KerMtg uklami&"lit 'p~ et tîé tloitt il toa 9g cioellet;.. cati-lvues tir tiAit ilaîniflton or T-ioni Ioaa4~ 8OOi1'i10% _ foils mtI ppellr ile ye IO mibrt vIaIel.wa SUSUSNSSO~INN. atouai Ot -prative no mE jorMiboeA.M teo>u ffl i Clveixd icyle à utmoblesiu. cet i. -UlUie adola in IlTire IlIl lier ilt e rpth O ur B ia ises aCloveti lbio011 1 adis00001)t bjwb V utl 1401U k u i net] it lt>t ic Yif et i yor ai oyvooi.,dth apair u u,- r oll Dy in.. b t .tedIr omnu i îofîliving. uniies aur opinion au ta the rois-IV*R t4w ' ohuldrWfOG og iiudauatIei un otit. III) Lm mer17of Ill. onta fbnepMdlace oad 1 lwo aad a.7 rosns Co-opeirative Mrketangof I pro- a'e &oPGnealMerChant. They areduritsofand btoying of Illead supplic. Ood ues- 1hardware o.upplieff. Thyaedoso op o3ucta l brotno hBiblet lamuo teP' ava aChicago.) III. un eiIl'a shlpwrecked eyes.i oeB~o ¶Uh'heI ii G. IafuHtfMlo. YOLJ buy out of trwn. andi1I Jnî'-' oiît ()ýItO%% Theysave stgThe,9YdBspeluthehe ateoriîSI la t ESSON FOR FEBRUARY 6 Te Plm ; Ii r ro ~ w a iI e~neo 1 hoom air, hbu ttANIAaGO a vz hoe h ,sa.yurerlce A 'tin i enie of' 01,1to wil oj CfMeetîe an Incroae in apeodtethirty-five imM IAEFRAST. (May De rIb .youau, f P-vod #-awal iîtî >.ien thue trceoct ttnt.loaby ThjeDolryuse iMltim 1"'14 rtnder a- SerVice beyond price. f auta secad. Um f sd ih mlioaagary Appications). ato bdm. Il yo r oodro lpoiea 1 .0reesrqir- althe woight of e recehlors. LESSON TM]XT-Matt. Oc:-taI. with awolftg or bUln. 1IMaea yonr home, conouit me. Hme to Boost O oarty. iien were hors«,, keepiag OOLD>FN TUXT--G at nothtae hoirlh- apeeww Wt haoeil Iiment ondarga .G aaaIarne c1.II promont owors la ratio cta s» ab es and ib#444%, and etipat filera ta .-G asa, euat.po th-r ul g ltghtnlag, sacys enn I.>.&k 1:2 .mperella.. I refed. . - - -Th CarpEdiaflC a po t- 1 a mnuo a t ie tmEt Si. Lt; Loh ATEI140 5:-11, 1t2t. dt dte i. e av aidel Cham1 IVDU PleRtASIrTmt-T'r aree t We- .. f aviasie wuai tmel tu rua six tncheil îîOg 704ly . Thefirst box Sve groat rlie; ad1oTain. %'ot configet brierprier; Iliaa mi ~~ ~ ýjql1 lta esecond aad It was caicutatol JIJNIOR TOPIC-Ae Iintai t.iiil ea Iooioaadthoruamat.Nw imy otore choninta f largety t N' at evelt lia rt rua coor hlm Wedding. ou h raient. Nfrow mmprve w iH OMtm- ,. cfOVU 1.000 htla . Amicomplet(-. Shne rrti g Z it~l atva-toot long trite whon ruaalong,, Iition. wamat thT.Dlaaa& oikC MP IG - ,Go!at; ~~ It vauld rua aethlie rate uftrwenty VOUSO PEOPLE AND -CtIIL TOFIC m.F ÂEU t - ~~mlles e minute. TiLre Geratemtationi. 