Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 1921, p. 2

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1~ Y' 't O~ajt ~sapla LGM.~Nt S anhus IDAoLI - O~~wiug tl e lz eoady belsg 1 eý ythey played <crmuwII QauAw BeooA. fotsriaDy here wlî ie n. h.mhcay b h ool hem. a" W09. 1 ta &' - Âftu ~her. on es d. places- Dib iinUltc.Peéccka sonU Ilineae, the deatbit. illli 011d .SOd eut usAc ion er as on u 11h d. cf ud Big- ~~e-uts -e elknown a"d hlghly euteem- 1 ictora Day, Neit Tuusdy. ee hre, 8t o ton. "Miltond Ailons Bnyln~cuyneag. Ons. e ai FtArbadchin lu"The Gang., uat &onMsdyti eutaOkl lIonin 1 teordty-tht ent y saeeI eoai e t t e uBulo t be rolus. anildefeated Oakville high chool. l tel @Bot nia. yeae augo. Hie vas te A meeting will ta held in the court oV nof Mmlir. - ,ai andt the tata houe, Milton, on Satucday. May S" There vua ice afternoon of sport IL Biggar. Unti e .w8dforceld fur the porpog. of o bdana[ on sssî u±CIpbellvllle yeaterday usdee the tag itu bis positilon o eccunt of, Fiucatiosal Association for*%Itan amples. ut o the Atietic Auocatlon. faingbealth, b. vu. euployedbyi The iet ganeasltov.Bro- teNitionalCar cosipany,,Bamttn'A nev rulitiaunuit, a Csuaty Clear- vle ts vwon Milton. The Md- The funerai tank place on Friday af: 11na Station, bai bean organineil at tas battery at theotart vas Kenne i teTrcin fbos hi late reidence on1 Vancouver and i ta offieers gaaetted. und Buck. One rus w« s. eni L'cmtat treet. Interment je Fvprgreen Dr. K. D. Pantan je .C.. with the Kessoy issix ionisgs. Telfer pitchai C'eentery, Miltan. rank cf Ueut-Coct tb. asI treoe, and ilive ruave ece-asasia - itox CHrRcui.-The euh joct for ed off hlm. Wu. NEWELI Sond, uaonrisg yl ta 'Somoo.1 l. the second gaine CauapbelMl.l William Newell, ose cf HlIons Paul's Certaintiee. EvesisgouljCt5 lieat Kiliee 221o 1. -)Ililst reidenti3. djed t bis bomne O'in-ee Day.* Mr. Macayyl preach The ZC.. played their firet gains, Nelson towsip on Sunday eveing It both services, W. gin-o you a cor-.ltaés sesa<n witb the Mounlaîs sensn afir an ilneso of about on onth. dial invitatio te wcrsip wilb un. Bineo ns Monday. There vas a large tir WaS bore in Cooty Dove. Ire- attendance. The Z.v on by 2280 -"!à land. in 1837 and came te A merica In Silomer Firewced and flral-cluuu dry 2. Batteries-Z. C. C.. tartwrlght, 141. e bilresiei j Bllo .un maple, cal 12 or 16 lachus ;de- Powell and Bucki. Moneain Unon ty en-r since. Hua vite. Eilori Web- lverci leamy quuatily. Apply Sa But and Dixon.Ji 'ter, îieeeeceoed hies by tht-e, yeu ens«eau. Blâmc179. bTahaîe gm-iagus in thlei l H S Four sUce. tht-tedaugliters andl one aeâleguwi bpaydrd& brother, Robert Nperl. of Bovnee Dayligbt savnig ent ita offet on ta-mnOrrevl eveisg and the isals os lirvvpSunday, asd the ne train nehedule Victoria Day. cousuecisg t 10 ar. went int effet os the C.P.R. The ______ WEDDING. 