Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Mar 1921, p. 2

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L1~ Y~u~ opili 8. iAre fmen rlubý tge ittiekinti~ chemlatry boldo the eet 0f tiII? ThO=11b tbob. wMlie the anes Ever mince tbb c'scence et Cbe-1e0r W40 -e.elaUom n reîruuary, ha iena tiown mmcha" e*ep - lm e 8 e lmu lun fe pela. tts he@* bundr et yucc wilkh iu toue Scuy wl i itn n animais, but unîilithe prissent ail WD, ctio, Okvile.snd terwork bas been ln vain. 21:s12o.19.12 However, the very remarka'atge Cuauty sait soc uM11 n.wbere riudcd hi- Prof. A. L. Herrera. dîrar- t % &Mlg bainmjf. hepr% toi- cf bioiogira ailstuIen nMexco, In iutent in " Ib S m courte rîli apparentiy have bien acceaut.l b.W Dis ue éebeommmdncig the aceorittsc ta the accouant tbis Mext4an 20h Of Match altbx gsix days.- Al uieutit tiveu cf 1bis researuhes ta Peis etitQeatO yutesmle or fe. La Nature, a ieadlng orîentitjour- &W .,bae .t gbt toappurecebafore ual tubilohd in Paris. tO RvIa betore cuit pre.'. InuMY fri'texperimet,' saye ioatb enod of»aecaI. The . i Prof. Herrera,Ifoict arsb' fu0oeS. -4Vere of cgc, a Trit- tecbnique. I pet lut() a crystalIser 1 isit subject arosi.unt ur the Donin. rutile rentimetere of rolitldaisiltice, i for une yccr, adof tbc provinue viOl a densiti- uf 1.030 anditwbo mi Of Otario for 4wn neothe ,prior te abe alts. chioride uf lime anuItlicr- Pcb. lot.I, s1 udt stuc. resi in ethe ai* uf iotasb. Througii slow diffusion mounlciplilty. To strike a nasue off bihe and In complets crystailisatleu iberes lgt bWo day.' notice before the day it ras a formation of remarkabie imita- wiii lie brought betore the Rerici gtions cf amoebas and celle; a siow Ooeccer mut ne given by registeret erferting of the conditions cf du-b-- letterte c ry rhume rlght iu at- sion at laqt peodured exbrenaeiy i- tsrkrd. Public notice rit h. glveu4f markable fàr-simiieu cf organir @ie- the sittinga ufthebcofficers. but tbbc uats. date viii no doubt b.asuabove msucs- The method fOsaly adoepteit l, te tmonuci. lu tbc rural districts Oftbhe comaresitro solutions, une cf silicate ennby ny persan qealillei tatevote. of pofacb vih a density cf 1.100 suit rhoec name i.not ou thse liat Mnay (ou entalniugtirce of biilocrate cf pot- the polling d'ay.goleorebbc DcputY sast; the ailier of chioride cf lime Oeturnlug Oircer, cuitf abte ta oa wvtb a densty cf 1.320. the declcrction ufqulidcabien on "The solution of siicate abouid formue uppliedby'thc DR.O.,. ucb coutIin au littie euboaub as ieocýble. pe-ro n&my vote. Ou Oble n&y lb le It la preleareit by dicseling gelgtis- h e lbbi1sft ilb.iebrossght uptoOu es slirein 750 cubir renUImeter's ef daecit ail cutiticit persena viii b. voter te rleirh 10 grains cf caustir able ta scattheir vote ou bhe quasi ion. otas bas becs aitieit and t e5l in a vuirauiuerr atas bigb s len- THE! PUBLIC SCI1OOL. perature a posile. - rm "In MY laicot ciperimta I cin presceil a de-pof osicicote usiter cL Milton, Mar. obli. relabi cf 22, iiog-ama. vwhile lb floro e tc rapaca. de-es cf chicride of lrne vas rom- Dei~r,-W1IU you kiniti pare o presseit under Ove kiiogera. The