0.aat!POtlliOS.Rdhoericswthcr.Te mypr '-eau K eu -e TirOtrngth tof tI:aMTtsrlm ra- îUAtoll deal A e irsor sent postpad hl MILLI14ERY lfCRoI* pt~~.thele rtibes witslettr.ahe Inlyhpr o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L uanad unImagloshie. la tire prevloun parliare ftir e tsIof- Foou.tiuLmied set' t thought of befor< ovOr hlm, so that lhe ahoutd ho, kept tri th iretgit et tire obigatioen tu rea- tloi toafIrI th. Bf o aePOclho n wl ra yurgt ON apIve wthout telng hurt. To hetirillage iave ti aM.OO c tr' m oment tire totle a n drt th os ole tefuis f RURAL CO-OPERATION e:r iele a iebuocti tefot f Says IHospitliNet Needet. Ïîieîrei and îîîke tiii ttrikn,.nnoit> f0m nyyusvî vthtc tisî _____nd__ ngaln te a le i ielatiei. Inot tireupe te ethait 4ýrowth of the Pr-ni blfmO1m v egitresingsofuthtie kilgda tire ptaret iica biba oaabot IIiL, MISS T.E. OARROLL. Mloter.uaini ,,.i îoI' at<î1(O I h tteI were aboy and hep- on exibtioln. Thia parabett litre th tti ocdtta uu,,i . ________________________________ euovi Protatndeh. taentie tatte.tltahine tr. ta hid ou tie etillun-te IIeIle Owiî Province. puait o iimtrisuo<l iry iavtag conception et tire klagdotiand paces0 bupital ai a publie haltchat o1% ab rntt h uTili e lb_____________ _____til r.gOat boit of St. P&ut'a. welgti 9g Il en a 1gh pane. IfIR lemort>more-eues.a chousent People. Betaru Breciip eîtr Otaitt dîîilie ooQ iiiiiii isl Oip- LIVa SockSae. ut gg Vrît Idt 1.00 ouno.alrton atsoo hlmahe. thnepaytxag rent tea aking; Ilt1 Ont tat ion plongea 1tettithe hoapiteat Ftîiijeî,iaec c r i iercliaat-. theîî-by mm WOeil Marketing -Mrt osatnt, aitl aong prisn' aili et aitire Kingo table on fat thing e ttliamPeple nuire laon he ou wii-h a- I tii-tiir place ivlil. eLOA!T AR ESE IL Througb Farmsova'Club _ Tiehl. e ricirHe liraspreptn a-II great ex logeOfa bopitla in ltowns the site Ill vou Ine u.oy oand tino i e he L CA.i MAR S AR S E A crfl anc cientille experi- penne te Himtiett. Brampton. Aa one wbe itp i-illa eu îiown in Iiiiroui . Be liiyel. local G-Oernent .tids, -Aareft fnitcouple oftriosetueorasiehopaeysu t e- (Contrit bie mnte aee1trsg-uttbet . The KIega Fouet Dooplaod f cri notbang bot a continuai proceon ai Mrkiey &Meazies, Lamber Dealers. alR~I~ rTb upnRse~pa h a-esati Ontario Departmieaut l1hy an entonutulois. Ife weilibed hi 1-7). tugngfoafh eol thl-c ___ -MrbaoTe i:Li al te-h Poprt -hootte. and tuandtht iet c tethtie Tire preetousý parait. extîliietste munit.y ta anataîn tbese hoa1iil.îI,, D- tire fitdof Ag icttntl a-at a Obed Ionta iraI! raidteHoatItude ot tire Jewt-h eirpet ttut Toyvor way. bebtit lanthirrlil îinIomaW eica l. aanut aed pnEco lceT- aleratiun n the Province o! On- t n ttac h IRýet Itoyn .1 i rrc tth in e t ie cuctna t madite, . her i te tonei. ilijiugi ae eueto lise l int ond . t -agJi.d cta ac ailer. Trne,.the Crettent atrance dur- loc t l ero.eilera welirt a ielt . irueu amtn uirp n i a ntieir towno s tme ea c-ut c oulalsseslo icvii pin-Ici oy 4adTatntaorae ut worry fta atimber ir m 1tullu li t'al-oail Pdui ots mb onrey. Ot e ing teya a enmd n Tiot )aette iaveil emsil> ap tire croco, ccli tireugir tire preocntt tromeu, whamc tibiale emplaynet îril triant hi- -ie.oi.Heýa nit. Pnaiii- hiîudeei- W cannectian vîch ch. ahlpptag of lIve plane ait ve tegree incination, tiet fte tentte.. Tire maniaee ecame ta boit board meetigslnt prie. T irtesoriualala nthl'l tlý anner n.alortaly mon.fii tn stoc- Fie yers ao thre ere tnaggtng aften it 126 graine. troot enter the king maeuftanfils Oaaonser enttrtainmentetint IIIt,- Ifbi.