Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Apr 1921, p. 3

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- I CLCOTH INO Store que'NOS. -ilig sait fma sae. iO)E-hzJohn Milton Chapier muuuent t-urae rdy i3P. olai ibe ""Y..clbcoru Miu- Jean P.N PA.tn Ao h ai nlicaIaf, 1Siautoba Aiîtiu1turae FU NI S H ING S Col ge Winnipeg. Arded u oo.I rsjri ~be ,b aing of the ful 12ternut the.ol e~g,- teSiphindoing cbesoicaî refear,, CId1iI;ý, ose, leit - mk foid produciq ai tbe illianu I i I 'd yBuiding and Ptutu @pend lIe .4 <i-r î<t<rt.< 0l-rlI lime ut Mt. Andrewus, NBi., auhere be work tili beon lish. She w"vorne h .1-in Niilin fore theweekcnd. r N r.r tîr AI rident au adii.ttt alto Stocks and Iiisdu-lired Dewar, phtane 12: fie S R,. BE W~S 1"Wiroi< BU-)KEN-Mltoirn i' Iàigh,(Iltotrithirdlforaicit Monasy l'y o ie1, « nthe lîgb Scbaul ieaRttroc re ,lrtttccrie. <:-Publie Schnoi, 'a k,-% tî.ant~Bhand Harratrag tro lgirh acltotl ,iitile andr-i%'rta.eirt - ~~~1 <-< tNrLand H ltrdor itrm mg tir' <Matite b'ttford 1luit, aitcbti <'r ir,- <-«bt, scoi n inte, eau rnflr n «r ictgtrck irîthlie fa,-- v i er-b lrke t r < n o-, Nl-.irl 1 r tmeetinrg, r-f tlrrae w -g Ii11,' g t-eornt forrth ir tarr, 1 ,te.l iri <rtlite rearit r.,er,v.sMays'2iird, et1 ~~Rrleil: i, f-r t lir erat-urir of«b 2à r-Siàrder.,, of Horuhy. tuai 1 <r or-oMondny. [lie andrr mon eoî ci-ci houtle lateiy afteriedc< tg 1<lr iter ie Floirin, aotirhend ntaonI mi.or Tbevirii - .i tettot on Amoerra. toi ( 1 1 ~ .totioh loctb, still rn g.,rrîri o t ~flffl1l II r McS.n,ur,-r uay, - aiid ~ ~ ~ h; SItlda laul'hoAItend11 [c[i arrv or <urng' F~itIyhé> uuiu ter, the Ieuperntr'i <ho i P., wo . 1lt 1 .. a rîl ý t rre.-ttng i«tbe Prncc a h r--- rlul. l aturrry afterîr r,rt~ ic:n Ai ohe!iitn.,ohac rdierft.or uctiou aIl-rcoyhody c.rdiatly r.ri% ni Granite, Enarnel and i <Lor <-tro Loe trtr Ha r e ntie trr t, ic la t Fcdav ' boa 1, -oàrd t hat a b lpin tenOtrof 1<q<or r' o i.. n-sp hece frrtrMotrtent. -rii to a consigace e ar nec per cent, Roductioin or)Gaivan -sIL---rrtoed on. nrdtth 4 1 <R sotrG<.T.R tationsn til Sator ized Pails and Tube.orotetr buO irt no 5hr<rîueîot us et tOOand that the oroegoe TWO DAYS ONLY vtIirdL ,rdoioLdtO uI l r a rrtrttutoge slartr ndrsale of A ,p1ünodid Chante-to Stock at Bargain Prtoes. îrý...îoI. akioitgoir Saturrrag -liril 3Otb, 3 r <r - <,rmtoe- tol<, ri~ ticlIc l .e ti e r tî ier lit o e. <rn day -,f CLEM NTS' H A R D A R E -utý .«. ,at , orutrihote. o srr-k wiibe riean rtp ae ai A L M cCUTCI-Ithe L J « i vri tntr t hr e rn"oshilsP L MeCUCHF.ONJi > , I ert iuetreut One rf tur Sam ien5ofl <ot or' N 1 L Al lflTfAiTtl «' e r,rhlrioh. AccUsiltttlo rotot Y Lbt NSIUII1UIB trî l rr reedo diseuse. la Miltonr gg, «~~~ ro Board of Healbe.peaowt o- tr..do epaet.the teague. Citizeno il lie requircd <t. - i r. selec< t it trissea o . the Santary Inspector 55.