Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 May 1921, p. 2

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7"1 1 UoTIL 1 The. ca;qxsdl55champion COIJNTY COIJNCIL. ~ 1îMiore. lii izli.- eariy leirandt, lise autiie- i~a 12 'Milton, May lot 1921. ti f vhueie oucled for liY er- Oua puilmhi Qea~e saue a'Tise courtil umet ah 10.805 ar.. in ast- 1 eal WOII-kIMOvla xita lias ben On Erl2t ing zee isuda odantte wifs4Mil of thse tise Waedeo. diatoed Ane&- litUlé oWUla the PtOcliaiu cstuméding the ment' enieu i presnt, the Wacuien In Rars. The pitore.- which la WSd' le beflr@oliment campalge cf tise tisechair, hIl ave hein paînteti in thse year 1630 Tise minutesocf lise lunt meeting or 1631, la exezfteti apenau a,,e CanadoanlRed CrcesoSociety inth is wvaeeeaai andi coafirmeti. gonal Oak panel measarlng tvrenty- mentis -d Jone. Tise proclamationa Commncaetion verereati as fol' tw on in b 1 eight lip ixteen queteti « rasolution adopteti by theise ct frent De1artment cf Pttblie taches ln vîdili. Tire nulileet la an Gleerai Cooncîl f tise Leagme cf Pied Higlivays. re protviactailigistrse. olti man cf dstlnguishod apperan@. Cros aeitia a Dnse, a Mrrs.Brampton ta garnis,. and Duodao The pitore Io atli in Ils orIgial C'rse -i8es t enea, n Mrchtreet,. Mtiers Aloance Comtmist-' paevood ram. overlaid vill a brn. 1920:t"Tisat seijenpread and peptlse iea ce Haitati enefiiaries. Otarie vhîch lu delareti hy one exprt te mecaberablip in% National Ried C'rots Mtiziipai Asoiation rest nemiersip. have heen speciallp made asttording Siociety la the neeapeeiiî fCanaian Deep 'lVaterayosttnd Paoter Pc Rembrandt'% intrction.-Berlin necmar cndiionofCommssion re pttliic nmeeting and eorreapondenee of LondonTimeu. ucec in lis topeaze-tlacteprogramme." SuperintendentC.P.R. re acceotmmoda- The Kingoa: ~"ît s deemetl taise cf tien nd trinel-ceut rHcoecl' se WasForgetuel. tise "eteattsimpotance ta tise veli' ville. The rector Ras paylnt an after be*of ur eope trouho th IriMe.flntis e otanrî.ciltriird t an e aul. and anl ent veliluntil tht then c a epetscsgsttts rig htth hselcleîcl ve-ar-cid daufisier cf hie hatas tise 5minîan tisatishe parpoce of tise 1.301 p.m.-Cet ried. Ried Crans Society is careyicg aunie Tise coat a sjatircesi. rrieed home from echooi. Peaceetime programnme for tise Ins 'Tb@eetsacil retunaîîi 's t Itn..lc 'Weil, my ittie girl," said the rev- prvmn fhatte Wcedeo ite chair. eread gentlemane. "and viat 1e 700e ttrvemctaf seuti. tseprecea tiati hi. llrdt'c trecected ati 't'ai thîe naeoe" oif diceao. and tisenitigsact io îl u- hird rprt of the' sitaninîg cttmtttî-' 'I facac yaa cstis ato" ce. fern'c cisîsil lie realizrd i' fie te'4 e tgced reede. NIte. Iringc t ire plled tise moderon hild. "cooslder- 91t'atzsttpassibleîz enta.' tiird att reatntt britdge-.NIMc litcti a iag t tati cnhrieteoed me." te irscttai]tzîtilîays atd IrgWaî A Trontt.