HAT DY s-oU lIai y ii UILkN i0 0 , FO NT< AIN Buhk - NI19LTON, TRURSD)Ayo JUNE 809 1921.N. . tN, reg éoga5,liedlnMaklnog a Jump cros- 11Ing etor nion1el Pennolngton-s ac t ! .!.,i\ýdi o r!' hé ,îuoded. OUIRSafty epost B legme by the City coocilior t ela elîit ithiI,Irlt m'a, the franchise,- And he Ibroat si).hI t oi ) . ," lie ooowered. "e al rTA I utnw mY tthe document funde, the police Chiersa1111, he ..O,' it or, by dea,,soit 1Itéi. -II tnome. 1 Aod per.haethe leat à Oail but one r"nthin athe distt'..e heard about I (J't il, truie tbhé houer, Shtr m wph2. ai. F oro nye . Tahd nt dnntamo e dig iitg r railet- 'h co i r,!!: terd hi n it-, w odam w m ta _0tonderooafuy "Ande t he ta me yuoIoel ro t I l d hl!!hiermanet ;Ogate. t Eehe oth ta Biniil. I)ont t ke t ,Unihy ec i @urre wt e hi aitt o tO i tlt.. ftb-tItsct o."k Minor.0e00 va u b,'THide In tt meaumeoshM . kn a e." o e , ooir itteioff b te. phtifilgav une tu atT .ti-T ý^1 -,ýb.gty d on' ce1*mo e ndift s rs.Iiut- SitiRioy sCrigan.o1toitob ihiltaw filtonltabcuh.butabi.hckln.up1ita eI4 fn Anave t ro le-. tuî H eos r idaytie,."u to. dozei.@ ttte fio-Stt cecd pasai,,,,lgrulgiatel eaitd the hMau g5c boocherm obude. u leg bites-lieutenant in chaetge Ilioned wand arlÉbatormplio àcrib"YomTfr thavatOgrs iha pI the a@q a. Cloel'Brcer i-eý h p r>c.. C ruoUt 0he el laonfOr . weub ihve BANKtOFtAMILTON. uIthioto of ite!y ttoce lit-Clnel enntn :y.n1,.T,,r.e.o ho.1tl ir ds ako o r! i. aeePb-n sado1otreslc s-at areaslue.. C. M. SUAIRT, anq« %lts, Brn 00-MOAlog, Pm loi. o',gaaientrfch las oie s-asotion ferIfr1fit om e l o i nad.Gn or. -w« «t.C, r -A«glaoar I od hen s-Il -i.s s-Ydasloco"ma ov e an bfotc arda. " ob S h y duear, my doetr t Sriî YO1 fugentlg o roa od P bozf. i t8 i auý d b O O ln p z p « sre uit h rae ito d natre l gi volit. yoo eaylg.etiaat adite. o ~ ra e o ~ ~ T 1a 0t iiac " h ' bufot-ca a antraam 0fthée a'e o n rea beM irreite itel-co d o m essexreo8h ~V U ~ I Ilco Od liturtetl e et emorytitfie a ntsi na ro be . thueris-d. elea vrd glo tly d vm-bîit hg nu pecbd fi t aitoseri g athse oha*.y. I a gOitheded ity en Il, o -o poit., r 'ft . n eciao oyClae s aan ed it h aa mt himaeoff ati i - ol ae a a caiield W r h O % b s h le aam. - iOt- IlcndPai' as-d ddea, 11ebci1h tre1o10ta iran and y e-edterros-e P oe 199. -orkball s-o tppu ietain and COPY "Ro yal,. oWtathge tetourd atwur etutalaifd o rt.'e bty r an. utd uins Tc * E S L O P , N. H thePtop Or e he Adjaentt um be piedt-o. R o y alea uî C a k e, f o r inbhe lot o t e a b, Yeg a re : : n oi t : y us f a caile r.2i - A teOcad en a,0lmead aupteocdfrntlfâai. of SMOIFIten fiit lltY Ivecivent ver pont «et Cak s a on 'irau-led aor th eel -oddra ngo lya se- es-l goho e. t n er s no- ak SP@Ciligtin S ,ger .,d Dp1hilollithaisloteorotlr morea oote ine doenei ,toailght.'i Thenho prmit e aiood oi h r-e s-h motIpa bl el . SLe.L i e S o k ý"'d lkt-rpCorne hlddnock va m.nlteC, c eee tebrbs ae.,a ou ay bi"a1et0e u a ui in s re0.