2vorting relitîcas i e hr nwanda Berl Acher, C.P.R. telegrapli oper. JxFEiam-EvLi,. .15P.oe nusTelof s rta6.5isabore oeat tarloft Satueduy os a motor ttip ta, Jornaua e-om 61ra.. stadebti.7usfrs i home in Elgin cousty. Mme place Very beautiful vas the cere crly. tin eig talou by Mr. liseben. HO Si. Barnabai Churcli. Trn" on thieMrm M. E. 1Hll.852 Gljmoor Street. Police Magistrale Moore bai fineil afterncon cf Taenia - 1oti May t Ottaewa, acnoonacen the enuffgeaucunt as Actan uatarist $10 and ruai. forHO vhicb Vera Elleni, eiXet daugbler cf of ber ldeot daugliter, FlorenOe Ri.s...eedîng on a etreet. Bore seotoriets .Mo. and Mes. William Devlin. cf To. ta Williami M. Weyjie, of Torontapnd th iuapunity. ta t ho great roto(frmrl o Oag).beàjnyougstsn fMr ndMs.jb danger of the public. Actonsa exaincle the bride of Bruoet S. Jeoferien. osof 'ele,1The Polars." Streoeville. should ta followed. Mr. and Mes. Edieurd Jefferies. of To-~ the marriagr 5to ke place May lia.-_______________ renta. Rev. Mr. Powell. Retor cf ItevîOw. !he-cbureb. officiateil. The bride. who D ensdWBa lO.MssM- H LP W NE . Wi awn ofgiven vy cb lieatheor vea Kie and Miss Dillon, of Oie Coturubla goeofgi cee itor oie rafonola CGo, gare a deesonstratios. Neat appearing lady or gentleman hrKte match. Se a gvo mo-sliowisg the educatonnal vaine and on- tout ass our refreseuhn atils.rde harra o ach heasowreajoyesent vhicb uay ta derived frnu s uetl ioofssttioeesg rtic. pearl neeklace, the gift cf Oie gromusmcoth chm. bt rfu irW itelnron auac0ig n and carried a bouquet cf orpbelia adnod nuohr1aet Oel ri- e utAnroMsanu 132tVelbgand t weethoet ruse..Mine AunsDevlin, .ca topeet ete àWsTrno itet- cf the bride. vas bridesmajd riialai peojet i dl land ~et~roo an wreagono in cep e-heethe apirit. Henry Ward EBeehr said: andl voe an of bratcelee ebte *uaiccleansea tbe usd.etandisgi osil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nnie irreteadabrclt.Oe tand lifte if ista atein fi f the groomn. Edwtard Jef- w1l lvoine or e NOTICE. Phone fortes, brother of the groom, actait as rfieb jlt wudnt-. r f lwr tact mac. At the sigaîng et the re- ott tef, giaeer Marry Wjilkis sanG Boraine." ESCAPED YSON ASttt!i.-Veelrrday Ail ovnre- or borborersofe Dogar - Frolowig theserie in the chureli a Ce ptable Mison, ofcf am ietîviîe, reo,.iiresl onder By-lav 492of the eo reception vas bell ai the home efthOe brlbgbt an eldorly mac said Wat. cf itan. ipurehuoRefroua the Tewn brids prens. itîroa Crncot. cu leuovata uil tata oitforClork on or before the làth day cf meeeaauiicreieat vaSsenrvod Itrial fr mitkîng cova. and stealing a e tu heyaaraing. e .etaut- ta the insiediate f aindidrelatives. eggs. Me drank the mîh andl tae teo.Th tblsc Latar Mr. andl Mm es. efres loftIforeg n ureaoeng jail iesdows aiuita in re theOiabcve conditionsu i Muskcka, vhere tliey vill @pendl the Ibbatvm h to oi vt, a fraI ios e escapeil p natsot enceedi ig Ton ecenrer monthe. bufor the lImane. ILtar sinte cdayrDollars yl ta muposeil. _________IL_ a essage came frees Oie lua that Obeùt hm g- the mai bail eseapoil tat arcb. By G. A. HEi<sgitE-R. ObICiSIWhIPIUS -reqest hle i ta isg bhol at the juil