-ee .maC.IlwBell, abFlourtew &h leced.e gmontrepo! mtamyoftheeutblnemet. i.ii tir. Belemear& F-d.rontofptat 10 tire atocuIol e tI. teesor"or vu.n L-cctîily n eSokShirpping te dreg io p ttet rtiresaine otope senlste irncloiooffer at Gat ta gIse eataxi-n baspîtala anly tareie tI. ie î - -nitfhaveamaketfohO nitrotl1ii- Obtir-ate iono an - ine Claire. At tile preseat imie hetween a wagon velghirg tva cnana tCjoy andt eirtnntle crn of utHIe bulen ewayeolrrcItizen cape e -s tirree atdfour huntret seacaate hal.Ud airaotni h <vioacleucoTi..ias enmteîecne eeint scI tITI la pahîîcee, S S Uî,îîîeîîr eue-o h-caotaucoe, o m .r un h e on bave a nl i.-epect tl joît e treeatlptatieUe Soc Wy ilirm ini tuis reon creatret. Thi. epetat e n matadie ceciiPhotosRIT. ranlatins (lcludig Farmera EfIn' l hnru heSntitba ece eai ortîr bt fat -fraleî ie.ol iii mati îîmoul b.uqys"PI. al c(lure) hlpcu-oorelvel. Tra a- yIn4rîciheu. 0i-one nt tetînetne. -ilîlre rual-coîlo Nkte1ei-ieratrtg eprtv opn. vrcr iate e or iare persoa.OM Ircde-c iges end( tpuebme i ea Ohall i) GIJN tiilli- h e t innc<0. irctlat tocka ai goals.. et 1, ni i c hand ~ -i lu floth-, let e gilam Clubs) s i Shernpeans StudIThea- me> ai volt go o eontndo!thoalueier, purI ab -lts led . vc-i-ar, supYy tO tlIcIei.. bis p ant iaa about 30 per cent, a! tire tar igt hlldreu or Iad ucegbt natte 0 eeep imply invite men onec; e upresses Seauitatditho Rot mil Uttaot lulin Ilth ý l s iýreurYtoth alla centaineaegaan tnt agaî muet ai-j -v otay ,' lion% point ta tire poanlilbu iuarirmore cLan hi. sbire efthîe eurneetiy. HRam oan> ime. trcmas il onaninAneOuimtreoii .. av o amnktvor > n tir f,.i;-hat uevu-. L eas ire uext tee yeoaso!fcire langer peu- fmeuh air, anygen oeil iaviîgaatioriiliroot ires HBe et ptraout Hie ta. cf vhat ho terni, bis greatest i îg ttnTht realson mc appearlitere i;leaeoia-d.horottheOr .taCII Thi-fermv dise ?, e.i. Io rt;ne c Po onoftire lice stock ut Ontarioo meaniter Oeiy une person In le t ire tatian eponun e ie tI u n i MarrIe Acreroa, cire faati-'ehoe -e fi., ic ut ie s troic may pnqiluce humpoir trope',ntth-tir. eott miice ort re-. rch -.- I ira por-tian@pare.-Ousa erhe.u-t eutinhaggsm URIîtitIirIlteiuail lie o uiofl 1v-art-ta the wifi O rot opea thre groint Il -aar p Oel, n io 11,111,7111 i. F, iTe t betug osirppet c-aperatlrety. - gvauee urtievnriirio thon.tsîe. otidttelvfato st vele ,-sla 'ocmtu oi oi iot ocr-ou e el ifiltiecarr Tr do inn tfo heiT'ema--iluilfler Cli Tire second impontanctdvselopmeet motir Ceci sators and tireixiraledtocaentth irnktg 1) pTaeIn.gattange iti caintera ad oeu ete ircli- auo8ii menu; a Alluaiue mnuacufer, a i rnna'.markt al or O .iti e a h- TbchIis rlvcîllr-r.l,-)t-ecpood