Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Feb 1921, p. 1

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RS et. Caahlcciotzr t irnîsher. n Miltoan a 1ilI miai 11!rnm Iga i' PSe L (V'i .- 1 Ail kil U ON.C Miton. mn ManufactaiiO aud iiS Ca. I. E. OMI'ANY L .ENDAR lit -. ~l. tîîinChampion Phone 199. Iwm.té ad sortait ila aroomy cor- dloe~ goMinh 1km that la wblch 1 bad .11 ILRSDAY MORNING, 1J-.S IT LO!t gt,& bgl* dref i.mapulbWU _____________________the_ mieMd tatmdta rnadoe'a&t. MILTON O,îT Live Stock I1e eau9 0 tI 0 ta m romhlU t n~yto .iot ealer WE HAVE A FULL LINE 0,do«»d c.meg ItDeltia ncma N .,.mp-IInnIl. .oM dot m d ace bgma«àbrI&olan fe E ightmUtfa ~mtitD P-1zrtI t-ord I LTON. 0F'UP-TO-DATE daarwaje a"i opua arumof freedoot ýil ,t tl 8Ippen Alt)ewldmmprmd farn me te lmap MOa. 1 came '.-.d~ ' C. P. R. MILTON AD HORNBY. liAubmfi tta 1. oaj o mnw amit- h eubmelestBdom1t ~~E:od1 iDimoovered l t1m *$Zqb à ?iIr*î; "j 7tzthe .. i«I.Ieok oeGroceries i t he bi- 8"*114__ame okkb"M l ir r1 lincofit , car tadi-Crs in Cî.tc io*",.t loa iad eillia UULfUcDWUneLy om«ostmvlg il ev~, imuw tiat t1 cad d.mth. oui%mm rsmgom go doge. ber ver7 1.7'c nct.lcu ngo&. oseà esu 1 alIS n ie, juglai thm mari> wommu ito.I1fanctmd myif luIna ntiel,k,ia.nsnm. laaarelnWe have no cheap good e In 1rma ana«r my amre t ibm ag ags ug of ths.Batm.hl b bmCtTm ad antier ituation. Dut thite p'cte î - k, .ic bolumm nts. ittbut good gooda oheap. 17ilyault flirUt ta M- 10e.mim ' ~bmllrome IIsard adtb«ee Otktingtiterased won.liait of the Cou--TI odWetteneri asklhi tdI out 40e t wand Il a~mt mu.md 1fmalt a ei rwho i irel uigteFec eou PANTON. for a t he and if ubledon' dieux thsfe y dour enb- Atl alta 07 ie the iue vulsmed , sIf cît Ban ki moItnl evat@, I klniled more m"917, mS"i mmm!" la wblWPered, "I the tutieh of ihm tidle round m ankle. uu'u e . ~~ t wmm Dot long before 1 hairthe nUe.1 Bond yo« ta Smtarflit. The. tremoure Il would maona ta up ta my hue-pad'îCt - aoaeg.lik ustll US, d"'t tell yOutafmtou fjea ln tit oinl Y ave roe Uta wnvaelma- If onup t ykreu1 a-cep C!LCLCi1 ~55~~5WAI frinde.Asm1I iii60, I caught smIgt O 0 ge i for wi u aelot-your lus pont tllem-eni It won maktag, W red.thing lu ihe latertor tet Made 3me10rem4rTmnuot esaepe. (lo baock Ot hbolow gougtintecav. esini METIODB'Tnia? n By buying the Whlle Sewbag ..laugh loud mIldbebave gfemallihuanMmo' tuuMiad. ¶t Is ail goatime tlot bai seemed sa knd to me A Ett.coita. i . inia Mahie yu ie edoritî a admn.0f oure. dlui ell" ~ jHatb1it t a'le U oodth trimivery mormiug, tibmgong Iftenad n.tis lca mipu Canadian prîîit.iand ni . ~On 87 îeymîaitbypoeted la de-,::m mode ta Calypsmo ...that tm-off *- loegt mmar Jîiînd ii âoîr 1501 VIUUJ larius. aeverthlmmm, tiat ife~ th lilera neemi ou altme nighi unaer fi. moea. -- Lge ody SPM unaeputn noy-rfront of me wvasIa gret lro.