Bud(e Sod andATL & M.BrkkL InIflon.X o tbaO. N MILTON, THU»DAY, EAy No. 291 -S a m t1 e s o n * * I tï Y ur y eýshovel. ad lat.4!ars on our ow n ~ i UILDU - UNIUIIVU~ 4ph t.~udif kebrt. but uites. Pensingisu gives trrOsot aaTon beyond the city - Auvs soi s C11àsaeru a, XaV vmtv imit-wb.re a Y wiii istd air t 50 uii CI wbero tbe point or costruction ho- lytttoS 1880 VIIII! is-w're u a aunit." 1 ____ a______ Connection ~ A~ _ ___ ___ __Suppos e b - refuses, Bry- w is, F r A of duw thbaGr A, K*EMcUCIEN Rp you effioîency of vis.!~TI.BakofNv al. E RUT H O ioin t be hundred perent.- v Wl i k bv taetrAsvn cotitnTh Bnk fNsa Pao~~.mark Orasn.ntheg.l;th PaarMaTsg Penulngo'a incks os Water Stee Scotia gives thie d.po*itof a business coo- 5. o dOsova.ngofai ..~5. conideaton hl 1eev itania sows B Steet mare a jump. nection with one of Canadas Ieadîng finn- býýt-4~~T65fl pz i Srtn f& id. cnieainte eev.e an f pOnfuqitm. à lise on Wter ca ntttos F, ampien ofWall %ar ta olect et us eU yonifiyon vis-istreet and couuectisg wiib the splur ce ntttos a.ss I Wil ape"b *e Lo us .11 on fgyoir vn- ,pIotaD ourI byare.". Such s confleçtIoni n years to cone CUY s,.l o snpcs 0rn io is entÎiWy normal. a13 ar.MBc --I %tomertoe Mainlsa but.na WhyL motff fhen ,h mi@onCt." today b Il - oeci 'ai "SLl " mu.~ aasUTTs lyni "le ibis m y onSet adycatar b. of great vralue end am.sltanuce in business.1 uiail - -- -d-t-- -k-os la raderead ouUena- ~0o s~-ss ~o >i Vad 1.0 C qo t fl-1I Itassiht o ; tseewls Y«S opening you savng acco n? .~ ,i.,.,~ ,-.L~- f way for ihe '. C. . w s hsrslded aing youe lise os« ety -al ad slesanh.* Iosa 'ia Il mlgit." soit! Shirley, wllb one of by s vîsit tram hlm ta Bcyce Cardigan making lump.crolgs os yaue fr -m o> 25 N L 0 r fl hos savte Oasea f italiospe 'ai tac lalleren office. As lie breasteil peilioe'a rond. If yeur compeulisa re- ~n~Z a. Ora~5> 0 *~5i ~ i- P OPTICIAN cuir la ivomea, 'ho a scean ta bide the counter la the genecai office.,oe grayua ess~15Xce.bfKo oaS oi d=sssbs. tl. r AiT nliti PM1 iff thes operallons o Bryce Cardigan. McTavinh leftiher desk and came oser tbook, b. eau ivae oa a nice lutIle rup.Ioeaais igo MKSCSN S v 'Now ihat ie ho nows ras siest gaine ta se. wbuit ths visiter deaiced. toc yasei mo9 aas dMs osid 5SlSOS 'u ~ g o eLH<. ol renew i, huIiag cotraci. ho ma 1- sbouid Hita mec . Bcyce siteiy." I t.. l W B Clemen ______riv ______ _____ ta haildbishl owa iogging Cardigaa," Buck. beaco la cri-p bus- -Il resus.o taiML, Bock. TbaCB wby aa5 ILe-orý h» 9 .C. .H S O ,V rallod" issulke accente. He was fumhlai F m Dot appeaing lu ibis ilsdda (d AIIUI . IOS2i ILO ange-r "No. I have no fear af taaî. anili about to bond bis card ta Mtour- bacs of h, heMd Bout me base tac It Lol cool Afres a e tas re Caloa nd ilads , bis tarcs sufid boit on the it a mil. nd muii O baispe RD& Spcaiti ugeyad'nity dollas ta bud ihat tveise-mile lise whie b. stsced ai bec vita coasumw 'eacth té-keep me ont of a t=acldsO ai'~~~#* i1CS ~ V pta n nd gyand Ditîy i dg v Nl d r ver andrd th Candit mabesi ati h ie s h ai t men, ta us thal y g i dre ae aid Live Stock Ori-s Bom-§seS s M. à t. 2~ P, .. a, gs ihaent got taat amaunt ot bis momentaeiiy, tacs vas laverd lise. Of course, mnce bis maln ils s~Ommoney. Whats more, they ranit Cei modcety; the look the card and car- cu"ono cty prspeity, SalAa tram deéectï ed u ho ase an cliva ew là t o i i < a -i- e d I t t ai B 1 7 C 0 . ' c h i a . g r a n t e d b y t a C i t . t h C i t . h - t e O c e . M o l e s . t i c. y o u v a u i d v.