il_ 11$ P 'R ES B ~ * D ~ tB 1 l~ tif Y t mie e m eYi. N p Arve i n I I U U I W L à r e r e ope tl, in nt li lIa V bIh rtw. al o#4 en, tnFM&rm i ihd UN PlmC Te tffi.1 ehr« of pm r' t. m1 g Pge rrie rliwe Cta a"in"e he _ itia -tteetione h anSevrti.lyielaaOv t 08117 fi~iI IaStS six e Ân4mu or edraw and ,J td teiirtheliMenthe tir il j gj L ofPtri eCit 40l- beut asixnciet nf oil. "«ty l1ec or eeg4 ir. tt ev GO ce ttenew ie.FecrttY 01iltnst a tle euld b. placeid e ini iinlgquaria-Cire oe r ffioiency of vis- - bmaaoe. pili e tenon up tireute eil nia sud a e .elo.SISIIjgk tra,. thea termine a nentlater. Al l a mbr ion aitr tt atliiady uie Daartmnat ci planta gine offmelture, and unleia li U;lb%4 Otane Dansial ilW t a inkbrg ythe lep i»et res ger)ta ireahad an epenlng forfi tle emnpi g lstm Toronto.)>11 iedhadnttteknofWi.tne mMkbygi 1i y ~ l'o Frbéait nellaa imtb enh our ti th albage veuld meen begin te net. oosdrauolth Bierve. vmaed n et iaevîatou uer e ri vIf nyer" vaather temes, tim m en t-c w a le iUtme te agrt sued gît P&dtnt ceiediatmyeb6iwb«w d Lotun eli~<>~»tufftd vti trav and oenagilerea fer ""'It tali ltter et pi,. ci lie net ibrowetil Ma. Let VC- enit.ttliaenn ontit inai tht veitier mederates. The tmi et bridîe ieeiuld lie FrtormonttiIlagttedithMy# ionlaenirlynoma. ndtr condtions prevallieg duire coeraing of the Pli euld almenlie.bre anseOs an pessible ider tiat tce1 t cuîlui » rd.ilit J1kùd ion is ntMireeýy nomtihét dry menthe of mld-snumma' tlnrated ly uuang travî manure asishui May tare, betoe stié colid lrui-4 aioe« Ituldrapopfet tnsidcrabli h etinbt m or ce&&rar e. r teieter mots le. The gaa,. logtle, ar ee ln M ~~~~~~~Cahuage ctanlelaittainemtht -pliotic eia z enlte bsso -oth, u »o mk lge. Tie Iambe rteltiriWarta dae. Cablaies vhicli are net te'peletth evilcltee eaiu"i &Bd 4'iad 1v et utlely late eeeniaâeb ad i aee tlly greve may le durta i v nan-teneentlî. Il thetoweevWuHIJ t.4?itîtor bath evi ted fataie the reota attached. Thea anteca t Il to mae claal a oe c let Cetî rowbeiera vîntet. utI la "G W AIL ANDle fo fomCaulglieeclinsaediedoun theie, bho ey le bned ceen. Ft Idbyes itonfainein. -a bdx, att Cged Itemla grthte evai vy au ca-ae la.itouiiflewer getlts aetg lmr the bel i ime teutb eieci t.ihc e O~OPICe &r ii imitht tiq eyaMotuw lMtAporanC sene reepî t fpriti iy lmI tic amatI amountt a enessetacutin tranapiantiSt Cn it>s~tt ney . -ev. n mtelidiiw liedt cue lteg b--, àf.. veAPI n$Frit-a-timLimlted, Ottava. c Plmi pqpoil'Ifici or Mk eiYeo l and viOl .tehe ttd Ilteaviiite foruta ege d 0 b-tie pieare Ina-n ruiý.9 sl n&W lapt ap la 'elWou aiamut .t otm1a ttedepeiid ieybu ead. More eapeclly la flue ne iti P'jlt't- y .a nigîela aetagnea oUt " o 2e Tb"a Idnlireteth tn- hatle eaa-îy ca-upin tle varta ommtiet' çt 4ndadtant laeore the het pitr vlable, Nathle Iti la veatiter. la manaiamair gardent il' ý thae cemm. wîen the slepeiullver 0 i reut ta et la teneanIiy 5a-Otasta trai trop. The snid i tisa cor eta eut et teqetu.