Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 1921, p. 1

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7"q"ll amAti tOI liOZ t. rrITA85I, t.n.t5t i ~flWHAT DYR. A îdS- fraCw Hat 'frr f I iiilooki ~he f)huiy _______________ aUALLUN, THURSDAy NAY 19, 1921. E S T b U 1 7 2C H A PT E R x i. Of to ns Of tim ber-ptoduct e O cbe la Ut- ONTWb.n Bryen Cardigan walked itown little-known econtry, and conidmely 7% 1 the gangplanb et the ateamiçhlp dok 1PtOdicted for tb.ecounty a fature o- T iloNOTTHE cudttumers of the Batik 4onSelrnictetrtfc esa mrfi urmc htwodoam lie p Hailtn Ma déend n abolue irV ilmong lthe Wlting cmivd von Buck PIY ,lntgeringtoacontemplate gliy.Ogivy vii ot aK-ftWhen C41elSethdbPennintton read ~ifflii effat IboOee8 U IIn Connertion with al train- npebldlintfrrye 0 îîî Ibisouonburst ho amiied. Tb&rateaalOM a I 0 f r icin. The ctonner'm Conti- BY goe t %&f-»t 0 0 théI- tt cecrontecprtetIl Be u' -.2.0,,, lînder WhY, dont Yeu remember me?- Trinldad IBodwood TImber compao7 '*" if Covcer N-olajte d erayOgiilvy demnnded. *rm Buck ogiiiv. -gong taooorl a rail od excitement md (;ffl TsBrYco loobod hlm faliy la the oye uttllod Obolr whille etophal," b. de- ..I have neyer beard o Y DurOrîo wbo rond'8 md fnvored11". ce Cardigan rendln il, ho. IuULuaiI , ra, 5, i lo . a Oit are sâigme for " ne 000ioîbed. 'The itrie u oallntM11k. r i - .,...~N lîor rno u d& RuatojBuckogOgvy In te rnin hlt.et (oih b " cdlital. "Sorry.' Oshivy mocmoed. "lyIlr' utc doCk.ewuSbrougbtcop D.a Pfr@t aay cnov .n ad miotaike. Tbougbt y70 were BIIIIlK er sbteunainr.do. oanvd sapeie. oîîc B A N K F H A I L T O f ir i c k v v b o s a e do n , b a i od ' t t ecnl lae ,:;. aa eae î hc, nd wedrived b Snfor tree eebo wus eecnmoZr;, Doamnt Ti.t~ oftf' r~ . SIJRTMaagr Nlts Ba.h. ________ Froicioco office 0f tig Compay. 1 a On a dar eben Bryceis mmnd iap- Igi Tt bisPro ise te Cl a ursha--- - -:mnuts aler the door oea d ndPened ta lb. ocnpied Wlitelitougbta of caelier On Jodge Moeban uc 91V ntrd.Sile ume, ebln oli br TeyW th.vuwt 0h13 lb bloor1bctghtodut c i h lbtheuzbalaie anbd och, be fhrytefloig moan ,c ogt a hne 0f Our ln. eten te 1 *-ilvas a lDt =ed hedcon tbe main sire« ofSequooia, and lta bu h.laxmmdt I leb Si f\ fohoohg moniog "Ad nltg onîhne f oi pla. IV Once Bryce" lioexeplaloed ta tbey ltoo baretirent relIef bat profonnd aurprise, Te ba n Tbrue et0fhathittle busnnesdrDmn a reor ln tvblh t 10 h ofh uc rond; e tns - Ifd1 banfndd poe obs cco ltdbs a. sen~njtinijl h 'Oiyo n lns, m oothryIi li' i hv 0Ie ohs, bu on ietae Play o ice id.nuoiec bsmit h osdlbitrkIf t a uy Lai t rb e, bagrom, ped my Îfr iodge," he annooonced pleac hut ow foc iDcb or l oge bn Olîr u Rave pou kilhoaDbd y.nad ýuehn -huh etr o (1fC1ihcetf. Phone 199. C -HSJP ., inthy. "I Play the lear] tu Ihis