ns- Town Cteet. T,7 i. 1 h bpS til aumanruomen elget hiuanad hring 0 noise Si,-ta i ClStlià oyn -hies tacktotaLondon. Notioe to Credilmors. Ovingte billon publice clitol mac aou.Ls uea eeirI hcoi. recesjy os evenleos hshes on R. W. Bru. Beruitan, D.D.G.M. e tcElaooffssna ecbhan.witha ou b let aapToronto District, pail ie officiaI viit hy Principal Mchener for -euting ce IoieL<iilge. No. 229, G. R. C...Ntioa n olielby tiren ecreanitIote lcsiat up- dîrisg the levapor absaence Brampton, accouapanieil hy a brt oeta n h"titatms .1 rdýh troua Oie ronfla cfe ta-ber. No Torostoabrethree.i-c1udi mno klsli th. e tcor Si ci eii. l accaa brr c dneae asdoe y1membees et the cralt Thre wore _I5tyoSH lt..dace deosaus. Hh e bo. eai jet loftI iso'Placejbi-g cotingents froua SLtevitle bitM ie- u r I t s idue ciMalr. u.a u t i ying ta mate a lttte fun- 1tonand eirloevbrre. heidro froua .» t. ýqursd toeu-sd t! jool mreador e It te simsmuneoiaedOitH fo , the -- tjsbthat the same boy je contie-;,ronto. St. Clair Loilge. Milton an IO -ao ettoetIa uI*-d d.d.,aftu ially bammereil for every trifie by rpreroiril b y W. Bru. G. B. %bn stimaiOf thoi& claimseIn0, ol 5. 3f.Mree. CITIZEN. oitW MW.Bos. ue Robin E- tae tuk day cf 250e. 19,21. sod acItals ) Ml!.ugo W. El- date the Mid eeconor se ilpoed oon 1 li.Wcî. Panon candl J.NM. bMacten- di@bibais tas "idlO maaie aanClou onse Note by Editae.-We kucv nething ie. PM's, oed iftea. other brethru.~e UWd 5-ta neertisg to lsvand aI et o about Oie allegedii ',eBanr vho Tbcy ventin tho rarestfBrons. R. B -s can eset -tcneaie the boy vas vho uas ad Io hure re- Galbrath. Geo. Govliug. C. B.Turner f the djtribtleaY ceejed it. bol Oie wblppisg cf popili io andil or. Galbraith. Thers ee cait Dual s Mlton taie lih day ni May. jicil yo secessary for Oie maistapance cf din- te ta about 40 brethren assemed, MEUSRS.tMORiLEY a OuTaRINSON. cipline. The roi le sot eparedin l the perbapi the larest Maolecgather- Oe.Dien Engli8nbpublie snbcola. v b re the pc- teg on record is Canadautinude Oie Mill 0eeirEnoe ib are son. of Oie bet families., cities. The Masonîr rc.v. S Cutu h botter mon. remain in the ante nocms. The wooki nlearHula ofetireroegme. vanexompliied, ussuof au uauon. 4EW CIIEVROL PRICES. hy W. Bru. Ingraus, W.li. ami bis of-. i Sicore ao uarly perfectly saapossible, In the Matter of the Eeate o[ Buvard i Model 490 Châ.ssis ___8 .00~ar. Racli offioer vas =5O5Iy 'and »par- ifoDain, laie ci the Township of Tm- 490 Touring .... _M0. atalycemPImo- hyho .D..M.. falg, oithe Cononv ofItalten. Paroi Moi --490 Itoater ...a.va.te.....idchir890.e00.o. r lelesri 490 Sdai....i .... 50. î o otteeP aterspi von-rsente r,10.0e l ettey eo sens oîe 490 Coupe .. aaoN itUul evl. .Br.Dr. Rob- vie tatates etarsino. lapter 11. 