éatluiitttlepmi isiiiur.a . icmevhirei.Hi ent t lhea heubou 0 tee opetmlee itt i iey alreceuit tuerys aas as iau e uati80t MARRES. tist tii sbi t Blle e maicn t~ri uI lti ra nluthID.gparetstirillontera Llohpnty ala lios a malt MU£ ANtTOINET'T E BUCHEsR 917 DonicunSt., MOniaf- f angms-iitig tu ttllyitt ttl Jane oy l,t lui autire'toc ttu s ecouda î-,'tdmc wlelcuI bel abanlaurd uit: lt.i' nrrrecotei-iOmYteltui. Itff,,id ees-t.ty ih DyuipJstu.I ttlitilfut 2earsiad1t hemFaIl iàe 1 tuuhdttl mot ho tueet t-nu>. 1 ceaI iuiectiltitg ibid 'Ft-ate liret- bs-lutgoal0tueot-Ililot. t-bý I uitltt-ou anelus-Icia tf It-gi9rî 1trtc"., eIn. ifiet e.lîi't.l it Il o1pieatt uatd ma gcueiual l.ut-:Lî Oaa î".eet.d Il tLe tîlcua', fc it nrou a t- r t. 'eIIý Mloe ANTOINETTE BOlUCHER. ro.uli, 6 for $2.5,trcial tuîae25c. AI ait dealesor s- nut pt .1Y lritî Leàa imits-t, (tta't. ti W, Paeru. uneout lie besîlkouer Otuanetot s-uperti' lul thee ruouut'i.au artice ln lwmiicit eteoire lthePoaul anytanaiu o n hebroh puIti's an amer westlafile nuit tocrfe5,000,000 aîiast Mr. Pas--orol ndaltach bis ps-opicty. Me. Go-ustellawyrîcetadNist-cl hm ut thte haut-r ohfitotntiuir eiiam- palan aud polntedoulfle icls ho ian ohfitaki-uptîna thes-Poui Pro- pcta, eticit. iserail, mue nul luis omo. Muc(er0, thte cumpalguus eut popolar. Ttc Pus ai mueaielu ceaheri chu bal uurta' lnvit-d la Poi andlhbelmaeemoney oui ai bîtu Wucn Coît ayyeed lu the itreeluts e maicheecitd, and te s-nord ucuatt ls-I ha' ygtelrg lthe- heurta' honte for thte Posct.is-Oaiei continuel hicInvutigauttons Hie Euo'proeorrespoudenui eepos-tt- titat titeru mot no etli b oitit o bitaS donclts-i-e luns-eply 1<00101 cott puas lun Washinugton cicoo trO eae titat itot mu-i titan $10.000 coti ufthibse crupons ital beenr edes-ms-I ta tite mtote peint. Tis looted lite a tuiom ta Me. Paasl. and lue a tee lape cheukul the goldenu udr. Hum- vcc, hi i-ouie10 the occaion agule sol ilrnilted ibaittie postalcoupon sctee-me a a mecccmuflage le- signeîl irocuieaithetelle lucoord- tins u of etrascion i-otu WVall Siceet. Titis seetued reasonabte enonulu boiu dupes utîd auaithe moea'flicoolin. The PCut henatuilured thecrani' fruit a neco anale, fi bu- o tra eoe Ponzels cureer. and1 ie ottloutg it dtdecereilgtg iat telie ait ies-t-iia yet-cuseiiie swindl, tlnizInnea lis-I Pltythe tttll iofthe strluaand saîd be oîldi cmeidaiet eter aitshonr aîir tte Prit.ilBitti' tlost dltt> :mîoicandpelote> C1ni'i pus- tricoiit itheportraitofthf1e fInn tul Motraldt I isoue- Titi tait iet où, ulia Titi-re o-un i t-r'îbto t . ttc t-Euffles, bu tlthe vcrtime oal ul roat-e-Ia tractr ti f coh.itlt-o bal set-tIhini. Io i nitstitalrýd ltat lnîcit hotd ca Il@ I O ofI etil p'rl;.,tq dc ,0o-i 00-eit MONTENEORO'S PLIONT PEOPLIE IN LITLE COUNiTRY ARE SUFFERING. (UMie-msWiri OyaiewaticanIlPiFln- led of Tiseir Wialtit Durln thei AustimoInvsiaonaid hety Bavi Bel Nu Asslsice tu tise Deapi-- s-eWoet ut Beconstr-uction~- j Msy aceristas-isilis. ;MOTENEORO mas )alm ai puos- coonic, ut olbitos-a tthe mas- thbah atleut enuugit to i-esc a rire ihat ton 600 puars-s-tlIJaur'.1916- leteudel Ile liborty igainjst sil attaces. Titi Ansal-n occupatiun ran a bthe rouemitîci thttessouiery rîli taieiges te nicovic; ail lialitthe mealth Ràmusetmaienlly