- M I LTON. ceilvevaesr. Halis mM Iunra« the rosI hoiieof the rond shauld nos ainO~.erlegsa 5'S5 ~ ~ Miaica ber daiS boad &ad -.Ssvw A ~What would you do?" Indl It bis voire.Hl "" def 115 ftael, do> iii Thoa the poi Id sed thBYouk nuls seaud (l'a. -i . P. R. MILT'ON AND S ORNYIY Affe~ct Col.e P.îgtî o..~ lemkir Ifm ne-n carraî »t~ yolr l k , cnao tacsue da d MIo o pas Â, Cooe -enngo' ests frenle saler ands tiiot bed annec-t Cil" osis-iWN AL MliN » -1 grreaiy fesr. MY dent, 1 ghou- hiads. Mr. ItrYce." my o, and rm oui et s »ob." !mitted ts rail duneSf scc Issums" bie ~ I5s-ecas su saaiocd b tc Syce hnas is boad tbouatsidllT. 'murs'mured. He plaked np is bat and v.'ON ONT mse s ose lihe omeint .00. Bri rs ndsutee at h s c s ( 1A id a s fo r P r yo s C a r d g i a - c ll. l a i g a u le r i o ff ic e . " O v e b o o m t a c o c k s ll ." b , M IS .e 2 v itiid e e v , v i s t e g o ua t at a i l m- a l tl' F> -ooi~.5Osno.v o.Me. Bryce Crdntlsn Bock qaecicd. pesol Imoud' aeiei'u su ae.iyr abs swn ,c.o s. si'~ psPi.~AI oorecrice br. OgnyT. liesse pti ive. I, tboOsa bor erigssa spe eav bis. IrpSoets enter, Byeloe o s-n came l." unti I baS siiid the maiter ett i 'gagesl 1, aiatedI ciserstiogs vita -Thant yau sa lunch, air." He toi- francbise."u fysLB* ww at uarI!I£yId.-o iowed Bryco ta thc isters pissie -Ob, 1 didu't buy suyriegItu ai of - bcho d managed lu Isapqm Mobia 'is >~o5d Cone ' **uv vw esofice, closed lbe dose caretulif hchind -Yei" Oilvi bste5ild ta ""Mur bs. a ceas t the ui= galas boner Ot hlm. aid stood wita bis hraad hack O-ve ssIi iged tae IssO-sOci UuI baiag a statsg luas steag iaWn.4 on ~ ~ t aIn aronud oglegrM m a w bsr lgbue 11 7 yous Irnia rasee i-aa ait ha-011 lois, -Bue aneryulsn y o muce," srudanr l attiS e et ols 111 Toig:Itit 1old S Nasey bat ! bsd pat foc. Fixisg Moir tIs iouLa tnaoiis e lto isO gn IV' tnait and ud md a "S uppose. Misa n4cTai. C anadiai Sa yet l w co s dn r hi e ria i t fegs aadndb ta rd e. l l e ce a T. lg sE . Hl En Re ic- e tecbcd taM offi rd, 1%1e -B y "o the e g ek oa ute 1 O lU o OC to - aIe ,uTu u y o e c ee t rt -Wofie t vas d a sue N ono s of ca te M os dea ed f r. at»aJ u M oirat Te l M e V ut n o s c sp Am.5 1a ButOi tohe tIserin ofa tehen Noa-h bi-rgtbe ln ogi __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _iad -o ,yvtc> ys Iu misie on~ Ssuer ' lagu er tac hebca d = ta ina.>in theO White" -,-',, inilege be au theti diotsc-trl laf tact cosatr IIIe ipenls ose puff l FÏ1 "I,- .l tER» ta ber." h i. sssOly aasaai M oira "La o reY E Ru ove. ai IraI aihlon legs, B uch mx t e sla atlcreuaO okag iS (11.tee e ro Tr vele î G u dO isii a ede t sttland G ~ sa asmi Milton j k dont gkiov vbaib utoa the1 liew ul h ln » OP foo a utigit ou ecat aleteofi.qwnue h Icm gathrer -evne betoclr Ssii TotM boylt oer home thea bei. BaLsae bis. s1ehy in hemsai butv ten evas Ofse troi gitte ont- -'-iitmgtbei y t "Ps i l ciemnycnby --------ad "h. yse fllM l' ile eYeà hav anV hys d?