-tc o ttbi-idtien Brcto e th bi oha and e t i toU - me hno r e )aree is Iteuse ir!tÇ () : ý UfldCb'tte,,d usl h e s cd aot r m li oepo ga.1 feds- h.é ad hroU 'a Wit t i on et T e d c ho mei iec. Shre iutlu a iS oti o t O s.0~~aeeoa ou,..., , "soir, ~b fls th et nd t 1, Hunod GtlvygoOUTO-becorbinutu hofala a-im- acotd rreCrd n e, oe.u ta dfaubiy a orbgo lNdliOpVA eSulcOte eI a W - idc h ee o he tcotto.. wH-yen Cndiganrhou cai oAM PiteLBI-b "htoi engfite el ng m o pe raoty, Ine Asc arc ely bag ueahe lnnàtca lmehu r W .'t li I-Lh d aiehiy en t.,. 0ieaaas', . >. , mio à.us aeCa@ta, oUy ogo t i e h n t rint-y B1trapleL1Mn= ILO «0JLth H i o drif yeflis.t aesgarfor- inthe t ciabit os uaeoue t ie a ndit ou i theLagna it rn deoIlsnha ae. Rx ke Nb oui wepth o> ! V I T1 m a1 1 c 5 , l a i . tO b i te -- A n d o m h bi e r f i - e î o u .7 i t la m p r a i- y : fa n c u hi e e r a s i n ,u d hoI a ie , *Go e t .p n e a i f a a I h o c *croo- t or ss th mt't ce u og ea 01- O PN IITE tfe, n h ooelm iaoly ad w iigoh m.T--,. .. . C nblvle tqss 4 , 6)beai-, ps-et ë, iets-brn y a n.0aurnd tutyo es-tDI o aop TO cao ros locp, aad be d-d atel u. ubesodomore aboda o and hiamhl e oi ielef;tuu At theboltcm0fMIteipi e o ge ieJb tas utn tu.fild dr," i t-pbed e : Asini on,, ele reit iraid 0f Card- s S s (t rd ames-e d e n v lv tto t e nW ng e s u o - o e t b e b y m r r s n est r îu a - . . B y b u yîn titr W hlîg S s -l e i Pi ti O fl .~ . iao e e s ari fl e ctI ta- fi-o m e us-ar S a l o u i ls d g e , m y sesd fer so-e - oall- t r -e e h th c a si l ha ise - Q it IL "u t b r o t ' i c Inde i trolsesa suacd coboualora.nGeorge Sa. na- tali me. n fl fhasg toued e ctîs e. hm aslne hlly mutl»t "Ai'1191tt avekeidGerg ainhron atntgtrttmessedecetuead IZi-cnc tubrlren. urth @cf son * a ' sao.....a e en .sreîîg pder th e ol e o f tite ei- l'l b t e fls O tCagrdigani-ed buti. mou sofihfthrea-latka nsalu ia-,t a-opi-en oin var e 0 c h. 'Overcoatos we get ug., ageBos-eret-,d "r-ttfatelite shot end ofuhe.TflriSait hi* neiaco rahinneoiai t? th ib . t o " ~ c , lu -s a a p ît n g Il lci J o r r t tb u aitd cri -O i v cle h lm o b e ls " ac e e 1 l f r B y e a d g n s - b a li- d u r ie sd B e ul t W h m lebite ra ndz am iol.eI ord a teres ur e,.y home thecurette rs-uiîgYa-nMemahal TaibotaMtheott obIle, bava coelharel"eIhar _______aIfYutl]m ,1 hl eerfr butI w lvtontostpcsu i,, P tore e a datejegal cr d.. Shu,, ch ne1son y -M ui. Te e théelss Ge o r g e lt a -gon B."YO ryce POrad an foe e hi esi ton i ts mt n g er, it mot r . ia tuea" tui le cite s -ca qe t h etbao d - 1h p e s t e W h î t e r o t c l t . y u l t u i h i o î e n t - ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G e u d o L u s b e r1co m a n y s bnptt as lro p f a r inm S h i r l et oum n a r . B e r r o a . ibs-l a r r i v e l a I e l o atri - o s r no ff , d l tei î em y. O pait ntub- ua. anoxem pls-asYeu lvrielmg. e e d u e Ia-s YODe. g t e al au d y so aeg ~ u I s, a e--to i n c l u d I h e l i t r o t f i r e - s i t c