-bouud fIlcrimi *andmi-1 vii nat die! i I turned my oyez over ihe gem-I - Iý. àlaaoof h mataî0,ogant 8- m o h i. Siiigaa . S. oO'NCLL. oaen citemt, ta beglo vIRhIf hmigbt --- uid moam thaleasi ail evet; laow CHAPTER IX. AidLat Mndi a im ent u chnernoevcal by. PHONE 30 MILTON Dot. of course. roniin mUltblag but. goiolumyIrl wonhnng aut fiere! KNx OUttumeN White regtatorv attachnri.a __________________boe-but il mgh-t Thie Mtils aAnd here waxm I. eipiess. wftibarmn Action.- lii-V . MKA. hmin cu de ietaetfln-i l toaboeuti. Imuat have falleii aoteep exteuded. anus ne crucifiai. 1 closed 1Ihall tenu. iloae ta 4 dâk.îOctSesrvi;i .. an7.=t o. rinlue thIltest I.....ic..'h1 -muni be airedî ireminilat!But not . mi ye aInanguiah mand [et my boy mued shnetiinr unde f ilzd.Ba Ohati.B&W . DL . r e, teegA tilcier ath L h A L 0~D i-o. tIii. 9i:.wo.sman àtt7-50. a or foot .aîherer. Hr. WUV LE R i wax lahorin wil.h ail mi stebgita1 relax, periamps I dozci. ar perbnpa 1itnt tîy, a.. f purva. 1 iioaa.alanaaAWnd l i MUSIC TE4CHER oe taiineo tonEii O falnted-bat. guddeciy. wtiatw as tai roc-a Lacet o Ent. -r- ~iailt0s ~ Io AHO RDT ~ ulooks Ine se ae. t as mgi jbbu ivyA fint roused me. nummouci me hburtnrilieq. An i toalici.niai I,*of @ Tortcacth et àmPML Peno gireuane «lgthlax ilnuthe strength oS tecaa I lhfel If -seemedi à short. n"nr Infru my rMch, liereI1 o 0" au 11101o C R. T U R N E R F-Ua vo T I)aiotDBPAIO. W f or and treaoare.titactiii tant wR '5rdo irnt1oee y ysadadoe ftengoî av »Ar. la.mix asoo . .paons 2t. - - MtiOY. MSoome, and I badl forgottea i . . - looke t Itta ge, and titra i gave a Aoher stiot. md îteénea Mloa hm"o]a it-ic Fupnitunce, -Phone 63 !&tut é________ In imtite imwoari for *0 th%&-greai critell1 oirawicg nîit hiiimi su. P._ Y. g P-P.. At lut,. wtth n grent vooden grOom. - "Cmhixao i CA]ypwo " I crin. "Calyp.- l*n ara. ful i xI. 0mcîici'nttaai'r D A gosnh.glilin heart aere bremlgg tat' mai" and It aemed msthalÎg a tenilles At liai moment. twaut T 1sorl.% -5In.a u .M.$b ,h?!Jgta * eup ts ecrt o lt treoglit vote la me-thait 1mculd arergeni frointhfe aI18" ast 0a1 telaconho o caeyye ungrend theIrocks saport g vadsecretgami Il aînd ;.am ai-m 8.110 *.M. ~crmaled opt.Ifion07uterndien.acha aprt. i mmd a înboit WanI. iAiuaLarY i Ufscasmacana.u.. DROVER Ibough 1i lai been esimd by lghtBing, -effort. mnd. vbteibr or 001 ml reaxn- lmfdmgn idhi 'iii-. iiarauîcikWJic.for Il vas literaiti brimming over Witte *Iag blmd maie a reaijusimemi of my canu. She wonstcraie i i uPý.Your choosam Phome 162, Miltonont. cliver andigoti piaeo-daubioons aid pooîfea. I1fanni ml atfor tome ratoou bal In vain. The caa iÀ.mANie-aohada.îeyhr spctcly ___1____ pea fcih;Egihan rni ouli move farwari agmîn. mandoctcng ucier ordera qf am i . tTOMLTN Il -o cIs.ta-guc1 mdJolad'r v1oa eperaie wriggia. I ihallmy wmeatood over thein vifi .drmS-utimSPc. ; î -R-.st S- miI"or ma r Toblans mmnoartpt bcd samd bnd firoogt fie omr"space. To -Pire urnggIcg ber lowame m d --- oil oodmaBineeyvryor. f&flS liu w regnch mu siouieru and legs aler It malt, irbdv.hl ~macadrlornlus. aat.ns.waichca, jcwatry, rivo stock. For awite 1 kuel aer If, doai