la tire province la ihat n cenneruien a rronie ont 0,gs--a puileca---!rumandt ccoolang satto. Ta treut cire tu-resiag atoa of ibig gemuie tigiim - .oî n n n freV peanrsoUM mlcebý:X l ltci wt> Egg Mariketing. Tire year ire- tire olier knitviolnwchacrrecmiiis ownainmimctablenianner. Icîl IIle m pll clutticie. no returai uaai her. la u4mark-? tien nl tfiv01tîutei ecuehi viu oiisteewreaot fz h allot eoulihif hein persnsea ilpunInoitattone ecc.cvtiî- - oeil l active Egg CielesIla-thu pruvincevare oethb ie âneeigirl and ite t!intfer hlieort made mach coati> tan toti. ortîcletht-rutahe cltepu, - MOtIn Shea, LII markeng a tuandere met-e I elle OnYilthlacii qLetmoreaagrai marttln dtirvO thtire nst tnisuu@fries te aticlsldetinu wOththi jhequf rungt-at Outdadllite e in ai-tii. Tir-eae la evorselineofai uoineoe enli :; vircirare stioecii.iut c-- lasse velue an airout $120,000. The oI- ieavriiglbcer ihan tune othen. ho met. Tir> eut eniy negectei Sti but vrlters inciuBonnye!arttr a..0Genruhadwaezetr.ets.-tuu-te oua o. l oah ommnl . lii. be ! Crtt a tecael ii lattIhýe ee c iel airoarir itatity mate lgir ut trtintd bot-t-loton te GWilliamard are ai Wilaiiavi 01er-t> iti0ont fiee. poteini. -; lu l chut-e ara no-eson ity l v I-i-mt th- rapese. voftire tier. cheir vuriti, husinessn i. n ie tira . LMooe uand t horo equsît> vieil ci, lI Iý coutceccin vaî .9lci i n -maet h eke ie i o te ci ul 2î uai cire. ciii :.i- e la titca tnt aren Cuir e c -ibucir huent '!'air iepace. ail tire chey regardirtiil a et more lI known et-sesut( tms thé poaple vbo lIv. la . filibe mo ayil~C.h eya ruu .m r u at-e nim tules. p iii unarleulor t itaitren cart lime tance ran tre esratiotutelrendorc.sYofliIIIîla."teeeto. ii. li ias.ailur bm teamrooirollOa ta hr Incon -athe ipeo-pleiuorf-iv-etliaim.,y, t Egg Cirete re o ala;%Itii nialne hide' ad altneta h avto ftheir por Premiier âportOng mntrty. guaxu or fuis fo Impartant morh. Tire mttSC; ea ee e aiiutr cal r ocn o rtiu~e euctaot.h and even ROIt d a n t u o.iCanada lis ubtitic ircil ,t eietiii r utoed,rd l(c Ing count.ry soa ii, iborel »r. u . - orvlut iulihnge t i ; e sioie fCa abl civelpenntIrile iretrepîa siecici I (uc ben n a)nio îtvioee ta tire neseegera ut tie aaoatirlv >y W. J. Taylor. Cimitî i ei ea bit idro.aideat otire- market qu.bte TIclire tacomers n 1 -.-i - o il of e Cirries 1incetloue dilltricîe fcr thi eoaed Ililat iats aodctirltrea kng ilithem. Woodtoek, Oas.. i Clemeals & Co., Hardware. hum ma of theioetoma aie iithegefeuttCt ais i i- A n purpoae ut estautlasingcacueliiet andtbecause 0 et i-aecmitluî iran adulte. aminetfr kIliing _-h___________tato___%i c- hia u greting tations, andt aîreadys iî equire ie*aiocet afrattiger. -- While Mha la a picuet ee to iti- aet*u t« i h ,-oi. li ordb ntia niiu tireedrctsnare sau rantultat cl-h Rcopraiîry.cet irirut oevfactor rud~etftire Jeva tramn Christs metc- Nablied by tretai r aetilt e sheiiU bbia