ibbeepceiuusppfr £'libiuweak fims wrea iterecit ith a glas@ bell efotfmne rentaining mici rieths, and tbe 1 WRA ngici tbab Mr. Ragicacu hait edge cf tbhe belveresaced vits tbb tesage uome onttcuit say lu pieuter lu prevent the deying et the lie et Wb&& viaImuet of us have becs oluticug. The compressîio fe U2baklg for yeara. I knoW lb la very tbe pue-pose cf ebowing thc dîfference diseousulgin ab ave nucop ot rben of the liquida. Afier 24 heurs bhey d0lie takeste ltecd as.Mr. Maleon hms ere vasbed, placed under the mi- donc ad 1 I rua let.0hlm know thet irnarope, lsaeit. roicrcd and mcuutcd an cui may. rnany otbce hccartlly en- hue ordinary e insl aisers. The dSrseailie. saldInlu is reient ltterOutastructuesoare su bard as 0ilttols your paser. Novtbhat lbe ba@starteit ermeable bat i luanecusari- ts usea the hait roil.if i e cduty uf bbc Kuehnesbloc wiib mordants, ctmnOugebblit canupub. Wr "The veavesoef diffusion roituret latsoe avatories cuit bbbers lu periedîc precrlptateo andt the exhaus-h tac eihuci amiuas bbeycy eb.puti t bbcthechioride tif lime causes a t thcuv. f qut.ecc bbcth stand corne of graduai trasformation cf the rave Or attsons tae: thicr ovnecbildre nîata sallOr Segiments rblie rpr ae brossgh or nulrt broeigb thc duce wtb trtraerdluary fideliti- tb.e putile usatuitndthey iton'bt eed lite structure cf celis. pagtaxes for tebbcen.llt uf the nl o ueacis0 a- 00 =% ,rauchld$ ,but curely th Geui thiere wou a croni- 0f clla, tomplce& Lord, wIait as sw bleemei us. lok& for vîtia mecmbrane, sPOugi-rytopisr, s cuao thugbet«a cmure charitable nue-barmehrnuiu. rlou s epau the toO tres Cs. ait alaments. Uniter bigbl magnili- Andrhie ou echool tapie@ 1 feel t ration tihe enermuusnucleusasows met «Me0r my humble proteot un lie 1edesgaoa tolr u hait or Ouer leccers. Tou ofur staff, 0ther wnelY buu stuctdean ng, efficiet, of goit crseacter. Ashiv wbat te mue talis 0f reai celis. lu ui e wuhs 0e teeurc atouisblnt etili, ba uitndbrossgbb up lah t toc, e thelia tev haebailtaOuresîgo, net bing paid odoiute celet Miiletsaary. Anotbeteacher d Bp e. rorgtO iec i bu em encgageait,receivleg bbchesie a rîito 6 ieeao aes salary ýbaÈ thcee girls wre. sking. IgtO60kuM 1hvsu e Ows - bb1a b.iergb POr in taerse oorsecedrdin c eîtilng roievu f du-id. meaisontnkusmu tc bbe public O i tocerule, shevial ail the stagesih.- thue. girls ahoulit not Oacb sur cOud- te- - bue cuth 1e nurleus vithasi MD? PTher lu grect dlsaisfartiee ,tbu dvsionueor the. rtePlasm, tbé cmsgtc a speo 1e0,r tale sud i9tiin ti iher. aud the rem- 1lhn t to h. sehlla boa=.,wbae Dite eiaratiea cf thc daugbter celia, electeit by us cui t eWeeturaeatele oy cupi these recuits? it la t c. aebobli_ " litexpacth b abeacti iSS er andt lesa Intereetlng than the d bbcy bave takcu. f-bave beard thatfat.D one girl bas retuesil t th bbc acn- "A hbptrDuio h avc nol sait ac uniter bbe cirruansatane. i cent rrtalnty-peseuts liseif ai oece teb vonch for biis, but if itlib.tbbccae* 1our Oeughto. Colife bave hait a admireber pluck cund honur cuit oei elmilar cengin, dur tethe low lasilt- that tbcrc la eomcbtug hbitter aitiug troesof Salistout sca eoutaining