îto rteeta ic'c oitise io'a, Mr. Harris te ttîiî'd ais pecial Tîte Eseurlal. Canadliets Ped Crass Socsety ac ee com 'îmnicatiotn.,hir. ltstsicthtle Tise Eecacici. tise rayai reidenri on Tceedcp ta arrange, i îci sil-'.fat' thiici onccoty buiilditngsandtti'lit. bout fy PfiilitII.lais e largeai rerganizatiae te Miton. Tise ti Barbier tise third til printiitg. areclte ic Spaineand uceecf the tee te îedcr ensideri.iMr. Me. f.aartimntetd. îecîiiri fil y mari cpiecdid huildings in Europe. terinundr onsdeatin. Mr. Pittcheenttitise coartdîlgo itsIf is ttiaiedt tecty-tfa itefran ______________ ta camnittee f c cf ti e tlr ii ttader Madrid ccd ccteicc a palace, a tise reparts cf ilhr ctitiditgeeittiii' elsuchartf.emccnitrey. fre arlicale THE CHICKEN CASE. tee.-Carried. Theesucti wet itotaciiutmittte af acdea atscieemn. tise viscie. Mr. Hilinset'itetise tchir. H od Thie chisioen cane, Lien Bras. va. Thse cetteril rcatimed. tise Wurein ir od Hfenry Cooper. van tried isp s jury etthlie ceir,.A.4 acd otrd fchut opeclil uttîni tise Campisellaile DiasnCeurt sit- Mr. liiitec reparte. 'epotseoflaceis mutst bfie naitil'ed 1n voettng tiegotaat Satordsày and attrarted fs tOaingiet eatmittees'ettsdeei. mit t inrle unazaIletise Africain In- mach attention aa blig cut in a isýgtter amnded aed apycrîit ii riomtiittee îerr The teeee are et. dovo villa court. Tise ct omm as crewded cf tise wear. chinein ce saper-emnpereti lava, or and fuie trial inteti front10.30fa. ni. ta èMc. Matdetî moed ecti e'cded fip puilesi ap iy tise ecota. 3 pa.. con Attorney Iitk Wc.a Mr. Leccurd. tir.et tise repcrt cf tise ______________ cosel fr îlaintiTa anti iMr. Me. ' cntnttee ai the cisale o eortstuof rayse . of iHamlton, fcr defeedeot. stanadieg eiintnittert. asc'ceidered Lnt vinter Coprvantrieti ispJutige land aneaded itannîntter ci tise Eliot foc teaiieg tee vwhite t.egheri ecle e lsipted.-Crried. pulita front piaintiffe and wm dit'- M1r. Ililinser pt'eenetiandreend tise risargeti oe aeeauteof lesufficeat tiictreprt cifithr stand iag comite evidenee. Thse ciief evideece va, tisat oncfieance. af Constablie Mamon, John Robaertesad Mr. Ililliner moed. eeîîîded isy A. R. Lina. Tisep swcrs tisat ac tise Mr. Irving, tIsatishe reprt cf tise fin- .uggestioni of tise enutaisie tise chicli' snce comnittee. acs pr'icîited. lie ena vers tahen frans Ceepeca isbe aspted.-Carrjed. isose te the Linu sacepacd, werte Mr. HacintecedseciitdtdteyMN tise w ers reained ic tise eceieg and Hetcesea, tisai the deptîtatiac fiae hen bnciseflirouatîsm iisiopen vie- b.ieard -Cscried. doc r oadeeeslid gie tonmont. Mesqaco. J. M4. Decci.Mrhl Tiers van noexepert evideeze ce the Campbsell ccd Ala Mutona isitehl waysf eiekees. Tiersvan evidence tise eectscii 'e edtetice incua fer tise defeneetisai Cocper a hti edsooi L.egisorn foviefoc came tinte iefere Pi.Pi. Flemng, Agtîcî lturaiPrepre. tise Lise ciickeita diaappeaced. fia etatire, uddceczed the ettuecit. PHe Bran. versecno atisfied. Tisey ente. seut forat aneciof "-)foraciscal 'CC" etia1p-eintsnuit ie Division Cottrttains. cti gtise chizisent. (le Sttrdap Lieut.