sel. conîrfrrî ohth Penihghon exphres." are the detectives on yonr troui? If i anged bis md. nd cothfed.a s . abinead ireh CIHlES O ,V.. orcrmIfiec nie.1thope. I phoyeti "Yoi firget th, orniger f or oct ru 'fesm a nmd 11 g ete é attant bis bu»tResq. Asie hilhey Sans. itanit. tit fl manoulor C a K( ilPHON i. oMil ON ffT nje t îî! rt em corpocttlon-the vice resrcOdent eponesilhlty for your crme,. mott D ae m 11ld e Il qe yl h h,À1 Aft-l - IlJ a W M I H 1'In 6n1 fic e oy loformino goca. and generni manaîger. lHe oitu e t o B sow lou boov gretefo t1m.for lhnIter cldas h mha e fl*net- ,iRr -yb SPectoitaî in Sucbery and Dentrotry ehlr, yhoovo e ee utot Of the cool hn man cf rcîhi]hhlihyand ai lrron 700 hundced." Bre feit hhmLei afie roa ecl IimPl nt U "Noyt asn-D Aitg Iodooct ~oeraat0t;~r'c L ive 8S tock - R110Cnintend n. r, lspt o 1r,4011 ftryoî s ee." fnt mvCa rs MPIil.'1 ant blg shdwl.1Bycefi isl ir rn e àt Oricit ormý- ta 0, Il - 1 lnes or yo ta seoik. havethe v0 boa.rt000ir u nsant. and radnhd cdlam L K "".heu Irr, ludgtr 0 ite Buck Ogiloy vnd îaty hIhî ery day ivmo ootegnpnb tgit Oo atnnM.CrIa. .a.CAMPBLL lifî Srfvr1.y vh one oc " rreIh Vcymo.linom 2kbt htlYpn nn>00 the neDfbr Shirley gpoke ota 'lOV SCTI Dealer i ct oirIng on thrlnlnr(ttlbc"odt onS hhe."b r- . .Ctnet ýn2t Proit dite yomigclent baee licouredand- C.,P. l. wILlONi MILTON. H. AMPBELLL0 asais.sd priiîoîmycicot decele 10" Hehbe ready money. And id b. ied fepi-0Y RM CovylaeR M PlbiIltr mrkyetol c o re lito n îy hogirnin t dtesou. tat I e rc'I a e o u k l 5,ner- ni-e "a. foOt orC. P Iî rMU Proc t EO t Ilve o c iencrthe Superbe M*àain bns lh obel ,. fI p ax.ezBl] A ref rIn hTleowniytanu hurifot.u "lIed ab lbh k yon're a gtre a rn i, toa h me h irtvasusectat titisetioe .emae p.»k iZL oeI $ZAC£ier. CH(î .R ,MITO , oN IdgIn n Ptir e sro.r thollo coi rn . dosu IterTon.maucme untthavely8oeery tel indiv b svt Ofu nta bat Job-aoulw h imhted a f ontngral-j 1R.mre o baoWger "t- j Ts fDSedio fr e,. rom t O i îI c i e a d rlae ro tfrl o r t hefr roIîîh paraI bavtleo. 'yod dma b n ten. r wet or peutit h uream rtbig s objee t ~th" l of bohdng'ivih otoatit dlihI ý0e n ive yonWanfrnti - Watar w og" D iearantea>a' rt n.-, SqDh Pdg lttidetit'n.tsn thecooiSonhrlpYe rh enido* 'l motkomeof a moment . "-- ht ledbaD ot a r mc Dia peur from my office. f you linger odnwlW ild f o a othe aran Bare dufec Dw.cottâ it ffoali hem. 7a oger, 111 itnrri hromhng paper- do yîn want it don.?' Cwhettve 00arto fforn" t mmd point h mU12 ert t bu nec a riontis.ev. gflW, vicito." Anid anIif to emphoolze "Atsoo0011aRi tossible. Tour. lte «Il ot hlie bre a pear frets nov,»" Db.-Inain he oe-te Sorrii,Pa bis roineacie, the irf sadfrt loor coed vie Preshdent and Culterah manager."