5eoimon -40 Liglt Delinery M5.00. en-ls.tho senior P.M., tbsnked Oie .ta. lIaus peose Ivagdamst<i.th. F.O.B. ebtâaant isclsi sales te. 1losge in a ahort speech. A banquet ~a~miEeauMeon, eld Theecah payuaent refiisiiplanis fellowe.in te tarmouries, vhere ni abs ciihef nasslaca.olfC-e7=eèay s vithiravo and ail pueclinners f nev there vas aposaing accommoda- wenoîk. s en ,dCIo .mdly -tear 490 peiln rum Ot. lut.. 1920. ta May tie. . ru hrem ram. lt îamis l l d-c lOi, 1921. viliion prupen-ly enidoi The uouatbsrtatail sproaiol7i. s oforth île -MI day.. certl.icatantrerirea&choque torseventy poseil andl honoreil. That cf -Tel. mle aen. ddeeimu,, mton rtur dollars. tGrandil f ige of CanadisinOntuao oft5iMOel-mo. mdàCthenarn e 0.uruit. Tbeepublir cannt failta c otice Oie w va ps eOUisibR.W. Br.J.1t.Fahlis. Ift-Y. id b mier auso. ACtertoidat etromely fair masser' s vhmcie eBrampton, FD.D.G.M. Speecbes theervitcoa il peconnite disseiute the internasaof purbuisore et Chevnoit vere amade by theD.D.G...R. W mUtM ts ot o hala th.arlesoi cars han- ean prtactel. und t Iis vilI Bru.Aiero.P.D.G.M. W. Bru. elais i t moel laitaea Chave notice. confirm the confidence et the pubie Wright, Rer. Bru. BruceButer, ot sud ahb..y s-aelsc ot b lît Coo- OSleanisméto f -nth -t~ces f Oie Ulenrlet seotar Toronto. andlothers. Thee iugisg O c nmIat of th- i nt hYie hua. of cWh-y C. of the choir about torty singera. as«aaken aS ke Omtisetfm=l disteIlettos. __________________rare treat. The mouatars.hairoelisen cm. nia Miloa. gttan "ydaof My. 91 îîD.'nder Oie traiaing cf tlaoîr conilutor. W.I 1. i. DE.Bru. Cappa. for a long time Be sta aSet iton, Dnanec Nueli-Is Nelson, on Stidfday, May first-class uscias. 00B tee le- h.Esoreic lfitho, 1921, William NeveIl. ageil Si _____ __________________ Broie-At Druesquis. os l,ûe-d.ay. May 17,-Mar Ans Artmstrong, --~~- e widcw cf the tte Chatles Breve. je ber 8thi leue. Bgar-At Burlingtoe. os Wednru- cay, May il, 1921. Geral Victar Biggar,cssly mso f Mes.Bi TOBAuni the ata E. R. Biggar. inTe 241h is-lav. Wm. b. -er on Tuosday. May i7th, M"aryKinîree, wveo f lVe carry a fuit lino of ManusKindree dagter of thelate batlbew and bis. Taylor, Btamp. C Moton-la Mitn.o edek May hth, 1921, Thoinas ILMotton.: w wm- ?Tenfnra i ii tata place troua Oie- residenre cf Jchn Waiker. Pearl St., on Fruday 231h ut.. t 2 pon tei jemn nEren Couatet-y. and CigarettesW qe- AqmaUeAspoit. Flottog arouasiln Oie ietee. vîtI onesn beail aid aociers prjetng froua tha baillof a flover-alaped buoy f l ua lite a statue cf Bud.iha tn a lts Toletzkfes T ba c Store B bînescunae nvsauattesoraien- de Poibmle by anIngstinsa Inventon, H n i ir a l r vblch isaie.erlled ta Popotar lMe- N 1 hanca 'Ilsma. The ]oyal a, PHN 21 an Ë i r P rl s bl-Sun. ai negepart Oai nuamentahty elahe matt, via, e auular air____ clamber en isîlebulin valet- ina.