-Ccl. GI. Q. Brow'n. stdrecceti thse tisce vitaeane. reieated tiseir tise eesîini.asieg fbecs graci ef $5ra) The Cleveland Trade eiecaste tise iirdo entering tise ta tise 2tis Huitan RilOensttoardc x tetisenabisoe, anti Prof.(iGraiamofpssef cap uoNigara. s M t use Oatario Agrictittural Cllege. M. Irvieg tivdsoecoiteli aniMrthe ' vers' boy Ik gaeepr eiec.Hesoetr t pat ci ofPublie Hîgis atequality of a CI( tise ieiavior of tise chicsieecwas con. taise crer tise ttelpis Roand, frenu the tlusive evidecce f ocveesip by tise Tomante te Hanilton Higliwap. plaintiffs. tiat ciichenveres clifcItismugistise towensips ob Nelson acndG " nev quartera andt iat viite .egisomnNamagavepa 'a, pre.vccii cnty E O H* vers raeestieeally nervous. Tisep rcad taecnercîvst' isz cttatw weculi es hy et a ueo isen bouse t Sacnia Higisway andet at the Wurdeo Phone 28.~ linte, anti even cfane olti ene ifit arege adate witisthie Premnier atnt crere newtp painteti. At tise O.A.C. Miniter of Higismapa ta receire n de-I fie eever-let anepne la a fcr eoat enter putatici e e anse.-Carried.-- a Legisrneheicisenhliuse, as tise iirds M. Date moed. seeeîidecl fy Mr1 vrcu[d liefripistenietianti voitîifly out. Roisnte t Haltic Riflersfit'giceti w Ater the rvsdenceerer. MeBcayoe s grant cf i ve Iiîcîeridîtollacs ta aid i andi Dicis atdresee th ie jcry anti thereic tise rergacinsticnfth i fe lattlton foiiowng ialien'nptiosn Sp Ml. Mc-' trnu fer the ment chue iti eimp.-Ccr- ,Beye Inisie echarge Judige Rliot rieti. exlinetathtie jucy tise differece Mr. Robiinsn mced set'aded ty ietween ti trial of a ciminl antia Mc.Piarris. tist na maittee coppas- cvilecase. AÂpcisoner eiargedvwitia edeof tise Wardec and PeeveeeIrving. Is t '" ' crime sola niot lie cieteti uniesi Moctietianti Ililinter fe ppcicted Wta t e i e t proven guilty bepemu tise saaov of meet cn Miton on Jtsh Me t 7 p.i. sicult. fie mtget tisebeneftt fte isevtis exWardee Chasrles Pesdisead.A. docil, le a cii atien a jury had S. Farter anti J.F. Little, foc tise pute- morstdiscrimiatin adeald finita pane af cesideiag tise diai i ofEtsn- verdict lu aeertiance wthttihieir is i. gner C..eorce services rad'-red 'en itetgmet. Ia tis case tisere van new efenee te tise canstrtttioneoattise evi= not cmnitier wseleis ntcBreete anti Tannaey bridges and tisat * giuenat tisecriminal trial. The trys asreporteof tise meeting Se pceeeted . M verdictvan tist tise ciicisenu vete t tiseaet meeting iofthi s eattceît. t e ppetcf tise pilatilia. Coeper' Cacird.e van rZeeZ t te&ytise costu. tehicis Mc. ilamaeed. ecaadddispMr. wers bear-y, $7frbsaotv or entiat iLhe'Gi..