C for lirthan thc Miltos putblicerbohot l orates? A large nurnbcr orf ogasai- Y cen offer unuier premant conditions. I complioites of fluorine sa$ilca veuslm trust Oblu linot toe long. t rouit Sayoi-frOilirSica, arcse ra.d it mai a, se much murs, Thanking yeu for hoie t u a minerai sbcieton bbc ae cor kinitues..nautrelferres ef beat. sunlight, et*.., 'Youssionccr1, have produceit protoitfe rapable of A Murh lu tjMetlier. liinboh their ove mtions.. Rer-se c*eeu ibs may-be,,thse obeereitfact lb 9f rOmPiete ruileIludiisieon le slow a TRE Autcie.-There ras s rel et- nutuOfiprutfanit internet,- M bondeit meeting et uteckeoiiteru Tbe editur cf La Nature rommeatis U. lu bbc Milton hockey arena in bbcae istolle u n Prof. Rerree-a'e experi- IM rouncili bember yesterdtay ecc-eng. meute Huever, vo rarefuil>- Ob- I Dr. M. E. Gowiandin luthe chair. T'lie reothat thc'stucturesorcf aturai bi PurchasoutDicaite, style ut building, relie ubtaineit af ici treatment by pl ec-c, rere discusecd. A protratagainst nceuri hitOogicai methode asarcciy ti the location ut theac eeuoteusMb c M- rcaeubie the appearauCe of bbc sane te MtEObbou propert>'. i l u r ofutthe relile eut, velu try'iug taimitai@ as bolt, ras prescnted.i, r as signet il&* 31Bicure of saturai clle b> w by PrOpebtY'orner. Of bhc uighbb.- suaus ef preripibta cf diffreat nse- hoci. f0 ras rePréeenteit bbet bbc lutiona, sue tee oftcnis te 0hbste-L arena voulit Insceese tbbcire rtsb soit 10grai el as a odeoIat o theb that the Jt ere.residentici. er-liling Creil. Thist art Maire, ilnecce- oves, lb was deci taO b b c phe p mry l ock vith murS prudence up- ea erty.as bbc mont teairabie ufee, ou tOecroncuions thal mîghlibe DE andit Ouerect c fireprout bbuiiing. The trawn from utur xieriments.' lbc mabter ofthbbcpurcbcse ivas compicteit icter Oin bbc cvcniug. The roofuf eb ceee nu b.l iearcheit, Otheritetuils OettingegbcTestia, Bi viii h. arrangeit as qulckly as pocu. Hon elles duriug thc e r bbc atm- h hie. The cxpcndibsare la estimacteil ab rhairr rlirs itudre re rouit get w about 016,000). <f tales ecrty 814,00Uthe Octruh afler the nat.'" Andt nonas bas bccn euhcrihed.Incfuorporation Admirai Subeer, outh10-erema as "The Milton Arena, Ltd.. le b.iog coiy, toits 1. Per bis reporto helateit applit tfs. for ceamens ever vihieh bliait ne rentrot. thc Germenu crame out Dliianit ripait the British off tOh e set a Harbottie-Âb Loiryllie, on Friday, the Botte cf Jutland, Mai- 31, 1916. Marr 4,102, Sral Ceilu wîieerIl reicruet bome-, ondramne ot again of the al4,19 . arah b.tJn, wd i n u Attt, and Ouding ne foete of thei-rT, Ba ote.i hrcouque-r, veut hoel Andersn- In Mille T ic utorci cuahird 10e Germas M~-bSO 01 ilon n uey , :hsh si s lert lurersalin nport dur- Marc St, 121,Ell Narneyou c- 10te eemalning four smonilia c0 est itaugliter of Mr. cuit Me-e, Wrs. 1î1 the-cegh the tOrdre menthe et Anitrsu, agit monas. 