Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jun 1921, p. 3

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.5. ,-. v ..AT. BEWS 1 F l r 1.iirl .i i îg', and 1 (lot hing [)0 NOT LC.1l UST PILE UP IN CEA t.omENS. GP.Ums MStlE 94 DENT. KUIP YOtFL OORS AND BUGI AND *SPICli ASt SPAN.» AD PRE VENT IICKPM DVUSTBANE TH 31LDST IWMEEPlING f10505 THE%!IAItKKT. WE CARRtY TIE 33 SOLD SI1E. ALSIJ LARGER PKOS. FOU SCHOOLS AND) MAL LS. TEY ET. FOR ALL luNDiS 0F IARDWARE COMI BÏCAS ORPRicrS ARE VAIR AN»Isu OUR fHARDWARE WMARS. CLEMENTS'IIHARDV 4dvertise in the Chai MACK' 1 îon nKodaks andi Eaat- tins ;Cameras. !I a tnd iek ue to expla.in to z -es of Kodaksansd Cam - *in stock. Make iL s rulo silwaye une Ets Films, wll alwaye gt the bort on - amnonti DYes, I r,lon ond i)iola Dyes, Boxai Blooti1 ýzînset Soap Dyes, Celoi and Ir * kFrp Soap DyAs, Taatloss Cod i: 'ýoap Dyee, wsmpole'e Co pStraw Hat DyeI .rofiLiver1 eSraw Ht D eRol uDigesti !,!,eStawH&DyoBlaud's Pille. Toilet Ârticles1 .1, nteel Combination Cro.in, F ce Powder, ail tino popular na.kee P nds Face Cretus, \ tch IHaielCrease, ,aIl Toilet Creses, !Igates and Mein's Taleus, i,-d Cross Baby Talcus, ý-xalI Baby Talcuni, .1 Rose Taloum Powder, L ,e, violet aud Lilse Toilt Waters; - t ionti Bloomi Cream, Impeiao PrepartiOnu. JNO. M.. 114ONE .40: le I Eer e t*..ltlIor, la ~air Mnaimoe. s e B--- - -- - I M mne B ia B 310. A lo e M etm t aMoo reheed'e. esret f lo t h ue nes . r T Ruwr.-Pelate garage. ÂPPlY HaîgFortis <'01 sîn.ed sat Sdashai >~ WWmott vent te Hamiltn yeetLd col. A1 to TW. Fox, Omgh. MOom ede Po rld . .Od u chsîe t Hamilton OContrence. p10. BAL.- yo nta ig wen e en Min la lgulli wh b ben! er eetngof Borohy W.!1. veeks' aId. Apply P. . Bvritge. Bae t ber homne hre. vilifheid at the honzeof Mme W. J. phone I5r.22. Ieft T u' ra m ulnn g t e tale a Pot t haoine, li n@ba , lTratalgar, 0an Ju 0e FoiaS BÀ .x..-T liree heavY om ber Ce Lb. t hePreehyleriin sth. nt 2zo0 P.Ru fI~oai, hlca Mis Agnv ha Mi ohn vefnnu.aimnet new. Apply Wm. ha6it a rerym.a M inceer Bt h& . Jh cCellad, Paigrave. an- Bu &rad, Lowrile. Gtuelphi Ocouel Hoeptal. where ahe noumàeathese miagment nt ie young. TýrUQI Fr R o i it linmeliail charge of the opcrat.lng roone ot daugliter, sane Vitoria, taMr. o bor.Pone IdOr6Miltorn Helghte for the ptiehe years Thome A. Hutehlsson. ot Mîlto. Thé-eoreGro STRAWBERIES Nov eÀrsc.-marrlBge will taire plaesearly in Joue. -creGraDi tîcloserci or Kt the fBrai. Gire lie Alimemhcrm of the John Milton Htorie lhngt ongtnal yoir oidr.-A. W. Cotlter. 'Grand Cqtr Dae a ~ Mtrluffjseayo m hoohhl vie."Phoe.lin7--18 lnwvll. lntet heBitha BPrty on the s-ent ' ..Blnn rie. Pase lie 7r.i, iovrîî ; ternoos of June th. t the homne of Ail kinde of motor truckiog donc. Tis Cioi'~rsaue.