-to l as<tke bilarouadd< os and. attet STREE-, rMay 7th andb»a s t bot for the ues O, <wfflt, OIMM-U. TIR. MILO irgent MACKENZýEj O .NE CEN-T SALE 0f Rexali Remedies and Drug Store Goods THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY April 281th, 29th and 3Oth. T Ilil FLAN-For example, yoti huy a 35c Tube of -, I<ri Tooth Paste and wc ivili give you a secod )n te Cent, or. two tuhes for 36 vents. - - - . à m 0- Afai 3 BIE3G DAYS OF SAVINU*' iALCUM POWOERS Muisand Tablets ReKail Remeies DRIJO& DRIJO STORE ' ,iru Talcuffs 50e Box Rexi tOrder- *1.00 Box Rexuii Syr- 2,c.Mydrn tee'rGide 2 foi, 76C le....-' 2 for Sic 1 up of Hypophos- - Zfr'12h Taleuit p 25Box A. $- S. &C. Red ez.,2erSZfr nike fr. a ZeTi- Tblt 25 2 é 2c25c Box Rexali Heal- . ad. Cafo-2c- 2 2Seal Tea - C' r26gC le.24fr 09c EME1olaiS oefl 2fotr 1C 5e okt Pr Api-- igSav. 2fr26 ,u oi - ,2 for 41c RoBse Tai- in Tablets;2 for 26C SMc BOt. Peretating $11»fla Bo las uMia- . fo x &1 - - Liimenit. .2 fr 3& rl i 2 Ipr 01.01 50 B 1I 1.25 ýBot. Celeryan 1OlLET CREANS pepsaTa lita.... I.noi.,I2 ol k rrr,1crl Hi OTomuie Z oSi.-226 51e Beali Prmpiatloii ~ s LiAi Lier3UeTube xalCR- 2B f Iopa en Fu... f0r 6e terrb Jelly.2 fer 3c s54r. Rexal Pearl Ttqith 2fer9ozie B 2 S 1«Ç»i2&nt25e Tus ieutSalve Fote 2 for 36c Mun 05(o, 1.Tinu a euh AtIt- r odes2 *T L i illS,2 fou 269a . ........ 2 for26c- pi ouePw« ain idoOi1 comm'35c Bot. Ch erry Bar k 2 ft ToPr 6 oseI oram2fve Ci elli..toS ougb y'.2 for 36C 25e ThoittbBh se!r 1e .2 ferad - ir Appe1» e 2oSi ..Bit--5 JNO. 25e1M0 A15.1E3NZIEjb.l PHONiers E t40 T4or &ch an M- Rev.) J.3. EMcCslnmon WM .JlA Y U I!E service ahtflBunâay ln thé 5eentbe. Roas Wirx.ApyCb - Sherif Webster ha es I frPioma iD-Ap hm 'Dore thora turcS, t bis tioen11for.po Office. va Bm.Io. FOR. SAL.-Brick cottage on llI W. J. Agar, oftht.e Ford Qsrage,bao Street. Appitrec. Jas. Ford. 4t oid out tb meurs. W.I. LÇt and FORI SL-A two.burner oil stoye. Ada.m Sproit. wiîh aven. Apply to Mrs. D. Ander- A Nu -GiAàcrm...jaenb shn on80, M IlI Street. han opened a garage in th brick bumjd!All nd, of orotor trucking dooe?. log nOeltthe oies hall, fornoeriy the!r Furnlture rnoviog a speiait,. Appiy electric igbt engine bu9te. Read bic E. DUS-Ou, Mill St. P on.s 3. tt advrtisernent. To LT.-2 six.roomed dweings in Ruaninîs C()Lt.rîoN Oq. tineng t oni od condition, towo tuater ia eacb, Milton are retilested tb bave rubbiah la1rgeý gardes. iots attached. Appir to cllected aod piaced mitînIde their' iDez, Milton. 2 preiaco rui boxes or other containers, HennîlT WAItBURToN. CVabine-t- reSlly to lie takeOn way. beglningon ti alter, No. 10 ide rond. Eqei Tuesdïsy, ay Srd. oabqauecsîy o rp ioi tIonttail t-< bear the musIic t furituîre ut ail Slnd,,. 4-I yr andcîiîetrt 'G<tftrday afternoon l A fetu opecial yousg nows, ready for \nIr trg î ervice, for sa ale. Any p eron de iring of. Shakespeare, wasa<ch appy to Abert h ountain. torî ou <<co rum Tuesday witb J. A. Car- ie M n Adlt;MlonRB. rlI. Agi iculturot Repeeetatice for 1No. i. Phone 34-r.3, owo<ile. <o 0roueotion uitb tbe anti-ocrb 1 . Bo Uzocts A.SD HÂTtiNo Hans «<I O irr. Ioting tboriogbccd froos csrpfnlly .