-u .Home be &ppictîo te tise igli Court for a eranted tiese o f stia0.00, chequîe set cf prohiitlitesides Divisiati made payablie W C. H. Stuact, Tt'ens. Court mlifa criicis are citittacta'e x-Cacied. ceedetiS2î. Mr. Irvngiveda ct netetiS Mr1. E er- f-oad htt i e antoritp ta thet' ry Style Treaouree ta pay ail Hatac anti Peel OBITIJARIES. iosue cf refuge accautata arecoin- _____ maeded orceetIfied ta isy the fiatitac H.R RNLN. Peel Botuse cf Refusge C'amnîioeiatîero. oiI d our pri H. R cc.aat.eii. -Canried. Bec R. Frankliad, for ntaiy yeara Me.Piser ntceed.necded fiy lnlai evenu«e Calectar le Tartcta. Mr. Jaficatoee reeaieed. titat tise invi- but our qualities, tieti at bis fart afit Hacniy lat Suc. tation cf Mrt. N. McLecd for ibis dap morataf. folcving ac attacis of ceeetp cucil ta isepeet the tccs h kc uti~ iseat trouble. The late Mir. Franth ie Siateen Mile Creel idctge an Dri- iseges. Teere tend wosaDeputp Reere at Yorki tawc dac Street. Thunctiay. tMay l2tis et i sip when tiiiiit bis tveetîes. t.atcr pn.. bc 'epted.-Careied. fyMe in h e va e, ou lie seevetiacoca alderman l inte n Mir. Baantcced. eceeded b r nso au ,y u1 of Fast Toroatoa fac tour year, anti Hampsire, tisat tiitu cla iupprulees tiscuocuthisoe le ctatik aspcemnîa.of tise uildiag cof a icg ta tise tae m n hre on ar f tise stiitieî ccd tise de' dec Hcme. tise cet et the tantelis no e r. velepanent of tise big district titise arscdp fiean precided o.Crid emt f tise Don. It 18W0 Mr. Frank-i' Mr. Pilumer movdisc enedh land mantatei Sautis Yack in tise Lis. 1Mr. Jelieotaee, tisai e hi ouri etaiteest but os naucemfai. Mcd ad -cra -vemeet aanvtte1 islcdiii iseeouidihave agsie bridge. ciTh uroduc a 2t.u G R A H A M ' C enteced pelliti cai a Laiser can- p.n.-Carcied.i ditiate in Fast Toroetoin tise net '24r. Mncdec nircd. teecrdi'd bhpNie I Fedenai electias. Mr. Frankliand Lcaad, tirset tise hbuildiag iiammihtee The Home of tecmieatedl a service cf twetptvc procurerupires fbiwte c rai fianitcy peanne uh tise Inlanti PReveaue De- fie reqaicis far ciitnthy ltuisidicgu.- patueetivlisee in1919 lie eigced. Citrieti. fîtiicing dîfeceace vith tise ieads o f M. Hamtpshireetîttveti. eccnedtbfy tise Deparimeet lancennectica titis Mr. Mrdet'chtst thia cotteeil geuci certain rczmmedstices fie bai tiesunt of $25.(Y) ta M. Denyesofc matie. At the tinte fiis deatis M. tise puepane cf naecieg sacisveti0n Frankland sens a diretar cf tise Cue' en eductala mattecu la tise coiitty Ma umcmfeof St. George's oiety. (aaaie ieatciejaee.R 'S He is ecceiceti secceral gcowa.up Onmotionthe_________________d ciiltre. bis ife iaviag pcedetieaceti ________ liit saie peses aae. iews n uniss Ifirt pear. Tise ttnersi tack ppacee The Igumbler Seven. irans the Franklandi honte. Firies Tise namser neve is a siv b it Boulevrdi Toroato.ypesteelcp, .r th ie a pecula ice egesiccce Os tise Mctnsiutm. sceeclisday afofire cctfi mealis Rh y ~ ity erv ace vcn aedaiaed ta tise IOns. THOAuStuCotenatta. ehidrea cf lotael. vhs teateti ecea On Sunddayescd emiaed eren