-Th tckes orMre. Roiert St.o.art. FosterStreet. iurnture moving à specialty. Appity Milton. fous-day iJhasl.uqua, June 1Frýi.a.-4us Friday ÎPolice Magis- B. Duron. MillSt.. Pone . f 2i!irlta 2th.vilii BoePt eOIT mie in traieDi"o ined Adtam. Sprlngtccs, ot Foit SAL-2 YoUng grade Yorkshire Nilakmaisi, i' d urftar t 215 2p.n.,'N SBBNyfor îtarving B cai.ur.enwi vtliIl pigecdi. Prieea-on- Store rda. Thtlowa bell mol ,T. te,l o à ot, 1.1 hi.ahet.S.luband, phone 150 ri9, ing. iienomibrltn nle4rMlo u e-oiety, WA~I~ MTxv-OneraI serant. for July liaie o2.Thoy cnb ie;wnfudté o nac alsaeand Au tuni. g tusemmer cottage _________ y theur holdre' famille. me conve.-ihoi i. liai teTo hokilloti. in MuEoka itb famiiy. Apply et I et. There wil he no limit ta the ý n'-iit h u zii uiohCapo fie péua eao ilcic t The Hate the 14th., Oit store veet tif Cie. BRtrO Fis SLo-SOI 1 20 ft.. $cent- The ainomal peuc f bheHld mient&' Hardware. We carry a fullsg trame., ILing andt upper fluor ot t'oooi y Farmer'Ciub wil i edilineootmii furs, coat. acarfi, cape Boit dresneit lumq'. Appl rM. J-a.h. i-i Feahto'a grore. Saturdmy. cliockcrm of ail inds. %Vritten uBi Pretan. Miltos. bine 101h. Tiers vili b. races Band aste%go with ail ourI hudàon meaand Seporte fail tint. Everynse velconie. oon seCorne in and setthem.- HoUR ue. T . e-firomme. liard and and miibring Tour piesie baekets 'Il B.iHawthorne. ott ater, fruit treen lamediiate %otiî dlh. CsOe ill iippif . U.'.T.ATET). s..ascFriday Mine = I.non. $8 per mostis. Apuoiy (io. NneaüSSIaO mYAn MOsî'uRnor- OKatiiperoPanion grasete<l iti hon- lg etior lise riening of tihe 2fthins.tison lois frOs the ilohool of rnittate HUBER WA"suaroN. Ca bi ne t, w. maelarge ameeting nBthib. tavss.hp Nurues. icüillli Civereity, Mostreal, makes. No. 10 ids rond, Esqueelsg hall. Hroomkrille. for final tasiderm. t vbore ihibas becs taisg the coureniatIL a pecalty ofrpairiolitr 1i qI .(ott e rrtïons fthé monen noo 5Terhitig &am os pital Aditmstrm- fiîritsre of il tisit. 34-1 ye .. thltsbercenoit the towsh.ip, tios. Sse lian accepted thetise4iition AI Grave] for Sale.-J%ànt openeolold The. monment viii be m conty mod of Superîntenden t ozthe Taning it et Los.ta.sc hool. sBple t' lo^irmolioluneandt it erhilt teiTocsltsrt MorNures ofthlie Hospial Oe.rWins & Wlllmttî .Fed Strs-A. Prent il without del.ay on5 the faim of Sick Childrs, TorooT, ber dsti- est W. Coulter. phsone 7-r-I8. Lavrillo., t>,llîiiehetiî. cnose la the roati. sotin »O hegs sAtigîisi. lime miditie ai rreusing roaait as iras H. fi. A.-Theaus.iai îmetng ofthe Lor-ln Miltas. viihis tise It few proioses liitasHetois seocmtio mii i~ itysa a mall golit vrlnt vmtcs, on rnb- liatonPeori Asocatin illbebonblrmolet. Fisiter pissme dliver ta seinFttse-Sartsg .onoheids.OW. V.. roonne, Milton, as Mes. V. Chisholm, Mill St. Boyard. W1h ad îatngtîilIl t lre wiii hésa Frlday, Jousé 111h, 199-1. at 2 P.m., for exiioof IPtiem of thé N. A. 