%eected pensoof bced- '«l cNto(ritlrrm 1.proouut oo 1 s lay itrains. Wbitc Wyandottcn, i <<<~' I arceri Rocks and iH. I. leds-W. (). Rt l 1tiic nug, Agrctlturat Rpr,-Den ie, R. iB. . Miltono, pbone 78-r-13 000<<1..hohasbecuMitibtiting saecds Pictures etthîe Priscees for Friday mi pan. oHatou crural ochoot 1111P,1,%%1 %vil[exhihît thé reoulto et and Satsrday. April 29t1 and 301h, tl<.' L-111 o, r i slî o to<pet to k, in W ilIam Faversbsm la "The M a n W h" chi.rrlîg pt<r r v ahir rnd î<goe. Lest 1Himfl1,'< a thli tIig 50 C.,e T'h<' laiiup- li rs Nliqmion tBaond les MeU Who se closely reaembled i~rr-<r. h«Irinug a bzautr asdroncert one anether blet tle wite conIt mol Ctrs<rîî-Oi surboot -oottr, 'ihu tllii hem spart. ClarlIe Clapin le' daN hrl 11 <1r,culoto lite, l"Te Jltney Elopemest," and Weekly. ..ŽTiiis'r<' lhM lt fl iriharr Neit Wednesday, 'Respectable by l ro ttoi Bln ratco OBITUARY. q BROOMS, real good ounes ......................................- .... '.... ;.....t' lè thcrogirr<rrthe' vil ri nonI hirgh tra, itîrro -toc.g Mr» amOs Harcop died st Satucday '.P SOAP, any kind of lanndry, 13 bars ............».............-...........1.00 ii ai Westboiste. Abergeie RoadOid -2 NVITr I It< Rnit.1<<-A Oueipb Coiwyo, WIel.faiiowing an rrpec. ' TOILET PAPER, 3 rolle..............-...............-............................ .2 <icopa tolireoro-. hat 19,W)mpoîîng atlas, Mc. and Mon. HEsroap caste tu P_____________________________________ rbrrr out e err 110004 t.iEdeo «hua Canada fruotnt i achester, Ene- -_____________________________________ il ihy rogokeoheif na 'ry tland, about eigbt Y ao, hu ,Mr. es and «o tlcgerlrngu. -There ore no filarrop hought the Etiott farm, Et- 'P ARF-The Cuhansi ituation looks liko Chiusi sugar W dvse t 'ingf-rtrtigs ' e îrptinr the tai. Tht' qresiugo the liane liaSe, ctose to Mil- Ilsh intrrri -tier ftr oryearlintgs, ton. Mes. Bat-rap wsna,,rustoent 'P careful bnying. Get aur prices.ià 3<tosH ounto AirrOCl .< ýA. toorker in the Metitadist sauecb and 'P _______________________________________ Caçiiaet frotho abose ir-stinuother organization.-I. a September. ' Helu,-rrlacr. igeut uI ilatrdMe. arrop retrned te f.-o <bro dr,t-re rl ope d 1eot=ad itb are f i 'PfSN ER O '*lî.TON t otc<ur utrrrudaughiters and Nr aro ogt PHONE 9 S N ER O # iluo r t itiii.r O ['«h Srroday af property on Wates. Their oly aur- tec. [ûteirThe ert-icoeil<xtSunday v iciog son, Ed. Hareop. retoained an o-iiea follotîs:- il a.,_ Hoiy 4ie fat-st bete. Thele eldest daugbtcc - TeBellt- (irrot -"7 or dock. Event. Theit- pouneer son, Cedle.enllsbed i«g Provrý- a- or o, ru trbject "The bece in the t b eCanadian Field Artil- 'NI'LIiiarrîrrlr'I atlr-ecrote et-y, tent aaevileanad w" kiliedtla I t,'<brrr -.