v am o ratlvey seaxy, mand. In nmo- Ita ilorder, mid ouea s alla naudî . ltmnr cao 1 bio ymeut. I was gle ou the ouiar mi aidi. 1cer di- ami beu oe',isndcul glas&,etc., You HAY AND STRAW DEALER. and bW"e eou be iyioJi mi ummd a pam loc.gcm et coceaaad.flnd jus w isplunged ot>. bnis Juin il; aiIclet e vhrc, aitn dsr setea rue rgl.gemdwhe amons >îu aai Ç.H. ESLP, ~S* pleces pour mni pour ibrougb item. dId viden ont ags". Wllhilua tttî. Tel lier eyes wen kt liOVAL teraly baihiug ibem lu goid ai alW fev mmncts. i won on fie edge of the -;-eilid gioraful tircs niti * . rKEaK.a dads a o e PufaltE210. . MILTON. O vrNaT adrmhf tarodlg.mm ai iived. ani wan Bwlmmingan d hi-r toghler of d o.. nog u. I Theit auddaniî i broke outi lto am mmdy tovard- rin.g!Ing ta me ùethîe ..9-. lcaa atiMOcmU0 hvea lu dInaySurgmry andl Dmntistry, Iah itjg-never bnvlug baiay no- Bui let me ft lI v ten bd seen.os tiratlbl i d Ia-ed C - '.1 i ,nI. amas MA. ~ ~ oaIbeautiful nov lp Omninm antd Feline DiSeama. itou of dolng osurit ilg hefore. Ihu irg tlie.t ia rv icr yeff-c 4 :OLJCIUC rticlea, sau daur- Orracu Haum--Oteig a in. îlot2 p. m.. 6 taO Intacft 1 beitareti. as I bave rend 01 1ee la the rocka. ThtentImoment Unire oir ttt.amotbh . in able for pour ovu _________________cman dita, wiom am mdien fbntume tag lta IiO laisou ;ir . alicbainladatl -t use, asni for gifl. JVmlniIy I 1CWd ai Roccy Walte " legcatamb n Iloinle i-nv*a *nlele i oaI dm~pIay I min Ut iler-erlmi Ilego fto ln are lu a "rus mov»" i cnaiI tt- Oho ete *àde -Me i00ln s t vi w Douce m tht Catareli bolliena soiked. At. o gtanCe. I1k arI[Znt Te oubeTisu<Rut aope la a pItugulbotmlgitt bavaeltes.m, uch mors ibau wvlan Uey aelunChaile Webter. Heiebnd di laaei lismTeiouletrckRoteMd ThItt mIprotes thal t ialie Ieaun u.aie rravellers' Guide. -lbmut me, mand glmiderei, voudernitmrW laa local itaI Bý13gntro lealnbusth ~îveler'Gud.Patterns of beween vitat pour gbotomt h es wMv m olsg nudh loimamuomi isniUc,in. Calypso forai-i. vpauei - PkD a ACIFICRmAILWAY the MONTEAL ýTiue ntd cBloi Purliser. and octet teillns, a.ai.o wwr. 99f- TORONTO .pBat t»ib f«U tbai ldonseme gond. theibloMuaiOpcn tibm mconla surface, afI lLuIZt's eYen on Tobms»-for, - 1Own.I R M ORI ani I1neermi mymeif for aoher effort. tlsbdy - Voucp teialie. t lii 1 0 ciia.int. 843a.m.n . and retsIdntWtr«tRIA O f mmiI meisurs patfaiut -coitomgra. "You-cowari P'1" ieab ii'il d b.57 p.m. 6.15 p.K. _ _ _ _tractilul fi a té indle, I aboutdbeI r-JC Y&C, t10aoraros h oii 00111,0i EAST. no muale Umtle m0 CrSeie.mte. à" If I aluek fat miway 1 Dut - the. tablei dl ion. 10.21 a.lll. wluCr fervices.- te Mors, Imemmrsi it.e lifi vîfi -.15apm. 7.44 p.ca yeamfora eau65 iSteeping caua on ni ght trans nand My eyýe, tib m th a ierrovlngtinaie 5.08.m. ý44.m. aibm but Parlor Car on principal Dii Trains. te be. T. ta no odlghtly pereeptibie, hI Faliformation from mai GrandtO biltandttamkmot Lit' Stimon. 1.3&8lid.m.plated vaa, * e Trcok Ticket Agenie or C. E. Hfir-dilferimes. Caution vhloltted mdi It 1kn 2.