!, ace h.n rgi. foi7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ leroof te frit-cesIn osion. t4 Reace lIb nmi.tom WaDdo"'rbcs ni go viocreec Btwstnt btP er 3 Thre o. -Colonel ruilidreov thb oat1 1dotrrBu oln ta b te I_ Irouera00 Ynare-and brhng you uack.' Aq d blng Ihat CoWlilpOoibiy ispr,j digty iy c crii.h mtatec. r 5tehten carofidiy to my stary, saa ,hbanMocng tIe rih lft N bltco lC'ak dc er. lyze my plan for Possible we.k sotst, bs bot anid pamsed on. hm DO.t... r.iDn. t pon lifs ccîurfo m the ffcetbaoland then gel bnpy, becoone aftet1 . . 9 . a Udutdg h oi-~ H. CH J itnight, tirce Cirdigin fonitwîhaerd'ovld te lienftno u ai ivenm1te CO'. Selh Pennington was amon0 ioldt coutil; basttaDoLtie Lgui Wrhite ioilscKoinies e. ..ndly eolicit ilher hod left his bed ood is oetttod1, jetorondln.Grnd b yen. Iu , i a prtin, heiit, helibar tie.muet not b. knoon ta the traunsactiolin cd 10 Io dIcîth@lb.projert Jta nt mehave eMwethibl r e Dinti 0 asontrf i CtrfaiatsOtnathi W i sewh r' irehlroyOrr îdye t ah, 'Ont' th fontu Pne b.skplctetfrt n fatGadal."n emay ir~ff r ie, .rtJ 2" " Prd."eln hl o ttrfo y h ebournsethetrvOgns»infatl î vrc eeIîiofounti hlm.PlteltutinteffltMy r , t whi 1'i MuhirCtfytu are ar0.dore eh, pnl" ic o uei" -'--'-ts andTbeebirahaorFIlv vn apo eeyd byDieonnhctymm raduailblow.ÀAilr aarg oS f tbIlyees *ea CanaLdiai'n dcr o h GEO onCrin mit."'.as'session of the meut minte detlila nh oerced It t crnos nadreonnitmrfUe aiyocffier t-jr frfrtlyay. tGutti H 1 LuE Johnb Cordigan hmoleTo treDitaihon ho Seqenia, boitdltlin-tae reultaattenat Uponl t" bull csd eok Wa yohne clAÏ- c aeetig itoyu ecan alrh piieti plIohotvcy. "i gnoeirit jhted, Indezeti nnd cronetadexedtilltemufl, od. T aoel ra "a y ofe r. uas'. j o to ppc if Di.' if f f.. e homo the lest Sou tngMlnohc n bslgénhons brais and vau ready natuay a npcooa arli-ltIae mdkwoffltang gi.icia .r .0.fi00 'ioo.~o chineilrh'flrE E "'nrogsvih70, ohrCaigon. 1thal. Sitoold a. Plaied In Charg, e 9 e for bmshe.a-end nsannouneti itim' moet ugo ec oba nttt ta a wenph .v kront.sr. iWhlite rotahorv attJ f"'ienW H E l h ckcbwoihdrn'D dore. Weil, Keer"self- Aiways an entbusil nt a&Il sonner emergeti freim teéranki of titi ------H MEELER athings. in bis mindo aie Mr. Ogihvy 'frank Eofr bnbsnetmdCcgl7b 5.colso raveIIer~ Guide.u e hi aelitlaistico ecao otforrh ho drnor u r eoor hrcm D ow. relefyctl a 1etter fl'iin-btm hoggIng edOtiaradCe ain raood ffn e U ta hul isont ati Ofgi Pae aed Teoo Oiflr li iffiOhcodhor 00mnn fh'coa oiFrico M Ohe cotiarel & ue along t e lodofand etequsto: rftpopai hta lesonte ar r ravellr$l GU(le flrfflOr te vhIiîir'hi'r triMUSIC TEACHER andfhhfat givs s smo tghUng chance., f o meti onn. I hace Buck 012ie logs comlag dovu the peitUtern Cali. t novanti Steed lhab*ackbone. i- i foot gatherer, PiANO.Viti nd Thcr Oh otr.An igat em d ine rci o ittmclohst