dure In On a e ay sylot. deatis remavetiienTs eeldeeveopee otne cf t4 getetneiicetf tentfe Te Pafiisch ce ro teait, pse aI teighbiorltuadenut rneaiete of tel cvtc ha a lubah, r eg. fot'anianeti'g g f cf the late ThosanChisîheim. cf' tise ead of socce imes eneentisere Sh asi ier i thyear. ieiag blatieeueyeaes ta ia Piaehaei fer hie in Trafalgartonshilp ced mevicg ta f.Nahbi evndye an luteing acre lftp pecrsacge. i u f ettise food. Nehechuduiezuar îag bie lite site vas a itaucris merntier lice"dseccea yeace acseaieaci. Chit tf the United Presyteian te'iueciýs piote sevea ime, fecm thle cruscnt@ anti lier nctsities viiilieo geatlp miss- jan vwhih he heet seven bonne..Ile e t s l DAWSON L.Vma0ie MîNlton, Ont. 7 NOWI o try a pair of )Est Every Leather ices are moderate, in every case, are' eis a big difference Il get Most for your SHOE HOME ýfGood Shoeti STORES ,e1I your .ss than paying? hem to or trade STIrOE-S AIU ownera noriarloiasqtIopam oefre, eti uantici r.IavfluftheTOwa tilerIt on or beoestise ltt dyofi Ontario e sire the alites tntilons 0. A. tiameTasaswr, Town Cleris. la tin Surrogato cour t iftho Coo1of utHilton. ta tise Mater ci tle Estate uf Eutvard MOgmanIle sf tise Towshmip oi Tm's-s telgar. is tise Couaty cf Halten. Fra' Ju er. deceaseet. Notmliaehm tes. =-et t. th.li.. Oue@d ninsasanOC tie Pt.,eer181, stion M6 thla] ncl aial n, cisOnain.t th. mSl tes ii asitiK..dMe-Cnas. odied ouio &boteuith. nntli day uC .hraary. toit. ns thi City tf Randtin atheio atny zf Wennlsrth. amr enureS tZ msd byie etha, t. doitee t.the smeenguiv,- _leiner be ae ofeu th.lieUete .%f a nthe d net M otnna. -se lobrshe ush dite sC Ja. 1,tet na-es5r. std e. eu i C = ;en ifCr.5Sdh ..oi. nil Soi cerl5uby 1 uhiae tlviipeccesti d.tel.te nth. -»enof the deonseti n=estise Pstieu essitliat heu5u lio ein nu%. eety it. t emba n.f. oh teil ahel -hes is. neer. ild tiieli"]ast b.li lale or th. ae-.r e ,issns al.t ash- -l1e-eeerd lie tlimmet th timiaof .ch itiuiie. Dnsnd et Miltan. ililutilide a er.n,1toi W. . DiCta stf lilt.., Deti, Sa]t.tteefCr tlih.. koS a cake cf tuiri fanon.. Planas Waa env. If pou miea c titis pape Mark Stands for Quai- ýnows the superior GAI eveland wheel. Rugs., Etc. ,LBBAIIH & COMPANY, of Milton SlJJEflRUTHER5 MDDRCAR THE CAR OF DVRABILITY AND ECONOMY. & DgIibtors of Dodze- Brotherc and Studebaker Motor ONILCr for Milton, Acton and Georgetovo. UKT. D. HUME, Miton Repve»ntative. What is the Red Cross.Doing Thse Red Cross tn Ontariolias: 1. Contîsued ils var work in military. hospif ais. (~2. Contributed te tise relief of disease- stricken îufferero and undernotirisis- cd chidrels in Europe. 3. Cooperatei mith tlhe Soldier Settie- ment Board in iselping soldier set- lcin e mergencieseclur b tecknesp int he family. 4.Provided fends for tltree years for a course in public iseattisnurling in tise University of Toronto. Tise first claus of fifty graduates je Mayz 5.Provided eigist nurses for-, cbll isygiene demonstrations under thse Provincial Board of Healti. 