Aten u ma.A tolace- . t- IuieeIl l aonslutttg tif a ilatun on mare local hatraters rleequesaetiaotn rbe iurlon ta tiredetrtioen af Jeraem, -Uciile i li u lla erecpuroete an-aiS int. bec a ma- -I commuoity mmcli i-iftot prîîiurtOv etree. Tira Unitedl Farucet aCI)- @Pace toc an infant. EQîcaliy impur- ih bas Oua coutiterpant un chu day l in hs. oosthia aatlemoifiiEsti per îcutitupu'cîuinteiîg I .y iti-itj atgrt i- ir aulueît opratîce Companiyiras recerIlutanitrivimeteara tire lemierature out ram e r ice. Saime tuilyare une lotî- rnagtutonSatre Siagieg1 1tireicu-ice i ciraeocîBi iteofirefle k oir the tay a wh ootufhui-mil, la ghtie lethrue lcal !orc te mi tra-mti trhe u.. ucair, ils lvmilmîe. tire larumecrie e--erotad@msoInsfatioticame re fanld Firek onuppl10 ro io tnag am- r hma. u - igo ut portan it-mrtcail e liai 10 to- At! beeeareatdepartisetirefor geigglia-iTI r nt te SdayRorinei.tbo. .M aheze agi Trmtat fthe po o t erni p cti but c; . -a Poultny -ondthitil fanct i vihu tirsi Pressure ano eile liciain;sielie fv ocok w elh nleinsiiii v i1 u-I icr- î a rie d airoât clamem.oh e0mrlc ciplliai) om i lle llalaie a'tyO'tacmo-makiag igir tu odsiamy et naivailnun.y-tg ohm tyting toetnter itllicî 4moau o iciluninetrMiltoniccei vsaveethé st-nle _____ lroi4.ta in tion.r AI] Triose tare - aiîaactantufac-.Wh-lt-ueO. i ce tes etopmente theanuen ftekngPth=intecls.Te ale 1ptvie aanrefdli ao-moen i pr ia r real(it r cul Ce aperative Marketing c îlehem -produmction of a tie-bien Int-faiuint0Qoityon cricmo-atha ie viah e mnit tot ifâfr gail m ls c ine uteo.o uilg. . mon en un a1t iuriagInah eet,,cin,- 1,1Il oie that oC ils moie.bstIt i xctfosnraeoprtei rie ' e ls Huts.0. troii Qmat- -uic d evicec l imt ne alilticuil tvire am aret i t é l ell. A i -r; t alte-tlatd virîtil .- ieaayMl clouuniler une Centrl c cmpau- theo "Por caories protucet perkilrian irrngl up thirîrIItI.Thasoaa iis- Wtt. Mauttr. Bath were Jct i-h ilina . Y piecueiiametiateiivcc- p fropit -as emrir clas of eattmso Fs pves oa puichase tai-m ireuI muuartuun nd rtmaitkeiieg oC the et body veight. Tiereacencanate-cmUallyfulttetiIn tire destroctio puriuatpec.lieocrcaît -ucaiCIeilbt-luili.lailmonrtton tkpetbsr eladosaeecheitheafoiiIeler001110 Ltl"s"a)Plu -î cheeu frontîloeauleteescv tctoî us. tPenrhiccrainofe ea ialaIi ul e i ocf eraaem hy chu Roans la 70 A. tIng ilntreel 80 bill bome and j île ft lt 'o. a Fte ctlt hvianu b t-e ut vat- m-la r g kt o laphI _wtmieal atH v Onl I l.riecompaeu iris opunet 0enImîtieu or ehCee limie greater trou tiret of a 1tcp l icatBa.i l trReitn.Bt mr ir c t d u t oir iuttiantMltotcrcim-teudetb0aizTah&nproig ot e m u iouenrrm..uu rm markret lititeutreal wirth a lt; ance(ioule. The smnaiielire ancmai' ta tofilte tirnegieci ar reIect Rtc lu- theuaeaesary te psy.eir wis.