-,rr-ooFroucez. t-. and Ht-a. Gatbraihstade sos <"r-atragemets ately t o aiirearl 71.~~TA Pb egair"0O ditre for a a-bit ta Mes. Gathtth readat r-eurug i"othe courts (of <hi parents., ________ynsel.a earioa seaT-10al. S T R tlî.rri.alitrr Tennio Club. We.s< Mainy- prtuca sitretx-, ihrlrs.lu<bFenesdaroace Th ot< rrui orlie< o = w>t-'ouffl.-aacoela Tciilo rrrrrrylrb T a-h ort c lwllmûstantbt. Z" l Mmt»; utetueazi iSeS 29 )0" e -i)l. cWe bh 1 9 ,b t h ar e lo c o p rr u t n o g o o d co n - tuds n r s s d a a g n b e .n é t a r L i a t i ond of t ue p e o M u oi mTeu 0 0 6 . o .7 l ,u n dI I.r ho ill, ha's«rde as finoca<ar<. 0h M ay. o es ait 7 ~ ; aWI fo m pe tu n etr w ttbyoac appreeic o o 0 f rs t e v o ~ te h r a l ait a, mberEhp rf fortv. tuhrob PoliroeMagîstoatts Drc waiked down 0n" W. .um<oi -r ict n.angemnents for inotiner treatt ibis atordav atternomSMfla4Oigltt tee -t7 wirhe octroa-cri <000 yeterday for the fitst liste after _______< aniezst. ..t bierg confioed tbihia boa-e hY <toma CoOCMAi Kfi2c10Jb.cTU Mhne ilW O, uilsteinutie Formera CirltThefie ORefthe Bantl oltcCocsasut - ezof Ilh .aiUs5eg. 5i5Waurl Tra rce 29c ne b toka" feeou S.tueday, ii .aaII Mspte. vanile and otese iieer e e 0.Sbsi ra c2 hrooni,. NVdnesdàV otetootro, !lny 4. CherlRe Chaplin wil le1C île Pris' OrGod auneS by the fire bigade savrd iti WEEK E<D CHOCOLATES 39e.-A gaêoritft I . o trrlook. RrI crail. Qrrotrous ceas Frldsy and Stsrdey, ln 'Tlî frost detrartis uttedaa -cisla Cbeoletel selall tr e t .lb......a rday 39c ftm aghkcspeare. Jlbney Elepemem."ainountej o t&aoui t 1.. ClO LATED»AS FOR 23e-§M M5 Milk Ch ,oolt 1rAl t'I "s L A ictua doyt W Perey Mrartin, ate of the Scotbch ueNOXCEItIC.--The tsubji fr eegularieuh ................ ........7 FOR 25o filloI r iloton evad barrirato lc.Eqc 1, iyaedya <udymrieoi e TeFil- 1440 111 CANOtES.2 fer le-A big trest feril klddiee. 2 for 1<o Mi itr,<r resse4 Bri-ko(I Coroko. Me the BOati ospital. Be bad beco litifor ment Of Jo.'laIn he .yeuicg Mr- ICE CarEAN-flila lsy co=afnNeii.e on'kW£bm turtheiren t inrued his f.rot orrad <cl usetoenfeet t urnerime. Mackay ail pretbaLsermon a tYoýUng hab retieàaldisputes. Thq s d1 I. ewmae'hbë «r hotcraid. Tho, brick, teliau On 23t-dNay Geor-getown freelod- sten, nub>ect "Proper Self.valiiBUGn. hiiri lrsinad andibodytee.hOuid, et-s toutvote un a by-taw to bor'o W Iwtl be gluadthbave yo, u oehip .H houe t,lita-o.r [ n&Il right. llIl f ot-a bann b am5ist tarhati wtltitu. I 14 1i ur LI t WENSArHALF HOLIDAY. E<tdson & C.rt.buestobihba beepakia A " N GOtoTW CO _Be a rootie r f r il. Try t'g ha-e 9e3- au -5 e . DAPO EOOTW I C yo<r grobor o <rdr in ou earty 1a% potu- 1O..F.-MiltoOddfellawo tent to DR. F. a. DABCOCK à ie. arroa to0 got crly detreory. 1Do Gergetown Ist Monday evenrng b gF5GZl S _____ 1 rt <arii il 1 r circk befot-t<Voitrpay tituae of Orian o Ldge. tauctyt ETL__ -ý voiee rrcordec Ste lseu<1 0meari ide. and try taliîft the euehre Ine tlassea SnDeui BO$ttal OOST AiL TH4E TMelup. Theytsliedbadoso. hut hsd ai office irtufPie1'hflsee- F o oII- The ('ospheliile gaad bime. trh pdenes a y 55 ACTION DraroIOSoc tpapp'aired in Mrilton FAREwELL TEAr.