K'S IL LheJoLmn uieOm 8N e.m'ADyo os ,teSeS b,85 PI4ON 40 ~nSa -~ sbetween Do yoli pp i. j:i_ f ~al 11 be la M ner. attac eetl, 0. 110 b.dectided ta bouit& a Om gall tiThere viii be a debate on tiie Hydro a"L nIaRw-SboeAonPIY "etaleedls et the Fermer. 0Clb n-' aut taMn air weiihv 'iNwSut The Bu4liro Gâcetfloa bon- ýrda b. tli0» Bt2p.m. Er.oo Uctôifloe ?05.0l B rkedvelome. Car %l-t ai (T. for l204ffl IsigubeÀce for nia, c Or iii Loh v Y frN ws i te s R. a Tuuati î. p eut o m P. 0. -T h oe L e » r n L o e I l te Iirt~C iinlii i's)ect ,M V ïetg aledeo delivry thlewp Lt e LBt he stw e f ILbrsitb o f e vr ieott4 (clattrit sun My .ofil WWJho n IYU' j. îrec he or y u b y. Rc1i tli 8ur .Ite the be t. se. o FooelgM ciela i ] e dL lgbtn th p o e ' r o u . % la t t e n' n t o ft i . G a l b r t hi s te N e s h uiimei ê B a n a it6 gUet s t o c C o t t o f l o d o w n o n e - t i i VALiKNTr,YïcDiksc-.-Tbere B w eddarceeeu on minione.or 1 O N U T YTUNING e h aetn ouett t aN M lmO t04a od m " ttew auice hi ~ îî KS F ND STY _ luxase at lt ovobaia o Moda leun eoldrs eUlcOmt labont 54fliland tubes. Appiy D. A. RewglIi.or...... evnn, ne heasieso h 19 nthe dollar, wbie ba. the. pprovat du bdi ., eeconâ lisier.- Colton 1dfor ycftsweater Coats, Caps DEand i, ws throLbbi ejoybIi lo. uean M16 noete2 oe4 ncrOOSa 90 mhe Bodley rclieseta.of Toront» sof hetons. Munil . LHu"Dbham 1111rt.fleit Piiiow Cotton, Ilo4 îah enar9e o ide apendd mde.theladesp. ro*boxChurci, Happy iUep. ent uOn AI Cravel for roed.iikuig. ab bal ... - %ndang1.nt0 perp . :t. I chnooroom ,on Bturday alternnoon. lt 3D w.- . W te?, phone 7-r18 irepiete wth i l i in 1 V RBB. h . cok aneseinvi ho ne-Lvil.pure Linon Table Cýtling, regular $250 o s. c ps. H o le , etc.S 4 th birtbday party in th , Metho. etig vork in nmleoron Solde. Ai are a qn C.IPS. Hosiery, 14 -t S. S. onu TO-NIOMT. Feb.selcione. aot0eladMr ae ............I:... ~,,41-0AîIS APPRECIATELD. 17t,.at 8p.m. A unique programmte. E-îox Cliucu-The suihjet for st,,v ood. Appy M..... p enty of M iceî. Befre bnient . Sunday uorning viii 1e R e D .val M uto u' G rey an a w hite C ottofl, rêg tiar 45c, for ......... A R.n wsStore. rBing othe pul ba wal eateineubjecL. "Theie solation of siY On."id 0 0 -ApI7 SE AD BILLS FOR PRICES Friay vo rec ohoerwe =lantlobjeWt.'APP ai son;'IYtuurr. . 8 Cocran'. ecre Th ebetls of Evening Star Re- banplon WX1uri abnt tary, Jeu. Mockridge ; Di-rtors, E. B. bkah Lodge wiii hoid a sale of home- aeUUW No iI0Nobd[o CabInewot-. Hutchineos. J. Moc&rldg. F. lS. C-oh- made bakine in th1e 10=PRai oAiakri4.1051e oad.EoRShO, teNT F. Fan w.hallntonmn l921eWAaof maPmRS ruT- I G < ucne, bits. youeli. Mi n. acke nzie. E. Saturday a t mrno Feb. I9th. fro9 2 ' F .han rt. W .l P to ieuny T . O . M Reani haw i r ee t c ed . P lu terrno tb tes wilî« Fb e Ei.n t n w sto c k a il re a d y . G e t O u r P i d ZW.Mcener. The meeting AHmlo eae aFen 9 Wst".b.s ta o , th e lib erym a a fr c bil e t ûc d pot toeo et F erg u s for 5c. a b i is o n « W .1 1 . r te r a r.pblon ev-" , FareckiS E V E R Y T h IN G Y< O U E X E T d c l d 1 a k L . t v o îcLak A i Lam ton e e 'Frm b c er'a dL' n Sa 1 "u » Mil, ,« 'I W 1 a rr G o circulate apetiti ii car i ta otwudb 811 r wbcnrcady. vjchloigiabe areeastW., and poOeibiY SOc a SYMVa DuH1SU A OU T RE hl e~apcdy Lt. ~ tut5 bag. InlHiltontheiy arc$125&abag. &W U afl du 00<P F" fNases.ia beefxisgpary bedaL~ct OF.' Borisi..