6. Eistributed te civil isospitals equip- ment aud supplies teft over froan tise war. ONTARJO FNROLLMIÉNr, MAy 22-21 W. bavae..,Oa Camada »pnbdfor, wàr; mow lot an have Caa c " commbud faS ..dhW&mh £arel lit Inte*Red Çë Crasend leIP Orfetepuo pinon bsain baViýe't seind beaith menssîre. Enreil w v wif oal iau rom Branni. Enrailma a .tCosmltme, srRf <ra lae nse inrsson ,,uit, tht Ontario PrsviaelsDivisin.*4eeuuoc- -nu TORtONTO. CandinlRied Cross&Xce* 'Ontario DiYIU@D -- . 'fcvvcu albraith &CompaflY. New«'Wall Fa pers t arrived, a big shipmeflt of the New Wall Papers-22 inch goods-dir et from the factory to our store. PRICES 15c. A ROLL Up. 'S Curtain L»apery 1kinds. Ses Special Value at 17e yard. inoleums, Olfcloths, Il - - WEIGHING PLANETS. NeHo e WrKeo Weilt c fth Jaquie arlp tinys assicnoeree an lgeographeen nuceeded in bioltain- ix# a rougit idea efthtle ine of tise farth. Tise neat thing tliey vanteS ce knoy vas lse omîglt. liti vosit not eoavey musis ic an?- .00ne If va expremsee.th le ansver in boam. fcr Ila vattdrua mis many thouanntimillon litlinna. anti nsone l n ampIdea of fthe neaming of itogl anermoan stings of ftgunea For ahi. ronmvo do not eay that the eaeth se "yp tuber plumet veiglas no nanY tous; wva&y uaptisaIIbîrare alirse or tour or av@ tlrnes as haavy as a globe Whou SIr tfnac Newton gave kl aui<loaitiseo veiglit of thei earh i*e nan to the conlusion thatIla Mont lie fron ave to aiven tinas au haeay as an eoloal gsobe of wafer. » enleiilatiois woece madie mare than Ivo huntireti pears ago, andi men vire Dot able to uap ohellier 1he? vert fiig tor rots.. Nov, hovever, vi have dtlacvereti mas? vapa of vebghhig sue venîti. Xvery body inusapace, oheahen h iin A planet or a star, aliracla. or puUls avaiT tiair body; lte fO*anof the plitieptoti. afon ilsir veiglit. We kalov thee aise of lte moo, ils tue- banco fron sa. anti therate aitvisîcl il nolas, CalcuWaIons show ua thal It coudnt ai ilowlilsunachangiai VoalàAtIthe apteS It dosunieonscr earlis vert Olve anti a quarter limas as Iteaci as an equal voune or water. Oîmilar saleilallonm prove thtalun- lies tisem ier e is tglt thea @"th couli ont estaine le rvolve roundi tisesatmaitan average distancet of about 98,000.000Omules a ina litai. more Uas 3$65tiaya. But ve cse»Ive thse prohiese la asotIser oui. senelbs.',e o0f the. otloma, eavealy'tbodiues pesmea an glane te us n it ls patt a Wle uiO ty altemtt br tise pullo09lise earthi'a gtractton. W. tagnMiane'tOma. dlaO*noe It &%vn am Q u erpatta, Andt tst calcuat vit lat 'e eamnr'to aéinat tor bU u*Obbteeu Wtaea wu do 4,e Ad'tisat te -aar let i4$"a* nM that i gloa l NOTICE. aGBEATF.T 0F TIHE<~i Peter the -,,esti Hadi a la'c FI" -Nocuel. ; nilat Glasert. ceeskii. et'IlPt 'l former in hm 01rh, the. ocafeid, 1er d- faielttInfom la éhe i W