-The iodles of .Ihe cA LaM arkReTIt 1ut the Poil Theatr-- inthe i e on are cucdiaiiy lrslted ta a lare~- Vu rfer's f leat IaI e art ural pay. '-Fat-or Faîk." There tueil tea for <trs. MeCimmnnan sd a oai a Ilrou ose, the perfaorance mitceelatteouv abhoter in aid of thel NOTICE. __________ pi1-r the aurdience andthea Camtjo irutpital at Lake Fe-anol lu tire dia-* __ tl le a-orra people voiroeqia eiieelMe eeustn i c 4 5, ti<t Ser Mr.ctioiln l a. pleaIl rb<toereoeptrou gîres ihern. p'so nggd ui b uthheldi Drs. Arthur sud (Gerirude Smeall'W elfl t n ieS--," to W e waut ee-ty lady ta t-y Sher- in Knoxa Clarcli nubool roost, un Tues- e, hopeclr.tul ien aW 51 .at idG wlliao. thebeîct uaruish ttaiu on the dal May 3, from 3 to 6 pst. SOre aif permanent residence end pe marktot.Sopir purchaoc oae of ouri the requicesteabo toth ,eeded far the rctice in Milton on and alter 15C. htruhes std tetrlgo euirbpliaearet.pic ie. anday, April 2etb. office at Misa 25c. tn free S houdsomoe colora to ttuwetu, weub ciatha. lied tseiey 'coraotoo ilsto<'Hardarae. adoe Reidu ReIIence, Mai n St. - u .l m s. I MI. aud MIon Foed Sminrt.ofDe-Du O K M IT I c a y trt Me aokdb MeaJohr .Lindsay, of _______________________________ Taronrto a nd Mrs Kemtp, A'fEgaus 8 ville atteuded the funecai af thebuite g. Jame Lindsay Ore iat Friday mot-' C nguthe etrital ai the 8.43 C. P. R,. r iIi trarun gnaeatL, Bes' . OF. Cooke, tauIU IIreaO M u ical Orders deli'vered pltMPtI to ailpa*ef the town X vicea at Ecergeet Cemete-y. PuIoClroLHIuuiv.î-Tbe paub Hundeedu of aur customers and frîende vint4etsoels 1~f 2JAM ~ N R ment of Public Higlotosyn liasdept0tît- Saturduy fteon and nîgbt and enjoyed the Violin Ritel bY ~ ed in tho Begitry Office a pceirstnary Me. A. E. Hayes, arcompunedbyMie aleo, pIlale and ive route Pan shotuingthte tocation in wi8h te ibank yen fer yeur sat-cîaiion af aur efforts ta eBave Enqoeaiug and Nanagaito f the< ts U eu etr ia u road aubicbln ta boa& prOu'llihigh- Yvoit. We are gs ell e leaseTp at u r e etr htw wayairl h.o ita urt tat suti . have arranged far another Musical TreiS for you tiu Baturday bigbsuayallait bc veste4 in tuhe Crovon efterooaoound aight. Mr, HayaIli i l bsmagt teenter' at soon*on May dth. tain you on the viein, and Mis Wales, sobo act ably accompen- Tipo d pîîr tes at-e lofait nied bire, sa-lu lso be rtil us. An sdded attraction fort is blooto here, Onest aeeksahaead aI Sabarduy aili be s number OI Piano duet.a yIisRWAesss tinre. Other trocs toil <oorI iaaaost. Mr. Hayes. These duets are tbc reault of oconstint prectice tnd O . Indications are gani for a lar-ge crop a cto ntepr ftepaesada o»t*OID e of fruit, ILu runtattrile. aa wu repart- o<piutO< nth artdof ib plyr <d rtlie otraelln ed fretiteNiagaadistirict. thot tirs mles ato eau. 8 OctcMecdbtgy( red n oa ie <ttS4e4cNt<<tSSOl~tft<~t sour cherrles su erod in the iate acutu- mnr wyngill net be disappoinied. somi mTire bads bave trot aipeneéd W ar ulln4 irere. They promnise weil. T. H. MOOREHEArD.JWe arya ul iog mm, W, 0. Rewrtbal nst c -. dent t irt- hate o Court Street.