him. F rico el." friB r egon mlr& ad, a a and tkow lathl10 b e-g 10 a e lap,«elàtuetesdoun »«M tohak e r. ando1i ,1t sii aadsar rwn eab.alByc. rc l decddta cbrigton the ven. nI nterelota rIle DVoag aa rand La- the t eardgo Vel My oh rhe f. PN\r.. ACIFIr. iLWAY CASH OR CRE[DIT i'sO e Nul. s apo firt r i the mKIcef r e 10 mon chtirthoce ho oGferrer Ihmn aileo Bryce Cardigan rofnthed le' R. TUNIliti RMMAN. n Mff oi'i hr]vtiirnhfrél'lrend YOD big iciter. 1 vatm Inre. jber dompony, If thue nxpgteti nOiha M b id preoels *'«iPcfr b .f.ou Ier Of.1!SI am C R.T U-R N ER,____ Ac srofmgIiy.ltntoer thopoienl of, fa hin aface." Seqadal, it hlabora, tas. ano a t tppnand lDose bonco-atueea ot donnaet àcpllcnrfr0 ,ve 0.ncandlson ma* dnann porc lireapion vf eampign.1For.tM. Here Bryrere rnd nlouri bldàng of lb. rond ver. COnc. aed ahld actuall build a e ron g ltle.' spco .13plmnte ilnege..ni.e Gt ot Rois Ftt lbot en dompletold. Bis agreomeat Sequeiâ to Grant', Paso, Or.,, esai "Yeu sabatih acs" e :fyt W-t31 flff eT a.m. B. Je ______________fe Afl *Tuflufl5 apoc of icveaoifehotes a àiience ne' 'Golden Gole Hhei-Rooîoo Fift rvhrfptveefl hhvr, hi(l ie he tey l Cets-ond Uy. wiIt Gregory of tbe Triuindad ledoodt hncOtuIafee oabs-Ieamtfiut lrt.veCe MOO . I PtoM. Plfc Ii ceitli efpfpfti feirl rigrri. "SanlhFranciocs. Cal.. Arrc". i6. 1 . Ttbr emay lat blo i Sieta le 'l'lio hic oîî monepe.."lMY deir Corrhigrrrr : lrrk 'eôth oolnted and delivered, th ue y ta0 '* mnte isrin eieiln "I titre eni'," bu ado ý!j r -'OfOSas 1>ke. Ohm 0tie airegos;0r>o rfi d butid the roedibbad becs depootelain ufficedti tbtagit he Coioneltete e nBowger m 1didialtm 'rfo f Weif irie t.ihiri t-'batik; and Buck Ogmîn', as atrneady Verge Of PenhenotvthtndlmsgMlite hb.puninhieifast. rf, il.jr; 1f 4~~N.e r 922 P. M. 'PhonenOt62,r."en pfcimrc Ia o orocif the uso sey pendag fi l tke a drmnkon salter. 1tact that kmovasu$ ameti ofblenssidont rosat me a" mor. 'if;fvrfc f à.irffimt. fOtpm.6 ,s'Wif pecale of a ttrong otio crying. F O n l eudOl ac.for i"t d .t a,î td- " itWusa [bat ""khed, o$,Wmr dei,, 1 LWAc ' "-Y Beeusie If Pcotfhnghon booms, orc "Loitt OD s asuetîrsî 70 raye do ty and Pnay. blo htteew ereotw7WOl rm b Hff sirw 1, 4. RB.- ighest n pahd for yoUr ecco ouspectsatle Identity of the man donsidereil. ';r, iior] p vouervist Onth art a~~~ideralloas occur tu, a amanl boy Who onc roit.Im iktt r . 11 OT. L iveo ck uioah rilt walte igh rie , h eenor poh oapr eir- r t y mtit complets camping OqUop' ý1t» 11.r 7 io,;pi. r 'lp M. BAY AN<D BTIAW DEALER. 