î a eli botter tho aniptch etfttrai: ,Plants ae ioctea- ga-erc ihan cti- " d h as " cOe i etin lmyleJs thePacet ùe~sun. e e -c laige and viii do latter Il etarted i lenmeteyno aaean a-lot i. Theeume uus Inn pasuae vIe the tamhe a *haut ivu veeks ealier ilb ve via a-/ilv~e atcance lu gelst 1lai e te ilfntet-.Tefemruaoe vW«Aod. , î-oolb xrie Xmmnm-ro odhaa te&*n e xrle he lee on udgment vben emergenclen Cana ail9te eiaild.-_" le eneastdevîmuno nolar utoud aleai.t uedgtce-u.vl gît rief, aiwain leint caretuileadu the « krpttentavl iotimenç tue probbei îe alîoeratveaiedîîaan eaa-îî stars. latereaiey teeolaitlt ao tuahîe notier and laml!. - a-tpe lai mud draanle ted -ela.le vueech deaih. Tora tiem ile aring the mld- aie eclhomta i e-pu soiicne-eeemn e .C clai .Clee P. ~ ta1irTZWATMPt, eDo...dît et tie day viine thetapt egn 1eecldgoial' salner qnarteta. (Guelph. nmO ta Put. in an t athme* ire ibolutlydry ted aliev tiemt e le a eecld h ih .,rtos otpain reiz Ui n ls.. eot 1en.) dttîeaîng.hue rît-un uocwt latd. Caul *a-fo tin itetalatlni Iceedthe Havaffan 1olaaeen. Mi-2te2. vanec niene rot. ieoe a tqecn t he hage tfovece tint eet Iuliy derele e 1rto ~ itr~ayi i jeu -A eortrouas adiniy the raa I"allae dug ruoteantd al, a sneetand montiypy onand. Tic rvolcanotu ut Havalif.vieller LESSON FOR MAY 15 aetrapillun e.. ésue a avii uts ln a cool ce There tî.e i 1&vai ue tue litIndnviduele to,daad nr alite, are wvainefoua, or are &continueltoograve Ingaaae-ut i nt - lad, partlenlacly tioe.exhitîni gan, tale mode ta vor toc, tie -able rsia dorer seeduirha-oatend q on ati e 0tîed matronti apataranco an peuple. Honlulu has juat tappeidlle WOKIO lY OMga j cejiduerviigice sitlafactorya-ie end alit-îl rdi aaoue nI Ib y the n amer nftests. extiect trata- u ltaie. nverlootli noille. un additien lu Pastur- nloea-laiOVet-> deetpexa-îte ville tie se'vuîle cuti. and I gettilg thea-efaom - eLed o aila-tataàdyi!lviiipuni eade mae etut off. vre cd i are pregnant la Teryt«mal.sansd Ia2,00,00gallonof drieiet aiuoeuTMXT-I Cecr.-Il Iti atl im u Wt ec tpaper and eteratna ol eibId ait od ay for tue seategain thiltdaliy. Hile. on thIsltuand et Haail, <f5TtlES-Tre are inn butody elne mimi aiild Il le secemaaa--ufend 32 deng. Y. le 34 det. F. H1e orlu te allev tiem tii treedOm ail the le raiiet a fondilua p the tire . M mesnamInlePacati U9r-1 Car oe-cc anc-aitpound nIfta-aie per day Viii eco velul iii Christmas t fteldsatier tii rain Ian hies ctt nicano Klt-oea. and utilisetlait ire- tai- ncilai> ill oni>ntue. A. 0H. Mactennen, Veelabit -cl nd -aieoff. Ans tht uimetor fan- meniiosa volume e an ft et EUFPMPtCE mMATRIAL-i Kin* 6 pirialuent ciange aiI-anture laau u-ne ieapetha.nne ae elratd allierpaus t-- 13el 1491h11.1 aag c.A.eta beiical te, anCdaelied b. eti-' aie et ene ti@gi n le Pat-tiers nay tint peetup nul e xmnI4-.