'riomp- theoélection nio o11ers mnd other lme- Fousdin sMiltan about tvo veeks et .in isetirt sarsNetj prtat buinss. Al Librali re ago a leather vallet contaliig HardwaFrto nte.fiitDr p sasiit Ifordinissted teattnsd. W. J. CIe- soiers dinc1harge dpenmetotiers R.ý lin,. We sli direct trom the iis ri.' Mcirgr Sc. adei oi . e p agticis. Bthl me terer ta lthe consumer&aid A MA0eosic VOrLFO1AN -Tise odest ECgampit son asgettceeih bNING ne iosy.-ll. B. Hawtbnn. iseosnit hé convoctationî of St.Cli W ING iathrn. Chapler sont Frlday es erine vas Es. Pîctures ai tise Prînces Frlday and 1 At.it-Thers wue a lair ahr Comp. J. W. (iralimot, Pat Ht h Ples atiuu Jue 3rd snd 4th, Elailue JR ig H Roai Arn Mans I et 'ldm y of Aaros Chanter. No. 829, 4tuenille. tuay tveliig at an eaegeant conoation P. Psi. 8 sS>yemre of ige endiwuiras e Ila n luai"Th ai.Psm aSecis- Es i of sq.ift aieChaples'. No. 7b, chout resirsi oft Mltnithes use li.hes hoie rg," CWiIleChapliulu"y th' SesI" niy. Amîg tâterawre M.E.Comi. was anemlr fit teIl Bnt Rowe & and News. Next Weduaady, Jeu. STt(1orue More. P. 0. Z., and G(randl Graham. pihilishers oft tise titanmi, M. B. Wsruer la i"Qu lieur Be- r VU Supertsendent R. . Camp. George Journal. l.stleriy Seélshes BILfore Dawa," sy ausfleld Scott, s Hnttam t tts of Hamilton, Es. Cou-P. jremiot ofî ltretsuiile. lyo cinta ilfi h en J W- t)raanî. P. HP". oftAaron NTmsî)O..-MP .frr n Chapieêr. No. 21. Ttsesille. P. andnienOibersofit.> O F. -Tie ,mo-n ait 117eSt a'Shea i vîl 1. se kemu- (Uoip.NV Auhon, Tisne (o rt tlend l>iine sirvivt. oGrae Until tise lut, 111110CimeèdY and NOva. Royal ArcsdgeUewasFeiilifliM bYI(isrrh. ,oStindAv r-eî-gJuse 51 MrTo4HsîauEm JrN"STssavwcx.- CARET , . i<,mp N. R. Hainmn. Z.,oit Poollip P..The uerneers or aoy Re- A trll itney Service viii ras tram CAP S Cisapter. Bramptan. anit hie offireca ins hkh Uge ad l ohisitisg ireth- Miltanste Miltan Beiglita on Satur- lieM.CmpM rfectmnietet ti en T r rr iyi nvitd to attend. day, Jîsso 4tb. Cars leeve for the SS. &MTh mmbrsar requenled 10 meeti :t fot. opoite Mc<iihhon Mo- Heigisso tramtWîii lo, He MLEPARA- Te, canitidates verselalit. Tiirty- le100F hi6i61)p.. Tle .8 n72> M.ad74 i.IOUSE. for10 Mmetrg ni Pool Chapte'r vMers KUCAviosoAnsOCKIoTION. - The Mcas!ghlin's Corne"e t 15 si 7 STrOREs. yrenli, elsiisg Ex. Campe. W. W. attendesce t tue ducationai cosses- pm. Returnin g Cams villi ave Mitan Lovy.T. 19. Moarelisai, W.E. Haill.tia at the csirt hoasehait. Setlrit&y B ladil! .e Il tei voil. T W. pFmoagant H.C. Snyder.wvsanbmot serosty-dier. Alineonici- Speciai tripe a riengeit for.Iftt LE TrOU.1. Theré ee n ine compenssmonsefroinetie licot Bsringtosce re e- triaileaa urre.s turther service vili AEAT> Ancaater. No. 155. andl ieretmWhto nex clmas the oos.rssiilont ho given.