- t lie aBul te r iî ,* 155w. amaike.'vulatireavemage i .itnt l forl Thne cnratgire ireo o Oit h tete h.c9tver Tb eeteoie teimueofvtclcitee uoetfor eveploratiand fot!cOien c i coee tsdspnaMilons.borthretuymuIt b au si-ut r.L hmea ae.acoeFiioo-i.eiii e paprtiio i.tiit>ni wa - saaconiuîl e stmet -ar tirieugltfitec irfaig off or rcLnivintg ireat. Tire !tien.. - ltne tr hreuple tsaflersuudîg OtroSlueep Becetene Assaion ifant and I hav u-e relativety tut- I. Thre King,& leleto iTIibs.OsriOeIten.u ieil. haneilofu truite, ra5irr r iu po î io di ntaInviatinIpted ig mht.Oavll ecr.t riveto anîd from ver ggarage te an MWi ie hpa lt expert s.ftsoirctaet troincth, saI1-,uiii .i8 previeciete. Tua Caidian Ce- foreur neetsea eofouneo un pra-( -1lc.50). In the___________e cperatle tve cl tracera. Llîouuvd. portion heuceen Ithr ocîglit eutsur. Wbesi tirse wmi ro e rt Ie-c t octttI lvo t il aeiuîpcinieu se pcy tot te - ;;ý: ramnr-ath m adonies In ch.t isa,-ies uv îeIii esta-etalmooeybous tue course point "Thrilere"malt fer tero ir arn eltceotca--m piente, aoeilT hiameuuttOtao a A 1itpoucuehî ildeelope >11 uni euse te kfn senthc isrvat-o el .rLet iis cure forvouycar tait ducuiaalh$ toa o r Ileacotnur. Ou :,.'een"ts - il arc careela ea t-icru .v003 fntre.aru etonrthe bIor gb satle i aurvantproakifilea iTirlilerrentier.Yeu s ciitlhîtl se- I. ls rVrttetp u tet&I deed oîely pou .etl O seeppIieil 7-.5,000 pouetas. Il un Cti- ev imur wviie a 150-ponmaaivdthteites ia iasprepre1 mi ou>occatecyouteaa ti i 9.c poto it iIt th e ol tqs. r bsiescs ruicrei tuot- (sinuci i ttapreutioun lieuit exorcice uirveîopsabout ie nit. MeIa 4piu0Obulemn rett u ra tril: iioina et oui éItIims i . mar latue-i tire tom a eaur lenbelonheva;Le?, me obouit 2,5O0.euluupoclaauuuall-. oe hotice.A TI ntiti e aecieasier thufat ut me n InSuites, ont Out- u n temain etreet of the tome nj itatc u btaubamroe mpoon.hiîes o at en TIau, u et*eecent. ot Ont-ro* orbe cvilin tire cnirlit tucuec eniy four ailndomt urgeatiy Invites ta cho accupt- Weilnesay evuniogi. A laRgeste t McDaft & Fard, MltnGurage, vidait..The reUora aao icrce01iaigogine <out andt cI. -lis Ivsu ecriet vcoratit-iy lici 0oev-haifticies aseouuir ieet. Art in- at-eof ut Oc. heaHir u tgrntly In- oDItbile tasmudt tromgh aeiag vesaieamler 11the *Ulàbiof t is obils. CaOICIDg in," unti ILtglaequel> trou- (lit isty mites an beur wrs.h Cue.aciblion rusa. Irgely apon the cInrehenti tDtibusisOal -ene cucectet an tira y--c - tant hneatbaaonan a hiait teta ivotes, Ho vi» euot ioapulany one teBHunier ou bIe notSecycil tu îîic A tarte proportion a! the no-cpei- imes as fasit as tire atati. Tiese art--pc. Tiose chat more allatocutwre On ch. top oaie broil» as. Rasy icel our Studebaker or anI other car ut thre tava. Thefr.t-mer ii a pro- prnavple O1et i-tlug inii olive markinuthue proicle ncarrilîivilîuuîloes train ccutui experimente got ihectome they reustue ase- tiec a suageroînd ndaelbeatedoI ea'-ctc -iiit -ýi irc, ifr-au ceeu gasiuuie.olodua ndire muet diasaao e h r-auandnothirgiet tut.cî-. To u;ain- -ethroîîci