en t ht' tl'icki 'i1Ii le Woo l,itiýltlî "Pe' chamber sand e , .1 e patiece t'h, lic ian '1, et vfi ctc lie 1,i. ii Ii" practhesl joli," This a c iI ctt Pleter the Gra' Il exPlaI dit iones thCe c ,. oiif I1 s'uachhet'le,.I,,,manWh ant i ce!ir-1,.ct'eorfeet'î 01 a grea' ii. foid octt nIl h-tant rrylca thai h. i- ic ce'n "Die. the gqlle"f I'Nl hIn-e.,e Ne( ecg aelle, li-1 <rîte cf thte..zic4i-. of th. a ila atht fiche' "Whrntc he cmoment 1 li thedy camp fie gre',f of the czat' mere itaie- boedy, tor fi- czar lI, J @Ibtidantîti, and in the vaut ecvd eof " augmhied con acte Ile' ceemeicfy he gaceý, t hee crase.' convey. He i e tiane consotet it h î(,tatnt, a e lieut cf ait acnd moe I'I I cc te ef aD'ii h ailel his order ta il- il, which focd ai ýv vashted. heraîtte t h, . va ornaay e i 1 Pr, hy a dental mantif, itP. 91 bise entcitraeat. adii umcd frottahi e tract' c, lpu«ope lic hcinif]. iil- Ail the itanciae.Pied Iri eut iheir gaceed beati. The anecdotes. rent' lumeinatIng. raufie m ill thiemseices fiel hacce' Personaliic cf OGratiP shadint luit ececery; a Ing in af hiehliîghl" le- Only thecîtgh a great t'- av a paiting ecid tIl. Ottosia lie Ilmcîceaii r "A red-ietter day" t- i which arose oct cf fi, ItaaiCalendar. tnt c anti high hciidays er lait. Thosimpoetan, qtientiy lieame liccar Days"-henethe tc. "Murdet oIt cout whicis Geoffrey (Chant.l' aitisougl inlathe firît i speit "Mordre woc i h "*Truthlale tranei a veii-uued nsaying. si -ont generaiiy linon I inîaiiy emoiyrd hi "Don Juan." @i- "Eeeaped vithfihil. ifl ieii." it la iteceniýr ortilntates tu tht'tithi' Ill. verse 20, "Fild" criginali, t whîcli ieecbail hi. 'Oeld.' "Nze essty iz tht' tiea'" o uWeill e t centoriesolad. The- vere irsi foaad ita1i Ara Memoîru." vellîl home." a phrase, inc e,' ent price of fccc. ! pfticdfiy eeetie1 ceigleated hy Si;ha'- "Henry IV." eresn fef"Anylsing for a'j t I firMIddietoo. hearîn, was trsi csed in hý À litt rcuin i.theeuseriofl, elge a, Ingiiedlroern c epe 7 auenihaor perîtotee alhed tafiermach e-ý thesz fez lute lirlghieî and soz. teogcheoed 1fe cf equ core iairccsme do i ' Famnus vci The Chineozfiase thrcagli the aaeaac forcr er t'etzliuccttdi thé Masfaaouo ucei:, 1' iliat 51 Grenelle.,cin , Paris. vhere thee frotna adepili cfon husedreti sed ciceil- rieido Ove hundred ait h faigallonsocf vete' Weil ta Pesais vas ciii of three ihauand or, Intheliseenes. Do Motion use"I It flas for long it, tieriaits species cf m' eammîseteao ititon. * theagli aeperated hi diotance. Tise lact ceey Plisle during il so. A femaale cf th. (Oraytail) mayfie 'ecodea pili hox. ste c Le tract maie rtmail a theae iii camle tract Dý Mlle.cr tWa A Venerable Humboldt tellsin le 1 eploraticosthat it l- lthliAmerica fie me cà able Parrot ohicfi th', ataeac of a îlot llid 1 CUI Paing rin. sa-pi Tecas MAl thig thesl a Prin -Vice Son& ki 1 e

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