-The Miltonx curling boo- Ne«t W.iSniBJFe 2 3M .EMOMU e orin puuty tood t G eor e 0ngl s icnelI m o ta m arr o w,' ns ia_ _ _ _ __in _M' _ _ _ _ b y .W e ar b o ok i ng ong ar n o-W o i m d i t or f u e Piter n Mstele r prpoely1 y 0 t".ay.&a tfirs Done.pie ocawit c it efiekfedl akedvii .avarded on tLb. plus system. Mr aud M.1-T90FP-Wilson left ~believe the market is at itaiowelt Gel Our PnIceS. 10 returo eane vltiin lice deys 10A ,number of crack ri 10.90fro m .vnoi etwe o bl on uClaT f;ecorgc loglit and gave trouble. point yl play up 10 about tt) .. Mr*. D. A.. Hpvgwilandlm it»Ia ____________________________ FIsNcl)$3.-Aibert Baiiey. Streets- SALE OF FURBITtRB-D A.oole lI Hesegll bave beeSat PomoBa 5- -. ,le.,clba omanos cst t te flcer ioorsale by publicn&actoni nt cal-, for 'fme taato oM.T ETbY KI D Valentine dance at the tovo hall on MeIde e.CoutA=ce.tilo.,nichavntnnageu McoidnY[Ve5!fleiOd g~~~~~ ~~ ~~~a d it- PR. satin. in satrda? Fe.ila Hwgl' batwlc eba .5 notcc taLc .3 -m., 1h. vhole o i hoshnid climat. bh- gretiy i"pr ed.ct wa diit.He madle On distîîrbasC.brîoe . .l.a.ActibstmlUgll vl 4113. i Mt lithe1.ecc as ,,ndesirable and Ail sainsa'Cburch. Hilton tteigbte. a' bhoadMi, -chieftConstablc Chapsu n 'kbu -Thc speciai servicadurng entvîl - he vIWin ems& ano A'.. . itl and wrceded 10 take hilm tO jail. b. bcld on SuodaYa at 3 p.m., and o on ie ebtl - - ty Ab ir tRalcy reastcd. but after theeey dsda att)pi. r om tmeprb ap.nauL . hevet ee rc niThei Torontos rîat SWces. thelWolin bjerf ibrese bîmdovo and beldbhin subjecla cf the asidresca vili Ile, .1 sodîîfL ib alai hwttcu efor e tmrigb .ý%A ha(8 I a" et. helr 'aMW- Q&b lmeeting &ta rk pleà eir' fin fre R.) J.dCampbe - sa dcodally wlcnmcd 10theso nti thm.,ua V j.,a a ie Wadcoet. B" vices. o Tuaum cldaFea'24tk î'oiipauiinO. iL is sad. appeared the10 , -,oL Z. 2.30 . . sudhi JgriceayEASTER TERIEOPENS IMARCI 29 macon aresed oriug iccscinspecter Harvey ,p . drik n w it&retd bro,,gbt Rnbt. Rcrtay, an Acten sa. AL»putherda. 0 u . a wn beM.8.. BSidco asnaa ? Et Ai_ ,DDI- LýAMP-A beutifl 5 8-00 dealer, to Muilton, to p.ltun t11350. ram, gtb-0. Mes- j~J.0 SAPURD- chs,-gce re itb every lamp aold i,,,ntbi in eal t bard labor utnP- 1 ,ie Rep KM pl C asad (,)mE ilit. YOU WILL SlND THA-T OUR HARDWARE tîbîsweek. Tbis is à a"r cc we n bhyo licc hjjjiagistELcrat.Tm;:e ý" auda et rs. Et T itE ER SA . N»TAT IrECUT gel ose of thone4'eautiful shailca fre.e s bc lesdc îiily a cargh*h ________ tSiiccirl frNeDae oig 0 dIillegal wbloky sel iio. OBITUAIY. ---551mes~ca ru pe in deLaDd a t cHr rTYO LE 'e v lm, fr as e igt eol'l mc brbLne sk e ernandalîda. *tbefilt.1"«5 PiticE-SWHEN WE FIRST MARK OUI! GOODS- ee liflastelgtn "O i GaeCuc -tServices viiiAmUCN.tr" ene Bl fe o 0 b.o h IS 15OU RUL~E TO DO BVS1NESS ON THSE LF.VEL ,iarlv over and our tock must b eiofve ~%ii GSVE A SQUARE DEAL.durcd and lornes ilntocmb. . contiiiîP. i..iad on Fridar lSt . t 1 Edv .adM cC W vv.nm.rJb aîyîv GÎEA-S VA EDIA . o. Main Street. 