1917 soitree-en menthe 0f 191S, Oi Miller-Devrax-At Georgeto, ce ensuicit by treutY-seveu mesotonon. Mals-b Z 1921, b y 5ev. N. L. Datit' moitha cf virtoryI- il ent oct tu a sou, Leura Lueita, daagbter outhebbcody sait ourreuierei taCcthc British 5M laie W. Oa. cuitMru. Devereaur, ta Sert th 1e meanîluse, a far millions th -J. Bernantd5Millr, of Esquesisg. mes hiait becs transportait areosthe Of Atlantic, acuitfrain Eugiand Imb, Auction Sale Registei'. Friance, vîthacoui trfe-reenre troin thct victuriouc esc-y. Ma) ikeOuvictery aarsrest on Ttueotay, Mar. 15-Aurbicnae of thîe bannem aud haruarcsonauthe b Oe-mai rO implements, etc,, et Win. hule tofBHi-uinea enemie! '4 Hing-elob 4, rus. 2, Trafalgar, lm rtt 1 psu. J. M. Aide-esou, Anrolouer-. asos H S MO IU Cicaing scution smie ou rs tock, lus- plcuculs, etc., et DarSu Mecamiiusat JOt6, ton. 2, E.qocssig, on Wetd"y, Mar.1, t1 p.rs. sharp. J. M. Aide cou, Anrilitur. R. Dunlhl. Lot % SM dlisse. Erieviii heit s elcaiug cale cWam et**hauit 1mptcrneut39 RegitCorunita Mm- %Dguho4burns ou march i7cb. IL J: tKrr, Ates, Anetieceer, Teceta>, Meb22-Âouctiitia e, t umocts tcek cuit impàenenta tac Pserey fBdMi. homa, Mt. Nernot etl1 deloob. J. M. A»-"eso, msn y Mccta2S-uelle aleof 'sc'I th@ of~rgu Zatti-Bul. c thc isu word sun îiuaiing. Ite rare ssdirieiaf #power- l teriveit fronincretaie vaiu- able- lirbs elîlisei b>' sciecer for thcehealrng of scuentesud torts and otsc- skie efflitous. le addition o is great uootriiieg anet bsalieg ptower /aîiîi-k- to ger-urna- tue.1eu, htde.e ibe-rir fooilu c.h1kr 5in i. Zaiii-Ltir usde- range of îtserlln,-s,is unique medicinat propertirs, andt r!s hastiairus rtdrcoîîîpy mnateirib srare-iti-bal iîealer atnccssrin ses-e-iy bousehoUt "If6Grows .1iii"" As Sous' b- è/ î i,,iis, OBITUARIES. Ites-. Johbn Wesley (Cooei, A .A, dird liSo'atirt>attWiartoo, rhere lieras pester etbb Metisodist hsircb. H0e hait le-en iii fer brs sontho. -Born nar loroute 67 yCars sgo, Oc cpent 46 retr caslibcMtot irnistry. Dur- iug thia thme O M aetat sctt"r as lites, Brantford, Winnipeg, Tlieon- bus-g, Grirnsby. SMiltun, Renouer, aoit mam te>'er places. An elquu and vigoriosu speaker. e great rnr anal deep taluker, bc vas o masnrbit s-ssrmaudcd tbc respect ait admis- tion of mec:'. ome sise i-rs;aq!o ce vas etectetPeesidret f eRas- tn tonfcrence. acuiteist ycar ras ap. g eit a delegate te attend thc ui uiCalCouterence, vbirta iecets sn Lositon, Eogieuit, iii Ieptember cert, Hc insaurtivrit l is ie ite, ose son, F. Colci-, maiberssîrial meter Wi bbc Hamilton Teubnitsl Subeul, ced sus itaughtsr. Misoreea. ou bbc staff ofthe local pusblie chtool. Mua. I5AR'AýH lRcnTTel. Serah IJllu,. rider of bbc lete John C, HarcttL, tind t thbbchome et ter ses, Fred W., is Nelsoun, Is Frs- lai-- ageit 76. Rer death la regretteit s ma- triebidsin NelsnMiltoe est ev bcere, Mra. Rarbottie, vas a iaisgbte- of the iLe Jobs Collng and watt boa-o on ber tathcro taeri-min Nel- sn, wbcre she ras maserird ou Joie. sari-27tb, 150, est on wbich phare Obc spent the Iacb date et ber l1fr. At- teriing ua>- iear; on ibele- teemMe-. uit Mrs, Rarbubile rersced toteMil- uon. lu Juse. 1915, Me-. Rarttie [ted. Mrs. Rarliottie reneein l Milton ssutii iesbt atirOcs n naccotent of tciisg iseta, abe vent is ber sensa home. The obock cf the beager teabb tf be- son Georgetast sommner hait murb to deocoitb ber huress. 