& n nte ta- ceiu c mti, and tua a&ppiIOa viti Cotere nRio d ae e de~ysmy rai1,0 eeksn hetua-nhavelilmitea poniltitî 0 eau ITEMDIATÉ At-Il tl'lOttTOPIt- netal embioss e tiithecasee tJoft . lir ela UV nie nioîid lindustril and.pever tapditssi. -iPRM W-rI. ff. It le ta-etforna- Iv e aana& Ont of tht tuoi&rlollea in ni'ttrios le breugi teilatroeda lih-r na il hle iey asecalacoti _ lthfood IrOUtttOFLU â AND ADULT OIt-orloesucU.aritsblct te pacinitie di- silode aia-fee liai uit oftffeQuarteoa. aif etean ecccesurlleemets eeceusarats-Iahu «cea -ii vhimay iehopa-vetnd j" painting and poliahînt. i a- aa* u-î îp e~ a&II the tîicit. bot ouiuîcrln i e ldre- arge orient I ag pa.turlng -oe un, tee pien0-ehingtliota-d ra-Pralri nieeahesld li ttreunth c nu ie Whua ScIatanepicturti thechcionnt f n ber -great -Atengti et te nhillmont ta Southi ticj vitre Cie sieulit nec arittie and~a li bCiet~li, ane ti .cac tm. n-tdilewuetiy taiitint hlips Bell tht offee. Wlitthen at viietswtt-- ttA ronîna- uPPly ftàIs it viiie dfthi ihaaitboCd. Tie toet Wnaio eii rkaid.i inilnle ne-tit tan ot--dlu noeme lied letna laaa th.a 0 ae uudiip ePr e g thrfftlai ligitWti Olieni"cain oly banc np- tndtin rcce er entare in n- i.-nil, expet-to sayth pclhiongtiand vent con&tpte sîeboclta iui Plcioln te Cnlttansvrkilag cti main. Itla net pniticaile oaa,-p:vtni paeinot nubiar- i,/ieca.iie alil ut lui rabea- y le 'd icedingIfilputure le pr 1 id foi, Pige. il 0 im theîor i t a ainiern et tartn te arraesfer aa ueeione ilthet taaiiitt-. ut-re a-ermater- et tiéc u ov aeius tfaî lothîe viii requît-eIla&enmail or a psund eof tebdettenue dua-let the ga-aalg ceiaaie. lliuntiare dip @éà «wbrvîthle onen vii lave tic nnw e lie hdi l'et ie iv i téad. phynîcal conditiouan tdthe p a-iprevingouaor vi pr ent md ilgali ae itLu-t. iienabenaite mare aieep If sasti an -- - cames«trut antd eaithi. ted forai a gondd ev-o lt Iftey na-c ceet nimoutn.-it a-itment la e etile. Rie nov. Lice Adt oto ýokPdt. il i o.o oii o h e -flybns il-arsl U erp6mtIn.le tic ail tua-eiieaa toutldeal Accrdiegta 0tels made bîthe sniersavine tiey arrive. nerec t lie viti l410 1. OtsSady t en 12-e0. norndit ali tetd Statest atfceiluoruAga--1I As for Iareint qaaatesaati spa-las Allen ltherye le tast- le. Md.. lice add te a gn a-m lac ekl. t-aefreo An & bnCi Itlhac mey aeobar*ne ispalÀg a-pe mrysir bu n ncent a Poundtlutîeaoct t fpua-iprou- dcaughtilantd danalnema. la '& rend SH DN tari iti a dedonite miltry or font- tl adtdvi osauitndu-in v oou ouu aeplace. Tic quartare miuit iliedry"=l; philand adle l ot tln afr utiasaic o o o f te d demi. Saime p-epie atrecate ~ atgetitai tie, liai nentieni a te ettal sa1Pstrel etrluit-. Aibala and echenoa-lt- eîugl s athsuailty nh gbody r enganlun. BSuil la vit h t nird cinnen a-e aainfaelen Patureiort ho animale ai ponsibe vert uneui111.itdngba-tfor vla i -uiN mevUa eherel. Bati memabin huliaseo" ca-epsand viii aserveunlil the ript In the tese.Thetwovuloto ver. rein- oPiearé t-onCclali ia t tIithv 'n@fe Nia SMlt cedagace. The prnf oetil ti. aetadi. An annuel poil uraconstlit- ane ant ted ln thtsanme vayrente Pt youngstene arteuile t t h ua-ted noltaisî ut- ytieeeneneigu staoteing omoen hhel ecatif u tei. usU