âam. mi4.J m-i-lg, District Pamuger Agont, To. Mtil ta maeogbta make fie differ- ll flg -s oto, maie btwoenuftsanduideatit. But i- - tTIEINK 1AfI3NAT amu J. A BELL, Agent, Milon. vllll my eotboi f fiuae tvoaugusi H. & SJ. W. Diviiona. MN NfNITga.ga.omu17. mtoeýaliea va gomlmlte ean itri!i - 8 OUTH. - coitNO NtITfl. Ese.MARCHAND__________te__ bO calda iem. On teue- 8.tIlipo..7.26i.na ;iMRp o. ie bu&mad alm mMy vay tack Watchmaker and Jeweler tT. Gehe RAMSHAWtunel -hoa. Ta - R MSH W vblébhaipassed, m»d try my luck MEDICAL I9Eena INîsciaMITO'INorîCE Iff. Valuter ai Aucllm.acr *1. a etm i the ~ end. -___ _matches!"__________-1fi ~. . CCLL NB. Wt bvirepurhnakhtb.tcma Vlcm1s yattenanitd t. -P mamria voles Uibt guindai litre To- llIn cO I.NB. telita W i r. AI] tuqutiilsi li gmtIDOat a tl ue.. la-Preg - . -aid fie ior- do i D- .1,1.. cMdl uugnam.tcer Cd.ils. sbould bc idiresta us a. I-- rS t 0fIt voie me tIen 1mm arec 1' nigoon uta t fuePiamia itiiflILON a. gaeaaymy. le ibere vwg nolbing- ____ __________________ftIlbat t1go apertutre, bmmly vider RK. ANDERSON, M. Il., i oumof. .BUR ERilem 4@ a m mtoe alit l Ptuao5.iacilrgo.UtaiPI Ie.1rUfUU ouS1t ve auama n aacm 1%2 .. o6pm, non. tin G , ON. aunEmI Diectr 1A ma 1 "i ~o fer a Moment caulomymmf r.esf ARSIAL . îbu.a ens . . UR ER tofsenIatibFor tues miobmtandtd i fo bevmre.ten.h 1'SKLE.GOWLAND, M.A., N.B copoammo iaînoravoc Agmt"e. Agent for [Dale'&aetrai Deignosb au eVt0f1rem"n. ibeUrn aýe. ai maitladmpbutremr. hon.ad Iro Sonndm for Catalocueancd liapao ectvOwr n ovta'eW Iai amtame&1etnvi- J. LELIE INGM.B.MILTON t5iMgTERY. PHE aao. MILTON. , ibera vanut ta D o sloop feru m n m. seg Ie ceGica rnteaa Oome i ati . -Las, litiny ciWm»gma @vM M og,for m yand or tva, -- oanr C Lîcrica'dO timina. - H. CAMWPBELL ]Rhune 3&. Cm1 ll at my axpense. tilg fiit brougiti me op glmgr. ma ittOUagpanla a ÇHIROPRACTIC CavyecrotrPoIIlmrBIC .t. ERwuî vnoulî a im wsui ie a litleîaeoe.î coulî d<u m Murelea tdeamo mo.d.BOX 590, ACTON -Illusion of Il. Ineesi, bei h vW» rai «M noSmon. mâ-4eeid oilB gobacli. i - - ~~dayitht-ffug hatraonmmevwbmm etu -egowlyifItJemtruc. yat t, business is No e fidanprSargery or Oulmpathie Agenti lfor.e. . ct.mmdpCa. ARCtlogmr Mmd 1mai Flatî Atet. -or ofer-tha huegabmi. Rui.deelp Iluam.Du thibmrock vanxaialo lUT OT 5 Yean'Empteienoe. ..gb... oiitmpvrgigei '---g*--bm-t-nie..1 boa ta0f the peot A M. NEILSEK,-D.C. Orramm-TOWIZ HALL SaOi.Ct~5les pami ho mragei by maIort- ttaqa bmadà. it a.beghaing ta - - L).torof Mrmct,. he hapio ome.CHAPTIER VIIL btgme-.-'iery al-iut ifvanbhl- f j morelar Cbl rop a ctic LPteiChampion Offitnt. - ntain ad.rooai-ls (IIahI ng Rndns-BvrAou.A-on. I i 1tîUnderUand ImFIthe E mgmttl Pmt.Iol Dtt D- IOWAU.S.A.ianttuoim mibgta look bot 1acIitt LeS;--lin. Ok iltn. MnniaYcdffl- *mute 101 Auaomom,îîe-- ga. h gairmlei, 1bai hlm uudmýgcJiaiMtit Ibieamc 1ovni a fitri - ' -or ing the busi Ra teç--mccý ýruna a vtai.day aid two n4Ot& o0fthe --. 