'asutertei t OGet wbeu teurtecu cars of cge sOitecisse e archatee ucrsb.r of Lervihie Methotiat Chue-ch anit tierwOeie cvrs deveritte b sevice eo oit. Che lieiin the cir-> irecenr ofetber Lore-, rita rhum e ehaitostant feiiownhip. SOc je os'viyct e>' ytarer eso. W. E. Rar- sttlc, principal of a businesos roihege et Dayoun, Ohio, assi Wale- andt Fred W. an Netson. Two siabers survive, Nivc. Gro. Aundrews, ut Winnipeg, Man. endt Mrs. Wmn. Speuce, cf Neison. 'Tc late Itevu. Thomsas andt Joseph Coi- ng rer lrothers. Thetuerai bock iace on Monda>' aftroes, tee-vice in ths Lovuic Mcthodict Cbsrrli andt in- sretu t etery. TOc attend- aoc rai-e>' large. The services ca-e rundurlei b>' Mre. Harliotticus sler, Rer. MMr, Caver a sistrit O> '.ev. A. E. Marshall, of Multes. Haites Angican De-ete-p ii eeet at Boriingteu next Tacadai- aeitWcd- citda-. Rieep Clark, in rxpectcd te ai preocut. James MeKessie, uftChe Scotch Block. dicit Ist reck at Bramupto, àavicg eg ic taken th=ac about a neek PrevaotyI, On cccousb t ofillueu. 5 e -a weit kuewu Ocre for men eii-ars îa iscrese. FOR SALE. 1 RegisorreitCii-de Staiiiou ôi-cas-s, t Cii-de colt 4 yeers oit. SCseCsboeare-o9 oditionanit brkec. Appui- te tienofflr PusrocK. , Lose lOOtI. . 4, Milton. Notioe te Creditoce, In bbc Mattar et bbc EstateofotRe- acuembl Margaret VasFicel, iate of bit Viliâge o) KibsideP insbbc Coati- )f aiton, Wiitew, tececeet. Nboue is t ee is>-cl-sst ai] orsiton, ad Ahese bacs. ouatis or deait. silta Mitaisof tabs29id Bammhce r sacc Vas- Fu"Y D.vh 921, 55abhe idOc 515h l! HURBEUT 5eLOmROMs BOa 7lrptPcsi, Ontario. Datas ai Pes otOisftay i- acr CRaEDfT 4uctIonSale A. o.ïROGEÉRS,, t m45 10pbs atc attu, 15 lieu U 0DA, MAR. 9. IS Ti st Mi Dreaiteen Ali4, Toronto. CREDIT OlEAIf-fliN Auaction Sale DUNCAN MeCALLUNI tu , ccib'ghl uls t eh, DM. 2. lbqus.Ct.n.me vuOmteeMu, se Wdàneday, Mai'. 16, 1621 at i ocisel .lSp. thsefsilsit: ar»eha, wI "1» baum.4ssIlae ane eO antandu%Îoea LUMEE, POM. VRt-Rt geui etr ohas,5macosPeut, 1 tamberte SuuM30i. tity i ye u- umu.cms R AT Alt OFAIN-80 bu@. meetcd.osa cbu. mla&inou=l oas.. isctbas -20 J TrNUigrE-a.uiil ahdieluJ, tableuk ses". hicuabice, t..i" bsard- usfia am.A ac etie lamp. TRRUM-ASi atbe o 0 audse-ce i tî msula uihsseeti-ap. rueil0011ueps .u.t.er *Umm off faee.b. ealuhayccv. fa ai Jf t '. ., (1J. M. ALDEOINON, Aue-bloîeer. TEm BRaM,-Thc picealaitokaes. of cotiner rbeek book@ ameunitorms, ibut taie.o mut b bcAplord Cosîcter Cbec Bobku.,oft Mamiltn, si-e tbr heat. e. @ample@ and teave i-oticr-rk des st the (Itampion Oiffr trihte1 qffîrbeat itetirery. C - FROSI Wl It pays to Buy the Be! Our car bas just arrive. A1 puri PRICE IS AI 640- 9 ...... 740- 9 ....... 842- 9........... 847- 9............ 847-12.............. 948-- 9........ 948--12 .......- .... 1050-12............. FR OSI FEUCE is made from F 9, anid ba the Frost Patent longer, looks better and coi .GEO. Hu E Phone 28. ProîengtM of Your 'T HAVE TH AT THE CO. New Tiresfi Big Ru' T5 mi. :mpany Grea An* sal ÇO N i N i During arch 1 olo ir, tbe No, cae os a is sy, oiac E lAn mg s xl Mdca ic. er. 