pluftderel; vahuables. tuialtau, linon, fouI. tiva mtiub--everptig, dem tu titi tins ou titi louratipa--a swumpi amap andl nom ttc landlih otruggling ton baseihenee. There are people la Iàt to-sa' mihu tonreti bhave nul bî4 A grain ot corn libîls- cottages, pe- pie mWhohavi uit asmiltch ut elti- iîto biiesibernuilves mt,anul vho dore uoi. for vis-y sami, s-roisu tsh tiacisthldle titidayllgbt. Ths-p steal oit misîn darksâ m-tfa, greb up the liaseofthe i spisull- s plant tise uMnioîvous guat rilict- bull the blttinnem out oft titisanda food ou thi uaity remînder. la one village. coualtlug l ersape o! ivesia' htoussa, ton famillce min ciceuthy iuunedi, ciso by aucis miastupt bdyanul @oui piescas-toualy tugethe-. Bst, bail as tiînguare ai priment, titi as-e bouel su goit Vruee. At- une tiani titicountrp qounll îcbîu oe aune $bars lu mit aasos-e- aftcs-the Allies isalIons nis thoa --utthie milItars-atuoeslot iy tisi Au«milset aiCattaro ail uthin places ou titi Dalumatien essai Tliee wre along &go cxhiuSed Ses-hlm domars-utiecet te isep, but uluat, as pou mili sa in s moment, in Blot nucb. LÉst mWinier andl lrlng coalitions' mu e a*Jp ia-4l hy theliarieo-. tios o? AMirlea, mMes àIMPartff anI Ilatbutl large uastîtiesofutfl. cluthiý-dt x n n4qne& Tlbla hop. it uiem», la.nov t»isu. Anaoirlà on ihe jolat u of hnalu Ilan te md teuto th total ulhtmn si. te t<> h tbi res-gion o blvkdcrî.t h ~ qualitp mnalttaiti eccoami. Vie mpR pap h etpaigalbesfor thir lebieltn llal llbalpeu e 5t sMuid lubritli upur dolliar" Wh pie bnp laPeII ullplani» Melei OlIt u frott-l trfOM E%îr>' be.ting ai, t-t-iak.ibtc t-ilif cocas-. GoCt c-u fuelt ntîdi cil and and longe -clICIc Pîttaîlue !ioiOr C Conottît otî Cit, Inci.tt tutP. larioce ai yt-i.lr dtateru t0 rnotiat- Labrit-Otic and utiter taîuial PF012A ugicti' ri't,neiot gto îluem. which --ic -.I Waaan in t'a lt1 t mmsing put oie lor-r aiti-p t-. .t Wgite to 5t' Ch u r, h a bootutet witutth tt : wformatio.t5 AL OIL LIMI71 »ache-s in ili Cilles r F,7YLT Titianus-asttge of ypus- j~sshoualte Irait-d. cit-,t ts-nib Imys-ial Poluise ieu" ,000 tuiles ai lesa. li- aug ive ixpecs-i muait cêigservt is-ut-i ng 1r.- octifii sitaettgagent *mffmirovesilattdis-n. gît and I mai tauncotaho us-enginm I t vilipa'yol eillu taml, Crash-Case Servicse to-uay eruli, Bei tise courts-p bas bien draIns-I uot minilp ot lie ruons-ces. but ut lis mamhoul, Titece arr nai mnnenough lhiti to leote utousuara mont. -"Se ittitlomu ut Ipuat, tas- exemple." maid Mr. Ellingin, ot titi Nem York Fout. 'I teareaîllt of titi 673 min mitu seut oui ta fis-hI at tht begînunu uftihi Blkan vas. enta' uoimt-tvo bal cume hait. aud mane utftoe, wrmari c-ppe. The popuolation la las-utc mals- pof ut mwlome and osphan. Put, buleel. ihaubu tote ipleedîl mros-thett Amercaite aud tu te ai eîoe Col- -inboratlou o! tieseibas Gouera- ment, lu le eomalaps ati-aubn suaI- vînuage lu Monuemigre tu bo au ucptan. Wisuuevî piuseasea citotit rîl-chebel chistl. pin mnc he pretlp mure beinIs auoatue ut uniof titi msnp orpitaaie tuey haie e at ap Th it ulle eiggs-I. vbte-tsoed spici- menu are those mita are Bo oittoru- aie aOs1tu a-ne aliving iaihei." ThetaunId btu ig rultinuhîl. Set titis cens- thie milii h uo trop lu Mouteuegs-, u.titheulandlai. ouiel mt rawlîng. biamlng, tmitbsorne