~isi oes aihe om M acs4ie5 m-nov Te' Hasenc yaorata urhae las îlew lady ns on vbI!, Misa ..ry ~ ~ ~ ~ el agbt Wha tac &III, No.a's Myoin Idiot-ah"lft1. ! raatelers forde theier chhec tag proposer trot. pln* est#i and dTh nst-id ate n ydi 0 Igo ao~l M IItO sO fltI~W hf he viii.' t'caailagtoa Ien iol m vatc o or b ro Tw ets Flc-ilIlse Ara'r hi p e f. Ise my t a yen II eu 5aa ba i tm io e v - footrce a d fo 0 f " hre W hyeer myNàj dcvi-. y os' ta o t e ovtee ta ye nd gsea d me long v su oa m ui dae .~ Mr ogtv . &Wi Igala l ta d p o u bter t l o, ' i asoreLWA coASH sat conceli ta piar cOt ame Yuordinary tlan ound PusutOs ti-aons ,y th ria etO btethehn u-ey o 4_m'__at_____l_.__________ 1__ patSHor at lier adorable w c h ," hY o bested "Toputut' ae ta s s ni tbe -5' àmoo t 1 yn c le a. wesonl "'rîustfl t l' i-b "Sict 'r e Hm. Tige the aine cne. YOuurdai bav 70111 Vodoeuc oay Mirseu gasc bi M t e u de . a i ga? dmSs said y o o l -Sbake cmRM SRboyG ! g a n y 'ben o o n tc b n t a seln t T nm e. SIet vas n ta ai up si ned «toplae wo ao q ri ba " yi I --o w"hii a,6'i mie Il f.U beeS ourug bi tb s l ls..:No 700" Idi. les- lalg p t 517 dcari stbtis . " a re le falrt t bises, as ahe ceev esai n 5Pt e ~ ~»~ ~O ~i" .~aini-Ew «Jt wonidc r cdf jayoi y fi e pa sS tsvthii fr y s o k.h t l eU i, i a ia s e .b la5 5 5 aspco a ih vs. flusu la ofgb i d 1 me a o re r! OII7he avent ta.c foru for hec-o aggcslsly ber."v omdm r « q& .I ogy iaalweg dab h I y igu L U i , I C P i i t W , P e f l 8 l . L N . I f l N b r a n e l S e t h . de '" '"C e a ib.s Wt>- o utvs h s u d da ao we b a v e- - » a l f ,II osot.. Isi 3.o3 e sud hoec se tua PPoice.O ratis ner thee s ti o'l chant te AlDEt-,u',. . . o 1 0ssit11L -Wist tIso lem. ltv atVlY Shi - Nota "Dguck . iS' abé t ia lu ni01 a atr p o inn vsdsss ss>Eeec -1~ 5w t y pmi aci 5v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n yoam nese. me 700 tieTs witie 0<O OUfs Unbeis dateE Car Sevies mc. ti sua- lnsiied ruo peopl yo oy "zvudi'rarevoloieitbr<e bt kuflêvIIOS tfi;ty votrev.laMirshir nSt. - v'l ixtas ev slroe. f t ehîlieds vs od Ic hîc if a s i hC ityc o mm a y vlil 7M ss ut aiu sasd ro~s dl 11 Ba th but " nd yo do st lica poiio v li D-Cl h.tjWA teala msSour sie l wsf han Sanfcos Agale tac m f e c-ift la' th av -l. thh hav tab rie y l lvs fet y vse ok O iIbsn i c eot o c . r o't b eic l. a uH e u nla s et neial sn dryo nI s p i a t onsi sa t a s o a tta b leC ty.n dgM:"o k u o v . 5i5 e o f tI s e I I y n c u i d 't e sv 4 i -. 'I l av lui, M M OSIIZTP lIME PIECE p>AND oSTR piDETTALE ic ol o conc'l the 'cme p tc Rou ceciatrci e vasen birs Taouta d ring*p se sveil Brtwues a5ag. folorslt ios ~a juil luto niatO5 tons Il ie r iS t e tma r a ie nc v hst hi .' 