7.8) p Co.unsioncsd liier, Co . 1 de t-iv fryu l b. itbu- lare uabe aormn . et-TGolden mmuni thd second, 1bsthtida "dbti lh(mveDIE&.r S or y- Ou- SATU O 1LSEEMBRACES EVERyTliING A HARD wrARE BR TtRO talriesihumr c measuectl2c GldetLap, heY ee'l< aeIlon "Th e ot,î à t ear .Int. s î Iî. Y O N D I L T E A O I H O R E Y th erc i 'Iroîb -Ae s in l . o eto i e nt gugu p . F u cin g P ray er a n d ýi n ise 1M .3 io neHe bf ortil poo n u . WEK-E N D C H»CO L A tH Srfu . S 1IO U L D C A R R Y . - E SH CD LA O uredocîto te rh ein f H e b duo ' di n Tc da e i n s t hTe h e ire I eo nd C m a disl. f I o b e a i a sev êra BlAAk o0efo1iin e re an e, Fi et Air YOV WTH CotriTr-sy as. The feaure of scond comandaientInfluenza, fro10 1U3eaffeceig ie 0f lis b . m-rrY. qed el yes,ass o d e=.bt ,rg Y lIE R A N D.any mLs..cinon sib ect. 'T i beaita for a out t o 3,e t h o 3 U ret -T t bis b on onS T hvrl W . l i .a e g n o p . u YOU RUT RON US R NOT. ht pcogsmmi vs a debae Eeecd. i CL N LAM PS are as reli- nicer reovered. or on, i.leMCn.~tantno ~ y~d a-IRY UB YFO SORN T fiauatr i hCle Ma ctibnc A rat 1 vas at (iueipb frtresattent. iene lb.10t1à, 3.191. dvrd Hc<9auu H TO CU G A OUR àARDWARE WEARS. tepg ram t cf[ 0Canada tisin a heelt.lV turaed taois aIe i mihai-li ii atl&B li ik more t hiterIe s of'0cd mn acci n but oiln0e hNLHl a.aI. linMl5 T.0 sama nd sitbcffll Oiiia bt o n it o Hmlo about a week before a aRlseNt C e&9 lilin f cihlicso." T . assm mn acdct acc e tesi vi01ai mO aIn W" a g neaL is 1 yen C L 1 N N S H D W A R J o b n R a n i to o k t e a ffirm ativ e a n d .. , t euCol m a ne arw udmai u im iito - sente'1 The decision of thei isfw"van it.eilBRAMPTON oh RugIt 0.1 in isuor ci tic ncgatica Ganteand r - FAMiL U kf iE - -T ii he . as a uem b e r o? "L=1.> dNo ils n.l w o BR MP0 G OyE I E. M cCIJTCH~~ON ~ 5 a rn H e n s o nenI s fdl0v d. Tbe n ext eetig fainiily cfthtete Archibtild RcC àI. 1 u 3. Beleenrvired by 5lira- Hc0 . l u 7~ o a . h tb ha Lb.1 bornfirt e.- CMidisand Holenald- -- tiensot id. aS . v. ii reuamioothet M il andd tva k. MICUTCliýON 1. in when ayor Eai wii rrbon in irtY-five tcars.lm atom PaerMSas SIDE mdCOTACO give an a dre onM ici Goisia Be t a me .dB4fiustera tan pu Basstcwm0 VA1N f LR nMniia G, o nt a I y . londay a Eo' rma.su I Oura 1 m e n t . Oc t lo e t h bacî n B in t 0(v et o u ? lo v o a n d M r . i l t r e y s r ilT h b e r i 0 , - b c u î C v e eh o e t a r a a m ~ ~ i ~ . -cg, aIl k neBoaing l lecieei""sv l . opr ieiton Aebba-Cietery. ,me nt.vicie of p,.i .M« eloemahomt Pýtn o ier Tu&ileitwithhecnid extnendcdr a cenytu onemT W t seeci Agmu MAc jb (.b nis Ic aasa 5e c nocoi ai don. M . Bremi*T m e aLietud ace v s wu v aE Y OniC"~ ps ie Mi ain rSt o W est (A ffMEECI« . 