thut nue- lot a tceated toc the pa-e- la the trav ait the 50w leuile â"P"d i ~uLe t lieuSpti tiilallversan ntd harti togteen iii cuiht vitnilun ut Iiulu Inhe uler île lice ltelie en tiem. A gend romtato nor soi tir uaiMt.te.e teted aie e'bo In(. IS). A mutipiti Poaadeutra-id tlover pa-aivdea a tod wtee iiwed tlu cae-o iel al-. At -tuevedb 0uetteaa In ais- teliMepaSl et ngdeu ditne mae bidposatture fon tie etrit- nummen tihs end nf theu tteanocpuraui o or ogansme entnet ass a bd m.nii. adthe ea-lvrncumiot aiung mes out that thetoguetInfesaiti Utitnnpttn tntuen. uer. la th te autume viii tivo a nice pick- nulh lice cot a ceni a Pound mure tb« searae fnctons Thre a n ja. Tisannuai Pasture ma ile lu luilco thanunoe wvii er ent reins fi er alceey ortlnconeetomtt nveti uni.arît- le May. Wth -_______ -num t lent (vv. M16). tvslt hce nul a griat deal et îddiliueau laier Dit out lut-ert-fraintaunkc ut »asabu«wt fer the fintl:te cempalin la t iPoasibîleht aetàasucein et nch ta-ta-n cit et altia- etette fmnolos acre r «ait-fbr ceeint tiruegot Spray undeaie ofle trtune tan. fuet. as firennenocaber oetfa cisretheiientri neann.-l . ySckilîle, wtî nîcuot a ulpiat t lu îiet.f te tari lhe plate et«,sorier. ÀA cttnG. A Cailege, Guelph. PHappera. gal n e l *c n i y t i e p p in t am e nr et liaana. d o -et-, a l fl ta , o r alii eu n &WC eheelinet campintha liai e la DAR WIICA e l, are ucually rat oitrtcPasture tha l, hm Favoritehcae li p anccue1 tm nirt e Advice on the Culture o hsBIh dea f neti angerRus ju Cu* I dti ti ceeus it$ Eaai-ipA"otlaie varletes ERequlce vieia ta Wo n apeai fottt lie mena of t tht; it neei ra Dl5tmeat 'rttmet. lsnd Ce»"-Apail Reri S. S. No. 6, NaetagaweyL.. boaimhinnte perfa-lois M21c7 sel MtetoSternag the crp--lru- CdM t *Inft ludent. Bach mentir-out kg Cauiitevt. Sa. IV-Fa-tfde Harris, a.ry MeFar- i 1h.iea@âilisIaplant iytelioveu- îCetueîabîOneî ltariu fopaa-tiiene i lnd, Leonard Priast. Mania Hiieono 4mWm IMet (lsd (v. 18). It Iis tgrtoitune. Tornto) ,HowuueLiinh. wM ji~d tient ninlld e tht ment JraI-.VAnnBlack, Do-ut.hy Me idgWuccepcatioe intong tice mn- Ena-h enlIait seet caueneIIY FarIaod. Amelia Cuppo. JeaneRobart-' %sai if lii tisa-n. Te psaervoui tarted tram the lot la the 1tiofi soa, Edgear Prt-l-a.Ada-îe loHait-et-. fidhflWdothewok f pato ;Mahinah le hulaior house vînîuv, Ha-lno Fa-a-atooa-, itou Lusi, Clintii tt rtleletet la vrt u aof aatet, Whou île second et ut lent-el 15 111Cloue Liazie ifawit'LUliit Wi uit tetter, lie varh o m tetaee, seoievg. tht ceedlings are rans- eue, Jean Wiloon, Manir Tronthia. ttt* lacte lot tatius rva tv lucCeouanLuth. Ernes-t Lloyd, Lbtl-lM- ptl~da-taled iso liIgît-t gtain tIi ais h. lovqPin hr il. Tht tNal Dteeiant et tespota hwa or talc anmallia. Pua-c HiluonEavey Print.Chr Iditaerc et thé 80y (Y.eth VY21tt.ln titigîvuus . T---nHany t Tep e7 uacOOereate frliticlitc planta teau tua- tic cuit toame the 1il Coa- James Hamiltoan. La-aile anC sericaeofthlicbldy. As tht focs tt vll Aat. ftet ieiSit Day Dotlt.Maud t-ceyb'a-anI cois:tdspetne iith uneibon, telt-ékl i.I tit 4tiMcFartalort-nie Hi ao t atk Mev tevIl ithUe bondec..