Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Feb 1921, p. 3

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Lfly, Ballon Oouaty Fermera' Cluir haIS ani iteretiag meeting haeeon Salon-. day. chicir cas large y attendeS. A. W. Milîne gavaeihm report on tire con- vention of tira U. P. O.. balS lu Toron. - - 2 e Bo to lut Deemllr. Marsat Camn 2âcBox fS be rirudte art. queston r IM theaddreupri!enby Ho . <l utht- D Talt425-e<es * rie lu tace ancess Theatre he»rsar. ~s.a mess, a~acoveti andsi tated tha" a rmaoltica ie = a aet that meting la « - 25c(! favorat'ntle Tariff. Mir. Cam~ ae ctirtae maTer end oeaondar of that intm nt - 35c ar motion. on tire tarif questiana alan in m n 35c, Jar l ealy date. chest coldsa nd sore tisioat. Rexali Bronchial Saline - - 60 Anî effeçtive remedy in conge8tion and inflammation of spasmotie croup, Syrup White Pine and'Tar - 26e &,50c Bot. Syrup Wild Strawberry Bark 35c, 60c. $1.00 Rexal Cod Li«ver 011 Corup., Tasteless- 1.00 - 50e&1,00 I S- A consert *iI eha iraS a cCurdy's scircol, 91h line, et 8 pas, on Pair. 8&, under tire auspiceof tac UPFO. Club, Programma ta constat of a SabUta: "Rslved that Conelidatad Sahecela cilii ha btter foc tae country.« Aiea asovlag picturai by lire Agrcultural Itepruantative, and othan local talant, A aliver ollecllou cilii h a tien up la &id nf e piano whlch ta. club bai pur. Chad. Mn. Mark Basialiohainrai. INUAÂLLATOr.-Lest Tuureday aveu- lgEx-Camp. M. S. Spral ulita hy y. x.Otap. .. A te. an xCoap. J. M. MieSana qutal. lad tb. oiceau of dl. Clair Oh&ltdi Nço. t 03, O.. ., aifl:m Ex. Cam . .H.obinaon, Z I. a Elalbraathifi.P.Z. W. 0. MeEejal, B. IL B. eGiBrmata J. W. B. (leseeteI6Trie. W. J. Cblili LS,.. -- RN. CUa'014 J. S. Vy. - 8EDeemm« V Our new"Dry Goods are in, bought at baif the usual price and wilI be sold very close. Sôme of our prices- FIanneIettèý reg. 45e yd. for --.28 Flannelette, reg, 35e yd. for -.-20 Blankets, reg. $4,Z5 for 3.25 rPrintà, reg. 35e &r40e for -- 2 Cotton, reg. 30e & 40o for - 2M1&'.25- Factory Cotton - - - 15, 20, 25,-30 Bed Comforters, few'l<eft, te.50 for 2.'50 Men's A1-wool Underw'ar, 1.7,b fori 1.0 Men's Fleeoe.fined 1.25 -for. 90' WHETHUB YOtT BT'n.onNOTj CÂLL .AN~Di lm US.-j ,A.t*-bIa"W6 Toletzka's romethiqg Y$ Perfection Oil ia Cool Heâter, r-cg. CoaltIHeaterso erg Coal Heatersries Lumbertuan'o Special Ai Sampoon BranS.... seut 'sacsaIl puer-antee Axe Hanidies...... toma in aud look ový *Blimbos aid Robes. To dean out Our ste poda of 9 wire fi der*O. S. R. BEWS' Wekummt. Léao New Mven's Furnishings and Clothing Woricoseph I. lrn l o o __àsCa ldal.