'ofmiiistroiy capsable mtor, lits woîlh jing in thelsienrighi.inrtcorner. iment archueti ls Seqmtaapurebaseti0 a awaiktag bats. ta the dark ps rrrr sofiltealok Pi irp andLs uit silemoeu agootyund srcer1 hi krgapy omg wagon sud tl o haceo. pilid ltet dunt- cemetery, DOoa anti Braà$eta. i vfOf NEDICAL yoo oi lio sanoieti. You Lave ose 'wOmdn 'Bryro Cnrlgn'-sîitlr theclit. noge îte te wagon, and dlaappegred Tite vital aspects ni bis prodicis. obole liqî t'. ef$diy fr. e £ eA Lndvantnigc torting ont. The Colonel lie upand-dowtt hoob andtlIotiri eh UP'doonicY. 4ard an tuelr hbesnrame ment dawned mn théeCotlonei on. ulgbo knI w the a51 r, t o re ryi rpff . doognit think yoo bove taecourage te1 'blhbIdenilfenyooc igutnure ghven 1fr. Buck Ogtvy. asti eccupiedti h.,fat dinner. Mdway belveen theeo»M qlietiOns." L IkCOLI IM. T e Do beT1o R ueparnilci bis rend in thmtrot pace; h1 1nyonc setriosmood and tcod& avirte bridai utelBhe a e aii, ar- mmd the Ilob, do forciblydidti t iiy e- Wbai are lbeY. 7neeSetrir' 1 The Doublerrie viaRoutet.isecond place. he ooms pou bavent ta othecw» oaerochies popec rangasenta for Wblcb ihadlpr.vlouoiy cur t0 bIts, ln tact, that for the noaila *-Weih. rd ilke tla b.tmof -d,, 0.. 1.56 ,p-m.batween te money: and ln UoUî Ir . "Wlien 700bneîv me latoutt as a beeo matie bY vire, IntheDito lthng rom obOfartaiot leD s nic e W» eated NBCl o s eçalaeýr reac , 'A l moallycerain eu anlit brrow properos Yungcotrictor. Atat o f othe DsuiteDUr. Ogilvy intalieti a nDvOW ppmete blt. teoneaireinor' lte Te t r MONTREAL lit, becuse youhaven't ny collaeral Pu ait my denklnaoeingskeolidoto anti. afbrlsk abinen.nnnda thits,'ConenanColonel tmurolon mliur. ttnlTi rrbe ' Ompan." NEAR TIME TORONTO>t rcos o aen o oiteo o otlyogsooebolladpo R.k .DR(N i. D., to meet til enogagemnt. Thats oo e'd h obntmhtleaboob bmbilaralîrnad la Hooduras. Hon- Be bad bean ta tov u se hlausnt U (TO BEg O=IUxdEI.r Pt, e-so and ibere i, iotbiiig lke promipt- CHICAGO 1tasuspecCt tn of Duvisg en oce In the idiras tgelta ghting wiIl Nilcaragua;- or olien tithetltor o a i e delna f. %0 p esO IfiyouCarrSeroiees. out buht hy jinta me hure IL andth te govrrment I1tond dooe ilna cDne ctu i. ad iea e. 9Ap EEOxoece dolog ts phrpSt.vires.soU co; wîtu ment mil oh huoiness; and the nOlicemeof ithe Incorparation or IIJSIAL GOt~ ir) *lA~fllIE PECE Se.~g artO h ~ aodgoe amoretînhie ongnce 10 teooki Nicaesgoso army cecroient ail Bp ýte cCaifîrila Outrage (for sa.hbldMr. E. 60%,Ltj t1A hoNT aDo unlE PE itEyurPaleepi n ic hpiDla tranmn a. ge t roo ooeo heroiboreri anti mounle t Iem on my motos Otiivy. In bute eujymont Of'x Ai , LEostbelteulesîtsyorPa '" a O rmmead Cive uns ao etimale of heett f anIa nd barsea, awiped cih mv greb 'and ntrery he mai about ta crate. datheti Jtv~. LSE,,t, fat Iuit, Il iont bbe hortuqe of tbeFun iungalasti rom ou iGrandconstruction.".bld me ta go haime. 1 went, Wiy 1tire raid) bat!previnosiy htemn flne.ti Sa1ety fo ' tania a-a walch. 