eunot-ilatcd l0.1 eviionîtrattir ereqairements tif cepi, cot urasse tic king waa umit- bat mw.atoppeil by Chie! Kerr ebîî1 calme ca aie for c'ulk servic aunere oct eO I o) an h inewihi eenr Itinvers cub, oet oicl thcrv iiC tire infataee ruiiveir- mucir-reater lngi'.nib'.moilnehoIIt a thoo eu nein ohard ws'itliljI-i- riglict prine :andm la u t tc vce w - t I. l, tireretoro. -ut ouI t he omainteflaneiipam-ly aim Ictenne lltee hoti t lirhathlome ttire ali.The Ina- îî uat magtrloirv, euvor luihbad. The trive, -- - e iciliMilton. nlgirt but neceosan> tram a ilusine;i &eOatim un iitYtheie icisc fiesau evm LI, rovnce Th gret najoltyof bs srvats l th Getilstantploini lirai thé morebati:.. aiouIti rade beteen tire timiiia mI- tOi rroine.Tie aeu cojn-etPort-tripart piar-cil iry xygen .maers airealat, bat btscaca atOmpnIIImthlu C. Il.HESLOPOtGARAGE. aid thec larln]er il um tarlm ch iro.e- ltIII r.ers'- Ce-operolivu CemPae', Tho iufata. rtranmd irelges. ouasd keeplng theen-dali tÂc<, mate -****** ... e e vhih c aloi oaciroesile ibouse cf o rcei m'sprosaeas tîcî M. TIhe King taetl k Gtaa hl sep.Th aebe rn titiOOiAMl O NLLOeI theMusFrimrn Qtnuarots .tt~TS RRECNS ur a thiose cluibs. Tueae eo r ehusisivo neete '0 cuit teet ut treuirair a tvv. t1-14).f rimai tire Prov-incial DOartteat af teucctilir 010 e iuenfbeiv minute. By aid tantarts, iltwvA uis ie madete iIs Insipectinchimg uulie- i r f i-f ichwli l rpeiinor manuy l inaI Wc ml -uîulteItI.,t-. I L a . i itr fatiri-e . .. i remiarie. Tirere are, et course, i thugirt tiret 600 ta 1.000 cuirîn tet fournli one______thCI____ s cmll9ilceuoegnileye i Ioeuf tnui u rge coiaitfe-n. tVoain et eh imn- iv Il hoel I;lll.ýtia esr i i nlft4 i amber muir tadoily port oethueretfair npmre wum uafIe If e a ir aIr onu emointiretst mbant r I t corclientseueeeba m-rtnic kt l~t.lm lt uitle . i tnu eari le nntdi t;uoiluîcthecîtir the centralcina itn; vas ciaegedt irestilmerian, u ab namutn mnut o corkephm ilidd litayl e tiamne, i,-i-c tueler eb rue cictesîleibusinlessa ireeT amueairsiau o tutie-qlej etrtuit curgeelan iU. STOVE W 0 0 D.-Firaltci.aadry e cîuic rnu yacIcucriiî. t-ta kattnaIn nî trefate-ni c oulein acli liio tris u somr icpenîd n i lsu naiîaî tatîment et 1.800 ta 2,000rule teealmitir mure toasc. Their ntin letire Elist mas maille, eut'12 Or 16w hies long; tic-. viil-o etri ar eerp oli i li lue raliOli. GIVEMILTORq A CH àAYcE. l'iy put W'rsi- t-ile tire oppartscit lu coir Iucpaa euaetel ufou-intectiaus ttiiseae. farltqu iruvhowsfor the kiag te turoii tr geth îlnilvered la any qnaatly. Appiy Samt R. 1%. -0AoU.Io~avlMairat IE i Th. uis. Til lno eoueet shoial.Oetchltren tiuouiliave 1.00o tea esultahie sortaienc. Tiere couali chue Basnson, ahlone 179. UIE -0ýw o cu;i:bcutajIileatie le tire uent O10 euuic teet avaltairle andlt tieehirenu excuse fer net ai.g coeon. ________________________________ a- ncilu mbieerh ofpap ras tdeuut tleaut, arc Prurilet