~ Md ~L U 'U/ L I~ broul ______________ ______= :__X_________ il0(,tiîue to have vour NJ\ Suit dlayn e al Trntpor hae: Q Chuest . «bu eaai he n . P E.B. IL8. il Pre ~ ives Right-CaiI an(l inspeet adr *&l r tâwàtheameDr. l .iOli. SI.aAotD seO0lle q eae'wya ago satfr 91 I Ikiaiid gfet prices hefore you bu. Hecam tretaeliindMilon rpown.'F«20 ord ofbuidin bis Pa ren e ea cita a.?.over Saaday. W'TE~HEELS 0F INDUSTRY TVRNINO " "o af ed t lo Brit is.A a a.. 108 Cui . 'TSO na clh 'P gQodB coring in every f ew days. ___ jaied. rnae t rimton Flannel et Si.2D arOt . P IiiipllCema t ««t etia' )adird. About flfteen er te M i&ToRua.-4 Compatditinosa oab. ris livre and ie have tilqr uanrgan o a ered atini aenatn&t18,y. e3he, eit tpbay ppyUo.itgwMIi. P92 I/A LL " nYg h u uied Luaiseta m L reilda and Ellen naG = bm frtaona. Ap. a:W AL Ovel'caats Sweater Cats, Caps laiMOiIey*of Oakvilla. Wh0ocere g=stiet the converaixlanejldaiwyu. r ..box 175,M.-' ktc newa.survive. hinu. -Tere enocblidran. the AplOltula 3laetuipli Hdr~ev tn nt Sif, rjue. heae.w. ai i fo avai '- thitAlilready for vour inspection. They are flriiiat«ai. rie. ikaheaanrdxyBr tir prg lira. Jactean, ai@6 er, C NXCHIJCH-ThO Sacrvusat Do w -A. W. Couiter.Ozphoune r18 tne degnarvrsuît3tfittci1 l KIS 1,llNii DEPT. fisrepiete with th, a- la-îin lMr. Martn wuaor f t Ltjitig drapM.Ththa Idesrdns areppar viii haandimpaead Ii-.Tics, Caps, Hosier'y, Hats, etc. atobtciega lrehgly at tse morning servic.lahevn.HmTWSVON ehInt-' la nginAMcky ii pehasermon reaker, Na. 10 eide rui.er] ueFA . OUR PATRONAGE 8I, APPIRZCA . reiinha ceaan Anglican. 114:etriYOung eouj.. Jhndhqiuieapcatyc ting,' nmiewere brought homead tire Devil.' , .h hi iien ttiafrit? Calle. ~ lrINT A At S. R. Bews'Store). nfiraeritomae of birdaler evietYawllh aecoe .~ Will take useadrer or Weatern Oan.92 P IAà" Evergraca Ccmetery. Rv0p h etio Miion Cre odinea"9-ou hloSu" si a Hanit on et. ' Cotesarllen la. . in theto vMisson Circl da n l-rouai pebrick ubho nton eto This is real alue. Newo tock. ýssortet -~ erfica. .woodutcdtha~ o~l~serveSdi~ Voile and Marquesieýtte Drrvii Goods. "Th Ne miàte,, ENU CHNGE.-A 0&Vile C Pitumnt iéPrJpoems fer FrW 'P f drees lengihs. Only one dress patterit ofs -rame hefara J. A. O. Cemeron le Mes. l tUwd",llT* a M w YOLItVIAK E MO N E Y .aouia rncyaoyfacuo ev' ambuoM ioode Haill.Toron- Fià.lu in . e, te p NwGnhrs e uss(oi, ID U IGI;tieir pun it. There a- ai&l tire differ. *'Mados v. M rmi'.-W. f masmg~ e li» Ozei enfactions of the church veady ta iupos, for defeadent. moved ta cerNewa Mmd Udmlou 15cP' OUR ioffereag il. Alil are thoroughlyrcon. Sedgewick for plaintiff. Orden made: and fiSc. e oced thet thay know 'buat.Tais Cosa tut defendant In any eveat. i c th W o prearher la no good hecau s lmcfa la 2 Ira. good C41son Tee for 75e. Cea. Th e C a ismld o MO.dCLaaNg lahSTaO.OaRayEahon ndPa omtcalc i. at, aIpas.'P Ral SetchYar ta fashonabe. TuaI one le tonv- o r4reFîîeîn.h B