h H . W H E E L E R < I l e i - d G e o r e s . . o c l e r . " r u b e p i t o u l a b r B o r n ei bes ha rat -e s l a e d a I Y eiue p e a r l I he1 "e It hd B I a i s e d i a-o rl t eede a u A ian dubi su m e nett ~' ' * ~ " ' i B e , b e n o g e a î l b e a î dM I S C E A I - E I -l l a dtia t e e m mtyt e I ln In t h a e f rti i t c u r - l h o . e t o u y c d 1Wh o * b e o u d f t e, t au c c d ( y tt o Ute. euetîonabheuis .iPlaae.oVinil.. a ,,d Thaoi-ImgTne lilpinohabiy shoarguppnngtigliseher sut-icfls- anu ta Itgee a i as od, gag. yas, mrm dtemo-aie_ lalt.adptlo o oc-d,8'a<dgs î loueiy, "didat t lau au eb s- u "dG00 dtempo e wtr r esla n tn l ete e l. oC.fo. te s e r a io b ned lt ACul'.r' :.h ii't'A C SHOR CR DI 'oN Z ateo ortPeeit. ou th c e Jb"Ag ekov Ii ad fCrJ R Ntli oto E h pl R TobrBckbos-ed bpli edl "i l!ag e a "slîlb e. 10maba no sdyat- maliftrbe frust o e a - .ýC- . Utiinga" k s-ca w s d s ov r d w t i " e a 't t i h n bl " h C I d d dO ur b is- hy t e b ai- gl i a q 1m r r t s I tb ebYs r i e, and t Cund is- ut i o , o i h c i o ______e cI he defet. Oi- s'Y spportn a i-o-pale, se tcd huata, anle mue traaderarei pittiu.cSh 'u '-1d n or. Le "nBahryce, ol 'hoveohan fnbit pot0doI, ther la bs * Han teW ieSeti puttae rleua-dC1tspelchd li e abio r'rgeSi hpIbIstelle aaefil t f1oa a rriceac Iit r o I e ewt t he tua s-ing eau rSan ItmsCas onto 'f bu R.'ISlN 1e 0 odoplt soà ni ts ' *-ie siec u oir. Spa e ct eoi omees oglgba- edfc'i e t u e pr-uteret dro Ombl yo ar es aI ngott reeores-l iselCon tel eiet les-Sri fat netf toutiygaaa.sbllite1 tii-em labie t orue wrthu aris tii e bsdotoMY tellC e lu. MIefBsetc," 'n haie rgai tzaileo-tlo n oe a i temR h e a aaOeseic eto ki - , omuheistS0tgM- 2!1hat a1, Mitoom bie.bae b at r iummn ruat dc1 -li fr t8oi ft- veritu s- b b.d pone -chine loue Louc Milton O T arig oiltegatit n tth e fniht aIr. l eev t ou n rene ond fou d s if - on b y t e . vis e oust lgafi govas q" ceri n pat, ue Gr Ta voe nt Ie s- mpys-lIt s-t e eitac i -Sily sime. If e teder re, on . -o1 d ici-r e s-pa tugrervM, CidIa-as 49iHe aa rda. e, i es M'hiteD i -or- i XILiIeAY ad tll tlu l a fr to ralbiels- b e ras-ht ho uid drverua l e leu-k han e lth o rit- t ,,lo o i-cr at -e a i m ad inhi»g 1 rc uî ta B"','cq O r le - d hat la * , H ls ot i r id fo o r t-.y d e so g o s e. "r td sipper ont be dr aaien u l tre ta îl H um Soi-g nt l l B aI a stI a a tu rc lngeo ,fl A r v i i n o e rutiertheeUg etOch r a d. uic e Apo Y teflit a te aaluni-cee.bre fo berIaslev a n eIe s-oibl tay GIit-ycsud rt, i ganDur e telepab Iandfos asIll t ad ba e àsýnb.dd ucd îth frdfdl le rs (;uS1o(k.elita-_"B "M-f1"ei-i-l9"dmSextoit trente- ,& b ai-of Jex.t lan oo o n a "ottahee. inoiiooi-dTP J le RBda an" sitsaia.Woo@tn.'hmltat's b " paiorau r for - - , -1 , 1 ; 1 C Apa i e . H A Y P A N T R A W A D I CE A I F . a-b e m l l p r o b ' > lieBrop t o n o nl s y , - il a it1r e l 0 o u t I b u d - t et i i x a r l ie t a i- - o c tigt h N . C 0 . é l a W