'c-sam lvtoo t te.noat 8 eusee d i it im aIs n Oit« sie .of Oh- BayG > N BEN. tilOVSSucti TUOca Insacs. f ica at uts.M ois; oteaturamo eae Omuth' e-iusn à c e-f een is. . He it pSatguos 15ufoh' -----.-PE-OR, Auotioilto- -------- GAG ALT & c M I W,-I caisvet o Amore. alor ment bere.te jai for ai-Ierca poe.tngbiArte 5e li g bcSfo MAY DOi l9 m s f r a eencreurArile riitb REiFg NCE- GALBRAILoci,&ILLNY f C MAiltn coi-lt cots no moe. j the per rodi. Per eSt. iBolubeisrn' A tiâir : ait ; 45e 00 »ed la*dm ". n SoneR«d.li ile *luât citai-. os- a augO ouni> 50 mSINIsiw. OSeeed I.IstpUe:Theresire soerear-.4 56 Sm wokabl. blanSbuah -4 cre orcarti 3 Cana1da Who. sot loct .d- .56 0c 5 aces orbale.balace ush.'i rrueorranul 3u~ tl) IDi the private macht cin, 58 62 rheat, 60 acres lunwMeadow, 1 moU ad an psnin. tone 10 00et 10 albough steebartht S!.ýi 63 68root-, rater inuldeciturt. Banik bei-n (30x,10, basen No. 2, 4ft24. ibkertiseus- parti-tt îl ,tý5 horss nd 12 cetle. Sehool Ijmibre, rOuirh ljmilS ou * autlg 65 706sesion c rraicged. Prime 515,00. Terne eriengcil- ,Ouher ('anaintnbi suiie e-cou-tr and e 75 grasp ria70e-righ L FROST STEEL WIRE, ful No. 00ArluislTn,-. 2 mlles IMIestmby tof itehee Leacci it Lek, rog Fene lats It-eesbes. e, b is cal - t Lok, roo Fece ait 98 ac-ee orkable, balance slashing. ~acres Qicherd, - esogal -O u cr L b o or. fall plouzhed, 86 acres lu Meadow. 25 acres fteeh OseWcing. M au mapart eni Ooitse "L 3i.WOrUlia. l1 on QI QUrnoûms, rater inoide, oeil«, i -TOc vs>- è 1t0rcy coutt' Bank barn l10&M, barn No. 2, 40x20, île-up 6- horme and- e, becumg ais c rsolyi 5 D)AW SON Drivingbons,%aile. Gao cien pu p ater. S&hoi<l -thînsot rasi og. 1, ~re Milon Ot. chpech * MidsTelephone. Posesliiona rrasnged. Prim . rient aWri beicneci Mitn n.ITmafluaga4 uausihtcuit>a h mroue, .aria- unde 50lesC hic seta ~~m------168 AOres. la Troitalgar Twp. 1 - i l«s filmwe5 happen.- 150 acres voikable, balanitebitia nd 'pastuÏe. 3 acree ud Thiasitra ra-s he Lîfe 8Sacres rye, 40 com Wlplougbed. Clay lmi:eadeany atco mandie- uo rit t 3 welie. -Freme houa. of- ;0roinms. Barn 50x36, Ne. 2, vWho toIdtrhum bris Stable ie-np 24 cattle -and horasi Ganuage. 2 windmilla i oiet u rrrsl--' rires and church 1 mile., OMP ee anPged. Patte 140W. m a,. i-lutalor litusuif. r r sranged. TOisa GIorii icb ed -t_ Iba e , Uti dsai .-'i t Em m5 ,tiird uof t ait- bourgeois i i- no - s l u ke W lllRayb moe iGlobeneikt, ni îitti, XÊA OFICE 4a Vietoimiar St., TOU ro i-esser l)ýIe iak-,- bdu. EILPOEMI _ý t1ito ii!Y RIREINA-ma sos-jet iv- it«" -ERETM L L NION, hlteIIrrî Or ouri 7; love" men!,cio-icen-; 7T h ,é iu[n-nti, [Oe I nethoci- . - cci. 0fIllte. 1, .d of 1h casehewMonreuilerir. 110 Sic x . rsdb . îlhee of therois. l, ai PBDO9I te s= T-pfee oe-mng bussian S- - r en.Unle- te O nSit. lgiî. the Cuc TOUPeUBRUAct a a v4iàteg ~ i ria.. 1 W«o t la% s Monu: 02@bWm tee.Wraets ici.c. . .t Ce . igObs a«Cgeb.-. k lOCIi 'a t tra e lt l c z ail lest Ocrtiori tp - a t ai-n Lo r. To ecrobson. te<a,-airae, cein a.d lu*qàrp-oeri' m-bc io het l i ette -,e ih tt mcdre-sitovii air c sudcr- te's 150h h go b,- JN PHONI MMM"""Mu il

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