- Front1hsaotpearaclre laMp aa par fsrsee ata fwuep1o A BIG DAY AT BRAMPTON = Milton, Otnt. RIGIIT NOW ýthe tn to try a pair SIID----H ESI very Style Every Leather Du'1I find our prices are mioderate, it our qualities. in everv case. are ry high., There is a hig difference shoe value, voîî'l get most for vour )ncy here. AHAM'S SHOE HOME The Home of Gooci Shoes YiER'S STORE~S Why seli your ,ggs for 2 or 3 ents Iess. than ie are paying ? ring them to s'Cash or trade SYER'lS STORES -- POBT OFFic, - --'ML - lagthe l -f umd met ce Tmoeiu ven-s.I TW tlai ple ayct la tàbeoalar. _ ueiOieayaM uutu d M4».. tto h.me wu d~si. ktal UDe"t elânummes R ai atai Sl Mr. n#Jn.1àtuk. l Galbral.th cé PRICES Dompany 15c.A ROLL UP. Cutn..Jàrapery AU kinds. See SpeciaIJ Value at 17e yarî, Linoleums, Oilclothç,, Rugs, Etc* GALBRAITH &, CO S3JEI TUSE CAR Or DURADBILé JA - l.S'EILL & SONIc T. D. HUIRE, Milton ta drihi to teest Oie cmamrela pnnitlllim et the sai hein lai lh. Port àbeMursay ihatri etM the Puaft River coutry. rucently, Il cwas tuai tisaI Oieere u1~7 ty ieeet of uisydite au.i m e t eoumaeeu osalitly aI legha rausli, teroa m tea "0 faaut, uniIf a mat-bau abe touai for Il lb.. la a buge reset-y. avallelil. for devetemat. GYsuam la o»eu t tha Isuporlau bomi-moalalie Mssta-h o a dLm. au ta tou" a a mme-salt athe prevlaaM but wummk»»to vi tah far umelI. Mm es aebeag cou- staludle fanai hIis aaptale au- t-liaI. ai il. ral e U hm bttiue- leuitey, la WbIt Mla Qmi for wauf d"'bu %"st mi- e-ami ro- igetWLpu.Ae a tSeUlase Il bastise lb.t or r@Wang lhaut fodta draîaiUYStat<es i..laen mme l ali um. "~ tous et 8SulIMMe a cii fbout CM,, aid il leatelulai ___ii7l oLaté a tr isan Var su tisaI 1lsantist pbt4sitat prie eru ta ~~m i- ïia a s oral l ta lfl w Valuedai u lspbutltil- vlsut r l» de. pcl13 lis aTe neatumm@& sa AI a ceriat u i nosma mamsms vanre tallue- about 4@ru Olt. et m"the __ mais 3. o fu lai tas euhi tell ut a huas. Asaioemýo~.a. #ue bell«. tssm lauau. to- batot eu sI «Mm get the Th bue ti Ulm bbd$6 mo me lue- M isiaula à& au« lhe oe m . é aiz Um o«tw Èàý o. Red ( or<rAMJ ORU9o di .4 fL. NY of Miltoni THER5 CAR AND NCONONY. Id Dodgc Brothem anfd Slnd,ý Ïr Miltonm, Acton and (icorg,,. ~Pentative.! 'oaAima IOntario -t. $o Cî as a voluntary teOntario l.m.îErn.' hcalîh work. .To Co-operàee i ii I.., Heaitho, School BnerJ-, tary organizalions r- heallh. 3. To emistithe ir pý, - cîtzens ini helping tu ù Poul Hospitats aid Nujr, ini rfmotc parti (cf the Pr, 4. To ciTat and mainlain a mo)nts, garmrttc r n, plies, and tb enlist vyuL for emnergencico. cclas2 and disastrs. ITo create public or-pîion t, souod heailh mca ýrts. T. To promnott hetr-r tcali' ehirn by th, organiz' Jlunior Redl Croc dauxiliar schoola. MOLLMENT, MIAY 22-J~ Sf ubic authe b br -0 peaCross socie Fw»Divhnicn the(C at Point Week For this week onI.v we a re offering If POINT ELECTRIC IBON! Reg. $8.00 for $5.00 ill88 al low $1.00 for old Electrie Iron of any make. This is soniething extra. Don't misq it. THIS WEEK ONLY GEO. H. DAWSON ~LallglMotor Cars Having secured the Mcbaughlin Agency for this district, 1 arn pre- pared to handie McLaughlin sales and service. A supply of~ repair parts always on hand. [AYER HEPBURNe Milton Ne'w WaIf Paperms Juet arrivede a big s)*ment of the Ne,, Wall Papers-22 i-I o1good8s- direct from the factorlto our store. CL. A. Il h - t P v a ]WI. mmarcImmaxe

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