1îwu evnaup to fie, 1110. E di* s. ....... . amoaomi - ald 1hi van fie mralng ib hee: a.î v t Gt hmJd tereItbut I eold lit M VUUVICU AINC 0.nidday afier Caiypgo'g ilgapmmea. miE p am a-voey govIycamwrame are vil mdOfiehoira, Wbai bai hoeihappenig ta b« onmi ibm eg Isetmever uet~; yet evuc lii-jt n NORMAN D. WINN, L.D.S.,D.D.S- igom limfam-in tui1My flhcrept e m Ibm lamo d lmi lots tg Urne. special f'a~ OfEce one Turnera@ fritire torr) Torontto DiyGlobe $-5.00866.35 iliougitt. aid, vîithltai mylIgIt iaI-My fleut m&i 1maIer *mO-WVbfr1 b keeping you Daîiypoi"cî oovor toaaem by flrc, zploa. tmg In la le a living premmnce, and Ibmvue b mta*"timt. Anoibar goal hiooircay, tol.m.l 12.0 0 .1Mal and Ema4re.. 5.006.35 in,0010ddat ai ic mpo a ond oibreath cithfe em. ,my m&> lqtict aid.1 uimiibe et thé olpen enenogt by appointimeut. Tele- Toronto World . 4ilio 5.30 prt'~abb I tmoia hfie llttierlaUl- 5-- *lukinapuy totl. AmoLb FLanc ~~ Toronto Dalv Str..4.()535 WM. PANTON. Agent. MILTON fotuoutalde laeidotaallclail I a0 éroc vn - o assist 3i-0 - Montreal Faon Hirald bal bermi Miy Y. mai IoutmlaS umeume. »&Ttamaics hias. in v. which is a LEGAL and Weekly Star..1.50 335 Ia le gimmeint chien bmaa@M I M bgad me. lIm"d elggfuit. _______________ aid beardfiaheamaitvlelsot bm bu a s rad a lver.and vofid et lot :;i - Hamilton Twie - a - 1 illugs ml lai lpo van ta me came - M s &Mai t «s ~anab itili ~rhainpto pthe Favinleî-' c, t ýNova Scrl«.ei 'f D.( iOeCalypeso Il'e ti ia- n i, recp- gony mO yesi-Si-n i- r- -- t n- Per bccuty an Fi e.. --,..c ltîtt--thc gi-i e..tn.r, - - out O theUic aa fier e.. ho arn-c lce. cNwovdo .ouvîe orme.m li et. lcnsF . W thae "Tira, ire- ..-c n nn out CatyPSa' . troea tvay. At lth anne lannos' e.i blins pnmg lta--.I arLi liâ a vatrer. avy. *Acothar vol-C,.ar F - -- lently îhe voe of thetic a-' menO, But the elfp thail r o. rover miekl oae agala. ' '-- - Main abatte-ci. and ha -in-' --- hâiea-'~ SIlil ec c n. - tram Wtbster' u gac poka- e r I etc, a theleutgfgurý fett Wr!h'. --'-à @aa- dack. mîing *"Nov. bays,.rnailyt- -' tOi-ar volce ornicd 4Rý.. - , - cama tare coigslde I, -'- s e wou tle reat of the ncmr-îc--- !i Said arma lid fatie on tliairLe-- -l. fcr merci. iBili- Ail ta ix 1Bavr ioua tle ci-.- ýi ' tfuît gv.zn wtItly to-aird Iho -, thlle hilcI nv ba la -te mmn a~ atlt mass of îhad-m- -w - - i fot geremmtng andi b '-eIDZ :-- -LbI boul Calypsoc tIere. lia -- 'fI - Uci m UtI tlic re lIc ssý nra p, Ran & ou ber tani-iy ti. P6ltI9ý Acother mn t,-a- . ' j urne, sprucg ahoordt. i eei, .1, ram oue" thc-!i rm-igi.5: ralce eut lier f-cc - e ,. &gSer vice bce havinge's f 1n cl. "the ifndiîcti* b of capital..îI l utore, no 5S i- r 'bankie, plusthehr: ~i on who blas a sa% ïr-, eome part in rain - ,s prosperîty enofn ronto bramches Iies for opeiiiîli -i avings, accouiat. e manager xii bc i >opern a savings aCCLILI; . y simple trtlnsctiufl. ý1'O.N M BkC IIj iB. YOUELL> ~Rent MILTON, THURSDAY, FHgrnJAt3, f921. i.in:i; 1 1.

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