i, t e a * gl t g2 l t e p i s t e s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _b o " u er2 a s i .Ife d c 1 0 p 5 ," y h a c e- anou t: pe r i e a S hil e yt st e . .b a u d o nla t u e s-c e u r cs-eWt'e n nintto e te g etitta cf aJin a n - MColonLe l ti e nnN , o s a a , ofd a ediuie.m- e b w os e r ae an wl aW e i ta mia iroe a mo lt-a ci e -l slta M lu er t ahJand liero C - R . U-R N E R bglivy h agse fy -n do- , @hat. " eu bo- e ant ine lit s der ad gt ly fo- t eutsgronpo , Tuecl uI d e maubiet fatre a filo s-ltne ts e I. ~ NI43L B. . l u ".v'n- Bu-ckD bl Tio liesupeportto ffilee ceOBpleu lutt e sai-kI httes orotetferi-htlled bfrrmer!a f-oc or lie -carad artensteedanaoid uili- iflnlle Il._ __ _ _ _ __etig , Jsp-rS.gtmik isra iibh l o lo-o irhm agd thelder bu od li b e oval fo theo miadoi mil lier flr lnvng e aitn its o ta. ul -a aB d phal e t ue n- i - th e d a .ii ilg tl ai i- gs s lb ie ct gl d e . S p a k e t J'i t m rrcs'nin f i e s d gfu ir - ldm d t zIt li t 0 1' t e e so t un c riv l o reenfrcdewmu C lon lten-rol t aoit-to e. M sR mer s- ' - -ri a dpiln tu i-b a l i t retoj a I algtn ailybune te tret eouni,-aCles elar d i t Bbi- -Thnd gel lte l mliveai-ka ostrl -s, imd my bsene tOg f deslgit rotetufisuom .Hebi>fssrosoffe orndfie eprana- a-ft ode. etaud lTe i r etu a ti yI : rbe e.t A'. DERSN, DETOIT uroied irat -a-eenri, euoe, eyr ea."agracionsCII a tickd otl ia-ts-ti- sti-higa en o dopc i. i-Baî O en tiet, - an '" e st t siteraga"a "" semeaauelsmetegruae tevyic ts, e rer 160?bo t a nonmct itellit IrOtei- dos-nlite ssira, asalegiteisid liteInu possesusiondoof--theafield- d yelitail s-auta malerrs-fl ha lis, I n- fI à -lt ocageI, 10tei-se mou Oseshous lu - e i ~i--~uneo!ou- - -he. prîlefrh&asnetlithurne1 u aile u -dll-Ihl e uta distrt cr, Cria Ih tnah. aedt shp ia e - - "-làThea iet e OU. - rimesor ri y H w e e . f n bo y - wIL Gel ,m e r 1 av b ai e 1 l g l u o et f r S u F o fiH.- ,Tu bi e t p Affetlta iOr ent. the taas Bryce Cerbudigue'. Napier. Ud a a iu!1yJfn upct 1880ar's is< y n om1 eahod- Judct el fiê". cas a, oU cao e, il pru es und ail a- A EL , A aul. îll e.C ardigan!" ana -li 'Vyart laoi--bi"ssteiam odno"oma beie."gar i-s es- a ue garage erair fs-l d0 e i-go cons i lteo wac i aIW-M"n arau usva-,a- Tt cris vr etatahan ie -neu tbe hnta o emd te I C h - t ,a ol tte e o easti t.aima4.2t3aP. -i-ued. ANDp STRA-e 7. aitsbtea gaiBig utterrtyrmagacgosbgtaa-otlaedsaI-tue aleha- et Ibe ails- st-bil O h . e w a - y il h e - a y tlî o îî b -l e J g si te os a pi y lis e ora - en m p lsOS ir e ra rl e r odon " idnetu a r a -a b I - -t hal t , e m ti mi i a si. e al t n i dm - t7 0 5 s-I i- r ad i tuerIe'Ii aya l lardysxsiiib l a i-ignl a a e.or?' aa deand h a bri go e a nflutns u od e euhetanljofatderaNishi, and an,,a n oanalid goicflogaaa.bi epai-nure, afdilaleed e bistva SE O J ae s ane B. ..a e-c e o i- gan>g elf uf tY o le. uÙ t l - T n kn w y ü itaM efaî's esberi-ndtesnp- htain egtIr. i P c e rfIy- a t np s-ri