-.seula0 .aaa-e tion prepory a-iIadened off, tti If 1noey. ticci.«m tri MO metigily gitte ahus iela aead lu tranplant feue tht i Clai-ita-y WilsoLloyd Cbi a arm eptuepentiée of téloeetfield ly teIstitai ti ut Mat-. The hlaPearl Harvey, Bobbie Hamiltus ePti Sltcetd aC a-dear a nitfo eni cblleablileaViola Hiluon, Elma Cardinell i. is ad el-mitadpdeaea Wfo al bbg hudleàLarty. Chianile Mcviinneet.e vch eut tfplimCD netia purt Of thtWvram. andy slurt fn a guentdttelsOf rr,-led Lloyd. Mario aus Hai ~ slIlgeIt le ablti «afnet lleeal. le tultiration. Tht plants are generalli iMarin Neveui. MarioneMaini, James ll ~ tact, a wehr aeallanof e t ii e ct3 n sbtenter nidIRoberiaon, Eluer Devitt, Cita-ta-c Rob- 10J4jrtf aws wthsoff pid. ahessu te laîv een rtiea-vaa ta-oaJamoes Hileon o tobie Ferrier. III. The LU«ilAlla-muet imrita-mea-afui cutivatios turing the gnon- grtLeMeCpo omnHl Am te N« Memay (v. 2, 2). n& eazn.non. Kothia-enHarveay. Victor Marre- la the bimon bodytie heurti un ut The lato ct-up la egana-aiue ianteul -dine, lanay Hilaun. Mika- Wioik, Edon aientvitaIimpoatace tutu the aboultititi ut Maileaan Oen e Ola-ood Ca-eceuCadfaeil. ltuv tcete n liti theerripayer la entoe-lied ur cit trame. The a-nec ard Luch. auni aea- ~ ita ~ e ttn ted-lad are 4-t hachesaaParl. Pa imnty A- Dick a-htu-ie. Huo muth ore mporancethanthe iftte ent la-ni cateret quiset ilckliTonuel, Et-nest Ctdineli. Jamesi of tiaqeence. Maiy eemputa ol theîe rmc. Wlonc tht cahiage Mai-t-a-a-y. Dav-i Feari'r. hi glnen et thicle vIe vcetied iti gui la îouiiesoeme u i ila enaces-do. Gled la te icletntaig mare fon thtaar ta gt-uc tie patsinundea- deent- Kilîa a lae f snia cameuoetCri tatint clu siahae . roti tram. Tha-ne ptanseheulul la ReoemmenncPlace fn Wolh tetti mutlcoeptScunsiy I thebie 011k ta tset le the field frointlune e m nd io W # ? cpi. Tut langs ie neyer sten or 1ttite uly tnt. Wheo re ara Bot- Witi the sommer timetabie ut tht hastaird .1 vtituuonîttein thet ou ias plante vhîutl have lif llsoeus en C.P.R. in effet Mai lot, an important That depende vrry much uapon vhove t-uitnetutia-a enad.tia a-ote, te otten happena inth le change le maie. Leslie. the triti eta- it. For itnstance, Werrcotnmern es IV. Tie ifDférecnt Maabre Havaset t Iin a pail whicI le patiy niet nouve la fturea s Killean. The ren- milage you tan buy. fitoinAdJa"Gadt i Oi(t-. 24, 25). citi n botter made utfrcwmanore cou boa- tbhan ogc In the nomseoutIhis- Se prti-ti in lia hin entlie lunt oi alar. u gt-t co a up la cth le tact tînt titre a-e And vr know a lot about tiresI. Wc hlvr if tti entrmaîle ve uai-tin monlas t th plned a car--eyerai aler piaelit- thtsanme nome, 10 lau oua- busines. liane clbi h cmoelîIn le bcodys. Altale amouel of readilt- taliahie ftoutd. n i tle epeuple ut Clyde vaniai ec u rcmedtonsol .