in Tirureture tinsmctire e n ahovet d __ - atu-re a imie cfirtmiirmoar matera hopIfor Intarltnts. flacirhoe.ntp accepted tire invitation and- uiladihtiotai eparate te- Il Is importantlu oy Pericular tut- suidoir ents, net lieirlng t loi cn- j ii 0i at heiat office. emPbsieuinan tire tact chat culeC Witl th iicrese f bsines ad : pae l J't a erfct tanardfer tarnite the regalatiotn ftif cirebng. N r i -- u anuruLita lancen miandiai Irans- eiPirary- uvcta. In a weîî-îepc Tire weeielg garainct wvih tire King i.ison nineeaiag nimber ut Praparîr- morogeil attdlioroughl>pnsvitril la itcha rse la tiere igrtecao- LOCAL COUR -. -c cbave icone leetieseiofirtistieccnralrte uatees-.udebaker -am i Do dgeé Broffi ers ~ ~sa s fil- o r eameleorootitt- entîlatec moilera Insttution Irn s e tCritshcraaniîIu.V Ost l a Smn e ch u o te tag e1 0 0 t e 1,v0eu bl cf e t o r a i n e t e ep l act b n ti r e t o o t g i l t t (r - e !ir o C e ri anleîu A t. G ain t chu Inta t u'î g irl perha psc ire m lo m eil vitir m arvloge t a t. T isri rgiteau sii ns 1: Place of .e k w , - _ _ _ _ _ -- uIlin as Shace tue Nat-sarue Tire toliaing are nieauectail-e t JbWeu tri t he~/UJ u JL. '-peoatse cioanil.ndrrr tu qule teeiara.a.....t.o!.ire..r.... l d -lrie CceaIe Sene t daîuo 00l ,o ointe orfJtîtie rt.iepaea ir lg u li'u;ruate l ebcm eorture, 62 ileg. la 6f8ileg..; 'WansTse ,,iomiduirncorpratio wilpercent.; met-ho . eio .i... ..u ......... v JI, i .u, caty ils ibusiness li on a hemamler 40 iou0treglul; er bl Me70 ire lulb (utle tretroying tilleul-- ___________________., ---,ibstntil bais term mete sh uld egisec -low70 i a aeurisrio .. ... -lin; yahtoetiai an md civea te.F ;- mocmenle, tuttia cule-eenta biune ir Is tanlng flra. Thiic lli- i - aaAn~ o'L.-Onie c cbgaermeueaiipforr re et aarcecotduorIva mtles an Ircseeres ep tir ehy luI chu e n. Teeto0 -teeea-n-usee4e f Nte~ a Trot>. ealwii. --utuil. (ut-v icir urltiie tik. fee at-aIdas mreraiir irt od uas tccocetplrt ro cifamous makes ol Iiutomobius saeuumie.ain 0scnr Isw taraa.Eaetit uiaio hueet ov .oe ail ta Od91111 h GietPic;btI aGelrMni.o!f m cy'~~otcelaccoîutiîe at-ilerioloxet econdJto it as a Ide-att; te îb reak ilitbut ta use Iltucne- tg uy ofest Vet-r Prcasr sa cfalr touittheir s n oo sasI..ain"i, aosier oldit huoland mt1î orotreAg:e~rneo qiie nts, whesth e it is a Sadr orclmeLgh noatia.y.,~5x $1.000 a d dinz a . mp- arnioeoten tonount nI- .Six ivaCfleetalsat Jsnlme Ah.seto.---o- y L liii i I'j fi. - e-' Tu- i ai a- i i. i c- o ut1 In e l i S uu I1 Itngii vel edii %1, r, iu fil I. KI lo ilf lq hb r i i i i i 1~~~ ai l ' îreian, ri- L IuA L il h-a: -tai: - WIiSO Onut. P.L tiobrtuI StIafIL i s'ý Co Rciiy M. - -uLcd. ulîil . ' unea pau- t I LloinF iCALENDAFI nelti nr OS Lm c cY ex$out.0ut 3 del Ž ilu :- , - u- l taler W.I I. DCK. -- the Dark? h KINLbe 0)1 rghtiD-g Plainet, ixtuîes.o Wirintzcdfa i k- done ýRANTEBO e lus. ,d Garage eegr -in Advance. E - o tiI 1