-J. C. F.geson andt O. C. JA E iX ak Ciapter, No. 110. Oekillc. amasg le Zkm vers .e. W. Ni. Mu1rrisi. Pettigreir. thene Ex. Camp. i. N. McOrspOr. St g o f.aya the Prsvincial Ràtepay- John tilimptar, Nu.o. 6,Hetami, vas ire andt Trustees' Ambuiqat.iort. ad RndBoitg' as hi e mreDtgodetby Ex. Camp. BIt. Clark.- geJior J. p. 0oslea, Chiot Atteniteoce RmtMaeeieal. u ot ~J~ OtmoCliples ep eoted vero. Offic for Ontario. Mr. Morrisex A srdes party, uoder tise auspiceof ~( ~ Trîniakamsv. NO. lait. Tort.No.412.plainosi thee aIma oi ttheprorinciali 0 lipe r- tiseiiarmern Club. yl ho heldit BtMc- N A E Toronto Bearer. Nio. 74, Stratira!, gasucation anit, nttise evening eesalons rysCreswOlOz nJu and Hnicp No. Da Petralia. Aller enoke os eslucat.los aod demore.cyiar.yA Cone r ohoolisoed.onPar. the closlng tise %iltoira vers gîros a Major CavIe. diicisied éducation 0f guai at rogaepaii.Pr bouquet et thse tavo hlBli. The usueBladoloeentoBndithtie Aitoescents tcir s tosteerr ponisssitaod honorsit atd seoooi Attositanco Act. The public A public meeting of the Miltan Poul. toasIiiIeInpecrie rmat yM .CnpMas colcriulum vms itesit vith by try Associatian vil ie d ot atthe II liiII Rtfi Caup. Bitan Ku ot.her. A. M. Campel, of Zimmernian ad armers Club roauneau Moaday, Joee ..e n~e Tiorova spendd cngls y the P*iciplB. W. Michonor. of Hilton tis, aie8 p.m. R. B. Fox, govertiment Iasse Maie Qarete, otfHrmptos. public scisool. J. M. Ocoyescstmt stgo u opeett judge Bla edithei round table conféee. ca free blrsessad anuer ail questions asteit. -ilnumumammý diecumion Of questiansmokeithy dle' AJIltisane intereste thlispoultry are gales. ThelitonltsRatepayerm andt cariiaily issitoil ta attend. u.ruetusa Aie.ciatiail veÈaorganineit. HALFON ixalmz.-Rsecrtiito vanted vilS theisetloisvmnRoffices tHon» eg o0 Nfl o iedss PreietJuige îlt and 5fn n ueî7th t .,Eneli vith Lies t. Droite, cPretn. W. HJtume n-J. R. Pescoot, Mts.Ob a Beots Vie.rss . j M clent f hrecompanie. vilI ho re- bain. Milton, Tiss,M. A.:(Campelol. ciet ot Wunmes. More than 200 Zmmeraiaa. Executivo Conemtte. have been lieteit. ÂUmes neollesi Acton. Res. i. M. Moyer, Burlingtosn Sla e ree aprd tTs iasM.Tavanit. Gètrgoavs.J. B. arMourie. neit Mondaer eossg. @tis ___ Mcc aio svilte. Ber. J. E. Manea utet8Ocok F.eueaiiig. .t.