__________________________________ Whde n re a ber hhoause abe lipperim ore anrit ein l ee a ed bed evered ieitbis T ac o tire glass and was uact. Ao artery ta Ail Ea d i a e W sered and tirere tulas a gmat fSoie of lit bu lt wtas cbecledby an emer- tiia segandor À c erd al Ivit t ieon lI sxtanded te __ __-OMM__ __ __ _ the peepleef MfilleS and Vcilyte n be presi ai u v:utue Lectre Having purchased_ the W. J. Agar Garage ad Toletzlca.' Tobacco SI r on Roulat - ibr 1>'byMr taken over the Ford AgenCy for Milton andAdistrict, G. hers, et Trinlty Colee. Toronte, yatheodfl a1 deîlesapîffa et tle Victoria the widersigned întend ho keep oontantl ai4e-l PGN 22 rd il P r1 r club, lu Knex Charal ScleelreOioen stand a fuU eupply of Ford Parte and Acceesories. _ Frlday ev.uIg11, Aprîl 2915, aet8.30. Gaz, Qil, Tires, Tubes, etc., ale free air. SEau OF S'ROINa.-In tire npriog the 7 'on saa fancy igrtly turne ta Wé will ho happy te sn1pplY the wante of ail Ms.- tboujits ai laye. Tire irntb Of tiis gar'e old cuetuIsuers and cf the public generall. 1 w a tua" emntrated lut MOI da ter- t flER unoioVcai PtSOsberij AT N ItIII TIME I H B front of tire band istaayoabn stuIs - A AM S nafaoraulew ti husaiaratiarî,d ADAM LOTT r- mauden WhOdid Ont Bay hum Day. 1%e lacune coulebid theur beeks ta _1t____________________111U__Md____________________ tire court boaolle aod semted ulleon- 1 acinus of the adenifttian ofaegeolotaci , -dogeg. - - - - - fficiait and titiler%. d IONjlfl BUSINESS IIALF HOLIDAY-Il.WARRAiNTED tonm 5etchaout-are elgu g l.n Ment te Close tlefr closesat 1230 IL V auty la »yJanet J, tipueM ar ot rga« a h M.Boys' SoIid t.ether* 0 theoots lato edlg oetry i",teo P gwýt thse .kly Utel bsla MW& ~ -in tan aud black _ OGAviz5E.- Tie Maton FOgHIt ryi , me " ueeii-oveilue , tttr firaFFyo Jllr»iw ' D. und. 0eAl5aaâýiI AuM~a vil .1 - ( ~jt t' MULTON'S BIG CASH STrOE di MVliInery. Dept. S Juet opening another shipment of the newèst things in soit, sunrmery t headwear. Our stock this season ie unueuelly attractive and Prie" ae vers t rnulch in the buyers' lavor. We invite your inspotiofl. -Seoond floow t't OP t ffi Uouse Cleaning Tirne. , ~ Papers for every r*m in the house. Dainty parlor, living roofli and den 'ppapers ; pretty dining rooms, varniehed tiles, or wax finish bath paper; sari' 'P atos, burlnp and splendid kiton papers. t Rugs, Flooroils, Linolenms, Oileloth 8qnareoe, Curtein Noe, Serîrno ý à 'pMarquesette, Chintz, Cretonnes and drape goode in immense výXlty. NEFW PRICES tt n. 4 '1 t' 4 e- -

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