et- fervescence o! amali blart insece- titi lmadly '"Stabaimie. unrJumpenrw a blul ot locut. titit maIe is ap- puis-suce inu Motinegro durng theu vas-, mbeu notielicouhI hbe oue to stop lis ravage. Ail suer the Couu- vi wre mes sceupil lin ryiug îî Offset ttle plague. bauttie ihlibes W O R M ane bigthibmomnas-i tem. andl1totit tbat thes- tait mis prettp topeliel s Sncb a he sisupmtîinlu Moseuigru.O Titere te uo food lis titicoiutry, and ibis-i la uitile chance et lis grumtug ana'. But tise vont a! lt la, titlie- 1 potatiOn le PractlrallY ah a sande- 10 r i s111. Muntimigno la te-day snffes-iag froient aCumhlation of! rscedoances mislh maynetu eJeetly bhi Iscibil(4 >Bn w me amuetîng to a apecIes o! bloctali. Ai Preniaut th it lue naras-augei nallay ihat enroba labortouuly uns-r the Bisuhan ieuunisins tiBrod nIe C0r4ni F H DLT N tb. lave tu Zeleoiba on the BPucrie (V 717 la tise ouby meass mtrîb tp eulIy Monengro bt teahos-o 1),. LO AL URTS CALENDAA matlesu ftnas fh leeJuoSiin.La....W U tu. m~ bande anu h e dlAong tai single p -.--- -t--t- lino baie 10 o o itite aorn uI a re al- ofmbiti -" '! oe a a angas- andl noises and ruais tai te _ _ _ ;__ ltiiu iau districtiqedilusuuanlte peopule OOasi mitaai buslines Ieim temoin, îOabeO Pl4e,. o3=a1t Pars. And Iscit SB tise congestion ýrs*%owI on the lino titt Iteimb. Iiam ttd *àommuie Ti. tsu lot IngBtetfuer moutts for a u ut .... tutuM wagon utfgoolm te pas@ traieBs-id -----......,.ü io ZeulbakR-as ori-tisLetir fln sainOaa A-n laesronumdlalu hagging tise steif 1.J. A T a m t NVrn iW-ssuon S itn .. 2. - (in Bilcat tulluet-umal )up arnafi . 8 t- siaia. el aum Oin to i. thse cleuât uvur tu Cetitjei, I1m«dnlt îîa.I~?uum7«9. m ma mention tem. Biture tiemin t b nies a '9bDocrtes- yss- CreS ista Icti. vus- i dffacint. Dalmatila sd Monte- lalib 00n" Olmmu.5 Jsy ?bpcnitu,-'tte - negro vs-ee tee ortise muet latAmbt is ieeut husate «P&a 1 mea. ity ami. Titipeoplceorthetitâts. uits5el6, Jemsa te, lis'lannca1»t Ai-nilt. -Yîî lanIs pussemeolnu efficent lth mecr- l ndnW .DII.< i rtlle mas-lue, bp tie al t! micityOdrW.1 lCK Dalmaie, ied lu mis?,anuIMonte. eeg-o liaIinouegit. esaittie arroi.. 'lice hi rau ail ecumauheecel - tp Fr-ance and Italy, as I aie lutormneci it luse ut osen tuunt t ui t ktiat thts flest, us-ai1 hast a rnasonbli /1 portioofIut h eîsl uom e lntred If Ps-iuti Cou persade erism-iIia; ta rets-aie tcmi aehtpab@siteml irShcay ha-ne tîrne îîoch tu aveahelitiua-s tion; andtl mlilu aditiîon, esco tth'e Es-eattude o!il the peopucu o# South, - ce ii.tus t am libls-oreti- 'Evccyctltceig's coing tu the doge-" We "ebc'd. PronumbdIo 0 seun Andti tati. mlu iatea the ls-atiee Ssii: 05.10the hoga >0u. maL.4 Titi Wakarnba, theas il a mts tribe in Uganla, mare lte Most bit t etyililse blacS race la Atelea Tb1"e bal a diemnai synteu out alclâý vteu ftire t oe-cm i pmite, en Ttcu am t'abend âtrou nos-kt I. h7ha 0! ,Dollar Well Sp slit.V. iet ing dollr n a LUsa-oe u.'f-1 iorcighi dollant fît'. S.a4maPlAnlei. yolu 300hae oa tire wmi-h. t t- lnow, th ctrjtie' i- -------- --- p'4 d..,fruqi . dneooi fIr nptamb. piae Al' - Gra9Io A ambe- G ao.tut iestOs' CHIaul t ui-A. i a.t e Va'a i e 22 u 5 Town . aaa t' -a 400 =WoIk 0 at1 hol w tosa av.a i 1(et Sn,

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