-Col. A. J. Noble, Nms- staOacat -~~ W ~ A HMaison. Nelson, W. . .. L .. ~ ~ rJ;ga.Rer- . S. ______________ E -N '11Eteashers. Margaret Curie. George- tovn, anit S. W. Michoser. Miltas. Tisa executice wyul arrange for a seles ~ euso Ieaong m8dSa otmetIngs, ta ho heli t i Bl, _ M ONSTER CGA TEEVENT OF TUE SEASON- Raue eust Frltay lgist fer Ii111h.raupce f h Puisile SdilGardes Party i tis ndrathee f h We alwuuye have a .upplY of thinge Furr Omuode.SpIled Perau:m neoeeelarv for housectlfillg. yuay, KeeseMisme Whluoe sud At If you uannot cohe, Phono 40 andi ap.uonsud Chisu, bis chOiso <Ud- have the order delivtured - rulu ceshum0e; Drus;>il Milton AFRIDÂYN Hloueebold AmmoiaBon Amni, Dud. ÀAdM.lses1ln-duli 35C.,FEINO sapolio, VOOI ;09p, ecisldres làc. __LERO' Cpt op Chîoride Lime, OAIP1ELo C, j-N oar man Mm Wbiek Broctîns, Disiulochssh, Gafieldt.u ore s the o agos Gilet.Ly, tipto-day et Watoos âicmrtr i'3lID ?f MT Hanltt'scyisBriob, ashis ot Ben JoisnI, ?Bc&ped Os Woaee IIU I! Bob HadScu, rsse esle -' day ftemioon oi lest veet, gole le BASE] Sisî&Bras Poilaii, Wgh .totbe, mtor car anit ee sito othe neigi- MQ Feiry nd Isory Sop. lsrisod ai Donnc visrse ostuct an ML FiyadIOYSR-aB SOL' Me Ieft tishe s. gat ta Mamil -_____________ ______________________________ tes (M B radtial car andt vent througis50' Ekrîtugiwa ta Branle. ges madits e RFEHET5 To n s Our Soda Fouctain Wsy L» Mlton. vlklng part Of tise IRSSON-Atdmti 3 5' Toie«y atd gcttlng Blilft for tise greataseDIS pors, City De.ry Ie Cria'nt,tise vish w. e aîrit not seuspc on Toîti, best IcCreato zprodottod. vi g. h. va .-M B-Cd hesed on -on frit, ate lI, TBl nve amng.d Boe và ptesât cap ~ - Weuse cre fuisncs 'at bMuêsuit mvor, ea a Wine, andi pure f, gjni&ti p aI rvsioe, a.loin& torevisanha Purifier, ForiIaiO. gS cte Crt ..apeit.liet tand tore ast' on Tonie, Brickesud CoaumMseguia gae and &afihaleuet in a b Liver Oil, 3 lav i ot, Cre» ciet ber hosp. fBaserai peopiO le oapef iv MLis-er Ol, ini Our Fountanio»oe. hlm. it, heelhfynob r e V TinTry Our Waiut laUdes. emowtu boit rpaP s-t hlmn atrdyoft sehoi, G»uwlot-mP, csrb«do i rand soisisg ou eestis Anniv@Mra5Y ln ur focr hodlitot a ecoustititisant he vs Of ar firgt store, viscri alneaitduttlcitt alasot oi. ot i. easiwn c Cos0a R~X~I~ 1li »deae aud son.. TySSt j op DUm veinefte po5 m aso vWJ E1 OSPslansscai Brown Whatlsts For sonet. ime tise Milton Flour mille bave maauiectured for imited constption a breakfast food matie front tise bout Ontario vhaat. Theew BROWN WRATLE1I coniain tise geint, part of tise bran and Lb. ker- cel of thse cleened grain-tse Most nosoriahnblu, altistul sud Savon- nome ceremi on tise market ah tise preett tinte. Tise enthisatie ceception se- cordes tis product bas entiousiee ce t a natureBOtcrinluqnuatlsU put up in eauihery, nealeti contain- cre, ansi procciaisle, ah yomnr grocffl' or st the miii. MKILTON FLOUR UILLS MILTON, ONT. MREN PARTY BMilton Public Sobool ir Grou.nds, June lOth AND ECENINO DY KENSHY, Camadian, cWILSON & KENNEY Daers MER nr0Mcsx nPUlîW'TA, by KBALL MATCH, 4.380 ta S. MN BAND. TUS ON THE OROUNDI. -ChgIdm 1" elrsaIlry hle voek viU "elbrato ou Tisir' ir