je aetin ai hOe ada n an~ai Saoiset Ille. Redpath's (Gran-.ea 'Py coc ta vfe ert Sainbr Th eas ultad Sagar. Boy nov. Galhraith sesW..Miitnsm la[Lsimr- îsad $0 ma eat hecausa ha used tu ha an MIrTROni5irCsoryac-Naxt Sonday Stordmy ernlup of thlm*es. aurA oteer. hut afier ail la sild and asarning tire Sacrassent of tire Lordà Preclii ha»" hald la ay ou to epitocwth 0 donc they have no affect on tac self- SoPPar viii hae admrniitared. Alilmais- d7 avaonblguatIIP vle akt omla h aîetpsîl RaY thy lika afl tthdlfferent opinions. crad dband it ltiin eamvi-o.At 8 eoclook. conduéted by' 1ev* A bolutan s they will do 1just a pae layasane meeting on Mission@. MarSay, B.A., of Si-eaille. ' ________________________ a1,re pîas." hnthe tminister la Thea Erotirerirnod viii have charge of the Charle Jusanaad famlly vimir 1t'P 7t llfnaIIy choosen andi la fond 10 ha a sllgiug. Tirama sarvicea wiliie h ireinftirant ail reatiroapurd tiad friande for ' - oung man. handeomeanad unasarniesi, tira ciur-ci. Enevyhody walcome. taern pyapatay durlig their »leah. ' virew." Conternatlon reignea i- A Vslentino party. andr tire auspices raevemant. alofornforsl tributes sent peme in tire Olsi MaidS8eviag-Circie. Of the tO.D.E.. viie h hcin lathirc»Bir. aid MilsChristpe ihado P 11lt()f ' S B i g C Reinations are tothivlth tandareal[ . i,~the avenune of Fah. 141h. Carde m mauy lht ianphe icrdsien J ta the presidantad rouge. p--d-r andi dancing. Bodlaye orcetreer. ai and waelhire rtrmar tndir e aJf Ipulls. primpiag IrIan ad hai r padis Toronto,. A cordial invitation je extensi. rYitl »tarraetadbrm are hrought int actmelbanad the alrug. ai to ail.'e' rie go"s on. What ae tua the pour n.eo~tefoa rhta preacher hâas tvylagÀo plm ilad Esox CHuacH.-Asnual meetinrg, WMNo 1 ÂT-Lait ceatTIr-ac. .1 ~offrniAno onBuat B t hetabte uevas briS on Tirvday evanlag. lest dca en. alnadvcrtmed an suie- /1 nI ~~~~~~~~ftryiag t10tllu pou aIl about It P Jus.-vert. Tire corrgrrgatioa bas ireS an-; tineoftniba a a. dt-on ra. aVu îr.fgPa lice connut ha dune tarthe pay i l-: -..a-- er . T..foc i olhe tîmbra l e e os i ha ..-- acr as . P we ing l oatt.Picm r ai.dpemnaarwlces.Thera movaed an bruali plidup ry April lt. Stir sud ta. We can aiceve fi wrge av37 additions te mambovahai.Or-. llaBy a tyoraillar-rtaIl RAZORS7Ourvowo troules by catefrîng amidiaary receipts ceca about SlOtRdate caiprlntedfl-li:U5i. 11 WE HAVE TIIEM -SAFETIES AND THE OLD- auw-agat the vtaer felloceM l ddton 301.r asplSitoh IASHIONED KIND.Faris of London. l avoe ta coachir vsavd Movement fond. mating e ate&àp yo cShirt.a ad OVev- iYapa aidlObrmSi&. Isetrot, NEW BLAnDESbak urgnset tyd. Cattanadeanld Deiust5c. yd. îàa osns eiS a.8 i. lar s=k n. ther ~ E. atiree ir vii ec ous'gramatiaIThe adjorîrnesi oranization meeting