ý acnifflathe Ouc cle dus ee ta asueiThe panti ana aett24 inchea l e it tla- m koireas Clyde, i a iea HcctO-rcomnnonhalde of se ombr t pefor lt duy le- ow nd 0 tche bewee th ro b rund that thewev-e tvnotailer- &one tigt, upat frontht factr îh et0ec811hi:t1pt0mu oftet l.n-uvA ntis thea hetwedo«aie a-av. lutta iti tht samnan cma, thercbore we ar bnciti - oreetnt caerieet enrie ii ato e tth n diAtiosh l ho ducsifaupussiblet bè Èieau van seete ian tlie tewncama. customn. tn 0iOteîe yy ter. ily cotnldaitg Chisut the heaa puttun the muleter part ufthle iWrkovtalifyu =oc, you wil\ t atnd hqiLg Hlm ail trale anC dit-i e. Bell trope muethave tufficlent OBBlcua FgurtsofetPoilione Prohebtion ea bo ng ailera u y onil1sdta alen lute chsnIviila elÏIerJa-melture lb tiet- are tn grav quitili. le Scotlaed. ouya- rccoanmcatie on oîvc you neyha_ sied. Nitrate et nota mat- lae ued te ad- orrcmedto ae o oe Raaod tn.1121 n 10-0 th.nd prarehr.v-t todo a .t ofcali on milanp uaeie iu AeaPtlc Me rruev-th le Falt7 ty rminai. la fui hminue the plant teod matintale are net in an available ean. Pf dltinn forer mevng Plant* atuleile rettad smaere. In the atertngce maneri. heve, a.toietIt vel ret- tid eensiderable leaiei ef plant fooed eer ualia thteamanurî pile lupr.Y P-17y packed_ If thte talceset retenài are nam waatid tetlewlng the aplicatin e the miuiét te ii t .tion the ma- nan ayhiadd$ la the f nu Cnn. =hIn' I title dent le vtrm vit- la m a t a nle atter a&Me&-. tien. Tie total Plant tend mateila Preeait ln the manae. vii litel »Ad&elte tiei«Gil vie tbhy =l t piegartd by lhe mli- bact«Ia fer--a- by the grovltg ceop. The main abjections te paumen InitIamaem»trthe iland are: FIit It la not tlwtye nnvenlet te de no; second, veed n»@t may be-aumirou ln lie ItIa mimnent, ceeaiuee*ly a ,héavy *éO& cep may b. tzpinttd; turd, les action le net ne rapld tala I tie ente et vell-retted maure, but It le active oeî a leege perled. 'Witv maure la teaha tored lap pliies rplis ucUl 111eaa-i1.ned, or natit Il la cenvenient te ua.t.ihen the pu onitent cari la nicitary te Drivent Joer«tUtsent food matenlale Item IL la-theIhtplietihe ttea et thete pe plaheuld bhilmla.rvleet te BEo. Ne vaumt roneo tthi ltaiingttrem t'hoc pli wlll net nener. Send. si; laviii 1t ýZv, a sler of nid vil-retteo ma-, arqiý-Mthe b6ttm. TuIrC, thet mn- VautuaC vIof gir a geed nlatc lwab e lço aqçmprvie lvedry. UMdm th !mJe ke an aatccTsnctte4p lithe Lite tTires THEM Rizing . 0. mec Clarclh- m for Sale a Anre Rîc FLOUR 0 t -mor » bread aince7 LI.Ue e ýo Mother statted us- C e r k 1Creafn of thr West Flour. it mnakes loaves of e.N- traor in ness and flav«. Mapit Lcaf MMIU« Cu, Limited E1IN & MONANT. ThePE. e r ind, Bonisilatai e arh*~ end ailier Ntge ti 9ee0reaut uty 0ana thei. .:aeri. uaeadyeaial 1.01PAINT tratt rair Iallesk and veaa. ntcac oey 'V/~~E~J Inle24 houiMARBLE-1TE dram had W bemetitet finish that yul tot nshow lhW MONik - je h ta-. 1.41 bing Guing W G noiluua ~t*.ti e.m e- Rn A OSe c A sua-eu ~jfi ~.ea hq vol IO~INAL L-e.MTORK vue G.T. Neclith th== a th éint~~ bu et cr ffbe i-n fe Aeueo Oma- s