stores. Tisirteen yeaii egO vo Lb teTelepisosoOn e aoits dCandy vasual syi o@oti îaugist ve coulti jure Coh cleau etore, uelinthbIe. lie, ahttise loveit pfce petuablo. i. tee cross» market and docideit iseet toec eninlaOntario. We os. We vwst tiseïr faeioyov0 e u nli"nait to *&Ptfc= nbut tisey7n w utW re decidei tota»Il u&Houti ang dem, 2 for 5&,e. On efer 5se 'ou ta, came lu nime boy guait ovQ d munoterl.1 wudie d aiCbaoelshu» -on iii yandt sahtrdsy. S éle aily. 8SATruRDAY TREATO' We m Wbtimou I mtute mol Sri a r-- FRIDAY SPECI.ALB 300 is t mim 0slst dPeina f I 'N on lkteh r. .Begfflvr40C lb...... ....... .......... ECIAL 9- Chocolat* mad Roue 89e. Ou s orlsit ChoiaiMte Rend Ma i e m Fe¶)ar 50 b ..a.... .......C. ... ...* ....m a D Y 39 . 100 lis.oai F re oh Cr m m C»i mitLu. .2.Ieiï. BATURDAT SPEP*tLS 150 lb.. oi sur hamamata tity bnmdi-muisi aeit itb asein tiene. t4g. 40c lb .... ..... 91 Tret Prtce 27c W..k End CbomoIateSbê!1b. Thie vaaitcrinl aecilin lu lau- due~ eft. Eeg. 50ce. lb... . - .- .. .~...a......i Ent apociai 37c 1000 choclat. DBase, ?r.e250. Amaot Nat Mlt Chomla DBU ace. 1%, oi rcMueiattos ec. Reg. 5c . ......................,"t rday, 7 for 25ce Tn. H. NOOR EAD BRANIPON EREOY ,TN ACTON Turner's fleat M re W. stu Quaty Md Ge duIactioB -Our Cookudilsai » ~Ociaity- Orders de&ier.â p,'pd7 te. uIuwtu of the town [14mu 42 * Having purehased thii W. J~gar Garage anti faken over the Ford Ageni th e ndoreign.d iutend to Stand a fnflsuPIy. ci m 3O, 011, Tires, Tuoe, eW., W. will b. happy ta IH Agai'. old custumers and 0 We ann~c A OItW~9~ 78* -'t Al 1-t i, dû yotir Developing antid I'tt.t - We give piu inick set- , 1 1excellent work. M Houeehold Spring Dyeo TanIse, Pei 1Peptonîized Ir r e> iii 4 I r~ SMILTON' S -BIG CASH STORE ~j Millimery DePi. SClearing Sale of Shapes, Trimmiogs, RWBY-tOVOear Hat- t Ou0r rush season i. about over and clearing bp timo ia herfl, If You t Yeqrnro millinery vsit our department while eleetions are0 t' ANOTHER COTTON BRE.AK Boat Cauadian Prints, light or dark, per yd. 25o. t Hleavy Faetory Cottono j to j of old prices. t Sheetinge, old price 85c, now 25c. Sheetingis and Pillow Cottons, plain or circula. Ready-to-wear Shoots and Piflow Cases. t White Spreads and many other cotton linos at lowsst prces. Bleaohed Tabling 70 ine., per yard 75c. t MENS FURNISHINQS t ip Splendlid vaine in Odd Pante, Work or Dros Shirts, Ombination or Ù' !P Separate Underwear, Hosiery Belte, Hate and Cape. Wesiý a "Borsalînot( ' t qk Italian. None too dreey. t PHONE 9 SANDERSONS MILTON lia Mffl - - - - - - - - - - - - M i aime ilm 9. rc ie W. Ji 4gar Garage and and distriüt, y at the old AcSesories- -'imta of au Mr. 01 the, W. 1 V--- li KODAKS JAMF.S,ýTURNF»R. IC: ý- Ve 1

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