G(Ibrslth j& Ooupanv othenrve800 Par eth. Waîttfrccoacs havc Ihat g veandI ta CE. hose wcm miss it wcliiha eorry. Tiraai tire National Lîharal ansi Conserva- - dynl" obite? re. oe grolîch, and vchen tircy toî HARDW..RE 0F ALL 5151357 cast consista of about 0peopl.. Tirative party in Ballon viii ha held la Bqulp pon rPhossagrepi. We supitw.J»'i. os.Pirie. aglo n cer -n larin SURE.. slory and fua open chan the curtain tira 0. W. yVA, hall. Milton, on Tues- ply heaaatfelcait.tti sotanud toarlae o. n0L1ie h AND E CN GVE OU ONgoaHRDWri p aad never @top tîlli l dga ydeb.v -Pets.air l2 p. m. Ifveryirmiy arum. Tan cmrs aumeiithama inutî0o-mime GiennraTurner. a papriil re s ta hen aomconetreato bh AND R CN GVE sOU ONRT HRDW Eoi lien rapices of tira Ladlas' celcoma. Ladies especialii (ed. hou va andidveya 0pincent, on lb. e- ba Dlaireceived col this ceektof heîng Tis Saturday vS oie.s FOR AN HONEST ]PRICE. Aid nI nox Chuncir. Admission 60c.i V~ tai crit eofnôanogr p-Sasa-ieeae»l aedbritoutr Z cherries andi ivaigutsin il, OURHARWAR WEIIS aiS 7e.,cartacincuSe. Tctes D. VgIMursical Divetor of tir a-, phoncgraph i yCo, 175 ja.. a inatonoîci theToronlovonnscrvatovy A h gir das confirctiOn, r and plan at Broynas Dnug Store. raocoaesnoyo ai. rî onàNra emIa.- e iMme I ~~- on Satnrday lest andi examined tir aia1 ------ WE N CLE EN S H RD ARE WeneBineHa Wireeler. Hae eprea rmal CL 1M E TS' Il A D~V RE ~ irgianex cee on del P705dsIiPtrPdthemoirâton, yigil Thir s seeai honmade Aciturract-Laat ceet taec omn- wesaocf tire muet intercatiog claomeire -" made (i oa-res for 39c, - mittel for trial of Geai, Cooper, of anar examineS, andieoirgratoiated bath.. Sa ,Ns.asgawya chageS cita ehiokan teacirer and pupits on tire asReMe aitire A. E. McCUTCKEON rama- iitealini vasr . Haveas triai vurir. a.< g me nson bofore.isgaElotlyaeterday. Tuera B v rHuryHury t'atrù'l.H PA TReremay wctuemiebut their evi- &etrr -it un-iirr. rriera pâ-BAPO BIJILDER CONTRACTOR cre viionot concluive. Hlm Honor ls1<h itlaehueriop. e G- ap Hanig, r ERanld CN AT acquitter! tha priionar, emar.ting entaS unireatehia steel mentie chicir na peang betiamorrgst o' -,'nîeg of alliiulda e.o os.firet ira ba! dnubit anS coubi retirer prhducesae clear vinte ligirt, lita asy yu redhwmc ae o Mv o smATA E. maite maay niuilatu i» ordering ne- comnraimp or lesternansd cote on- orrnd.ow ucsaefr !A.,or W,111Piper- <aselectAgentrfooctha otl s!Wsstbae icauns taan wrongfuUly conviot oan- Iefi eteJ'.ygasn i- yut iIteemabtlhoPrs ___________ h a, rp.nacrnaIne. Crova Attarney Diottîutu gkt cmS. Hlo.Infectious colsis, grippe. influenza and __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ A L'1I. . Main St.Vu est.MMXaCIAt tTOi lT. HITO. . glctteil aid Mr. MeBnayne, of In critine tW rene iies cni tion , lrecat troublas arres&tre air vwhir-everL0 vtn as caunaIfu elfScence, fortire Champion, JobnT hns f people congregats. The oniy directGA Pettapiare. via.. said: 'Thiedistrict and practical svay tl u dcclr-ct this suifer-d rdioc drougirt tire e asn but eropa caee not a totimrma.iîurme infection sud safegurd your throat anid jeter ains :used:ltir e itcdgod Trchslncis on.iiiîng an 11ioiivîlow n t an ih r elpei tire ituation. C ' 'i Àproapecte for nextasprna. awaliowed imb the, stomae1'. Tn'-; (ils IICS vl W. C. T. 1.-Tiera rgular meeating aolvaoa the tonguealsd give off po,.-,r-ful ing the third of tiraw.c. T.U. viel-be bel on Tues- fumehat dsinfect thwho .oand ftfl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iad ay, Fnb. Sth, ill e sp a ome triren spedi lbyitanmio h ta th rollcall y sane itm of nter. Pepscoitaiir no opium or- orherr- SE a.R W .M.ACKENZ ~IE s ri brlf ra utt Po oi:aa tre efavourite, safc family GIraue Ciurch-Sarvices on Suday ThratBrancbitisorobirrchestbroubles. __________________ ________________________irat are as folowse: Mor-nl»g. il gdoeâmetib-, St- 111.2j.SIpft _~lcBly Communionuandmsermron. g~ia~amd.O.Trss ? suhiel. -- Worldliness, tirachoice cf alot." Evenlug, 7 orbeSc. Evaalag Prayer ansi sermon, noir ctl The (inestest of These.Ash Wedacadayi - M ack nzi ' sCommunion; Eveaiug, .30 1oclJ T, Parstr o-lg,113 ue aermon. nuent."Tua Way ofparti. tance." 'Fou are lavitasi ansi celeoniT G A A «E Dea 0tiresa services.» GUA ANT EDThuuvday avanineb. a3to-ighl). et 7.311 la tira Mal dist se oclu-oas P p e 'i e iehm Mn, Fleming ciii illutrata cita iebisic C fl.@ avng pîrturas (1) *Ile ira ofSt ailK,îg ere K ftPapar. (2) lTlieBistory of Waal. Othen lSaTes Kingtait r ]I L. atantaiaing features ciii aiaha TobeoseI(K'ir ch ') te ca KHIIHI II! - ainn.Silo-en collection at tac docr O T IC Eè. for S ch e-a InUblu enit of Miltoa (locl)Scirol Fair N OIC E 9friStc ogr U II IVtion ar- o r ay Invitea 1iehapra- hwgTO o iatr en meuStiai DailAlifiade f eama ii Ce goa sr e .tc.C5, ý9c. an rstock cf M-lBnsHs unething Speciàl in'ýPrice 1AL IN FENCE WIRE tVir-e Fence w'. ar- rtru ig. 90c.,for '5c pcr vod DAWSON l L-qu-a e MiltonOnt lOrrsoir-bn iqvuamcuI Y of O ~I.Wivtlele esaaaeir 7r- ~.kg.sie. ién aie I.. unrR. aure. - t Y ON'S toies .111 tsc t)É PERS, OaLif t-t- I w ri s.iý ,- sh Store ,,il at m ', 1MilTO1 Atr: s outy 4tchers nie t e rsê ',a' il L L - c oa- R1,1 5¶ ' 1 i. inaBetr Lookiqg Fo ,ir-- . 1"&tt ition Ioes HOME ting -ut ~k at it- I Rexail Cod Liver Oul Emulsion Rexali Throat Pastiles - - JNO. M,. MIACKF3NZIE PHONE 40 T,-HE REXALL STrOREMLTN Rexaill old Tablets Rikeras Bromo-Quinine Rexali Grippe Pills Cosapoufld Mustard Qi: ilacomniended for relief of coughs,

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