05Truk Tieheg iAgeats or C. E. lHorn- i"Focrtecake of otgumoent vme 0111 oIoy? bfireover, 1hLiti toInceotive 1othe Sentlttel by the Unted Pro«F o Wc bave oDistrict waslh ojbnAgeronDT.,conoldertoat donc. and tbnt the cati- couistlog oh about un Incb of boponel iOCOiOas a local feature aory,J dOe dba wal prcc sud ile i .en BLL tet.-eto. mate camea oltuin thie ecpe of hvie 'fott ely net npphtedin im tavllanti alroady 'ticulatlno on itdA10 ll CHROPRACTIC gold GregorylA wELLg tgeadaMiltOn."spot-wui cct ecratcd roter tbsn Sequoh onDte tientily of tua bare- .. aetees, -kinda, but are warranied.TE OE17 - Nov, Ieu, ou are going teta a derdy. Myromot InIviuelCabrdditiDon, 5IIiar s ~~~gerporate a Companoy Do blhd a rond 'tc. yic.cCrdgtr1 en on onterpriloe as tbutoosa»-tua mU- t r oopaîbje Our jewlry al] the way tbrough tweIveMye'yilo hui-and a privnte rondsetiatiog my ococroat ihe'dan W'Ienbum. Mr. Oglivy wose ezpqrtug th. lu eobsa.nialand elible su nog tut. lit meultiho taai betfore pestorday. visil tctimpathently svalting JI; 19 NF l sbtatil nd reabl, nd nolt hs. ha oud e fta te, 'MRe ahelnhundreti. an od lotI and taimeslte esiesn bing hoDe 0p otcto2102 ls N fLOON.D.C. 010e Cati objecl lvi our prices I¶. ve'uAM eAW pleunnngton would bOom aemebody wu-'biensaYOD. Whe I1gel ilT Il come toatrne toeior fcpublicatinnaturel- rtcinaa~ls if.lstr U .eeaer orn o ~~~'t eSequotaand kisi 705, î'im pasyleus ythe diter of thuilant nigel * [F'0 d a oggBg rod>1-d-DofIni monter à" À «d«u EeMARCofAIO theblerzweehi calme lhme-ot dourse. pieoblahjt 10 tilIndivittuala aim' ance PoI Ciesailother - MLTt. rye t bgu. S .-Delnys are dangecona, and ,ie .. p ,Pueos10 MITN. ByN -need I ic eine.procrotat on bntae Oblef oftilbaao S., . D.S. »&»U§» . N MMON tNCI Il lnecarrmnter alohnbaadigao ccb!e d. Itaiell,e in the Vault of % b k S. 0 .S-R I ER ve mgt a WilcarY Oui' deepltn>nBock Ogilvy, Bryce. Bell do. In b. 'r tr e 'o. TU A.1111 tfuctber andd bcorpoMtIe for lte bonsirofTrnoi we VO aurhaoedthebutnae a paurpile10- (Irnt a .4-.. aore, f Iksov. Ha was, the haat bt",là" =l Weie.Ail enqsirlee .egl q«a uepls tbuhilt'sao, OW, t r t Bz=e-m or Tel buae. »d lo us. and E.Ialuir cannecl ollîithte deutuieron 'acinc,"'*M jlbm-,uqr n ftia...~~Joh Oeemdl- oaCardigan amIied. -ne aId 'va t Memii ucei on ,TebOxftam-of. ornt CA TER &W'ORTH Agot for jioaFuraldeeiss<ram r vdeWeil. the oid J"Imhave aliesie ithotte a. if n-l el>n r~pi wi Pol oI augb nt pour compILn3e. uvblrîng Uke a darvisb." ___ onuojnents t.aaa et atg.deitcalpebblt ubl _____ rsu I ayrals ient «« itgI WWC 1tuib lakwova /O1POWon on___rbeofnse ita t td tuila Out forithe litnt 4nA.Min. prohbitidve." ÉrYca To"'d bolle r lenve for e Ir j 1 Tý«NT.tVèI. conâ uctlnDoot0f tmochta rond plautei eSa n&r Ua preeentvurn-itw*w. j' fi I ii~> O' N ~ Ice Creao-3 Sundm ,~ and Con-. lrn. 7, ~~h aU141fPuReFLJntA

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