'lnong a -a par qlsgif y o rd n e nS- yo e hlll S sa r, *BofIe 1 g I bs pnls a O r e e itl\l, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ,Yeut 10t vomi b besoo oftis trhCeE.Mor- "o til e by." she iedrdmeforae fr reoi..Md'cs.."1 _ » esplet otaccptig t, itSlntaS.f"t o at.'u 55 . . . . . .n v it ! k c , " kTi g e J I's a Il [ I lr st c k aia mi" u d"B maliSac "Mal mnd tai --an s d re ra roeprtoat a. opn then ibalou efc iab ri Sb wu. Do e a tIeil Sctow e guipss " - kindee .ar nta Twrtyn bCran o aer o w t o sbe'rt mt d d 15 nt thicii nuain duoan- b . c-ly e w « -a a t « u a e st. MO 1 .e l Il i 1 1 botc ao ue __ _ _YOD__ __ _ __ _ benc l 11 t ha ko pe up, th t a t a u e m s f 1 c asti e t t es5 5 to Osteopatt'p~-D ubl Iddy! Trbeos 5od ton " rfui f or bigl. B veuck ui Me ta.t aaeSn eague fotcle laal hbo wui~q~,3a ft- ' igh Iô1s aT BErt vTIN 0004 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o bisC Ouik aeor I iewytsogao a' qou a .C .v nd base yod'sI 0f vy a alotal t 0fT t'@P s ama s'o dn ave thetit.s andk cehbl anr noegrey be. a" taltAhMoteSaorHIk 4 , c o s t . t a k a i t e S s ir " Dio s a d o s e l b n e d t a S ars e . d o isl y aonn, 1 0r i e h Wci n V o i i e bIi d m es s Pe s l lt I .p n t eY~o ra n s t m l a i, m e I o 5 u 5 e i s e O n I n nta u c ta te t er a h il h @ h e v y o t c o m a t o u i lap c t u M a nrimb ar r u a u i a v-P.k 0 M. D.,tlThot'& MdlU.Ros~ Wa o ati t-maed a ecu il miodtsaih Siur ols -b tatm ce rie boties boum-1ru amiblcg sas.ýa irooble a.nS elxplan LIfflsu ruIAG en ti 11c a wi lus fer o 100eD9- llmhcrult lavat goan heeis Itig lik mtloaltiO -~ ~ u ta ortsa 1ilil the ifcB on. v gts'ia ivyd bad e tai t chi» tO ut ie Blots l'pai Mor' Nft h -'teMaSa nss Ift55 "Un& oeO Orw i t s Bail> ylra visi-5 sd tac bnaves tf iba nadue latI coucverI rem' lBasI* dtoeo 0<51'~A ai ho"O s ta toîpy ns.-i M ILT(flisY me.lI Abi ieas I'1 noc auoofh aiYt et05 ed. . n s xa Y, - bl trin aOA. si e o bon dageoside wha dols vau doo ,f sucet iavai gai an matfllati ou4 tbcbs maiSb p-dSt (W RITE IEPR S m pn mu -n wi e 'oeo th lroecetrl li __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ yi th e a i lut ota ct ,u s an-1 etidhewaloorWB18104 atichmk'f -al adt J*W11 Oison lISr Grn ig ter nesean S7ur d e utohl. og grtn bey atI i ssa 'm , G adund te u psu td 0D c « bsoiin s a topsr use_________ héteo ..H- Dotl i o, h ee ai cur for lackes BrycW y0l wny? bo ot ofacp heogaiib u - dot net. on heo 1 PESif _____________________- Truckd forW var.a TUspekàkn grouormad.' ou w p of he ivel baveUU Oss rIn y rcev. lite"tubrnidY 8 at g 1o rj ss mm. Mdss Simca. 16*0." icmoev slows A.. th@ s -'s -no OC , hW h i s We bave wtobes w"I ba test IlIe bouH llost veek. sortS O 'a bomIse m 1hin anvla uncin qu»tu-. lu» taYQ s m n iip»a@ h :îi~~:t~:iment. Aae i;elEs:, C .nt R on Ttr«UE ~ M l o Se qos . Is l dy. " aas fl o ptio efaati50o iltc ray yn tiu -&MR gol late sJ pre an &U 17.lU becsud Ponet-iCtc n e rtany. mses camoe dow hata Oursln hoi... d.d ce i i poost 'enlOP aceI Il tende aola srepsa igtl"Soi oa-opas7'ious rton Yompu 'r out vu th . 1m oWnt.u"eu Sw"h cmm es ut eulm ebA Bil sud ahni loi aiok 'bsavs ge tm n ew igi ru h.sOIdg se S ____ p n . ILON éuDr oot na. Ma porde to bIli etr igTa tei lry* o - cIlICeLuS-' m upatales, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -. one mos igeto ia S tbaisoB 8fa II ail Ie satael. fo lare- -ýfj - - v l La ma R li Umm Pnom~ îI~h ~ .a. lJOOo I -