e fr te o s o re k a t t .t o e tDteCiterecionof albr udtB trermn oejrbr api-ici-o.u MS Tae H HatAis tlffmum s RA uoiy "itedBlckhu rt rapt tu e O i'-Bledmehnr n teodbttr D&, eotIshgDoublea.iiae etle O efkithl..eplein.ne a-ta i-biefeldheetbnpoile' a reiauvr!Mfoieteeaolentas-t tsbiitgy hlmfl utleg t, d- un5,5,,the begt.rlodar h m b isbafbis mdi-a foras. s-pao itison tae s-iss. la trial l Sa - a ui ie"sootlsy a s, s t sL" bnt hlm nmyurapennteltn o à 16". î--auela-Una-si- sa-kH e Îueietoilethivin ua t e sifcc Ary rogb Ibeaitg. N1"os-.s basaot,@uWttbod r-u r. gag or beween i flot he locmotivebacayoasb'Tek. bis-Y alenctue51Lagona ldaragdah -' Biritan M"aaé Wand spkand Jewelthe frontl.Yfr.ni-beIelsTtutstoprlis-tthi-eSt tcrabetpnd to aeorge.' Meltus-eupedi-op ou -bmdyeP-.r a Tsa O RONTO fILON tvehere, ad ritnomedesothu i-est.hegg henl la Uneis, bey parf It s-ce tuear ý __T._ 0_ adthAli estie "cf sie net le taegd eptisrae- llm.s-s-.s-Jboce mtu1 CO ft, c wh ln A NOm f r p Kaiemae ,,,teiings ilSucra- 1 lt- an. ________athe_______an_________fletfnhatheIsasperea be ,00, MW it. wtiH. anffha thase. If lii'.', LD.one.ofSOur I - e t e s-i r n s - ti ta iir!ct t-h t ie t e etalisi sht o g a heavupl tleez at.iathe tearfaes a theia lnthedisricacurt Cadigntelnesteall Ad le los roui-tyo apco."d-ý»tûe - living rouge. tca ha ard e pireb ndO se," a u herdidbn pni i eprrb wdl'l a9Iitliiid flr dattd OUA:R~Ie 5~ A E & I IEES 1 neC. els-us. T U li N i RtOHaloucbed ista r-Md bat, ad1aae GuWLAND. ILÀ. M.B fou von' bc late u s ee crsoni Jme r ai s li-stayid.' Te ade-nto he talby.i tMeesobitheboeardaningegay-IcoL b.d? u"n a h D* orSn rn ____l________ iurpalr aronprn pf ayTri s. i r. aa tain lt s et ie. ft e cam uee ainpg enca s-are, ai-.o"s i. - Tu erf#acsto a wach Tun Tckt getâorC.EHo Dý ufiran t ,s au3 la tue mrositsd-etDiait slt b s-flt veyqarit a ienca yu Usi' l MTetUl- f A Dan o e w .t b iato "f O A L T O N . g ~ etec .I ue llegîeco. tis i-a% wit patels een P ebi. stiuti d è e - ofthe r aflla, Gesdd ateL J. A BELL, Agentfnt faer sd g ee ais v okbl- hWmaOn'io ben.Ttisiur@t i-es-,clfflffac. W tedo wsaeot bs-,, HA TI kiun. .tbut are earo se.stntwsa agalteO hi. m nsa tit opet floubist Eat of BteofreW ie i li O Iaie eig sl T& -:<o m 17. figure resi g dos-sthe terrienIng k.Wisenetle te loisimoral, drgand MhaYdungceted.g" Ourje elr at he &ythoghlaa ampcrssng r Y is Sfm? uf as baiaabat forBbse." i w. . y oqlofniaalhiph gueuh 'onend a, Neele, and ho tomTrAcw - mesl h'agotait I wettan mtati uaoj fsses.bsdprua n tre!e i e--tad ote thyNfilt Illn. he fVA tSiros8. .,,bToro gito Daomemp- Globe- a8-4 0t<-rge tip « th T.G-RA SHWleteAr.Mior..1am. in in t yu ... tw Be. hu M O 0 Istlir vsl o----------------------------n a;tedt. dw hrI eeaY n tpta netruhtelz ybu il urcb a- )ed" ead bim- q ay-~O for ib aIt illi tOe-' a- bel r N'àb de he t5' ete ofai-sa ca-gU-u'i sa-he4 s-d ot 9 ' ilal Bi la t j utor be O0% deO - i i- la iîtlac *d lra ci- 9»ilàtl IF ~ k eti 1~ .1 *1 t y k. -la f~tt~