1-t -1 MIL rTe Ibm e r b . creoT c Li Re-D.Tir vl b n ay large. tnclu ctiig a gond1? number A l i , ~ ~ t~ D rI.V i I . Strip invtatin toAI, -n tebe pisaint. uBllY lî MIgrLass eetii Wa 1bi tren of st.CkIlr Lodg e e c-ox »cIL BT MT, à&iLON frehmete wl, e tbeed rineall T icaetrtaitimnt at oh i ti a icle vuecoauc= iby nssaiy n »M narvit' ulsas a beti mainSt. - Th&trethisecoing-but w=% W"set? Lhc Musical RWve witb the opeRobin. &smesllanltf5 u slorut ii eotHaving taken over tbe Bl 'the Mgieyi! aid." Splendid ingiiig -- - way & Turnier, 1 taise ii aZ=Ubeatiiuancilig. Tbe comainpay _________________for________________________ i00playesi at Georgetown on TuendLY csohr o bi rng ecclui toa cowdd buseandthetovo. came t Mton ton svnig ou cowe bus ad heGllayii tIle thinking 1 -an Rerýdd prcnouoctsi t ose of tht het. prcaete anri hè pe nsons vie cotcniplate travelling iy P i 5 h eAslte , 1ildoa steauisbio picane cati et Ramoavo tl eev yu arng. asl t nissu p aiTickets¶geroflIy( l (Jir42lCyorpirfa ail &isse pa tces rnGreat IN O R WINDOW haam a. Britain a W, FErope. Service la mît A stcCel&FltTi. pST0.COairdiog MC Ktonlgures frottaLieir annuâl reports, 15OUR0% COa . JMAi __________in__theLb. ondn Adcertisi?, Ti s Saturdauy SUILY $4895D 1O a COOka Cburcb, Caraioc, mai. moOtaialfms saif C boy orc. W.eGaina Lb. pastoraL.ct . . r inerly of Boston Cburcb. c IN Y EN TO R Y SA LE bOeiio tiab 0rmembt n / HU ES',5 10E TORE-_ - terian Cburcb beid tbeir annual meet- în ently. The Meeting vas vel ettended, anid tic Treasurerso repor__ _T O I lir s~ Is fRalBram.Everythiflg Priced ihwdta tw h O ue ycar ile.their hitory. l'be sum ah HMur. Rnald HcDanald, Qolie 0Ott- licand- Fiee e, lected 1tWaE EK E wtotrgard to cOst. l. nWi.E K END SPECIALS !vill, ynu try aayIîing o without rie ~~~~ ~ ~.tlaoaging Board for tbe oexL LbraeOln fCgrrg 0 ob Chears.b a&anby tb box ut rduced Bo -tv STUDY PEIhoiDyOny finest leif and the best that 01 H O T tA lE rOT T IE BndK S rL aundrsteak, 2-5e for 25 0c D N . HOT 'WATWe have Sa iîOiiber of tht îateft Bookasûof --cîcck ment bcd 17c. lb. 1 anrSop std u so e fr~ J O T es ils o kibWop lr sib n.Bhavce:mi 3. Lan bc 0. i e - - - 3 I ti for 25e The Pipe everY man Bh i (caatedfr2 ers t'.ii Od Fiction hv h bst uthors. Aira Boys' nd ri rosat bift22c. h. i e -cnb rd S ntel Gil'B-esIvPla rfcati5. Boks , StNTcN(cO.-TA5i FMridey . ~ odCyo e.2lsfr7e aluminun sUcer tube, eaid îa Iomett, outhwath GMede.CppenlSbo euny-eu the b.l=iey ale.t art Xnnbyyl, HoyB.W cm'n n e~ode ongt frlslgeurp Webter. zpipes ail bave the Dutablild. tires asd tvoftues.aLb.pproperty o D t h Cl a s rThe store for Tobaccn,'I aae rm $ 5 ah aepricle 25 per cent. Ott Redudar Prici id guilly n taigthenty.nine auto I Lbe O_ a Tire kubbem o. _d. f. S ck ve Sam- -50 lily of thankirn"oï 03. ,. banored in 31ii3, 3333'- V peopei' 41I,[- iii 3t33 . sini tbani'. g -uoi t pectiully, ,s TURNER. gb PorI esid BeaI Saniagcs alselys on baud. imJoos Thon try sonie 0.f Lmir 3 for a hort lime e t Ï3 ho.1 These cigr-'irttc I. produceait th-, -' LU'S . oke ne o ý1ni L mi.' s et ria: thal c-n fût ý B mark, with a hite 'P't a aven carry i large "t.ack mn a DCO Store ý nhlard ParlorS NEW te Lens- ù gnaranteed satisfactîOn.- 50 pair. G;ritL....2. Io. for $ 1. 00 2 Mlxed Nails . ... à Iao. foc '25c Lanterne ....4 h% LJASek Globes.'.r.. e ~AWSON ft Prices ee-af 1 251 L, tif tif la i .e > ir- ýR PRIE S ti if I -1 i r 'Il y tci r 3 ~ 54 MILTO AC TNi' ce Lon. PIe! i. A c. la I .4 i J, .- 14TÔ